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The '%1!s!' procedure attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of 0 will be returned instead. Warning: the floating point value '%1!s!' is too small. It will be interpreted as 0. PCannot set NOCOUNT to OFF inside the trigger execution because the server option "disallow_results_from_triggers" is true or we are inside LOGON trigger execution. fn_trace_gettable: XML conversion of trace data for event 165 failed. fn_trace_gettable: XML conversion of trace data is not supported in fiber mode. DFailed to queue cleanup packets for orphaned rowsets in database "%1!s!". Some disk space may be wasted. Cleanup will be attempted again on database restart. Exception occurred in destructor of RowsetNewSS 0x%1!s!. This error may indicate a problem related to releasing pre-allocated disk blocks used during bulk-insert operations. Restart the server to resolve this problem. Worktable with partition ID %1!s! was dropped successfully after %2!s! repeated attempts. Error occurred while attempting to drop worktable with partition ID %1!s!. pUnable to drop worktable with partition ID %1!s! after repeated attempts. Worktable is marked for deferred drop. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. tActive rowset for partition ID %1!s! found at the end of the batch. This error may indicate incorrect exception handling. Use the current activity window in SQL Server Management Studio or the Transact-SQL KILL statement to terminate the server process identifier (SPID) responsible for generating the error. Error [%1!s!, %2!s!, %3!s!] occurred while attempting to drop allocation unit ID %4!s! belonging to worktable with partition ID %5!s!. Server is running low on virtual address space or machine is running low on virtual memory. Reserved memory used %1!s! times since startup. Cancel query and re-run, decrease server load, or cancel other applications. Hsimulated failure (DEBUG only) (restore pending audit failure (a page read from disk failed to pass basic integrity checks) `(no disk or the wrong disk is in the drive) Hinsufficient bytes transferred PA read of the file '%1!s!' at offset %2!s! succeeded after failing %3!s! time(s) with error: %4!s!. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This error condition threatens database integrity and must be corrected. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online. incorrect pageid (expected %1!s!:%2!s!; actual %3!s!:%4!s!) 8stale page (a page read returned a log sequence number (LSN) (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) that is older than the last one that was written (%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!)) SQL Server has encountered %1!s! occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than %2!s! seconds to complete on file [%3!s!] in database [%4!s!] (%5!s!). The OS file handle is 0x%6!s!. The offset of the latest long I/O is: %7!s! Time out occurred while waiting for buffer latch -- type %1!s!, bp %2!s!, page %3!s!:%4!s!, stat %5!s!, database id: %6!s!, allocation unit id: %7!s!%8!s!, task 0x%9!s! : %10!s!, waittime %11!s! seconds, flags 0x%12!s!, owning task 0x%13!s!. Continuing to wait. A time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch -- type %1!s!, bp %2!s!, page %3!s!:%4!s!, stat %5!s!, database id: %6!s!, allocation unit Id: %7!s!%8!s!, task 0x%9!s! : %10!s!, waittime %11!s! seconds, flags 0x%12!s!, owning task 0x%13!s!. Not continuing to wait. tTimeout occurred while waiting for latch: class '%1!s!', id %2!s!, type %3!s!, Task 0x%4!s! : %5!s!, waittime %6!s! seconds, flags 0x%7!s!, owning task 0x%8!s!. Continuing to wait. \Using large pages in the memory manager. \Using locked pages in the memory manager. \%1!s! MB of large page memory allocated. pthe page is in an OFFLINE file which cannot be read lUsing conventional memory in the memory manager. Latch acquire failed due to too many concurrent latches. type %1!s!, Task 0x%2!s! : %3!s! Machine supports memory error recovery. SQL memory protection is enabled to recover from memory corruption. Uncorrectable hardware memory corruption detected. Your system may become unstable. Please check the Windows event log for more details. \SQL Server has detected hardware memory corruption in database '%1!s!', file ID: %2!s!, page ID; %3!s!, memory address: 0x%4!s! and has successfully recovered the page. Filegroup %1!s! in database %2!s! is unavailable because it is %3!s!. Restore or alter the filegroup to be available. Database '%1!s!' is upgrading script '%2!s!' from level %3!s! to level %4!s!. User '%1!s!' is changing database script level entry %2!s! to a value of %3!s!. Converting database '%1!s!' from version %2!s! to the current version %3!s!. Database '%1!s!' running the upgrade step from version %2!s! to version %3!s!. The resource database build version is %1!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. PWarning: User "sys" (principal_id = %1!s!) in database "%2!s!" has been renamed to "%3!s!". "sys" is a reserved user or schema name in this version of SQL Server. dWarning: Index "%1!s!" (index_id = %2!s!) on object ID %3!s! in database "%4!s!" was renamed to "%5!s!" because its name is a duplicate of another index on the same object. (Warning: Primary key or Unique constraint "%1!s!" (object_id = %2!s!) in database "%3!s!" was renamed to "%4!s!" because its index was renamed. Warning: Database "%1!s!" was marked suspect because of actions taken during upgrade. See errorlog or eventlog for more information. Use ALTER DATABASE to bring the database online. The database will come online in restricted_user state. Warning: System user '%1!s!' was found missing from database '%2!s!' and has been restored. This user is required for SQL Server operation. Warning: A column nullability inconsistency was detected in the metadata of index "%1!s!" (index_id = %2!s!) on object ID %3!s! in database "%4!s!". The index may be corrupt. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE to verify consistency. `Warning: Assembly "%1!s!" in database "%2!s!" has been renamed to "%3!s!" because the name of the assembly conflicts with a system assembly in this version of SQL Server. pWarning: The index "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" is disabled because the XML data bound to it may contain negative values for xs:date and xs:dateTime which are not longer supported. Warning: The XML facet on type "%1!s!" in schema collection "%2!s!" is updated from "%3!s!" to "%4!s!" because Sql Server does not support negative years inside values of type xs:date or xs:dateTime. Warning: The default or fixed value on XML element or attribute "%1!s!" in schema collection "%2!s!" is updated from "%3!s!" to "%4!s!" because Sql Server does not support negative years inside values of type xs:date or xs:dateTime. Warning: The XML instances in the XML column "%1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!" may contain negative simple type values of type xs:date or xs:dateTime. It will be impossible to run XQuery or build a primary XML index on these XML instances. The resource database has been detected in two different locations. Attaching the resource database in the same directory as sqlservr.exe at '%1!s!' instead of the currently attached resource database at '%2!s!'. Attaching the resource database in the same directory as sqlservr.exe at '%1!s!' failed as the database files do not exist. System objects could not be updated in database '%1!s!' because it is read-only. Warning: Could not find associated index for the constraint '%1!s!' on object_id '%2!s!' in database '%3!s!'. Database manager will be using %1!s! target database version. Successfully installed the file '%1!s!' into folder '%2!s!'. FIPS Warning: Line %1!s! has the non-ANSI statement '%2!s!'. |FIPS Warning: Line %1!s! has the non-ANSI clause '%2!s!'. FIPS Warning: Line %1!s! has the non-ANSI function '%2!s!'. FIPS Warning: The length of identifier '%1!s!' exceeds 18. Warning. Line %1!s!: The option '%2!s!' is obsolete and has no effect. Error while allocating extent for a worktable. Extent %1!s! in TEMPDB may have been lost. Failed to truncate AppendOnlyStorageUnit 0x%1!s!. Will retry next time. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 8Can't allocate %1!s! locks on startup, reverting to %2!s! and turning on dynamic lock allocation. Maximum allowed memory usage at startup is %3!s! KB. PLock not logged: %1!s! Mode: %2!s! Database mirroring is attempting to repair physical page %1!s! in database "%2!s!" by requesting a copy from the partner. $Database mirroring is active with database '%1!s!' as the principal copy. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database mirroring is active with database '%1!s!' as the mirror copy. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database mirroring is inactive for database '%1!s!'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database mirroring has been terminated for database '%1!s!'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. lBypassing recovery for database '%1!s!' because it is marked as a mirror database, which cannot be recovered. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Bypassing recovery for database '%1!s!' because it is marked as an inaccessible database mirroring database. A problem exists with the mirroring session. The session either lacks a quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, figure out what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change. The "%1!s!" server instance is already acting as the witness. Database mirroring successfully repaired physical page %1!s! in database "%2!s!" by obtaining a copy from the partner. The %1!s! database "%2!s!" is changing roles from "%3!s!" to "%4!s!" because the mirroring session or availability group failed over due to %5!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database mirroring could not repair physical page %1!s! in database "%2!s!". The mirroring partner could not be contacted or did not provide a copy of the page. Possible reasons include a lack of network connectivity or that the copy of the page kept by the partner is also corrupted. To learn whether the partners are currently connected, view the mirroring_state_desc column of the sys.database_mirroring catalog view. If they are connected, for information about why the partner could not provide a copy of the page, examine its error log entries from around the time when this message was reported. Try to resolve the error and resume mirroring. Database mirroring failed to get snapshot synchrinization lock. Database mirroring has been enabled on this instance of SQL Server. Database Mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration. \Database mirroring is starting %1!s! parallel redo thread(s) with database '%2!s!' as the mirror copy. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database Mirroring is disabled on this server due to error %1!s!. Check the errorlog and configuration for more information. BobMgr::GetBuf: Sort Big Output Buffer write not complete after %1!s! seconds. dSQL Server encountered: '%1!s!' resulting from an attempt to read the following: sort run page %2!s!, in file '%3!s!', in database with ID %4!s!. Sort is retrying the read. Warning: The table "%1!s!" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of %2!s! bytes. INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit. tCannot use alias type with rule or default bound to it as a column type in table variable or return table definition in table valued function. Type '%1!s!' has a %2!s! bound to it. Cannot create table '%1!s!' with only a column set column and without any non-computed columns in the table. lCould not create constraint. See previous errors. 4Skipping FOREIGN KEY constraint '%1!s!' definition for temporary table. FOREIGN KEY constraints are not enforced on local or global temporary tables. <Could not create tempdb. You may not have enough disk space available. Free additional disk space by deleting other files on the tempdb drive and then restart SQL Server. Check for additional errors in the event log that may indicate why the tempdb files could not be initialized. Could not create default log file because the name was too long. Cannot create the default files because the name that was supplied is too long. Offline database file(s) have been overwritten while being reverted to online state from a database snapshot. The reverted file might contain invalid pages. Please run database consistency checks to assess the data integrity. tReverting database '%1!s!' to the point in time of database snapshot '%2!s!' with split point LSN %3!s! (0x%4!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. lWarning! The maximum key length is %1!s! bytes. The index '%2!s!' has maximum length of %3!s! bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail. Warning: Online index operation on table '%1!s!' will proceed but concurrent access to the table may be limited due to residual lock on the table from a previous operation in the same transaction. LWarning: The maximum length of the row exceeds the permissible limit of %1!s! bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail. Cannot replace non-hypothetical index '%1!s!' with a hypothetical index using the DROP_EXISTING option. Warning: Foreign key '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' referencing table '%3!s!' was disabled as a result of disabling the index '%4!s!'. Warning: Clustered index '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' referencing table '%3!s!' was disabled as a result of disabling the index '%4!s!'. <The module '%1!s!' depends on the missing object '%2!s!'. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists. 4Warning: 'is_ms_shipped' property is turned off for %1!s! '%2!s!' because you do not have permission to create or alter an object with this property. Error [%1!s!, %2!s!, %3!s!] occurred while attempting to deallocate workfile extent with extent ID [%4!s!:%5!s!]. hSuccessfully deleted the physical file '%1!s!'. <Object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!"): Computed columns and CLR types cannot be checked for this object because the common language runtime (CLR) is disabled. <Computed columns and CLR types cannot be checked for object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because the internal expression evaluator could not be initialized. DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. <DBCC results for '%1!s!'. File %1!s!. The number of extents = %2!s!, used pages = %3!s!, and reserved pages = %4!s!. The total number of extents = %1!s!, used pages = %2!s!, and reserved pages = %3!s! in this database. \The system cannot self repair this error. DBCC UPDATEUSAGE: Usage counts updated for table '%1!s!' (index '%2!s!', partition %3!s!):  DATA pages %1!s!: changed from (%2!s!) to (%3!s!) pages.  USED pages %1!s!: changed from (%2!s!) to (%3!s!) pages.  RSVD pages %1!s!: changed from (%2!s!) to (%3!s!) pages. | ROWS count: changed from (%1!s!) to (%2!s!) rows. Index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' is marked as disabled. Rebuild the index to bring it online. DBCC: Compaction phase of index '%1!s!' is %2!s!%% complete. |DBCC: Defrag phase of index '%1!s!' is %2!s!%% complete.  Table '%1!s!' will not be available during reorganizing index '%2!s!'. This is because the index reorganization operation performs inside a user transaction and the entire table is exclusively locked. |DBCC cannot free the DLL "%1!s!". The DLL is not loaded. User "%1!s!" is modifying bytes %2!s! to %3!s! of page %4!s! in database "%5!s!". Repair: The %1!s! index successfully rebuilt for the object "%2!s!" in database "%3!s!". xThere are %1!s! rows in %2!s! pages for object "%3!s!". LCannot process rowset ID %1!s! of object "%2!s!" (ID %3!s!), index "%4!s!" (ID %5!s!), because it resides on filegroup "%6!s!" (ID %7!s!), which was not checked. Ignoring trace flag %1!s!. It is either an invalid trace flag or a trace flag that can only be specified during server startup. Database name '%1!s!' ignored, referencing object in tempdb. xParameter or variable '%1!s!' has an invalid data type. Process ID %1!s! has raised user error %2!s!, severity %3!s!. SQL Server is terminating this process. tSQL Server has encountered %1!s! occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the '%2!s!' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to 'DBCC FREEPROCCACHE' or 'DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE' operations. hSQL Server has encountered %1!s! occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the '%2!s!' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to some database maintenance or reconfigure operations. PA possible infinite recompile was detected for SQLHANDLE %1!s!, PlanHandle %2!s!, starting offset %3!s!, ending offset %4!s!. The last recompile reason was %5!s!. \This BACKUP WITH DIFFERENTIAL will be based on more than one file backup. All those file backups must be restored before attempting to restore this differential backup. The differential partial backup is including a read-only filegroup, '%1!s!'. This filegroup was read-write when the base partial backup was created, but was later changed to read-only access. We recommend that you create a separate file backup of the '%2!s!' filegroup now, and then create a new partial backup to provide a new base for later differential partial backups. %1!s! successfully processed %2!s! pages in %3!s!.%4!s! seconds (%5!s!.%6!s! MB/sec). D%1!s! is not yet implemented. $The restart-checkpoint file '%1!s!' was not found. The RESTORE command will continue from the beginning as if RESTART had not been specified. This backup is a file backup of read-write data from a database that uses the simple recovery model. This is only appropriate if you plan to set the filegroup to read-only followed by a differential file backup. Consult Books Online for more information on managing read-only data for the simple recovery model. In particular, consider how partial backups are used. PThe restart-checkpoint file '%1!s!' was corrupted and is being ignored. The RESTORE command will continue from the beginning as if RESTART had not been specified. An error occurred while informing replication of the backup. The backup will continue, but the replication environment should be inspected. pBACKUP WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR successfully generated a backup of the damaged database. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. File or device name exceeds the supported limit (maximum length is:%1!s!) and will be truncated: %2!s!. The restart-checkpoint file '%1!s!' was corrupted. The restored database can not be recovered. Restart the RESTORE sequence. 8The filegroup "%1!s!" is selected. At the time of backup it was known by the name "%2!s!"'. RESTORE will continue operating upon the renamed filegroup. $The file "%1!s!" is selected. At the time of backup it was known by the name "%2!s!". RESTORE will continue operating upon the renamed file. The differential base attribute for file '%1!s!' of database '%2!s!' has been reset because the file has been restored from a backup taken on a conflicting recovery path. The restore was allowed because the file was read-only and was consistent with the current status of the database. Any future differential backup of this file will require a new differential base. The master database has been successfully restored. Shutting down SQL Server. RESTORE FILEGROUP="%1!s!" was specified, but not all of its files are present in the backup set. File "%2!s!" is missing. RESTORE will continue, but if you want all files to be restored, you must restore other backup sets. Attempting to restore this backup may encounter storage space problems. Subsequent messages will provide details. RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR was successful but some damage was encountered. Inconsistencies in the database are possible. The backup set was written with damaged data by a BACKUP WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR. `Restore was successful but deferred transactions remain. These transactions cannot be resolved because there are data that is unavailable. Either use RESTORE to make that data available or drop the filegroups if you never need this data again. Dropping the filegroup results in a defunct filegroup. I/O is frozen on database %1!s!. No user action is required. However, if I/O is not resumed promptly, you could cancel the backup. I/O was resumed on database %1!s!. No user action is required. <%1!s! percent processed. The media family on device '%1!s!' is complete. The device is now being reused for one of the remaining families. XThe backup set on file %1!s! is valid. \Released and initiated rewind on '%1!s!'. Filemark on device '%1!s!' appears not to be aligned. The restore operation will proceed using less efficient I/O. To avoid this, re-issue the Restore statement with the same blocksize used to create the backupset: '%2!s!' looks like a possible value. Remote harden of transaction '%1!s!' (ID 0x%2!s! %3!s!) started at %4!s! in database '%5!s!' at LSN %6!s! failed. 0Errors occurred during recovery while rolling back a transaction. The transaction was deferred. Restore the bad page or file, and re-run recovery. The database '%1!s!' is marked %2!s! and is in a state that does not allow recovery to be run. Recovering only master database because traceflag 3608 was specified. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. dFailed to check for new installation or a renamed server at startup. The logic for this check has failed unexpectedly. Run setup again, or fix the problematic registry key. %1!s! transactions rolled forward in database '%2!s!' (%3!s!:%4!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. %1!s! transactions rolled back in database '%2!s!' (%3!s!:%4!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Recovery is complete. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Data in filegroup %1!s! is offline, and deferred transactions exist. Use RESTORE to recover the filegroup, or drop the filegroup if you never intend to recover it. Log truncation cannot occur until this condition is resolved. Warning: The server instance was started using minimal configuration startup option (-f). Starting an instance of SQL Server with minimal configuration places the server in single-user mode automatically. After the server has been started with minimal configuration, you should change the appropriate server option value or values, stop, and then restart the server. An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database '%1!s!' (%2!s!:%3!s!) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support. (Recovery is unable to defer error %1!s!. Errors can only be deferred in databases using the full recovery model and an active backup log chain. Recovery completed for database %1!s! (database ID %2!s!) in %3!s! second(s) (analysis %4!s! ms, redo %5!s! ms, undo %6!s! ms.) This is an informational message only. No user action is required. `Database %1!s! was shutdown due to error %2!s! in routine '%3!s!'. Restart for non-snapshot databases will be attempted after all connections to the database are aborted. Recovery could not determine the outcome of a cross-database transaction %1!s!, named '%2!s!', in database '%3!s!' (database ID %4!s!:%5!s!). The coordinating database (database ID %6!s!:%7!s!) was unavailable. The transaction was assumed to be committed. If the transaction was not committed, you can retry recovery when the coordinating database is available. pRecovery of database '%1!s!' (%2!s!) is %3!s!%% complete (approximately %4!s! seconds remain). Phase %5!s! of 3. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Recovery of database '%1!s!' (%2!s!) detected possible identity value inconsistency in table ID %3!s!. Run DBCC CHECKIDENT ('%4!s!'). Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database '%1!s!' (%2!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. @Duplicate key was ignored. DArithmetic overflow occurred. @Division by zero occurred. %1!s! SQL Server Execution Times:%2!s! CPU time not measured under fiber mode, elapsed time = %3!s! ms. %1!s! SQL Server Execution Times:%2!s! CPU time = %3!s! ms, elapsed time = %4!s! ms. SQL Server parse and compile time: %1!s! CPU time = %2!s! ms, elapsed time = %3!s! ms. pTable '%1!s!'. Scan count %2!s!, logical reads %3!s!, physical reads %4!s!, read-ahead reads %5!s!, lob logical reads %6!s!, lob physical reads %7!s!, lob read-ahead reads %8!s!. Could not write a checkpoint record in database %1!s! because the log is out of space. Contact the database administrator to truncate the log or allocate more space to the database log files. Automatic checkpointing is disabled in database '%1!s!' because the log is out of space. Automatic checkpointing will be enabled when the database owner successfully checkpoints the database. Contact the database owner to either truncate the log file or add more disk space to the log. Then retry the CHECKPOINT statement. PThe statement has been terminated. xWarning: An invalid floating point operation occurred. Total logical reads %1!s!, physical reads %2!s!, writes %3!s!. Table '%1!s!'. Segment reads %2!s!, segment skipped %3!s!. hCould not drop constraint. See previous errors. HDeleting database file '%1!s!'. Warning: Index '%1!s!' on %2!s! '%3!s!' was disabled as a result of disabling the clustered index on the %4!s!. Warning: The index "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" may be impacted by the collation upgrade. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE. Warning: The constraint "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" may be impacted by the collation upgrade. Disable and enable WITH CHECK. Warning: The index "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" is disabled because the implementation of the checksum function has changed. Warning: The check constraint "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!"."%3!s!" is disabled because the implementation of the checksum function has changed. Warning: Index "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!"."%3!s!" might be corrupted because it references computed column "%4!s!" containing a non-deterministic conversion from string to date. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE to verify index. Consider using explicit CONVERT with deterministic date style such as 121. Computed column indexes referencing non-deterministic expressions can't be created in 90 compatibility mode. See Books Online topic "Creating Indexes on Computed Columns" for more information. <Warning: Indexed view "%1!s!"."%2!s!" might be corrupted because it contains a non-deterministic conversion from string to date. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE to verify view. Consider using explicit CONVERT with deterministic date style such as 121. Indexed views referencing non-deterministic expressions can't be created in 90 compatibility mode. See Books Online topic "Creating Indexed Views" for more information. XWarning: The index "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" is disabled because the index is defined on a view with ignore_dup_key index option. Drop the index and, if possible, recreate it without ignore_dup_key option. You may need to change the logical structure of the view to ensure all rows are unique. pEvent notification "%1!s!" on assembly is dropped. Event notification "%1!s!" on service queue is dropped as broker instance is not specified. lEvent notification "%1!s!" on object is dropped. Warning: The index "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" was disabled because the implementation of "%4!s!" have changed. ,Warning: The check constraint "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" was disabled and set as not trusted because the implementation of "%4!s!" have changed. Warning: The foreign key constraint "%1!s!" on "%2!s!"."%3!s!" was disabled because the implementation of '%4!s!' have changed. Warning: The heap "%1!s!"."%2!s!" has persisted computed columns that depends on a geometry or geography methods and may contain out-of-date information. Because of this, DBCC may report inconsistencies on this table. The persisted computed columns depending on geometry or geography methods should be unpersisted and persisted again to refresh the data. Warning: The object "%1!s!"."%2!s!" could not be bound and was ignored during upgrade. Consider reviewing and correcting its definition. Warning: The table "%1!s!"."%2!s!" is unavailable because it contains a persisted computed column that depends on "%3!s!", the implementation of which has changed. Rebuild the table offline and reconstruct the persisted computed column. Metadata cache entry %1!s!:%2!s! in database ID(%3!s!) is not checked for coherency due to lock timeout. Metadata cache coherency check for database ID(%1!s!) did not find any inconsistency. An invalid row (%1!s!) was found in the system table sys.%2!s!%3!s!. Row (%1!s!) in sys.%2!s!%3!s! does not have a matching row (%4!s!) in sys.%5!s!%6!s!. Attribute (%1!s!) of row (%2!s!) in sys.%3!s!%4!s! does not have a matching row (%5!s!) in sys.%6!s!%7!s!. Attribute (%1!s!) of row (%2!s!) in sys.%3!s!%4!s! has a matching row (%5!s!) in sys.%6!s!%7!s! that is invalid. Attribute (%1!s!) exists without a row (%2!s!) in sys.%3!s!%4!s!. Attribute (%1!s!) exists but should not for row (%2!s!) in sys.%3!s!%4!s!. The attribute (%1!s!) is required but is missing for row (%2!s!) in sys.%3!s!%4!s!. The attribute (%1!s!) of row (%2!s!) in sys.%3!s!%4!s! has an invalid value. Warning: The system catalog was updated directly in database ID %1!s!, most recently at %2!s!. Cannot upgrade database ID 32767. This ID value is reserved for SQL Server internal use. (CLR type '%1!s!'.'%2!s!' is disabled because the on disk format for this CLR type has been changed. Use DROP TYPE to remove this disabled type. The operation on FileTable system defined object '%1!s!' was allowed because of traceflag settings. To prevent this informational message from appearing in the error log, use DBCC TRACEOFF to turn off the trace flag. The FileTable object '%1!s!' contains system defined constraints that cannot be modified as long as the FILETABLE_NAMESPACE option is enabled on the table. Only user defined constraints have been updated. The WITH MARK option only applies to the first BEGIN TRAN WITH MARK statement. The option is ignored. Cannot use transaction marks on database '%1!s!' with bulk-logged operations that have not been backed up. The mark is ignored. HThe session was enlisted in an active user transaction while trying to bind to a new transaction. The session has defected from the previous user transaction. The transaction active in this session has been committed or aborted by another session. The session had an active transaction when it tried to enlist in a Distributed Transaction Coordinator transaction. Version store is full. New version(s) could not be added. A transaction that needs to access the version store may be rolled back. Please refer to BOL on how to configure tempdb for versioning. Snapshot isolation or read committed snapshot is not available in database '%1!s!' because SQL Server was started with one or more undocumented trace flags that prevent enabling database for versioning. Transaction started with snapshot isolation will fail and a query running under read committed snapshot will succeed but will resort back to lock based read committed. xSNAPSHOT ISOLATION is always enabled in this database. Client sends a sp_reset_connection while there is still pending requests, server is disconnecting. The medium on device '%1!s!' expires on %2!s! and cannot be overwritten. Processed %1!s! pages for database '%2!s!', file '%3!s!' on file %4!s!. The XP callback function '%1!s!' failed in extended procedure '%2!s!' because it was executed within an INSERT-EXEC statement which does not allow the extended procedure to send information other than result set. HThe XP callback function '%1!s!' failed in extended procedure '%2!s!' because the extended procedure is called inside an UDF which doesn't allow sending data. The log was not truncated because records at the beginning of the log are pending replication or Change Data Capture. Ensure the Log Reader Agent or capture job is running or use sp_repldone to mark transactions as distributed or captured. XBACKUP LOG cannot modify the database because the database is read-only. The backup will continue, although subsequent backups will duplicate the work of this backup. The online restore is complete, but WITH NORECOVERY was specified. Use RESTORE WITH RECOVERY to bring affected data online. Some files still require more restore steps before the online restore sequence can be completed. tThis backup set contains records that were logged before the designated point in time. The database is being left in the restoring state so that more roll forward can be performed. 8This log file contains records logged before the designated mark. The database is being left in the Restoring state so you can apply another log file. This RESTORE statement successfully performed some actions, but the database could not be brought online because one or more RESTORE steps are needed. Previous messages indicate reasons why recovery cannot occur at this point. Problems recording information in the msdb..suspect_pages table were encountered. This error does not interfere with any activity except maintenance of the suspect_pages table. Check the error log for more information. The file '%1!s!' of restored database '%2!s!' is being left in the defunct state because the database is being upgraded from a prior version. Piecemeal restore is not supported when an upgrade is involved. Restore is complete on database '%1!s!'. The database is now available. Warning: Index hints supplied for view '%1!s!' will be ignored. 4Bulk load: DataFileType was incorrectly specified as char. DataFileType will be assumed to be widechar because the data file has a Unicode signature. HBulk load: DataFileType was incorrectly specified as widechar. DataFileType will be assumed to be char because the data file does not have a Unicode signature. Warning: Table "%1!s!" is published for merge replication. Reinitialize affected subscribers or execute sp_addtabletocontents to ensure that data added is included in the next synchronization. Note: Bulk Insert through a view may result in base table default values being ignored for NULL columns in the data file. (Warning: The specified partition %1!s! for the table '%2!s!' was ignored in ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement because the table is not partitioned. The file "%1!s!" has been modified in the system catalog. The new path will be used the next time the database is started. xCannot find entry in sys.master_files for file '%1!s!'. TThe %1!s! name '%2!s!' has been set. Warning: The log for database '%1!s!' has been rebuilt. Transactional consistency has been lost. The RESTORE chain was broken, and the server no longer has context on the previous log files, so you will need to know what they were. You should run DBCC CHECKDB to validate physical consistency. The database has been put in dbo-only mode. When you are ready to make the database available for use, you will need to reset database options and delete any extra log files. The file cannot be shrunk below page %1!s! until the log is backed up because it contains bulk logged pages. PThe %1!s! '%2!s!' has been removed. \The %1!s! property '%2!s!' has been set. Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back. Estimated rollback completion: %1!s!%%. Failed to restart the current database. The current database is switched to master. <Warning: Changing default collation for database '%1!s!', which is used in replication. All replication databases should have the same default collation. |Database "%1!s!" is %2!s! for vardecimal storage format. Setting database option %1!s! to %2!s! for database '%3!s!'. Log file '%1!s!' does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database or the log may have been rebuilt previously. File activation failure. The physical file name "%1!s!" may be incorrect. xFCB::SetSize dbid %1!s! fileid %2!s! oldSize %3!s! newSize %4!s!. To prevent this informational message from appearing in the error log, use DBCC TRACEOFF to turn off the trace flag. TThe log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environment failure. The log cannot be rebuilt when the primary file is read-only. The log cannot be rebuilt when database mirroring is enabled. The log was not rebuilt because there is more than one log file. Autogrow of file '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' was cancelled by user or timed out after %3!s! milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH value for this file or to explicitly set a new file size. (Autogrow of file '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' took %3!s! milliseconds. Consider using ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH for this file. The file %1!s! has been expanded to allow recovery to succeed. After recovery completes, you can increase the size of the files in the database. Contact the system administrator for assistance. <To allow recovery to succeed, the log file '%1!s!' has been expanded beyond its maximum size. After recovery completes, you should either increase the size of the log file in the database or schedule more frequent backups of the log (under the full or bulk-logged recovery model). LNew log file '%1!s!' was created. \Local directory '%1!s!' is used for tempdb in a clustered server. This directory must exist on each cluster node and SQL Server service has read/write permission on it. XThe file "%1!s!" has been uncompressed. DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! was skipped because the file does not have enough free space to reclaim. DBCC SHRINKDATABASE for database ID %1!s! is waiting for the snapshot transaction with timestamp %2!s! and other snapshot transactions linked to timestamp %3!s! or with timestamps older than %4!s! to finish. DBCC SHRINKFILE for file ID %1!s! is waiting for the snapshot transaction with timestamp %2!s! and other snapshot transactions linked to timestamp %3!s! or with timestamps older than %4!s! to finish. X%1!s!: Moving page %2!s!:%3!s! failed. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it could not be read. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it is a work table page. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it is a work file page. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it is a dedicated allocation page. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it is an invalid page type. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it was deallocated during shrink. ,%1!s!: System table SYSFILES1 Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved to other files because it only can reside in the primary file of the database. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because its ownership was changed during shrink. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because its page type was changed during shrink. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because the partition to which it belonged was dropped. %1!s!: Heap page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because the table to which it belonged was dropped. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it is an empty non-leaf level index page. %1!s!: Heap page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because the table name could not be found. l%1!s!: Heap page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved. %1!s!: Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved. %1!s!: Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %2!s!:%3!s! from a dropped allocation unit could not be moved. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! from a dropped allocation unit could not be deallocated. x%1!s!: Empty page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be deallocated. %1!s!: Empty large object page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be deallocated. |%1!s!: Not all ghost records on the large object page %2!s!:%3!s! could be removed. If there are active queries on readable secondary replicas check the current ghost cleanup boundary. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! (type UNLINKED_REORG_PAGE) could not be deallocated. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! (type BULK_OPERATION_PAGE) could not be deallocated. The check statement was aborted. DBCC CHECKCATALOG cannot be run on TEMPDB. DObject ID %1!s! (object '%2!s!'): A deadlock occurred while trying to lock this object for checking. This object has been skipped and will not be processed. TDBCC CHECKDB will not check SQL Server catalog or Service Broker consistency because a database snapshot could not be created or because WITH TABLOCK was specified. DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! was skipped because trying to adjust the space allocation for the file was failed. L%1!s!DBCC %2!s! (%3!s!%4!s!%5!s!)%6!s! executed by %7!s! terminated abnormally due to error state %8!s!. Elapsed time: %9!s! hours %10!s! minutes %11!s! seconds. Unable to process object '%1!s!' because it is a four-part name, which is not supported by any DBCC command. DBCC cross-rowset check failed for object '%1!s!' (object ID %2!s!) due to an internal query error. File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! cannot be shrunk as it is either being shrunk by another process or is empty. File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! cannot be shrunk as the target shrink size (%3!s! KB) is greater than the actual file size (%4!s! KB). Repair: Successfully %1!s! row in index "%2!s!" in database "%3!s!". %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because shrink could not lock the page. %1!s!: Heap page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because maintaining NC indexes associated with the heap failed. File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! cannot be shrunk to the expected size. The high concurrent workload is leading to too many deadlocks during the shrink operation. Re-run the shrink operation when the workload is lower. The check statement was aborted. DBCC CHECKALLOC cannot be run on TEMPDB. %1!s!: Heap page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because the table to which it belonged was building the heap by another process. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it is a sort page. %1!s!: File ID %2!s! of database ID %3!s! was skipped because the file size was changed in the middle of shrink operation. %1!s!: Heap page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because building computed column expression failed. %1!s!: Heap page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because populating computed column expression failed. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it has not been formatted. Found incorrect count(s) for table '%1!s!', index '%2!s!', partition %3!s!:  DATA pages %1!s!: From system table - %2!s! pages; Actual - %3!s! pages.  USED pages %1!s!: From system table - %2!s! pages; Actual - %3!s! pages.  RSVD pages %1!s!: From system table - %2!s! pages; Actual - %3!s! pages.  ROWS count: From system table - %1!s! rows; Actual - %2!s! rows. LDBCC %1!s! is performing an exhaustive search of %2!s! indexes for possible inconsistencies. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it is an unmovable page in a critical system table. DBCC %1!s! could not output results for this command due to an internal failure. Review other errors for details. %1!s!: Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because the underlying object could not be accessed exclusively. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it belonged to an index/heap that was/is in build online. Exhaustive search of '%1!s!' (database ID %2!s!) for inconsistencies completed. Processed %3!s! of %4!s! total searches. Elapsed time: %5!s! milliseconds. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. tExhaustive search of '%1!s!' (database ID %2!s!) for inconsistencies failed due to exception %3!s!, state %4!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Internal %1!s!database snapshot has split point LSN = %2!s!:%3!s!:%4!s! and first LSN = %5!s!:%6!s!:%7!s!. (DBCC encountered a page with an LSN greater than the current end of log LSN %1!s! for its internal database snapshot. Could not read page %2!s!, database '%3!s!' (database ID %4!s!), LSN = %5!s!, type = %6!s!, isInSparseFile = %7!s!. Please re-run this DBCC command." Estimated TEMPDB space (in KB) needed for %1!s! on database %2!s! = %3!s!. The Cross Rowset check on columnstore index object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!. Drop and recreate the columnstore index. %1!s!: Page %2!s!:%3!s! could not be moved because it belongs to an active online index build with LOBs. DBCC THROWERROR bypass exception. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Unable to find entry in sys.database_files for FILESTREAM file '%1!s!'. FILESTREAM: effective level = %1!s! (remote access disabled), configured level = %2!s!, file system access share name = '%3!s!'. FILESTREAM: effective level = %1!s! (remote access enabled), configured level = %2!s!, file system access share name = '%3!s!'. Internal FILESTREAM error: failed to access the tombstones table with HRESULT: 0x%1!s!. Operation '%1!s!' failed with HRESULT: %2!s! in file '%3!s!', line %4!s! while executing sp_filestream_configure. FILESTREAM: effective level = %1!s!, configured level = %2!s!, file system access share name = '%3!s!'. FILESTREAM feature has been disabled. Restart the instance of SQL Server for the settings to fully take effect. If you have data in FILESTREAM columns, it will not be accessible after the SQL Server instance has been restarted. Machine reboot is required before the FILESTREAM feature settings can take effect. The FILESTREAM feature is already configured to the specified level. No change has been made. FILESTREAM feature configuration might be inconsistent. To reset the configuration, use the sp_configure stored procedure. xFILESTREAM feature is not supported on user instances. pThe service master key regeneration was successful. |The password regeneration attempt for SA was successful. TChanged database context to '%1!s!'. XSQL Server is terminating this process. PChanged language setting to %1!s!. Unknown configuration (id = %1!s!) encountered in sys.configurations. 4Physical CPU id %1!s! has been hot added to node id %2!s! as logical CPU id %3!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Online CPU addition is not supported in the current edition of SQL Server. Online addition of CPU resources cannot be completed. A software non-uniform memory access (soft-NUMA) configuration was specified at SQL Server startup that does not allow online addition of CPU resources. To use the additional CPU resources, either add the new CPUs to the soft-NUMA configuration and restart SQL Server, or remove the soft-NUMA configuration and restart SQL Server. The AccessCheckResult quota must be greater than or equal to the bucket count The AccessCheckResult bucket count must be less than %1!s!. CPU NUMANODE Affinity changed for node %1!s!: from 0x%2!s!:%3!s! to 0x%4!s!:%5!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. xSHUTDOWN is waiting for %1!s! process(es) to complete. tUser does not have permission to perform this action. <SHUTDOWN is in progress. `Server shut down by %1!s! from login %2!s!. The SHUTDOWN statement cannot be executed within a transaction or by a stored procedure. SPID %1!s!: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: %2!s!%%. Estimated time remaining: %3!s! seconds. Distributed transaction with UOW %1!s! is rolling back: estimated rollback completion: %2!s!%%, estimated time left %3!s! seconds. Common language runtime (CLR) functionality initialized using CLR version %1!s! from %2!s!. |Common language runtime (CLR) functionality initialized. Warning: Assembly "%1!s!" was built using version %2!s! of the .NET Framework. SQL Server currently uses version %3!s!. LAppDomain %1!s! (%2!s!) unloaded. LAppDomain %1!s! (%2!s!) created. XML DTD has been stripped from one or more XML fragments. External subsets, if any, have been ignored. \.NET Framework runtime has been stopped. The XML parse error 0x%1!s! occurred on line number %2!s!, near the XML text "%3!s!". XML Validation: Invalid content. Expected element(s): %1!s!. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Invalid content. Expected element(s): %1!s!. Found: element '%2!s!' instead. %3!s! %4!s!. Warning: Type '%1!s!' is restricted by a facet '%2!s!' that may impede full round-tripping of instances of this type Cannot fetch the rowset from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". %3!s!. OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned "%3!s!" with data type "%4!s!", which should be type "%5!s!". OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned an incorrect value for "%3!s!", which should be "%4!s!". OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned "%3!s!" without "%4!s!" being supported. OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned "%3!s!" for "%4!s!" during statistics gathering. OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supported the schema lock interface, but returned "%3!s!" for "%4!s!". %1!s! SQL Server Remote Metadata Gather Time for Table %2!s!.%3!s!:%4!s!, CPU time = %5!s! ms, elapsed time = %6!s! ms. XOLE DB provider '%1!s!' for linked server '%2!s!' returned truncated data for column '%3!s!.%4!s!'. The actual data length is %5!s! and truncated data length is %6!s!. `Warning: Request to start a full-text index population on table or indexed view '%1!s!' is ignored because a population is currently active for this table or indexed view. Warning: Request to stop change tracking has deleted all changes tracked on table or indexed view '%1!s!'. 8Warning: Request to stop tracking changes on table or indexed view '%1!s!' will not stop population currently in progress on the table or indexed view. Warning: Configuration of full-text catalog at '%1!s!' could not be saved during detach database. tWarning: Failed to attach full-text catalog '%1!s!'. |Warning: Failed to dismount full-text catalog at '%1!s!'. tWarning: Failed to drop full-text catalog at '%1!s!'. XWarning: The ongoing population is necessary to ensure an up-to-date index. If needed, stop change tracking first, and then deactivate the full-text index population. Warning: Table or indexed view '%1!s!' has full-text indexed columns that are of type image, text, or ntext. Full-text change tracking cannot track WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT operations performed on these columns. Warning: Full-text change tracking is currently enabled for table or indexed view '%1!s!'. Warning: Full-text auto propagation is currently enabled for table or indexed view '%1!s!'. Warning: Full-text index for table or indexed view '%1!s!' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode. Change tracking is stopped for this table or indexed view. Warning: Full-text change tracking is currently disabled for table or indexed view '%1!s!'. Warning: The fulltext catalog '%1!s!' is being dropped and is currently set as default. Warning: Full-text auto propagation is on. Stop crawl request is ignored. Warning: Directory '%1!s!' does not have a valid full-text catalog. Full-text catalog header file or attach state file either is missing or corrupted. The full-text catalog cannot be attached. The component '%1!s!' reported error while indexing. Component path '%2!s!'. Error '%1!s!' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'), full-text key value '%5!s!'. Failed to index the row. Error '%1!s!' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'), full-text key value '%5!s!'. Attempt will be made to reindex it. Cannot use a CONTAINS, FREETEXT, CONTAINSTABLE or FREETEXTTABLE construct on table or indexed view '%1!s!' because none of its columns are full-text indexed. Register at least one column for full-text search using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement. Warning: Full-text index on table or indexed view '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' has been changed after full-text catalog files backup. A full population is required to bring full-text index to a consistent state. Warning: Range value list for partition function '%1!s!' is not sorted by value. Mapping of partitions to filegroups during CREATE PARTITION SCHEME will use the sorted boundary values if the function '%2!s!' is referenced in CREATE PARTITION SCHEME. Warning: The partition scheme '%1!s!' does not have any next used filegroup. Partition scheme has not been changed. Partition scheme '%1!s!' has been created successfully. '%2!s!' is marked as the next used filegroup in partition scheme '%3!s!'. %1!s! filegroups specified after the next used filegroup are ignored. The %1!s! '%2!s!' specified for the clustered index '%3!s!' was used for table '%4!s!' even though %5!s! '%6!s!' is specified for it. hThe endpoint '%1!s!' could not be unregistered. Cannot find the object '%1!s!', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. The endpoint '%1!s!' has been established in metadata, but HTTP listening has not been enabled because HTTP support did not start successfully. Verify that the operating system and the edition of SQL Server supports native HTTP access. Check the SQL Server error log for any errors that might have occurred while starting HTTP support. `The specified value '%1!s!' already exists. `The specified value '%1!s!' does not exist. Cannot find the database '%1!s!', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. The reservation for the HTTP namespace (%1!s!) has been deleted. If there are any endpoints associated with this namespace, they will continue to receive and process requests until the server is restarted. SQL Server is waiting for %1!s! remaining sessions and connections to close. If these sessions are not closed within a reasonable amount of time, "polite" shutdown will be aborted. This message may appear several times before SQL Server is shutdown. SQL Server has successfully finished closing sessions and connections. SQL Server was unable to close sessions and connections in a reasonable amount of time and is aborting "polite" shutdown. Creation of a TSQL endpoint will result in the revocation of any 'Public' connect permissions on the '%1!s!' endpoint. If 'Public' access is desired on this endpoint, reapply this permission using 'GRANT CONNECT ON ENDPOINT::[%2!s!] to [public]'. Creating and altering SOAP endpoints will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. SQL Server native SOAP support is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. Repair: The page %1!s! has been allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). Repair: The page %1!s! has been deallocated from object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). Repair: The extent %1!s! has been allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). Repair: The extent %1!s! has been deallocated from object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). dRepair: %1!s! page at %2!s! has been rebuilt. XRepair: IAM chain for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), has been truncated before page %6!s! and will be rebuilt. XRepair: Deleted record for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), on page %6!s!, slot %7!s!. Indexes will be rebuilt. XRepair: Converted forwarded record for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), at page %6!s!, slot %7!s! to a data row. hRepair: Page %1!s! next and %2!s! previous pointers have been set to match each other in object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!). Processed %1!s! entries in system catalog for database ID %2!s!. `Table %1!s! Object ID %2!s!. Index ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!). FirstIAM %5!s!. Root %6!s!. Dpages %7!s!. Index ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!). %5!s! pages used in %6!s! dedicated extents. LTotal number of extents is %1!s!. TDBCC %1!s! scanning '%2!s!' table... Table: '%1!s!' (%2!s!); index ID: %3!s!, database ID: %4!s! @%1!s! level scan performed. x- Pages Scanned................................: %1!s! x- Extents Scanned..............................: %1!s! x- Extent Switches..............................: %1!s! x- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: %1!s! - Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: %1!s!%2!s! [%3!s!:%4!s!] - Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: %1!s!%2!s! DWarning: Could not complete filestream consistency checks due to an operating system error. Any consistency errors found in the filestream subsystem will be silenced. Please refer to other errors for more information. This condition is likely transient; try rerunning the command. - Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: %1!s!%2!s! x- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: %1!s! - Avg. Page Density (full).....................: %1!s!%2!s! Cannot display the specified SPID's buffer; in transition. lRepair: Deleted FILESTREAM file "%1!s!" for column ID %2!s!, for object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!) on page %8!s!, slot %9!s!. Warning: NO_INDEX option of %1!s! being used. Checks on non-system indexes will be skipped. dTransaction information for database '%1!s!'. H%1!s!Oldest active transaction: \ SPID (server process ID): %1!s!%2!s! < UID (user ID) : %1!s! < Name : %1!s! X LSN : (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) < Start time : %1!s! < SID : %1!s! \%1!s!Replicated Transaction Information: | Oldest distributed LSN : (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) | Oldest non-distributed LSN : (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) Cannot shrink file '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' to %3!s! pages as it only contains %4!s! pages. DBCC CheckDatabase on resource database will be skipped because user '%1!s!' does not have permission. (Using '%1!s!' version '%2!s!' to execute extended stored procedure '%3!s!'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. Extended stored procedure DLL '%1!s!' does not export __GetXpVersion(). Refer to the topic "Backward Compatibility Details (Level 1) - Open Data Services" in the documentation for more information. Extended stored procedure DLL '%1!s!' reports its version is %2!s!.%3!s!. The expected version is %4!s!.%5!s!. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. Could not find table %1!s!. Will try to resolve this table name later. Use of level0type with value 'USER' in procedure sp_addextendedproperty, sp_updateextendedproperty and sp_dropextendedproperty and in table-valued function fn_listextendedproperty has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Users are now schema scoped and hence use level0type with value 'SCHEMA' and level1type with value 'USER' for extended properties on USER. dCREATE RULE and DROP RULE will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using CREATE RULE and DROP RULE in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use check constraints instead, which are created using the CHECK keyword of CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. pCREATE DEFAULT and DROP DEFAULT will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using CREATE DEFAULT and DROP DEFAULT in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Instead, use default definitions created using the DEFAULT keyword of ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE. INDEXKEY_PROPERTY will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature. Use sys.index_columns instead. The TEXT IN ROW feature will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using sp_tableoption for TEXT IN ROW option in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the text in row option. The preferred method of storing large data is through use of the varchar(max), nvarchar(max) and varbinary(max) data types. Use of level0type with value 'TYPE' in procedure sp_addextendedproperty, sp_updateextendedproperty and sp_dropextendedproperty and in table-valued function fn_listextendedproperty has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Types are now schema scoped and hence use level0type with value 'SCHEMA' and level1type with value 'TYPE' for extended properties on TYPE. FILE_ID will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature. Use FILE_IDEX instead. USER_ID will be removed from a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature. Use DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID instead. @@REMSERVER will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature. Use linked servers and linked server stored procedures instead. Use of NOLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED hints in the FROM clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement on the target table of the statement ('%1!s!') is deprecated. These hints have no effect in this location. Microsoft recommends that you remove these hints from this statement. Support for these hints in this location will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Old style RAISERROR (Format: RAISERROR integer string) will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it to use new style RAISERROR. SQLOLEDB is no longer a supported provider. Please use SQL Native Client (SQLNCLI) to connect to SQL Server using linked server '%1!s!'. SQLOLEDB is no longer a supported provider. Please use SQL Native Client (SQLNCLI) for ad hoc connection to SQL Server. Specifying table hints without using a WITH keyword is a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future version. Specifying HOLDLOCK as a table hint without parentheses is a deprecated feature and will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. DUse of space as a separator for table hints is a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future version. Use a comma to separate individual table hints. The select list of an aggregate indexed view must contain count_big(*) in 90 compatibility mode and higher. |Use of hint "%1!s!" on the target table of INSERT is deprecated because it may be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Modify the INSERT statement to remove the use of this hint. The indirect application of table hints to an invocation of a multi-statement table-valued function (TVF) through a view will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Remove hints on references to view "%1!s!" because it references a multi-statement TVF. The ability to return results from triggers will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. lThe ALL permission will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this permission in new development work and plan to modify applications that currently use it. The '::' function calling syntax will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Replace it with "sys.". The usage of 2-part names in DROP INDEX is deprecated. New-style syntax DROP INDEX <1p-name> ON {<3p-table-name> | <3p-view-name> } The ability to not specify a column name when the datatype is timestamp will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. (Usage of deprecated index option syntax. The deprecated relational index option syntax structure will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this syntax structure in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature. t%1!s! will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. Use %2!s! instead. The TEXT, NTEXT, and IMAGE data types will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using them in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use the varchar(max), nvarchar(max), and varbinary(max) data types instead. The use of more than two-part column names will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. L%1!s! will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. \QueryInterface failed for "%1!s!": %2!s!. The distributed transaction with UOW %1!s! was forced to commit. MS DTC became temporarily unavailable and forced heuristic resolution of the transaction. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. The distributed transaction with UOW %1!s! was forced to rollback. System process ID %1!s! tried to terminate the distributed transaction with Unit of Work ID %2!s!. This message occurs when the client executes a KILL statement on the distributed transaction. Spid %1!s! tried to commit the distributed transaction with UOW %2!s!. |Unable to commit a prepared transaction from the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Shutting down server to initiate resource manager (RM) recovery. When the RM recovers, it will query the transaction manager about the outcome of the in-doubt transaction, and commit or roll back accordingly. Unknown status of commit of a two-phase commit transaction. Shutting down server. Restart server to complete recovery. |Unknown status '%1!s!' from Reenlist call in rm_resolve. DUnable to load Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) library. This error indicates that MS DTC is not installed. Install MS DTC to proceed. XResource Manager Creation Failed: %1!s! dDTC not initialized because it's unavailable TGetWhereaboutsSize call failed: %1!s! MS DTC initialization failed because the transaction manager address is invalid. The protocol element used to carry address information may be too large. A network protocol analyzer may provide additional information about the cause. Contact your application support provider or Microsoft Product Support Services. <RegCloseKey failed: %1!s! Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) initialization failed due to insufficient memory. It may be necessary to change some server configuration options to make more memory available. hThe Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) service could not be contacted. If you would like distributed transaction functionality, please start this service. Attempting to recover in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Recovery of any in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has completed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. The connection has been lost with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Recovery of any in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) will begin once the connection is re-established. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. tAn error occurred while trying to determine the state of the RPCSS service. A call to "%1!s!" returned: %2!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Index creation operation will use %1!s! KB of memory specified in the advanced sp_configure option "min memory per query (KB)" instead of %2!s! KB specified in "index create memory (KB)" option because the former has to be smaller than the latter. The index hints for table '%1!s!' were ignored because the table was considered a fact table in the star join. Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used. T The error has been repaired. %1!s! fixed %2!s! allocation errors and %3!s! consistency errors in database '%4!s!'. xIncorrect PFS free space information for page %1!s! in object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). Expected value %7!s!, actual value %8!s!.  File %1!s! (number of mixed extents = %2!s!, mixed pages = %3!s!). 4 Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), data extents %6!s!, pages %7!s!, mixed extent pages %8!s!. 8 Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), index extents %6!s!, pages %7!s!, mixed extent pages %8!s!.  (number of mixed extents = %1!s!, mixed pages = %2!s!) in this database. T Could not repair this error.  The repair level on the DBCC statement caused this repair to be bypassed.  Repairing this error requires other errors to be corrected first. %1!s! fixed %2!s! allocation errors and %3!s! consistency errors in table '%4!s!' (object ID %5!s!). XRepair: Deleted off-row data column with ID %1!s!, for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) on page %7!s!, slot %8!s!. %1!s! found %2!s! allocation errors and %3!s! consistency errors not associated with any single object. \%1!s!DBCC %2!s! (%3!s!%4!s!%5!s!)%6!s! executed by %7!s! found %8!s! errors and repaired %9!s! errors. Elapsed time: %10!s! hours %11!s! minutes %12!s! seconds. %13!s! %1!s! is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC %2!s! (%3!s!%4!s!%5!s!). DBCC cross-rowset check failed for object '%1!s!' (object ID %2!s!) due to internal query error %3!s!, severity %4!s!, state %5!s!. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. File %1!s!. Extents %2!s!, used pages %3!s!, reserved pages %4!s!, mixed extents %5!s!, mixed pages %6!s!. %1!s! found %2!s! allocation errors and %3!s! consistency errors in database '%4!s!'. %1!s! found %2!s! allocation errors and %3!s! consistency errors in table '%4!s!' (object ID %5!s!). Database tempdb allocation errors prevent further %1!s! processing. Cannot shrink log file %1!s! (%2!s!) because total number of logical log files cannot be fewer than %3!s!. Cannot shrink log file %1!s! (%2!s!) because requested size (%3!s!KB) is larger than the start of the last logical log file. Cannot shrink log file %1!s! (%2!s!) because the logical log file located at the end of the file is in use. Cannot shrink log file %1!s! (%2!s!) because of minimum log space required. There have been %1!s! misaligned log IOs which required falling back to synchronous IO. The current IO is on file %2!s!. PThe tail of the log for database %1!s! is being rewritten to match the new sector size of %2!s! bytes. %3!s! bytes at offset %4!s! in file %5!s! will be written. Database %1!s! has more than %2!s! virtual log files which is excessive. Too many virtual log files can cause long startup and backup times. Consider shrinking the log and using a different growth increment to reduce the number of virtual log files. %1!s! active query notification subscription(s) in database '%2!s!' owned by security identification number '%3!s!' were dropped. The query notification dialog on conversation handle '%1!s!' closed due to the following error: '%2!s!'. \Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog '%1!s!'. Delivery failed for notification '%2!s!' because of the following error in service broker: '%3!s!'. Failed to check for pending query notifications in database "%1!s!" because of the following error when opening the database: '%2!s!'. @Query notification subscription could not access database with id %1!s!. Could not open broker dialog for service name '%2!s!' of broker instance '%3!s!'. Failed to delete the expired query notification subscription "%1!s!". Failed to drop the unused internal query notification table "%1!s!" in database "%2!s!". Query notification dialog on conversation handle '%1!s!' closed due to an unknown service broker error. lQuery notification delivery could not get dialog endpoint for dialog '%1!s!'. Delivery failed for notification '%2!s!' because of the following error in service broker '%3!s!'. %1!s! active query notification subscription(s) owned by security identification number '%2!s!' were dropped. Query notification delivery could not access database with id %1!s!. Delivery failed for notification '%2!s!'. HService broker dialog '%1!s!' could not be closed due to a broker error in database with id '%2!s!' because of the following error in service broker: '%3!s!'. Query notification delivery could not get dialog endpoint for dialog '%1!s!'. Query notification delivery failed because of the following error in service broker: '%2!s!'. See the error log for additional information. Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog '%1!s!'. Query notification delivery failed because of the following error in service broker: '%2!s!'. See the error log for additional information. \Conversation Priorities analyzed: %1!s!. pThe %1!s! endpoint is in disabled or stopped state. <Services analyzed: %1!s!. HService Queues analyzed: %1!s!. XConversation Endpoints analyzed: %1!s!. \Remote Service Bindings analyzed: %1!s!. TConversation Groups analyzed: %1!s!. HMessage Types analyzed: %1!s!. PService Contracts analyzed: %1!s!. PService Broker manager has started. TService Broker manager has shut down. tThe %1!s! endpoint is now listening for connections. |The %1!s! endpoint has stopped listening for connections. hCould not start Service Broker for database id: %1!s!. A problem is preventing SQL Server from starting Service Broker. