MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Uu]333c3c3Rich3PEd5O"  TXpX@(SVX<.rsrc(ST@@  0H ` x          0 @ P ` pX * p6x<TD,LT [aZGlobally Unique IDEvent schema version ETW ChannelZDefault package. Contains all standard types, maps, compare operators, actions and targets The NULL typeSigned 8-bit integerSigned 16-bit integerSigned 32-bit integerSigned 64-bit integerUnsigned 8-bit integerUnsigned 16-bit integerUnsigned 32-bit integerUnsigned 64-bit integer32-bit floating pointPA64-bit floating point64-bit CPU cycle count (RDTSC)64-bit time units (100ns) Pointer valueANSI string pointer valueUnicode string pointer valueGUID pointer value8-bit ANSI character16-bit unicode characterANSI string (counted)Unicode string (counted)GUID Binary data16-frame callstackActivity ID of an eventTransfer of an activity IDPA Boolean valueWell formed XML fragment ETW levels ETW channelsStandard ETW opcodesNull event in package 0.XE engine initializedXE engine finalized Out of memoryFCustomizable attribute at index %I64d is not of type %I64d.%I64d.%I64dDDuplicate customizable attributes %I64d, %I64d on object %I64d.%I64dPCustomizable attribute at index %I64d does not exist on object %I64d.%I64d.%I64d*Target parameter at index %I64d is invalid9File Target encountered synchronization error, mode=%I64dOThe operating system returned error %I32u: '%ws' while creating the file '%ws'.:File Target could not serialize metadata, package Id=%I64dVFile Target could not write to a log file with offset=%I64d, length=%I64d, error=%I64dtFile Target has been paused because the disk is full. It will resume after enough space to hold a file is available.8File Target could not operate on a log file, error=%I64dkFailed to canonicalize the paths specified by the filename and metadatafile parameters for the file target.kThe %I32u KB buffer size specified is too low for the ETW target. Increase the size and retry your command.The log file path '%ws' to the ETW target is invalid. Verify that the path exists and that the process startup account has access to the log file.YAn error occurred while creating the log file '%ws'. Operating system error %I32u: '%ws'.The default ETW session has already been started with the name '%ws'. Either stop the existing ETW session or specify the same name for the default ETW session and try your command again.The operating system returned error 5 (ACCESS_DENIED) while creating an ETW tracing session. ErrorFormat: Ensure that the SQL Server startup account is a member of the 'Performance Log Users' group and then retry your command.JThe session name specified exceeds the maximum length of %I32u characters.5Default session not found or does not have ETW targethThe field '%ws' is invalid for the event '%ws'. Verify that the field exists and try your command again.ZThe action '%ws' does not exist. Verify that the action exists and try your command again.bThe filtering event '%ws' does not exist. Verify that the event exists and try your command again.XThe source type, %I32u, is invalid. Valid types are 0 for event fields or 1 for actions.|The slot count, %I32u, exceeds the maximum slot count size of %I32u. Reduce the slot count value and try your command again.PASA value is required for the parameter 'filtering_event_name' when source type is 0.SThe column or action name specified exceeds the maximum length of %I32u characters.The event '%ws' was not found.The column '%ws' was not found.The action %ws was not found.nThe number of begin and end columns must match. Specify the same number of columns for begin and end matching.nThe number of begin and end actions must match. Specify the same number of actions for begin and end matching.The begin and end columns at position %I64u are not of the same type. Specify matching columns that are the same type and try your command again.The begin and end action at postition %I64u are not of the same type. Specify matching actions that are the same type and try your command again.'Begin and end events must be different.$Event does not have specified action|Counter target could not add package '%I32u' to the list of packages to count. Events from this package will not be counted.zCounter target could not add package '%ws' to the list of packages to count. Events from this package will not be counted.Ring Buffer target could not add package '%I32u' to the package occurrence list. Events from this package will not be kept based on occurrence number.Ring Buffer target could not add package '%ws' to the package occurrence list. Events from this package will not be kept based on occurrence number.