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H    Arial%%%%%$$$$&&ABCPp&6491131283q62299-88239   iDim ret, k, msg msg = $Ext("Are you sure you want to remove the user") &" " & $sUserName &"?" ret = MsgBox(msg ,vbYesNo + vbExclamation) If ret = vbYes Then k = $RemoveUser($sUsername) If k <> 0 Then msg = $ext("The user") &" " &$sUserName& $Ext("could Not be removed") MsgBox(msg) End If $nUserPos = 0 End If $bUpdateUsers = $Toggle($bUpdateUsers) WDim ret, k, msg msg = StFunction1__(31, 1, "Are you sure you want to remove the user") &" " & StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") &"?" ret = MsgBox(msg ,vbYesNo + vbExclamation) If ret = vbYes Then k = StFunction1__(95, 1, StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") ) If k <> 0 Then msg = StFunction1__(31, 1, "The user") &" " &StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") & StFunction1__(31, 1, "could Not be removed") MsgBox(msg) End If Call StSetMnTagVal__(298, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 10, "", 0) End If Call StSetMnTagVal__(292, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 12, "", StFunction1__(251, 1, StGetMnTagVal__(292, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") ))sUserName = ""+=&6491131283q62299-88239 Remove User"Tahoma%%%%%$$$$&&ABC!u&5171168283q43299-2148239  sUserGroup/2If(bEnableConfig[nUserPos], "Config", "NotConfig")DD-*ConfigNotConfigopen ("changeuserpass")**changeuserpass!sUserName = ""+=&5171168283q43299-2148239 Change Password..."Tahoma%%%%%$$$$&&ABC!Pp&5171131283q35899-1408239  Open("AddUser")AddUser!RunUsers >= sUsers2->Size+1&&+&5171131283q35899-1408239 Add User..."Tahoma%%%%%$$$$&&ABC!u&6491168283q69699-828239  Dim lResult Dim Msg If $nUserSts = 1 Then Msg = $Ext("Are you sure that you want to unblock the user" & " '") & $sUserName & "' ?" Else Msg = $Ext("Are you sure that you want to block the user") & "'" & $sUserName & "' ?" End If lResult= MsgBox (Msg ,vbYesNo,"Fluke") If lResult= vbYes Then If $nUserSts = 1 Then $UnblockUser($sUserName) Else $BlockUser($sUserName) End If End If gDim lResult Dim Msg If StGetMnTagVal__(480, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") = 1 Then Msg = StFunction1__(31, 1, "Are you sure that you want to unblock the user" & " '") & StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") & "' ?" Else Msg = StFunction1__(31, 1, "Are you sure that you want to block the user") & "'" & StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") & "' ?" End If lResult= MsgBox (Msg ,vbYesNo,"Fluke") If lResult= vbYes Then If StGetMnTagVal__(480, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") = 1 Then Call StFunction1__(211, 1, StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") ) Else Call StFunction1__(210, 1, StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") ) End If End IfsUserName = ""+= 1 00.000000100 100.000000d00.000000100 100.000000d&6491168283q69699-828239 <{if(nUserSts = 1, $ext("Unblock User"), $ext("Block User"))}"Tahoma%%%%%$$$$&&ABC!&' 2E&64911-12283q40699-918239 4I  Dim ret ret = MsgBox($Ext("This operation will reset the user password, are you sure that you want to proceed?"), vbYesNo, "Fluke") If ret = vbYes Then Dim sUser, x,usernum sUser = $sUserName For x = 0 To $RunUsers-1 If sUser = $sUsers2[x] Then usernum = x Exit For End If Next If $sGroup[usernum] = "Config" Then $RemoveUser(sUser) $CreateUser(sUser,"NotConfig") Else $RemoveUser(sUser) $CreateUser(sUser,"Config") End If $bUpdateUsers = $Toggle($bUpdateUsers) End IfDim ret ret = MsgBox(StFunction1__(31, 1, "This operation will reset the user password, are you sure that you want to proceed?"), vbYesNo, "Fluke") If ret = vbYes Then Dim sUser, x,usernum sUser = StGetMnTagVal__(299, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") For x = 0 To StGetMnTagVal__(498, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") -1 If sUser = StGetMnTagVal__(499, x, 0, 0, 0, "") Then usernum = x Exit For End If Next If StGetMnTagVal__(500, usernum, 0, 0, 0, "") = "Config" Then Call StFunction1__(95, 1, sUser) Call StFunction1__(94, 2, sUser, "NotConfig") Else Call StFunction1__(95, 1, sUser) Call StFunction1__(94, 2, sUser, "Config") End If Call StSetMnTagVal__(292, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 19, "", StFunction1__(251, 1, StGetMnTagVal__(292, 0, 0, 0, 0, "") )) End IfsUserName = ""+=&64911-12283q40699-918239 Enable Configuration"Tahoma%%%%%$$$$&&ABC1!if(sGroup[nUserPos]="Config",1,0)sUserName = ""2 ::*Config=+= %$ .&65511-35283q36499-418239 ": &65511-35283q36499-418239 RunUsers < 1<"TahomanUserPos sUserNamesUsers2RunUsers0.000000VBScript$*+-*/* NPWDAGINGNPWDAGING->QUALITY BUPDATEUSERSNUSERPOS SUSERNAMEBENABLECONFIG[NUSERPOS] SUSERGROUPRUNUSERS SUSERS2->SIZENUSERSTSSGROUPSGROUP[NUSERPOS]SUSERS2SUSERS2