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages. Service broker failed to clean up conversation endpoints on database '%1!s!'. Another problem is preventing SQL Server from completing this operation. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages. The database "%1!s!" will not be started as the broker due to duplication in the broker instance ID. The activated proc '%1!s!' running on queue '%2!s!' output the following: '%3!s!' The %1!s! '%2!s!' was dropped on upgrade because it referenced a system contract that was dropped. hThe %1!s! protocol transport is not available. tTarget queue is busy; message(s) queued for delivery. XNo route matches the destination service name for this conversation. Create a route to the destination service name for messages in this conversation to be delivered. `Authentication failed with error: '%1!s!'. H%1!s! connection was refused. The user account of the remote server is not permitted to log in to this SQL Server: User account: '%2!s!', IP address: '%3!s!'. \The target service broker is unreachable. hConnection attempt failed with error: '%1!s!'. lAn error occurred while receiving data: '%1!s!'. An internal exception occurred while connecting to an adjacent broker: Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. %3!s! Service Broker/Database Mirroring network protocol error occurred. `Login protocol negotiation error occurred. hAn error occurred while sending data: '%1!s!'. tThe connection has been idle for over %1!s! seconds. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: No certificate was found. HAn error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found is not valid at the current time. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found is too large. DAn error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found has no associated private key. An unknown internal error (%1!s!) occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance. Insufficient memory prevented the Service Broker/Database Mirroring Transport Manager from starting. Locating routes and security information via the Broker Configuration Service. The service broker manager is disabled in single-user mode. The Service Broker in database "%1!s!" is disabled because there is already an enabled Service Broker with the same ID. Cannot create a new Service Broker in the attached read-only database "%1!s!". The Service Broker will be disabled. LThe Service Broker in database "%1!s!" will be disabled because the Service Broker GUID in the database (%2!s!) does not match the one in sys.databases (%3!s!). tService Broker received an END CONVERSATION message on this conversation. Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation. `The service broker manager is initializing. dThe service broker manager is shutting down. An internal exception occurred while dispatching a message: Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. %3!s! XDNS lookup failed with error: '%1!s!'. \Service Broker received an error message on this conversation. Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation. PInvalid address specified: '%1!s!'. Cannot retrieve user name from security context. Error: '%1!s!'. State: %2!s!. An error occurred while processing broker mirroring routes. Error: %1!s!. State: %2!s!. Unable to route the incoming message. The system database msdb containing routing information is not available. (Unable to route the incoming message. The system database msdb containing routing information is not available. The broker is disabled in msdb. Unable to route the incoming message. The system database msdb containing routing information is in SINGLE USER mode. lThe broker is disabled in the sender's database. Could not forward the message because forwarding is disabled in this SQL Server instance. ,The target service name could not be found. Ensure that the service name is specified correctly and/or the routing information has been supplied. xThe broker mirroring manager has not fully initialized. Could not find the target broker in the local SQL Server instance. The target service name matched a LOCAL route, but there is no service by that name in the local SQL Server instance. Classification has been delayed because the routing information is currently being updated. The connection was closed by the remote end, or an error occurred while receiving data: '%1!s!' Warning: converting %1!s! to %2!s! caused a loss of information. hFull-text catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!') is low on system resources. Any population in progress will be paused until more resources become available. Reason code: %5!s!. Error: %6!s!. If this message occurs frequently, try to serialize full-text indexing for multiple catalogs. 0The full-text catalog health monitor reported a failure for full-text catalog '%1!s!' (%2!s!) in database '%3!s!' (%4!s!). Reason code: %5!s!. Error: %6!s!. The system will restart any in-progress population from the previous checkpoint. If this message occurs frequently, consult SQL Server Books Online for troubleshooting assistance. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. xThe full-text catalog '%1!s!' (%2!s!) in database '%3!s!' (%4!s!) will be remounted to recover from a failure. Reason code: %5!s!. Error: %6!s!. If this message occurs frequently, consult SQL Server Books Online for troubleshooting assistance. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. HInformational: Full-text indexer requested status change for catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!'). New Status: %5!s!, Reason: %6!s! (%7!s!). dThe full-text catalog monitor reported catalog '%1!s!' (%2!s!) in database '%3!s!' (%4!s!) in %5!s! state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. LError: Total number of items in full-text catalog ID '%1!s!' in database ID '%2!s!' exceeds the supported limit. See Books Online for troubleshooting assistance. PChanging the status to %1!s! for full-text catalog '%2!s!' (%3!s!) in database '%4!s!' (%5!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Warning: Failed to change the status to %1!s! for full-text catalog '%2!s!' (%3!s!) in database '%4!s!' (%5!s!). Error: %6!s!. tWarning: Error occurred during full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!', database '%3!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%4!s!', database ID '%5!s!'). Error: %6!s!. dInformational: Full-text %1!s! population initialized for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Population sub-tasks: %5!s!. lError: Failed to initialize full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!', database '%3!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%4!s!', database ID '%5!s!'). Error: %6!s!. Informational: Resuming full-text population for table or indexed view '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Prior number of documents processed: %5!s!, error encountered: %6!s!. 0Reinitialized full-text %1!s! population for table '%2!s!' (table ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!') after a temporary failure. Number of documents processed prior to failure: %5!s!, errors encountered: %6!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Error: Failed to reinitialize full-text %1!s! population after a temporary failure for table or indexed view '%2!s!', database '%3!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%4!s!', database ID '%5!s!'). Error: %6!s!. Warning: Full-text catalog '%1!s!' uses FAT volume. Security and differential backup are not supported for the catalog. Warning: Failed to get MSFTESQL indexer interface for full-text catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!'). Error: %5!s!. Warning: Full-text population for table or indexed view '%1!s!' failed to send batch of data to MSFTESQL service (table or indexed view ID '%2!s!', catalog ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Error: %5!s!. Warning: Full-text population for table or indexed view '%1!s!' reported low resources while sending a batch of data to MSFTESQL service (table or indexed view ID '%2!s!', catalog ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Error: %5!s!. Informational: MS Search stop limit reached. The full-text query may have returned fewer rows than it should. Informational: The full-text search condition contained noise word(s). Null document type provided. Row will not be full-text indexed. Document type exceeds the maximum permitted length. Row will not be full-text indexed. Document type value is malformed. Row will not be full-text indexed. `Internal error: The row cannot be full-text indexed. The protocol handler was invoked out of sequence. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Row was not found. It was deleted or updated while indexing was in progress. Warning: Wordbreaker, filter, or protocol handler used by catalog '%1!s!' does not exist on this instance. Use sp_help_fulltext_catalog_components and sp_help_fulltext_system_components check for mismatching components. Rebuild catalog is recommended. xInformational: No full-text supported languages found. TError: Full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!') is terminated due to the preceding error. Informational: Full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!') is being suspended by the system as the database is unavailable. System will resume the population whenever the database is available @Informational: Full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!') was cancelled by user. Informational: Full-text %1!s! population completed for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Number of documents processed: %5!s!. Number of documents failed: %6!s!. Number of documents that will be retried: %7!s!. Informational: Full-text retry pass of %1!s! population completed for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Number of retry documents processed: %5!s!. Number of documents failed: %6!s!. 8Error: All Full-text populations in progress, for catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!') were terminated due to error. Error: 0x%5!s!. Warning: Identity of full-text catalog in directory '%1!s!' does not match database '%2!s!'. The full-text catalog cannot be attached. Warning: Full-text catalog path '%1!s!' is invalid. It exceeds the length limit, or it is a relative path, or it is a hidden directory, or it is a UNC PATH. The full-text catalog cannot be attached, rebuild the catalog to resolve it. Warning: All Full-text populations in progress for full-text catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!') are paused. Reason code: %5!s!. Error: %6!s!. If this message occurs frequently, consult Books Online for indexing performance tuning assistance. |Informational: Full-text catalog health monitor reported a failure for catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!'). Reason code: %5!s!. Error: %6!s!. The catalog is corrupted and all in-progress populations will be stopped. Use rebuild catalog to recover the failure and start population from scratch. Warning: Database %1!s! cannot be modified during detach because database is in read-only, standby, or shutdown state. Full-text catalog is not dropped, and '@keepfulltextindexfile = false' is ignored. hInformational: Full-text auto change tracking is turned off for table or indexed view '%1!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%2!s!', database ID '%3!s!') due to fatal crawl error. Inconsistent accent sensitivity of full-text catalog is detected. Full-text catalog for catalog ID '%1!s!', database ID '%2!s!' is reset. A default full-text catalog does not exist in database '%1!s!' or user does not have permission to perform this action. Warning: No appropriate filter was found during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%1!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%2!s!', database ID '%3!s!'), full-text key value '%4!s!'. Some columns of the row were not indexed. Warning: No appropriate wordbreaker was found during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%1!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%2!s!', database ID '%3!s!'), full-text key value '%4!s!'. Neutral wordbreaker was used for some columns of the row. $Warning: No appropriate filter for embedded object was found during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%1!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%2!s!', database ID '%3!s!'), full-text key value '%4!s!'. Some embedded objects in the row could not be indexed. Informational: Full-text %1!s! population paused for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Number of documents processed: %5!s!. Number of documents failed: %6!s!. Warning: Only running full population can be paused. The command is ignored. Other type of population can just be stopped and it will continue when your start the same type of crawl again. Warning: Only paused full population can be resumed. The command is ignored. xWarning: Last population complete time of full-text catalog in directory '%1!s!' does not match database '%2!s!'. The full-text catalog is attached and it may need to be repopulated. Warning: During upgrade full-text index on table '%1!s!' is disabled because at least one of full-text key column, full-text columns, or type columns is a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column. Warning: During upgrade full-text catalog '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' is set as offline because it failed to be created at path '%3!s!'. Please fix the full-text catalog path and rebuild the full-text catalog after upgrade. Informational: Full-text %1!s! population paused for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Warning: The Microsoft .NET Framework assembly '%1!s!' you are registering is not fully tested in the SQL Server hosted environment and is not supported. In the future, if you upgrade or service this assembly or the .NET Framework, your CLR integration routine may stop working. Please refer SQL Server Books Online for more details. Warning: The SQL Server client assembly '%1!s!' you are registering is not fully tested in SQL Server hosted environment. AppDomain %1!s! (%2!s!) is marked for unload due to common language runtime (CLR) or security data definition language (DDL) operations. AppDomain %1!s! (%2!s!) is marked for unload due to memory pressure. Failed to enque task to start CLR during SQL server startup. Error code: %1!s!. CLR will be started in an on-demand fashion. `Plan guide '%1!s!' matched statement after it was parameterized automatically by FORCED or SIMPLE parameterization, but the RECOMPILE hint it contains was ignored. RECOMPILE is not supported on automatically parameterized statements. Consider dropping this plan guide or removing RECOMPILE from it. Failed to enqueue a task to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Kerberos authentication will not be possible until a SPN is added manually or SQL Server is restarted. SQLOS error code: %1!s!. dResource governor reconfiguration succeeded. Endpoint configuration change detected. Service Broker manager and transport will now restart. Certificate change detected. Service Broker manager and transport will now restart. A corrupted message has been received. An unsequenced message had a non-zero sequence number. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. Error wile committing a readonly or a TEMPDB XDES, Shutting down the server. Error while performing transaction notification for object %1!s! event %2!s!. Error during rollback. shutting down database (location: %1!s!). Error releasing reserved log space: %1!s! space %2!s!, code %3!s!, state %4!s!. Failed to record outcome of a local two-phase commit transaction. Taking database offline. xWarning: Option %1!s! is not applicable to table %2!s! because it does not have a clustered index. This option will be applied only to the table's nonclustered indexes, if it has any. P%1!s! statements are not verified. dSQL Server started in Language Service mode. %1!s! statements with a '%2!s!' option are not supported in a data-tier application. %1!s! statements are not supported at the top level in a data-tier application. Cannot execute as the user '%1!s!' because it does not exist. The cache size for sequence object '%1!s!' has been set to NO CACHE. hThe sequence object '%1!s!' cache size is greater than the number of available values; the cache size has been automatically set to accommodate the remaining sequence values. \The spatial index is disabled or offline The spatial object is not defined in the scope of the predicate Spatial indexes do not support the comparand supplied in the predicate Spatial indexes do not support the comparator supplied in the predicate Spatial indexes do not support the method name supplied in the predicate The comparand references a column that is defined below the predicate The comparand in the comparison predicate is not deterministic The spatial parameter references a column that is defined below the predicate Could not find required binary spatial method in a condition dCould not find required comparison predicate The definition of the %1!s! '%2!s!' was refreshed as part of altering the containment option of the database '%3!s!' because the object depends on builtin function '%4!s!'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%5!s!', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database. DETACH dThe certificate's private key cannot be found The certificate's private key size is incompatible with the crypto provider The certificate's public key size is incompatible with the crypto provider The certificate's private key size is incompatible with the encrypted key exchange key The certificate's public key size is incompatible with the security header's signature pThe certificate's private key is password protected The key exchange key has an invalid size after being decrypted with the certificate private key |The database principal used to lookup the cert is invalid The database principal has no mapping to a server principal dThe certificate is disabled for BEGIN DIALOG 4Certificate not found <Certificate not yet valid 0Certificate expired hCertificate is larger than maximum allowed size ,message timestamp 0TO BROKER INSTANCE TO SERVICE 4FROM BROKER INSTANCE $FROM SERVICE ,SERVICE CONTRACT $MESSAGE TYPE 8MESSAGE INTEGRITY CHECK KEY SALT SESSION KEY ,KEY EXCHANGE KEY HSOURCE CERTIFICATE ISSUER NAME LSOURCE CERTIFICATE SERIAL NUMBER PDESTINATION CERTIFICATE ISSUER NAME TDESTINATION CERTIFICATE SERIAL NUMBER <SECURITY HEADER SIGNATURE $MESSAGE BODY STATEMENT (clustered index ,primary xml index (manual failover 0automatic failover 4failover from partner 4role synchronization DFORCE_SERVICE_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS add to from enable disable remap INSERT UPDATE DELETE $WHEN MATCHED ,WHEN NOT MATCHED @WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE $TOP or OFFSET GROUP BY HAVING ORDER BY OUTPUT INTO SELECT WHERE unexpected The crypto API has detected bad data while trying to perform a decryption operation OUTPUT ,Temporary tables Labels 0availability group type table event target $event action $event session $event package $event object @event predicate comparator Pevent attribute or predicate source 8customizable attribute (event predicate ,predicate source (event attribute partitioned (not partitioned $resource pool (workload group ,resource governor move UPDATETEXT WRITETEXT torn page (expected signature: 0x%1!s!; actual signature: 0x%2!s!) xincorrect checksum (expected: 0x%1!s!; actual: 0x%2!s!) <invalid protection option 8invalid encryption key 8unable to decrypt page xdecryption failure (expected: 0x%1!s!; actual: 0x%2!s!) \unable to decrypt page due to missing DEK 4CREATION_DISPOSITION ,PROVIDER_KEY_NAME key source $ENCRYPTION BY public key private key 8cryptographic provider Hcryptographic provider DLL path Tcryptographic provider friendly name version guid 4create credential for Hcryptographic provider key name (key persistence dcryptographic provider key thumbprint length Xcryptographic provider key blob length 4Fulltext Query String 8Fulltext Query Language 8Fulltext Query Max Keys ,fulltext stoplist `Success - Consult EKM Provider for details `Failure - Consult EKM Provider for details xInsufficient Buffer - Consult EKM Provider for details lNot Supported - Consult EKM Provider for details pObject Not Found - Consult EKM Provider for details |Authentication Failure - Consult EKM Provider for details pInvalid Argument - Consult EKM Provider for details Provider Error - No explanation is available, consult EKM Provider for details Key Flags Key Name Key Type Location: hLocation relative to the specified target node: 4search property list MERGE PAD_INDEX FILLFACTOR (SORT_IN_TEMPDB (IGNORE_DUP_KEY 8STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE |Extended stored procedure API will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. The ability to INSERT NULL values into TIMESTAMP columns will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. Use DEFAULT instead. The ability to use string literals as column aliases will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. Use AS clause instead. The ability to use '#' and '##' as the name of temporary tables and stored procedures will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. The ability to use '@' and names that start with '@@' as Transact-SQL identifiers will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. The ability to use the DEFAULT keyword as a default value will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. FASTFIRSTROW hint will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. Use OPTION (FAST n) instead. L%1!s! will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. hCollation '%1!s!' will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this collation in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. @Article update successful. `The subscription was updated successfully. LThe subscription does not exist. @The Subscriber was dropped. \The publication was updated successfully. You have updated the distribution database property '%1!s!' successfully. The @max_distretention value must be larger than the @min_distretention value. \Removed %1!s! history records from %2!s!. The @security_mode parameter value must be 0 (SQL Server Authentication) or 1 (Windows Authentication). Removed %1!s! replication history records in %2!s! seconds (%3!s! row/secs). hReplication-%1!s!: agent %2!s! succeeded. %3!s! |Replication-%1!s!: agent %2!s! scheduled for retry. %3!s! dReplication-%1!s!: agent %2!s! warning. %3!s! The subscription created by Subscriber '%1!s!' to publication '%2!s!' has expired and has been dropped. XReplication-%1!s!: agent %2!s!: %3!s!. One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%1!s!:%2!s!] for the publication [%3!s!]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and change the expiration threshold value if necessary. dThe threshold [%1!s!:%2!s!] for the publication [%3!s!] has been set. Make sure that the logreader and distribution agents are running and can match the latency requirement. One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%1!s!:%2!s!] for the publication [%3!s!]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary. One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%1!s!:%2!s!] for the publication [%3!s!]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary. One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%1!s!:%2!s!] for the publication [%3!s!]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary. One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold [%1!s!:%2!s!] for the publication [%3!s!]. Check the status of subscriptions to this publication and adjust the threshold value if necessary. Disable publishing ignored error msg %1!s!, severity %2!s!, state %3!s!: %4!s!. 8Subscription expiration LTransactional replication latency LLong merge over dialup connection HLong merge over LAN connection HSlow merge over LAN connection LSlow merge over dialup connection DThe agent has never been run. pValue of %1!s! parameter should be in the set %2!s! The value of the %1!s! parameter should be in the range %2!s!. Verify that the specified parameter value is correct. The specified job '%1!s!' is not created for maintenance plans. Verify that the job has at least one step calling xp_sqlmaint. ,0 (all steps) .. Pbefore or after @active_start_time `sp_helplogins [excluding Windows NT groups] 0 (non-idle), 1 (executing), 2 (waiting for thread), 3 (between retries), 4 (idle), 5 (suspended), 7 (performing completion actions) (unknown) $0..n seconds 4-1 [no maximum], 0..n \1..7 [1 = E-mail, 2 = Pager, 4 = NetSend] T0..127 [1 = Sunday .. 64 = Saturday] $notification server (all jobs) ,Core Job Details: Job Steps: (Job Schedules: 0Job Target Servers: DSQL Server Warning: '%1!s!' has performed a forced defection of TSX server '%2!s!'. Run sp_delete_targetserver at the MSX in order to complete the defection. hour minute second Warning: The server name given is not the current MSX server ('%1!s!'). D%1!s! history entries purged. xServer defected from MSX '%1!s!'. %2!s! job(s) deleted. xServer MSX enlistment changed from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!'. LServer enlisted into MSX '%1!s!'. SP_POST_MSX_OPERATION: %1!s! %2!s! download instruction(s) posted. SP_POST_MSX_OPERATION Warning: The specified %1!s! ('%2!s!') is not involved in a multiserver job. hWarning: Non-existent step referenced by %1!s!. 0%1!s! jobs deleted. H%1!s! jobs reassigned to %2!s!. LJob applied to %1!s! new servers. HJob removed from %1!s! servers. LJob '%1!s!' started successfully. d%1!s! (of %2!s!) job(s) stopped successfully. LJob '%1!s!' stopped successfully. Warning: The @new_owner_login_name parameter is not necessary when specifying a 'DELETE' action. <Analysis query subsystem @Analysis command subsystem LSSIS package execution subsystem Warning: This change will not be downloaded by the target server(s) until an %1!s! for the job is posted using %2!s!. Target server '%1!s!' does not have any jobs assigned to it. D(Description not requested.) 8Command-Line Subsystem HReplication Snapshot Subsystem dReplication Transaction-Log Reader Subsystem PReplication Distribution Subsystem @Replication Merge Subsystem @Active Scripting Subsystem 8Transact-SQL Subsystem [Internal] 0(encrypted command) 4(append output file) D(include results in history) (normal) 0(quit with success) 0(quit with failure) ,(goto next step) (goto step) (idle) ((below normal) ((above normal) ((time critical) $(Job outcome) <No description available. p@freq_interval must be at least 1 for a daily job. @freq_interval must be a valid day of the week bitmask [Sunday = 1 .. Saturday = 64] for a weekly job. @freq_interval must be between 1 and 31 for a monthly job. @freq_relative_interval must be one of 1st (0x1), 2nd (0x2), 3rd [0x4], 4th (0x8) or Last (0x10). @freq_interval must be between 1 and 10 (1 = Sunday .. 7 = Saturday, 8 = Day, 9 = Weekday, 10 = Weekend-day) for a monthly-relative job. `@freq_recurrence_factor must be at least 1. Starts whenever the CPU usage has remained below %1!s! percent for %2!s! seconds. lAutomatically starts when SQLServerAgent starts. job hReplication Transaction Queue Reader Subsystem (ID.VersionID = ([not specified] DTS Package Name (Warning: %1!s!' <Mail (Id: %1!s!) queued. 0Activation failure. 8Activation successful. dThe mail queue was started by login "%1!s!". \The mail queue stopped by login "%1!s!". @Default attachment encoding 8Default dialog lifetime <Default maximum file size \Extensions not allowed in outgoing mails `Number of retry attempts for a mail server hDelay between each retry attempt to mail server PMinimum process lifetime in seconds Unexpected message received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %1!s!. message_type_name: %2!s!. message body: %3!s!. mailitem_id on conversation %1!s! was not found in the sysmail_send_retries table. This mail item will not be sent. Mail Id %1!s! has exceeded the retry count. This mail item will not be sent. Mail items deletion is initiated by user "%1!s!". %2!s! items deleted. 4PowerShell Subsystem Collects data about the disk and log usage for all databases. Disk Usage 8Disk Usage - Data Files 8Disk Usage - Log Files \Collects top-level performance indicators for the computer and the Database Engine. Enables analysis of resource use, resource bottlenecks, and Database Engine activity. (Server Activity HServer Activity - DMV Snapshots XServer Activity - Performance Counters Collects query statistics, T-SQL text, and query plans of most of the statements that affect performance. Enables analysis of poor performing queries in relation to overall SQL Server Database Engine activity. ,Query Statistics LQuery Statistics - Query Activity 4Changes to SQL dumper configuration will take effect when the collection set is restarted. To perform an immediate dump, use the dtutil /dump option. Collects data about instances of SQL Server that are managed in the SQL Server Utility. 0Utility Information XUtility Information - Managed Instance dStatistics for all tables have been updated. pTable '%1!s!': No columns without statistics found. Table '%1!s!': Creating statistics for the following columns: Statistics have been created for the %1!s! listed columns of the above tables. The @with_log parameter is ignored for messages that are not us_english version. Valid values of the database compatibility level are %1!s!, %2!s!, or %3!s!. \The current compatibility level is %1!s!. The suspect flag on the database "%1!s!" is already reset. |Object '%1!s!' was successfully marked for recompilation. |Warning: You must recover this database prior to access. <Queries processed: %1!s!. Warning: User types created via sp_addtype are contained in dbo schema. The @owner parameter if specified is ignored. The %1!s! cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more %2!s!(s). Invalid file size entered. All files must be at least 1 MB. DAuthentication mode is %1!s!. dThe %1!s! '%2!s!' is not trusted to execute. LThe decryption key is incorrect. SQL Server blocked access to %1!s! '%2!s!' of component '%3!s!' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of '%4!s!' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling '%5!s!', search for '%6!s!' in SQL Server Books Online. A key with name '%1!s!' or user defined unique identifier already exists or you do not have permissions to create it. hPlease specify one decryptor to decrypt a key. The row for user '%1!s!' will be fixed by updating its login link to a login already in existence. Barring a conflict, the row for user '%1!s!' will be fixed by updating its link to a new login. The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was %1!s!. The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was %1!s!. xThe key is not encrypted using the specified decryptor. 0Either no algorithm has been specified or the bitlength and the algorithm specified for the key are not available in this installation of Windows. The key '%1!s!' is not open. Please open the key before using it. Global temporary keys are not allowed. You can only use local temporary keys. |The master key file does not exist or has invalid format. All fragments for database '%1!s!' on device '%2!s!' are now dedicated for log usage only. File '%1!s!' was removed from tempdb, and will take effect upon server restart. TNo extended stored procedures exist. DThe database is now offline. LThe database is offline already. The private key is already set for this file. To change it you should drop and re-create the certificate. 0The %1!s! has a private key that is protected by a user defined password. That password needs to be provided to enable the use of the private key. Caution: sys.sql_dependencies shows that other objects (views, procedures and so on) are referencing this object by its old name. These objects will become invalid, and should be dropped and re-created promptly. ,Creating '%1!s!'. xThere is no private key provisioned for %1!s! '%2!s!'. The username and/or password passed in is invalid or the current process does not have sufficient privileges. The CLR procedure/function/type being signed refers to an assembly that is not signed either by a strong name or an assembly. |Usage: sp_detach_db <dbname>, [TRUE|FALSE], [TRUE|FALSE] lUser-defined filegroups should be made read-only. LDatabase successfully published. lDatabase successfully enabled for subscriptions. |Database successfully published using merge replication. @Database is already online. 8Database is now online. LDatabase is no longer published. lDatabase is no longer enabled for subscriptions. tDatabase is no longer enabled for merge publications. \Checkpointing database that was changed. 8New language inserted. TNo alternate languages are available. us_english is always available, even though it is not in syslanguages. ,Language deleted. Configuration option '%1!s!' changed from %2!s! to %3!s!. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install. ,Database removed. In the current database, the specified object references the following: In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following: Object does not reference any object, and no objects reference it. 4File '%1!s!' closed. (Device dropped. No constraints are defined on object '%1!s!', or you do not have permissions. No foreign keys reference table '%1!s!', or you do not have permissions on referencing tables. \The text for object '%1!s!' is encrypted. The object '%1!s!' does not have any indexes, or you do not have permissions. lThe database is renamed and in single user mode. Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures. \The dependent aliases were also dropped. Could not add login using sp_addlogin (user = %1!s!). Terminating this procedure. The dependent aliases were mapped to the new database owner. PThe dependent aliases were dropped. DSetting database owner to SA. xGiving ownership of all objects to the database owner. Deleting users except guest and the database owner from the system catalog. <Default bound to column. @Default bound to data type. The new default has been bound to columns(s) of the specified user data type. @Rule bound to table column. <Rule bound to data type. The new rule has been bound to column(s) of the specified user data type. PDefault unbound from table column. HDefault unbound from data type. Columns of the specified user data type had their defaults unbound. HRule unbound from table column. DRule unbound from data type. Columns of the specified user data type had their rules unbound. sp_checknames is used to search for non 7-bit ASCII characters. in several important columns of system tables. The following 4columns are searched: ( In master: 4 In all databases: tCannot create a key without specifying an encryptor. DCannot decrypt or encrypt using the specified %1!s!, either because it has no private key or because the password provided for the private key is incorrect. `There is already a %1!s! by %2!s! '%3!s!'. PCannot drop %1!s! by %2!s! '%3!s!'. Cannot drop %1!s! '%2!s!' because there is a %3!s! mapped to it. Cannot add or drop a signature on '%1!s!' because only modules can be signed. Signatures based on certificates or asymmetric keys are the only options supported in this version of the product. lThe module being executed is not trusted. Either the owner of the database of the module needs to be granted authenticate permission, or the module needs to be digitally signed. \The %1!s! has no private key set for it. \This object does not have any statistics. tThis object does not have any statistics or indexes. Warning: A linked server that refers to the originating server is not a supported scenario. If you wish to use a four-part name to reference a local table, please use the actual server name rather than an alias. The module being signed is marked to execute as owner. If the owner changes the signature will not be valid. <An error occurred while decrypting %1!s! '%2!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The error was ignored because the FORCE option was specified. The current master key cannot be decrypted. The error was ignored because the FORCE option was specified. The old and new master keys are identical. No data re-encryption is required. ,Warning: use of a UNIQUE index, PRIMARY KEY constraint, or UNIQUE constraint on a table with row-level security can allow information disclosure. Warning: use of an IDENTITY column on a table with row-level security can allow information disclosure. Warning: use of an indexed view on a table with row-level security can allow information disclosure. Auditing and permissions can't be set on local temporary objects. \No permission to access database '%1!s!'. tOption '%1!s!' not recognized for '%2!s!' parameter. You attempted to acquire a transactional application lock without an active transaction. @sp_dboption command failed. tNo views with schema binding reference table '%1!s!'. (Updating %1!s!  %1!s! index(es)/statistic(s) have been updated, %2!s! did not require update. D %1!s! has been updated... T %1!s!, update is not necessary... Table %1!s!: cannot perform the operation on the table because its clustered index is disabled. Optimistic concurrency check failed. The row was modified outside of this cursor. The variable '%1!s!' does not currently have a cursor allocated to it. tRemote tables are not updatable. Updatable keyset-driven cursors on remote tables require a transaction with the REPEATABLE_READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation level spanning the cursor. lThe created cursor is not of the requested type. One or more FOR UPDATE columns have been adjusted to the first instance of their table in the query. Usage: sp_autostats <table_name> [, {ON|OFF} [, <index_name>] ] The evaluation period for your edition of SQL Server expires in %1!s! day(s). %1!s! hError: %1!s! Severity: %2!s! State: %3!s! %4!s! 0PrintStack Request %1!s! @(c) Microsoft Corporation. 4All rights reserved. @Server process ID is %1!s!. Could not open master database in system task thread context. Terminating server. Common Criteria compliance mode is enabled. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. Perfmon counters for resource governor pools and groups failed to initialize and are disabled. XPassword policy update was successful. hFallBack certificate was successfully created. PRegistry startup parameters: %1!s! dLogging SQL Server messages in file '%1!s!'. TCommand Line Startup Parameters:%1!s! $The number of concurrent user connections was reduced to %1!s!, because it exceeded the allowable limit for this edition of SQL Server. To avoid this message in the future, use sp_configure to permanently adjust the number of user connections within the licensed limit. SQL Server is started with trace flag %1!s!, this may cause user to see some error messages masked using '%2!s!'. Logging to event log is disabled. Startup option '-%1!s!' is supplied, either from the registry or the command prompt. SQL Server has been configured for lightweight pooling. This is an informational message; no user action is required. pUsing dynamic lock allocation. Initial allocation of %1!s! Lock blocks and %2!s! Lock Owner blocks per node. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. SQL Server is now ready for client connections. This is an informational message; no user action is required. 8initconfig: Warning: affinity specified is not valid. Defaulting to no affinity. Use ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET PROCESS AFFINITY to configure the system to be compatible with the CPU mask on the system. You can also configure the system based on the number of licensed CPUs. PLaunched startup procedure '%1!s!'. <Clearing tempdb database. DStarting up database '%1!s!'. The SQL Server image %1!s! was allocated using the large pages option. SQL Server is not allowing new connections because the Service Control Manager requested a pause. To resume the service, use SQL Computer Manager or the Services application in Control Panel. Service Control Handler received an invalid control code = %1!s!. \SQL Server is allowing new connections in response to 'continue' request from Service Control Manager. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. @SQL Server is terminating in response to a 'stop' request from Service Control Manager. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Using the static lock allocation specified in the locks configuration option. Allocated %1!s! Lock blocks and %2!s! Lock Owner blocks per node. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Lock partitioning is enabled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Node configuration: node %1!s!: CPU mask: 0x%2!s!:%3!s! Active CPU mask: 0x%4!s!:%5!s!. This message provides a description of the NUMA configuration for this computer. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. pProcessor affinity turned on: node %1!s!, processor mask 0x%2!s!. Threads will execute on CPUs per affinity settings. This is an informational message; no user action is required. I/O affinity turned on, processor mask 0x%1!s!. Disk I/Os will execute on CPUs per affinity I/O mask/affinity64 mask config option. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. The server resumed execution after being idle %1!s! seconds. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. The server is idle. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. pSQL Server could not use the NO_BUFFERING option during I/O, because the master file sector size, %1!s!, is incorrect. Move the master file to a drive with a correct sector size. SQL Server is starting at normal priority base (=7). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. SQL Server is starting at high priority base (=13). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. SQL Server detected %1!s! sockets with %2!s! cores per socket and %3!s! logical processors per socket, %4!s! total logical processors; using %5!s! logical processors based on SQL Server licensing. This is an informational message; no user action is required. The RANU instance is terminating in response to its internal time out. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 0Attempting to initialize Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Support for distributed transactions was not enabled for this instance of the Database Engine because it was started using the minimal configuration option. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. xUnable to locate kernel HTTP driver Httpapi.dll in path. SQL Server native HTTP support is not available. Error: 0x%1!s! Your operating system may not support the kernel HTTP driver. SQL Server native HTTP support is not available. Could not find function entry point '%1!s!' in %2!s!. Error 0x%3!s!. Native HTTP access to SQL Server requires a later version of the operating system. SQL Server native HTTP support failed and will not be available. '%1!s!()' failed. Error 0x%2!s!. 8Ignoring trace flag %1!s! specified during startup. It is either an invalid trace flag or a trace flag that cannot be specified during server startup. Unable to initialize SQL Server native HTTP support due to insufficient resources. HTTP access to SQL Server will not be available. Error 0x%1!s!. This error typically indicates insufficient memory. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. 0The registry settings for SNI protocol configuration are incorrect. The server cannot accept connection requests. Error: 0x%1!s!. Status: 0x%2!s!. XThis instance of SQL Server last reported using a process ID of %1!s! at %2!s! (local) %3!s! (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required. TThis instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of %1!s! since %2!s! (local) %3!s! (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required. Attempting to cycle error log. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. The error log has been reinitialized. See the previous log for older entries. xDedicated admin connection support was not started because of error 0x%1!s!, status code: 0x%2!s!. This error typically indicates a socket-based error, such as a port already in use. SQL Server native SOAP support is ready for client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Preparing for eventual growth to %1!s! GB with Hot Add Memory. @Dedicated administrator connection support was not started because it is disabled on this edition of SQL Server. If you want to use a dedicated administrator connection, restart SQL Server using the trace flag %1!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Dedicated admin connection support was established for listening locally on port %1!s!. Dedicated admin connection support was established for listening remotely on port %1!s!. XFile %1!s! in database %2!s! has been set to sparse by the file system but does not belong to a database snapshot. The file should be restored to correct the problem. tSQL Server cannot use the NO_BUFFERING option during I/O on this file, because the sector size for file '%1!s!', %2!s!, is invalid. Move the file to a disk with a valid sector size. Secondary TempDB file '%1!s!' resides on a removable drive and therefore will not be attached during startup. Secondary TempDB file '%1!s!' will not be attached during TempDB startup; Drive check failed with error '%2!s!'. System error while trying to initialize disk info; Error '%1!s!' TNo free space in the TempDB database DUnable to locate driver ntdll.dll in path. SQL Server native HTTP support is not available. Error: 0x%1!s! Your operating system may not support this driver. HServer resumed execution after being idle %1!s! seconds: user activity awakened the server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Server resumed execution after being idle %1!s! seconds. Reason: timer event. The server resumed execution after being idle for %1!s! seconds. Server resumed execution after being idle %1!s! seconds. Reason: resource pressure. SQL Server has initialized support for the advanced user mode scheduling. This is an informational message; no user action is required. DBCC TRACEON %1!s!, server process ID (SPID) %2!s!. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. DBCC TRACEOFF %1!s!, server process ID (SPID) %2!s!. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. Bypassing recovery for database ID %1!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |DBCC DBREPAIR: '%1!s!' index restored for '%2!s!.%3!s!'. T%1!s! index restored for %2!s!.%3!s!. (CHECKDB for database '%1!s!' finished without errors on %2!s! (local time). This is an informational message only; no user action is required. @Warning ****************** lAttempting to change default collation to %1!s!. SQL Server started in single-user mode. This an informational message only. No user action is required. HWarning: System table ID %1!s! has been updated directly in database ID %2!s! and cache coherence may not have been maintained. SQL Server should be restarted. Starting without recovery. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Recovering all databases, but not clearing tempdb. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Server name is '%1!s!'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. $The NETBIOS name of the local node that is running the server is '%1!s!'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Login: %1!s! %2!s!, server process ID (SPID): %3!s!, kernel process ID (KPID): %4!s!. SQL Server shutdown due to Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break signal. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Loading default collation %1!s! for this instance of SQL Server. Dedicated administrator connection has been disconnected. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Process %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s! (0x%4!s!) Worker 0x%5!s! appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler %6!s!. Thread creation time: %7!s!. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel %8!s! ms, user %9!s! ms. Process Utilization %10!s!%%. System Idle %11!s!%%. Interval: %12!s! ms. 4New queries assigned to process on Node %1!s! have not been picked up by a worker thread in the last %2!s! seconds. Blocking or long-running queries can contribute to this condition, and may degrade client response time. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads, or optimize current running queries. SQL Process Utilization: %3!s!%%. System Idle: %4!s!%%. @IO Completion Listener (0x%1!s!) Worker 0x%2!s! appears to be non-yielding on Node %3!s!. Approx CPU Used: kernel %4!s! ms, user %5!s! ms, Interval: %6!s!. All schedulers on Node %1!s! appear deadlocked due to a large number of worker threads waiting on %2!s!. Process Utilization %3!s!%%. A significant part of sql server process memory has been paged out. This may result in a performance degradation. Duration: %1!s! seconds. Working set (KB): %2!s!, committed (KB): %3!s!, memory utilization: %4!s!%%. Resource Monitor (0x%1!s!) Worker 0x%2!s! appears to be non-yielding on Node %3!s!. Memory freed: %4!s! KB. Last wait: %5!s!. Approx CPU Used: kernel %6!s! ms, user %7!s! ms, Interval: %8!s!. dDispatcher (0x%1!s!) from dispatcher pool '%2!s!' Worker 0x%3!s! appears to be non-yielding on Node %4!s!. Approx CPU Used: kernel %5!s! ms, user %6!s! ms, Interval: %7!s!. sp_server_diagnostics running on Worker 0x%1!s! appears to be non-yielding on Node %2!s!. Process ID %1!s! was killed by hostname %2!s!, host process ID %3!s!. pSQL Server shutdown after verifying system indexes. hThe default collation was successfully changed. Engine didn't find configuration for error detection, default configuration was applied. Engine failed to load configuration for error detection, default configuration was applied. Engine takes DB offline in cloud DB mode due to %1!s!, %2!s!. TTape '%1!s!' (family ID %2!s!, sequence %3!s!, media_set_guid %4!s!) is mounted on tape drive '%5!s!'. This is an informational message only. No user action required Tape mount is being requested on drive '%1!s!'. Expected volume has (Family ID %2!s!, sequence %3!s!). XUnnamed tape (family ID %1!s!, sequence %2!s!, media_set_guid %3!s!) is mounted on tape drive '%4!s!'. This is an informational message only. No user action required. Tape mount request on drive '%1!s!' is cancelled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. %1!s!: Device or media does not support %2!s!. To access this feature, use a different device or media. Database backed up. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), pages dumped: %4!s!, first LSN: %5!s!, last LSN: %6!s!, number of dump devices: %7!s!, device information: (%8!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Log was backed up. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), first LSN: %4!s!, last LSN: %5!s!, number of dump devices: %6!s!, device information: (%7!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database file was backed up. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), file list: (%4!s!), pages dumped: %5!s!, number of dump devices: %6!s!, device information: (%7!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database was restored: Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), first LSN: %4!s!, last LSN: %5!s!, number of dump devices: %6!s!, device information: (%7!s!). Informational message. No user action required. Log was restored. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), first LSN: %4!s!, last LSN: %5!s!, number of dump devices: %6!s!, device information: (%7!s!). This is an informational message. No user action is required. Database file was restored. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), file list: (%4!s!), number of dump devices: %5!s!, device information: (%6!s!). This is an informational message. No user action is required. `Database differential changes were backed up. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), pages dumped: %4!s!, first LSN: %5!s!, last LSN: %6!s!, full backup LSN: %7!s!, number of dump devices: %8!s!, device information: (%9!s!). This is an informational message. No user action is required. Database changes were restored. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), first LSN: %4!s!, last LSN: %5!s!, number of dump devices: %6!s!, device information: (%7!s!). This is an informational message. No user action is required. Tape '%1!s!' was dismounted from drive '%2!s!'. This is an informational message. No user action is required. Unnamed tape was dismounted from drive '%1!s!'. This is an informational message. No user action is required. (Database file differential changes were backed up. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), file list: (%4!s!), pages dumped: %5!s!, number of dump devices: %6!s!, device information: (%7!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Database file changes were restored. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), file list: (%4!s!), number of dump devices: %5!s!, device information: (%6!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.  Reason: Infrastructure error occurred. Check for previous errors.  Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided.  Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information.  Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information.  Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided.  Reason: Attempting to use an NT account name with SQL Server Authentication. | Reason: An error occurred while evaluating the password.  Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. P Reason: Invalid password provided.  Reason: Password validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors.  Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors.  Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors.  Reason: SQL Server service is paused. No new connections can be accepted at this time.  Reason: Interface for login to SQL Server is not supported. h Reason: Failed to open the specified database. t Reason: Failed to open the database for this login.  Reason: Unable to determine the initial language and date format.  Reason: The user must change the password, but it cannot be changed with the current connection settings.  Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information.  Reason: Simulation of a failure while redoing login on the connection.  Reason: SQL Server service is paused. Login could not be revalidated at this time.  Reason: Reinitialization of security context failed while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Access to server validation failed while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to open the specified database while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to create the user instance while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to attach the specified database while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to open the database for this login while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to determine the language and date format while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: An exception was raised while revalidating the login on the connection. Check for previous errors.  Reason: Simulation of a failure while reauthenticating login.  Reason: SQL Server service is paused. Login cannot be reauthenticated at this time.  Reason: Failed to reinitialize security context while reauthenticating login.  Reason: Failed to access server for validation while reauthenticating login.  Reason: Failed to open the specified database while reauthenticating login.  Reason: An error occurred while reauthenticating login. Check for previous errors.  Reason: Could not retrieve database name or map database to an item.  Reason: Cannot connect with a login that does not specify a share.  Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database '%1!s!'.  Reason: Unable to determine the database name from the specified file name.  Reason: Failed to open the database '%1!s!' specified in the login properties.  Reason: Failed to store database name and collation. Check for previous errors. . Reason: Current collation did not match the database's collation during connection reset.  Reason: Failed to send an environment change notification to a log shipping partner node.  Reason: Failed to retrieve database name or map database to an item while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Connection with a login which does not specify a share is not allowed while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to open the database '%1!s!' configured in the login object while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to determine database name from a given file name while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to open the database '%1!s!' specified in the login properties while revalidating the login on the connection.  Reason: Failed to store database name and collation while revalidating the login on the connection. Check for previous errors.  Reason: Current collation did not match the database's collation during connection reset.  Reason: Failed to send an environment change notification to a log shipping partner node while revalidating the login. T Reason: Client impersonation failed. l Reason: Failed to revert impersonation to self. p Reason: Failed to get security token information. h Reason: Failed to duplicate of security token.  Reason: Failed attempted retry of a process token validation.  Reason: An error occurred while attempting to change password.  Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only.  Reason: Could not find a user matching the name provided. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Could not find a user matching the name provided. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Attempting to use an invalid user type with SQL Server Authentication. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: An error occurred while evaluating the password. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Password did not match that for the user provided. [Database: '%1!s!'] x Reason: Invalid password provided. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Password validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [Database: '%1!s!']  Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [Database: '%1!s!'] attach restore Reason: The password hash is from an unsupported version of SQL Server. Reset the password or recreate the login.  Reason: An error occurred while obtaining a routing environment change notification. Reason: Database could not accept user connections at this time. Login succeeded for user '%1!s!'. Connection made using Windows authentication.%2!s! Login succeeded for user '%1!s!'. Connection made using SQL Server authentication.%2!s! XLogin succeeded for user '%1!s!'.%2!s! , [CLIENT: %1!s!] The dedicated administrator connection is in use by "%1!s!" on "%2!s!".%3!s! tSystem Manufacturer: '%1!s!', System Model: '%2!s!'. xReplication is skipping schema version logging because the systranschemas table is not present in database '%1!s!'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. %1 lSQL Trace ID %1!s! was started by login "%2!s!". SQL Trace stopped. Trace ID = '%1!s!'. Login Name = '%2!s!'. SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = '%1!s!'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. Server started with '-f' option. Auditing will not be started. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. XThe OLE DB initialization service failed to load. Reinstall Microsoft Data Access Components. If the problem persists, contact product support for the OLEDB provider. Windows error occurred while running %1!s!. Error = %2!s!. <Initialization succeeded. Initialization failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. Unable to create a node listener object. Check for memory-related errors. xAn error occurred while starting shared memory support. @All protocols are disabled. Unable to create a node listener object for a special instance. Check for memory-related errors. Unable to trim spaces in an IP address. Check TCP/IP protocol settings. 'TcpKeepAlive' registry setting is the wrong type. Check TCP/IP protocol settings. Unable to retrieve 'TcpKeepAlive' registry setting. Check TCP/IP protocol settings. Unable to configure MDAC-compatibility TCP/IP port in registry. \Unable to initialize the TCP/IP listener. Unable to open TCP/IP protocol configuration key in registry. Unable to retrieve TCP/IP protocol 'Enabled' registry setting. Unable to retrieve 'ListenOnAllIPs' TCP/IP registry setting. Unable to open TCP/IP protocol's 'IPAll' configuration key in registry. Unable to retrieve registry settings from TCP/IP protocol's 'IPAll' configuration key. Unable to obtain list size for IP addresses configured for listening in registry. Failed to allocate memory for IP addresses configured for listening. Check for memory-related errors. Unable to obtain list of IP addresses configured for listening in registry. Unable to open TCP/IP protocol's registry key for a specific IP address. Unable to retrieve 'Enabled' setting for a specific IP address. Unable to retrieve 'Active' setting for a specific IP address. Unable to retrieve 'IpAddress' value for a specific IP address. d'IpAddress' registry value is the wrong type. Unable to retrieve registry settings for a specific IP address. Unable to deallocate structures representing registry key for a specific IP address. Unable to retrieve registry settings for cluster environment. Server is configured to listen on a specific IP address in a cluster environment. The SQL Server Network Interface cannot check for a duplicate IP address in the SQL Server TCP listening settings. pThe SQL Server Network Interface found a duplicate IP address in the SQL Server TCP listening settings. Remove the duplicate IP address by using SQL Server Configuration Manager. Unable to open SQL Server Network Interface library configuration key in registry for Dedicated Administrator Connection settings. Unable to open Dedicated Administrator Connection configuration key in registry. Unable to open TCP/IP configuration key for Dedicated Administrator Connection in registry. Unable to retrieve dynamic TCP/IP ports registry settings for Dedicated Administrator Connection. No or more than one dynamic TCP/IP port is configured for Dedicated Administrator Connection in registry settings. Error starting Named Pipes support. Check protocol settings. Failed to allocate memory for SSL listening structures. Check for memory-related errors. An error occurred while obtaining or using the certificate for SSL. Check settings in Configuration Manager. Unable to add listener endpoints. Check for memory-related errors. lUnable to initialize the communication listeners. Unable to retrieve SQL Server Network Interface library settings for a special instance. Unable to retrieve SQL Server Network Interface library settings; the instance name is too long. lUnable to initialize the Shared Memory listener. hUnable to initialize the Named Pipes listener. Unable to configure MDAC-compatibility Named Pipes protocol pipe name in registry. XUnable to initialize the HTTP listener. LUnable to initialize SSL support. Unable to configure MDAC-compatibility protocol list in registry. Unable to open SQL Server Network Interface library configuration key in registry. $An error occurred while obtaining the Extended Protection setting. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. The configured value for Extended Protection is not valid. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. @An error occurred while obtaining the Accepted SPNs list for Extended Protection. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. The configured value for the Accepted SPNs list is not valid. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager. TDSSNIClient failed to allocate memory while loading Extended Protection configuration settings. Check for memory-related errors. Failed to allocate memory for SSPI listening structures. Check for memory-related errors. XUnable to initialize the SSPI listener. Unable to create connectivity Ring Buffer. Check for memory-related errors. <Authentication succeeded. The transport protocol does not provide an authentication context, and there is no authentication token in the TDS stream. An error occurred while calling CompleteAuthToken for this security context. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. The CompleteAuthToken API is not defined for the current Security Support Provider. AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. lThe operating system does not support Channel Bindings, but the server is configured to require Extended Protection. Update the operating system or disable Extended Protection. The Channel Bindings from this client do not match the established Transport Layer Security (TLS) Channel. The service might be under attack, or the data provider might need to be upgraded to support Extended Protection. Closing the connection. HThe Channel Bindings from this client are missing or do not match the established Transport Layer Security (TLS) Channel. The service might be under attack, or the data provider or client operating system might need to be upgraded to support Extended Protection. Closing the connection. lThe operating system does not support Service Bindings, but the server is configured to require Extended Protection. Update the operating system or disable Extended Protection. QueryContextAttributes could not retrieve Service Bindings. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. dThe server Extended Protection level is set to Allowed or Required, and the client did not provide a Service Principal Name (SPN). To connect, this client must support Extended Protection. You might have to install an operating system service pack that allows for Service Binding and Channel Binding. The server Extended Protection level is set to Allowed or Required, and the client did not provide a Service Principal Name (SPN). To connect, this client must support Extended Protection. You might have to update the SQL Server driver on the client. The Service Class element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) is not valid. The IP Address element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) is not valid. The Host element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) is not valid. A memory allocation failed while validating the received Service Principal Name (SPN). QueryContextAttributes succeeded but did not retrieve the received Service Principal Name (SPN). WSAStringToAddress was unable to convert the IP Address element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) to an address structure. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. Could not wait on an event signaling IO completion for a cryptographic handshake. A task to process a cryptographic handshake could not be enqueued. An attempt to read a buffer from the network failed during a cryptographic handshake. The connection was closed while attempting to process a read buffer during a cryptographic handshake. The connection was closed while attempting to process a write buffer during a cryptographic handshake. An attempt to write a buffer to the network failed during a cryptographic handshake. AcquireCredentialsHandle failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of the failure. InitializeSecurityContext failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of the failure. QueryContextAttributes could not retrieve stream sizes. The Windows error code indicates the cause of the failure. TAn attempt to resize a buffer failed. An unexpected error occurred during a cryptographic handshake. An invalid token was received during a cryptographic handshake. Failed to allocate a packet for a network write during a cryptographic handshake. Failed to allocate an object to perform a cryptographic handshake. Failed to initialize an object to perform a cryptographic handshake. A token from a cryptographic handshake was larger than allowed by SSPI. The connection was closed while waiting for network IO during a cryptographic handshake. An unexpected exception was thrown while processing a cryptographic handshake. |Negotiated security context is missing an integrity flag. Negotiated security context is missing a confidentiality flag. Negotiated security context has confidentiality flag present. Negotiated security context is missing a sequence detection flag. Negotiated security context is missing a replay detection flag. Global credentials handle required for inbound connections. \SSPI structures too large for encryption. \SSPI structures too large for signature. Empty output token is returned by SSPI during security context negotiation. Check for network packet corruption or other networking issues. The state of the local availability replica in availability group '%1!s!' has changed from '%2!s!' to '%3!s!'. The replica state changed because of either a startup, a failover, a communication issue, or a cluster error. For more information, see the availability group dashboard, SQL Server error log, Windows Server Failover Cluster management console or Windows Server Failover Cluster log. There is no nickname for article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!'. The filter '%1!s!' already exists for article '%2!s!' in publication '%3!s!'. \Could not generate nickname for '%1!s!'. Publication '%1!s!' has the following property: '%2!s!'. SQL Server subscribers below version '%3!s!' will ignore this setting. tA rowcount validation request has been submitted to heterogeneous publisher %1!s! for article %2!s! of publication %3!s!. Validation results will be posted to distribution history. Table '%1!s!' may be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %2!s!, expected: %3!s!). Rowcount method %4!s! used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast). Table '%1!s!' might be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %2!s!, expected %3!s!). Checksum values (actual: %4!s!, expected: %5!s!). Table '%1!s!' passed rowcount (%2!s!) validation. Rowcount method %3!s! used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast). Table '%1!s!' passed rowcount (%2!s!) and checksum validation. Checksum is not compared for any text or image columns. LLog Reader Agent startup message. (Starting agent. Run agent. LDetect nonlogged agent shutdown. @Replication agent schedule. @Replication agents checkup Detects replication agents that are not logging history actively. Removes replication agent history from the distribution database. @Replication: agent failure <Replication: agent retry \Replication: expired subscription dropped dReplication Warning: %1!s! (Threshold: %2!s!) @Replication: agent success Removes replicated transactions from the distribution database. Detects and removes expired subscriptions from published databases. L@rowcount_only parameter must be the value 0,1, or 2. 0=7.0 compatible checksum. 1=only check rowcounts. 2=new checksum functionality introduced in version 8.0. 4Default agent profile HVerbose history agent profile. `Agent profile for detailed history logging. <Slow link agent profile. dAgent profile for low bandwidth connections. XWindows Synchronization Manager profile tProfile used by the Windows Synchronization Manager. xCould not clean up the distribution transaction tables. pCould not clean up the distribution history tables. DThe replication agent has not logged a progress message in %1!s! minutes. This might indicate an unresponsive agent or high system activity. Verify that records are being replicated to the destination and that connections to the Subscriber, Publisher, and Distributor are still active. ,6.x publication. xHeartbeats detected for all running replication agents. Agent shutdown. For more information, see the SQL Server Agent job history for job '%1!s!'. Table '%1!s!' passed full rowcount validation after failing the fast check. DBCC UPDATEUSAGE will be initiated automatically. Conditional Fast Rowcount method requested without specifying an expected count. Fast method will be used. An expected checksum value was passed, but checksums will not be compared because rowcount-only checking was requested. tGenerated expected rowcount value of %1!s! for %2!s!. pReplication: Subscriber has failed data validation pReplication: Subscriber has passed data validation DAgent history clean up: %1!s! DDistribution clean up: %1!s! DExpired subscription clean up Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures Reinitializes all subscriptions that have data validation failures. Subscriber '%1!s!' subscription to article '%2!s!' in publication '%3!s!' has been reinitialized after a validation failure. Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure Subscriber '%1!s!' subscription to article '%2!s!' in publication '%3!s!' failed data validation. Subscriber '%1!s!' subscription to article '%2!s!' in publication '%3!s!' passed data validation. Subscriber '%1!s!' subscription to article '%2!s!' in publication '%3!s!' has been reinitialized after a synchronization failure. tNo entries were found in msdb..sysreplicationalerts. PReplication: agent custom shutdown Generated expected rowcount value of %1!s! and expected checksum value of %2!s! for %3!s!. Heartbeats not detected for some replication agents. The status of these agents have been changed to 'Failed'. Cannot drop server '%1!s!' because it is used as a Distributor in replication. Cannot drop server '%1!s!' because it is used as a Publisher in replication. Cannot drop server '%1!s!' because it is used as a Subscriber in replication. Cannot drop server '%1!s!' because it is used as a Subscriber to remote Publisher '%2!s!' in replication. xAgent profile for replicated queued transaction reader. \Dropped %1!s! anonymous subscription(s). Agent profile for skipping data consistency errors. It can be used only by SQL Server Subscribers. |Invalid value specified for agent parameter 'SkipErrors'. The value specified for agent parameter 'SkipErrors' is too long. The agent profile cannot be used by heterogeneous Subscribers. You do not have permissions to run agents for push subscriptions. Make sure that you specify the agent parameter 'SubscriptionType'. Invalidated the existing snapshot of the publication. Run the Snapshot Agent again to generate a new snapshot. HReinitialized subscription(s). DCannot make the change because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force the change and invalidate the existing snapshot. LCannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and reinitialize the active subscriptions. THigh Volume Server-to-Server Profile Merge agent profile optimized for the high volume server-to-server synchronization scenario. The article order specified in the @processing_order parameter of sp_addmergearticle does not reflect the primary key-foreign key relationships between published tables. Article '%1!s!' references one or more articles that will be created after it is created. Change the processing_order property using sp_changemergearticle. Merge table articles do not support different values for the @source_object and @destination_object parameters of sp_addmergearticle. Either do not specify a value for @destination_object, or specify the same value for both parameters. Cannot specify a value of 1, 2, or 3 for the parameter @partition_options because publication "%1!s!" has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use the stored procedure sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. Failed deletion of rows in batched delete attempt on table %1!s!. $Cannot set @conflict_logging to 'both' because publication '%1!s!' has a compatibility level lower than 90. Set @publication_compatibility_level to '90RTM' when creating the publication or use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to '90RTM'. The max or min allowed identity numbers for the identity column could not be found for the given article. Failed to publish the article with identityrangemanagementoption set to 'auto' due to one or more errors. An article is not allowed to be part of a logical record when it has a custom business logic resolver. The merge process could not clean up the conflict table "%1!s!" for publication "%2!s!". Warning: Values of some of the flags specified in the 'schema_option' property are not compatible with the publication's compatibility level. The modified schema_option value of '%1!s!' will be used instead. Warning: Values of some of the flags specified in the 'schema_option' property are not compatible with the publication's compatibility level. The modified schema_option value of '%1!s!' will be used instead. LWarning: To allow replication of FILESTREAM data to perform optimally and reduce memory utilization, the 'stream_blob_columns' property has been set to 'true'. To force FILESTREAM table articles to not use blob streaming, use sp_changemergearticle to set 'stream_blob_columns' to 'false'. \Distribution Profile for OLEDB streaming Distribution agent profile enabled for the processing LOB data using OLEDB streaming. Peer-To-Peer publishers are only supported on Enterprise class editions of SQL Server. This instance is %1!s!. (For backward compatibility, sp_addpublisher can be used to add a Publisher for this Distributor. However, sp_adddistpublisher is more flexible. `Distribution agent for subscription added. 4no comment specified. Cannot reinitialize article '%1!s!' in subscription '%2!s!:%3!s!' to publication '%4!s!' (subscribed with the 'no sync' option). The initial snapshot for publication '%1!s!' is not yet available. The initial snapshot for article '%1!s!' is not yet available. Deactivated initial snapshot for anonymous publication(s). New subscriptions must wait for the next scheduled snapshot. The initial snapshot for the publication is not yet available. The Change Tracking manual cleanup procedure for database %1!s! has been executed The custom command name %1!s! specified for parameter %2!s! will be ignored. A system generated name will be used instead. The publication allows %3!s! and command names need not be specified. dChanged update mode from [%1!s!] to [%2!s!]. Overriding queue check for setting mode from [%1!s!] to [%2!s!]. |Duplicate rows found in %1!s!. Unique index not created. pPublication of '%1!s!' data from Publisher '%2!s!'. Invalid value for queue type was specified. Valid values = (%1!s!). Cannot change the parameter %1!s! while there are subscriptions to the publication. Queued snapshot publication property '%1!s!' cannot have the value '%2!s!'. $Warning: adding updatable subscription for article '%1!s!' may cause data inconsistency as the source table is already subscribed to '%2!s!' The resolver information was specified without specifying the resolver to be used for article '%1!s!'. The default resolver will be used. DRowcount validation profile. Profile used by the Merge Agent to perform rowcount validation. \Rowcount and checksum validation profile. Profile used by the Merge Agent to perform rowcount and checksum validation. Cannot change this publication property because there are active subscriptions to this publication. Subscriber partition validation expression must be NULL for static publications. There must be one and only one of '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' that is not NULL. Failed to adjust Publisher identity range for table '%1!s!'. Failed to adjust Publisher identity range for publication '%1!s!'. A push subscription to the publication '%1!s!' already exists. Use sp_mergesubscription_cleanup to drop defunct push subscriptions. Table '%1!s!' must have at least one column that is included in the vertical partition. Warning: the publication uses a feature that is only supported only by subscribers running '%1!s!' or higher. XWarning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because decentralized conflict logging is designated. Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because a compressed snapshot is used. $Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because vertical filters are being used. $Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because schema replication is performed. \Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because publication wide reinitialization is performed. @Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because publication wide reinitialization is performed. PWarning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because merge metadata cleanup task is performed. \Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because publication wide validation task is performed. `Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because data types new in SQL Server 2000 exist in one of its articles. \Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because at least one timestamp column exists in one of its articles. 4Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because automatic identity ranges are being used. Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because a new article has been added to the publication after its snapshot has been generated. Could not propagate the change on publication '%1!s!' to Active Directory. Upgrading distribution settings and system objects in database %1!s!. Upgrading publication settings and system objects in database %1!s!. Upgrading subscription settings and system objects in database %1!s!. The concurrent snapshot for publication '%1!s!' is not available because it has not been fully generated or the Log Reader Agent is not running to activate it. If generation of the concurrent snapshot was interrupted, the Snapshot Agent for the publication must be restarted until a complete snapshot is generated. Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because column-level collation is scripted out with the article schema creation script. |Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because extended properties are scripted out with the article schema creation script. $Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%1!s!' because it contains schema-only articles. This column cannot be included in a transactional publication because the column ID is greater than 255. The 'max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots' publication property must be greater than or equal to zero. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be a positive integer greater than 300 or 0. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be an integer greater than or equal to %3!s!. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be 0 or 1. Unexpected failure acquiring an application lock. Ensure that the account under which the Merge Agent runs is a member of the publication access list. If there is a lot of activity on the server, run the Merge Agent when there are more server resources available. Unexpected failure releasing an application lock. Ensure that the account under which the Merge Agent runs is a member of the publication access list. If there is a lot of activity on the server, run the Merge Agent when there are more server resources available. xProperty '%1!s!' of article '%2!s!' cannot be changed. Having a queue timeout value of over 12 hours is not allowed. tFilter '%1!s!' of article '%2!s!' cannot be changed. lSubscription property '%1!s!' cannot be changed. Article '%1!s!' cannot be dropped because there are other articles using it as a join article. Warning: The %1!s! agent job has been implicitly created and will run under the SQL Server Agent Service Account. ,Invalid subscription type is specified. A subscription to publication '%1!s!' already exists in the database with a different subscription type. The supplied resolver information does not specify a valid column name to be used for conflict resolution by '%1!s!'. The publication '%1!s!' does not allow the subscription to synchronize to an alternate synchronization partner. ,Cleanup of merge meta data cannot be performed while merge processes are running. Retry this operation after the merge processes have completed. Cleanup of merge meta data at republisher '%1!s!'.'%2!s!' could not be performed because merge processes are propagating changes to the republisher. All subscriptions to this republisher must be reinitialized. Changes to publication '%1!s!' cannot be merged because it has been marked inactive. \sp_mergecompletecleanup cannot be executed before sp_mergepreparecleanup is executed. Use sp_mergepreparecleanup to initiate the first phase of merge meta data cleanup. HAll prerequisites for cleaning up merge meta data have been completed. Execute sp_mergecompletecleanup to initiate the final phase of merge meta data cleanup. ,Cleanup of merge meta data cannot be performed while merge processes are running. Cleanup will proceed after the merge processes have completed. pCleanup of merge meta data cannot be performed because some republishers have not quiesced their changes. Cleanup will proceed after all republishers have quiesced their changes. Data changes are not allowed while cleanup of merge meta data is in progress. Neither MSmerge_contents nor MSmerge_tombstone contain meta data for this row. Transactional replication custom procedures for publication '%1!s!' from database '%2!s!': ,Replication custom procedures will not be scripted for article '%1!s!' because the auto-generate custom procedures schema option is not enabled. pReplication custom procedures for article '%1!s!': Custom procedures will not be scripted for article update commands based on direct INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements. Custom procedure will not be scripted because '%1!s!' is not a recognized article update command syntax. XThe schema change failed during execution of an internal replication procedure. For corrective action, see the other error messages that accompany this error message. The data definition language (DDL) command cannot be executed at the Subscriber. DDL commands can only be executed at the Publisher. In a republishing hierarchy, DDL commands can only be executed at the root Publisher, not at any of the republishing Subscribers. Cannot add a data definition language trigger for replicating '%1!s!' events. Cannot insert information into the schema change tracking table sysmergeschemachange. Value specified for the publication property replicate_ddl is not valid. The value must be 1 or 0. The subscriber db cannot be the same as the publisher db when the subscriber is the same as the publisher sp_mergesubscription_cleanup should be called on the subscription database The replication agent job '%1!s!' was not removed because it has a non-standard name; manually remove the job when it is no longer in use. DUnable to reuse view '%1!s!' because it was not found. Re-creating all system table views. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. The Subscriber '%1!s!':'%2!s!' was not marked for reinitialization at the Publisher because the subscription is either anonymous or not valid. Verify that valid values were specified for the @subscriber and @subscriber_db parameters of sp_reinitmergesubscription. UserScripts DCannot add the foreign key %1!s! with the CASCADE option because table %2!s! is published. Add the NOT FOR REPLICATION clause to the foreign key definition. `The distribution database '%1!s!' has a compatibility level of %2!s!, which is different from that of the master database. The two compatibility levels must be the same, so the distribution database level is being changed to %3!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. @The column msrepl_tran_version has been predefined and allows NULLs. This column will be dropped and recreated to not allow NULLs for updating subscribers. Warning: The parameter '%1!s!' is obsolete and is available only for backwards compatibility. It will not be available in future releases. Instead of this parameter, use the parameter '%2!s!'. Custom data type mappings are not supported. You must validate the correctness of the mapping. If mappings are not compatible, errors will likely occur when moving data from the Publisher to the Subscriber. Data type mapping from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!' does not exist. Review source and destination data type, length, precision, scale, and nullability. Query the system table msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings for a list of supported mappings. 0The distribution database '%1!s!' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files. The database will be dropped, but distribution database cleanup tasks will not occur. Check the database and server error logs for more information about why the database files cannot be accessed. TCannot use the specified data type mapping. The matching destination data type for source type %1!s! cannot be found. Query the system table msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings for a list of supported mappings. Verify that the length, precision, scale, and nullability of the source type are correct. DDL replication is not enabled for database '%1!s!' because its compatibility level is less than 80. `The parameters for security, batch size, and scheduling have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For more information, see the "sp_addsubscriber" documentation. DDL replication is forcing reinitialization because either publication'%1!s!' uses character mode bcp, or timestamp/identity column is being replicated as base type only for article '%2!s!'. Warning: The "%1!s!" property for %2!s! "%3!s!" has been changed to "%4!s!" because it is required by %5!s!. Could not add new article to publication '%1!s!' because of active schema change activities or a snapshot is being generated. Forcing re-initialization for article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!', the clustered index on indexed view '%3!s!' may have been dropped by upgrade or restore process, please re-create the index and re-sync your data. Table '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' is subscribing to transactional queued publication and published for merge for uploading changes, this may cause non-convergence between transactional publisher and subscriber. A filtering type changed for the article. Any pending or future changes made in this article by a Subscriber in a given partition will no longer be propagated to Subscribers in other partitions. Check the documentation for details. Unable to synchronize the row because the row was updated by a different process outside of replication. (Initialization. hUpload of Subscriber changes to the Publisher. lDownload of Publisher changes to the Subscriber. \Warning: The procedure sp_mergecleanupmetadata has been deprecated. In SQL Server 2000 SP1 and later, the merge agent calls sp_mergemetadataretentioncleanup every time it runs, so manual cleanup of metadata is not needed. Ignoring passed-in parameters and calling sp_mergemetadataretentioncleanup. Invalid failover_mode value of %1!s! was specified for [%2!s!].[%3!s!].[%4!s!], setting to 0 [immediate]. Warning: Values of some of the flags specified in the 'schema_option' property are not compatible with the publication's compatibility level. The modified schema_option value of '%1!s!' will be used instead. The schema option to script out the FILESTREAM attribute on varbinary(max) columns has been enabled for article '%1!s!'. Enabling this option after the article is created can cause replication to fail when the data in a FILESTREAM column exceeds 2GB and there is a conflict during replication. If you want FILESTREAM data to be replicated, drop and re-create the article, and specify the appropriate schema option when you re-create the article. For more information, query the sys.dm_cdc_errors dynamic management view. lThe existing conflict table '%1!s!' was dropped. The roundtrip '%1!s!' finished with timeout: %2!s! seconds. |The topology contains peer node versions that do not support conflict detection. To use conflict detection, ensure that all nodes in the topology are SQL Server 2008 or later versions. The topology contains a duplicate originator ID. To use conflict detection, the originator ID must be unique across the topology. <A conflict of type '%1!s!' was detected at peer %2!s! between peer %3!s! (incoming), transaction id %4!s! and peer %5!s! (on disk), transaction id %6!s! ,%1!s! has %2!s!. DA delete-delete conflict was detected and resolved. The row could not be deleted from the peer since the row does not exist. The incoming delete was skipped. A delete-update conflict between peer %1!s! (incoming) and peer %2!s! (on disk) was detected and could not be resolved automatically. The incoming delete was skipped by peer %3!s!. The conflict has to be resolved manually to guarantee data convergence between the peers. For steps on how to resolve the conflict refer to BOL. <A delete-update conflict between peer %1!s! (incoming) and peer %2!s! (on disk) was detected and resolved. The incoming delete was applied to peer %3!s!. @An update-update conflict between peer %1!s! (incoming) and peer %2!s! (on disk) was detected and resolved. The incoming update was skipped by peer %3!s!. @An update-update conflict between peer %1!s! (incoming) and peer %2!s! (on disk) was detected and resolved. The incoming update was applied to peer %3!s!. D An update-delete conflict was detected and unresolved. The row could not be updated since the row does not exist. The incoming update was skipped. Check the priority of the destination peer and run data validation to ensure the delete conflict did not result in data non-convergence. @An insert-insert conflict between peer %1!s! (incoming) and peer %2!s! (on disk) was detected and resolved. The incoming insert was skipped by peer %3!s!. @An insert-insert conflict between peer %1!s! (incoming) and peer %2!s! (on disk) was detected and resolved. The incoming insert was applied to peer %3!s!. Could not delete change table entries made obsolete by a change in one or more low water marks for capture instances of database %1!s!. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. ,Could not delete obsolete entries in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table for database %1!s!. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. Warning: The @allow_partition_switch parameter is set to 1. Change data capture will not track changes introduced in the table resulting from a partition switch which will cause data inconsistency when changes are consumed. Refer to books online for more information about partition switching behavior when using Change Data Capture. Warning: The @allow_partition_switch parameter is set to 0. ALTER TABLE ... SWITCH PARTITION statement will be disallowed on this partitioned table. Refer to books online for more information about partition switching behavior when using Change Data Capture. Warning: The @allow_partition_switch parameter must be 1 for tables that are not partitioned. The explicit setting of the parameter to 0 was ignored. Refer to books online for more information about partition switching behavior when using Change Data Capture. Unable to upgrade database '%1!s!'. Error '%2!s!' was raised: '%3!s!'. Use the reported error to determine the cause of the failure and then execute sys.sp_cdc_vupgrade in the database context to rerun upgrade. Database '%1!s!' is already enabled for Change Data Capture. Ensure that the correct database context is set, and retry the operation. To report on the databases enabled for Change Data Capture, query the is_cdc_enabled column in the sys.databases catalog view. HSchema Changes and Bulk Inserts <Prepare Dynamic Snapshot 'sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file' is skipping records from "%1!s!" at offset %2!s!. The Extended Events session named "%1!s!" was modified during the upgrade and one of the bucketizer targets was excluded from the Extended Events session. Only one bucketizer target is supported for each Extended Events session. \The server could not load the certificate it needs to initiate an SSL connection. It returned the following error: %1!s!. Check certificates to make sure they are valid. The certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%1!s!"] was successfully loaded for encryption. (Unable to initialize SSL encryption because a valid certificate could not be found, and it is not possible to create a self-signed certificate. A self-generated certificate was successfully loaded for encryption. hServer is listening on [ %1!s! <%2!s!> %3!s!]. tHTTP authentication succeeded for user '%1!s!'.%2!s! Server named pipe provider is ready to accept connection on [ %1!s! ]. HThe SQL Server Network Interface library was unable to execute polite termination due to outstanding connections. It will proceed with immediate termination. |The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Windows return code: %1!s!, state: %2!s!. Failure to register a SPN might cause integrated authentication to use NTLM instead of Kerberos. This is an informational message. Further action is only required if Kerberos authentication is required by authentication policies and if the SPN has not been manually registered. The SQL Server Network Interface library could not deregister the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Error: %1!s!, state: %2!s!. Administrator should deregister this SPN manually to avoid client authentication errors. Server TCP provider has successfully reestablished listening on port [ %1!s! ]. Server HTTP provider has successfully reestablished listening. Server named pipe provider has successfully reestablished listening on [ %1!s! ]. Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on [ %1!s! ]. Server local connection provider has successfully re-established listening on [ %1!s! ]. SQL Server Network Interfaces initialized listeners on node %1!s! of a multi-node (NUMA) server configuration with node affinity mask 0x%2!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Failed to update the dedicated administrator connection (DAC) port number in the registry. Clients may not be able to discover the correct DAC port through the SQL Server Browser Service. Error: %1!s!. The SQL Server Network Interface library successfully registered the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ %1!s! ] for the SQL Server service. The SQL Server Network Interface library successfully deregistered the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ %1!s! ] for the SQL Server service. Failed to determine the fully qualified domain name of the computer while composing the Service Principal Name (SPN). This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %1!s!. SQL Server could not listen on IP address [%1!s!] because the cluster resource '%2!s!' is not online (state = %3!s!). This is an informational message and may indicate that resource '%4!s!' has OR type of dependency on several IP addresses some of which are currently offline or in a failed state. Further action is only required if it is generally possible to bind the IP address of the cluster resource '%5!s!' to a network segment on the current hosting node. The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ %1!s! ] for the SQL Server service. Windows return code: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. Failure to register a SPN might cause integrated authentication to use NTLM instead of Kerberos. This is an informational message. Further action is only required if Kerberos authentication is required by authentication policies and if the SPN has not been manually registered. The SQL Server Network Interface library could not deregister the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ %1!s! ] for the SQL Server service. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. Administrator should deregister this SPN manually to avoid client authentication errors. Started listening on virtual network name '%1!s!'. No user action is required. Stopped listening on virtual network name '%1!s!'. No user action is required. XFound multiple dependent virtual network names for the Windows Failover Cluster Resource '%1!s!'. SQL Server will only listen on the first virtual network name resource: '%2!s!'. This may indicate that there is an incorrect configuration of the Windows Failover Cluster Resources for SQL Server. SQL Server is attempting to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Kerberos authentication will not be possible until a SPN is registered for the SQL Server service. This is an informational message. No user action is required. The restore operation for project '%1!s!' from version '%2!s!' has started. The restore operation for project '%1!s!' to version '%2!s!' has completed. Warning: the requested permission has already been granted to the user. The duplicate request will be ignored. tWarning: During startup, the Integration Services server marked operation %1!s! (type %2!s!, status %3!s!) as terminated. Please check the operation/event log for operation details. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate is not yet valid. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate has expired. Connection handshake failed. Not enough memory available. State %1!s!. Connection handshake failed. There is no compatible %1!s!. State %2!s!. Connection handshake failed. Could not send a handshake message because the connection was closed by peer. State %1!s!. Connection handshake failed. Unexpected event (%1!s!) for current context (%2!s!). State %3!s!. Connection handshake failed. A call to the SQL Server Network Interface failed: (%1!s!) %2!s!. State %3!s!. Connection handshake failed. An OS call failed: (%1!s!) %2!s!. State %3!s!. hA previously existing connection with the same peer was detected during connection handshake. This connection lost the arbitration and it will be closed. All traffic will be redirected to the previously existing connection. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. State %1!s!. A new connection was established with the same peer. This connection lost the arbitration and it will be closed. All traffic will be redirected to the newly opened connection. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. State %1!s!. Connection handshake failed. The login '%1!s!' does not have CONNECT permission on the endpoint. State %2!s!. Connection handshake failed. The certificate used by the peer is invalid due to the following reason: %1!s!. State %2!s!. Connection handshake failed. The certificate used by this endpoint was not found: %1!s!. Use DBCC CHECKDB in master database to verify the metadata integrity of the endpoints. State %2!s!. Connection handshake failed. Error %1!s! occurred while initializing the private key corresponding to the certificate. The SQL Server errorlog and the Windows event log may contain entries related to this error. State %2!s!. Connection handshake failed. The handshake verification failed. State %1!s!. Connection handshake failed. The receive SSPI packet is not of type of the negotiated package. State %1!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The adjacent error message header is invalid. DConnection handshake failed. The certificate used by the peer does not match the one in MASTER database with same issuer name and serial number. State %1!s!. %1!s! Login succeeded for user '%2!s!'. Authentication mode: %3!s!. %4!s! t%1!s! login attempt failed with error: '%2!s!'. %3!s! %1!s! login attempt by user '%2!s!' failed with error: '%3!s!'. %4!s! The session keys for this conversation could not be created or accessed. The database master key is required for this operation. Could not save a dialog session key. A master key is required in the database to save the session key. PService Broker in database '%1!s!' has a pending conversation upgrade operation. A database master key in the database is required for this operation to complete. Connection handshake failed. The received SSPI message Confirm status is unexpected. State %1!s!. The broker in the sender's database is in single user mode. Messages cannot be delivered while in single user mode. Could not query the FIPS compliance mode flag from registry. Error %1!s!. %1!s! endpoint is running in FIPS compliance mode. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. The RC4 encryption algorithm is not supported when running in FIPS compliance mode. Connection handshake failed. The received SSPI packet is not of the expected direction. State %1!s!. Connection handshake failed. The %1!s! endpoint is not configured. State %2!s!. Connection handshake failed. An unexpected status %1!s! was returned when trying to send a handshake message. State %2!s!. Connection handshake failed. An unexpected internal failure occurred when trying to marshal a message. State %1!s!. An error occurred in Service Broker internal activation while trying to scan the user queue '%1!s!' for its status. Error: %2!s!, State: %3!s!. %4!s! This is an informational message only. No user action is required.  Starting endpoint for %1!s! with no authentication is not supported. A previously existing connection with the same peer was found after DNS lookup. This connection will be closed. All traffic will be redirected to the previously existing connection. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. State %1!s!. During the database upgrade process on database '%1!s!', a user object '%2!s!' named '%3!s!' was found to already exist. That object is now reserved by the system in this version of SQL Server. Because it already exists in the database, the upgrade process is unable to install the object. Remove or rename the user object from the original (pre-upgraded) database on an older version of SQL Server and then retry the database upgrade process by using CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH. Functionality that relies on the reserved object may not function correctly if you continue to use the database in the current state. @SQLSQM.EXE cannot be launched. This can either be caused if the required information in the registry is missing or corrupted or SQLSQM.EXE cannot be found. Global Deadlock Monitor is inactive. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Warning: The configuration of a full-text stoplist was modified using the WITH NO POPULATION clause. This put the full-text index into an inconsistent state. To bring the full-text index into a consistent state, start a full population. The basic Transact-SQL syntax for this is: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON table_name START FULL POPULATION. The full-text index is in an inconsistent state because the search property list of the full-text index was reconfigured using the WITH NO POPULATION clause. To bring the full-text index into a consistent state, start a full population using the statement ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> START FULL POPULATION;. This is a warning. No user action is necessary. HDuring a full-text crawl of table or indexed view '%1!s!', an unregistered property, '%2!s!', was found in batch ID %3!s!. This property will be indexed as part of the generic content and will be unavailable for property-scoped full-text queries. Table or indexed view ID is '%4!s!'. Database ID is '%5!s!'. For information about registering properties and updating the full-text index of a table or indexed view, see the full-text search documentation in SQL Server Books Online. This is an informational message. No user action is necessary. tThe master merge started at the end of the full crawl of table or indexed view '%1!s!' failed with HRESULT = '0x%2!s!'. Database ID is '%3!s!', table id is %4!s!, catalog ID: %5!s!. hInformational: Ignoring duplicate thesaurus rule '%1!s!' while loading thesaurus file for LCID %2!s!. A duplicate thesaurus phrase was encountered in either the <sub> section of an expansion rule or the <pat> section of a replacement rule. This causes an ambiguity and hence this phrase will be ignored. Full-text catalog import has started for full-text catalog '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!'. Full-text catalog import has finished for full-text catalog '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!'. %3!s! fragments and %4!s! keywords were processed. Upgrade option '%1!s!' is being used for full-text catalog '%2!s!' in database '%3!s!'. Warning: SQL Server could not set fdhost.exe processor affinity to %1!s! because the value is not valid. hFilegroup '%1!s!' is offline, readonly, or no data file. Full-text population on table '%2!s!' is not resumed. Resume full-text population after fixing the filegroup status. Warning: The detach operation cannot delete a full-text index created on table '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' because the index is on a read-only filegroup. To drop the full-text index, re-attach the database, change the read-only filegroup to read/write access and then detach it. This warning will not fail the database detach operation. pDuring the database upgrade, the full-text filter component '%1!s!' that is used by catalog '%2!s!' was successfully verified. Component version is '%3!s!'; Full path is '%4!s!'. During the database upgrade, the full-text word-breaker component '%1!s!' that is used by catalog '%2!s!' was successfully verified. Component version is '%3!s!'. Full path is '%4!s!'. Language requested is %5!s!. Language used is %6!s!. During the database upgrade, the full-text protocol handler component '%1!s!' that is used by catalog '%2!s!' was successfully verified. Component version is '%3!s!'. Full path is '%4!s!'. Program ID is '%5!s!'. Full-text crawls for database ID: %1!s!, table ID: %2!s!, catalog ID: %3!s! will be stopped since the clustered index on the table has been altered or dropped. Crawl will need to re-start from the beginning. Full-text crawl forward progress information for database ID: %1!s!, table ID: %2!s!, catalog ID: %3!s! has been reset due to the modification of the clustered index. Crawl will re-start from the beginning when it is unpaused. @The fulltext query did not use the value specified for the OPTIMIZE FOR hint because the query contained more than one type of full-text logical operator. The full text query ignored UNKNOWN in the OPTIMIZE FOR hint. DA cached plan was compiled using trace flags that are incompatible with the current values. Consider recompiling the query with the new trace flag settings. The full-text filter daemon host process has stopped normally. The process will be automatically restarted if necessary. A new instance of the full-text filter daemon host process has been successfully started. A request to start a full-text index population on table or indexed view '%1!s!' is ignored because a population is currently paused. Either resume or stop the paused population. To resume it, use the following Transact-SQL statement: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON %2!s! RESUME POPULATION. To stop it, use the following statement: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON %3!s! STOP POPULATION. The version of the language components used by full-text catalog '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' is different from the version of the language components included this version of SQL Server. The full-text catalog will still be imported as part of database upgrade. To avoid any possible inconsistencies of query results, consider rebuilding the full-text catalog. 0A full-text retry pass of %1!s! population started for table or indexed view '%2!s!'. Table or indexed view ID is '%3!s!'. Database ID is '%4!s!'. LThe fulltext catalog upgrade failed because of an inconsistency in metadata between sys.master_files and sys.fulltext_catalogs for the catalog ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s!. Try to reattach this database. If this fails, then the catalog will need to be dropped or recreated before attach. An internal query to load data for a crawl on database '%1!s!' and table '%2!s!' failed with error code %3!s!. Check the sql error code for more information about the condition causing this failure. The crawl needs to be restarted after this condition is removed. TReconfiguring the search property list of the full-text index has truncated the existing data in the index. Until the full-text index has been fully repopulated, full-text queries will return partial results. The ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST ...; statement automatically issues a full population, but if the ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement specified the WITH NO POPULATION clause, you must run a full population on the full-text index using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> START FULL POPULATION;. This is a warning. 8Warning Master Merge operation was not done for dbid %1!s!, objid %2!s!, so querying index will be slow. Please run alter fulltext catalog reorganize. XLog shipping backup log job for %1!s!. XLog shipping copy job for %1!s!:%2!s!. dLog shipping restore log job for %1!s!:%2!s!. LLog shipping backup log job step. @Log shipping copy job step. PLog shipping restore log job step. Database %1!s! is not ONLINE. The backup job will not be performed until this database is brought online. 8Log shipping alert job. DLog shipping alert job step. LLog shipping alert job schedule. PLog shipping Primary Server Alert. TLog shipping Secondary Server Alert. dLog shipping backup agent [%1!s!] has verified log backup file '%2!s!.wrk' and renamed it as '%3!s!.trn'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Could not query monitor information for log shipping primary %1!s!.%2!s! from monitor server %3!s!. Could not query monitor information for log shipping secondary %1!s!.%2!s! from monitor server %3!s!. System administrator privilege is required to update the base table. The base table was not updated. Cannot %1!s! signature %2!s! %3!s! '%4!s!'. Signature already exists or cannot be added. Cannot drop the key with thumbprint '%1!s!' in the provider. Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to disable the provider for all users. xCryptographic provider is now dropped. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to drop the provider for all users. Cryptographic provider library '%1!s!' loaded into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. xFailed to verify Authenticode signature on DLL '%1!s!'. One or more methods cannot be found in cryptographic provider library '%1!s!'. hSQL Server Audit failed to record %1!s! action. Attempting to load library '%1!s!' into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. LWarning: The certificate used for encrypting the database encryption key has not been backed up. You should immediately back up the certificate and the private key associated with the certificate. If the certificate ever becomes unavailable or if you must restore or attach the database on another server, you must have backups of both the certificate and the private key or you will not be able to open the database. Failed to verify the Authenticode signature of '%1!s!'. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support. lAn error occurred during Service Master Key %1!s! Service Master Key could not be decrypted using one of its encryptions. See sys.key_encryptions for details. A generic failure occurred during Service Master Key encryption or decryption. |Beginning database encryption scan for database '%1!s!'. Database encryption scan for database '%1!s!' is complete. Database encryption scan for database '%1!s!' was aborted. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan. <Database encryption scan for database '%1!s!' cannot complete since one or more files are offline. Bring the files online to run the scan to completion. Can not create login token because there are too many secondary principals. The maximum number of allowed secondary principals allowed is %1!s!. To fix this, remove the login from a server role. |Database encryption key is corrupted and cannot be read. 0Audit event: %1!s!. @Audit '%1!s!' has been changed to ON_FAILURE=CONTINUE because the server was started by using the -m flag. because the server was started with the -m flag. SQL Server Audit failed to start, and the server is being shut down. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting. <One or more audits failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause, and correct the problems associated with each error. SQL Server was started using the -f flag. SQL Server Audit is disabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required. SQL Server Audit is starting the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required. SQL Server Audit has started the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required. The server was stopped because SQL Server Audit '%1!s!' is configured to shut down on failure. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting. `Audit '%1!s!' failed to %2!s!. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. You can also query sys.dm_os_ring_buffers where ring_buffer_type = 'RING_BUFFER_XE_LOG'. The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%1!s!' at offset %2!s!. The queue %1!s! in database %2!s! has activation enabled and contains unlocked messages but no RECEIVE has been executed for %3!s! seconds. Cannot start cluster endpoint because the default %1!s! endpoint configuration has not been loaded yet. When the FILESTREAM database option NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS is set to FULL and the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION options are on, T-SQL and transactional read access to FILESTREAM data in the context of a FILETABLE is blocked. Killed %1!s! non-transactional FILESTREAM handles from database ID %2!s!. Unable to perform the Filetable lost update recovery for database id %1!s!. DFILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled, but no listener for the availability group is created. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online. pFILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled. One or more availability groups ('%1!s!') currently do not have a listener. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online. LA connection timeout has occurred while attempting to establish a connection to availability replica '%1!s!' with id [%2!s!]. Either a networking or firewall issue exists, or the endpoint address provided for the replica is not the database mirroring endpoint of the host server instance. A connection for availability group '%1!s!' from availability replica '%2!s!' with id [%3!s!] to '%4!s!' with id [%5!s!] has been successfully established. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 0The connection between server instances '%1!s!' with id [%2!s!] and '%3!s!' with id [%4!s!] has been disabled because the database mirroring endpoint was either disabled or stopped. Restart the endpoint by using the ALTER ENDPOINT Transact-SQL statement with STATE = STARTED. A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica '%1!s!' with id [%2!s!]. Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role. AlwaysOn Availability Groups data movement for database '%1!s!' has been suspended for the following reason: "%2!s!" (Source ID %3!s!; Source string: '%4!s!'). To resume data movement on the database, you will need to resume the database manually. For information about how to resume an availability database, see SQL Server Books Online. 4AlwaysOn Availability Groups data movement for database '%1!s!' has been resumed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 8AlwaysOn Availability Groups connection with %1!s! database established for %2!s! database '%3!s!' on the availability replica with Replica ID: {%4!s!-%5!s!-%6!s!-%7!s!%8!s!-%9!s!%10!s!%11!s!%12!s!%13!s!%14!s!}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 4AlwaysOn Availability Groups connection with %1!s! database terminated for %2!s! database '%3!s!' on the availability replica with Replica ID: {%4!s!-%5!s!-%6!s!-%7!s!%8!s!-%9!s!%10!s!%11!s!%12!s!%13!s!%14!s!}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Received a corrupt FileStream transport message. The '%1!s!' message section is invalid. ,Bypassing recovery for database '%1!s!' because it is marked as an inaccessible availability database. The session with the primary replica was interrupted while reverting the database to the common recovery point. Either the WSFC node lacks quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, you need to determine what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change. Recovery for availability database '%1!s!' is pending until the secondary replica receives additional transaction log from the primary before it complete and come online. Ensure that the server instance that hosts the primary replica is running. TFailed to acquire exclusive access to the extended recovery fork stack (error %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server. <Log backup for database "%1!s!" on secondary replica created backup files successfully but could not ensure that a backup point has been committed on the primary. This is an informational message only. Preserve this log backup along with the other log backups of this database. The backup on the secondary database "%1!s!" was terminated, but a terminate backup message could not be sent to the primary replica. This is an informational message only. The primary replica should detect this error and clean up its backup history accordingly. Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back in database %1!s! for an AlwaysOn Availability Groups state change. Estimated rollback completion: %2!s!%%. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ONLINE (ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS ,ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS decryption creation Replication (Change Tracking 0Change Data Capture mirrored primary secondary SCHEDULER NUMANODE \Unable to execute T-SQL within procedure due to SQL Server limitation.\nPlease execute following T-SQL in database '%1!s!' context after this procedure finishes:\n%2!s! This session has been assigned a tracing ID of '%1!s!'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%1!s!'. The WSFC group with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a group name that is unique in the cluster. \AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service has become unavailable. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. PAlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. XAlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering service to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. @AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. TAlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 8AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. `AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. <AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: Availability group '%1!s!' was removed while the availability replica on this instance of SQL Server was offline. The local replica will be removed now. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is stopping. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is preparing to transition to the primary role in response to a request from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is preparing to transition to the resolving role in response to a request from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 4AlwaysOn: Availability group '%1!s!' is going offline because it is being removed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. LAlwaysOn Availability Groups startup has been cancelled, because SQL Server is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Failed to update Replica status within the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) due to exception %1!s!. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline because either the lease expired or lease renewal failed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. $AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is going offline because %1!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is restarting because the existing primary replica restarted or the availability group failed over to a new primary replica. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to availability group '%1!s!' to Failed. The resource state is not consistent with the availability group state in the instance of SQL Server. The WSFC resource state indicates that the local availability replica is the primary replica, but the local replica is not in the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. $AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed to validate the integrity of the availability group configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. This is expected if the availability group has been removed from another instance of SQL Server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration because of a version mismatch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is restarting, because it failed to read the persisted configuration. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration, and it has exhausted the maximum for restart attempts. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Failed to persist configuration data of availability group '%1!s!' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. The local availability replica either is not the primary replica or is shutting down. Startup of the AlwaysOn Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the 'FixQuorum' property of Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) is not present. The prerequisite QFE hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2"). AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. tAlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. |The local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' cannot accept signal '%2!s!' in its current replica role, '%3!s!', and state (configuration is %4!s! in Windows Server Failover Clustering store, local availability replica has %5!s! joined). The availability replica signal is invalid given the current replica role. When the signal is permitted based on the current role of the local availability replica, retry the operation. Failed to bring availability group '%1!s!' online. The operation timed out. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online. Then verify that the availability group resource exists in the WSFC cluster. If the problem persists, you might need to drop the availability group and create it again. Cannot remove database '%1!s!' from availability group '%2!s!'. Either the database does not belong to the availability group, or the database has not joined the group. Verify the database and availability group names, and retry the command. Startup of AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %1!s!. To determine the cause of this error, check the SQL Server error log for the preceding error. dAbandoning a database operation '%1!s!' on availability database '%2!s!' of availability group '%3!s!'. The sequence number of local availability replica has changed (Previous sequence number: %4!s!, current sequence number: %5!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Failed to set database information for availability group %1!s!. The local availability replica is not the primary replica, or it is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. tCannot join database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The database has already joined the availability group. This is an informational message. No user action is required. AlwaysOn Availability Groups was not started because %1!s!. This is an informational message. No user action is required. dPost-online processing for availability group '%1!s!' has been terminated. Either post-online processing has already completed, the local availability replica is no longer the primary replica, or the availability group is being dropped. This is an informational message. No user action is required. Failed to start the task of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) event notification worker (SQL OS error: %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server. LFailed to stop the task of WSFC event notification worker (SQL OS error: %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server. |Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server. Replica option specified in ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP '%1!s!' MODIFY DDL is same is cached availability group configuration. LCannot join database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The database is in the process of being removed from the availability group. When the remove-database operation completes, the database will no longer be joined to the availability group. Then retry the join-database command. LError %1!s! occurred during semantic index population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID %3!s!, database ID %4!s!, document ID %5!s!) An ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement cannot remove the 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' option from the last column in the index that has the option set when a "WITH NO POPULATION" clause is specified. Remove the "WITH NO POPULATION" clause. A locale ID that is not supported was specified for a column with 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS'. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and that the corresponding language statistics has been installed. \Warning: The population for table or indexed view '%1!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%2!s!', database ID '%3!s!') encountered a document with full-text key value '%4!s!' that specifies a language not supported for semantic indexing. Some columns of the row will not be part of the semantic index. A semantic language statistics database is not registered. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated. DThe semantic language statistics database is not accessible or not valid. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated. The current value of option '%1!s!' for table '%2!s!', index '%3!s!' is %4!s!. The number of max worker threads that is configured %1!s! is less than the minimum allowed on this computer. The default number of %2!s! will be used instead. To change the number of max worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'. There are not enough worker threads available for the number of CPUs. This is because one or more CPUs were added. To increase the number of worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'. Detected %1!s! MB of RAM. This is an informational message; no user action is required. The service account is '%1!s!'. This is an informational message; no user action is required. 4Error %1!s! occurred while opening parameters file '%2!s!'. Verify that the file exists, and if it exists, verify that it is a valid parameters file. Error %1!s! occurred while processing parameters from either the registry or the command prompt. Verify your parameters. Ignored deprecated SQL Server startup parameters from the registry: %1!s! The following SQL Server startup parameters are either deprecated or incorrectly specified: %1!s! XMultiple instances of SQL server are installed on this computer. Renter the command, specifying the -s parameter with the name of the instance that you want to start. PSoftware Usage Metrics is disabled. XSoftware Usage Metrics failed to start. PSoftware Usage Metrics is enabled. The server could not load DCOM. Software Usage Metrics cannot be started without DCOM. Warning: Fatal error %1!s! occurred at %2!s!. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator. DQuery not allowed in Waitfor. HIncorrect syntax near '%1!s!'. The %1!s! that starts with '%2!s!' is too long. Maximum length is %3!s!. ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '%1!s!'. Too many table names in the query. The maximum allowable is %1!s!. The column prefix '%1!s!' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. The ORDER BY position number %1!s! is out of range of the number of items in the select list. There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement. There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement. t'%1!s!' must be the first statement in a query batch. lVariables are not allowed in the %1!s! statement. HMissing end comment mark '*/'. Browse mode is invalid for a statement that assigns values to a variable. The FOR UPDATE clause is invalid for statements containing set operators. Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS. The %1!s! name '%2!s!' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is %3!s!. Must pass parameter number %1!s! and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '@name = value'. <The select list for the INSERT statement contains fewer items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns. 8The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns. pThe %1!s! option is allowed only with %2!s! syntax. Batch/procedure exceeds maximum length of %1!s! characters. \CREATE PROCEDURE contains no statements. pCase expressions may only be nested to level %1!s!. DInvalid pseudocolumn "%1!s!". tA TOP N or FETCH rowcount value may not be negative. `The name "%1!s!" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted. Fillfactor %1!s! is not a valid percentage; fillfactor must be between 1 and 100. Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery. The size (%1!s!) given to the %2!s! '%3!s!' exceeds the maximum allowed for any data type (%4!s!). The label '%1!s!' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. A GOTO statement references the label '%1!s!' but the label has not been declared. The variable name '%1!s!' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. Cannot use a BREAK statement outside the scope of a WHILE statement. Cannot use a CONTINUE statement outside the scope of a WHILE statement. \Must declare the scalar variable "%1!s!". hCorrelation clause in a subquery not permitted. pCannot assign a default value to a local variable. |Can only use IF UPDATE within a CREATE TRIGGER statement. A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations. Incorrect syntax for definition of the '%1!s!' constraint. Cannot use an aggregate or a subquery in an expression used for the group by list of a GROUP BY clause. ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified. Could not allocate ancillary table for a subquery. Maximum number of tables in a query (%1!s!) exceeded. lAn aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference. Incorrect time syntax in time string '%1!s!' used with WAITFOR. Time value '%1!s!' used with WAITFOR is not a valid value. Check date/time syntax. P'%1!s!' is an invalid money value. The same large data placement option "%1!s!" has been specified twice. |Invalid usage of the option %1!s! in the %2!s! statement. H%1!s! is not allowed in %2!s!. \'%1!s!' is not a recognized %2!s! option. `Incorrect syntax near the keyword '%1!s!'. An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement. lAn aggregate may not appear in the OUTPUT clause. Must specify the table name and index name for the DROP INDEX statement. LRule does not contain a variable. TRule contains more than one variable. dInvalid expression in a TOP or OFFSET clause. Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference. hPrivilege %1!s! may not be granted or revoked. '%1!s!' does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the object name. `Cannot create %1!s! on a temporary object. The floating point value '%1!s!' is out of the range of computer representation (%2!s! bytes). A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique. Browse mode cannot be used with INSERT, SELECT INTO, or UPDATE statements. PCannot use HOLDLOCK in browse mode. The definition for column '%1!s!' must include a data type. hThe %1!s! function requires %2!s! argument(s). An aggregate may not appear in a computed column expression or check constraint. xThe FOR BROWSE clause is no longer supported in views. The IDENTITY function can only be used when the SELECT statement has an INTO clause. A RETURN statement with a return value cannot be used in this context. Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure. There are too many parameters in this %1!s! statement. The maximum number is %2!s!. Cannot use the OUTPUT option in a DECLARE, CREATE AGGREGATE or CREATE FUNCTION statement. Table and column names must be supplied for the READTEXT or WRITETEXT utility. The scale (%1!s!) for column '%2!s!' must be within the range %3!s! to %4!s!. DEFAULT cannot be specified more than once for filegroups of the same content type. Data stream is invalid for WRITETEXT statement in bulk form. dData stream missing from WRITETEXT statement. tThe valid range for MAX_QUEUE_READERS is 0 to 32767. Cannot specify a log file in a CREATE DATABASE statement without also specifying at least one data file. tThe %1!s! function requires %2!s! to %3!s! arguments. xAn invalid date or time was specified in the statement. Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Rewrite the query or break it up into smaller queries. xThe scale must be less than or equal to the precision. The object or column name starting with '%1!s!' is too long. The maximum length is %2!s! characters. A SELECT INTO statement cannot contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable. P'%1!s!' is not a recognized %2!s!. SELECT INTO must be the first query in a statement containing a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator. EXECUTE cannot be used as a source when inserting into a table variable. Browse mode is invalid for statements containing a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator. An INSERT statement cannot contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable. Procedure or function '%1!s!' expects parameter '%2!s!', which was not supplied. HInvalid type '%1!s!' for WAITFOR. Supported data types are CHAR/VARCHAR, NCHAR/NVARCHAR, and DATETIME. WAITFOR DELAY supports the INT and SMALLINT data types. `The name '%1!s!' is not a valid identifier. PNormalization error in node %1!s!. All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists. tOperand type clash: %1!s! is incompatible with %2!s! DInvalid column name '%1!s!'. DInvalid object name '%1!s!'. HAmbiguous column name '%1!s!'. Conversion failed when converting datetime from binary/varbinary string. pPossible schema corruption. Run DBCC CHECKCATALOG. Expression result length exceeds the maximum. %1!s! max, %2!s! found. Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. tProcedure expects parameter '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!'. Parameters supplied for object '%1!s!' which is not a function. If the parameters are intended as a table hint, a WITH keyword is required. xParameters were not supplied for the function '%1!s!'. Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit %1!s!). Could not find the type '%1!s!'. Either it does not exist or you do not have the necessary permission. The type '%1!s!' already exists, or you do not have permission to create it. Arithmetic overflow error for data type %1!s!, value = %2!s!. The base type "%1!s!" is not a valid base type for the alias data type. Object ID %1!s! specified as a default for table ID %2!s!, column ID %3!s! is missing or not of type default. Object ID %1!s! specified as a rule for table ID %2!s!, column ID %3!s! is missing or not of type default. The parameters supplied for the %1!s! "%2!s!" are not valid. %1!s! statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction. t"%1!s!" is not a valid function, property, or field. Method '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' does not return any value. The %1!s! permission was denied on the object '%2!s!', database '%3!s!', schema '%4!s!'. The %1!s! permission was denied on the column '%2!s!' of the object '%3!s!', database '%4!s!', schema '%5!s!'. lNo such default. ID = %1!s!, database ID = %2!s!. |Arithmetic overflow error for type %1!s!, value = %2!s!. pThe column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' cannot be null. There is insufficient result space to convert a money value to %1!s!. Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax. The conversion from char data type to money resulted in a money overflow error. There is insufficient result space to convert a money value to %1!s!. Duplicate common table expression name '%1!s!' was specified. Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column "%1!s!" of recursive query "%2!s!". Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. The conversion of a %1!s! data type to a %2!s! data type resulted in an out-of-range value. \Type %1!s! is not a defined system type. The conversion of the %1!s! value '%2!s!' overflowed an %3!s! column. Use a larger integer column. Conversion failed when converting the %1!s! value '%2!s!' to data type %3!s!. No anchor member was specified for recursive query "%1!s!". An anchor member was found in the recursive part of recursive query "%1!s!". The conversion of the %1!s! value '%2!s!' overflowed an int column. The type "%1!s!" is not comparable. It cannot be used in the %2!s! clause. Could not allocate ancillary table for query optimization. Maximum number of tables in a query (%1!s!) exceeded. Recursive common table expression '%1!s!' does not contain a top-level UNION ALL operator. Recursive member of a common table expression '%1!s!' has multiple recursive references. Prefixed columns are not allowed in the column list of a PIVOT operator. Pseudocolumns are not allowed in the column list of a PIVOT operator. The data type %1!s! is invalid for the %2!s! function. Allowed types are: char/varchar, nchar/nvarchar, and binary/varbinary. Implicit conversion from data type %1!s! to %2!s! is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. DCannot call methods on %1!s!. pAd hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed. 0Disallowed implicit conversion from data type %1!s! to data type %2!s!, table '%3!s!', column '%4!s!'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. T'%1!s!' is not a recognized function. d%1!s! permission denied in database '%2!s!'. PMust specify table to select from. The column name '%1!s!' is specified more than once in the SET clause or column list of an INSERT. A column cannot be assigned more than one value in the same clause. Modify the clause to make sure that a column is updated only once. If this statement updates or inserts columns into a view, column aliasing can conceal the duplication in your code. The column name "%1!s!" specified in the %2!s! operator conflicts with the existing column name in the %3!s! argument. $Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = %1!s!, current count = %2!s!. HObject '%1!s!' cannot be found. Cannot run SELECT INTO in this database. The database owner must run sp_dboption to enable this option. PObject '%1!s!' cannot be modified. The column "%1!s!" cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator. LCannot update a timestamp column. XCannot insert an explicit value into a timestamp column. Use INSERT with a column list to exclude the timestamp column, or insert a DEFAULT into the timestamp column. Prefixes are not allowed in value or pivot columns of an UNPIVOT operator. Pseudocolumns are not allowed as value or pivot columns of an UNPIVOT operator. The column "%1!s!" is specified multiple times in the column list of the UNPIVOT operator. The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be used in a GROUP BY clause. The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression. Only base table columns are allowed in the TEXTPTR function. %1!s! is not a valid style number when converting from %2!s! to a character string. READTEXT cannot be used on inserted or deleted tables within an INSTEAD OF trigger. Rules cannot be bound to text, ntext, or image data types. The READTEXT, WRITETEXT, and UPDATETEXT statements cannot be used with views or functions. The logical tables INSERTED and DELETED cannot be updated. tThe %1!s! statement is not allowed within a trigger. The PATINDEX function operates on char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar, text, and ntext data types only. Cannot construct data type %1!s!, some of the arguments have values which are not valid. Invalid EXECUTE statement using object "%1!s!", method "%2!s!". CAST or CONVERT: invalid attributes specified for type '%1!s!' There is insufficient result space to convert a smallmoney value to %1!s!. Cannot convert char value to smallmoney. The char value has incorrect syntax. The conversion from char data type to smallmoney data type resulted in a smallmoney overflow error. Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type. |The user does not have permission to perform this action. %1!s! permission was denied on object '%2!s!', database '%3!s!'. Query contains an outer-join request that is not permitted. The newsequentialid() built-in function can only be used in a DEFAULT expression for a column of type 'uniqueidentifier' in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. It cannot be combined with other operators to form a complex scalar expression. The table '%1!s!' is an inner member of an outer-join clause. This is not allowed if the table also participates in a regular join clause. '%1!s!' is out of range for index option '%2!s!'