\Either 'max_memory' or 'max_events_limit' parameter must be set to a value different than 0.PA''divides_by_uint64' cannot divide by 0.Collect the current call stack!Attach an activity ID to an event*Attach an activity ID transfer to an event)Break the process in the default debugger\Collect the current system time with 100 microsecond precision and interrupt tick resolution%Collect the current CPU's cycle count%Collect the current Windows thread IDCollect the Windows process IDgCollects the value of the thread's last Windows error code. This is equivalent to the GetLastError API.Collect event sequence number2Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) Synchronous Target'Path to the default sessions's log file0Default ETW session in-memory buffer size, in KB'Default ETW session logfile size, in MBBNumber of times to retry publishing the event to the ETW subsystemPADefault XE session nameUse the histogram target to aggregate event data based on a specific event data field or action associated with the event. The histogram allows you to analyze distribution of the event data over the period of the event session."Number of buckets in the histogram"The name of the event to filter on8The source type: 0: filtering event name, 1: action nameThe name of the sourceUse the event_file target to save the event data to an XEL file, which can be archived and used for later analysis and review. You can merge multiple XEL files to view the combined data from separate event sessions./Specifies the location and file name of the logMaximum file size in MB!Maximum number of files to retainSize in MB to grow the fileNot usedPairing target>Event name specifying the beginning event in a paired sequenceRColumns to perform matching on. Ordered list of column names, comma separated listRActions to perform matching on. Ordered list of action names, comma separated listPA;Event name specifying the ending event in a paired sequenceqRespond to memory events. 0: do not respond, 1: stop adding new orphans to the list when there is memory pressure"Maximum number of orphans to storecUse the event_counter target to count the number of occurrences of each event in the event session. Asynchronous ring buffer target.lMaximum amount of memory in KB to use. Old events are dropped when this value is reached. 0 means unbounded.0Preferred number of events of each type to keep.hMaximum number of events to store. Old events are dropped when this value is reached. 0 means unbounded. Asynchronous live stream target.!Get the current Windows thread ID#Count the number of times evaluated@Per-CPU partitioned counter. Value is aggregated and approximatebGet the value of the thread's last Windows error code. This is equivalent to the GetLastError API.8Equality operator between two 64-bit unsigned int values:Inequality operator between two 64-bit unsigned int values9Less than operator between two 64-bit unsigned int valuesBLess than or Equal operator between two 64-bit unsigned int values<Greater than operator between two 64-bit unsigned int valuesEGreater than or Equal operator between two 64-bit unsigned int valuesBGreater than the maximum 64-bit unsigned int value previously seen?Less than the minimum 64-bit unsigned int value previously seen6Equality operator between two 64-bit signed int values8Inequality operator between two 64-bit signed int values7Less than operator between two 64-bit signed int values@Less than or Equal operator between two 64-bit signed int values:Greater than operator between two 64-bit signed int valuesCGreater than or Equal operator between two 64-bit signed int values@Greater than the maximum 64-bit signed int value previously seen=Less than the minimum 64-bit signed int value previously seen2Equality operator between two 64-bit double values4Inequality operator between two 64-bit double values3Less than operator between two 64-bit double values<Less than or Equal operator between two 64-bit double values6Greater than operator between two 64-bit double values?Greater than or Equal operator between two 64-bit double values<Greater than the maximum 64-bit double value previously seen9Less than the minimum 64-bit double value previously seen0Equality operator between two ANSI string values2Inequality operator between two ANSI string values1Less than operator between two ANSI string values:Less than or Equal operator between two ANSI string values4Greater than operator between two ANSI string values=Greater than or Equal operator between two ANSI string values3Equality operator between two UNICODE string values5Inequality operator between two UNICODE string values4Less than operator between two UNICODE string values=Less than or Equal operator between two UNICODE string values7Greater than operator between two UNICODE string values@Greater than or Equal operator between two UNICODE string values,Equality operator between two Boolean values.Inequality operator between two Boolean values)Equality operator between two GUID values+Inequality operator between two GUID values+Equality operator between two Binary values-Inequality operator between two Binary values4Equality operator between two Generic pointer values6Inequality operator between two Generic pointer values5Less than operator between two Generic pointer values>Less than or Equal operator between two Generic pointer values8Greater than operator between two Generic pointer valuesAGreater than or Equal operator between two Generic pointer values2Whether a uint64 divides another with no remainder<Whether a uint64 has all bits from the specified bitmask set<Whether a uint64 has any bits from the specified bitmask set PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXX<00<0 +70 0!0 +Fp *ݣ! g)00 aj0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 111101223917Z 130201224917Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 é|#1%uyϓKa%wKZmI17t`N%X N-:e.[]u4P!}9D#fe 6`*dȇE(WY&Jl)2?% oj-:mf16p@v.G+e+_hE xkP5[qa! 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