// Program Settings file [OEM] Icon=studio.ico SplashWnd=splash.bmp SplashWndTime=25000 SplashWndText.X=45 SplashWndText.Y=90 ProductName= Company=Indusoft CompanyID=0 ProductFamily=Indusoft Help=TechRef.CHM EnableService=1 [ISSymbol] Codebase= [Install] UnisoftPath= Version=7.0 Language=EN DemoMode=FALSE TestCompatibility=1 [Target] Count=13 Default=7 [Target1] Name=Advanced Server ProductID=50 CompanyID=0 ForCE=FALSE Description=Advanced Server for Windows (512000 tags) [Target2] Name=Control Room ProductID=40 CompanyID=0 ForCE=FALSE Description=Control Room for Windows (64000 tags) [Target3] Name=Control Room Lite CompanyID=0 ProductID=36 ForCE=FALSE Description=Control Room Lite for Windows (32000 tags) [Target4] Name=Operator Workstation Plus CompanyID=0 ProductID=33 ForCE=FALSE Description=Operator Workstation Plus for Windows (16000 tags) [Target5] Name=Operator Workstation CompanyID=0 ProductID=30 ForCE=FALSE Description=Operator Workstation for Windows (4000 tags) [Target6] Name=Professional CompanyID=0 ProductID=23 Icon= ForCE=TRUE Description=Professional for Windows Embedded (4000 tags) [Target7] Name=Local Interface CompanyID=0 ProductID=20 Icon= ForCE=FALSE Description=Local Interface for Windows (1500 tags) [Target8] Name=Standard CompanyID=0 ProductID=10 Icon= ForCE=TRUE Description=Standard for Windows Embedded (1500 tags) [Target9] Name=Lite Interface Plus CompanyID=0 ProductID=9 Icon= ForCE=FALSE Description=Lite Interface Plus for Windows (300 tags) [Target10] Name=Lite Plus CompanyID=0 ProductID=7 Icon= ForCE=TRUE Description=Lite Plus for Windows Embedded (300 tags) [Target11] Name=Lite Interface CompanyID=0 ProductID=6 Icon= ForCE=FALSE Description=Lite Interface for Windows (150 tags) [Target12] Name=Lite CompanyID=0 ProductID=4 Icon= ForCE=TRUE Description=Lite for Windows Embedded (150 tags) [Target13] Name=Server Unlimited ProductID=60 CompanyID=0 ForCE=FALSE Description=Server Unlimited for Windows (16000000 tags) [Target14] Name=Local Interface Lite CompanyID=0 ProductID=12 Icon= ForCE=FALSE Description=Local Interface Lite for Windows (750 tags) [Target15] Name=Standard Lite CompanyID=0 ProductID=11 Icon= ForCE=TRUE Description=Standard Lite for Windows Embedded (750 tags) [Compatibility] Show=FALSE DisplaysFormat2.4=FALSE [Template] Count=1 Default=1 [Template1] Name=Empty Application SubFolder= Icon= [SoftPLC] Count=7 Default=0 [SoftPLC1] Name=First ISaGRAF DriverName=ISAGR DLLName=First ISAGRAF [SoftPLC2] Name=ISaGRAF DriverName=ISAGR DLLName=ISaGRAF [SoftPLC3] Name=Think & Do DriverName=TND DLLName=ThinkNDo [SoftPLC4] Name=SteepleChase DriverName=VLC DLLName=SteepleChase [SoftPLC5] Name=SixNet DriverName=SNet DLLName=SixNet [SoftPLC6] Name=OpenControl DriverName=OC DLLName=OpenControl [SoftPLC7] Name=Straton DriverName=STRAT DLLName=Straton [RunTimeTasks] Task0=BGTASK ForCE0=1 Task1=VIEWER ForCE1=1 Task2=DBSPY Task3=LOGWIN Task4=DRIVER ForCE4=1 Task5=UNIDDECL Task6=UNINDDE Task7=UNIODBC Task8=TCPSERVER ForCE8=1 Task9=TCPCLIENT ForCE9=1 Task10=OPCCLIENT ForCE10=1 Task11=OPCSERVER ForCE11=1 Task12=HDAOPCSERVER Task13=XDB ForCE13=1 Task14=OPCUACLIENT FORCE14=1 Task15=OPCXiCLIENT Task16=OPCXMLCLIENT Task17=TCPSERVERFLAG ForCE17=1 BGTASK=Background Task VIEWER=Viewer DBSPY=Database Spy LOGWIN=LogWin UNIDDECL=DDE Client Runtime UNINDDE=DDE Server UNIODBC=ODBC Runtime TCPSERVER=Core Runtime TCPCLIENT=TCP/IP Client Runtime OPCCLIENT=OPC DA 2.05 Client Runtime OPCSERVER=Studio Scada OPCServer DRIVER=Driver Runtime HDAOPCSERVER=HDA OPC Server XDB=Database/ERP Runtime OPCUACLIENT = OPC UA Client Runtime OPCXiCLIENT = OPC .Net Client Runtime OPCXMLCLIENT = OPC XML/DA Client Runtime TCPSERVERFLAG= TCP/IP Server Runtime ForCE0=1 ForCE1=1 ForCE4=1 ForCE8=1 ForCE9=1 ForCE10=1 ForCE11=1 [EngineeringTasks] Task0=APPBUILD Task1=PROJECT Task2=DBFINDER Task3=DBM Task4=DBPACK Task5=DDECONF Task6=DRVCONF Task7=ODBCCONF Task8=SECURITY Task9=TRANS Task10=TCPCONF Task11=OPCCONF Task12=XDBCONF Task13=OPCUACONF Task14=OPCXICONF Task15=OPCXMLCONF APPBUILD=Application Builder PROJECT=Application Manager DBFINDER=Find-Create