. See sp_configure option '%3!s!' for valid values. The XML data type cannot be compared or sorted, except when using the IS NULL operator. The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator. Index ID %1!s! on table '%2!s!' (specified in the FROM clause) does not exist. Index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' (specified in the FROM clause) does not exist. Cannot use index "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!" in a hint. XML indexes are not allowed in hints. The value %1!s! specified for the MAXRECURSION option exceeds the allowed maximum of %2!s!. Cannot use text, ntext, or image columns in the 'inserted' and 'deleted' tables. Cannot reference text, ntext, or image columns in a filter stored procedure. An insufficient number of arguments were supplied for the procedure or function %1!s!. Cannot use GROUP BY ALL with the special tables INSERTED or DELETED. Index "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!" (specified in the FROM clause) is disabled or resides in a filegroup which is not online. The index ID %1!s! on table "%2!s!" (specified in the FROM clause) is disabled or resides in a filegroup which is not online. |Table-valued function '%1!s!' cannot have a column alias. The table (and its columns) returned by a table-valued method need to be aliased. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. The compile-time variable value for '%1!s!' in the OPTIMIZE FOR clause must be a literal. "%1!s!" is not a recognized table hints option. If it is intended as a parameter to a table-valued function or to the CHANGETABLE function, ensure that your database compatibility mode is set to 90. The variable "%1!s!" is specified in the OPTIMIZE FOR clause, but is not used in the query. |The 'ALL' version of the %1!s! operator is not supported. Incorrect syntax near '%1!s!'. You may need to set the compatibility level of the current database to a higher value to enable this feature. See help for the SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL option of ALTER DATABASE. Multi-part identifier '%1!s!' is ambiguous. Both columns '%2!s!' and '%3!s!' exist. Function call '%1!s!' is ambiguous: both a user-defined function and a method call with this name exist. ,A cursor plan could not be generated for the given statement because the textptr() function was used on a LOB column from one of the base tables. Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column reference. The target '%1!s!' of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot be a view or common table expression. The target table '%1!s!' of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot have any enabled triggers. DThe target table '%1!s!' of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot be on either side of a (primary key, foreign key) relationship. Found reference constraint '%2!s!'. @The target table '%1!s!' of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot have any enabled check constraints or any enabled rules. Found check constraint or rule '%2!s!'. (The target table '%1!s!' of the DML statement cannot have any enabled triggers if the statement contains an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause. HFunction call cannot be used to match a target table in the FROM clause of a DELETE or UPDATE statement. Use function name '%1!s!' without parameters instead. HIncorrect syntax near '%1!s!'. If this is intended to be a common table expression, you need to explicitly terminate the previous statement with a semi-colon. READEXT, WRITETEXT, and UPDATETEXT statements cannot be used with views, remote tables, and inserted or deleted tables inside triggers. DEFAULT or NULL are not allowed as explicit identity values. Cannot create the trigger "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!". AFTER triggers cannot be created on views. Replication filter procedures may not contain columns of large object, large value, XML or CLR type. Column "%1!s!" is not allowed in this context, and the user-defined function or aggregate "%2!s!" could not be found. Unknown object type '%1!s!' used in a CREATE, DROP, or ALTER statement. Remote function reference '%1!s!' is not allowed, and the column name '%2!s!' could not be found or is ambiguous. Function '%1!s!' is not allowed in the OUTPUT clause, because it performs user or system data access, or is assumed to perform this access. A function is assumed by default to perform data access if it is not schemabound. The parameter "%1!s!" can not be declared READONLY since it is not a table-valued parameter. The table-valued parameter "%1!s!" cannot be declared as an OUTPUT parameter. The table variable "%1!s!" can not be passed to a stored procedure with the OUTPUT option. tThe procedure "%1!s!" has no parameter named "%2!s!". The column "%1!s!" does not have a valid data type. A column cannot be of a user-defined table type. Column, parameter, or variable %1!s!. : Cannot find data type %2!s!. The table-valued parameter "%1!s!" must be declared with the READONLY option. Function '%1!s!' is not allowed in the %2!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. This is because the function performs user or system data access, or is assumed to perform this access. By default, a function is assumed to perform data access if it is not schema-bound. \The target '%1!s!' of the INSERT statement cannot be a view or common table expression when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. TThe target table '%1!s!' of the INSERT statement cannot have any enabled triggers when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. The target table '%1!s!' of the INSERT statement cannot be on either side of a (primary key, foreign key) relationship when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Found reference constraint '%2!s!'. xThe target table '%1!s!' of the INSERT statement cannot have any enabled rules when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Found rule '%2!s!'. The target table '%1!s!' of the MERGE statement cannot have any enabled rules. Found rule '%2!s!'. (The target '%1!s!' of an OUTPUT INTO clause has an index with the ignore_dup_key option and cannot be used when an OUTPUT clause is also used. The target column list of an INSERT, UPDATE, or MERGE statement cannot contain both a sparse column and the column set that contains the sparse column. Rewrite the statement to include either the sparse column or the column set, but not both. tThe number of target columns that are specified in an INSERT, UPDATE, or MERGE statement exceeds the maximum of %1!s!. This total number includes identity, timestamp, and columns that have default values. To correct this error, change the query to target a sparse column set instead of single sparse columns. pThe query processor could not produce a query plan because the name '%1!s!' in the FORCESEEK hint on table or view '%2!s!' did not match the key column names of the index '%3!s!'. LThe query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on table or view '%1!s!' cannot be used with the %2!s! specified by index '%3!s!'. The query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on view '%1!s!' is used without a NOEXPAND hint. Resubmit the query with the NOEXPAND hint or remove the FORCESEEK hint on the view. tThe query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on table or view '%1!s!' specified more seek columns than the number of key columns in index '%2!s!'. @The query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on table or view '%1!s!' cannot be used with the column store index '%2!s!'. dUnimplemented statement or expression %1!s!. The data types %1!s! and %2!s! are incompatible in the %3!s! operator. Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals %1!s!, type equals %2!s!. The column reference "inserted.%1!s!" is not allowed because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement. A remote table cannot be used as a DML target in a statement which includes an OUTPUT clause or a nested DML statement. %1!s! cannot be used in the PIVOT operator because it is not invariant to NULLs. Internal error. The string routine in file %1!s!, line %2!s! failed with HRESULT 0x%3!s!. A constant expression was encountered in the ORDER BY list, position %1!s!. The column "%1!s!" is not updatable because it is derived or constant. Correlated parameters or sub-queries are not supported by the inline function "%1!s!". UPDATE is not allowed because the statement updates view "%1!s!" which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger. DELETE is not allowed because the statement updates view "%1!s!" which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger. tThe service queue "%1!s!" cannot be directly updated. TOP is not allowed in an UPDATE or DELETE statement against a partitioned view. Objects exposing CLR type columns are not allowed in distributed queries. Use a pass-through query to access the remote object '%1!s!'. The %1!s! data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable. dCommon table expression defined but not used. XXml data type methods are not supported in check constraints. Create a scalar user-defined function to wrap the method invocation. The error occurred at table "%1!s!". Xml data type methods are not supported in computed column definitions of table variables and return tables of table-valued functions. The error occurred at column "%1!s!", table "%2!s!", in the %3!s! statement. Data type %1!s! of receiving variable is not equal to the data type %2!s! of column '%3!s!'. The length %1!s! of the receiving variable is less than the length %2!s! of the column '%3!s!'. Could not load the definition for constraint ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s!. Run DBCC CHECKCATALOG to verify the integrity of the database. xInsert bulk cannot be used in a multi-statement batch. Xml data type methods are not supported in check constraints anymore. Please drop the constraint or create a scalar user-defined function to wrap the method invocation. The error occurred at table "%1!s!". tFunction '%1!s!' is not allowed in the OUTPUT clause. Xml data type methods are not supported in computed column definitions. Create a scalar user-defined function to wrap the method invocation. The error occurred at column "%1!s!", table "%2!s!", in the %3!s! statement. Xml data type methods are not allowed in rules. The error occurred at table "%1!s!". Internal query compilation error. The stack overflow could not be handled. |Cannot use the '%1!s!' function on a remote data source. The NEST argument must be a column reference. Expressions are not allowed. Invalid use of a side-effecting operator '%1!s!' within a function. Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client. COLLATE clause cannot be used on expressions containing a COLLATE clause. Cannot resolve collation conflict between "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" in %3!s! operator for %4!s! operation. tExpression type %1!s! is invalid for COLLATE clause. @Invalid collation '%1!s!'. Collation conflict caused by collate clauses with different collation '%1!s!' and '%2!s!'. Code page translations are not supported for the text data type. From: %1!s! To: %2!s!. Cannot resolve collation conflict between "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" in %3!s! operator occurring in %4!s! statement column %5!s!. |COLLATE clause cannot be used on user-defined data types. Collation '%1!s!' is supported on Unicode data types only and cannot be set at the database or server level. pThe UNNEST argument must be a nested table column. The last statement included within a function must be a return statement. xImplicit conversion of %1!s! value to %2!s! cannot be performed because the resulting collation is unresolved due to collation conflict between "%3!s!" and "%4!s!" in %5!s! operator. Implicit conversion of %1!s! value to %2!s! cannot be performed because the collation of the value is unresolved due to a collation conflict between "%3!s!" and "%4!s!" in %5!s! operator. Cannot create the SELECT INTO target table "%1!s!" because the xml column "%2!s!" is typed with a schema collection "%3!s!" from database "%4!s!". Xml columns cannot refer to schemata across databases. Collation '%1!s!' is supported on Unicode data types only and cannot be applied to char, varchar or text data types. DISTINCT operator is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. The TOP or OFFSET operator is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. Outer join is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. Functions with parameters are not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. Functions with side effects are not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. pRecursive references are not allowed in subqueries. UNION operator is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. GROUP BY, HAVING, or aggregate functions are not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" in the %3!s! operation. 0An explicit column list must be specified for target table '%1!s!' when table hint KEEPIDENTITY is used and the table contains an identity column. The synonym "%1!s!" referenced synonym "%2!s!". Synonym chaining is not allowed. Only one of the three options, SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB or SINGLE_NCLOB, can be specified. Either a format file or one of the three options SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB, or SINGLE_NCLOB must be specified. The incorrect value "%1!s!" is supplied in the PIVOT operator. Unable to load the computed column definitions for table "%1!s!". Invalid SAMPLE clause. Only table names in the FROM clause of SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries may be sampled. Invalid PERCENT tablesample size "%1!s!" for table "%2!s!". The PERCENT tablesample size must be between 0 and 100. Invalid ROWS value or REPEATABLE seed in the TABLESAMPLE clause for table "%1!s!". The value or seed must be an integer. The TABLESAMPLE clause cannot be used in a view definition or inline table function definition. Invalid ROWS value or REPEATABLE seed "%1!s!" in the TABLESAMPLE clause for table "%2!s!". The value or seed must be greater than 0. The TABLESAMPLE clause cannot be used with the table function "%1!s!". The TABLESAMPLE clause cannot be used with the linked server table "%1!s!". Non-constant or invalid expression is in the TABLESAMPLE or the REPEATABLE clause. The OUTPUT clause cannot be used in an INSERT...EXEC statement. hCannot declare more than %1!s! local variables. Views and inline functions cannot return xml columns that are typed with a schema collection registered in a database other than current. Column "%1!s!" is typed with the schema collection "%2!s!", which is registered in database "%3!s!". "%1!s!" does not allow specifying a schema name as a prefix to the assembly name. An invalid option was specified for the statement "%1!s!". %1!s! columns must be comparable. The type of column "%2!s!" is "%3!s!", which is not comparable. The OUTPUT clause cannot be specified because the target view "%1!s!" is a partitioned view. lThe resync functionality is temporarily disabled. A correlation name must be specified for the bulk rowset in the from clause. Duplicate column names are not allowed in result sets obtained through OPENQUERY and OPENROWSET. The column name "%1!s!" is a duplicate. The column '%1!s!' that was returned from the nodes() method cannot be used directly. It can only be used with one of the four XML data type methods, exist(), nodes(), query(), and value(), or in IS NULL and IS NOT NULL checks. The TABLESAMPLE clause can only be used with local tables. The return table column "%1!s!" is not the same type as the type it was created with. Drop and recreate the module using a two-part name for the type, or use sp_refreshsqlmodule to refresh its parameters metadata. The parameter "%1!s!" is not the same type as the type it was created with. Drop and recreate the module using a two-part name for the type, or use sp_refreshsqlmodule to refresh its parameters metadata. Variables are not allowed in the TABLESAMPLE or REPEATABLE clauses. Invalid value in the TABLESAMPLE or the REPEATABLE clause. hInvalid parameter for the getchecksum function. Trying to pass a table-valued parameter with %1!s! column(s) where the corresponding user-defined table type requires %2!s! column(s). The current user account was invoked with SETUSER or SP_SETAPPROLE. Changing databases is not allowed. The invalid escape character "%1!s!" was specified in a %2!s! predicate. Invalid argument for SET ROWCOUNT. Must be a non-null non-negative integer. DUser name '%1!s!' not found. Cannot create a worktable row larger than allowable maximum. Resubmit your query with the ROBUST PLAN hint. Cannot create a row of size %1!s! which is greater than the allowable maximum row size of %2!s!. <Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. A column insert or update conflicts with a rule imposed by a previous CREATE RULE statement. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database '%1!s!', table '%2!s!', column '%3!s!'. Cannot insert the value NULL into column '%1!s!', table '%2!s!'; column does not allow nulls. %3!s! fails. xAdding a value to a '%1!s!' column caused an overflow. \Cannot convert data type %1!s! to %2!s!. HThe WAITFOR thread was evicted. A trigger returned a resultset and/or was running with SET NOCOUNT OFF while another outstanding result set was active. A trigger returned a resultset and the server option 'disallow results from triggers' is true. The column that was returned from the nodes() method cannot be converted to the data type %1!s!. It can only be used with one of the four XML data type methods, exist(), nodes(), query(), and value(), or in IS NULL and IS NOT NULL checks. D%1!s! of XML types constrained by different XML schema collections and/or DOCUMENT/CONTENT option is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. ,Implicit conversion between XML types constrained by different XML schema collections is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. Explicit conversion from data type %1!s! to %2!s! is not allowed. The statement terminated. The maximum recursion %1!s! has been exhausted before statement completion. The timestamp (changed to %1!s!) shows that the row has been updated by another user. Cannot set XACT ABORT to OFF inside the trigger execution. t'%1!s!' failed because it is not supported in the edition of this SQL Server instance '%2!s!'. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. \The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart. xInvalid length parameter passed to the %1!s! function. Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. Schema changed after the target table was created. Rerun the Select Into query. tThere is insufficient system memory to run RAISERROR. pThere is not enough stack to execute the statement An invalid datetime value was encountered. Value exceeds the year 9999. Creation of a return table failed for the table valued function '%1!s!'. Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table '%1!s!' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF. Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table '%1!s!' either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column. The %1!s! statement conflicted with the %2!s! constraint "%3!s!". The conflict occurred in database "%4!s!", table "%5!s!"%6!s!%7!s!%8!s!. The insert failed. It conflicted with an identity range check constraint in database '%1!s!', replicated table '%2!s!'%3!s!%4!s!%5!s!. If the identity column is automatically managed by replication, update the range as follows: for the Publisher, execute sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange; for the Subscriber, run the Distribution Agent or the Merge Agent. The collation '%1!s!' of receiving variable is not equal to the collation '%2!s!' of column '%3!s!'. The attempted insert or update failed because the target view either specifies WITH CHECK OPTION or spans a view that specifies WITH CHECK OPTION and one or more rows resulting from the operation did not qualify under the CHECK OPTION constraint. xCryptoAPI function '%1!s!' failed. Error 0x%2!s!: %3!s! `User-defined functions are not yet enabled. INSERT EXEC failed because the stored procedure altered the schema of the target table. Only functions and some extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function. |Remote function calls are not allowed within a function. DFailed to access file '%1!s!' Failed to access file '%1!s!'. Files can be accessed only through shares The transaction for the INSERT EXEC statement has been rolled back. The INSERT EXEC operation will be terminated. Attempted to create a record with a fixed length of '%1!s!'. Maximum allowable fixed length is '%2!s!'. A stack overflow occurred in the server while compiling the query. Please simplify the query. pAn error occurred while writing an audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down. Check and correct error conditions such as insufficient disk space, and then restart SQL Server. If the problem persists, disable auditing by starting the server at the command prompt with the "-f" switch, and using SP_CONFIGURE. hFile '%1!s!' is not a recognizable trace file. Encountered an error or an unexpected end of trace file '%1!s!'. lThe handle that was passed to %1!s! was invalid. INSTEAD OF triggers do not support direct recursion. The trigger execution failed. pThe specified attribute value for %1!s! is invalid. |Invalid regular expression "%1!s!" near the offset %2!s!. Evaluation of the regular expression is too complex: '%1!s!'. |%1!s! statement cannot be used inside a user transaction. A LOGON trigger returned a resultset. Modify the LOGON trigger to not return resultsets. Cannot create a row that has sparse data of size %1!s! which is greater than the allowable maximum sparse data size of %2!s!. The value provided for the timeout is not valid. Timeout must be a valid integer between 0 and 2147483647. `Insert Exec not allowed in WAITFOR queries. Can not execute WAITFOR query with snapshot isolation level. Offset is greater than the length of the column to be updated in write. PNegative offset or length in write. `Select Into not allowed in WAITFOR queries. Changing database context is not allowed when populating the resource database. The prepared statement handle %1!s! is not valid in this context. Please verify that current database, user default schema, and ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set options are not changed since the handle is prepared. tAn invalid delayed CLR type fetch token is provided. Multiple tasks within the session are using the same delayed CLR type fetch token at the same time. This statement has attempted to access data whose access is restricted by the assembly. PRPC was aborted without execution. %1!s!: The formal parameter "%2!s!" was defined as OUTPUT, but the actual parameter was not declared as OUTPUT. lCannot find %1!s! ID %2!s! in database ID %3!s!. Bulk Insert with another outstanding result set should be run with XACT_ABORT on. Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state. The execution of in-proc data access is being terminated due to errors in the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). An error occurred while executing CREATE/ALTER DB. Please look at the previous error for more information. %1!s!: The length of the result exceeds the length limit (2GB) of the target large type. |Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement. Could not find an entry for table or index with partition ID %1!s! in database %2!s!. This error can occur if a stored procedure references a dropped table, or metadata is corrupted. Drop and re-create the stored procedure, or execute DBCC CHECKDB. Could not find an entry for table or index with object ID %1!s! (partition ID %2!s!) in database %3!s!. This error can occur if a stored procedure references a dropped table, or metadata is corrupted. Drop and re-create the stored procedure, or execute DBCC CHECKDB. Attempt to fetch logical page %1!s! in database %2!s! failed. It belongs to allocation unit %3!s! not to %4!s!. Metadata inconsistency. Filegroup id %1!s! specified for table '%2!s!' does not exist. Run DBCC CHECKDB or CHECKCATALOG. 0No catalog entry found for partition ID %1!s! in database %2!s!. The metadata is inconsistent. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for a metadata corruption. lBTree is not empty when waking up on RowsetBulk. Invalid header value from a page. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for a data corruption. Cannot insert or update a row because total variable column size, including overhead, is %1!s! bytes more than the limit. Could not find an entry for worktable rowset with partition ID %1!s! in database %2!s!. hCould not locate bookmark due to data movement. Could not find database ID %1!s!, name '%2!s!'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again. Descriptor for object ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s! not found in the hash table during attempt to unhash it. A work table is missing an entry. Rerun the query. If a cursor is involved, close and reopen the cursor. hThe filegroup "%1!s!" has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, text columns, ntext columns, and image columns cannot be populated on this filegroup until a file is added. Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction. Cannot issue SAVE TRANSACTION when there is no active transaction. You can only specify the READPAST lock in the READ COMMITTED or REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Cannot use the %1!s! granularity hint on the table "%2!s!" because locking at the specified granularity is inhibited. The index "%1!s!" for table "%2!s!" (RowsetId %3!s!) resides on a read-only filegroup ("%4!s!"), which cannot be modified. Increased partitions support cannot be removed in this version of SQL Server. The maximum system-generated unique value for a duplicate group was exceeded for index with partition ID %1!s!. Dropping and re-creating the index may resolve this; otherwise, use another clustering key. XThe index "%1!s!" for table "%2!s!" (RowsetId %3!s!) resides on a filegroup ("%4!s!") that cannot be accessed because it is offline, is being restored, or is defunct. xThe row object is inconsistent. Please rerun the query. Large object (LOB) data for table "%1!s!" resides on an offline filegroup ("%2!s!") that cannot be accessed. Large object (LOB) data for table "%1!s!" resides on a read-only filegroup ("%2!s!"), which cannot be modified. One of the partitions of index '%1!s!' for table '%2!s!'(partition ID %3!s!) resides on a filegroup ("%4!s!") that cannot be accessed because it is offline, restoring, or defunct. This may limit the query result. |Attempting to set a non-NULL-able column's value to NULL. Internal error. Buffer provided to read column value is too small. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any corruption. TAn internal error occurred while trying to convert between variable-length and fixed-length decimal formats. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any database corruption. @An internal error occurred while attempting to convert between compressed and uncompressed storage formats. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any corruption. An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve a backpointer for a heap forwarded record. The maximum level of the B-Tree for rowset %1!s! has been reached. SQL Server only supports upto 255 levels. Cannot compress a nchar or nvarchar column that has an odd number of bytes. Operation not allowed due to an active online index build. Operation not allowed because of pending cleanup of online index build. Wait for cleanup to complete and re-run the operation. There is insufficient system memory in resource pool '%1!s!' to run this query. A buffer was encountered with an unexpected status of 0x%1!s!. There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool. hCould not unhash buffer at 0x%1!s! with a buffer page number of %2!s! and database ID %3!s! with HASHED status set. The buffer was not found. %4!s!. Contact Technical Support. Could not start I/O operation for request %1!s!. Contact Technical Support. The operating system returned error %1!s! to SQL Server during a %2!s! at offset %3!s! in file '%4!s!'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online. SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: %1!s!. It occurred during a %2!s! of page %3!s! in database ID %4!s! at offset %5!s! in file '%6!s!'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online. Database ID %1!s!, Page %2!s! is marked RestorePending, which may indicate disk corruption. To recover from this state, perform a restore. LUnable to deallocate a kept page. A page that should have been constant has changed (expected checksum: %1!s!, actual checksum: %2!s!, database %3!s!, file '%4!s!', page %5!s!). This usually indicates a memory failure or other hardware or OS corruption. Time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type %1!s! for page %2!s!, database ID %3!s!. To change the %1!s!, the database must be in state in which a checkpoint can be executed. Database %1!s! cannot be autostarted during server shutdown or startup. hDatabase '%1!s!' cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a partition function '%2!s!'. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports partitioning. The database "%1!s!" has inconsistent database or file metadata. Database '%1!s!' cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because part or all of object '%2!s!' is enabled with data compression or vardecimal storage format. Data compression and vardecimal storage format are only supported on SQL Server Enterprise Edition. Database '%1!s!' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. HScript level upgrade for database '%1!s!' failed because upgrade step '%2!s!' encountered error %3!s!, state %4!s!, severity %5!s!. This is a serious error condition which might interfere with regular operation and the database will be taken offline. If the error happened during upgrade of the 'master' database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, take the appropriate corrective actions and re-start the database so that the script upgrade steps run to completion. Could not find database ID %1!s!. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. Reissue the query once the database is available. If you do not think this error is due to a database that is transitioning its state and this error continues to occur, contact your primary support provider. Please have available for review the Microsoft SQL Server error log and any additional information relevant to the circumstances when the error occurred. 0Script level upgrade for database '%1!s!' failed because upgrade step '%2!s!' was aborted before completion. If the abort happened during upgrade of the 'master' database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, take the appropriate corrective actions and re-start the database so that the script upgrade steps run to completion. Unable to obtain the current script level for database '%1!s!'. If the error happened during startup of the 'master' database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, take the appropriate corrective actions and re-start the database so that script upgrade may run to completion. The server principal "%1!s!" is not able to access the database "%2!s!" under the current security context. \An upgrade script batch failed to execute for database '%1!s!' due to compilation error. Check the previous error message for the line which caused compilation to fail. ,Failed to load the engine script metadata from script DLL '%1!s!'. The error code reported by Windows was %2!s!. This is a serious error condition, which usually indicates a corrupt or incomplete installation. Repairing the SQL Server instance may help resolve this error. Only members of the sysadmin role can modify the database script level. Database '%1!s!' has not been recovered yet. Wait and try again. Database '%1!s!' is being recovered. Waiting until recovery is finished. Database '%1!s!' is in restricted mode. Only the database owner and members of the dbcreator and sysadmin roles can access it. Database '%1!s!' is already open and can only have one user at a time. Maximum number of databases used for each query has been exceeded. The maximum allowed is %1!s!. Database '%1!s!' cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information. Database '%1!s!' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore. $During upgrade, database raised exception %1!s!, severity %2!s!, state %3!s!, address %4!s!. Use the exception number to determine the cause. Unable to close a database that is not currently open. The application should reconnect and try again. If this action does not correct the problem, contact your primary support provider. Attempting to reference recovery unit %1!s! in database '%2!s!' which does not exist. Contact Technical Support. tSQL Server cannot load database '%1!s!' because change tracking is enabled. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support change tracking. Either disable change tracking in the database by using a supported edition of SQL Server, or upgrade the instance to one that supports change tracking. Database '%1!s!' cannot be started because some of the database functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server. SQL Server cannot load database '%1!s!' because Change Data Capture is enabled. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support Change Data Capture. Either disable Change Data Capture in the database by using a supported edition of SQL Server, or upgrade the instance to one that supports Change Data Capture. The script level for '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' cannot be downgraded from %3!s! to %4!s!, which is supported by this server. This usually implies that a future database was attached and the downgrade path is not supported by the current installation. Install a newer version of SQL Server and re-try opening the database. Database '%1!s!' can not be used in this edition of SQL Server. Database '%1!s!' cannot be upgraded because '%2!s!' functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server. Database '%1!s!' cannot be opened because it is not started. Retry when the database is started. |Database '%1!s!' cannot be opened because it is offline. Database '%1!s!' cannot be opened because its version (%2!s!) is later than the current server version (%3!s!). Database '%1!s!' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details. Cannot open database '%1!s!' version %2!s!. Upgrade the database to the latest version. Error while closing database '%1!s!'. Check for previous additional errors and retry the operation. 4The database '%1!s!' cannot be opened because it is version %2!s!. This server supports version %3!s! and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported. tempdb is skipped. You cannot run a query that requires tempdb Database '%1!s!' cannot be upgraded because its non-release version (%2!s!) is not supported by this version of SQL Server. You cannot open a database that is incompatible with this version of sqlservr.exe. You must re-create the database. Database '%1!s!' is in transition. Try the statement later. The database "%1!s!" cannot be opened. It is acting as a mirror database. \Database %1!s! is enabled for Database Mirroring, but the database lacks quorum: the database cannot be opened. Check the partner and witness connections if configured. Database %1!s! is enabled for Database Mirroring, but has not yet synchronized with its partner. Try the operation again later. Database '%1!s!' is enabled for database mirroring or has joined an availability group. The name of the database cannot be changed. The resource database version is %1!s! and this server supports version %2!s!. Restore the correct version or reinstall SQL Server. Could not use database '%1!s!' during procedure execution. The target database, '%1!s!', is participating in an availability group and is currently not accessible for queries. Either data movement is suspended or the availability replica is not enabled for read access. To allow read-only access to this and other databases in the availability group, enable read access to one or more secondary availability replicas in the group. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP statement in SQL Server Books Online. The target database ('%1!s!') is in an availability group and is currently accessible for connections when the application intent is set to read only. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. |The target database ('%1!s!') is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. SQL Server cannot load database '%1!s!' because it contains a columnstore index. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support columnstore indexes. Either disable the columnstore index in the database by using a supported edition of SQL Server, or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports columnstore index. |Unable to access the '%1!s!' database because no online secondary replicas are enabled for read-only access. Check the availability group configuration to verify that at least one secondary replica is configured for read-only access. Wait for an enabled replica to come online, and retry your read-only operation. Unable to access database '%1!s!' because its replica role is RESOLVING which does not allow connections. Try the operation again later. $Failed to perform a versioned copy of sqlscriptdowngrade.dll from Binn to Binn\Cache folder. VerInstallFile API failed with error code %1!s!. Line %1!s!: Length or precision specification %2!s! is invalid. dLine %1!s!: Specified scale %2!s! is invalid. lLine %1!s!: %2!s! clause allowed only for %3!s!. xInvalid column prefix '%1!s!': No table name specified Line %1!s!: Invalid procedure number (%2!s!). Must be between 1 and 32767. XCREATE TRIGGER contains no statements. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is out of the range for numeric representation (maximum precision 38). The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number %1!s! contains a variable as part of the expression identifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name. tThe keyword DEFAULT is not allowed in DBCC commands. LInvalid escape character '%1!s!'. The correlation name '%1!s!' is specified multiple times in a FROM clause. The correlation name '%1!s!' has the same exposed name as table '%2!s!'. The objects "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" in the FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them. lA TOP or FETCH clause contains an invalid value. \An aggregate cannot appear in an ON clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference. Outer join operators cannot be specified in a query containing joined tables. pThe %1!s! hint cannot be specified more than once. dIncorrect syntax near '%1!s!'. If this is intended as a part of a table hint, A WITH keyword and parenthesis are now required. See SQL Server Books Online for proper syntax. Invalid column list after object name in GRANT/REVOKE statement. Sub-entity lists (such as column or security expressions) cannot be specified for entity-level permissions. dInvalid parameter %1!s! specified for %2!s!. xGOTO cannot be used to jump into a TRY or CATCH scope. The CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS constructs are not allowed in a GROUP BY ALL clause. |Browse mode is invalid for subqueries and derived tables. Only constants are allowed here. Time literal is not permitted because it refers to the current date. \Percent values must be between 0 and 100. Cannot use the column prefix '%1!s!'. This must match the object in the UPDATE clause '%2!s!'. TThe ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified. Syntax error: Duplicate specification of the action "%1!s!" in the trigger declaration. lIncorrect syntax near '%1!s!', expected '%2!s!'. File option %1!s! is required in this CREATE/ALTER DATABASE statement. The CASCADE, WITH GRANT or AS options cannot be specified with statement permissions. An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Change the alias to a valid name. `Option '%1!s!' is specified more than once. `Option %1!s! is not allowed for a LOG file. dConflicting %1!s! optimizer hints specified. H'%1!s!' is not yet implemented. Cannot use an existing function name to specify a stored procedure name. Aggregates are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed. Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed. TConflicting locking hints specified. `Conflicting cursor options %1!s! and %2!s!. Mixing old and new syntax to specify cursor options is not allowed. xThis syntax is only allowed for parameterized queries. <Cursor parameters in a stored procedure must be declared with OUTPUT and VARYING options, and they must be specified in the order CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT. hConflicting %1!s! options "%2!s!" and "%3!s!". $For DROP STATISTICS, you must provide both the object (table or view) name and the statistics name, in the form "objectname.statisticsname". xSyntax '%1!s!' is not allowed in schema-bound objects. '%1!s!' is an invalid name because it contains a NULL character or an invalid unicode character. The number of elements in the select list exceeds the maximum allowed number of %1!s! elements. The IDENTITY function cannot be used with a SELECT INTO statement containing a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator. Cannot specify both READ_ONLY and FOR READ ONLY on a cursor declaration. Cannot set or reset the 'parseonly' option within a procedure or function. The number of rows provided for a TOP or FETCH clauses row count parameter must be an integer. xThe text/ntext/image constants are not yet implemented. The TOP N WITH TIES clause is not allowed without a corresponding ORDER BY clause. A filegroup cannot be added using ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE. Use ALTER DATABASE ADD FILEGROUP. `A filegroup cannot be used with log files. The NOLOCK and READUNCOMMITTED lock hints are not allowed for target tables of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statements. The SET SHOWPLAN statements must be the only statements in the batch. pOnly one list of index hints per table is allowed. |Index hints are only allowed in a FROM or OPTION clause. pCREATE INDEX option '%1!s!' is no longer supported. pCannot specify a JOIN algorithm with a remote JOIN. A REMOTE hint can only be specified with an INNER JOIN clause. '%1!s!' is not a recognized cursor option for cursor %2!s!. hCreation of temporary functions is not allowed. RETURN statements in scalar valued functions must include an argument. tFunction '%1!s!' requires at least %2!s! argument(s). INSERT into an identity column not allowed on table variables. \'%1!s! %2!s!' is not a recognized option. A variable cannot be used to specify a search condition in a fulltext predicate when accessed through a cursor. \The integer value %1!s! is out of range. %1!s! does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the assembly name. "%1!s!" does not support synchronous trigger registration. OWNER is not a valid option for EXECUTE AS in the context of server and database level triggers. L'%1!s!' is an invalid event type. |'%1!s!' event type does not support event notifications. The FOR XML clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries when they contain a set operator. To work around, wrap the SELECT containing a set operator using derived table syntax and apply FOR XML on top of it. \Must declare the table variable "%1!s!". Cannot find the object "%1!s!" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. The SET FMTONLY OFF statement must be the last statement in the batch. TInvalid default for parameter %1!s!. pThe option "%1!s!" is not valid for this function. In this context %1!s! statistics name(s) cannot be specified for option '%2!s!'. P"%1!s!" is not a valid broker name. Cannot specify a schema name as a prefix to the trigger name for database and server level triggers. t"%1!s!" has already been specified as an event type. Default parameter values for CLR types, nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and xml are not supported. Cannot use If UPDATE within this CREATE TRIGGER statement. The specified event type(s) is/are not valid on the specified target object. hThe ON clause is not valid for this statement. 4Could not allocate a new page for database '%1!s!' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup '%2!s!'. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup. TCould not allocate space for object '%1!s!'%2!s! in database '%3!s!' because the '%4!s!' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup. Removing IAM page %1!s! failed because someone else is using the object that this IAM page belongs to. xSpace allocator cannot allocate page in database %1!s!. Table error: Page %1!s!. Test (%2!s!) failed. Address 0x%3!s! is not aligned. tTable error: Page %1!s!. Unexpected page type %2!s!. Table error: Page %1!s!. Test (%2!s!) failed. Slot %3!s!, offset 0x%4!s! is invalid. Table error: Page %1!s!. Test (%2!s!) failed. Slot %3!s!, row extends into free space at 0x%4!s!. Table error: Page %1!s!. Test (%2!s!) failed. Slot %3!s!, offset 0x%4!s! overlaps with the prior row. Table error: Page %1!s!. Test (%2!s!) failed. Values are %3!s! and %4!s!. Table error: Page (%1!s!:%2!s!), row %3!s!. Test (%4!s!) failed. Values are %5!s! and %6!s!. Could not cleanup deferred deallocations from filegroup '%1!s!'. The database-principal '%1!s!' does not exist or user is not a member. Process ID %1!s! attempted to unlock a resource it does not own: %2!s!. Retry the transaction, because this error may be caused by a timing condition. If the problem persists, contact the database administrator. @The instance of the SQL Server Database Engine cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users. Ask the database administrator to check the lock and memory configuration for this instance, or to check for long-running transactions. <Transaction (Process ID %1!s!) was deadlocked on %2!s! resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction. Could not allocate initial %1!s! lock blocks during startup. Can not start the server. Could not allocate initial %1!s! lock owner blocks during startup. Can not start the server. Unable to allocate lock owner block during lock migration. Server halted. \Error spawning Lock Monitor thread: %1!s! Internal Error. There are too many parallel transactions. lNo more lock classes available from transaction. The Database Engine is attempting to release a group of locks that are not currently held by the transaction. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, contact your support provider. XLock request time out period exceeded. Cannot release the application lock (Database Principal: '%1!s!', Resource: '%2!s!') because it is not currently held. |An invalid application lock resource was passed to %1!s!. tAn invalid application lock mode was passed to %1!s!. xAn invalid application lock owner was passed to %1!s!. |An invalid application lock time-out was passed to %1!s!. An invalid parameter "%1!s!" was passed to the application lock function or procedure. pAn invalid database principal was passed to %1!s!. TStartup of the database-mirroring master thread routine failed for the following reason: %1!s!. Correct the cause of this error, and restart the SQL Server service. Witness did not find an entry for database mirroring GUID {%1!s!-%2!s!-%3!s!-%4!s!%5!s!-%6!s!%7!s!%8!s!%9!s!%10!s!%11!s!}. A configuration mismatch exists. Retry the command, or reset the witness from one of the database mirroring partners. The witness for the mirroring session received error response %1!s! (state %2!s!) from server instance %3!s! for database %4!s!. For more information about the error, refer to the error log on this server instance and the partner server instance. The command failed because the database mirror is busy. Reissue the command later. The database "%1!s!" is already enabled for database mirroring. Unable to force service safely. Remove database mirroring and recover database "%1!s!" to gain access. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" is not related to the local copy of the database. $The remote copy of database "%1!s!" is not recovered far enough to enable database mirroring or to join it to the availability group. You need to apply missing log records to the remote database by restoring the current log backups from the principal/primary database. dDatabase "%1!s!" requires database logs to be restored either on the future mirror database before you can enable database mirroring or on a secondary availability database before you can join it to the availability group. Restore current log backups from the principal database or primary database. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" is already enabled for database mirroring. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" has not had enough log backups applied to roll forward all of its files to a common point in time. $The remote copy of database "%1!s!" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy of the database log. Communications to the remote server instance '%1!s!' failed before database mirroring was fully started. The ALTER DATABASE command failed. Retry the command when the remote database is started. The database is being closed before database mirroring is fully initialized. The ALTER DATABASE command failed. The database mirroring operation for database "%1!s!" failed. The requested operation could not be performed. Database "%1!s!" is not configured for database mirroring. Database mirroring has been disabled by the administrator for database "%1!s!". hThe server network address "%1!s!" can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. <The remote copy of database "%1!s!" cannot be opened. Check the database name and ensure that it is in the restoring state, and then reissue the command. Database mirroring was unable to obtain the network hostname. Operating system error %1!s! encountered. Verify the network configuration. LCommunications to the remote server instance '%1!s!' failed to complete before its timeout. The ALTER DATABASE command may have not completed. Retry the command. The mirror server instance is not caught up to the recent changes to database "%1!s!". Unable to fail over. PThe property name is not supported. The remote server instance has a more recent value for the property '%1!s!'. Property value not changed. The property value is invalid for '%1!s!'. Property value not changed. xTo issue ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS, all three server instances must be interconnected, and the mirror database must be caught up. When these conditions are met, reissue the command. The server instance '%1!s!' could not act as the witness. The ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS command failed. The request is refused because the responding server instance is not in a state to service the request. DThe witness server instance name must be distinct from both of the server instances that manage the database. The ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS command failed. Database '%1!s!' is in an unstable state for removing database mirroring, so recovery may fail. Verify the data after recovery. LNeither the partner nor the witness server instance for database "%1!s!" is available. Reissue the command when at least one of the instances becomes available. All three server instances did not remain interconnected for the duration of the ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS command. There may be no witness associated with the database. Verify the status and when necessary repeat the command. Invalid or unexpected database mirroring %1!s! message of type %2!s! was received from server %3!s!, database %4!s!. %1!s! received unexpected database mirroring error response: status %2!s!, severity %3!s!, state %4!s!, string %5!s!. The Service Broker ID for the remote copy of database "%1!s!" does not match the ID on the principal server. DCould not post message '%1!s!' from server instance '%2!s!' because there is insufficient memory. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. LThe server instance %1!s! rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason %2!s!, and state %3!s!, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed. Correct the cause if any and retry. There is currently no witness associated with database "%1!s!". LALTER DATABASE "%1!s!" command cannot be executed until both partner server instances are up, running, and connected. Start the partner and reissue the command. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" does not exist. Check the database name and reissue the command. ALTER DATABASE command failed due to an invalid server connection string. The ALTER DATABASE command failed because the worker thread cannot be created. Database mirroring information was not found in the system table. 4The partner server instance name must be distinct from the server instance that manages the database. The ALTER DATABASE SET PARTNER command failed. <'%1!s!', the remote mirroring partner for database '%2!s!', encountered error %3!s!, status %4!s!, severity %5!s!. Database mirroring has been suspended. Resolve the error on the remote server and resume mirroring, or remove mirroring and re-establish the mirror server instance. Database mirroring will be suspended. Server instance '%1!s!' encountered error %2!s!, state %3!s!, severity %4!s! when it was acting as a mirroring partner for database '%5!s!'. The database mirroring partners might try to recover automatically from the error and resume the mirroring session. For more information, view the error log for additional error messages. 8The database mirroring service cannot be forced for database "%1!s!" because the database is not in the correct state to become the principal database. The ALTER DATABASE command could not be sent to the remote server instance '%1!s!'. The database mirroring configuration was not changed. Verify that the server is connected, and try again. Synchronization of the mirror database, '%1!s!', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The ALTER DATABASE command failed. Ensure that the principal database, if available, is back up and online, and then reconnect the mirror server instance and allow the mirror database to finish synchronizing. The principal copy of the '%1!s!' database encountered error %2!s!, status %3!s!, severity %4!s! while sending page %5!s! to the mirror. Database mirroring has been suspended. Try to resolve the error condition, and resume mirroring. 4An error occurred while accessing the database mirroring metadata. Drop mirroring (ALTER DATABASE database_name SET PARTNER OFF) and reconfigure it. LThe database "%1!s!" is already configured for database mirroring on the remote server. Drop database mirroring on the remote server to establish a new partner. Database mirroring is disabled due to a failed redo operation. Unable to resume. XDatabase mirroring is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. \Database "%1!s!" is not in a recovering state which is required for a mirror database or secondary database. The remote database must be restored using WITH NORECOVERY. Database "%1!s!" database is not in full recovery mode on each of the server instances. The full recovery model is required for a database to participate in database mirroring or in an availability group. Database "%1!s!" is read-only on one of the server instances which is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group. Set the database to read-write mode, and retry the operation. dDatabase "%1!s!" database is in emergency or suspect mode on one of the partners which is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group. The operation cannot be performed on database "%1!s!" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group. DDatabase "%1!s!" is an auto-close database on one of the partnerswhich is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group. The alter database for this partner config values may only be initiated on the current principal server for database "%1!s!". The database mirroring connection terminated. Out of memory sending message for database "%1!s!". The database mirroring connection terminated. Communications error sending message for database "%1!s!". This SQL Server edition does not allow changing the safety level. ALTER DATABASE command failed. Database mirroring connection error %1!s! '%2!s!' for '%3!s!'. |Database "%1!s!" might contain bulk logged changes that have not been backed up. Take a log backup on the principal database or primary database. Then restore this backup either on the mirror database to enable database mirroring or on every secondary database to enable you to join it to the availability group. Database mirroring timeout value %1!s! exceeds the maximum value 32767. The database mirroring safety level must be FULL to manually failover database "%1!s!". Set safety level to FULL and retry. The mirror database, "%1!s!", has insufficient transaction log data to preserve the log backup chain of the principal database. This may happen if a log backup from the principal database has not been taken or has not been restored on the mirror database. @The mirroring connection to "%1!s!" has timed out for database "%2!s!" after %3!s! seconds without a response. Check the service and network connections. Database "%1!s!" database is in single user mode which is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group. Set database to multi-user mode, and retry the operation. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" has not been restored to a log backup that includes all filestream data files. Database mirroring error: status %1!s!, severity %2!s!, state %3!s!, string %4!s!. \Sort failure. Contact Technical Support. \The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name '%1!s!' and the index name '%2!s!'. The duplicate key value is %3!s!. Row comparison failed during sort because of an unknown data type on a key column. Metadata might be corrupt. Contact Technical Support. xSort failed. Out of space or locks in database '%1!s!'. hSort cannot be reconciled with transaction log. Sort operation failed during an index build. The overwriting of the allocation page in database '%1!s!' was prevented by terminating the sort. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for allocation and consistency errors. It may be necessary restore the database from backup. Sort failure. The incorrect extent could not be deallocated. Contact Technical Support. 4New sort run starting on page %1!s! found an extent not marked as shared. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. Cannot share extent %1!s!. The correct extents could not be identified. Retry the transaction. Extent %1!s! not found in shared extent directory. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. Cannot share extent %1!s!. Shared extent directory is full. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. tCannot suspend a sort that is not in row input phase. Cannot insert a row into a sort when the sort is not in row input phase. 0Cannot sort a row of size %1!s!, which is greater than the allowable maximum of %2!s!. Consider resubmitting the query using the ROBUST PLAN hint. Sort failure. A defective CLR type comparison function is suspected. Creating or altering table '%1!s!' failed because the minimum row size would be %2!s!, including %3!s! bytes of internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table row size of %4!s! bytes. CREATE TABLE failed because column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' exceeds the maximum of %3!s! columns. The system table '%1!s!' can only be created or altered during an upgrade. Cannot specify TEXTIMAGE_ON filegroup for a partitioned table. @Cannot use TEXTIMAGE_ON when a table has no text, ntext, image, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), non-FILESTREAM varbinary(max), xml or large CLR type columns. Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!'. The computed column has to be persisted and not nullable. Online index operations can only be performed in Enterprise edition of SQL Server. (Cannot execute %1!s! on/using table '%2!s!' since the table is the target table or part of cascading actions of a currently executing trigger. Alter table failed because unique column IDs have been exhausted for table '%1!s!'. Foreign key '%1!s!' creation failed. Only NO ACTION referential update action is allowed for referencing computed column '%2!s!'. XFILESTREAM_ON cannot be specified when a table has no FILESTREAM columns. Remove the FILESTREAM_ON clause from the statement, or add a FILESTREAM column to the table. FILESTREAM_ON cannot be specified together with a partition scheme in the ON clause. Change tracking must be enabled on database '%1!s!' before it can be enabled on table '%2!s!'. xFILESTREAM data cannot be placed on an empty filegroup. Cannot drop FILESTREAM filegroup or partition scheme since table '%1!s!' has FILESTREAM columns. $Altering table '%1!s!' failed because the row size using vardecimal storage format exceeds the maximum allowed table row size of %2!s! bytes. Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' since a partition scheme is not specified for FILESTREAM data. Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' since a partition scheme was specified for FILESTREAM data but not for the table. Filegroup '%1!s!' is not a FILESTREAM filegroup or partition scheme of FILESTREAM filegroups. Cannot add FILESTREAM column to %1!s! '%2!s!' because an INSTEAD OF trigger exists on the %3!s!. Cannot add FILESTREAM filegroup or partition scheme since table '%1!s!' has a FILESTREAM filegroup or partition scheme already. Cannot create non-clustered index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' with the FILESTREAM_ON clause. Cannot create index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' because the computed column '%3!s!' uses a FILESTREAM column. Cannot create table '%1!s!' because the partitioning column '%2!s!' uses a FILESTREAM column. Creating or altering compressed table '%1!s!' failed because the uncompressed row size would be %2!s!, including %3!s! bytes of internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table row size of %4!s! bytes. Cannot create the sparse column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because an option or data type specified is not valid. A sparse column must be nullable and cannot have the ROWGUIDCOL, IDENTITY, or FILESTREAM properties. A sparse column cannot be of the following data types: text, ntext, image, geometry, geography, or user-defined type. Cannot create the sparse column set '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because a table cannot have more than one sparse column set. Modify the statement so that only one column is specified as COLUMN_SET FOR ALL_SPARSE_COLUMNS. hCannot create the sparse column set '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because a sparse column set must be a nullable xml column. Modify the column definition to allow null values. Cannot create the sparse column set '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because the table already contains one or more sparse columns. A sparse column set cannot be added to a table if the table contains a sparse column. The column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' cannot be referenced in a CHECK constraint or computed column definition because the column is a sparse column set. A sparse column set cannot be referenced in a a CHECK constraint or computed column definition. Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is invalid for creating a default constraint. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is not the same length or scale as referencing column '%3!s!.%4!s!' in foreign key '%5!s!'. Columns participating in a foreign key relationship must be defined with the same length and scale. Defaults cannot be created on columns with an IDENTITY attribute. Table '%1!s!', column '%2!s!'. Defaults cannot be created on columns of data type timestamp. Table '%1!s!', column '%2!s!'. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is not of same collation as referencing column '%3!s!.%4!s!' in foreign key '%5!s!'. Only a single constraint can be added or dropped online with no other operations in the same statement. Computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is not allowed to be used in another computed-column definition. Constraints of type %1!s! cannot be created on columns of type %2!s!. Cannot create the foreign key "%1!s!" with the SET NULL referential action, because one or more referencing columns are not nullable. HCannot create the foreign key "%1!s!" with the SET DEFAULT referential action, because one or more referencing not-nullable columns lack a default constraint. Cross-database foreign key references are not supported. Foreign key '%1!s!'. Computed Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is invalid for use in '%3!s!' because it is not persisted. (Foreign key '%1!s!' creation failed. Only NO ACTION and CASCADE referential delete actions are allowed for referencing computed column '%2!s!'. Foreign key references to temporary tables are not supported. Foreign key '%1!s!'. tForeign key '%1!s!' references invalid table '%2!s!'. Foreign key '%1!s!' references object '%2!s!' which is not a user table. Foreign key '%1!s!' references invalid column '%2!s!' in referencing table '%3!s!'. Foreign key '%1!s!' references invalid column '%2!s!' in referenced table '%3!s!'. Cannot create foreign key '%1!s!' because it references object '%2!s!' whose clustered index '%3!s!' is disabled. Foreign key '%1!s!' is not valid. A system table cannot be used in a foreign key definition. Foreign key '%1!s!' has implicit reference to object '%2!s!' which does not have a primary key defined on it. 4The number of columns in the referencing column list for foreign key '%1!s!' does not match those of the primary key in the referenced table '%2!s!'. Cannot create foreign key '%1!s!' because it references object '%2!s!' whose PRIMARY KEY index '%3!s!' is disabled. There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table '%1!s!' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key '%2!s!'. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is not the same data type as referencing column '%3!s!.%4!s!' in foreign key '%5!s!'. xTable '%1!s!' already has a primary key defined on it. \Column already has a DEFAULT bound to it. Cannot drop index '%1!s!' since a partition scheme is not specified for base data. Cannot create the foreign key '%1!s!' because the referenced column '%2!s!.%3!s!' is a non-persisted computed column. Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints. Either column '%1!s!.%2!s!' or referencing column '%3!s!.%4!s!' in foreign key '%5!s!' is a timestamp column. This data type cannot be used with cascading referential integrity constraints. \Cannot define foreign key constraint '%1!s!' with cascaded DELETE or UPDATE on table '%2!s!' because the table has an INSTEAD OF DELETE or UPDATE TRIGGER defined on it. Cascading foreign key '%1!s!' cannot be created where the referencing column '%2!s!.%3!s!' is an identity column. Cannot use CHECKSUM(*) in a computed column, constraint, or default definition. The name of a user-defined table type cannot start with a number (#) sign. A DEFAULT constraint cannot be created on the column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because the column is a sparse column or sparse column set. Sparse columns or sparse column sets cannot have a DEFAULT constraint. 4Alter table '%1!s!' failed because the added fixed column might cause existing data to go beyond the maximum allowable table row size of %2!s! bytes. PCannot federate a temporary table. Column '%1!s!' is invalid for federating the table '%2!s!'. Nullable column '%1!s!' cannot be used to federate the table '%2!s!'. Computed column '%1!s!' cannot be used to federate the table '%2!s!'. Sparse column '%1!s!' cannot be used to federate the table '%2!s!'. Federated tables cannot be created in a non-federated database. Column '%1!s!' cannot be used to federate the table '%2!s!' because it does not match the federation key type. Database '%1!s!' already exists. Choose a different database name. CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. The CREATE DATABASE statement failed. The primary file must be at least %1!s! MB to accommodate a copy of the model database. CREATE DATABASE failed. The default collation of database '%1!s!' cannot be set to '%2!s!'. Could not obtain exclusive lock on database '%1!s!'. Retry the operation later. The model database must be updatable before a new database can be created. CREATE DATABASE failed. COLLATE clause cannot be used with the FOR ATTACH option. Could not open new database '%1!s!'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. The %1!s! property cannot be used with database snapshot files. Database snapshot on the system database %1!s! is not allowed. Only the owner of database "%1!s!" or the system administrator can create a database snapshot on it. Primary log file '%1!s!' is missing and the database was not cleanly shut down so it cannot be rebuilt. Cannot create a database snapshot on another database snapshot. |The database must be online to have a database snapshot. A database snapshot cannot be created because it failed to start. lCannot attach a database that was being restored. Filegroups and collations cannot be specified for database snapshots. pUser-defined filegroups are not allowed on "%1!s!". (CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of %1!s! MB per %2!s!. The logical file name "%1!s!" is already in use. Choose a different name. The FOR ATTACH option requires that at least the primary file be specified. The files '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' are both primary files. A database can only have one primary file. File ONLINE/OFFLINE syntax cannot be used with CREATE DATABASE. |Cannot attach the file '%1!s!' as database '%2!s!'.%3!s! File '%1!s!' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation. If the database is participating in an availability group, a dropped file can be reused only after the truncation LSN of the primary availability replica has passed the drop LSN of the file and a subsequent BACKUP LOG operation has completed. The file '%1!s!' cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database '%2!s!'. Unable to create/attach any new database because the number of existing databases has reached the maximum number allowed: %1!s!. The file name "%1!s!" is too long to create an alternate stream name. Could not create default data files because the name '%1!s!' is a reserved device name. Could not create snapshot database because it is not supported on READONLY single-file user databases. CREATE DATABASE failed. CONTAINMENT clause cannot be used with the FOR ATTACH option. hThe file size, max size cannot be greater than 2147483647 in units of a page size. The file growth cannot be greater than 2147483647 in units of both page size and percentage. L%1!s! is not supported on %2!s!. TCannot find SQL Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Writer in writer metadata document provided by VSS while creating auto-recovered VSS snapshot for online DBCC check. ,Cannot find SQL Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) Writer component for database '%1!s!' while creating auto-recovered VSS snapshot for online DBCC check. The current version of the operating system doesn't support auto-recovered Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) snapshots. Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) failed to create an auto-recovered snapshot of database '%1!s!' for online DBCC check. File name '%1!s!' as relative path is too long after prefixed with default path '%2!s!'. Error occured when shrinking the physical file. Please check ERRORLOG for more detail. The logical database file '%1!s!' cannot be found. Specify the full path for the file. 4The original file name '%1!s!' for logical database file '%2!s!' is too long to be combined with the full path to the new primary data file location. TSystem table sysfiles1 is corrupted. Cannot attach file '%1!s!' as database '%2!s!' because this database name is already attached with file '%3!s!' Cannot attach file '%1!s!' as database '%2!s!' because this file is already in use for database '%3!s!' Could not create snapshot database because user database is still in recovery. hCannot create index or statistics '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' because key column '%3!s!' is imprecise, computed and not persisted. Consider removing reference to column in view index or statistics key or changing column to be precise. If column is computed in base table consider marking it PERSISTED there. Cannot create more than one clustered index on %1!s! '%2!s!'