MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Uu]333c3c3Rich3PEdr5O"  ,7@B@ +.X<.rsrc +,@@(`x  8 H X h x    !L* 34 9ZCode Execution Exception: Invalid date or time value.Invalid datatype./Specified parameter is not an output parameter.DThe datatype of the passed Variant is not supported in this context.7A null value is not valid for the destination datatype.NNumeric precision must be between 1 and 38, and less than any scale specified.CThe specified destination datatype requires a length specification.IThe specified length is invalid (must be between 0 and 8000 for columns).Error in srv_setcoldata.Error in srv_convert.Error in srv_describe.Error in srv_paramset.Error in srv_sendrow.GBinary source data must be a single-dimensioned array of unsigned char.TThe source data specified for this string or binary column or parameter is too long.BThe output column name length must be between 1 and 30 characters.4Invalid length specified for this nullable datatype.8Invalid length specified for this fixed-length datatype.gA binary or image (byte-array) column type in one row requires that all rows for that column be binary.aError in parameters, or attempt to retrieve a return value from a method that doesn't supply one._sp_OACreate usage: ProgID varchar IN, ObjPointerToBeReturned int OUT [, @OLE_server_type int].|sp_OAMethod usage: ObjPointer int IN, MethodName varchar IN [, @returnval <any> OUT [, additional IN, OUT, or BOTH params]]sp_OAGetProperty usage: ObjPointer int IN, PropertyName varchar IN [, @returnval <any> OUT [, additional indexing IN params]].xsp_OASetProperty usage: ObjPointer int IN, PropertyName varchar IN, @setval <any> IN [, additional indexing IN params].4sp_OADestroy usage: ObjPointerToBeDestroyed int IN.Hsp_OACreate has not yet been called successfully for this command batch.Arrays of other than byte (binary or image) are allowed only as method or property return values, and will be converted to a result set.TArray return values from properties or methods must have only one or two dimensions.4sp_OAStop has been called during this command batch.1The passed object has been freed by sp_OADestroy.PAThe passed object is invalid.COutput values of type Object require output parameters of type int.<Output values of type Object are not allowed in result sets.FAll positional (unnamed) parameters must precede any named parameters."Traversal string: Bad whitespace.CTraversal string: The '!' delimiter requires a name to operate on.@Traversal string: The '(' delimiter must be preceded by a name.3Traversal string: Invalid delimiter following '('.KTraversal string: The ':=' delimiter must be preceded by a parameter name.STraversal string: The ':' delimiter must be followed by '=' and a parameter value.LTraversal string: The ':=' delimiter must be followed by a parameter value.[Traversal string: The '=' delimiter cannot appear by itself; it must be preceded by a ':'.'Traversal string: Unmatched opening ".ITraversal string: The '"' delimiter is allowed only in a parameter list.xTraversal string: The '.' operator must be preceded by a name or object indexing specification, and followed by a name.aTraversal string: The '!' delimiter is not currently supported. Use '("<name>") syntax instead./Traversal string: Function name not specified.YTraversal string: All positional (unnamed) parameters must precede any named parameters.HTraversal string: An object return value was required but not supplied.-Traversal string: Empty string is not valid.BTraversal string: An initial property or method name is required.PTraversal string: Nested '(' or embedded functions are not currently supported.HTraversal string: An ')' was found where no matching '(' was specified.ITraversal string: The ',' delimiter is only allowed in a parameter list.ITraversal string: The '"' delimiter is only allowed in a parameter list.eTraversal string: The ':' delimiter is only valid as a parameter-name specifier in a parameter list.FTraversal string: The '!' delimiter is not valid in a parameter list.BTraversal string: A '(' delimiter was found with no matching ')'.Traversal string: (Possible cause of following error: Parameters whose values are supplied positionally (not by name) in a function call must precede those specified by name in an object method's parameter list). =Uninitialized or NULL parameter(s) being passed by reference.GDatatype or value of the 'context' parameter of sp_OACreate is invalid.Error in srv_paraminfo.PADObject could not be created. Number of active objects exceeds limit. 4VS_VERSION_INFOn<4 <4?jStringFileInfoF040904B02 PlatformNT INTEL X86ILegalTrademarksMicrosoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CommentsSQL&GoldenBitsTrueLCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationIFileDescriptionOleAut driver DLL containing SQL Server sp_OA extended stored procedures|.FileVersion2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )2 InternalNameODSOLE70n%LegalCopyrightMicrosoft Corp. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameODSOLE70.DLLJProductNameMicrosoft SQL Server> ProductVersion11.0.2100.60DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDX<00<0 +70 0!0 +n GsHԝ00 aj0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 111101223917Z 130201224917Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 é|#1%uyϓKa%wKZmI17t`N%X N-:e.[]u4P!}9D#fe 6`*dȇE(WY&Jl)2?% oj-:mf16p@v.G+e+_hE xkP5[qa! 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