Tags DBM=Database Manager DBPACK=Database Pack DDECONF=DDE Client Configuration DRVCONF=Driver Configuration ODBCCONF=ODBC Configuration SECURITY=Security System TRANS=Translation Tool TCPCONF=TCP/IP Client Configuration OPCCONF=OPC DA 2.05 Client Configuration XDBCONF=Database Client Configuration OPCUACONF=OPC UA Client Configuration OPCXICONF=OPC .Net Client Configuration OPCXICONF=OPC XML/DA Client Configuration [Period] Math=100 Alarm=200 Trend=200 Sched=50 Recipe=2000 Report=2000 AppBuilder=50 Viewer=50 BlinkFast=200 BlinkSlow=600 Driver=20 OPCClient=20 OPCServer=20 Script=100 [TimeSlice] Math=50 Driver=10 OPCClient=10 OPCServer=10 Script=50 [Protection] Hardkey=1 [International] Order=MDY [SpecialActiveXProperty] Count=2 SpecialActiveXProperty1=Windows Media Player SpecialActiveXProperty2=Project1.UserControl1 [LayOut] Restore=FALSE [Import] Count=10 Import1=Project Database Type1=0 Desc1=Import a Studio application. Import2=OPC Server Database Type2=1 Desc2=Import the items from a OPC Server database. Import3=CSV Database Type3=2 Desc3=Import the tags from a CSV file. Import4=ODBC Database Type4=3 Desc4=Import the tags from an external database (e.g.: Excel, Access, SQL Server, Oracle, and so forth), using ODBC protocol. Import5=RSLogix(TM) 5000 CSV Database Type5=5 Desc5=Import the tags and the communication interface from a CSV file exported by the RSLogix 5000 programming software. Import6=Import Tool for PanelBuilder(TM) Type6=4 Desc6=Import the application from a report file exported by PanelBuilder programming software. Import7=OMRON CX Programmer Database Type7=6 Desc7=Import the tags and the communication interface from the file(s) exported by the OMRON CX Programmer software. Import8=TwinCat PLC Database Type8=7 Desc8=Import the Tags and Communication interface from a report file exported by TwinCat programming software. Import9=Import Tool for PanelMate(TM) Type9=8 Desc9=Import the application from a PanelMate MODEL directory (containing the DB files). Import10=Studio XML Screen Type10=10 Desc10=Import a Studio XML screen file. [Script-GlobalProcedures] Count=6 Line1=Option Explicit Line2='Keep the Option Explicit statement in the first line of this interface. Line3= Line4='Procedures with global scope can be implemented here. Line5='Global variables are NOT supported in this interface. Line6= [Script-GraphicsScript] Count=20 Line1='Variables with local scope can be declared and initialized here. Line2= Line3= Line4='Procedures with local scope can be implemented here. Line5= Line6= Line7='This procedure is executed just once when the graphic module is started. Line8=Sub Graphics_OnStart() Line9= Line10=End Sub Line11= Line12='This procedure is executed continuously while the graphic module is running. Line13=Sub Graphics_WhileRunning() Line14= Line15=End Sub Line16= Line17='This procedure is executed just once when the graphic module is closed. Line18=Sub Graphics_OnEnd() Line19= Line20=End Sub [Script-ScreenScript] Count=20 Line1='Variables available on this screen can be declared and initialized here. Line2= Line3= Line4='Procedures available on this screen can be implemented here Line5= Line6= Line7='This procedure is executed just once when this screen is open. Line8=Sub Screen_OnOpen() Line9= Line10=End Sub Line11= Line12='This procedure is executed continuously while this screen is open. Line13=Sub Screen_WhileOpen() Line14= Line15=End Sub Line16= Line17='This procedure is executed just once when this screen is closed. Line18=Sub Screen_OnClose() Line19= Line20=End Sub [Script-StartupScript] Count=6 Line1='Variables available for all Script groups from the Script task can be declared and initialized here. Line2= Line3= Line4='Procedures available for all Script groups from the Script task can be implemented here. Line5= Line6= [Script-ScriptWorksheet] Count=5 Line1='Variables available only for this group can be declared here. Line2= Line3= Line4='The code configured here is executed while the condition configured in the Execution field is TRUE. Line5= [Language] Last-Studio-CultureName=en-US