. Drop the existing clustered index '%3!s!' before creating another. The %1!s! '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!' has %4!s! columns in the key list. The maximum limit for %5!s! key column list is %6!s!. Cannot recreate index '%1!s!'. The new index definition does not match the constraint being enforced by the existing index. Column '%1!s!' is partitioning column of the index '%2!s!'. Partition columns for a unique index must be a subset of the index key. Cannot use duplicate column names in %1!s!. Column name '%2!s!' listed more than once. Could not create %1!s! '%2!s!' because it exceeds the maximum of %3!s! allowed per table or view. Column name '%1!s!' does not exist in the target table or view. |Could not proceed with index DDL operation on %1!s! '%2!s!' because it conflicts with another concurrent operation that is already in progress on the object. The concurrent operation could be an online index operation on the same object or another concurrent operation that moves index pages like DBCC SHRINKFILE. The operation failed because an index or statistics with name '%1!s!' already exists on %2!s! '%3!s!'. Index cannot be created on object '%1!s!' because the object is not a user table or view. Cannot alter a non-unique index with ignore_dup_key index option. Index '%1!s!' is non-unique. CREATE INDEX options %1!s! and %2!s! are mutually exclusive. Cannot create, rebuild or drop an index on a local temporary table online. Perform the index operation offline. Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index. LInvalid %1!s! '%2!s!' specified. Filegroup '%1!s!' has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, and large object columns cannot be created on this filegroup. Use ALTER DATABASE to add one or more files to the filegroup. HFilegroup '%1!s!' is read-only. Cannot convert a clustered index to a nonclustered index by using the DROP_EXISTING option. To change the index type from clustered to nonclustered, delete the clustered index, and then create a nonclustered index by using two separate statements. There are already statistics on table '%1!s!' named '%2!s!'. Statistics cannot be created on object '%1!s!' because the object is not a user table or view. lCannot convert a nonclustered index to a clustered index because a foreign key constraint references the index. Remove the foreign key constraint and then retry the operation. The SQL statement cannot be executed because filegroup '%1!s!' is offline. Use the sys.database_files or sys.master_files catalog view to determine the state of the files in this filegroup and then restore the offline file(s) from backup. %1!s! failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: '%2!s!'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with %3!s!. Cannot create index. Object '%1!s!' was created with the following SET options off: '%2!s!'. PCannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references another view '%3!s!'. Consider expanding referenced view's definition by hand in indexed view definition. Index cannot be created on view '%1!s!' because the underlying object '%2!s!' has a different owner. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because the view is not schema bound. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. It does not have a unique clustered index. DCannot create nonunique clustered index on view '%1!s!' because only unique clustered indexes are allowed. Consider creating unique clustered index instead. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. It contains text, ntext, image, FILESTREAM or xml columns. The index "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!" cannot be reorganized because page level locking is disabled. Index '%1!s!' was not created because the index key size is at least %2!s! bytes. The index key size cannot exceed 900 bytes. If the index key includes implicit key columns, the index key size cannot exceed 1800 bytes. Operation failed. The index entry of length %1!s! bytes for the index '%2!s!' exceeds the maximum length of %3!s! bytes. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!". The view contains a self join on "%3!s!". Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The function '%3!s!' yields nondeterministic results. Use a deterministic system function, or modify the user-defined function to return deterministic results. `Cannot create %1!s! on the '%2!s!' view because it uses the nondeterministic user-defined function '%3!s!'. Remove the reference to the function, or make it deterministic. TCannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because view uses imprecise user-defined function '%3!s!'. Consider removing reference to function or altering it to be precise. Cannot create an index on a view or computed column because the compatibility level of this database is less than 80. Use sp_dbcmptlevel to raise the compatibility level of the database. TCannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The collation cast expression with collation name '%3!s!' is non-deterministic because it is dependent on the operating system. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because column '%3!s!' that is referenced by the view in the WHERE or GROUP BY clause is imprecise. Consider eliminating the column from the view, or altering the column to be precise. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!". The view contains a convert that is imprecise or non-deterministic. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!". The view contains an imprecise constant. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!". The view contains an imprecise arithmetic operator. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The view contains an imprecise aggregate operator. tCannot create a new clustered index on a view online. Cannot convert a nonclustered index to a clustered index online using DROP_EXISTING option. Default FILESTREAM filegroup is not available in database '%1!s!'. Cannot disable index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!'. Permission denied to disable foreign key '%3!s!' on table '%4!s!' that uses this index. 4Cannot disable clustered index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!'. Permission denied to alter the referencing view '%3!s!' while disabling its clustered index. Cannot perform the specified operation on disabled index '%1!s!' on %2!s! '%3!s!'. Cannot perform the specified operation on %1!s! '%2!s!' because its clustered index '%3!s!' is disabled. Index '%1!s!' row length exceeds the maximum permissible length of '%2!s!' bytes. <Cannot create index or statistics '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' because cannot verify key column '%3!s!' is precise and deterministic. Consider removing column from index or statistics key, marking column persisted in base table if it is computed, or using non-CLR-derived column in key. Could not create %1!s! '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!'. Only XML Index can be created on XML column '%4!s!'. Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index or statistics. Cannot use index option ignore_dup_key to alter index '%1!s!' as it enforces a primary or unique constraint. Index cannot be created on computed column '%1!s!' of table '%2!s!' because the underlying object '%3!s!' has a different owner. @Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because the view references non-deterministic or imprecise member function '%3!s!' on CLR type '%4!s!'. Consider removing reference to the function or altering the function to behave in a deterministic way. Do not declare a CLR function that behaves non-deterministically to have IsDeterministic=true, because that can lead to index corruption. See Books Online for details. lCannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The function '%3!s!' yields imprecise results. Use a precise system function, or modify the user-defined function to return precise results. dIndex '%1!s!' cannot be created or rebuilt. The specified row length for this index using the vardecimal storage format exceeds the maximum allowed length of '%2!s!' bytes. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. It contains one or more XML data type methods. Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' on %4!s! '%5!s!' because its %6!s! is disabled. Cannot rebuild clustered index '%1!s!' online because it is disabled. Cannot enable foreign key constraint '%1!s!' as index '%2!s!' on referenced key is disabled. lCannot define an index on a view with ignore_dup_key index option. Remove ignore_dup_key option and verify that view definition does not allow duplicates, or do not index view. 8Cannot disable clustered index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!'. Permission denied to disable foreign key '%3!s!' on table '%4!s!' that references this table. Cannot partition an index on a table variable or return table definition in table valued function. Cannot create or update statistics on view "%1!s!" because both FULLSCAN and NORECOMPUTE options are required. lCannot rebuild hypothetical index '%1!s!' online. Could not create index enforcing primary key constraint '%1!s!' using DROP_EXISTING option because table has an XML or spatial index. Drop the XML or spatial index, create the primary key contstraint, and recreate the XML or spatial index. Could not convert the XML or spatial index '%1!s!' to a relational index by using the DROP_EXISTING option. Drop the XML or spatial index and create a relational index with the same name. Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is of a type that is invalid for use as included column in an index. Cannot create a procedure for replication with group number greater than one. Procedures with a group number cannot have parameters of XML or CLR types. Parameter '%1!s!' of procedure '%2!s!' has type '%3!s!'. Procedure '%1!s!' has already been created with group number %2!s!. Create procedure with an unused group number. The table '%1!s!' is unavailable and needs to be rebuilt. Rebuild the table offline. The object '%1!s!' is not a procedure so you cannot create another procedure under that group name. Cannot perform alter on '%1!s!' because it is an incompatible object type. Index hints cannot be specified within a schema-bound object. Remote access is not allowed from within a schema-bound object. The dependencies reported for entity "%1!s!" might not include references to all columns. This is either because the entity references an object that does not exist or because of an error in one or more statements in the entity. Before rerunning the query, ensure that there are no errors in the entity and that all objects referenced by the entity exist. The referenced entity '%1!s!' was modified during DDL execution. Please retry the operation. Parsing errors were encountered in the %1!s! '%2!s!'. The dependencies referenced from this object could not be determined. Cannot %1!s! a server level %2!s! for user '%3!s!' since there is no login corresponding to the user. Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' since there is no user for login '%4!s!' in database '%5!s!'. Cannot %1!s! trigger '%2!s!' because its schema is different from the schema of the target table or view. Cannot %1!s! the %2!s! '%3!s!', because you do not have permission. Cannot %1!s! %2!s! on '%3!s!' as the target is not in the current database. LCannot alter trigger '%1!s!' on '%2!s!' because this trigger does not belong to this object. Specify the correct trigger name or the correct target object name. Cannot %1!s! trigger '%2!s!' on %3!s! '%4!s!' because an INSTEAD OF %5!s! trigger already exists on this object. Cannot create trigger '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' because the view is defined with CHECK OPTION. PCannot %1!s! INSTEAD OF DELETE or INSTEAD OF UPDATE TRIGGER '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!'. This is because the table has a FOREIGN KEY with cascading DELETE or UPDATE. Column '%1!s!' cannot be used in an IF UPDATE clause because it is a computed column. Server level event notifications are disabled as the database msdb does not exist. Cannot CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION to database '%1!s!' because it is not a valid broker database. Cannot %1!s! INSTEAD OF trigger '%2!s!' on %3!s! '%4!s!' because the %5!s! has a FILESTREAM column. %1!s!Derivation from "anySimpleType" by restriction is not permitted, and derivation by restriction from a type derived from "anySimpleType" by extension is allowed only if no constraining facets are specified. %1!s!An error has occurred while compiling the query. To obtain more detailed information about the error, the query must be run by a user with EXECUTE permissions on the xml schema collection used in the query. L%1!s!Only '', '' or 'node()*' expressions allowed as predicates, found '%2!s!' (%1!s!Only '' or 'node()*' expressions allowed in conditions and with logical operators, found '%2!s!' @%1!s!"%2!s!" was expected. 8%1!s!Namespace prefix 'xml' can only be associated with the URI '' and this URI cannot be used with other prefixes. %1!s!Only non-document nodes can be inserted. Found "%2!s!". %1!s!The URI that starts with '%2!s!' is too long. Maximum allowed length is %3!s! characters. H%1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!' %1!s!Heterogeneous sequences are not allowed: found '%2!s!' and '%3!s!' %1!s!Singleton (or empty sequence) required, found operand of type '%2!s!' %1!s!Invalid source character '%2!s!' (0x%3!s!) found in an identifier near '%4!s!'. %1!s!Cannot atomize/apply data() on expression that contains type '%2!s!' within inferred type '%3!s!' `%1!s!The type '%2!s!' is not an atomic type %1!s!The value of attribute '%2!s!' exceeds 4000 characters, the maximum permitted in XML schema documents T%1!s!Invalid XPath value in "%2!s!". L%1!s!'%2!s!' or '%3!s!' expected \%1!s!There is no attribute named '@%2!s!' %1!s!There is no attribute named '@%2!s!' in the type '%3!s!'. h%1!s!There is no attribute named '@%2!s!:%3!s!' %1!s!There is no attribute named '@%2!s!:%3!s!' in the type '%4!s!'. %1!s!Invalid source character 0x%2!s! found in an identifier near '%3!s!'. x%1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected an identifier. P%1!s!A string literal was expected %1!s!The target of 'insert' must be a single node, found '%2!s!' %1!s!The variable '%2!s!' was not found in the scope in which it was referenced. %1!s!The variable '%2!s!:%3!s!' was not found in the scope in which it was referenced. p%1!s!The name "%2!s!" does not denote a namespace. h%1!s!The name "%2!s!" has already been defined. t%1!s!The name "%2!s!" does not denote a defined type. %1!s!The name "%2!s!:%3!s!" does not denote a defined type. l%1!s!The operand of "%2!s!" has an invalid type. %1!s!The operator "%2!s!" cannot be applied to "%3!s!" and "%4!s!" operands. |%1!s!An argument list was applied to a non-function term. %1!s!There are not enough actual arguments in the call to function "%2!s!". %1!s!Derivation from anyType by extension is not supported in this release. p%1!s!Too many arguments in call to function '%2!s!' %1!s!The target of 'insert into' must be an element/document node, found '%2!s!' H%1!s!Variable expected: '$name' L%1!s!Type specification expected. x%1!s!Relative path expression used without any context %1!s!The value is of type "%2!s!", which is not a subtype of the expected type "%3!s!". %1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected 'as', 'into', 'before' or 'after'. %1!s!The target of 'insert before/after' must be an element/PI/comment/text node, found '%2!s!' x%1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected a "node test". %1!s!The position may not be specified when inserting an attribute node, found '%2!s!' X%1!s!There is no element named '%2!s!' %1!s!There is no element named '%2!s!' in the type '%3!s!'. d%1!s!There is no element named '%2!s!:%3!s!' %1!s!There is no element named "%2!s!:%3!s!" in the type "%4!s!". %1!s!Only non-document nodes may be deleted, found '%2!s!' P%1!s!Expected end tag '%2!s!:%3!s!' D%1!s!Expected end tag '%2!s!' t%1!s!End tag '/%2!s!:%3!s!' has no matching begin tag h%1!s!End tag '/%2!s!' has no matching begin tag X%1!s!Duplicate attribute '%2!s!:%3!s!' L%1!s!Duplicate attribute '%2!s!' 0%1!s!'?>' expected H%1!s!Unterminated CDATA section |%1!s!Unterminated string constant (started on line %2!s!) L%1!s!Unterminated XML declaration %1!s!Derivation from 'QName' by restriction is not supported in this release t%1!s!A tag name may not contain the character '%2!s!' |%1!s!A tag name may not start with the character '%2!s!' %1!s!A name/token may not start with the character '%2!s!' d%1!s!<! was not followed by a valid construct T%1!s!Cannot construct DTDs in XQuery D%1!s!Invalid entity reference %1!s!The character '%2!s!' may not be part of an entity reference x%1!s!The namespace prefix '%2!s!' has not been defined T%1!s!Invalid numeric entity reference H%1!s!No root element was found. $%1!s!When a type with simple content restricts a type with mixed content, it must have an embedded simple type definition. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!Choice cannot be empty unless minOccurs is 0. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!'xml' is not allowed as a processing instruction target. x%1!s!Element <%2!s!> is not valid at location '%3!s!'. |%1!s!Attribute '%2!s!' is not valid at location '%3!s!'. %1!s!Required attribute "%2!s!" of XSD element "%3!s!" is missing. %1!s!Required sub-element "%2!s!" of XSD element "%3!s!" is missing. p%1!s!The element "%2!s!" has already been defined. %1!s!The name "%2!s!" has already been defined in this scope. %1!s!Element or attribute type specified more than once. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!The qualified name "%2!s!" was found in a context where only NCName is allowed. `%1!s!Reference to an undefined name '%2!s!' %1!s!Reference to an undefined name '%2!s!' within namespace '%3!s!' l%1!s!The value of "%2!s!" is not a valid number. x%1!s!The attribute "%2!s!" is declared more than once. %1!s!The attribute "%2!s!" is declared more than once within "%3!s!". %1!s!The value of attribute '%2!s!' does not conform to the type definition '!s!': '%4!s!'. %1!s!The attribute "%2!s!" cannot have a value of "%3!s!". |%1!s!The attribute "%2!s!" cannot have a negative value. x%1!s!The attribute "%2!s!" should have a string value. %1!s!The required 'base' attribute is missing. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!The base type "%2!s!" defined on XSD element "%3!s!" is not a simple type. %1!s!This type may not have a '%2!s!' facet. Location: '%3!s!'. x%1!s!Duplicate facet '%2!s!' found at location '%3!s!'. %1!s!Facets cannot follow attribute declarations. Found facet '%2!s!' at location '%3!s!'. %1!s!The element type is not a subclass of the substitution group's head %1!s!The end tag '%2!s!' doesn't match opening tag '%3!s!' from line %4!s! %1!s!The end tag '%2!s!:%3!s!' doesn't match opening tag '%4!s!' from line %5!s! %1!s!The end tag '%2!s!' doesn't match opening tag '%3!s!:%4!s!' from line %5!s! %1!s!The end tag '%2!s!:%3!s!' doesn't match opening tag '%4!s!:%5!s!' from line %6!s! t%1!s!The content or definition of <%2!s!> is missing. %1!s!Schema namespace '%2!s!' doesn't match <include> directive's '%3!s!' %1!s!The string "%2!s!" is not a valid time duration value. %1!s!Redefinition has to have itself as base type. Location: '%2!s!'. t%1!s!'%2!s!' may not be used with an 'empty' operand T%1!s!Invalid source character 0x%2!s! h%1!s!Invalid source character '%2!s!' (0x%3!s!) \%1!s!Newline in character/string constant %1!s!'%2!s!' is not a valid octal digit (numbers starting with '0' are implicitly octal) %1!s!The target of 'replace' must be at most one node, found '%2!s!' %1!s!The second 'replace' operand must contain only nodes, found '%2!s!' %1!s!Either a memberType attribute or a simpleType child must be present. Location: '%2!s!'. d%1!s!Comment started on line %2!s! has no end l%1!s!Expected hex character code following '\\x' H%1!s!Invalid numeric constant. `%1!s!Unterminated text section - missing ` %1!s!A namespace URI should contain at least one non-whitespace character. l%1!s!Attempt to redefine namespace prefix '%2!s!' L%1!s!Invalid XML element content H%1!s!Expected 'first' or 'last' `%1!s!'to' or 'insert' or 'delete' expected X%1!s!Invalid source character encoding 4%1!s!'else' expected %1!s!The target of 'replace value of' must be a non-metadata attribute or an element with simple typed content, found '%2!s!' %1!s!A document node may only be replaced with another document node, found '%2!s!' %1!s!Derivation with both a 'base' attribute and an embedded type definition is not supported in this release. Location: '%2!s!'. |%1!s!The target of '%2!s!' may not be a constructed node %1!s!Cannot have both a 'name' and 'ref' attribute. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!The base type of an XSD extension or restriction type must be a simple type. @%1!s!XSD schema too complex 8%1!s!XQuery too complex x%1!s!Cannot implicitly convert from '%2!s!' to '%3!s!' x%1!s!Cannot explicitly convert from '%2!s!' to '%3!s!' X%1!s!"%2!s!" has a circular definition. %1!s!The item type of an XSD list type must be a simple type. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!Cannot have element content in a complex type with simple content. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!Cannot have more than one group/sequence/choice/all within a restriction or extension. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!No more tokens expected at the end of the XQuery expression. Found '%2!s!'. %1!s!'%2!s!' can only be used within a predicate or XPath selector %1!s!Metadata attribute '@%2!s!:%3!s!' may not be used with '%4!s!' l%1!s!%2!s! is not supported with constructed XML l%1!s!A node or set of nodes is required for %2!s! %1!s!Aggregate function '%2!s!' expects a sequence argument h%1!s!Operand of a single numeric type expected x%1!s!Result of '%2!s!' expression is statically 'empty' L%1!s!Expected XML schema document |%1!s!The name specified is not a valid XML name :'%2!s!' x%1!s!Mixed content is not allowed at location '%2!s!'. %1!s!Invalid combination of minOccurs and maxOccurs values, minOccurs has to be less than or equal to maxOccurs. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!Invalid value '%2!s!' for the %3!s! attribute. The value has to be between 0 and %4!s!. %1!s!Invalid element occurrence, element '%2!s!' was found multiple times in the context of element '%3!s!' PInvalid target namespace specified %1!s!The value of '%2!s!' facet is outside of the allowed range %1!s!Cannot have both 'type' and 'ref' attributes. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!Invalid element occurrence, element '%2!s!' has to appear first in the context of '%3!s!' %1!s!'%2!s!' requires a singleton (or empty sequence), found operand of type '%3!s!' d%1!s!Top-level %2!s! nodes are not supported d%1!s!Redefining XSD schemas is not supported P%1!s!'%2!s!::' is not a valid axis %1!s!Either an itemType attribute or a simpleType child must be present. Location: '%2!s!'. P%1!s!There is no function '%2!s!()' \%1!s!There is no function '%2!s!:%3!s!()' p%1!s!Attribute may not appear outside of an element %1!s!Identifiers may not contain more than %2!s! characters X%1!s!Duplicate id value found: '%2!s!' %1!s!An attribute cannot have a value of type '%2!s!', a simple type was expected Cannot find a table or object with the name "%1!s!". Check the system catalog. Memory object list dump failed due to temporary inconsistency in the memory object structure. Please try again. Could not delete the physical file '%1!s!'. The DeleteFile system function returned error %2!s!. The device '%1!s!' does not exist. Use sys.backup_devices to show available devices. Could not find a table or object name '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!'. The CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL option must be set to ON to run DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS. $The %1!s! count for object "%2!s!", index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) is incorrect. Run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE. DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS failed due to an internal query error. Please run DBCC CHECKDATABASE to ensure your data consistency. <DBCC %1!s! error: %2!s!. @Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Keys out of order on page %6!s!, slots %7!s! and %8!s!. XTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Duplicate keys on page %6!s! slot %7!s! and page %8!s! slot %9!s!. XA DBCC PAGE error has occurred: %1!s!. The page %1!s!, object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, allocation unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) has been modified, but is not marked as modified in the differential backup bitmap. Repair has invalidated the differential bitmap for database %1!s!. The differential backup chain is broken. You must perform a full database backup before you can perform a differential backup. Bulk-logging has been turned on for database %1!s!. To ensure that all data has been secured, run backup log operations again. Could not find database '%1!s!'. The database either does not exist, or was dropped before a statement tried to use it. Verify if the database exists by querying the sys.databases catalog view. Could not find database ID %1!s!. The database ID either does not exist, or the database was dropped before a statement tried to use it. Verify if the database ID exists by querying the sys.databases catalog view. Unable to process index %1!s! of table %2!s! because filegroup %3!s! is invalid. @Filegroup %1!s! is invalid. Cannot process object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because it is a Service Broker queue. Try the operation again with the object ID of the corresponding internal table for the queue, found in sys.internal_tables. HDatabase file %1!s! is offline. Incorrect DBCC statement. Check the documentation for the correct DBCC syntax and options. Unable to process index %1!s! of table %2!s! because filegroup %3!s! is offline. @Filegroup %1!s! is offline. hThe index "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!" is disabled. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) B-tree level mismatch, page %6!s!. Level %7!s! does not match level %8!s! from the previous %9!s!. One or more WITH options specified are not valid for this command. Table error: page %1!s! allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) was not seen. The page may be invalid or may have an incorrect alloc unit ID in its header. Table error: page %1!s!, whose header indicates that it is allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!), is allocated by another object. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!, row %7!s!. The record check (%8!s!) failed. The values are %9!s! and %10!s!. Unable to process object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because it is a synonym. If the object referenced by the synonym is a table or view, retry the operation using the base object that the synonym references. The index "%1!s!" (partition %2!s!) on table "%3!s!" cannot be reorganized because it is being reorganized by another process. The indexes on table "%1!s!" cannot be reorganized because there is already an online index build or rebuild in progress on the table. The index "%1!s!" (partition %2!s!) on table "%3!s!" cannot be reorganized because page level locking is disabled. The index "%1!s!" (partition %2!s!) on table "%3!s!" cannot be reorganized because the filegroup is read-only. Cannot move all contents of file "%1!s!" to other places to complete the emptyfile operation. There is insufficient space in the filegroup to complete the emptyfile operation. User '%1!s!' does not have permission to run DBCC %2!s! for object '%3!s!'. |%1!s! incorrect counts were detected in database '%2!s!'. The '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' options are not allowed on the same statement. tParameter %1!s! is incorrect for this DBCC statement. lParameter %1!s! is incorrect for this statement. TChecking FILESTREAM filegroup "%1!s!" (ID %2!s!) is not supported in DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP. Specify a filegroup containing user objects with FILESTREAM data instead. DBCC SHRINKFILE for FILESTREAM containers requires EMPTYFILE option and does not allow any other options. hDBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on system tables. xDBCC INDEXDEFRAG cannot be used on system table indexes Page %1!s! is out of range for this database or is in a log file. Page %1!s!, slot %2!s! in object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type "%7!s!"). Column "%8!s!" value is out of range for data type "%9!s!". Update column to a legal value. |User '%1!s!' does not have permission to run DBCC %2!s!. lDBCC cannot free DLL '%1!s!'. The DLL is in use. Could not find table or object ID %1!s!. Check system catalog. hTable error: Page %1!s! is empty in object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). This is not permitted at level %7!s! of the B-tree. The Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %1!s! is pointed to by the next pointer of IAM page %2!s! in object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!), but it was not detected in the scan. The Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %1!s! is pointed to by the previous pointer of IAM page %2!s! in object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!), but it was not detected in the scan. Chain sequence numbers are out of order in the Index Allocation Map (IAM) chain for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s! with sequence number %7!s! points to page %8!s! with sequence number %9!s!. <Table error: Extent %1!s! in object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) is beyond the range of this database. Table '%1!s!' is either a system or temporary table. DBCC CLEANTABLE cannot be applied to a system or temporary table. An incorrect number of parameters was given to the DBCC statement. tCannot find partition number %1!s! for table "%2!s!". Cannot find partition number %1!s! for index "%2!s!", table "%3!s!". lThe invalid partition number %1!s! was specified. Cannot find partition number %1!s! for index ID %2!s!, object ID %3!s!. tRepair could not fix all errors on the first attempt. Cannot find a row in the system catalog with the index ID %1!s! for table "%2!s!". The repair statement was not processed. The database cannot be in read-only mode. Check cannot proceed on any objects belonging to database "%1!s!" because it is currently in recovery. hCannot switch to in row text in table "%1!s!". Cannot insert duplicate key row in object '%1!s!' with unique index '%2!s!'. The duplicate key value is %3!s!. Violation of %1!s! constraint '%2!s!'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '%3!s!'. The duplicate key value is %4!s!. There are too many statements in the batch; the maximum number is %1!s! LDatabase '%1!s!' does not exist. Cannot use duplicate column names in the partition columns list. Column name '%1!s!' appears more than once. `Invalid partition scheme '%1!s!' specified. Column names in each table must be unique. Column name '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is specified more than once. DTable '%1!s!' does not exist. (Column '%1!s!' in %2!s! '%3!s!' cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it depends on a non-schemabound object. Column '%1!s!' in %2!s! '%3!s!' cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it does user or system data access. You are not the owner specified for the object '%1!s!' in this statement (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS or BULK INSERT). The definition of object "%1!s!" in the resource database contains the non-ASCII character "%2!s!". Database '%1!s!' can not be configured as a distribution database because it has change tracking enabled. |There is already an object named '%1!s!' in the database. Column, parameter, or variable #%1!s!: Cannot find data type %2!s!. Column, parameter, or variable #%1!s!: Cannot specify a column width on data type %2!s!. The size (%1!s!) given to the %2!s! '%3!s!' exceeds the maximum allowed (%4!s!). ,Upgrade of database "%1!s!" failed because it contains a user named "sys" which is a reserved user or schema name in this version of SQL Server. Cannot schema bind %1!s! '%2!s!' because it references system object '%3!s!'. Xml data type methods are not allowed in expressions in this context. <An online operation cannot be performed for %1!s! '%2!s!' because the index contains column '%3!s!' of data type text, ntext, image or FILESTREAM. For a non-clustered index, the column could be an include column of the index. For a clustered index, the column could be any column of the table. If DROP_EXISTING is used, the column could be part of a new or old index. The operation must be performed offline. $Partition function '%1!s!' uses %2!s! columns which does not match with the number of partition columns used to partition the table or index. @Cannot find index '%1!s!'. dCannot partition on more than %1!s! columns. Column '%1!s!' in %2!s! '%3!s!' cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it is non-deterministic. Cannot create procedure '%1!s!' with a group number of %2!s! because a procedure with the same name and a group number of 1 does not currently exist in the database. Must execute CREATE PROCEDURE '%3!s!';1 first. \Column '%1!s!' has invalid width: %2!s!. Error number %1!s! is invalid. The number must be from %2!s! through %3!s! and it cannot be 50000. lThe %1!s! data type is invalid for return values. Cannot create primary xml or spatial index '%1!s!' on '%2!s!' because PRIMARY KEY constraint contains column(s) of type timestamp. A table can only have one timestamp column. Because table '%1!s!' already has one, the column '%2!s!' cannot be added. The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables. SET LANGUAGE failed because '%1!s!' is not an official language name or a language alias on this SQL Server. dSET DATEFORMAT date order '%1!s!' is invalid. TSET DATEFIRST %1!s! is out of range. X%1!s! option requires %2!s! parameter. Multiple identity columns specified for table '%1!s!'. Only one identity column per table is allowed. Too many substitution parameters for RAISERROR. Cannot exceed %1!s! substitution parameters. Cannot specify %1!s! data type (parameter %2!s!) as a substitution parameter. <Identity column '%1!s!' must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, and constrained to be nonnullable. Column or parameter #%1!s!: Specified column precision %2!s! is greater than the maximum precision of %3!s!. Column or parameter #%1!s!: Specified column scale %2!s! is greater than the specified precision of %3!s!. hIdentity column '%1!s!' contains invalid SEED. pIdentity column '%1!s!' contains invalid INCREMENT. Error severity levels greater than %1!s! can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option. SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY option is invalid. Valid options are {HIGH | NORMAL | LOW | [%1!s! ... %2!s!] of type integer}. Invalid value %1!s! for state. Valid range is from %2!s! to %3!s!. dCREATE SCHEMA failed due to previous errors. The specified schema name "%1!s!" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it. The ROWGUIDCOL property can only be specified on the uniqueidentifier data type. sp_setapprole was not invoked correctly. Refer to the documentation for more information. The definition for user-defined data type '%1!s!' has changed. Could not locate statistics '%1!s!' in the system catalogs. The SELECT INTO statement cannot have same source and destination tables. xCannot access temporary tables from within a function. The collation ID is corrupted because the sort order ID %1!s! is not valid. HCollation ID %1!s! is invalid. pThe code page %1!s! is not supported by the server. Only System Administrator can specify %1!s! option for %2!s! command. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is an auto-drop system object. It cannot be used in queries or DDL. LView '%1!s!' is not schemabound. Cannot create table "%1!s!": A table must have a clustered primary key in order to have XML data type columns. User-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, CLR types, and methods on CLR types are not allowed in expressions in this context. The data type of substitution parameter %1!s! does not match the expected type of the format specification. XInvalid format specification: '%1!s!'. Synonyms are invalid in a schemabound object or a constraint expression. Must specify a two-part name for %1!s! '%2!s!' in a schemabound object or a constraint expression. Cannot use a column of type TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE in a constraint expression. Could not resolve expression for Schema-bound object or constraint. Cannot specify a sql CLR type in a Schema-bound object or a constraint expression. Specified owner name '%1!s!' either does not exist or you do not have permission to act on its behalf. Message text expects more than the maximum number of arguments (%1!s!). Could not %1!s! %2!s! because the new %3!s! '%4!s!' does not match the FILESTREAM %5!s! '%6!s!' of the table. Cannot specify database name with $partition in a Schema-bound object, computed column or constraint expression. PThe default schema does not exist. 0Cannot create index or statistics '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' because SQL Server cannot verify that key column '%3!s!' is precise and deterministic. Consider removing column from index or statistics key, marking computed column persisted, or using non-CLR-derived column in key. Cannot create index or statistics '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' because the computed column '%3!s!' is imprecise and not persisted. Consider removing column from index or statistics key or marking computed column persisted. The definition of object '%1!s!' has changed since it was compiled. The request for %1!s! '%2!s!' failed because '%3!s!' is a %4!s! object. \Could not find stored procedure '%1!s!'. x"%1!s!" is not supported on this edition of SQL Server. dCannot BACKUP or RESTORE a database snapshot. |The primary filegroup cannot be backed up as a file backup because the database is using the SIMPLE recovery model. Consider taking a partial backup by specifying READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS. The differential backup is not allowed because it would be based on more than one base backup. Multi-based differential backups are not allowed in the simple recovery model, and are never allowed for partial differential backups. The backup of the file or filegroup "%1!s!" is not permitted because it is not online. Container state: "%2!s!" (%3!s!). Restore status: %4!s!. BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data. The specified device type is not supported for backup mirroring. xCould not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database. This may indicate a problem with the msdb database. The backup/restore operation was still successful. Invalid backup mirror specification. All mirrors must have the same number of members. All backup devices must be of the same general class (for example, DISK and TAPE). VDI ran out of buffer when SQL Server attempted to send differential information to SQL Writer. L%1!s! is terminating abnormally. Backup of file '%1!s!' is not permitted because it contains pages subject to an online restore sequence. Complete the restore sequence before taking the backup, or restrict the backup to exclude this file. 4The restart-checkpoint file '%1!s!' could not be opened. Operating system error '%2!s!'. Correct the problem, or reissue the command without RESTART. The restart-checkpoint file '%1!s!' is from a previous interrupted RESTORE operation and is inconsistent with the current RESTORE command. The restart command must use the same syntax as the interrupted command, with the addition of the RESTART clause. Alternatively, reissue the current statement without the RESTART clause. Cannot perform a backup or restore operation within a transaction. Backup, file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) and encryption changes on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup or file manipulation operation is completed. You can only perform a full backup of the master database. Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database. Missing database name. Reissue the statement specifying a valid database name. xThe filegroup "%1!s!" is not part of database "%2!s!". Option '%1!s!' conflicts with option(s) '%2!s!'. Remove the conflicting option and reissue the statement. One or more of the options (%1!s!) are not supported for this statement. Review the documentation for supported options. BACKUP DATABASE cannot be used on a database opened in emergency mode. No files were selected to be processed. You may have selected one or more filegroups that have no members. Cannot perform a differential backup for database "%1!s!", because a current database backup does not exist. Perform a full database backup by reissuing BACKUP DATABASE, omitting the WITH DIFFERENTIAL option. DThe database "%1!s!" is in warm-standby state (set by executing RESTORE WITH STANDBY) and cannot be backed up until the entire restore sequence is completed. The file name "%1!s!" is invalid as a backup device name. Reissue the BACKUP statement with a valid file name. PCannot perform a differential backup for file '%1!s!' because a current file backup does not exist. Reissue BACKUP DATABASE omitting the WITH DIFFERENTIAL option. BACKUP failed to complete the command %1!s!. Check the backup application log for detailed messages. BACKUP '%1!s!' detected an error on page (%2!s!:%3!s!) in file '%4!s!'. Invalid zero-length device name. Reissue the BACKUP statement with a valid device name. BACKUP or RESTORE requires the NTFS file system for FILESTREAM and full-text support. The path "%1!s!" is not usable. HInconsistent metadata has been encountered. The only possible backup operation is a tail-log backup using the WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR or NO_TRUNCATE option. The BackupDirectory registry key is not configured correctly. This key should specify the root path where disk backup files are stored when full path names are not provided. This path is also used to locate restart checkpoint files for RESTORE. BACKUP detected corruption in the database log. Check the errorlog for more information. SQL Server could not send the differential information for database file '%1!s!' of database '%2!s!\\%3!s!' to the backup application because the differential information is too large to fit in memory, and an attempt to use a temporary file has failed. BACKUP LOG was unable to maintain mirroring consistency for database '%1!s!'. Database mirroring has been suspended. BACKUP LOG was unable to log updates for for database '%1!s!'. Subsequent log backups will be required to advance the backup point from %2!s! to %3!s! after log space is made available for logging them. hDifferential file backups can include only read-only data for databases using the simple recovery model. Consider taking a partial backup by specifying READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS. hBackup destination "%1!s!" supports a FILESTREAM filegroup. This filegroup cannot be used as a backup destination. Rerun the BACKUP statement with a valid backup destination. $The backup operation has detected an unexpected file in a FILESTREAM container. The backup operation will continue and include file '%1!s!'. TInvalid device name. The length of the device name provided exceeds supported limit (maximum length is:%1!s!). Reissue the BACKUP statement with a valid device name. This BACKUP or RESTORE command is not supported on a database mirror or secondary replica. dThe restart-checkpoint file '%1!s!' could not be opened. Operating system error '%2!s!'. Make the file available and retry the operation or, restart the RESTORE sequence. Cannot backup from a HADRON secondary because it is not in Synchronizing or Synchronized state. The backup cannot be performed because '%1!s!' was requested after the media was formatted with an incompatible structure. To append to this media set, either omit '%2!s!' or specify '%3!s!'. Alternatively, you can create a new media set by using WITH FORMAT in your BACKUP statement. If you use WITH FORMAT on an existing media set, all its backup sets will be overwritten. Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use. H%1!s! cannot process database '%2!s!' because it is in use by this session. It is recommended that the master database be used when performing this operation. A partial restore sequence cannot be initiated by this command. To initiate a partial restore sequence, use the WITH PARTIAL clause of the RESTORE statement and provide a backup set which includes a full copy of at least the primary data file. The WITH PARTIAL clause of the RESTORE statement may not be used for any other purpose. RESTORE cannot operate on database '%1!s!' because it is configured for database mirroring or has joined an availability group. If you intend to restore the database, use ALTER DATABASE to remove mirroring or to remove the database from its availability group. RESTORE cannot restore any more pages into file '%1!s!' because the maximum number of pages (%2!s!) are already being restored. Either complete the restore sequence for the existing pages, or use RESTORE FILE to restore all pages in the file. The filegroup "%1!s!" is ambiguous. The identity in the backup set does not match the filegroup that is currently defined in the online database. To force the use of the filegroup in the backup set, take the database offline and then reissue the RESTORE command. The file "%1!s!" is ambiguous. The identity in the backup set does not match the file that is currently defined in the online database. To force the use of the file in the backup set, take the database offline and then reissue the RESTORE command. To restore the master database, the server must be running in single-user mode. For information on starting in single-user mode, see "How to: Start an Instance of SQL Server (sqlservr.exe)" in Books Online. LMaster can only be restored and fully recovered in a single step using a full database backup. Options such as NORECOVERY, STANDBY, and STOPAT are not supported. User does not have permission to RESTORE database '%1!s!'. Page %1!s! is a control page which cannot be restored in isolation. To repair this page, the entire file must be restored. Cannot restore any database other than master when the server is in single user mode. @Invalid data was detected. The database is using the simple recovery model. It is not possible to restore a subset of the read-write data. The supplied backup is not on the same recovery path as the database, and is ineligible for use for an online file restore. The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward. ,The database "%1!s!" does not exist. RESTORE can only create a database when restoring either a full backup or a file backup of the primary file. Problems were identified while planning for the RESTORE statement. Previous messages provide details. This backup set will not be restored because all data has already been restored to a point beyond the time covered by this backup set. The file "%1!s!" is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with application of this backup set. RESTORE cannot continue. tFile initialization failed. RESTORE cannot continue. Invalid database name '%1!s!' specified for backup or restore operation. The database is using the simple recovery model. The data in the backup it is not consistent with the current state of the database. Restoring more data is required before recovery is possible. Either restore a full file backup taken since the data was marked read-only, or restore the most recent base backup for the target data followed by a differential file backup. The file '%1!s!' of restored database '%2!s!' is being left in the defunct state because the database is using the simple recovery model and the file is marked for read-write access. Therefore, only read-only files can be recovered by piecemeal restore. pFile '%1!s!' has an unsupported page size (%2!s!). $The contents of the file "%1!s!" are not consistent with a transition into the restore sequence. A restore from a backup set may be required. The media set has %1!s! media families but only %2!s! are provided. All members must be provided. The volume on device "%1!s!" is sequence number %2!s! of media family %3!s!, but sequence number %4!s! of media family %5!s! is expected. Check that the device specifications and loaded media are correct. The backup set in file '%1!s!' was created by %2!s! and cannot be used for this restore operation. This differential backup cannot be restored because the database has not been restored to the correct earlier state. XDatabase cannot be reverted. Either the primary or the snapshot names are improperly specified, all other snapshots have not been dropped, or there are missing files. The database cannot be reverted because FILESTREAM BLOBs are present. Restore to snapshot is not allowed with the master database. xCould not adjust the space allocation for file '%1!s!'. The database to be restored was named '%1!s!'. Reissue the statement using the WITH REPLACE option to overwrite the '%2!s!' database. File "%1!s!" cannot be restored over the existing "%2!s!". Reissue the RESTORE statement using WITH REPLACE to overwrite pre-existing files, or WITH MOVE to identify an alternate location. The data set on device '%1!s!' is not a SQL Server backup set. File '%1!s!' was not backed up in file %2!s! on device '%3!s!'. The file cannot be restored from this backup set. The STOPAT option is not supported for databases that use the SIMPLE recovery model. Backup and restore operations are not allowed on database tempdb. This RESTORE statement is invalid in the current context. The 'Recover Data Only' option is only defined for secondary filegroups when the database is in an online state. When the database is in an offline state filegroups cannot be specified. tThe file or filegroup "%1!s!" is not in a valid state for the "Recover Data Only" option to be used. Only secondary files in the OFFLINE or RECOVERY_PENDING state can be processed. Failed to restore master database. Shutting down SQL Server. Check the error logs, and rebuild the master database. For more information about how to rebuild the master database, see SQL Server Books Online. \The database is already fully recovered. The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing '%1!s!' database. $The RESTORE operation cannot proceed because one or more files have been added or dropped from the database since the backup set was created. File '%1!s!' cannot be restored to '%2!s!'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file. ,The tail of the log for the database "%1!s!" has not been backed up. Use BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY to backup the log if it contains work you do not want to lose. Use the WITH REPLACE or WITH STOPAT clause of the RESTORE statement to just overwrite the contents of the log. The primary file is unavailable. It must be restored or otherwise made available. The transaction log was damaged. All data files must be restored before RESTORE LOG can be attempted. Database '%1!s!' was restored, however an error was encountered while replication was being restored/removed. The database has been left offline. See the topic MSSQL_ENG003165 in SQL Server Books Online. RESTORE DATABASE could not drop database '%1!s!'. Drop the database and then reissue the RESTORE DATABASE statement. \RESTORE could not start database '%1!s!'. XThe backup of the system database on the device %1!s! cannot be restored because it was created by a different version of the server (%2!s!) than this server (%3!s!). The database was backed up on a server running version %1!s!. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version %2!s!. Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server. LThe STANDBY filename is invalid. File %1!s! is defunct and cannot be restored into the online database. Filegroup %1!s! is defunct and cannot be restored into the online database. The STOPAT clause provided with this RESTORE statement indicates that the tail of the log contains changes that must be backed up to reach the target point in time. The tail of the log for the database "%1!s!" has not been backed up. Use BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY to back up the log, or use the WITH REPLACE clause in your RESTORE statement to overwrite the tail of the log. The file '%1!s!' cannot be moved by this RESTORE operation. File '%1!s!' is claimed by '%2!s!'(%3!s!) and '%4!s!'(%5!s!). The WITH MOVE clause can be used to relocate one or more files. File %1!s! is not in the correct state to have this differential backup applied to it. hThe system database cannot be moved by RESTORE. This backup cannot be restored using WITH STANDBY because a database upgrade is needed. Reissue the RESTORE without WITH STANDBY. 4The backup set cannot be restored because the database was damaged when the backup occurred. Salvage attempts may exploit WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR. RESTORE detected an error on page (%1!s!:%2!s!) in database "%3!s!" as read from the backup set. RESTORE cannot apply this backup set because the database is suspect. Restore a backup set that repairs the damage. The backup set has been damaged. RESTORE will not attempt to apply this backup set. RESTORE WITH CHECKSUM cannot be specified because the backup set does not contain checksum information. XDamage to the backup set was detected. Filegroup '%1!s!' cannot be restored because it does not exist in the backup set. Restore cannot continue because file '%1!s!' cannot be written. Ensure that all files in the database are writable. Page %1!s! is beyond the end of the file. Only pages that are in the current range of the file can be restored. Page %1!s! cannot be restored from this backup set. RESTORE PAGE can only be used from full backup sets or from the first log or differential backup taken since the file was added to the database. RESTORE master WITH SNAPSHOT is not supported. To restore master from a snapshot backup, stop the service and copy the data and log file. RESTORE requires MAXTRANSFERSIZE=%1!s! but %2!s! was specified. Cannot open backup device '%1!s!'. Operating system error %2!s!. HWrite on "%1!s!" failed: %2!s! DRead on "%1!s!" failed: %2!s! PThe backup or restore was aborted. Too many backup devices specified for backup or restore; only %1!s! are allowed. Backup device '%1!s!' does not exist. To view existing backup devices, use the sys.backup_devices catalog view. To create a new backup device use either sp_addumpdevice or SQL Server Management Studio. Backup or restore requires at least one backup device. Rerun your statement specifying a backup device. dUnexpected end of file while reading beginning of backup set. Confirm that the media contains a valid SQL Server backup set, and see the console error log for more details. dOperation is not supported on user instances. The mirror member in drive "%1!s!" is inconsistent with the mirror member in drive "%2!s!". The mirror device "%1!s!" and the mirror device "%2!s!" have different device specifications. Unable to unload one or more tapes. See the error log for details. Too many backup mirrors are specified. Only %1!s! are allowed. tUse WITH FORMAT to create a new mirrored backup set. xRESTORE REWINDONLY is only applicable to tape devices. dInvalid value specified for %1!s! parameter. 8Backup mirroring is not available in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. The file or filegroup "%1!s!" cannot be selected for this operation. The ReadFileEx system function executed on file '%1!s!' only read %2!s! bytes, expected %3!s!. The WriteFileEx system function executed on file '%1!s!' only wrote %2!s! bytes, expected %3!s!. DCannot create worker thread. The backup media on "%1!s!" is part of media family %2!s! which has already been processed on "%3!s!". Ensure that backup devices are correctly specified. For tape devices, ensure that the correct volumes are loaded. TRequest for device '%1!s!' timed out. lOperation on device '%1!s!' exceeded retry count. DThe media loaded on "%1!s!" is formatted to support %2!s! media families, but %3!s! media families are expected according to the backup device specification. The volume mounted on "%1!s!" does not have the expected backup set identity. The volume may be obsolete due to a more recent overwrite of this media family. In that case, locate the correct volume with sequence number %2!s! of media family %3!s!. Logical file '%1!s!' is not part of database '%2!s!'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names. The file "%1!s!" is not part of database "%2!s!". You can only list files that are members of this database. The backup set on device '%1!s!' uses a feature of the Microsoft Tape Format not supported by SQL Server. Backup to mirrored media sets requires all mirrors to append. Provide all members of the set, or reformat a new media set. The media family on device '%1!s!' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family. The file on device '%1!s!' is not a valid Microsoft Tape Format backup set. The media family on device '%1!s!' was created using Microsoft Tape Format version %2!s!.%3!s!. SQL Server supports version %4!s!.%5!s!. Descriptor block size exceeds %1!s! bytes. Use a shorter name and/or description string and retry the operation. tCould not convert a string to or from Unicode, %1!s!. The media family on device '%1!s!' is marked as nonappendable. Reissue the statement using the INIT option to overwrite the media. The volume on device '%1!s!' has the wrong media sequence number (%2!s!). Remove it and insert volume %3!s!. (The volume on device '%1!s!' is a continuation volume for the backup set. Remove it and insert the volume holding the start of the backup set. The value '%1!s!' is not within range for the %2!s! parameter. The block size parameter must supply a value that is a power of 2. XThe volume on device '%1!s!' is empty. The data set on device '%1!s!' is a SQL Server backup set not compatible with this version of SQL Server. The backup set on device '%1!s!' was terminated while it was being created and is incomplete. RESTORE sequence is terminated abnormally. \There is insufficient free space on disk volume '%1!s!' to create the database. The database requires %2!s! additional free bytes, while only %3!s! bytes are available. PThe volume on the device "%1!s!" is not part of the media set that is currently being processed. Ensure that the backup devices are loaded with the correct media. PAn internal buffer has become full. xSQL Server cannot use the virtual device configuration. Cannot use the volume on device '%1!s!' as a continuation volume. It is sequence number %2!s! of family %3!s! for the current media set. Insert a new volume, or sequence number %4!s! of family %5!s! for the current set. The operation did not proceed far enough to allow RESTART. Reissue the statement without the RESTART qualifier. The login has insufficient authority. Membership of the sysadmin role is required to use VIRTUAL_DEVICE with BACKUP or RESTORE. The backup data at the end of "%1!s!" is incorrectly formatted. Backup sets on the media might be damaged and unusable. To determine the backup sets on the media, use RESTORE HEADERONLY. To determine the usability of the backup sets, run RESTORE VERIFYONLY. If all of the backup sets are incomplete, reformat the media using BACKUP WITH FORMAT, which destroys all the backup sets. hInsufficient resources to create UMS scheduler. $Cannot use the backup file '%1!s!' because it was originally formatted with sector size %2!s! and is now on a device with sector size %3!s!. $Cannot restore the file '%1!s!' because it was originally written with sector size %2!s!; '%3!s!' is now on a device with sector size %4!s!. An internal consistency error has occurred. This error is similar to an assert. Contact technical support for assistance. A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "%1!s!:" %2!s!. The '%1!s!' device has a hardware sector size of %2!s!, but the block size parameter specifies an incompatible override value of %3!s!. Reissue the statement using a compatible block size. WITH SNAPSHOT can be used only if the backup set was created WITH SNAPSHOT. |WITH SNAPSHOT must be used with only one virtual device. HFailed to encrypt string %1!s! `Access is denied due to a password failure Backups on raw devices are not supported. '%1!s!' is a raw device. The file "%1!s!" failed to initialize correctly. Examine the error logs for more details. TFilemark on device '%1!s!' is not aligned. Re-issue the Restore statement with the same blocksize used to create the backupset: '%2!s!' looks like a possible value. Backup failed because there is a mismatch in file metadata for file %1!s!. PThe transaction log contains a record (logop %1!s!) that is not valid. The log has been corrupted. Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database. Redoing of logged operations in database '%1!s!' failed to reach end of log at log record ID %2!s!. This indicates corruption around log record ID %3!s!. Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database. During redoing of a logged operation in database '%1!s!', an error occurred at log record ID %2!s!. Typically, the specific failure is previously logged as an error in the Windows Event Log service. Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database. During undoing of a logged operation in database '%1!s!', an error occurred at log record ID %2!s!. Typically, the specific failure is logged previously as an error in the Windows Event Log service. Restore the database or file from a backup, or repair the database. During rollback, the following process did not hold an expected lock: process %1!s! with mode %2!s! at level %3!s! for row %4!s! in database '%5!s!' under transaction %6!s!. Restore a backup of the database, or repair the database. |During undo of a logged operation in database '%1!s!', an error occurred at log record ID %2!s!. The row was not found. Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database. tPerformance counter shared memory setup failed with error %1!s!. Reinstall sqlctr.ini for this instance, and ensure that the instance login account has correct registry permissions. Configuration block version %1!s! is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall. Database ID %1!s!. Could not mark database as suspect. Getnext NC scan on sys.databases.database_id failed. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Database '%1!s!' cannot be upgraded because it is read-only, has read-only files or the user does not have permissions to modify some of the files. Make the database or files writeable, and rerun recovery. The server contains read-only files that must be made writable before the server can be recollated. Cannot recover the master database. SQL Server is unable to run. Restore master from a full backup, repair it, or rebuild it. For more information about how to rebuild the master database, see SQL Server Books Online. Recovery for database '%1!s!' is being skipped because it requires an upgrade but is marked for Standby. Use RESTORE DATABASE WITH NORECOVERY to take the database back to a Restoring state and continue the restore sequence. Database snapshot '%1!s!' has failed an IO operation and is marked suspect. It must be dropped and recreated. Could not recover database '%1!s!' (database ID %2!s!) because of unresolved transaction outcomes. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transactions were prepared, but MS DTC was unable to determine the resolution. To resolve, either fix MS DTC, restore from a full backup, or repair the database. 8Cannot change sort order or locale. An unexpected failure occurred while trying to reindex the server to a new collation. SQL Server is shutting down. Restart SQL Server to continue with the sort order unchanged. Diagnose and correct previous errors and then retry the operation. An error occurred while recovering database '%1!s!'. Unable to connect to Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) to check the completion status of transaction %2!s!. Fix MS DTC, and run recovery again. During startup of warm standby database '%1!s!' (database ID %2!s!), its standby file ('%3!s!') was inaccessible to the RESTORE statement. The operating system error was '%4!s!'. Diagnose the operating system error, correct the problem, and retry startup. Database '%1!s!' (database ID %2!s!:%3!s!) was marked for standby or read-only use, but has been modified. The RESTORE LOG statement cannot be performed. Restore the database from a backup. File '%1!s!' is not a valid undo file for database '%2!s! (database ID %3!s!). Verify the file path, and specify the correct file. Primary log file is not available for database '%1!s!' (%2!s!:%3!s!). The log cannot be backed up. Could not activate or scan all of the log files for database '%1!s!'. Rollback encountered a page with a log sequence number (LSN) less than the original log record LSN. Could not undo log record %1!s!, for transaction ID %2!s!, on page %3!s!, database '%4!s!' (%5!s!:%6!s!). Page information: LSN = %7!s!, type = %8!s!. Log information: OpCode = %9!s!, context %10!s!. Restore or repair the database. 0SQL Server must shut down in order to recover a database (database ID %1!s!). The database is either a user database that could not be shut down or a system database. Restart SQL Server. If the database fails to recover after another startup, repair or restore the database. This version cannot redo any index creation or non-logged operation done by SQL Server 7.0. Further roll forward is not possible. Could not redo log record %1!s!, for transaction ID %2!s!, on page %3!s!, allocation unit %4!s!, database '%5!s!' (database ID %6!s!). Page: LSN = %7!s!, allocation unit = %8!s!, type = %9!s!. Log: OpCode = %10!s!, context %11!s!, PrevPageLSN: %12!s!. Restore from a backup of the database, or repair the database. dTransactional file system resource manager '%1!s!' failed to recover. For more information, see the accompanying error message, which determines the appropriate user action. <Recovery cannot scan database "%1!s!" for dropped allocation units because an unexpected error has occurred. These allocation units cannot be cleaned up. Recovery of database "%1!s!" failed to redo a file add for file "%2!s!". Please delete the file and retry. Only the owner of database "%1!s!" or someone with relevant permissions can run the CHECKPOINT statement. lSchema verification failed for database '%1!s!'. TCannot allocate a GUID for the token. The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted. An error was raised during trigger execution. The batch has been aborted and the user transaction, if any, has been rolled back. dAn invalid floating point operation occurred. `A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details. Typically, an assertion failure is caused by a software bug or data corruption. To check for database corruption, consider running DBCC CHECKDB. If you agreed to send dumps to Microsoft during setup, a mini dump will be sent to Microsoft. An update might be available from Microsoft in the latest Service Pack or in a QFE from Technical Support. H'%1!s!' is not yet implemented. New parallel operation cannot be started due to too many parallel operations executing at this time. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase the number of allowable threads, or reduce the number of parallel operations running on the system. The Database Engine received a floating point exception from the operating system while processing a user request. Try the transaction again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. The operating system returned the error '%1!s!' while attempting '%2!s!' on '%3!s!' at '%4!s!'(%5!s!). The operating system returned the error '%1!s!' while attempting '%2!s!' on '%3!s!'. An error occurred while processing '%1!s!' metadata for database id %2!s!, file id %3!s!, and transaction='%4!s!'. Additional Context='%5!s!'. Location='%6!s!'(%7!s!). Retry the operation; if the problem persists, contact the database administrator to review locking and memory configurations. Review the application for possible deadlock conflicts. An error occurred while processing '%1!s!' metadata for database id %2!s! file id %3!s!. A parallel operation cannot be started from a DAC connection. tThis operation is not supported on a single-file DB. Cannot %1!s! the %2!s! '%3!s!', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Cannot drop database "%1!s!" because it is currently in use. Cannot detach the %1!s! '%2!s!' because it is currently in use. Cannot use DROP %1!s! with '%2!s!' because '%3!s!' is a %4!s!. Use %5!s!. LCannot %1!s! a database snapshot. Cannot detach a suspect or recovery pending database. It must be repaired or dropped. Cannot %1!s! the %2!s! '%3!s!' because it is a system %4!s!. Cannot %1!s! the database while the database snapshot "%2!s!" refers to it. Drop that database first. Cannot detach an opened database when the server is in minimally configured mode. The %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be dropped because it is bound to one or more %3!s!. Cannot drop a default constraint by DROP DEFAULT statement. Use ALTER TABLE to drop a constraint default. Type '%1!s!' cannot be renamed because it is being referenced by object '%2!s!'. An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed on index '%1!s!'. It is being used for %2!s! constraint enforcement. Cannot %1!s! the %2!s! '%3!s!' because it is being used for replication. The constraint '%1!s!' is being referenced by table '%2!s!', foreign key constraint '%3!s!'. Could not drop object '%1!s!' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. D'%1!s!' is not a constraint. Cannot %1!s! '%2!s!' because it is being referenced by object '%3!s!'. Cannot drop the default constraint '%1!s!' while it is being used by a foreign key as SET DEFAULT referential action. Cannot drop type '%1!s!' because it is being referenced by object '%2!s!'. There may be other objects that reference this type. tConstraint '%1!s!' does not belong to table '%2!s!'. Could not drop the primary key constraint '%1!s!' because the table has an XML or spatial index. The primary key constraint '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' cannot be dropped because change tracking is enabled on the table. Change tracking requires a primary key constraint on the table. Disable change tracking before dropping the constraint. Could not delete file '%1!s!'. See the SQL Server error log for more information. Cannot %1!s! the index '%2!s!' because it is not a statistics collection. Cannot drop the %1!s! '%2!s!' because at least part of the table resides on a read-only filegroup. Cannot drop the %1!s! '%2!s!' because at least part of the table resides on an offline filegroup. The database '%1!s!' is enabled for database mirroring. Database mirroring must be removed before you drop the database. Only a single clause is allowed in a statement where an index is dropped online. dOnly a clustered index can be dropped online. Cannot drop the clustered index of view '%1!s!' because the view is being used for replication. Cannot drop a clustered index created on a view using drop clustered index clause. Clustered index '%1!s!' is created on view '%2!s!'. Cannot drop non-clustered index '%1!s!' using drop clustered index clause. Cannot drop XML Index '%1!s!' using old 'Table.Index' syntax, use 'Index ON Table' syntax instead. Cannot use SP_DROPEXTENDEDPROC or DBCC DROPEXTENDEDPROC with '%1!s!' because '%2!s!' is a %3!s!. Use %4!s!. <The database '%1!s!' is currently joined to an availability group. Before you can drop the database, you need to remove it from the availatility group. Column name '%1!s!' is not sufficiently different from the names of other columns in the table '%2!s!'