<% @language = "vbscript" %> <% call chkLogon %> <% dim tag dim mytype dim comment dim action dim value dim error dim vIndex, vOK tag = Request.QueryString("Tag") mytype = Request.QueryString("Type") msg = Request.QueryString("Message") value = Request.Form("Value") action = Request.Form("ACTION") 'Verify if the TAG being passed is a valid vOK = 0 for vIndex = 0 to (UBound(tagList)-1) if tagList(vIndex) = tag then if tagWrite(vIndex)=True then vOK = 1 end if end if next if vOK = 0 then Response.Redirect("LogOn.asp") end if On Error Resume Next if mysession.IsValidLevel(writeLevel) = false then Response.Redirect("LogOn.asp") elseif action = "Cancel" then Response.Redirect("tags.asp") elseif mytype = 0 and value <> "" then if value = "On" then tags.Value(tag) = "1" else tags.Value(tag) = "0" end if if err.number = 0 then Response.Redirect("tags.asp") end if elseif action <> "" then tags.Value(tag) = value if err.number = 0 then Response.Redirect("tags.asp") end if else value = tags.Value(tag) end if if err.number <> 0 then error = true else error = false end if %> <% call CreateHeader(0) %> <% call PageTitle("Set Tag", "logo.gif") %> <% myWrite "
" if mytype = 0 then dim onBold dim offBold if value = "1" then onBold = "style=""font-weight: bold""" offBold = "" else onBold = "" offBold = "style=""font-weight: bold""" end if myWrite "" myWrite "" else myWrite "

New value: " myWrite "

" end if if error then myWrite "

Fail to write!!!

" end if myWrite "

" myWrite "
" %> <% CreateFooter() %>