## This is a directory/file filter for WinMerge name: Frontpage desc: Suppresses _vti and other system directories in Frontpage websites ## This is an inclusive (loose) filter ## (it lets through everything not specified) def: include ## Filters for filenames begin with f: ## Filters for directories begin with d: ## (Inline comments begin with " ##" and extend to the end of the line) d: \\fpdb$ d: \\stats$ d: \\_borders$ d: \\_derived$ d: \\_fpclass$ d: \\_overlay$ d: \\_private$ d: \\_contentindex$ d: \\_themes$ d: \\_vti_bin$ d: \\_vti_cnf$ d: \\_vti_log$ d: \\_vti_map$ d: \\_vti_pvt$ d: \\_vti_txt$ d: \\_vti_script$ d: \\_vti*$ d: \\cvs$ ## CVS control directory d: \\.svn$ ## Subversion control directory