. Create failed because all available identifiers have been exhausted. Upgrade of database "%1!s!" failed because index "%2!s!" on object ID %3!s! has the same name as that of another index on the same table. Upgrade of login '%1!s!' failed because its name or sid is a duplicate of another login or server role. Local login mapped to remote login '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' is invalid. Drop and recreate the remote login before upgrade. Local login mapped to linked login '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' is invalid. Drop and recreate the linked login before upgrade. Upgrade of login '%1!s!' failed because its password hash is invalid. Update the login password before upgrade. XInvalid or unexpected message received. ,Could not find an entry for index with ID %1!s! on object with ID %2!s! in database with ID %3!s!. Possible schema corruption. Run DBCC CHECKDB. The operation on object '%1!s!' is blocked. The object is a FileTable system defined object and user modifications are not allowed. The transaction name must be specified when it is used with the mark option. The COMMIT TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION. The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION. Cannot unsplit logical page %1!s! in object '%2!s!', in database '%3!s!'. Both pages together contain more data than will fit on one page. Failed to update database "%1!s!" because the database is read-only. Could not run BEGIN TRANSACTION in database '%1!s!' because the database is in emergency mode or is damaged and must be restarted. LSession binding token is invalid. hTransaction context in use by another session. Cannot bind using an XP token while the server is not in an XP call. hTDS reset connection protocol error. Client driver requested both ResetConnectionKeepLocalXact and ResetConnectionKeepDTCXact at the same time. This is not expected in server. PThe data type "%1!s!" is invalid for transaction names or savepoint names. Allowed data types are char, varchar, nchar, varchar(max), nvarchar, and nvarchar(max). Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement. Cannot use the COMMIT statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement unless BEGIN TRANSACTION is used first. Session is bound to a transaction context that is in use. Other statements in the batch were ignored. The statement or function must be executed in the context of a user transaction. Cannot enlist in the transaction because the transaction has already been committed or rolled back. Cannot get a transaction token if there is no transaction active. Reissue the statement after a transaction has been started Cannot enlist in the transaction because the transaction does not exist. Invalid transaction mark name. The 'LSN:' prefix is reserved. TThe marked transaction "%1!s!" failed. A timeout occurred while attempting to place a mark in the log by committing the marked transaction. This can be caused by contention with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transactions or other local marked transaction that have prepared, but not committed or aborted. Try the operation again and if the error persists, determine the source of the contention. No distributed or bound transaction is allowed in single user database. The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction. The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot be rolled back to a savepoint. Roll back the entire transaction. The save point name "%1!s!" that was provided is too long. The maximum allowed length is %2!s! characters. Cannot promote the transaction to a distributed transaction because there is an active save point in this transaction. @The current user cannot use this FILESTREAM transaction context. To obtain a valid FILESTREAM transaction context, use GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT. 0A FILESTREAM transaction context could not be initialized. This might be caused by a resource shortage. Retry the operation. Error code: 0x%1!s!. The transaction could not be committed because an error occurred while tyring to flush FILESTREAM data to disk. A file may have been open at commit time or a disk I/O error may have occurred. '%1!s!' was one of the one or more files involved. ErorrCode: 0x%2!s! @While rolling back a transaction, an error occurred while trying to deliver a rollback notification to the FILESTREAM filter driver. Error code: 0x%1!s!. `The transaction has been stopped because it conflicted with the execution of a FILESTREAM close operation using the same transaction. The transaction will be rolled back. An uncommittable transaction was detected at the beginning of the batch. The transaction was rolled back. This was caused by an error that occurred during the processing of a FILESTREAM request in the context of this transaction. ,The transaction was terminated because of the availability replica config/state change or because ghost records are being deleted on the primary and the secondary availability replica that might be needed by queries running under snapshot isolation. Retry the transaction. TTransaction aborted when accessing versioned row in table '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!'. Requested versioned row was not found because the readable secondary access is not allowed for the operation that attempted to create the version. This might be timing related, so try the query again later. Version store scan timed out when attempting to read the next row. Please try the statement again later when the system is not as busy. Transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the statement was run under snapshot isolation but the transaction did not start in snapshot isolation. You cannot change the isolation level of the transaction to snapshot after the transaction has started unless the transaction was originally started under snapshot isolation level. dSnapshot isolation transaction failed accessing database '%1!s!' because snapshot isolation is not allowed in this database. Use ALTER DATABASE to allow snapshot isolation. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the database was not recovered when the current transaction was started. Retry the transaction after the database has recovered. Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database '%1!s!' because the ALTER DATABASE command that disallows snapshot isolation had started before this transaction began. The database is in transition to OFF state. You will either need to change the isolation level of the transaction or re-enable the snapshot isolation in the database. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the recovery was skipped for this database. You must recover the database before you can run a transaction under snapshot isolation. \Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database '%1!s!' because the ALTER DATABASE command which enables snapshot isolation for this database has not finished yet. The database is in transition to pending ON state. You must wait until the ALTER DATABASE Command completes successfully. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the database did not allow snapshot isolation when the current transaction started. It may help to retry the transaction. Transaction aborted when accessing versioned row in table '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!'. Requested versioned row was not found. Your tempdb is probably out of space. Please refer to BOL on how to configure tempdb for versioning. Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You cannot use snapshot isolation to access table '%1!s!' directly or indirectly in database '%2!s!' to update, delete, or insert the row that has been modified or deleted by another transaction. Retry the transaction or change the isolation level for the update/delete statement. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the object accessed by the statement has been modified by a DDL statement in another concurrent transaction since the start of this transaction. It is disallowed because the metadata is not versioned. A concurrent update to metadata can lead to inconsistency if mixed with snapshot isolation. Bind to another transaction while executing SQL Server internal query is not supported. Check your logon trigger definition and remove any sp_bindsession usage if any. If this error is not happening during logon trigger execution, contact production support team. Transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because distributed transactions are not supported under snapshot isolation. Transaction failed because this DDL statement is not allowed inside a snapshot isolation transaction. Since metadata is not versioned, a metadata change can lead to inconsistency if mixed within snapshot isolation. The PROMOTE TRANSACTION request failed because there is no local transaction active. Transaction is rolled back when accessing version store. It was earlier marked as victim when the version store was shrunk due to insufficient space in tempdb. This transaction was marked as a victim earlier because it may need the row version(s) that have already been removed to make space in tempdb. Retry the transaction dInsufficient space in tempdb to hold row versions. Need to shrink the version store to free up some space in tempdb. Transaction (id=%1!s! xsn=%2!s! spid=%3!s! elapsed_time=%4!s!) has been marked as victim and it will be rolled back if it accesses the version store. If the problem persists, the likely cause is improperly sized tempdb or long running transactions. Please refer to BOL on how to configure tempdb for versioning. Distributed transaction is not supported while running SQL Server internal query. Check your logon trigger definition and remove any distributed transaction usage if any. If this error is not happening during logon trigger execution, contact production support team. This operation conflicts with another pending operation on this transaction. The operation failed. |The server failed to resume the transaction. Desc:%1!s!. XIncoming Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol is incorrect. Transaction Manager event has wrong length. Event type: %1!s!. Expected length: %2!s!. Actual length: %3!s!. The database is currently being used by another thread under the same workspace in exclusive mode. The operation failed. The number of databases in exclusive mode usage under a workspace is limited. Because the limit has been exceeded, the operation failed. The varchar(max) data type is not supported for sp_getbindtoken. The batch has been aborted. The transaction name has the odd length %1!s!. The batch has been aborted. The savepoint name cannot be NULL. The batch has been aborted. Beginning a new transaction after rollback to save point is not allowed. The TM request is longer than expected. The request is not processed. The request failed to run because the batch is aborted, this can be caused by abort signal sent from client, or another request is running in the same session, which makes the session busy. The transaction operation cannot be performed because there are pending requests working on this transaction. New transaction is not allowed to be started while DTC or bound transaction is active. The operation failed because the session is not single threaded. Cannot acquire a database lock during a transaction change. $An error occurred during the changing of transaction context. This is usually caused by low memory in the system. Try to free up more memory. xThe transaction timestamps ran out. Restart the server. New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session. New request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor. Transaction is not allowed to commit inside of a user defined routine, trigger or aggregate because the transaction is not started in that CLR level. Change application logic to enforce strict transaction nesting. The context transaction which was active before entering user defined routine, trigger or aggregate "%1!s!" has been ended inside of it, which is not allowed. Change application logic to enforce strict transaction nesting. Transaction count has been changed from %1!s! to %2!s! inside of user defined routine, trigger or aggregate "%3!s!". This is not allowed and user transaction will be rolled back. Change application logic to enforce strict transaction nesting. The user transaction that has been started in user defined routine, trigger or aggregate "%1!s!" is not ended upon exiting from it. This is not allowed and the transaction will be rolled back. Change application logic to enforce strict transaction nesting. User defined routine, trigger or aggregate tried to rollback a transaction that is not started in that CLR level. An exception will be thrown to prevent execution of rest of the user defined routine, trigger or aggregate. Unknown transaction isolation level %1!s!, valid value range is 0 to 5. Snapshot isolation level is not supported for distributed transaction. Use another isolation level or do not use distributed transaction. A transaction that was started in a MARS batch is still active at the end of the batch. The transaction is rolled back. Uncommittable transaction is detected at the end of the batch. The transaction is rolled back. Failed to flush the commit table to disk in dbid %1!s! due to error %2!s!. Check the errorlog for more information. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. The stream ended unexpectedly. ,Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library (such as ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or earlier. Cannot update columns from more than one underlying table in a single update call. You cannot delete rows from more than one underlying table in a single delete call. Cannot update or insert column "%1!s!". It may be an expression. The data types varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and XML cannot be used in the compute clause by client driver versions earlier than SQL Server 2005. Please resubmit the query using a more recent client driver. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. The TDS headers contained errors. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. The Query Notification TDS header contained errors. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. The MARS TDS header contained errors. An invalid tabular data stream (TDS) collation was encountered. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. The multiple active result sets (MARS) TDS header is missing. ,A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from the network. The session will be terminated (input error: %1!s!, output error: %2!s!). Language requested in login '%1!s!' is not an official name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default %2!s! instead. Language requested in 'login %1!s!' is not an official name on this SQL Server. Using user default %2!s! instead. \Neither the language requested in 'login %1!s!' nor user default language %2!s! is an official language name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default %3!s! instead. User default language %1!s! is not an official language name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default %2!s! instead. Language requested in login '%1!s!' is not an official language name on this SQL Server. Login fails. Default date order '%1!s!' for language %2!s! is invalid. Using mdy instead. Resetting the connection results in a different state than the initial login. The login fails. Bulk load data was expected but not sent. The batch will be terminated. Mount tape for %1!s! of database '%2!s!' on tape drive '%3!s!'. End of tape has been reached. Remove tape '%1!s!' and mount next tape for %2!s! of database '%3!s!'. The user-specified MEDIANAME "%1!s!" does not match the MEDIANAME "%2!s!" of the device "%3!s!". dCannot find file ID %1!s! on device '%2!s!'. Cannot open database "%1!s!" requested by the login. The login failed. $Neither the database "%1!s!" requested by the login nor the user default database could be opened. The master database is being used instead. Cannot open user default database. Using master database instead. Cannot open database "%1!s!" that was requested by the login. Using the user default database "%2!s!" instead. lCannot open user default database. Login failed. User is trying to use '%1!s!' through ODS, which is not supported any more. Type IDs larger than 65535 cannot be sent to clients shipped in SQL Server 2000 or earlier. CLR type serialization failed because an invalid cookie was specified. <sp_resetconnection was sent as part of a remote procedure call (RPC) batch, but it was not the last RPC in the batch. This connection will be terminated. The final value of the output parameter was null, and could not be sent to a 6.5 client expecting the parameter to be non-nullable. More than 255 columns were specified in the COMPUTE clause, and this metadata cannot be sent to a SQL Server version 6.5 client. A return value of data type varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), XML or other large object type can not be returned to client driver versions earlier than SQL Server 2005. Please resubmit the query using a more recent client driver. Client drivers do not accept result sets that have more than 65,535 columns. The USE database statement failed because the database collation %1!s! is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading the client operating system or applying a service update to the database client software, or use a different collation. See SQL Server Books Online for more information on changing collations. The ALTER DATABASE statement failed because the database collation %1!s! is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading the client operating system or applying a service update to the database client software, or use a different collation. See SQL Server Books Online for more information on changing collations. The statement failed because the sql_variant value uses collation %1!s!, which is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading the client operating system or applying a service update to the database client software, or use a different collation. See SQL Server Books Online for more information on changing collations. The statement failed because column '%1!s!' (ID=%2!s!) uses collation %3!s!, which is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading the client operating system or applying a service update to the database client software, or use a different collation. See SQL Server Books Online for more information on changing collations. The statement failed due to arithmetic overflow when sending data stream. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. The TRACE TDS header contained errors. The parameter '%1!s!' was deduced to be a table-valued parameter, which cannot be sent by client driver versions earlier than SQL Server 2008. Please resubmit the query using a more recent client driver. Aggregates on the right side of an APPLY cannot reference columns from the left side. The READPAST lock hint is only allowed on target tables of UPDATE and DELETE and on tables specified in an explicit FROM clause. \"%1!s!": Temporary views are not allowed. tThe multi-part identifier "%1!s!" could not be bound. User-defined functions, partition functions, and column references are not allowed in expressions in this context. Inserting into remote tables or views is not allowed by using the BCP utility or by using BULK INSERT. Windowed functions can only appear in the SELECT or ORDER BY clauses. Windowed functions cannot be used in the context of another windowed function or aggregate. The argument type "%1!s!" is invalid for argument %2!s! of "%3!s!". The CREATE SCHEMA statement should be followed by a name or authorization keyword. The function '%1!s!' must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY. The function '%1!s!' is not a valid windowing function, and cannot be used with the OVER clause. tThe function '%1!s!' takes exactly %2!s! argument(s). The reference to column "%1!s!" is not allowed in an argument to a TOP, OFFSET, or FETCH clause. Only references to columns at an outer scope or standalone expressions and subqueries are allowed here. The function 'ntile' takes only a positive int or bigint expression as its input. Cannot retrieve table data for the query operation because the table "%1!s!" schema is being altered too frequently. Because the table "%2!s!" contains a computed column, changes to the table schema require a refresh of all table data. Retry the query operation, and if the problem persists, use SQL Server Profiler to identify what schema-altering operations are occurring. An invalid expression was specified in the FOR UPDATE clause. Default values cannot be assigned to property setters of columns with a CLR type. A user-defined function name cannot be prefixed with a database name in this context. Cannot find either column "%1!s!" or the user-defined function or aggregate "%2!s!", or the name is ambiguous. pRemote table-valued function calls are not allowed. tThe parameters supplied for the batch are not valid. \No full-text indexed columns were found. At least one of the arguments to COALESCE must be an expression that is not the NULL constant. PAn internal error occurred during remote query execution. Contact your SQL Server support professional and provide details about the query you were trying to run. The inline function "%1!s!" cannot take correlated parameters or subqueries because it uses a full-text operator. pA duplicate hint was specified for the BULK rowset. A compile-time literal value is specified more than once for the variable "%1!s!" in one or more OPTIMIZE FOR clauses. The value specified for the variable "%1!s!" in the OPTIMIZE FOR clause could not be implicitly converted to that variable's type. Only a scalar expression may be specified as the argument to the RETURN statement. Metadata stored on disk for computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' did not match the column definition. In order to avoid possible index corruption, please drop and recreate this computed column. Synonym '%1!s!' is defined over queue '%2!s!'. Synonyms on queues are not allowed. xThe hint '%1!s!' cannot be used with the hint '%2!s!'. A format file cannot be specified together with SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB or SINGLE_NCLOB option. Conflicting locking hints are specified for table "%1!s!". This may be caused by a conflicting hint specified for a view. ,Cannot process the query because it references the common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function "%1!s!" with a hint through view "%2!s!". The READCOMMITTEDLOCK lock hint is not allowed on the target table of an INSERT statement. \Nested CLR type updates are not allowed. hAggregates are not allowed in the RECEIVE list. The bulk openrowset provider is not a valid target for %1!s!. The hint '%1!s!' is not allowed when inserting into remote tables. An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '%1!s!'. `Statistics can only be created on columns. lXML methods are not allowed in a GROUP BY clause. Hints are not allowed on recursive common table expression (CTE) references. Consider removing hint from recursive CTE reference '%1!s!'. The type of the first argument to NULLIF cannot be the NULL constant because the type of the first argument has to be known. HType "%1!s!" is not a CLR type. tCannot treat data type "%1!s!" as data type "%2!s!". tUNNEST can only take an expression of type multiset. The SELECT list for the nested INSERT statement can only contain one item. The target of nested insert, nested update, or nested delete must be of type multiset. p"%1!s!" is not a valid property, field, or method. The field "%1!s!" is referenced more than once in the set list, either directly or through a property. Delayed CLR type instances require local base table column as an argument. Could not find suitable key in table '%1!s!' for use in delayed CLR type fetching. |Only CLR types are allowed in delayed CLR type fetching. A PROB_MATCH table can only be used inside of a PROB_MATCH query. tA GROUP BY clause is required in a PROB_MATCH query. A GROUP BY clause in a PROB_MATCH query can only have key columns, and needs to include all the key columns. (The score override argument, if present in one of the subqueries, must be present in all subqueries and must be the same constant and variable. DInvalid PROB_MATCH subquery. Multiple PROB_MATCH subqueries can only refer to the same base table. Invalid PROB_MATCH project item in the PROB_MATCH SELECT list. Applying TREAT more than once to the same expression is not allowed in a full-text property reference. The (ANY) specification can only be applied to expressions of type multiset. Alias was not specified for an aggregate in the PROB_MATCH SELECT list. LIncorrect use of full-text %1!s!. d"%1!s!" is not a valid scoring function name. Delayed CLR type instantiation fetch value query may only reference column of a large object or large value type. Nested updates cannot be performed on CLR types that are not Format.Structured. Too many parameters were specified for FULLTEXTTABLE of type "Simple". The maximum number of parameters is %1!s!. The FROM clause of a PROB_MATCH query must consist of a single derived table. $Cannot retrieve table data for the query operation because the table "%1!s!" schema is being altered too frequently. Because the table "%2!s!" contains a filtered index or filtered statistics, changes to the table schema require a refresh of all table data. Retry the query operation, and if the problem persists, use SQL Server Profiler to identify what schema-altering operations are occurring. lThis action cannot be performed on a system type. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' cannot be referenced in the OUTPUT clause because the column definition contains a subquery or references a function that performs user or system data access. A function is assumed by default to perform data access if it is not schemabound. Consider removing the subquery or function from the column definition or removing the column from the OUTPUT clause. Data type %1!s! of receiving variable cannot store all values of the data type %2!s! of column '%3!s!' without data loss. \Column or parameter '%1!s!' has type '%2!s!' and collation '%3!s!'. The legacy LOB types do not support Unicode supplementary characters whose codepoints are U+10000 or greater. Change the column or parameter type to varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or use a collation which does not have the _SC flag. Cannot convert to text/ntext or collate to '%1!s!' because these legacy LOB types do not support the Unicode supplementary characters whose codepoints are U+10000 or greater. Use types varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or a collation which does not have the _SC flag. PIVOT operator is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression '%1!s!'. xCannot resolve collation conflict for %1!s! operation. PCannot resolve collation conflict. '%1!s!' is not a valid window frame and cannot be used with the OVER clause. RANGE is only supported with UNBOUNDED and CURRENT ROW window frame delimiters. The reference to column "%1!s!" is not allowed in an argument to the NTILE function. Only references to columns at an outer scope or standalone expressions and subqueries are allowed here. $Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' cannot be referenced in the OUTPUT clause because the column definition contains an expression using a window function. An internal query compilation error occured during binding. BACKUP LOG is not possible because bulk logged changes exist in the database and one or more filegroups are unavailable. $The statement %1!s! is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE. Cannot back up the log of the master database. Use BACKUP DATABASE instead. BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup. Bulk-logged operations exist in the database. Perform a BACKUP LOG. The option "%1!s!" conflicts with online restore. Remove the conflicting option and reissue the command. DThe roll forward start point is now at log sequence number (LSN) %1!s!. Additional roll forward past LSN %2!s! is required to complete the restore sequence. DThe log in this backup set begins at LSN %1!s!, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN %2!s! can be restored. The online restore to database '%1!s!' failed. It may be appropriate to perform an offline restore instead. To force an offline restore, first take the database offline using the ALTER DATABASE statement. The state of file "%1!s!" prevents restoring individual pages. Only a file restore is currently possible. RESTORE PAGE is not allowed on file "%1!s!" because the file is not online. RESTORE PAGE is not allowed from backups taken with earlier versions of SQL Server. This log cannot be restored because a gap in the log chain was created. Use more recent data backups to bridge the gap. File '%1!s!' has been rolled forward to LSN %2!s!. This log terminates at LSN %3!s!, which is too early to apply the WITH RECOVERY option. Reissue the RESTORE LOG statement WITH NORECOVERY. lA previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file '%1!s!'. Either restore the backup set that was interrupted or restart the restore sequence. 4The file "%1!s!" was not fully restored by a database or file restore. The entire file must be successfully restored before applying this backup set. A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation left the database in a potentially damaged state. To continue this RESTORE sequence, all further steps must include the CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR option. PThe log in this backup set terminates at LSN %1!s!, which is too early to apply to the database. A more recent log backup that includes LSN %2!s! can be restored. @The log in this backup set contains bulk-logged changes. Point-in-time recovery was inhibited. The database has been rolled forward to the end of the log. XThe file "%1!s!" is missing. Roll forward stops at log sequence number %2!s!. The file is created at log sequence number (LSN) %3!s!, dropped at LSN %4!s!. Restore the transaction log beyond the point in time when the file was dropped, or restore data to be consistent with rest of the database. This backup set cannot be applied because it is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with the database. The recovery path is the sequence of data and log backups that have brought the database to a particular recovery point. Find a compatible backup to restore, or restore the rest of the database to match a recovery point within this backup set, which will restore the database to a different point in time. For more information about recovery paths, see SQL Server Books Online. The database cannot be recovered because the files have been restored to inconsistent points in time. RESTORE LOG has been halted. To use the database in its current state, run RESTORE DATABASE %1!s! WITH RECOVERY. The database cannot be recovered because the log was not restored. dThe named mark does not identify a valid LSN. The specified STOPAT time is too early. All or part of the database is already rolled forward beyond that point. The filegroup "%1!s!" has been dropped and cannot be restored into the online database. The file "%1!s!" has been dropped and cannot be restored into the online database. The STOPAT clause specifies a point too early to allow this backup set to be restored. Choose a different stop point or use RESTORE DATABASE WITH RECOVERY to recover at the current point. PThe point-in-time clause of this RESTORE statement is restricted for use by RESTORE LOG statements only. Omit the clause or use a clause that includes a timestamp. This log backup contains bulk-logged changes. It cannot be used to stop at an arbitrary point in time. TPoint-in-time recovery is not possible unless the primary filegroup is part of the restore sequence. Omit the point-in-time clause or restore the primary filegroup. pThe database has been rolled forward to the end of this backup set and beyond the specified point in time. RESTORE WITH RECOVERY can be used to accept the current recovery point. RESTORE PAGE is not allowed on read-only databases or filegroups. RESTORE PAGE is not allowed with databases that use the simple recovery model. pThe current restore sequence was previously interrupted during the transition to the online state. RESTORE DATABASE WITH RECOVERY can be used to complete the transition to online. lThe online restore to database '%1!s!' failed. It may be appropriate to perform an offline restore instead. An offline restore is initiated by using BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY. The log in this backup set begins at LSN %1!s!, which is too recent to apply to the database. This restore sequence needs to initialize the log to start at LSN %2!s!. Reissue the RESTORE LOG statement using an earlier log backup. The list of pages provided with the RESTORE PAGE statement is incorrectly formatted. Prior to the problem %1!s! pages were correctly identified. The problem was hit at character offset %2!s!. Check that all pages are identified by numeric <file>:<page> pairs with commas separating each pair. For example: PAGE='1:57,2:31'. Backups taken on earlier versions of SQL Server are not supported by fn_dump_dblog. (RESTORE LOG is not supported from this data backup because file '%1!s!' is too old. Use a regular log backup to continue the restore sequence. ,Conflicting file relocations have been specified for file '%1!s!'. Only a single WITH MOVE clause should be specified for any logical file name. The revert command is incorrectly specified. The RESTORE statement must be of the form: RESTORE DATABASE <x> FROM DATABASE_SNAPSHOT = <y>. Restore cannot take '%1!s!' offline because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the RESTORE. The database can not be brought online because file '%1!s!' is currently restored to LSN %2!s! but must be restored to LSN %3!s!. XThe STOPAT option cannot be used with this partial restore sequence because one or more FILESTREAM filegroups are not included. The CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR option can be used to force the recovery, but this should only be used if you do not intend to subsequently restore the FILESTREAM filegroups. RESTORE LOG WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR was unsuccessful. Execution of the RESTORE command was aborted. Cannot update the view or function '%1!s!' because it contains aggregates, or a DISTINCT or GROUP BY clause, or PIVOT or UNPIVOT operator. View or function '%1!s!' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables. Update or insert of view or function '%1!s!' failed because it contains a derived or constant field. (Too many tables. The query and the views or functions in it exceed the limit of %1!s! tables. Revise the query to reduce the number of tables. Could not use view or function '%1!s!' because of binding errors. Could not allocate ancillary table for view or function resolution. The maximum number of tables in a query (%1!s!) was exceeded. View '%1!s!' is not updatable because either it was created WITH CHECK OPTION or it spans a view created WITH CHECK OPTION and the target table is referenced multiple times in the resulting query. UNION ALL view '%1!s!' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct. Derived table '%1!s!' is not updatable because the definition contains a UNION operator. Derived table '%1!s!' is not updatable because it contains aggregates, or a DISTINCT or GROUP BY clause, or PIVOT or UNPIVOT operator. Derived table '%1!s!' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables. Derived table '%1!s!' is not updatable because a column of the derived table is derived or constant. View '%1!s!' has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger and cannot be a target of an UPDATE FROM statement. View '%1!s!' has an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger and cannot be a target of a DELETE FROM statement. Joined tables cannot be specified in a query containing outer join operators. View or function '%1!s!' contains joined tables. Cannot specify outer join operators in a query containing joined tables. View or function '%1!s!' contains outer join operators. View '%1!s!' is not updatable because the definition contains a UNION operator. <Cannot update the view "%1!s!" because it or a view it references was created with WITH CHECK OPTION and its definition contains a TOP or OFFSET clause. View or function '%1!s!' contains a self-reference. Views or functions cannot reference themselves directly or indirectly. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because table '%2!s!' has a timestamp column. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because table '%2!s!' has a DEFAULT constraint. Cannot INSERT into partitioned view '%1!s!' because table '%2!s!' has an IDENTITY constraint. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because table '%2!s!' has an INSTEAD OF trigger. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because a value was not specified for partitioning column '%2!s!'. UNION ALL view '%1!s!' is not updatable because a partitioning column was not found. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable as the target of a bulk operation. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because it does not deliver all columns from its member tables. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because the source query contains references to partition table '%2!s!'. UNION ALL view '%1!s!' is not updatable because a primary key was not found on table '%2!s!'. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because the table '%2!s!' has an index on a computed column. UNION ALL view '%1!s!' is not updatable because base table '%2!s!' is used multiple times. UNION ALL view '%1!s!' is not updatable because column '%2!s!' of base table '%3!s!' is used multiple times. UNION ALL view '%1!s!' is not updatable because the primary key of table '%2!s!' is not included in the union result. UNION ALL view '%1!s!' is not updatable because the primary key of table '%2!s!' is not unioned with primary keys of preceding tables. Cannot update the UNION ALL view "%1!s!" because the definition of column "%2!s!" of view "%3!s!" is used by another view column. View '%1!s!' is not updatable because the definition contains a set operator. Cannot INSERT into partitioned view '%1!s!' because values were not supplied for all columns. Using defaults is not allowed in views that contain a set operator. Cannot update partitioned view '%1!s!' because the definition of the view column '%2!s!' in table '%3!s!' has an IDENTITY constraint. Views referencing tables on multiple servers are not updatable in the edition of this SQL Server instance '%1!s!'. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. Cannot UPDATE partitioning column '%1!s!' of view '%2!s!' because the table '%3!s!' has a CASCADE DELETE or CASCADE UPDATE constraint. Cannot UPDATE partitioning column '%1!s!' of view '%2!s!' because the table '%3!s!' has a INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE trigger. Cannot update the partitioned view "%1!s!" because the partitioning columns of its member tables have mismatched types. $The partitioned view "%1!s!" is not updatable because one or more of the non-partitioning columns of its member tables have mismatched types. 4The attempted insert or update of the partitioned view failed because the value of the partitioning column does not belong to any of the partitions. View or function '%1!s!' has more column names specified than columns defined. Could not create schemabound %1!s! '%2!s!' because it references an object in another database. Could not create %1!s! '%2!s!' because CLR type '%3!s!' does not exist in the target database '%4!s!'. CREATE VIEW failed because column '%1!s!' in view '%2!s!' exceeds the maximum of %3!s! columns. Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name '%1!s!' in view or function '%2!s!' is specified more than once. Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with '#' denote temporary tables. Could not perform CREATE VIEW because WITH %1!s! was specified and the view is not updatable. Create View or Function failed because no column name was specified for column %1!s!. DCannot schema bind %1!s! '%2!s!' because name '%3!s!' is invalid for schema binding. Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself. Cannot schema bind %1!s! '%2!s!'. '%3!s!' is not schema bound. CREATE FUNCTION failed because a column name is not specified for column %1!s!. CREATE FUNCTION failed because column '%1!s!' in function '%2!s!' exceeds the maximum of %3!s! columns. Cannot schema bind function '%1!s!' because it contains an EXECUTE statement. Service queue object cannot be used in schemabinding expressions. '%1!s!' is a service queue. Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' on view '%4!s!' because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes. Cannot disable index on view '%1!s!' because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes. XCannot use object '%1!s!' with autodrop object attribute in schemabinding expressions because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes. Cannot alter view '%1!s!' because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes. Cannot create trigger on view '%1!s!' because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes. Only members of the sysadmin role can grant or revoke the CREATE DATABASE permission. There is no such user or group '%1!s!' or you do not have permission. Granted or revoked privilege %1!s! is not compatible with object. You can only grant or revoke permissions on objects in the current database. To revoke or deny grantable privileges, specify the CASCADE option. XGrantor does not have GRANT permission. DInvalid column name '%1!s!'. You cannot perform this operation for the resource database. Cannot grant, deny or revoke permissions to or from special roles. |You do not have permission to use %1!s! in the AS clause. CREATE DATABASE permission can only be granted in the master database. All permissions in a grant/deny/revoke statement should be at the same scope (e.g., server or database) Permissions at the server scope can only be granted when the current database is master Permissions at the server scope can only be granted to logins The all permission has been deprecated and is not available for this class of entity Cannot grant, deny, or revoke permissions to sa, dbo, entity owner, information_schema, sys, or yourself. There is no such server principal %1!s! or you do not have permission. Cannot grant, deny, or revoke the connect database permission to application roles. The ALL permission is deprecated and maintained only for compatibility. It DOES NOT imply ALL permissions defined on the entity. DPermissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedures or extended stored procedures can be granted only when the current database is master. Cannot find the object "%1!s!" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. Could not truncate object '%1!s!' because it or one of its indexes resides on a READONLY filegroup '%2!s!'. Could not truncate object '%1!s!' because it is not a table. |You are not allowed to truncate the system table '%1!s!'. Could not truncate object '%1!s!' because it or one of its indexes resides on an offline filegroup '%2!s!'. Cannot truncate table '%1!s!' because it is published for replication or enabled for Change Data Capture. Cannot truncate table '%1!s!' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. xInsert bulk is not supported over this access protocol. The SINGLE_LOB, SINGLE_CLOB, and SINGLE_NCLOB options are mutually exclusive with all other options. pThe bulk copy (bcp) client has sent a row length of %1!s!. This is not a valid size. The maximum row size is %2!s!. Use a supported client application programming interface (API). HWhile reading current row from host, a premature end-of-message was encountered--an incoming data stream was interrupted when the server expected to see more data. The host program may have terminated. Ensure that you are using a supported client application programming interface (API). The front-end tool you are using does not support bulk load from host. Use the supported tools for this command. SINGLE_CLOB requires a double-byte character set (DBCS) (char) input file. The file specified is Unicode. dThe bulk copy (bcp) client sent a row length of %1!s!. This size is not valid. The minimum row size is %2!s!. Use a supported client application programming interface (API). |Bulk copy operations cannot trigger bulk load statements. SINGLE_NCLOB requires a UNICODE (widechar) input file. The file specified is not Unicode. Expected the TEXT token in data stream for bulk copy of text or image data. Expected the column offset in data stream for bulk copy of text or image data. Expected the row offset in data stream for bulk copy of text or image data. Expected the text length in data stream for bulk copy of text, ntext, or image data. Bulk copy into a partitioned table is not supported for down-level clients. Received an invalid column length from the bcp client for colid %1!s!. tInvalid column type from bcp client for colid %1!s!. Could not bulk load. The sorted column '%1!s!' is not valid. The ORDER hint is ignored. Could not bulk load. The sorted column '%1!s!' was specified more than once. The ORDER hint is ignored. Cannot bulk load. The bulk data stream was incorrectly specified as sorted or the data violates a uniqueness constraint imposed by the target table. Sort order incorrect for the following two rows: primary key of first row: %1!s!, primary key of second row: %2!s!. |Cannot bulk load. Unknown version of format file "%1!s!". Cannot bulk load. Error reading the number of columns from the format file "%1!s!". Cannot bulk load. Invalid number of columns in the format file "%1!s!". Cannot bulk load. Invalid column number in the format file "%1!s!". Cannot bulk load. Invalid data type for column number %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". Cannot bulk load. Invalid prefix for column number %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". Cannot bulk load. Invalid column length for column number %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". Cannot bulk load. Invalid column terminator for column number %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". Cannot bulk load. Invalid destination table column number for source column %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". Cannot bulk load. Error reading the destination table column name for source column %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". Bulk load: An unexpected end of file was encountered in the data file. Bulk load: Version mismatch between the provider dynamic link library and the server executable. You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement. Bulk copying into a table with computed columns is not supported for downlevel clients. Cannot bulk copy into a table "%1!s!" that is enabled for immediate-updating subscriptions. The bulk data source does not support the SQLNUMERIC or SQLDECIMAL data types. Cannot perform the bulk load. Invalid collation name for source column %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". The bulk data source provider string has an invalid %1!s! property value %2!s!. lThe data source name is not a simple object name. The required FormatFile property is missing from the provider string of the server. The bulk data source provider string has a syntax error ('%1!s!') near character position %2!s!. The bulk data source provider string has an unsupported property name (%1!s!). The bulk data source provider string has a syntax error near character position %1!s!. Expected '%2!s!', but found '%3!s!'. lThe bulk data provider failed to allocate memory. Bulk copying into a table with bigint columns is not supported for versions earlier than SQL Server 2000. Bulk copying into a table with sql_variant columns is not supported for versions earlier than SQL Server 2000. Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": unexpected element "%3!s!". |Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": unexpected info item. Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": Attribute "%3!s!" could not be specified for this type. Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": bad value %3!s! for attribute "%4!s!". Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": required attribute "%3!s!" is missing. pCannot bulk load. The file "%1!s!" does not exist. Cannot bulk load because the file "%1!s!" could not be opened. Operating system error code %2!s!. Cannot bulk load because the file "%1!s!" is incomplete or could not be read. Operating system error code %2!s!. Bulk load data conversion error (truncation) for row %1!s!, column %2!s! (%3!s!). Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row %1!s!, column %2!s! (%3!s!). Cannot bulk load because the maximum number of errors (%1!s!) was exceeded. XThe bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row %1!s!, column %2!s!. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly. Bulk load data conversion error (overflow) for row %1!s!, column %2!s! (%3!s!). The bulk load failed. The codepage "%1!s!" is not installed. Install the codepage and run the command again. The bulk load failed. Unexpected NULL value in data file row %1!s!, column %2!s!. The destination column (%3!s!) is defined as NOT NULL. Cannot bulk load because of an error writing file "%1!s!". Operating system error code %2!s!. hBulk load error while attempting to log errors. Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": duplicate element id "%3!s!". Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": referencing non-existing element id "%3!s!". Line %1!s! in format file "%2!s!": duplicate element id reference "%3!s!". |Invalid column attribute from bcp client for colid %1!s!. `The Bulk Insert operation of SQL Server Destination has timed out. Please consider increasing the value of Timeout property on the SQL Server Destination in the dataflow. Error parsing DTS stream when reading row %1!s!, column %2!s!. Cannot bulk load. When you use the FIRSTROW and LASTROW parameters, the value for FIRSTROW cannot be greater than the value for LASTROW. Cannot bulk load. A prefix length, field length, or terminator is required for the source column %1!s! in the format file "%2!s!". The XML reader returned 0x%1!s! for the info item starting near line %2!s! column %3!s! in format file "%4!s!". Unknown error near info item starting near line %1!s! column %2!s! in format file "%3!s!". Cannot open file "%1!s!". A Windows NT Integrated Security login is required. Cannot open the file "%1!s!". Operating system error: %2!s! Cannot open the file "%1!s!". Only disk files are supported. Cannot open the file "%1!s!". The bulkadmin role membership is required. Cannot open the file "%1!s!". A unicode byte-order mark is missing. hInsert bulk is not supported in showplan mode. Insert bulk failed due to a schema change of the target table. Bulk insert failed due to a schema change of the target table. tCould not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object '%1!s!' could not be opened. Operating system error code %2!s!. Make sure you are accessing a local server via Windows security. `COLMETADATA must be present when using bcp. Unicode data is odd byte size for column %1!s!. Should be even byte size. tInvalid column value from bcp client for colid %1!s!. Received an invalid length for chunked LOB data for colid %1!s!. The ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed for table '%1!s!'. It is not possible to switch the partition of a table that has change tracking enabled. Disable change tracking before using ALTER TABLE SWITCH. $ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added that can contain nulls, or have a DEFAULT definition specified, or the column being added is an identity or timestamp column, or alternatively if none of the previous conditions are satisfied the table must be empty to allow addition of this column. Column '%1!s!' cannot be added to non-empty table '%2!s!' because it does not satisfy these conditions. Cannot find the object "%1!s!" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The specified partition %1!s! of target table '%2!s!' must be empty. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The target table '%1!s!' must be empty. '%1!s!' statement failed. The %2!s! '%3!s!' is %4!s! partitioned while index '%5!s!' is %6!s! partitioned. '%1!s!' statement failed. The %2!s! '%3!s!' has %4!s! partitions while index '%5!s!' has %6!s! partitions. D'%1!s!' statement failed. The range boundary values used to partition the %2!s! '%3!s!' are different from the range boundary values used for index '%4!s!'. hCannot alter '%1!s!' because it is not a table. Cannot specify a partitioned table without partition number in ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement. The table '%1!s!' is partitioned. ('%1!s!' statement failed. The columns set used to partition the %2!s! '%3!s!' is different from the column set used to partition index '%4!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' has clustered index '%2!s!' while the table '%3!s!' does not have clustered index. The ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table "%1!s!" has a disabled clustered index. '%1!s!' statement failed. The parameter type of the partition function used to partition the %2!s! '%3!s!' is different from the parameter type of the partition function used to partition index '%4!s!'. Could not enable or disable the constraint. See previous errors. PConstraint '%1!s!' does not exist. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because the table '%1!s!' has fulltext index on it. PERSISTED attribute cannot be altered on column '%1!s!' because this column is not computed. ALTER TABLE failed because trigger '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' does not exist. ALTER TABLE failed because trigger '%1!s!' does not belong to table '%2!s!'. %1!s! %2!s! failed because one or more objects access this column. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because '%1!s!' is the only data column in table '%2!s!'. A table must have at least one data column. %1!s! failed because column '%2!s!' does not exist in table '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN ADD ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column already exists in table '%1!s!' with ROWGUIDCOL property. ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN DROP ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column does not exist in table '%1!s!' with ROWGUIDCOL property. pCannot alter column '%1!s!' to be data type %2!s!. pCannot alter column '%1!s!' because it is '%2!s!'. Cannot alter the %1!s! '%2!s!' because it is being published for replication. Computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' cannot be persisted because the column depends on a non-schemabound object. Computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' cannot be persisted because the column does user or system data access. ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN cannot specify a FILESTREAM filegroup that differs from the existing one. Computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' cannot be persisted because the column is non-deterministic. @ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Partition %1!s! of %2!s! '%3!s!' is in filegroup '%4!s!' and partition %5!s! of %6!s! '%7!s!' is in filegroup '%8!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. %1!s! '%2!s!' is in filegroup '%3!s!' and partition %4!s! of %5!s! '%6!s!' is in filegroup '%7!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. %1!s! '%2!s!' is in filegroup '%3!s!' and %4!s! '%5!s!' is in filegroup '%6!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because the table '%1!s!' is marked for merge replication. hALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' at ordinal %2!s! in table '%3!s!' has a different name than the column '%4!s!' at the same ordinal in table '%5!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because table '%1!s!' has %2!s! columns and table '%3!s!' has %4!s! columns. XALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' has data type %2!s! in source table '%3!s!' which is different from its type %4!s! in target table '%5!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same collation in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same persistent attribute in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. There is no identical index in source table '%1!s!' for the index '%2!s!' in target table '%3!s!' . ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The source table '%1!s!' is in database '%2!s!' while the target table '%3!s!' is in database '%4!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because the object '%1!s!' is not a user defined table. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because partition number %1!s! does not exist in table '%2!s!'. $ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same FILESTREAM storage attribute in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same ANSI trimming semantics in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. HALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The columns set used to partition the table '%1!s!' is different from the column set used to partition the table '%2!s!'. LALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' has inline limit of %2!s! for text in row data which is different from value %3!s! used by table '%4!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The source table '%1!s!' and target table '%2!s!' are same. '%1!s!' statement failed because the expression identifying partition number for the %2!s! '%3!s!' is not of integer type. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same ROWGUIDCOL property in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. LALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Partition %1!s! of %2!s! '%3!s!' has TEXT filegroup '%4!s!' and partition %5!s! of %6!s! '%7!s!' has TEXT filegroup '%8!s!'. xALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraint '%1!s!' in source table '%2!s!' is NOCHECK constraint but the matching check constraint '%3!s!' in target table '%4!s!' is CHECK. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is nullable and it is not nullable in '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Partition %1!s! is not valid for table '%2!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '%1!s!' has RULE constraint '%2!s!'. SWITCH is not allowed on tables with RULE constraints. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is computed column but the same column in '%3!s!' is not computed. XALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Computed column '%1!s!' defined as '%2!s!' in table '%3!s!' is different from the same column in table '%4!s!' defined as '%5!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. SWITCH is not allowed because source table '%1!s!' contains primary key for constraint '%2!s!'. @ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has foreign key for constraint '%2!s!' but source table '%3!s!' does not have corresponding key. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Foreign key constraint '%1!s!' is disabled in source table '%2!s!' and the corresponding constraint '%3!s!' is enabled in target table '%4!s!'. The source table constraint must be enabled. `ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a table level check constraint '%2!s!' but the source table '%3!s!' does not have a corresponding constraint. dALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a column level check constraint '%2!s!' but the source table '%3!s!' does not have a corresponding constraint. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints or partition function of source table '%1!s!' allows values that are not allowed by check constraints or partition function on target table '%2!s!'. DALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Range defined by partition %1!s! in table '%2!s!' is not a subset of range defined by partition %3!s! in table '%4!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Foreign key constraint '%1!s!' is NOCHECK in source table '%2!s!' and the corresponding constraint '%3!s!' is CHECK in target table '%4!s!'. The source table constraint must be in CHECK. |ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraint '%1!s!' in source table '%2!s!' and check constraint '%3!s!' in target table '%4!s!' have different 'Not For Replication' settings. tALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a check constraint '%2!s!' on an XML column, but the source table '%3!s!' does not have an identical check constraint. |ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a check constraint '%2!s!' on a CLR type column, but the source table '%3!s!' does not have an identical check constraint. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The partition %1!s! in table '%2!s!' resides in a read-only filegroup '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' resides in a readonly filegroup '%2!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The lobdata of partition %1!s! in table '%2!s!' resides in a readonly filegroup '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The lobdata of table '%1!s!' resides in a readonly filegroup '%2!s!'. dALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints of source table '%1!s!' allow values that are not allowed by range defined by partition %2!s! on target table '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has an XML or spatial index '%2!s!' on it. Only source table can have XML or spatial indexes in the ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement. ,ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!' have different vardecimal storage format values. Use stored procedure sp_tableoption to alter the 'vardecimal storage format' option for the tables to make sure that the values are the same. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same nullability attribute in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same CLR type in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same XML Schema Collection in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. Cannot persist computed column '%1!s!'. Underlying object '%2!s!' has a different owner than table '%3!s!'. Cannot drop the ROWGUIDCOL property for column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' because the column is not the designated ROWGUIDCOL for the table. Cannot alter column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' to add or remove the FILESTREAM column attribute. Cannot alter NOT FOR REPLICATION attribute on column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' because this column is not an identity column. HCannot use table option LARGE VALUE TYPES OUT OF ROW on a user table that does not have any of large value types varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml or large CLR type columns in it. This option can be applied to tables having large values computed column that are persisted. <ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' has different setting for Large Value Types Out Of Row table option as compared to table '%2!s!'. Computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' cannot be persisted because the column type, '%3!s!', is a non-byte-ordered CLR type. `Vardecimal storage format cannot be enabled on table '%1!s!' because database '%2!s!' is a system database. Vardecimal storage format is not available in system databases. tChange tracking is already enabled for table '%1!s!'. XCannot enable change tracking on table '%1!s!'. Change tracking requires a primary key on the table. Create a primary key on the table before enabling change tracking. lChange tracking is not enabled on table '%1!s!'. Cannot enable change tracking on table '%1!s!'. Change tracking does not support a primary key of type timestamp on a table. TUser must be in the master database. Database '%1!s!' does not exist. Verify the name in sys.databases and try the operation again. Database mirroring cannot be enabled while the database has offline files. To use ALTER DATABASE, the database must be in a writable state in which a checkpoint can be executed. Specified recovery time of %1!s! seconds is less than zero or more than the maximum of %2!s! seconds. Could not get exclusive use of %1!s! '%2!s!' to perform the requested operation. This ALTER DATABASE statement is not supported. Correct the syntax and execute the statement again. One or more files listed in the statement could not be found or could not be initialized. Log file name cannot be generated from a raw device. The log file name and path must be specified. 0User does not have permission to alter database '%1!s!', the database does not exist, or the database is not in a state that allows access checks. tThe name of the primary filegroup cannot be changed. The master and model databases cannot have files added to them. ALTER DATABASE was aborted. tThe %1!s! '%2!s!' does not exist in database '%3!s!'. ALTER DATABASE failed. The total size specified must be 1 MB or greater. tCannot change the name of the system database %1!s!. The primary data or log file cannot be removed from a database. tLog file '%1!s!' for this database is already active. The database must be suspect or in emergency mode to rebuild the log. No entry found for the primary log file in sysfiles1. Could not rebuild the log. The file '%1!s!' already exists. It should be renamed or deleted so that a new log file can be created. System databases master, model, and tempdb cannot have their logs rebuilt. The system could not activate enough of the database to rebuild the log. The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation. Cannot remove the file '%1!s!' because it is the only file in the DEFAULT filegroup. The maximum of %1!s! files per database has been exceeded. The file %1!s! is currently being autogrown or modified by another process. Try the operation again later. Filegroup '%1!s!' already exists in this database. Specify a different name or remove the conflicting filegroup if it is empty. \MODIFY FILE failed. Specify logical name. MODIFY FILE failed for file "%1!s!". At least one property per file must be specified. MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than or equal to current size. lMODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE. lMODIFY FILE failed. File '%1!s!' does not exist. The %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be removed because it is not empty. `The %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be found in %3!s!. hThe %1!s! already has the '%2!s!' property set. Cannot change the READONLY property of the PRIMARY filegroup. Cannot add, remove, or modify files in filegroup '%1!s!'. The filegroup is read-only. Cannot change the properties of empty filegroup '%1!s!'. The filegroup must contain at least one file. lCannot have a filegroup with the name 'DEFAULT'. %1!s! is not permitted while a database is in the %2!s! state. Could not cleanup worktable IAM chains to allow shrink or remove file operation. Please try again when tempdb is idle. Cannot add, remove, or modify file '%1!s!'. The file is read-only. Cannot add, remove, or modify a file in filegroup '%1!s!' because the filegroup is not online. Cannot add, remove, or modify file '%1!s!' because it is offline. lOption '%1!s!' cannot be set in database '%2!s!'. Database '%1!s!' is in transition. Try the ALTER DATABASE statement later. ALTER DATABASE failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%1!s!'. Try again later. The option "%1!s!" conflicts with another requested option. The options cannot both be requested at the same time. Database '%1!s!' is in warm standby. A warm-standby database is read-only. HChanges to the state or options of database '%1!s!' cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it. The file "%1!s!" is currently being scanned or used by a background or user process. Try the operation again later. Database options single user and dbo use only cannot be set at the same time. The database option TORN_PAGE_DETECTION is incompatible with the PAGE_CHECKSUM option. LALTER DATABASE statement failed. Database state cannot be changed while other users are using the database '%1!s!' XRebuild log can only specify one file. ALTER DATABASE failed. The default collation of database '%1!s!' cannot be set to %2!s!. Cannot alter collation for database '%1!s!' because it is READONLY, OFFLINE, or marked SUSPECT. lThe %1!s! '%2!s!' is dependent on %3!s! '%4!s!'. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is dependent on %3!s!. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation. Cannot change the state of non-data files or files in the primary filegroup. Cannot alter database options for "%1!s!" because it is READONLY, OFFLINE, or marked SUSPECT. Vardecimal storage format cannot be disabled for database "%1!s!" because the database is not under simple recovery model. Change the database recovery model to simple and then reissue the command. The value for change tracking option '%1!s!' is not valid. The value must be a positive number. Cannot change the versioning state on database "%1!s!" together with another database state. The termination option is not supported when making versioning state changes. HAlter database command failed because SQL Server was started with one or more undocumented trace flags that prevent enabling/disabling database for versioning. Cannot disable vardecimal storage format for database "%1!s!" because there are one or more tables that have vardecimal storage format enabled. Disable the vardecimal storage format on all tables before disabling the vardecimal storage format for the database. The file content type mismatches with the content type of the filegroup. |Change tracking is already enabled for database '%1!s!'. Change tracking is disabled for database '%1!s!'. Change tracking must be enabled on a database to modify change tracking settings. Database '%1!s!' is a system database. Change tracking settings cannot be modified for system databases. ALTER DATABASE change tracking option '%1!s!' was specified more than once. Each option can be specified only once. The value for change tracking option '%1!s!' is not valid. The value must be between %2!s! and %3!s! minutes. |The operation cannot be performed on a database snapshot. The operation cannot be performed on a database with database snapshots or active DBCC replicas. A database or filegroup cannot be set to read-only mode when any files are subject to a RESTORE PAGE operation. Complete the restore sequence involving file "%1!s!" before attempting to transition to read-only. The recovery model cannot be changed to SIMPLE when any files are subject to a RESTORE PAGE operation. Complete the restore sequence involving file "%1!s!" before attempting to transition to SIMPLE. LThe container cannot be set to the offline state because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER DATABASE statement. ,The container can not be dropped because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER DATABASE operation. Attempted to open a filegroup for the invalid ID %1!s! in database "%2!s!". pMAXSIZE cannot be less than SIZE for file '%1!s!'. @File '%1!s!' already used. 0A file activation error occurred. The physical file name '%1!s!' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry the operation. The file "%1!s!" is on a network path that is not supported for system database files. TLog files, offline files, restoring files, and defunct files for database snapshots should not be specified. "%1!s!" is not an eligible file for a database snapshot. Only SQL Server database files can be specified for database snapshots. '%1!s!' is not a SQL Server database file. The file "%1!s!" is compressed but does not reside in a read-only database or filegroup. The file must be decompressed. Cannot make the file "%1!s!" a sparse file. Make sure the file system supports sparse files. Unable to open the physical file "%1!s!". Operating system error %2!s!: "%3!s!". The path specified by "%1!s!" is not in a valid directory. CREATE FILE encountered operating system error %1!s! while attempting to open or create the physical file '%2!s!'. The file header in '%1!s!' does not match the expected contents for file '%2!s!' of database '%3!s!'. The mismatch is possibly between the full-text catalog files and the related database. Perform a restore if necessary. File '%1!s!' appears to have been truncated by the operating system. Expected size is %2!s! KB but actual size is %3!s! KB. All files must be specified for database snapshot creation. Missing the file "%1!s!". Write to sparse file '%1!s!' failed due to lack of disk space. The path specified by '%1!s!' cannot be used for FILESTREAM files because it is a raw device. Directory lookup for the file "%1!s!" failed with the operating system error %2!s!. The path that is specified by '%1!s!' cannot be used for FILESTREAM files because it is not on a supported file system. The path '%1!s!' cannot be used for FILESTREAM files. For information about supported paths, see SQL Server Books Online. The path specified by '%1!s!' cannot be used for a FILESTREAM container since it is contained in another FILESTREAM container. MODIFY FILE encountered operating system error %1!s! while attempting to expand the physical file '%2!s!'. The size of a single log file must not be greater than 2 TB. Operating system error %1!s! on file "%2!s!" during %3!s!. An unexpected file id was encountered. File id %1!s! was expected but %2!s! was read from "%3!s!". Verify that files are mapped correctly in sys.master_files. ALTER DATABASE can be used to correct the mappings. FILEGROWTH cannot be greater than MAXSIZE for file '%1!s!'. Cannot create file '%1!s!' because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation. T%1!s! is not a primary database file. The header for file '%1!s!' is not a valid database file header. The %2!s! property is incorrect. One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup. xEach file size must be greater than or equal to 512 KB. An unexpected error occurred while checking the sector size for file '%1!s!'. Move the file to a local NTFS volume, where the sector size can be retrieved. Check the SQL Server error log for more information. Cannot use file '%1!s!' because it was originally formatted with sector size %2!s! and is now on a volume with sector size %3!s!. Move the file to a volume with a sector size that is the same as or smaller than the original sector size. Cannot use file '%1!s!', because it is on a volume with sector size %2!s!. SQL Server supports a maximum sector size of 4096 bytes. Move the file to a volume with a compatible sector size. Could not open File Control Block (FCB) for invalid file ID %1!s! in database '%2!s!'. Verify the file location. Execute DBCC CHECKDB. Could not restart database "%1!s!". Reverting to the previous status. Cannot create the file "%1!s!". Use WITH MOVE to specify a usable physical file name. Use WITH REPLACE to overwrite an existing file. \Cannot use file '%1!s!' for clustered server. Only formatted files on which the cluster resource of the server has a dependency can be used. Either the disk resource containing the file is not present in the cluster group or the cluster resource of the Sql Server does not have a dependency on it. Cannot find the matching log file for FILESTRAM file '%1!s!'. Encountered an error (NT status code 0x%1!s!) while attempting to start the Transactional File System Resource Manager '%2!s!'. Encountered error (NT status code 0x%1!s!) while attempting to perform redo for transactional file system resource manager '%2!s!'. Encountered error (NT status code 0x%1!s!) while attempting to perform undo for transactional file system resource manager '%2!s!'. Encountered error (NT status code 0x%1!s!) while attempting to checkpoint transactional file system resource manager '%2!s!'. The size for FILESTREAM log file '%1!s!' must be greater than or equal to 1 MB. LThe Cluster Service function call '%1!s!' failed with error code '%2!s!' while verifying the file path. Verify that your failover cluster is configured properly. Encountered an error (%1!s!) while attempting to uncompress the file "%2!s!". The path specified by "%1!s!" is a UNC path. UNC path is not supported in failover clustered environment. The path specified by "%1!s!" is a raw device. Raw device path is not supported in failover clustered environment. Could not find allocation unit ID %1!s!. Check sys.allocation_units. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!, row %7!s!. DBCC detected incomplete cleanup from an online index build operation. (The anti-matter column value is %8!s!.) PTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) contains an anti-matter column, but is not a nonclustered index. Table error: alloc unit ID %1!s!, page %2!s!. The test (%3!s!) failed. The values are %4!s! and %5!s!. <Unable to process object ID %1!s! (object '%2!s!') because it is a stored procedure or user-defined function, which is not supported by any DBCC command. Unable to process object ID %1!s! (object '%2!s!') because this DBCC command does not support objects of this type. An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database '%1!s!'(ID:%2!s!) on page %3!s!. Please contact technical support. An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation. Please contact technical support. Repair statement not processed. One or more files in the database are read-only and must be made writeable in order to run repair. Object ID %1!s! (object '%2!s!'): DBCC could not obtain a lock on this object because the lock request timeout period was exceeded. This object has been skipped and will not be processed. ,Repair operations cannot be performed on the MSSQLSYSTEMRESOURCE database. Consult Books Online topic "Resource Database" for more information. Repair: insert a secondary index row based on its base table row. 4Database error: %1!s! page %2!s! for database '%3!s!' (database ID %4!s!) is invalid. This error cannot be repaired. You must restore from backup. Table error: alloc unit ID %1!s!, page %2!s! contains an incorrect page ID in its page header. The PageId in the page header = %3!s!. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): At least one record on page %6!s! contains versioning information, but the VERSION_INFO bit in the page header is not set. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!, row %7!s!: Row contains a NULL versioning timestamp, but its version chain pointer is not NULL. Version chain points to page %8!s!, slot %9!s!. Check terminated. The transient database snapshot for database '%1!s!' (database ID %2!s!) has been marked suspect due to an IO operation failure. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. %7!s! is invalid for compressed page; the following internal test failed: %8!s!. Values are %9!s! and %10!s!. An unexpected protocol element was recevied during the execution of a consistency check command. Retry the operation. xTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. The header of the page is invalid: the IS_IN_SYSXACT flag bit is set. The replicated index '%1!s!' (object ID %2!s!) and one or more of its clones do not contain the same rows. Bulk load failed. User does not have ALTER TABLE permission on table '%1!s!'. ALTER TABLE permission is required on the target table of a bulk load if the target table contains triggers or check constraints, but the 'FIRE_TRIGGERS' or 'CHECK_CONSTRAINTS' bulk hints are not specified. ALTER TABLE permission is also required if the 'KEEPIDENTITY' bulk hint is specified. Mutator '%1!s!' on '%2!s!' cannot be called on a null value. The result of applying mutator '%1!s!' on CLR type '%2!s!' cannot be a null value. Bulk copy failed. User does not have ALTER TABLE permission on table '%1!s!'. ALTER TABLE permission is required on the target table of a bulk copy operation if the table has triggers or check constraints, but 'FIRE_TRIGGERS' or 'CHECK_CONSTRAINTS' bulk hints are not specified as options to the bulk copy command. The rowdump and lockres columns are only valid on tables and indexed views on which the NOEXPAND hint is specified. Cursor parameters are not allowed for functions. Variable '%1!s!' is of type cursor. hInvalid parameter specified for sp_cursoropen. Windowed functions and NEXT VALUE FOR functions do not support integer indices as ORDER BY clause expressions. Windowed functions and NEXT VALUE FOR functions do not support constants as ORDER BY clause expressions. Aggregates are not allowed in the VALUES list of an INSERT statement. Invalid quote character '%1!s!'. A remote server or user command used an invalid quote character. pThe input to the function 'ntile' cannot be bound. dSynonym '%1!s!' refers to an invalid object. The target of a MERGE statement cannot be a remote table, a remote view, or a view over remote tables. 8The target '%1!s!' of the MERGE statement has an INSTEAD OF trigger on some, but not all, of the actions specified in the MERGE statement. In a MERGE statement, if any action has an enabled INSTEAD OF trigger on the target, then all actions must have enabled INSTEAD OF triggers. The target of a MERGE statement cannot be a partitioned view. In a MERGE statement, the source and target cannot have the same name or alias. Use different aliases for the source and target to ensure that they have unique names in the MERGE statement. Aggregates are not allowed in a WHEN clause of a MERGE statement. The '%1!s!' function is not allowed in the %2!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. An aggregate function is not allowed in the %1!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Subqueries are not allowed in the %1!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. In a MERGE statement, a '%1!s!' clause with a search condition cannot appear after a '%2!s!' clause with no search condition. The order of the data in the data file does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the BULK rowset '%1!s!'. The order of the data must match the order specified in the ORDER hint for a BULK rowset. Update the ORDER hint to reflect the order in which the input data is ordered, or update the input data file to match the order specified by the ORDER hint. <The data in the data file does not conform to the UNIQUE hint specified for the BULK rowset '%1!s!'. The data in the data file must be unique if the UNIQUE hint is specified for a BULK rowset. Remove the UNIQUE hint, or update the input data file to ensure that the data is unique. The column '%1!s!' does not have a valid data type for the ORDER hint specified for data source '%2!s!'. The text, ntext, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max) and varbinary(max) data types cannot be used in the ORDER hint for a BULK rowset or CLR TVF. Cannot insert explicit value for the identity column '%1!s!' in the target table '%2!s!' of the INSERT statement when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Windowed functions are not allowed in the %1!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. |Full-text predicates cannot appear in the OUTPUT clause. Full-text predicates cannot appear in the %1!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. The order of the data in the stream does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the CLR TVF '%1!s!'. The order of the data must match the order specified in the ORDER hint for a CLR TVF. Update the ORDER hint to reflect the order in which the input data is ordered, or update the CLR TVF to match the order specified by the ORDER hint. HThe identifier '%1!s!' cannot be bound. Only source columns and columns in the clause scope are allowed in the 'WHEN NOT MATCHED' clause of a MERGE statement. \The identifier '%1!s!' cannot be bound. Only target columns and columns in the clause scope are allowed in the 'WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE' clause of a MERGE statement. The data type %1!s! cannot be used as an operand to the UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operators because it is not comparable. The FILESTREAM filegroup was dropped before the table can be created. \The FILESTREAM container is inaccessible. 'PRIMARY' can only be specified for FILESTREAM log filegroup in a 'CONTAINS' clause. A table that has FILESTREAM columns must have a nonnull unique column with the ROWGUIDCOL property. xFILESTREAM data or log file cannot be named 'DEFAULT'. DEFAULT cannot be specified for FILESTREAM log filegroup '%1!s!'. xFILESTREAM can only be declared for VARBINARY columns. The properties SIZE or FILEGROWTH cannot be specified for the FILESTREAM data file '%1!s!'. LOG ON cannot be used for non-FILESTREAM file group '%1!s!'. FILESTREAM's file system log record '%1!s!' under log folder '%2!s!' is corrupted. Error 0x%1!s! (%2!s!) was encountered while directory '%3!s!' was being truncated. The name that is specified for the associated log filegroup for FILESTREAM filegroup '%1!s!' is not valid. Transactional replication/Change Data Capture cannot proceed because Transactional File System Resource Manager at '%1!s!' is not started. Cannot open the container directory '%1!s!' of the FILESTREAM file. The operating system has returned the Windows status code 0x%2!s!. The FILESTREAM log filegroup '%1!s!' cannot be referred to by more than one FILESTREAM data filegroup. FILESTREAM container MAXSIZE must be greater than or equal to 512 KB. TFILESTREAM path '%1!s!' is too long. A database must have primary FILESTREAM log filegroup and log file in order for it to contain other FILESTREAM filegroups. Upgrade of FILESTREAM container ID %1!s! in the database ID %2!s! failed because of container size recalculation error. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, and take the appropriate corrective actions. LError 0x%1!s! (NT status code) was encountered when SQL Server attempts to retrieve '%2!s!' from the Transaction File System Resource Manager located at '%3!s!'. FILESTREAM data file cannot be removed because its log file has not been backed up. FILESTREAM data file group cannot be added to refer to an empty FILESTREAM log file group. Default FILESTREAM data filegroup cannot be removed unless it's the last FILESTREAM data filegroup left. The READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, and ONLINE/OFFLINE properties cannot be modified on a FILESTREAM log filegroup. The FILESTREAM log file '%1!s!' cannot be removed because it is being referenced by a FILESTREAM data filegroup. The primary FILESTREAM log file cannot be dropped because other FILESTREAM filegroups exist. A database can have at most one primary FILESTREAM log filegroup and log file. Failed to remove a FILESTREAM file. The database is a primary database in an availability group. Wait for the FILESTREAM data files to be hardened on every secondary availability replica. Then retry the drop file operation. Error 0x%1!s! (NT status code) was encountered when SQL Server attempts to change the logging mode of Transaction File System Resource Manager located at '%2!s!' from '%3!s!' to '%4!s!'. SQL Server cannot obtain the Kernel Transaction Manager's transaction context to perform file system operation. @The FILESTREAM file system log record that has the LSN '%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!' is missing. Log folder '%4!s!' is corrupted. Restore the database from a backup. SQL log record at LSN '%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!' for database '%4!s!' is corrupted. Database cannot recover. FILESTREAM data container '%1!s!' is corrupted. Database cannot recover. FILESTREAM deleted folder '%1!s!' is corrupted. Database cannot recover. Function %1!s! is only valid on columns with the FILESTREAM attribute. Partial updates are not supported on columns that have a FILESTREAM as a source. The ROWGUIDCOL column associated with the FILESTREAM being used is not visible where method %1!s! is called. DThe FILESTREAM column cannot be used with method %1!s! because the associated ROWGUIDCOL of the base table is nullable or does not have a unique constraint. An open mode must be used when a FILESTREAM column is opened as a file. The FILESTREAM filegroup '%1!s!' has no files assigned to it. FILESTREAM data cannot be populated on this filegroup until a file is added. DToo many Filestream containers were specified for Filestream Filegroup '%1!s!'. Specifying more than one Filestream Container per Filestream Filegroup is not supported in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. xFILESTREAM file '%1!s!' cannot be added because its destination filegroup cannot have more than one file. Specifying more than one Filestream Container per Filestream Filegroup is not supported in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. FILESTREAM file named with GUID '%1!s!' that belongs to FILESTREAM data file ID 0x%2!s! does not exist or cannot be opened. SQL Server internal error. FILESTREAM manager cannot continue with current command. The total number of versions for a single file has reached the maximum limit set by the file system. The operation has failed because the FILESTREAM data cannot be renamed. ,The database '%1!s!' does not exist or does not support FILESTREAM. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases. \The FILESTREAM container '%1!s!' does not exist or cannot be processed. Supply a valid FILESTREAM container name. To see available containers, use sys.databases_files. hDatabase '%1!s!' should be in single-user mode. TCould not open the database '%1!s!'. Access to the FILESTREAM tombstone table for the database '%1!s!' cannot be performed at the moment because it conflicts with another activity, such as background GC operation, backup operation, DBCC CHECK* operation or on-going snapshot creation. FILESTREAM garbage collector operation was aborted on the database '%1!s!'. xFILESTREAM Failed to find the garbage collection table. Internal FILESTREAM error: failed to access the garbage collection table. Internal FILESTREAM error: failed to perform a filesystem operation because of a potential corruption. A database cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM storage and Database Mirroring. A failure occurred while FILESTREAM configuration was being changed or applied. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. FILESTREAM InstanceGuid is null. Registry settings might be corrupted. ,The specified value for the enable_level parameter of the sp_filestream_configure stored procedure is not valid. The value must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. <Another session is executing the sp_filestream_configure stored procedure. Check the updated configuration settings and retry the operation if necessary. |FILESTREAM operations are not supported on the platform. HFILESTREAM feature is disabled. FILESTREAM feature doesn't have file system access enabled. FILESTREAM feature is not supported on WoW64. The feature is disabled. The value specified for the computer_name_format parameter of the .%1!s!() function is not valid. H.PhysicalPathName is disabled. hFILESTREAM feature could not be initialized. The Windows Administrator must enable FILESTREAM on the instance using Configuration Manager before enabling through sp_configure. The Cross Database Chaining option cannot be set to the specified value on the specified database. The service master key could not be force regenerated as requested by the -F startup option. The error number is %1!s!. The password for SA could not be force regenerated as requested by the -K startup option. The error number is %1!s!. LThe password for SA account could not be force regenerated and/or SA account cannot be disabled as requested by the -K startup option and the -T1617 trace flag. lCharacter set, sort order, or collation cannot be changed at the server level because at least one database is not writable. Make the database writable, and retry the operation. XToo few locks specified. Minimum %1!s!. Recovery intervals above %1!s! minutes not recommended. Use the RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE statement to force this configuration. pAd hoc update to system catalogs is not supported. hValid values for the fill factor are 0 to 100. You do not have permission to run the RECONFIGURE statement. XUser connections are limited to %1!s!. dThe specified user options value is invalid. Minimum server memory value (%1!s!) must be less than or equal to the maximum value (%2!s!). The affinity mask specified does not match the CPU mask on this system. The affinity mask specified is greater than the number of CPUs supported or licensed on this edition of SQL Server. TThe affinity specified conflicts with the IO affinity mask specified. Change the affinity setting to use different CPUs than those specified in the IO affinity mask. |Failed to start CPUs with the mask 0x%1!s! on the system. Lightweight pooling is not supported on this platform or in this edition of SQL Server. The service broker listen port cannot be dynamic. Valid port values are 1024-32767. The service broker connection authentication value is invalid. The service broker message forward store size cannot be set to 0. pThe service broker message forward mode is invalid. The default full-text language is not supported by the full-text search component. Too few worker threads are specified. The minimum is %1!s!. User Instances are not supported in this edition of SQL Server. 8Common language runtime (CLR) execution is not supported under lightweight pooling. Disable one of two options: "clr enabled" or "lightweight pooling". The affinity range is invalid. The lower bound %1!s! must be less than the upper bound %2!s!. A %1!s! value was specified more than one time in the range list for an ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET PROCESS AFFINITY statement. The affinity setting was not changed. This can be caused by low system resources. The %1!s! range that specifies %2!s! %3!s! includes at least one %4!s! that is not available to the current instance. The maximum %5!s! number that is available to this instance is %6!s!. The current affinity setting specifies the use of more than 64 processors. Before you use sp_configure to change affinity settings, remove these processors by using ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION. A %1!s! with id %2!s! does not exist on this system. Use sys.dm_os_schedulers to locate valid %3!s!s for this system. DThe number of max worker threads is set too low. On this computer, the number must be more than %1!s!. You should increase the number of max worker threads. Could not change the value of the '%1!s!' property. Operating system error %2!s! IO affinity is not supported on this edition of sql server. dOne or more recovery units belonging to database '%1!s!' failed to generate a checkpoint. This is typically caused by lack of system resources such as disk or memory, or in some cases due to database corruption. Examine previous entries in the error log for more detailed information on this failure. Unable to issue checkpoint: there are not enough locks available. Background checkpoint process will remain suspended until locks are available. To free up locks, list transactions and their locks, and terminate transactions with the highest number of locks. HSession ID %1!s! is not valid. |User does not have permission to use the KILL statement. \Cannot use KILL to kill your own process. dProcess ID %1!s! is not an active process ID. POnly user processes can be killed. KILL SPID WITH COMMIT/ROLLBACK is not supported by Microsoft SQL Server. Use KILL UOW WITH COMMIT/ROLLBACK to resolve in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). The distributed transaction with UOW %1!s! does not exist. Another user has decided a different outcome for the distributed transaction associated with UOW %1!s!. PDistributed transaction with UOW %1!s! is in prepared state. Only Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator can resolve this transaction. KILL command failed. 4The distributed transaction associated with UOW %1!s! is in PREPARE state. Use KILL UOW WITH COMMIT/ROLLBACK syntax to kill the transaction instead. Distributed transaction with UOW %1!s! is being used by another user. KILL command failed. tKILL command cannot be used inside user transactions. There is a connection associated with the distributed transaction with UOW %1!s!. First, kill the connection using KILL SPID syntax. The distributed transaction associated with UOW %1!s! is not in PREPARED state. Use KILL UOW to kill the transaction instead. Status report cannot be obtained. Rollback operation for Process ID %1!s! is not in progress. Status report cannot be obtained. Rollback operation for UOW %1!s! is not in progress. Method "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" is marked as a mutator. Mutators cannot be used in the read-only portion of the query. Method "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" is not marked as a mutator. Only mutators can be used to update the value of a CLR type. Method "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" does not return a value. 4Method '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' cannot be marked as a mutator. A mutator method must be non-static, public, and returns void type. Trying to send a record with %1!s! columns(s) in a result set with %2!s! column(s). X%1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because assembly '%2!s!' was compiled with /UNSAFE option, but the assembly was not registered with the required PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE option. Request submitted with too many parameters. The maximum number is %1!s!. Error converting %1!s! to fixed length binary type. The result would be padded and cannot be converted back. (%1!s! failed because the parameter count for the FillRow method should be one more than the SQL declaration for the table valued CLR function. Unsound ordering on CLR type "%1!s!": returning NULL on non-NULL inputs. \CLR type '%1!s!' is not fully comparable. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because type '%2!s!' in %3!s! assembly '%4!s!' has a static field '%5!s!'. Attributes of static fields in %6!s! assemblies must be marked readonly in Visual C#, ReadOnly in Visual Basic, or initonly in Visual C++ and intermediate language. p%1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because method '%2!s!' on type '%3!s!' in %4!s! assembly '%5!s!' is storing to a static field. Storing to a static field is not allowed in %6!s! assemblies. l%1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because method "%2!s!" on type "%3!s!" in %4!s! assembly "%5!s!" has a synchronized attribute. Explicit synchronization is not allowed in %6!s! assemblies. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because assembly "%2!s!" has an unmanaged entry point. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because method '%2!s!' on type '%3!s!' in %4!s! assembly '%5!s!' has invalid attribute 0x%6!s!. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in %3!s! assembly "%4!s!" has a finalizer. Finalizers are not allowed in %5!s! assemblies. ALTER ASSEMBLY ADD FILE failed because the file, "%1!s!", being added is empty. 0%1!s! ASSEMBLY for assembly '%2!s!' failed because assembly '%3!s!' failed verification. Check if the referenced assemblies are up-to-date and trusted (for external_access or unsafe) to execute in the database. CLR Verifier error messages if any will follow this message%4!s! %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because assembly source parameter %2!s! has an unmanaged entry point. SELECT INTO failed because CLR type "%1!s!" does not exist in the target database. The cursor operation generated more than one row of different column metadata. Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but field "%3!s!" of type "%4!s!.%5!s!" is not valid for native serialization. Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but field "%3!s!" of type "%4!s!.%5!s!" is of type "%6!s!.%7!s!", which is not marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". Native serialization requires the type to be marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but field "%3!s!" of type "%4!s!.%5!s!" is marked with "System.NonSerializedAttribute". Native serialization types cannot have fields marked with "System.NonSerializedAttribute". Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but field "%3!s!" of type "%4!s!.%5!s!" is of type "%6!s!.%7!s!" which is a non-value type. Native serialization types can only have fields of blittable types. If you wish to have a field of any other type, consider using different kind of serialization format, such as User Defined Serialization. Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for user-defined serialization, but does not implement the "%3!s!.%4!s!" interface. Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but field "%3!s!" of type "%4!s!.%5!s!" is of type "%6!s!.%7!s!", which is not blittable, or type "%8!s!.%9!s!" has a recursive definition. Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but it contains non-blittable fields. xType "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization. It is not marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". Native serialization requires the type to be marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". hType "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but field "%3!s!" of type "%4!s!.%5!s!" has field marshallers. Native serialization types cannot have field marshallers. Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but one of its base types "%3!s!.%4!s!" is not valid for native serialization. Type "%1!s!.%2!s!" is marked for native serialization, but base type "%3!s!.%4!s!" is not marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". Native serialization requires the type to be marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". In proc data access is not allowed in an impersonated state. Data truncation error. Length (%1!s!) exceeds maximum length (%2!s!) for type '%3!s!'. Data serialization error. Length (%1!s!) is less than fixed length (%2!s!) for type '%3!s!'. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because filename '%2!s!' is too long. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because method "%2!s!" on type "%3!s!" in assembly "%4!s!" has an invalid custom attribute "%5!s!". %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because field "%2!s!" in type "%3!s!" in assembly "%4!s!" has an invalid custom attribute "%5!s!". %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" has an invalid custom attribute "%4!s!". @ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the function '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' no longer satisfies indexability requirements, and is used for the indexed view '%3!s!'. Trying to send a record with type or name of column %1!s! differing from the type or name of the corresponding column of the result set. CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because the user "%1!s!" specified in the authorization clause does not exist. '%1!s!.%2!s!' is marked for native serialization, and has the MaxByteSize property specified in the '%3!s!' attribute. Native serialization objects can not specify MaxByteSize property, it is calculated by SQL Server. The size (%1!s!) for "%2!s!.%3!s!" is not in the valid range. Size must be -1 or a number between 1 and 8000. Invalid serialization format (%1!s!) for type "%2!s!.%3!s!". tAssembly "%1!s!" already exists in database "%2!s!". Cannot create type because '%1!s!.%2!s!' cannot have fixed length if it has MaxByteSize set to -1. %1!s! failed because the type '%2!s!' contains a method '%3!s!' specified by SqlUserDefinedType.ValidateMethodName that does not conform to the required specification because it has an invalid signature. The associated file "%1!s!" already exists for assembly "%2!s!". Assembly "%1!s!" does not have an associated file "%2!s!". ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the assembly file parameter %1!s! is not a valid expression. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because a file name was not specified for the inline assembly file parameter %1!s!. %1!s! failed because type "%2!s!" does not conform to the %3!s! specification: missing custom attribute "%4!s!". SqlPipe request submitted with too many columns. The maximum number is %1!s!. CREATE ASSEMBLY for assembly '%1!s!' failed because the assembly is built for an unsupported version of the Common Language Runtime. |Function signature of "FillRow" method (as designated by SqlFunctionAttribute.FillRowMethodName) does not match SQL declaration for table valued CLR function'%1!s!' due to column %2!s!. Assembly '%1!s!' could not be loaded because it failed verification. %2!s! An error occurred while getting new row from user defined Table Valued Function : %1!s!. $The CLR type referenced by column "%1!s!" of table variable "%2!s!" has been dropped during the execution of the batch. Run the batch again. Assembly was not found in current database or version did not match. Execution of user code in the .NET Framework is disabled. Enable "clr enabled" configuration option. Data access failed because the .NET Framework routine is not marked with "DataAccessKind.Read" or "SystemDataAccessKind.Read". %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in %3!s! assembly "%4!s!" has a pinvokeimpl method. P/Invoke is not allowed in %5!s! assemblies. Assembly "%1!s!" does not exist, or the user does not have permission to reference it. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the user-defined aggregate "%1!s!" does not exist or is not correctly defined in the updated assembly. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the required method "%1!s!" in type "%2!s!" was not found with the same signature in the updated assembly. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the required field "%1!s!" in type "%2!s!" was not found with the same signature in the updated assembly. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because required property '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!' was not found with the same signature in the updated assembly. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because required type '%1!s!' does not exist or is not correctly defined in the updated assembly. dALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the serialization format of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change serialization formats. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the IsByteOrdered attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. TALTER ASSEMBLY failed because serialization data of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change serialization data. TALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the MaxLen attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change MaxLen attribute. dALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the IsFixedLen attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change IsFixedLen attribute. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the mutator attribute of method '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!' would change in the updated assembly, and the method is in use by the schema-bound function or view '%3!s!'. 8ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because table, view or constraint '%1!s!' depends on this assembly. Use WITH UNCHECKED DATA to skip checking for persisted data. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because only members of the sysadmin role can use WITH UNCHECKED DATA. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the referenced assemblies would change. The referenced assembly list must remain the same. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because only the assembly revision version number is allowed to change. ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because it is referenced by object '%1!s!'. Assemblies that are referenced by SQL objects cannot be made invisible. 4%1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because the source assembly is, according to MVID, identical to an assembly that is already registered under the name "%2!s!". '%1!s!' ASSEMBLY failed because a different version of assembly '%2!s!', referenced by assembly '%3!s!', is already in the database. |ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the function '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' no longer satisfies indexability requirements, and is used for the persisted computed column '%3!s!' of table '%4!s!'. ALTER ASSEMBLY has marked data as unchecked in one or more objects in database "%1!s!". Refer to column "has_unchecked_assembly_data" from system views "sys.tables" and "sys.views" to locate all such objects. Failed to allocate memory for common language runtime (CLR) functionality. AppDomain %1!s! (%2!s!) failed to unload with error code 0x%3!s!. The transaction that is associated with this operation has been committed or rolled back. Retry with a different transaction. %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!: SqlFacetAttribute is invalid on a non-public member. %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!: %4!s! property of SqlFacetAttribute cannot be used in this context. %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!: %4!s! property of SqlFacetAttribute has an invalid value. (%1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s! : SqlFacetAttribute cannot be applied to a property getter or a property setter. It should be applied to the property itself. %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!: The SqlFacetAttribute property IsFixedLength cannot be set to true when MaxSize is set to -1. %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!: The SqlFacetAttribute properties Precision and Scale have to be used together. The argument of CREATE or ALTER XML SCHEMA COLLECTION statement must be a string expression. xXML parsing: Document parsing required too much memory XML parsing: An unexpected error has occurred in the XML parser. XQuery data manipulation expression required in XML data type method. |Invalid XQuery expression passed to XML data type method. XML well-formedness check: Attribute cannot appear outside of element declaration. Rewrite your XQuery so it returns well-formed XML. XML well-formedness check: Duplicate attribute '%1!s!'. Rewrite your XQuery so it returns well-formed XML. XML well-formedness check: the data for node '%1!s!' contains a character (0x%2!s!) which is not allowed in XML. Altering existing schema components is not allowed. There was an attempt to modify an existing XML Schema component, component namespace: '%1!s!' component name: '%2!s!' component kind:%3!s! An internal XMLDB schema processor error occurred. Contact Technical Support for assistance. Could not find schema components with target namespace '%1!s!' in collection '%2!s!'. |Collection specified does not exist in metadata : '%1!s!' XQuery: Cannot update with value '%1!s!' as the canonical form of type '{%2!s!}%3!s!' violates the required pattern. It is recommended that you not use pattern facets on non-string types. Specified component '%1!s!' can not be dropped because it is used by component:'%2!s!' XQuery: Cannot update with value '%1!s!' because it failed validation against type '{%2!s!}%3!s!' |XQuery: String conversion failed during UPDATE validation XQuery: Only nillable elements or text nodes can be updated with empty sequence xml:space attribute must have a value of 'preserve' or 'default'. '%1!s!' is not valid. XML Parser ran out of memory. This could be caused by too many attributes or namespace declarations. The xml schema collection for variable '%1!s!' has been altered while the batch was being executed. Remove all XML schema collection DDL operations it is dependent on from the batch, and re-run the batch. dDROP XML INDEX does not support any options. XQuery: Replacing the value of a node with an empty sequence is allowed only if '()' is used as the new value expression. The new value expression evaluated to an empty sequence but it is not '()'. 4XML well-formedness check: XML namespace declaration cannot appear outside of element declaration. Rewrite your XQuery so it returns well-formed XML. The specified xml schema collection ID is not valid: %1!s! Specified collection '%1!s!' cannot be dropped because it is used by %2!s! '%3!s!'. |Unsupported usage of a QName typed value in node '%1!s!' Column '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' is not of type XML, which is required to create an XML index on it. Primary XML Index '%1!s!' already exists on column '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!', and multiple Primary XML Indexes per column are not allowed. Table '%1!s!' needs to have a clustered primary key with less than %2!s! columns in it in order to create a primary XML index on it. Could not find%1!s! XML index named '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!' Could not create the XML or spatial index on object '%1!s!' because that object is not a table. Create the index on the base table column. XML datatype instance has too many levels of nested nodes. Maximum allowed depth is %1!s! levels. Maximum size of primary index of table '%1!s!' is %2!s! bytes. CREATE XML INDEX requires that such size should be limited to %3!s! bytes '%1!s!' is not a valid XML Index name because it starts with '%2!s!' character. XML Index name should not start with '#' or '@' Specified collection '%1!s!' cannot be modified because it is SQL Server built-in XML Schema Collection. @Xml schema collection '%1!s!' referenced by table variable '%2!s!' has been dropped or altered during the execution of the batch. Please re-run the batch. TXml schema collection referenced by column '%1!s!' of table variable '%2!s!' has been dropped or altered during the execution of the batch. Please re-run the batch. Cannot create primary xml or spatial index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!', column '%3!s!', because the column is computed. Cannot create secondary xml index '%1!s!' without a USING XML INDEX clause. The primary xml index '%1!s!' does not exist on table '%2!s!' column '%3!s!'. The sparse column set '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' cannot be indexed by an XML index. Cannot convert a primary XML index to a secondary XML index using the DROP_EXISTING option. '%1!s!' is a primary XML index. Specified collection '%1!s!' cannot be altered because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Specified collection '%1!s!' cannot be created because it already exists or you do not have permission. The definition for xml schema collection '%1!s!' has changed. (The xml schema collection for return parameter of module '%1!s!' has been altered while the batch was being executed. Please re-run the batch. 0Invalid parameter specified. XML Schema Collections can only be created from a string literal, or from a variable typed as a string or untyped XML. tSerialization of built-in schemata is not supported. Target string size is too small to represent the XML instance Conversion of one or more characters from XML to target collation impossible Failed to load DLL. Make sure xmlrw.dll exists in the SQL Server installation. Internal error: cannot locate CreateInfoSetReaderEx in xmlrw.dll. You may have an incorrect version of xmlrw.dll. |%1!s! is not a valid style number when converting to XML. Parsing XML with internal subset DTDs not allowed. Use CONVERT with style option 2 to enable limited internal subset DTD support. %1!s! is not a valid style number when converting from XML. Invalid null parameter specified. XML Schema Collections can only be created from a non-null value. Alter schema collection cannot be performed because the current schema has a lax wildcard or an element of type xs:anyType. ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. It cannot be performed on a schema collection that allows laxly validated content and is schema bound. Remove the schema binding before trying to alter the collection. ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. Revalidation of XML columns in table '%1!s!' did not succeed due to the following reason: '%2!s!'. Either the schema or the specified data should be altered so that validation does not find any mismatches. An XML operation resulted an XML data type exceeding 2GB in size. Operation aborted. |Invalid type for element '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not permit the built-in XML Schema types 'ID' and 'IDREF' or types derived from them to be used as the type of an element. %2!s! %3!s! Cannot roll back %1!s!. No transaction or savepoint of that name was found. %1!s! failed because method '%2!s!' of class '%3!s!' in assembly '%4!s!' returns %5!s!, but CLR Triggers must return void. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because it could not open the physical file '%2!s!': %3!s!. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because it could not read from the physical file '%2!s!': %3!s!. pAssembly '%1!s!' was not found in the SQL catalog. The value returned from %1!s!.%2!s! is not allowed to be NULL. lCould not find Type '%1!s!' in assembly '%2!s!'. Could not find method '%1!s!' for type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' Failed to open malformed assembly '%1!s!' with HRESULT 0x%2!s!. Could not find field '%1!s!' for type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!'. An error occurred while gathering metadata from assembly '%1!s!' with HRESULT 0x%2!s!. This functionality requires .NET Framework 4. Please install .NET Framework 4 to use this functionality. Failed to initialize the Common Language Runtime (CLR) %1!s! with HRESULT 0x%2!s!. You may fix the problem and try again later. 0Failed to initialize the Common Language Runtime (CLR) %1!s! with HRESULT 0x%2!s!. You need to restart SQL Server to use CLR integration features. Failed to initialize the Common Language Runtime (CLR) %1!s! due to memory pressure. This is probably due to memory pressure in the MemToLeave region of memory. For more information, see the CLR integration documentation in SQL Server Books Online. Cannot use '%1!s!' column in the result table of a streaming user-defined function (column '%2!s!'). Schema collection database '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have permission. pThere is no collection '%1!s!' in metadata '%2!s!'. \Failed to create AppDomain "%1!s!". %2!s! lCould not open system assembly ''%1!s!'': %2!s!. tType '%1!s!' is not yet supported for CLR operations. A .NET Framework error occurred during statement execution. A .NET Framework error occurred during statement execution: %1!s!. A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "%1!s!": %2!s!. Method, property or field '%1!s!' of class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' is static. Cannot use computed column in the result table of a streaming user-defined function (column '%1!s!'). Cannot use '%1!s!' constraint in the result table of a streaming user-defined function. Cannot use '%1!s!' constraint in the result table of a streaming user-defined function (column '%2!s!'). Assembly '%1!s!' was not found in the SQL catalog of database '%2!s!'. 4ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the identity of referenced assembly '%1!s!' has changed. Make sure the version, name, and public key have not changed. Cannot perform alter on '%1!s!' because it is an incompatible object type. 8%1!s! failed because the function '%2!s!' of class '%3!s!' of assembly '%4!s!' takes one or more parameters but CLR Triggers do not accept parameters. .NET Framework execution was aborted by escalation policy because of out of memory. %1!s! PAppDomain %1!s! was unloaded by escalation policy to ensure the consistency of your application. Out of memory happened while accessing a critical resource. %2!s! 4AppDomain %1!s! was unloaded by escalation policy to ensure the consistency of your application. Application failed to release a managed lock. %2!s! .NET Framework execution was aborted. Another query caused the AppDomain %1!s! to be unloaded. %2!s! |A fatal error occurred in the .NET Framework common language runtime. SQL Server is shutting down. If the error recurs after the server is restarted, contact Customer Support Services. The .NET Framework common language runtime was shut down by user code, such as in a user-defined function or CLR type. SQL Server is shutting down. Environment.Exit should not be used to exit the process. If the intent is to return an integer to indicate failure, use a scalar function or an output parameter instead. .NET Framework execution was aborted because of stack overflow. %1!s! Invalid serialization format (Format.Unknown) for type '%1!s!.%2!s!'. The assembly name '%1!s!' being registered has an illegal name that duplicates the name of a system assembly. $ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because assembly '%1!s!' has more than one file associated with it. Use ALTER ASSEMBLY DROP FILE to remove extra files. xCan not create object because %1!s! is a generic type. .NET Framework execution was aborted. The UDP/UDF/CLR type did not end thread affinity. %1!s! ASSEMBLY for assembly '%2!s!' failed because assembly '%3!s!' is malformed or not a pure .NET assembly. %4!s! Enabling of execution statistics SET options is not allowed from within CLR procedure or function. Could not impersonate the execution context during the execution of '%1!s!'. An error occurred while getting method, property or field information for "%1!s!" of class "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!". CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because the assembly references assembly '%1!s!', which is owned by another user. 4A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate '%1!s!': %2!s!. User transaction, if any, will be rolled back. p%1!s! failed because parameter counts do not match. %1!s! for "%2!s!" failed because T-SQL and CLR types for return value do not match. %1!s! for "%2!s!" failed because T-SQL and CLR types for parameter "%3!s!" do not match. %1!s! failed because of an invalid .NET Framework calling convention. Use the default .NET Framework calling convention. SQL assembly name '%1!s!', and .NET Framework assembly name '%2!s!' do not match. Assembly names must match. Assembly '%1!s!' already exists for owner '%2!s!' in database '%3!s!'. %1!s! failed because it could not find type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!'. %1!s! failed because type '%2!s!' does not conform to %3!s! specification due to field '%4!s!'. %1!s! failed because type '%2!s!' does not conform to %3!s! specification due to method '%4!s!'. Could not find type ID %1!s! in database %2!s!. This is due to a schema inconsistency. Assembly "%1!s!" is a system assembly. This operation is permitted only with user assemblies. xCould not find file '%1!s!' in directory '%2!s!%3!s!'. Version mismatch between files '%1!s!' (%2!s!.%3!s!.%4!s!) and '%5!s!' (%6!s!.%7!s!.%8!s!). Method, property or field '%1!s!' in class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' has invalid return type. The method '%1!s!' in class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' has some invalid parameter declaration for parameter number %4!s!. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because the assembly source parameter %2!s! is not a valid assembly. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because the assembly source parameter %2!s! is not a valid expression. 8%1!s! failed because a CLR Procedure may only be defined on CLR methods that return either SqlInt32, System.Int32, System.Nullable<System.Int32>, void. A .NET Framework error occurred while getting information from class "%1!s!" in assembly "%2!s!": %3!s!. '%1!s!' failed because parameter %2!s! is not allowed to be null. Method '%1!s!' of class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' is generic. Generic methods are not supported. Class '%1!s!' in assembly '%2!s!' is generic. Generic types are not supported. TMore than one method, property or field was found with name '%1!s!' in class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!'. Overloaded methods, properties or fields are not supported. Method, property or field '%1!s!' of class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' is not static. Method, property or field '%1!s!' of class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' is not public. Assembly names should be less than %1!s! characters. Assembly name '%2!s!' is too long. hType '%1!s!' in assembly '%2!s!' is not public. CREATE TYPE failed because type '%1!s!' does not conform to CLR type specification due to interface '%2!s!'. Invalid attempt to continue operation after a severe error. Alter assembly from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!' is not a compatible upgrade. Declarations do not match for parameter %1!s!. .NET Framework reference and T-SQL OUTPUT parameter declarations must match. tCould not find assembly '%1!s!' in directory '%2!s!'. Assembly '%1!s!' is not visible for creating SQL objects. Use ALTER ASSEMBLY to change the assembly visibility. Assembly '%1!s!' cannot be used for creating SQL objects because it is a system assembly. Property or field '%1!s!' for type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' is not static Could not impersonate the client during assembly file operation. Assembly '%1!s!' could not be installed because existing policy would keep it from being used. Assembly reference '%1!s!' was redirected by external policy to '%2!s!' Assembly file operations are not allowed for Windows NT users activated by SETUSER. DROP ASSEMBLY failed because the specified assemblies are referenced by assembly '%1!s!'. DROP ASSEMBLY failed because '%1!s!' is referenced by object '%2!s!'. %1!s! for "%2!s!" failed because first parameter of "%3!s!" method must be of type System.Object. Could not find property or field '%1!s!' for type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!'. Property or field '%1!s!' for type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' is static. Could not read from property '%1!s!' for type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' because it does not have a get accessor. Could not assign to property '%1!s!' for type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' because it is read only. %1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because assembly '%2!s!' is a system assembly. Consider creating a user assembly to wrap desired functionality. 4CREATE %1!s! failed. DROP ASSEMBLY failed because '%1!s!' is referenced by CLR type '%2!s!'. Found an empty native serialization class '%1!s!'. Empty native serialization classes are not allowed. ,XML error: %1!s! LThe error description is '%1!s!'. <XML parsing error: %1!s! %1!s!: Failed to obtain an IPersistStream interface on the XML text. %1!s!: The value supplied for parameter number %2!s! is invalid. Failed to instantiate class "%1!s!". Verify that Msxmlsql.dll exists in the SQL Server installation. Invalid data type for the column "%1!s!". Allowed data types are CHAR/VARCHAR, NCHAR/NVARCHAR, TEXT/NTEXT, and XML. DFailed to load Msxmlsql.dll. DThe XML data type is damaged. XSpecified value '%1!s!' already exists. XML encoding or decoding error occurred with object name '%1!s!'. (Invalid data type for column "%1!s!". The data type cannot be text, ntext, image, binary, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. Column '%1!s!' contains an invalid data type. Valid data types are char, varchar, nchar, and nvarchar. XML document could not be created because server memory is low. Use sp_xml_removedocument to release XML documents. TCould not convert the value for OPENXML column '%1!s!' to sql_variant data type. The value is too long. Change the data type of this column to text, ntext or image. HUnexpected end of data stream. The size of the data chunk that was requested from the stream exceeds the allowed limit. %1!s! can only process untyped XML. Cast the input value to XML or to a string type. The result of the column expression for column "%1!s!" is not compatible with the requested type "XML". The result must be an element, text node, comment node, processing instruction, or document node. Element-centric mapping must be used with OPENXML when one of the columns is of type XML. The requested OpenXML document is currently in use by another thread, and cannot be used. Invalid data type for the column "%1!s!". CLR types cannot be used in an OpenXML WITH clause. HThe version of MSXMLSQL.DLL that was found is older than the minimum required version. Found version "%1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!". Require version "%4!s!.%5!s!.%6!s!". OpenXML cannot be used as the target of a DML or OUTPUT INTO operation. pXQuery: The ' %1!s!' operation is not supported. The version of the XML index that you are trying to use is not supported anymore. Please drop and recreate the XML index. XML Node ID is invalid. Re-build the database if the problem persists. XQuery: The document tree is too deep. If the problem persists you must simplify the XML hierarchy. XXQuery: Invalid ordpath string: "%1!s!" tXQuery: SQL type '%1!s!' is not supported in XQuery. XQuery: The maximum allowed depth in XML instances is %1!s! levels. One of the paths in the query tries to access nodes at a lower level. XQuery: One of the paths specified in the query is too deep. The maximum allowed depth is %1!s! levels. LXQuery: Internal compiler error. FOR XML AUTO requires at least one table for generating XML tags. Use FOR XML RAW or add a FROM clause with a table name. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires at least three columns, including the tag column, the parent column, and at least one data column. 0FOR XML EXPLICIT query contains the invalid column name '%1!s!'. Use the TAGNAME!TAGID!ATTRIBUTENAME[!..] format where TAGID is a positive integer. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires the first column to hold positive integers that represent XML tag IDs. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires the second column to hold NULL or nonnegative integers that represent XML parent tag IDs. FOR XML EXPLICIT stack overflow occurred. Circular parent tag relationships are not allowed. Undeclared tag ID %1!s! is used in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query. Undeclared parent tag ID %1!s! is used in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query. XML tag ID %1!s! could not be added. The server memory resources may be low. dUnnamed tables cannot be used as XML identifiers as well as unnamed columns cannot be used for attribute names. Name unnamed columns/tables using AS in the SELECT statement. Column name '%1!s!' is repeated. The same attribute cannot be generated more than once on the same XML tag. XML tag ID %1!s! that was originally declared as '%2!s!' is being redeclared as '%3!s!'. FOR XML EXPLICIT cannot combine multiple occurrences of ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and/or NMTOKENS in column name '%1!s!'. In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS require attribute names in '%1!s!'. In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS attributes cannot be hidden in '%1!s!'. $In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS attributes cannot be generated as CDATA, XML, or XMLTEXT in '%1!s!'. FOR XML EXPLICIT cannot combine multiple occurrences of ELEMENT, XML, XMLTEXT, and CDATA in column name '%1!s!'. xThe FOR XML clause is not allowed in a %1!s! statement. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires column %1!s! to be named '%2!s!' instead of '%3!s!'. GROUP BY and aggregate functions are currently not supported with FOR XML AUTO. In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, mode '%1!s!' in a column name is invalid. ELEMENTS option is only allowed in RAW, AUTO, and PATH modes of FOR XML. xEvery IDREFS or NMTOKENS column in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query must appear in a separate SELECT clause, and the instances must be ordered directly after the element to which they belong. FOR XML EXPLICIT queries allow only one XMLTEXT column per tag. Column '%1!s!' declares another XMLTEXT column that is not permitted. XMLTEXT column '%1!s!' must be of a string data type or of type XML. FOR XML EXPLICIT and RAW modes currently do not support addressing binary data as URLs in column '%1!s!'. Remove the column, or use the BINARY BASE64 mode, or create the URL directly using the 'dbobject/TABLE[@PK1="V1"]/@COLUMN' syntax. FOR XML AUTO could not find the table owning the following column '%1!s!' to create a URL address for it. Remove the column, or use the BINARY BASE64 mode, or create the URL directly using the 'dbobject/TABLE[@PK1="V1"]/@COLUMN' syntax. hFOR XML AUTO requires primary keys to create references for '%1!s!'. Select primary keys, or use BINARY BASE64 to obtain binary data in encoded form if no primary keys exist. FOR XML AUTO cannot generate a URL address for binary data if a primary key is also binary. (Parent tag ID %1!s! is not among the open tags. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires parent tags to be opened first. Check the ordering of the result set. XMLTEXT field '%1!s!' contains an invalid XML document. Check the root tag and its attributes. FOR XML EXPLICIT field '%1!s!' can specify the directive HIDE only once. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field '%1!s!' to precede element-centric IDREFS/NMTOKEN fields. Attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field not supported on tags having element-centric field '%1!s!' of type TEXT/NTEXT or IMAGE. Either specify ELEMENT on IDREFS/NMTOKENS field or remove the ELEMENT directive. FOR XML EXPLICIT does not support XMLTEXT field on tag '%1!s!' that has IDREFS or NMTOKENS fields. lNeither XMLDATA nor XMLSCHEMA supports namespace elements or attributes such as '%1!s!'. Run the SELECT FOR XML statement without it or remove the namespace prefix declaration. FOR XML could not serialize the data for node '%1!s!' because it contains a character (0x%2!s!) which is not allowed in XML. To retrieve this data using FOR XML, convert it to binary, varbinary or image data type and use the BINARY BASE64 directive. Could not serialize the data for node '%1!s!' because it contains a character (0x%2!s!) which is not allowed in XML. To retrieve this data convert it to binary, varbinary or image data type FOR XML EXPLICIT: XML data types and CLR types cannot be processed as CDATA in column name '%1!s!'. Consider converting XML to a string type. Consider converting CLR types to XML and then to a string type. Two (or more) elements named '%1!s!' are of different types and not direct siblings in the same level. Two (or more) elements named '%1!s!' are optional in the same level. Consider making them direct siblings or map NULL to xsi:nil XML name space prefix '%1!s!' declaration is missing for FOR XML %2!s! name '%3!s!'. The column '%1!s!' is of type sql_variant, which is not supported in attribute-centric FOR XML, with XML Schema. XMLDATA does not support the mapping of the type of column '%1!s!' to an XDR type. Please use XMLSCHEMA instead for AUTO and RAW mode. FOR XML PATH error in column '%1!s!' - '//' and leading and trailing '/' are not allowed in simple path expressions. %1!s! name '%2!s!' contains an invalid XML identifier as required by FOR XML; '%3!s!'(0x%4!s!) is the first character at fault. Column '%1!s!' has invalid data type for attribute-centric XML serialization in FOR XML PATH. Attribute-centric column '%1!s!' must not come after a non-attribute-centric sibling in XML hierarchy in FOR XML PATH. Column '%1!s!': the last step in the path can't be applied to XML data type or CLR type in FOR XML PATH. <Invalid column alias '%1!s!' for formatting column as XML processing instruction in FOR XML PATH - it must be in 'processing-instruction(target)' format. lInline schema is not supported with FOR XML PATH. FOR XML row XML tag name contains an invalid XML identifier; '%1!s!'(0x%2!s!) is the first character at fault. FOR XML root XML tag name contains an invalid XML identifier; '%1!s!'(0x%2!s!) is the first character at fault. XML schema URI contains character '%1!s!'(0x%2!s!) which is not allowed in XML. Row tag name is only allowed with RAW or PATH mode of FOR XML. FOR XML directive XMLDATA is not allowed with ROOT directive or row tag name specified. tEmpty root tag name can't be specified with FOR XML. xEmpty FOR XML target inline schema URI is not allowed. Row tag omission (empty row tag name) is not compatible with XMLSCHEMA FOR XML directive. Row tag omission (empty row tag name) cannot be used with attribute-centric FOR XML serialization. FOR XML does not support CLR types - cast CLR types explicitly into one of the supported types in FOR XML queries. xUse of a system reserved XML schema URI is not allowed. 'xmlns' is invalid in XML tag name in FOR XML PATH, or when WITH XMLNAMESPACES is used with FOR XML. The following FOR XML features are not supported with WITH XMLNAMESPACES list: EXPLICIT mode, XMLSCHEMA and XMLDATA directives. dAttempt to redefine namespace prefix '%1!s!' Prefix '%1!s!' used in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause contains an invalid XML identifier. '%2!s!'(0x%3!s!) is the first character at fault. Prefix '%1!s!' used in WITH XMLNAMESPACES is reserved and cannot be used as a user-defined prefix. ,XML namespace prefix 'xml' can only be associated with the URI This URI cannot be used with other prefixes. Redefinition of 'xsi' XML namespace prefix is not supported with ELEMENTS XSINIL option of FOR XML. xEmpty URI is not allowed in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause. URI '%1!s!' used in WITH XMLNAMESPACES is invalid. '%2!s!'(0x%3!s!) is the first character at fault. URI used in WITH XMLNAMESPACES is too long. The maximum length is %1!s! characters. Empty namespace prefix is not allowed in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause. FORXML XMLSCHEMA cannot be used with a typed XML column whose schema collection is empty. 'xml' is an invalid XML processing instruction target. Possible attempt to construct XML declaration using XML processing instruction constructor. XML declaration construction with FOR XML is not supported. lXML Validation: XML instance must be a document. HXML Validation: Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently support the use of the pattern or enumeration facet on lists of type QName. `XML Validation: Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently support inclusion of ID, QName, or list of QName among the member types of a union type. XML Validation: Found duplicate attribute '%1!s!'. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Attribute '%1!s!' is not permitted in this context. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Required attribute '%1!s!' is missing. %2!s! %3!s! LNamespace URI too long: '%1!s!'. $XML Validation: Text node is not allowed at this location, the type was defined with element only content or with simple content. %1!s! %2!s! XML Validation: Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently support restriction of union types. XML Validation: Found duplicate element '%1!s!' in all content model. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Element '%1!s!' found in text only content model. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Declaration not found for element '%1!s!'. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Type definition for type '%1!s!' was not found, type definition is required before use in a type cast. %2!s! %3!s! dElement or attribute name too long: '%1!s!'. XML Validation: The content model of type or model group '%1!s!' is ambiguous and thus violates the unique particle attribution constraint. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information. @XML Validation: Element '%1!s!' may not have xsi:nil="true" because it was not defined as nillable or because it has a fixed value constraint. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Element '%1!s!' must not have character or element children, because xsi:nil was set to true. %2!s! %3!s! (XML Validation: The type of element '%1!s!' is abstract. Instantiation requires the use of xsi:type to specify a non-abstract type. %2!s! %3!s! <Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. Cannot specify use="prohibited" for attribute '%2!s!' because there is no corresponding attribute in the base type. XXML Validation: Element or attribute '%1!s!' was defined as fixed, the element value has to be equal to value of 'fixed' attribute specified in definition. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Not able to resolve namespace for prefix:'%1!s!' |XML Validation: Unexpected element(s): %1!s!. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: Text '%1!s!' found in attribute-only content model. %2!s! %3!s! 8Invalid definition for element '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently permit additions to existing substitution groups via ALTER XML SCHEMA COLLECTION. XML Validation: Invalid simple type value: '%1!s!'. %2!s! %3!s! pXML Validation: Invalid simple type value: '%1!s!'. XML Validation: XML instances of the content model of type or model group '%1!s!' can be validated in multiple ways and are not supported. XML Validation: Invalid QName for xsi:type attribute '%1!s!'. XML Validation: ID constraint check failed. Found attribute named '%1!s!' with duplicate ID value '%2!s!'. %3!s! %4!s! XML Validation: IDREF constraint check failed. Found attribute named '%1!s!' with reference to ID value '%2!s!', which does not exist Invalid definition for element or attribute '%1!s!'. Value constraints on components of type ID are not allowed. XML Validation: Invalid simple type operation, inserting into simple type is not permitted. %1!s! %2!s! XML Validation: Element '%1!s!' requires substitution, because it was defined as abstract. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: ID or IDREF attribute exceeded the allowed maximum length. %1!s! %2!s! XML Validation: Invalid cast for element '%1!s!' from type '%2!s!' to type '%3!s!'. %4!s! %5!s! XML Validation: The canonical form of the value '%1!s!' is not valid according to the specified type. This can result from the use of pattern facets on non-string types or range restrictions or enumerations on floating-point types. %2!s! %3!s! XML Validation: The canonical form of the value '%1!s!' is not valid according to the specified type. This can result from the use of pattern facets on non-string types or range restrictions or enumerations on floating-point types. XML Validation: The element '%1!s!' is mixed content with a fixed value and therefore not allowed to have element content. %2!s! %3!s! Invalid component named '%1!s!' found in global scope. Only elements, attributes, types and groups can be defined in global context Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', types with complex content can only be derived from base types which have complex content Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', types with simple content can only be derived from base types which have simple content Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', the derivation was illegal because 'final' attribute was specified on the base type Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', '%2!s!' facet is not restricting the value space Invalid facet value for facet '%1!s!' in type definition '%2!s!' Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'minLength' can not be greater than 'maxLength' XML Validation: Multiple ID attributes found on a single element. %1!s! %2!s! Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'minLength' can not be greater than 'Length' Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'Length' can not be greater than 'maxLength' Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'fractionDigits' can not be greater than 'totalDigits' Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'minInclusive' must be less than or equal to 'maxInclusive' and less than 'maxExclusive' Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'minExclusive' must be less than or equal to 'maxExclusive' and less than 'maxInclusive' Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', recursive type definitions are not allowed Invalid group definition for group '%1!s!', recursive group definitions are not allowed Invalid attribute definition for attribute '%1!s!', attributes type has to be simple type Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', fixed facet '%2!s!' can not be redefined to a different value. Invalid element definition, element '%1!s!' is not valid derivation of element '%2!s!' Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. An 'all' group may not appear as the child or parent of any other model group, it must have minOccurs = maxOccurs = 1, its child elements must have maxOccurs = 1 Invalid definition, top level group definitions can not have model groups as siblings $Component '%1!s!' is outside of allowed range. Maximum for 'fractionDigits' is 10 and maximum number of digits for non fractional part is 28 The system limit on the number of XML types has been reached. Redesign your database to use fewer XML types. 'default' and 'fixed' values are not allowed on element of this type: '%1!s!' 'Default' or 'Fixed' value is longer than allowed, maximum length allowed is 4000 characters : '%1!s!' Facet value is longer than allowed, maximum length allowed is 4000 characters : '%1!s!' Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!'. The base and derived types must have the same value for 'mixed' unless deriving by restriction, in which case 'false' is always permitted for the derived type. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!'. Complex types cannot restrict simple types ID/IDREF validation consumed too much memory. Try reducing the number of ID and IDREF attributes. Rearranging the file so that elements with IDREF attributes appear after the elements which they reference may also be helpful. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!'. No type may have more than one attribute of any type derived from ID. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!'. Type contains attribute '%2!s!' which is not allowed in base type. @Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Must be of a type which is a valid restriction of the corresponding attribute in the base type. Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Must be required in the derived type if it is required in the base type. Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Must be prohibited in the derived type if it is prohibited in the base type. Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Must be fixed to the same value as in the derived type. Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Derivation by extension may not redefine attributes. Invalid member type '%1!s!' in union type '%2!s!'. Unions may not have complex member types. PInvalid item type for list type '%1!s!'. The item type of a list may not itself be a list, and types derived from ID may not be used as item types in this release. lInvalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type must have the same name as and a more restrictive type than the corresponding element in the base type. tInvalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The particle in the restricted type may not have an occurrence range more permissive than that of the corresponding particle in the base type. 0Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type may not be nillable if the corresponding element in the base type is not. @Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type must be fixed to the same value as the corresponding element in the derived type. XInvalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type may not have a 'block' value more permissive than the corresponding element in the base type. (Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type must be in one of the namespaces allowed by the base type's wildcard. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The Wildcard in the restricted type must be a valid subset of the corresponding wildcard in the base type, and the processContents may not be more permissive. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The effective total range of the model group in the restricted type must be a valid restriction of the occurrence range of the wildcard in the base type. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. An 'all' particle may be restricted only by 'all', 'element', or 'sequence'. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. A 'choice' particle may be restricted only by 'element', 'choice', or 'sequence'. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. A 'sequence' particle may be restricted only by 'element' or 'sequence'. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. Invalid model group restriction. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. If the base type has empty content, then the derived type must as well, and if the derived type has empty content, then the base type must be emptiable. The content model of type '%1!s!' contains two elements with the same name '%2!s!' and different types, nullability, or value constraints. Value constraint on use of attribute '%1!s!' must be consistent with value constraint on its declaration. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The attribute wildcard in the restricted type must be a valid subset of the corresponding attribute wildcard in the base type, and the processContents may not be more permissive. Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not permit the built-in XML Schema types 'ID' and 'IDREF' or types derived from them to be used as the type of an element or as the basis for derivation by extension. ,Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!'. A type may not have both 'minInclusive' and 'minExclusive' or 'maxInclusive' and 'maxExclusive' facets. Invalid definition for element '%1!s!'. An element which has a fixed value may not also be nillable. TInvalid type definition: Type or content model '%1!s!' is too complicated. It may be necessary to reduce the number of enumerations or the size of the content model. Invalid definition for element or attribute '%1!s!'. Value constraints on components of type QName are not supported in this release. OPENXML document handle parameter must be of data type int. lOPENXML flags parameter must be of data type int. OPENXML XPath must be of a string data type, such as nvarchar. dOnly one OPENXML column can be of type %1!s!. OPENXML does not support retrieving schema from remote tables, as in '%1!s!'. OPENXML requires a metaproperty namespace to be declared if 'mp' is used for another namespace in sp_xml_preparedocument. hOPENXML encountered a problem identifying the metaproperty namespace prefix. Consider removing the namespace parameter from the corresponding sp_xml_preparedocument statement. lOPENXML encountered unknown metaproperty '%1!s!'. The OPENXML EDGETABLE is incompatible with the XMLTEXT OVERFLOW flag. OPENXML allows only one metaproperty namespace prefix declaration in sp_xml_preparedocument. You need an active user transaction in order to use text pointers for a table with the option "text in row" set to ON. Internal Error: Text manager cannot continue with current statement. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE. Offset or size of data type is not valid. Data type must be of type int or smallint. The Database ID %1!s!, Page %2!s!, slot %3!s! for LOB data type node does not exist. This is usually caused by transactions that can read uncommitted data on a data page. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE. Internal error: An attempt was made to update a LOB data type using a read-only text pointer. You can have only 1,024 in-row text pointers in one transaction Database ID %1!s!, page %2!s!, slot %3!s!, link number %4!s! is invalid. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE. xOffset %1!s! is not in the range of available LOB data. Error reading large object (LOB) data from the tabular data stream (TDS). Only complete replacement is supported when assigning a large object (LOB) to itself. Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of %1!s! bytes. Invalid text, ntext, or image pointer type. Must be binary(16). pInvalid text, ntext, or image pointer value %1!s!. The offset and length specified in the READTEXT statement is greater than the actual data length of %1!s!. The text, ntext, or image pointer value conflicts with the column name specified. NULL textptr (text, ntext, or image pointer) passed to %1!s! function. LOB Locator is not supported as text pointer when using UPDATETEXT/WRITETEXT to update/write a text column. Deletion length %1!s! is not in the range of available text, ntext, or image data. %1!s! is not allowed because the column is being processed by a concurrent snapshot or is being replicated to a non-SQL Server Subscriber or Published in a publication allowing Data Transformation Services (DTS) or tracked by Change Data Capture. <The WRITETEXT statement is not allowed because the column is being replicated with Data Transformation Services (DTS) or tracked by Change Data Capture. lLength of LOB data (%1!s!) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum %2!s!. Use the stored procedure sp_configure to increase the configured maximum value for max text repl size option, which defaults to 65536. A configured value of -1 indicates no limit, other that the limit imposed by the data type. PCannot create additional orphans with the stored procedure sp_createorphan. Free up some of the orphan handles that you have created by inserting or deleting them. tMust create orphaned text inside a user transaction. HInvalid locator de-referenced. A text/ntext/image column referenced by a persisted or indexed computed column cannot be updated tInsufficient buffer space to perform write operation. Could not execute procedure on remote server '%1!s!' because SQL Server is not configured for remote access. Ask your system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server to allow remote access. Could not find server '%1!s!' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers. Could not execute procedure '%1!s!' on remote server '%2!s!'. The attempt by the provider to pass remote stored procedure parameters to remote server '%1!s!' failed. Verify that the number of parameters, the order, and the values passed are correct. Remote procedure time out of %1!s! seconds exceeded. Remote procedure '%2!s!' is canceled. tCould not execute statement on remote server '%1!s!'. Could not relay results of procedure '%1!s!' from remote server '%2!s!'. Cannot obtain the required interface ("%1!s!") from OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". LCannot connect using OLE DB provider "%1!s!" to linked server "%2!s!". Verify the connection parameters or login credentials associated with this linked server. Cannot create a statement object using OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot open the table "%1!s!" from OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". %4!s! ,Cannot obtain the data source of a session from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". This action must be supported by the provider. OLE DB provider '%1!s!' cannot be used for distributed queries because the provider is configured to run in single-threaded apartment mode. |Cannot obtain the set of schema rowsets supported by OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used. hCannot obtain the schema rowset "%1!s!" for OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used. Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or schema. An invalid schema or catalog was specified for the provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". xThe OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" does not contain the table "%3!s!". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" contains multiple tables that match the name "%3!s!". TCannot use qualified table names (schema or catalog) with the OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" because it does not implement required functionality. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned an invalid schema definition. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned an invalid column definition for table "%3!s!". The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned a "%3!s!" index "%4!s!" with the incorrect bookmark ordinal %5!s!. Cannot execute the query "%1!s!" against OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". %4!s! An error occurred while preparing the query "%1!s!" for execution against OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". %4!s! A failure occurred while giving parameter information to OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". An error occurred while submitting the query text to OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". A failure occurred while setting parameter properties with OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". ,Objects exposing columns with CLR types are not allowed in distributed queries. Please use a pass-through query to access remote object '%1!s!'. An error occurred while retrieving the query text from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". A failure occurred while retrieving parameter information to OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Rows from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" cannot be released. Cannot rescan the result set from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". %3!s! Cannot fetch a row using a bookmark from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". OLE DB provider '%1!s!' for linked server '%2!s!' returned invalid data for column '%3!s!.%4!s!'. Cannot create a column accessor for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot get the current row value of column "%1!s!.%2!s!" from OLE DB provider "%3!s!" for linked server "%4!s!". %5!s! 0An unexpected NULL value was returned for column "%1!s!.%2!s!" from OLE DB provider "%3!s!" for linked server "%4!s!". This column cannot be NULL. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not %3!s! table "%4!s!". %5!s! The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not %3!s! table "%4!s!" because of column "%5!s!". %6!s! The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not delete from table "%3!s!". %4!s! Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". %3!s! OLE DB provider '%1!s!' for linked server '%2!s!' returned data that does not match expected data length for column '%3!s!.%4!s!'. The (maximum) expected data length is %5!s!, while the returned data length is %6!s!. \The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not set the range for table "%3!s!". %4!s!. For possible cause of this issue, see the extended error message. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not set the range for table "%3!s!" because of column "%4!s!". %5!s! Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not map ordinals for one or more columns of object "%3!s!". ,The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata. The object "%3!s!" was missing the expected column "%4!s!". XThe OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata. An extra column was supplied during execution that was not found at compile time. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied invalid metadata for column "%3!s!". %4!s! The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. The name was changed at execution time. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. The column "%3!s!" (compile-time ordinal %4!s!) of object "%5!s!" was reported to have a "%6!s!" of %7!s! at compile time and %8!s! at run time. Cannot process the object "%1!s!". The OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object. pCannot execute the query. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" did not provide an appropriate interface to access the text, ntext, or image column "%3!s!.%4!s!". PThe OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" reported a change in schema version between compile time ("%3!s!") and run time ("%4!s!") for table "%5!s!". Cannot get the length of a storage object from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" for table "%3!s!", column "%4!s!". Cannot read a storage object from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!", for table "%3!s!", column "%4!s!". The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" reported different metadata at run time for table "%3!s!", column "%4!s!". Cannot obtain optional metadata columns of columns rowset from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot obtain columns rowset from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". 4The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supports column level collation, but failed to provide the metadata column "%3!s!" at run time. (The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supports column level collation, but failed to provide collation data for column "%3!s!". The OLE DB provider '%1!s!' for linked server '%2!s!' provided invalid collation. LCID = %3!s!, Compflags = %4!s!, SortOrder = '%5!s!'. One or more properties could not be set on the query for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". %3!s! 4The server option 'collation name' in linked server '%1!s!' for OLE DB provider '%2!s!' has collation id %3!s! which is not supported by SQL Server. Cannot get properties from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot set the initialization properties for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot set the session properties for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". Cannot open index "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!" from OLE DB provider "%3!s!" for linked server "%4!s!". %5!s! xCould not enforce the remote join hint for this query. xCannot specify an index hint for a remote data source. Table-valued parameters are not allowed in remote calls between servers. DThe requested operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" does not support the required transaction interface. $The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" was unable to begin a distributed transaction. Cannot start a transaction for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" reported an error 0x%3!s! aborting the current transaction. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" reported an error committing the current transaction. `Unable to start a nested transaction for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". A nested transaction was required because the XACT_ABORT option was set to OFF. 0Varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) and large CLR type data types are not supported as return value or output parameter to remote queries. Remote function returned varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) or large CLR type value which is not supported. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" reported an error. %3!s! The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" returned invalid literal prefix/suffix string. tThe OLE DB provider "%1!s!" has not been registered. HThe server could not load DCOM. Heterogeneous queries require the ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS options to be set for the connection. This ensures consistent query semantics. Enable these options and then reissue your query. Could not start distributed query using integrated login because the user is logged in using SQL Server authentication. Provide remote server login user ID and password in the connection string. Remote access is not allowed for impersonated security context. `Server '%1!s!' is not configured for %2!s!. OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned message "%3!s!". (Could not connect to linked server '%1!s!' (OLE DB Provider '%2!s!'). Enable delegation or use a remote SQL Server login for the current user. Invalid number of parameters. Rowset '%1!s!' expects %2!s! parameter(s). Ad hoc access to OLE DB provider '%1!s!' has been denied. You must access this provider through a linked server. Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists. GROUP BY ALL is not supported in queries that access remote tables if there is also a WHERE clause in the query. Text, image, or ntext column was too large to send to the remote data source due to the storage interface used by the provider. Lazy schema validation error. Linked server schema version has changed. Re-run the query. Remote access is not supported for transaction isolation level "%1!s!". OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned an invalid index definition for table "%3!s!". The '%1!s!' OLE DB provider for the '%2!s!' linked server returned an invalid CLR type definition for the '%3!s!' table. Out-of-process use of OLE DB provider "%1!s!" with SQL Server is not supported. dUnable to delete OLE DB parameter properties. Heterogeneous queries and use of OLEDB providers are not supported in fiber mode. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned unexpected NULL pointer for string column "%3!s!.%4!s!". The query processor could not produce a query plan because FORCESEEK or FORCESCAN hints on table or view '%1!s!' cannot be used with remote data sources. Remove the hints and resubmit the query. Linked servers cannot be used under impersonation without a mapping for the impersonated login. The 32-bit OLE DB provider "%1!s!" cannot be loaded in-process on a 64-bit SQL Server. Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on %1!s! '%2!s!' because it is not full-text indexed. dFull-text operation failed due to a time out. Could not find full-text index for database ID %1!s!, table or indexed view ID %2!s!. DSearch on full-text catalog '%1!s!' for database ID %2!s!, table or indexed view ID %3!s! with search condition '%4!s!' failed with unknown result (0x%5!s!). An unknown full-text failure (0x%1!s!) occurred during "%2!s!". Full-Text Search is not installed, or a full-text component cannot be loaded. tAccess is denied to "%1!s!", or the path is invalid. Cannot drop index '%1!s!' because it enforces the full-text key for table or indexed view '%2!s!'. Cannot alter or drop column '%1!s!' because it is enabled for Full-Text Search. A CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate can only operate on one table or indexed view. Qualify the use of * with a table or indexed view name. Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable full-text search for the database. The functionality to disable and enable full-text search for a database is deprecated. Please change your application. Query does not reference the full-text indexed table or indexed view, or user does not have permission to perform this action. pThe execution of a full-text query failed. "%1!s!" The conversion to data type %1!s! failed for the full-text search key. |Invalid use of full-text predicate in the HAVING clause. There is not sufficient disk space to complete this operation for the full-text catalog "%1!s!". Full-text catalog '%1!s!' is in an unusable state. Drop and re-create this full-text catalog. Full-text table or indexed view has more than one LCID among its full-text indexed columns. The top_n_by_rank argument ('%1!s!') must be greater than or equal to zero. LCannot create the full-text catalog in the directory "%1!s!" for the clustered server. Only directories on a disk in the cluster group of the server can be used. Cannot open or query the full-text default path registry key. The full-text default catalog path is invalid. Syntax error near '%1!s!' in the full-text search condition '%2!s!'. The value of the Weight argument must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Full-Text catalog '%1!s!' does not exist in database '%2!s!' or user does not have permission to perform this action. A full-text catalog named '%1!s!' already exists in this database. Use a different name. \Full-text crawl manager has not been initialized. Any crawl started before the crawl manager was fully initialized will need to be restarted. Please restart SQL Server and retry the command. You should also check the error log to fix any failures that might have caused the crawl manager to fail. PNull or empty full-text predicate. Fulltext predicate references columns from two different tables or indexed views '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' which is not allowed. A full-text index for table or indexed view '%1!s!' has already been created. '%1!s!' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. A full-text search key must be a unique, non-nullable, single-column index which is not offline, is not defined on a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column, does not have a filter, and has maximum size of %2!s! bytes. Choose another index for the full-text key. Unable to obtain the population status of the table or indexed view '%1!s!'. TYPE COLUMN option must be specified with column of image or varbinary(max) type. Full-text index for table or indexed view '%1!s!' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode. Table or indexed view '%1!s!' does not have a full-text index or user does not have permission to perform this action. Cannot activate full-text search for table or indexed view '%1!s!' because no columns have been enabled for full-text search. Full-text search must be activated on table or indexed view '%1!s!' before this operation can be performed. Option 'WITH NO POPULATION' should not be used when change tracking is enabled. Full-text change tracking must be started on table or indexed view '%1!s!' before the changes can be flushed. @Full Crawl must be executed on table or indexed view '%1!s!'. Columns affecting the index have been added or dropped since the last index full population. tUser does not have permission to perform this action. Cannot drop full-text catalog '%1!s!' because it contains a full-text index. Column '%1!s!' cannot be used for full-text search because it is not a character-based, XML, image or varbinary(max) type column. DColumn '%1!s!' cannot be used as full-text type column for image column. It must be a character-based column with a size less or equal than %2!s! characters. A full-text index cannot be created on the table or indexed view because duplicate column '%1!s!' is specified. \Column "%1!s!" is not full-text indexed. The following string is not defined as a language alias in syslanguages: %1!s!. Full-text index language of column "%1!s!" is not a language supported by full-text search. Default full-text index language is not a language supported by full-text search. Errors were encountered during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%1!s!', database '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!'). Please see full-text crawl logs for details. pExecution of a full-text operation failed. '%1!s!' |Full-text operation failed because database is read only. 8Access is denied to full-text log path. Full-text logging is disabled for database '%1!s!', catalog '%2!s!' (database ID '%3!s!', catalog ID '%4!s!'). Full-text catalog path '%1!s!' exceeded %2!s! character limit. |Full-text initialization failed to create a memory clerk. xFailed to pause catalog for backup. Backup was aborted. Invalid locale ID was specified. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and corresponding language resource has been installed. |GROUP BY ALL cannot be used in full text search queries. TYPE COLUMN option is not allowed for column types other than image or varbinary(max). Empty Partition function type-parameter-list is not allowed when defining a partition function. Can not create RANGE partition function with multiple parameter types. lThe type '%1!s!' is not valid for this operation. Could not implicitly convert range values type specified at ordinal %1!s! to partition function parameter type. Partition function '%1!s!' is being used by one or more partition schemes. The associated partition function '%1!s!' generates more partitions than there are file groups mentioned in the scheme '%2!s!'. @Duplicate range boundary values are not allowed in partition function boundary values list. Partition boundary values at ordinal %1!s! and %2!s! are equal. The DATA_COMPRESSION option was specified more than once for the table, or for at least one of its partitions if the table is partitioned. LPartition range value is missing. xThe specified partition range value could not be found. Can not create or alter a partition function to have zero partitions. The partition scheme "%1!s!" is currently being used to partition one or more tables. Partition range value cannot be specified for hash partitioning. CREATE/ALTER partition function failed as only a maximum of %1!s! partitions can be created. ,Data truncated when converting range values to the partition function parameter type. The range value at ordinal %1!s! requires data truncation. Duplicate range boundary values are not allowed in partition function boundary values list. The boundary value being added is already present at ordinal %1!s! of the boundary value list. Invalid partition number %1!s! specified for %2!s! '%3!s!', partition number can range from 1 to %4!s!. Only a single filegroup can be specified while creating partition scheme using option ALL to specify all the filegroups. Computed column cannot be used as a partition key if it is not persisted. Partition key column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is not persisted. PAlter partition function statement failed. Cannot repartition table '%1!s!' by altering partition function '%2!s!' because its clustered index '%3!s!' is disabled. Partition column '%1!s!' has data type %2!s! which is different from the partition function '%3!s!' parameter data type %4!s!. Collation of partition column '%1!s!' does not match collation of corresponding parameter in partition function '%2!s!'. Invalid partition range: %1!s! TO %2!s!. Lower bound must not be greater than upper bound. Cannot specify partition number in the %1!s! %2!s! statement as the %3!s! '%4!s!' is not partitioned. Alter %1!s! statement failed because partition number %2!s! does not exist in %3!s! '%4!s!'. Cannot specify partition number in Alter %1!s! statement to rebuild or reorganize a partition of %2!s! '%3!s!'. \Cannot specify partition number in Alter index statement along with keyword ALL to rebuild partitions of table '%1!s!' when the table does not have any regular indexes. '%1!s!' statement failed. The %2!s! '%3!s!' is partitioned while %4!s! '%5!s!' is not partitioned. Cannot specify partition number in alter %1!s! statement to rebuild or reorganize a partition of %2!s! '%3!s!' as %4!s! is not partitioned. Partition function can only be created in Enterprise edition of SQL Server. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports partitioning. Filegroup %1!s! is of a different filegroup type than the first filegroup in partition scheme %2!s! Cannot enable compression for object '%1!s!'. Only SQL Server Enterprise Edition supports compression. hThe required parameter %1!s! was not specified. Functions that have a return type of "%1!s!" are unsupported through SOAP invocation. |The clause %1!s! can not be used in the %2!s! statement. d%1!s! and %2!s! can not share the same value. The parameter SITE can not be prefixed by a scheme such as 'http://'. Valid values for SITE include {'*' | '+' | 'site_name'}. The URL specified by endpoint '%1!s!' is already registered to receive requests or is reserved for use by another service. An error ('0x%1!s!') occurred while attempting to register the endpoint '%2!s!'. The value '%1!s!' is not within range for the '%2!s!' parameter. hCOMPUTE BY queries are not supported over SOAP. The parameter PATH must be supplied in its canonical form. An acceptable PATH is '%1!s!'. dA duplicate parameter was specified, '%1!s!'. The Base64 encoded input data was malformed for the parameter "%1!s!". The request exceeds an internal limit. Simplify or reduce the size of the request. The SOAP method object '%1!s!' must be specified using a fully qualified three-part name. SOAP namespaces beginning with '%1!s!' are disallowed because they are reserved for system use. An unexpected XML node "%1!s!" (in the namespace "%2!s!") was found in the "%3!s!" element (in the "%4!s!" namespace) of the SOAP request. The "%1!s!" XML element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) was expected in the "%3!s!" element (in the "%4!s!" namespace) of the SOAP request. The "%1!s!" XML element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) was expected as the topmost node of the SOAP request. A SOAP method element was expected in the "%1!s!" element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) of the SOAP request. Unexpected character data was found in the "%1!s!" element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) of the SOAP request. The user does not have permission to reserve and unreserve HTTP namespaces. The statement is not supported on this version of the operating system. Could not find Httpapi.dll in the path. The statement is not supported on this version of the operating system. Could not find function entry point '%1!s!' in Httpapi.dll. Unable to complete the operation because of an unexpected error. A reservation for this HTTP namespace (%1!s!) already exists. A reservation for this HTTP namespace (%1!s!) does not exist. The HTTP namespace (%1!s!) is in an invalid format. Specify the namespace in its canonical form. LEndpoint '%1!s!' has been disabled because it is insecurely configured. For a more information, attempt to start the endpoint using the ALTER ENDPOINT statement. A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from the network. The maximum number of network packets in one request was exceeded. Try using bulk insert, increasing network packet size, or reducing the size of the request. The session will be terminated. XML data was found in the parameter '%1!s!' which is not an XML parameter. Please entitize any invalid XML character data in this parameter, or pass the parameter in typed as XSD:anyType or sqltypes:xml. An invalid or unsupported localeId was specified for parameter "%1!s!". Invalid sqlCompareOptions were specified for parameter "%1!s!". The SQL Server Service account does not have permission to register the supplied URL on the endpoint '%1!s!'. Use sp_reserve_http_namespace to explicitly reserve the URL namespace before you try to register the URL again. The %1!s! attribute must be specified on the %2!s! element of the parameter "%3!s!" because it is of type %4!s!. 4Parameter "%1!s!": If the %2!s! attribute appears on a parameter value node of type "%3!s!" (in the namespace "%4!s!"), it must refer to a CLR type. The URL specified as the path ("%1!s!") is not in an absolute format, and must begin with "%2!s!". The URL value specified for the "%1!s!" parameter is too long. XReading from HTTP input stream failed. XML parameters do not support non-unicode element or attribute values. Parameter "%1!s!": Function or procedure parameters with improperly formatted or deprecated names are not supported through Native SOAP access. Refer to documentation for rules concerning the proper naming of parameters. @The "%1!s!" XML element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) in the "%3!s!" element (in the "%4!s!" namespace) of the SOAP request contained an invalid binary type. Parameter "%1!s!": Parameter collation cannot be specified on the "%2!s!" node (in the namespace "%3!s!"). dAn endpoint's transport or content cannot be changed through the ALTER ENDPOINT statement. Use DROP ENDPOINT and execute the CREATE ENDPOINT statement to make these changes. x"%1!s!" endpoints can only be of the "FOR %2!s!" type. An endpoint of the requested type already exists. Only one endpoint of this type is supported. Use ALTER ENDPOINT or DROP the existing endpoint and execute the CREATE ENDPOINT statement. The endpoint was not changed. The ALTER ENDPOINT statement did not contain any values to modify or update. XCREATE/ALTER ENDPOINT cannot be used to update the endpoint with this information. The Dedicated Administrator Connection endpoint is reserved and cannot be updated. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) generation failed because the system was unable to query the metadata for the endpoint. XML attribute and element values larger than 4000 characters are only allowed within the SOAP Body node. An invalid sqlCollationVersion was specified for parameter "%1!s!". |An invalid sqlSortId was specified for parameter "%1!s!". The endpoint name '%1!s!' is reserved for used by SQL. Endpoint names cannot begin with '%2!s!'. The AFFINITY clause is not supported for endpoints of this type. xThe clause "%1!s!" is not valid for this endpoint type. "%1!s!" is not a parameter for procedure "%2!s!", or it was supplied out of order. 0The endpoint "%1!s!" is a built-in endpoint and cannot be dropped. Use the protocol configuration utilities to ADD or DROP Transact-SQL endpoints. An endpoint already exists with the bindings specified. Only one endpoint supported for a specific binding. Use ALTER ENDPOINT or DROP the existing endpoint and execute the CREATE ENDPOINT statement. An unexpected XML construct was found in the character data of the "%1!s!" element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) of the SOAP request. This "%1!s! ENDPOINT" statement is not supported on this edition of SQL Server. OUTPUT was requested for parameter '%1!s!', which is not supported for a WEBMETHOD with FORMAT=NONE. User-defined functions cannot be used for a WEBMETHOD with FORMAT=NONE. Violation of tabular data stream (TDS) protocol. This is most often caused by a previous exception on this task. The last exception on the task was error %1!s!, severity %2!s!, address 0x%3!s!. This connection will be terminated. Network error 0x%1!s! occurred while sending data to the client on process ID %2!s! batch ID %3!s!. A common cause for this error is if the client disconnected without reading the entire response from the server. This connection will be terminated. A read operation on a large object failed while sending data to the client. A common cause for this is if the application is running in READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level. This connection will be terminated. The IPv6 address specified is not supported. Only addresses that are in their numeric, canonical form are supported for listening. TThe IPv6 address specified is not supported. The server may not be configured to allow for IPv6 connectivity, or the address may not be in a recognized IPv6 format. HThe SOAP headers on the request have exceeded the size limits established for this endpoint. The endpoint owner may increase these limits via ALTER ENDPOINT. xAn error occurred while attempting to register the endpoint '%1!s!'. One or more of the ports specified in the CREATE ENDPOINT statement may be bound to another process. Attempt the statement again with a different port or use netstat to find the application currently using the port and resolve the conflict. Internal subset DTDs inside SOAP requests are not allowed. Parameter '%1!s!': Incompatible XML attributes were present. The '%2!s!' attribute and the '%3!s!' attribute may not both be present on a parameter value node of type '%4!s!' (in the namespace '%5!s!'). Listening has not been started on the endpoint '%1!s!' found in metadata. Endpoint operations are disabled on this edition of SQL Server. Only a system administrator can specify a custom WSDL stored procedure on the endpoint. (The column or parameter '%1!s!' uses a data type not supported by SOAP. SOAP only supports data types supported in SQL Server 2005 or earlier. The return value uses a data type not supported by SOAP. SOAP only supports data types supported in SQL Server 2005 or earlier. The repair statement was not processed. This level of repair is not supported when the database is in emergency mode. pTable error: The orphaned file "%1!s!" was found in the FILESTREAM directory ID %2!s! container ID %3!s! for object ID %4!s!, index ID %5!s!, partition ID %6!s!, column ID %7!s!. Table error: Cannot find the FILESTREAM file "%1!s!" for column ID %2!s! (column directory ID %3!s! container ID %4!s!) in object ID %5!s!, index ID %6!s!, partition ID %7!s!, page ID %8!s!, slot ID %9!s!. Database error: The directory "%1!s!" is not a valid FILESTREAM directory in container ID %2!s!. Database error: The file "%1!s!" is not a valid FILESTREAM file in container ID %2!s!. Table error: The directory "%1!s!" under the rowset directory ID %2!s! is not a valid FILESTREAM directory in container ID %3!s!. Table error: The file "%1!s!" in the rowset directory ID %2!s! is not a valid FILESTREAM file in container ID %3!s!. The emergency-mode repair failed.You must restore from backup. Repair statement not processed. Database needs to be in single user mode. Repair statement not processed. Database cannot be a snapshot. *************************************************************** @Check statement aborted. The database could not be checked as a database snapshot could not be created and the database or table could not be locked. See Books Online for details of when this behavior is expected and what workarounds exist. Also see previous errors for more details. The database snapshot for online checks could not be created. Either the reason is given in a previous error or one of the underlying volumes does not support sparse files or alternate streams. Attempting to get exclusive access to run checks offline. Check statement aborted. Database contains deferred transactions. Mirroring must be removed from the database for this DBCC command. Database error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! for a partition was seen two times. HTable error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s! is in filegroup %5!s!, but should be in filegroup %6!s!. Table error: A FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! exists for a partition, but the corresponding partition does not exist in the database. 0DBCC CHECK cannot proceed on database %1!s! because it is a Secondary Replica and either Snapshot creation failed or the WITH TABLOCK option was specified. Secondary Replica databases cannot be exclusively locked for DBCC CHECK. Reason may have been given in previous error. \Table error: A FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! exists for a column of object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, but that column does not exist in the partition. dTable error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! exists for column ID %2!s! of object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, but that column is not a FILESTREAM column. |Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s! processing encountered file name "%4!s!" twice in the column directory %5!s! container ID %6!s! (for column ID %7!s!). |Cannot detach database '%1!s!' because it does not exist. System databases master, model, msdb, and tempdb cannot be detached. xTable error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s! processing encountered file name "%4!s!" twice in the column ID %5!s! (for column directory %6!s! container ID %7!s!). DInvalid SPID %1!s! specified. Table error: The FILESTREAM file "%1!s!" for column ID %2!s! was found in column directory ID %3!s! of container ID %4!s! but should be in container ID %5!s! in object ID %6!s!, index ID %7!s!, partition ID %8!s!, page ID %9!s!, slot ID %10!s!. The specified SPID does not process input/output data streams. An invalid server process identifier (SPID) %1!s! or batch ID %2!s! was specified. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) , page ID %6!s!, row ID %7!s!. Column '%8!s!' is a var column with a NULL value and non-zero data length LInvalid BATCHID %1!s! specified. Database error: The file "%1!s!" is not a valid FILESTREAM LOG file in container ID %2!s!. @Table error: Could not check object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) due to invalid allocation (IAM) page(s). DNo active open transactions. User '%1!s!' does not have permission to run DBCC %2!s! for database '%3!s!'. System table pre-checks: Object ID %1!s!. Page %2!s! has unexpected page type %3!s!. Check statement terminated due to unrepairable error. @System table pre-checks: Object ID %1!s!. Could not read and latch page %2!s! with latch type %3!s!. Check statement terminated due to unrepairable error. System table pre-checks: Object ID %1!s! has cross-object chain linkage. Page %2!s! points to %3!s! in alloc unit ID %4!s! (should be %5!s!). Check statement terminated due to unrepairable error. \System table pre-checks: Object ID %1!s! has chain linkage mismatch. %2!s!->next = %3!s!, but %4!s!->prev = %5!s!. Check statement terminated due to unrepairable error. System table pre-checks: Object ID %1!s!. Loop in data chain detected at %2!s!. Check statement terminated due to unrepairable error. Checking identity information: current identity value '%1!s!'. `Cannot shrink 'read only' database '%1!s!'. Database '%1!s!': consistency errors in system catalogs prevent further DBCC %2!s! processing. Extended stored procedures can only be created in the master database. d'%1!s!' does not contain an identity column. Checking identity information: current identity value '%1!s!', current column value '%2!s!'. |Could not find any index named '%1!s!' for table '%2!s!'. @The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Meta-information is invalid for the Sql Variant parameter. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! (XML) has an invalid database or schema specified. <The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of %1!s! parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. The RPC name is invalid. ,The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s!: The parameter name is invalid. <The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s!: The parameter status flags are invalid. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): The chunking format is incorrect for a large object parameter of type 0x%3!s!. The number of params passed to sp_execute is not equal to the number of params used when the handle was prepared (%1!s!). <The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! is unknown. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): The RPC is marked with the metadata unchanged flag, but data type 0x%3!s! is different from the one sent last time. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid length for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid precision or scale for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid instance length. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid type for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! is an untyped NULL but is marked as an output parameter. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! has an invalid data length or metadata length. lThe incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! has an invalid precision or scale. Invalid parameter %1!s! ('%2!s!'): Data type 0x%3!s! is a deprecated large object, or LOB, but is marked as output parameter. Deprecated types are not supported as output parameters. Use current large object types instead. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type "0x%3!s!" (CLR type) has an invalid user type specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type "0x%3!s!" (CLR type) has an invalid length for serialization metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type "0x%3!s!" (CLR type) has an invalid database specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): The supplied value is NULL and data type %3!s! cannot be NULL. Check the source data for invalid values. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type %3!s!. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type 0x%3!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid collation for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): The RPC is marked with the metadata unchanged flag, but data type 0x%3!s! has a maximum length different from the one sent last time. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): The RPC is marked with the metadata unchanged flag, but data type 0x%3!s! has an actual length different from the one sent last time. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): Data type "0x%3!s!" (CLR type) has an invalid schema specified. hThe incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"): The supplied length is not valid for data type %3!s!. Check the source data for invalid lengths. An example of an invalid length is data of nchar type with an odd length in bytes. 8The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) an unexpected token was encountered processing a table-valued parameter. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (XML) has an invalid database or schema specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: The chunking format is incorrect for a large object parameter of data type 0x%5!s!. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! is unknown. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid length for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid precision or scale for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid instance length. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid type for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! has an invalid data length or metadata length. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! has an invalid precision or scale. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (CLR type) has an invalid user type specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (CLR type) has an invalid length for serialization metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (CLR type) has an invalid database specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: The supplied value is NULL and data type %5!s! cannot be NULL. Check the source data for invalid values. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type %5!s!. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (sql_variant) has an invalid collation for type-specific metadata. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (CLR type) has an invalid schema specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: The supplied length is not valid for data type %5!s!. Check the source data for invalid lengths. An example of an invalid length is data of nchar type with an odd length in bytes. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has a non-zero length database name specified. Database name is not allowed with a table-valued parameter, only schema name and type name are valid. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has an invalid schema specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has an invalid type name specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has an invalid column count specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has an invalid column name specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) timestamp column is required to be default. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has an invalid column flag specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has invalid ordering and uniqueness metadata specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has invalid column ordering metadata specified. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) has too many optional metadata tokens specified. 0Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type). The specified column is computed or default and has ordering or uniqueness set. Ordering and uniqueness can only be set on columns that have client supplied data. pThe incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s!, to a parameterized string has no table type defined. tThe incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter "%1!s!", to a parameterized string has no table type defined. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 0x%5!s! (user-defined table type) is null and not set to default. A null table-valued parameter is required to be sent as a default parameter. The data for table-valued parameter "%1!s!" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter. The data for the table-valued parameter %1!s! doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter. The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call stream is sending an unlimited length CLR type. Parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!") is defined as type %3!s!. This type is not supported by down-level clients. Send the serialized data of the large CLR type as varbinary(max), or upgrade the client driver to one that supports unlimited CLR types. Parameter %1!s! ([%2!s!].[%3!s!].[%4!s!]): The CLR type does not exist or you do not have permissions to access it. An explicit value for the identity column in table '%1!s!' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON. XCannot update identity column '%1!s!'. '%1!s!' is not a user table. Cannot perform SET operation. Table '%1!s!' does not have the identity property. Cannot perform SET operation. IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table '%1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!'. Cannot perform SET operation for table '%4!s!'. 4Cannot add identity column, using the SELECT INTO statement, to table '%1!s!', which already has column '%2!s!' that inherits the identity property. Attempting to add multiple identity columns to table '%1!s!' using the SELECT INTO statement. Cannot add multiple PRIMARY KEY constraints to table '%1!s!'. Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table '%1!s!'. Cannot add more than one clustered index for constraints on table '%1!s!'. Incorrect use of the XML data type method '%1!s!'. A mutator method is expected in this context. `Error converting data type %1!s! to %2!s!. Arithmetic overflow error converting %1!s! to data type %2!s!. Argument data type %1!s! is invalid for argument %2!s! of %3!s! function. xOperand data type %1!s! is invalid for %2!s! operator. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. A correlated expression is invalid because it is not in a GROUP BY clause. Multiple columns are specified in an aggregated expression containing an outer reference. If an expression being aggregated contains an outer reference, then that outer reference must be the only column referenced in the expression. An aggregated expression containing an outer reference must be contained in either the select list, or a HAVING clause subquery in the query whose FROM clause contains the table with the column being aggregated. $Column "%1!s!.%2!s!" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause. Column "%1!s!.%2!s!" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. The new disk size must be greater than %1!s!. Consider using DBCC SHRINKDB. At least one of the result expressions in a CASE specification must be an expression other than the NULL constant. LDivide by zero error encountered. Table level constraint does not specify column list, table '%1!s!'. Duplicate columns specified in %1!s! constraint key list, table '%2!s!'. Incorrect use of the XML data type method '%1!s!'. A non-mutator method is expected in this context. More than 16 columns specified in foreign key column list, table '%1!s!'. Number of referencing columns in foreign key differs from number of referenced columns, table '%1!s!'. More than one key specified in column level %1!s! constraint, table '%2!s!'. Column %1!s! constraint for column '%2!s!' references another column, table '%3!s!'. hParameter '%1!s!' was supplied multiple times. Procedure or function %1!s! has too many arguments specified. d%1!s! is not a parameter for procedure %2!s!. Procedure %1!s! has no parameters and arguments were supplied. Could not create IDENTITY attribute on nullable column '%1!s!', table '%2!s!'. More than one column %1!s! constraint specified for column '%2!s!', table '%3!s!'. xOLE Automation objects are not supported in fiber mode. Multiple NULL constraints were specified for column '%1!s!', table '%2!s!'. Both a PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraint have been defined for column '%1!s!', table '%2!s!'. Only one is allowed. \String or binary data would be truncated. HThe table '%1!s!' is ambiguous. |No column name was specified for column %1!s! of '%2!s!'. The column '%1!s!' was specified multiple times for '%2!s!'. '%1!s!' has more columns than were specified in the column list. '%1!s!' has fewer columns than were specified in the column list. A GROUPING or GROUPING_ID function can only be specified when there is a GROUP BY clause. Argument %1!s! of the %2!s! function does not match any of the expressions in the GROUP BY clause. The formal parameter "%1!s!" was not declared as an OUTPUT parameter, but the actual parameter passed in requested output. `An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested. Invalid subcommand value %1!s!. Legal range from %2!s! to %3!s!. Constraint name '%1!s!' not permitted. Constraint names cannot begin with a number sign (#). The type of column "%1!s!" conflicts with the type of other columns specified in the UNPIVOT list. 4Cannot create, drop, enable, or disable more than one constraint, column, or trigger named '%1!s!' in this context. Duplicate names are not allowed. Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier. Insufficient result space to convert uniqueidentifier value to char. `Hint '%1!s!' on object '%2!s!' is invalid. The argument %1!s! of the XML data type method "%2!s!" must be a string literal. Incorrect syntax was used to invoke the XML data type method '%1!s!'. \Schema lock with handle %1!s! not found. Resync procedure expects value of key '%1!s!', which was not supplied. Cannot use a column in the %1!s! clause unless it is contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. The parameterized query '%1!s!' expects the parameter '%2!s!', which was not supplied. tCould not find prepared statement with handle %1!s!. PStatement(s) could not be prepared. Text for '%1!s!' is missing from the system catalog. The object must be dropped and re-created before it can be used. \Only UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraints can be created on computed columns, while CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, and NOT NULL constraints require that computed columns be persisted. Error in binarychecksum. There are no comparable columns in the binarychecksum input. Error expanding "*": An incomparable column has been found in an underlying table or view. Function '%1!s!' can be used only on user and system tables. The prepared handle %1!s! is currently being used by another command (error state: %2!s!). 8There is already a SQL type for assembly type "%1!s!" on assembly "%2!s!". Only one SQL type can be mapped to a given assembly type. CREATE TYPE fails. `You do not have permission to run '%1!s!'. Cannot compile replication filter procedure without defining table being filtered. Replication filter procedures can only contain SELECT, GOTO, IF, WHILE, RETURN, and DECLARE statements. tReplication filter procedures cannot have parameters. pCannot execute a procedure marked FOR REPLICATION. Cannot create "%1!s!" on "%2!s!". Insert, Update, and Delete triggers can only be created on user tables and views. \Duplicate column specified as ROWGUIDCOL. The object '%1!s!' does not exist or is invalid for this operation. In EXECUTE <procname>, procname can only be a literal or variable of type char, varchar, nchar, or nvarchar. Cannot create (or open) named file mapping object '%1!s!'. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. Unable to map view of file mapping object '%1!s!' into SQL Server process address space. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. Cannot create (or open) named mutex '%1!s!'. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. Error in mapping SQL Server performance object/counter indexes to object/counter names. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. SQL Server performance object '%1!s!' not found in registry. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. SQL Server performance counter '%1!s!' not found in registry. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. Cannot open registry key 'HKLM\%1!s!'. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. Cannot query value '%1!s!' associated with registry key 'HKLM\%2!s!'. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. There was a virtual memory allocation failure during performance counters initialization. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. $Windows kernel object '%1!s!' already exists. It's not owned by the SQL Server service account. SQL Server performance counters are disabled. `A trace control request could not be processed because invalid parameters were specified when events were registered. Confirm that the parameters are within valid ranges. tCannot find the requested trace template: id = %1!s!. Event Tracing for Windows failed to start. %1!s!. To enable Event Tracing for Windows, restart SQL Server. pEvent Tracing for Windows failed to send an event. Send failures with the same error code may not be reported in the future. Error ID: %1!s!, Event class ID: %2!s!, Cause: %3!s!. Server-level event notifications can not be delivered. Either Service Broker is disabled in msdb, or msdb failed to start. Event notifications in other databases could be affected as well. Bring msdb online, or enable Service Broker. ,Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) failed to send event. The server has run out of memory. The same send failure may not be reported in the future. @Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) failed to send event. This may be due to low resource conditions. The same send failure may not be reported in the future. ,Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) failed to send event. Event message size exceeds limit. The same send failure may not be reported in the future. SQL Trace failed to send event notification. The server has run out of memory. The same send failure may not be reported in the future. ,SQL Trace failed to send event notification. This may be due to low resource conditions. The same send failure may not be reported in the future. @This message could not be delivered because the target user with ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s! does not have permission to receive from the queue '%3!s!'. The data type of the '%1!s!' in the '%2!s!' statement must be %3!s!. The %4!s! data type is not allowed. The message type '%1!s!' is specified more than once. Remove the duplicate message type. The service contract '%1!s!' is specified more than once. Remove the duplicate service contract. LAn error occurred in the service broker queue rollback handler, while trying to disable a queue. Database ID: %1!s!, Queue ID: %2!s!, Error: %3!s!, State: %4!s!. The dialog lifetime can not be NULL. Specify a valid dialog lifetime value from %1!s! to %2!s!. TReceived a message that contains invalid header fields. This may indicate a network problem or that another application is connected to the Service Broker endpoint. |Target service '%1!s!' does not support contract '%2!s!'. DThis message could not be delivered because the targeted service does not support the service contract. Targeted service: '%1!s!', service contract: '%2!s!'. The conversation timer cannot be set beyond the conversation's lifetime. The dialog lifetime value of %1!s! is outside the allowable range of %2!s! to %3!s!. Specify a valid dialog lifetime value. pThe syntax of the service name '%1!s!' is invalid. The syntax of the broker instance '%1!s!' is invalid. The specified broker instance is too long, the maximum size is 256 bytes. The conversation group ID '%1!s!' is invalid in this context. Specify a different conversion group ID. 8The activated task was aborted because the invoked stored procedure '%1!s!' did not issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK on one or more transactions that it begun. The service contract name is NULL. Specify a service contract name. The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle. Both the error code and the description must be provided for END CONVERSATION WITH ERROR. Neither value can be NULL. The conversation group is missing. Specify a conversation group. tThe service name is missing. Specify a service name. The error description is missing. Specify a description of the error. LThe service "%1!s!" is not found. The error code and error description are missing. Specify both the error code and description of the error. `The service contract '%1!s!' is not found. dThe conversation handle "%1!s!" is not found. The conversation endpoint is not in a valid state for END CONVERSATION. The current endpoint state is '%1!s!'. XThe message type "%1!s!" is not found. The conversation endpoint is not in a valid state for SEND. The current endpoint state is '%1!s!'. pThe message body failed the configured validation. The message type '%1!s!' is not part of the service contract. The message cannot be sent because the message type '%1!s!' is marked SENT BY TARGET in the contract, however this service is an Initiator. The message body may not be NULL. A zero-length UNICODE or binary string is allowed. The message cannot be sent because the message type '%1!s!' is marked SENT BY INTITIATOR in the contract, however this service is a Target. The conversation handle "%1!s!" at position %2!s! is not found. dThe conversation group "%1!s!" is not found. The message received was sent by a Target service, but the message type '%1!s!' is marked SENT BY INITIATOR in the contract. The conversation endpoint is not in a valid state for MOVE CONVERSATION. The current endpoint state is '%1!s!'. xThe destination conversation group '%1!s!' is invalid. The conversation group exists, but no queue exists. Possible database corruption. Run DBCC CHECKDB. The conversation handle at position %1!s! is missing. Specify a conversation handle. There is no Service Broker active in the database. Change to a database context that contains a Service Broker. @The conversation with ID '%1!s!' and initiator: %2!s! references a missing conversation group '%3!s!'. Run DBCC CHECKDB to analyze and repair the database. The service queue structure is inconsistent. Possible database corruption. Run DBCC CHECKDB. The conversation handle '%1!s!' is referencing an invalid conversation ID '%2!s!', initiator: %3!s!. A RECEIVE statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data retrieval operations. Assignments in the RECEIVE projection are not allowed in conjunction with the INTO clause. The conversation handle '%1!s!' at position %2!s! appears more than once. The message received was sent by the initiator of the conversation, but the message type '%1!s!' is marked SENT BY TARGET in the contract. The conversation endpoint is not in a valid state for BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER. The current endpoint state is '%1!s!'. The message size, including header information, exceeds the maximum allowed of %1!s!. The conversation endpoint with ID '%1!s!' and is_initiator: %2!s! is referencing the invalid conversation handle '%3!s!'. An internal service broker error detected. Possible database corruption. Run DBCC CHECKDB. The remote conversation endpoint is either in a state where no more messages can be exchanged, or it has been dropped. Failed to read the message body while marshaling a message. This message is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event log for additional messages and address the underlying problem. If the problem persists, the database may be damaged. To recover the database, restore the database from a clean backup. If no clean backup is available, consider running DBCC CHECKDB. Note that DBCC CHECKDB may remove data to repair the database. TUnderlying service has been altered. LRemote service has been altered. LRemote service has been dropped. An SNI call failed during a Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport operation. SNI error '%1!s!'. The remote service has sent a message that contains invalid header fields. The conversation endpoint with ID '%1!s!' and is_initiator: %2!s! has been dropped. An internal Service Broker error occurred (error = 0x%1!s!). This error indicates a serious problem with SQL Server. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information pointing to possible hardware problems. The database may have been damaged. To recover the database, restore the database from a clean backup. If no clean backup is available, consider running DBCC CHECKDB. Note that DBCC CHECKDB may remove data to repair the database. TUsed by test in failpoint simulation. dThe remote service contract has been dropped. hThe dialog has exceeded the specified LIFETIME. Cannot find the remote service '%1!s!' because it does not exist. The service contract '%1!s!' must have at least one message SENT BY INITIATOR or ANY. The alter of service '%1!s!' must change the queue or at least one contract. |You do not have permission to access the service '%1!s!'. The conversation has already been acknowledged by another instance of this service. The remote service has sent a message of type '%1!s!' that is not part of the local contract. The remote service has sent a message body of type '%1!s!' that does not match the message body encoding format. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%2!s!', Initiator: %3!s!, and Message sequence number: %4!s!. XMSDTC on server '%1!s!' is unavailable. Unknown token '0x%1!s!' received from Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) . tThe import buffer for this transaction is not valid. Cannot change transaction state from %1!s! to %2!s!. The change requested is not valid. Import of Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transaction failed: %1!s!. Enlist operation failed: %1!s!. SQL Server could not register with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) as a resource manager for this transaction. The transaction may have been stopped by the client or the resource manager. Unknown isolation level 0x%1!s! requested from Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) commit transaction acknowledgement failed: %1!s!. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) end transaction acknowledgement failed: %1!s!. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) PREPARE acknowledgement failed: %1!s!. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) global state is not valid. Failed to get Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) PREPARE information: %1!s!. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) BEGIN TRANSACTION failed: %1!s!. Current Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transaction must be committed by remote client. Internal Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transaction failed to commit: %1!s!. This awakening state is not valid: slept in %1!s!; awoke in %2!s!. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has stopped this transaction. |PREPARE TRAN statement not allowed on MSDTC transaction. The current transaction could not be exported to the remote provider. It has been rolled back. Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction. Cannot go remote while the session is enlisted in a distributed transaction that has an active savepoint. tAn attempt to create a distributed transaction export token failed with this error: %1!s!. Contact your Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) system administrator. The commit of the Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM) transaction failed: %1!s!. HUnable to extract the Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM) transaction handle from the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transaction: 0x%1!s!. The Windows kernel transaction manager creation failed: 0x%1!s!. The Windows kernel transaction manager failed to create the enlistment: 0x%1!s!. Error while reading resource manager notification from Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM): %1!s!. Error while waiting for communication from Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM): %1!s!. The KTM RM for this database, %1!s!, failed to start: %2!s!. A savepoint operation in the Windows transactional file system failed: 0x%1!s!. Only single DB updates are allowed with FILESTREAM operations. This transaction was aborted by Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM). The current isolation level is not supported by the FILESTREAM 0x%1!s!. @CoCreateGuid failed: %1!s!. \RegOpenKeyEx of \"%1!s!\" failed: %2!s!. `RegQueryValueEx of \"%1!s!\" failed: %2!s!. \IIDFromString failed for %1!s!, (%2!s!). `RegDeleteValue of \"%1!s!\" failed: %2!s!. SQL Server failed to prepare DTC transaction. Failure code: %1!s!. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not obtain access to a required interface. Indexes used in hints must be explicitly included by the index tuning wizard. pInvalid syntax for internal DBCC REPAIR statement. HALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '%1!s!' has a column level check constraint '%2!s!' on column '%3!s!' that is not loadable for semantic validation. XThis index operation requires %1!s! KB of memory per DOP. The total requirement of %2!s! KB for DOP of %3!s! is greater than the sp_configure value of %4!s! KB set for the advanced server configuration option "index create memory (KB)". Increase this setting or reduce DOP and rerun the query. The table '%1!s!' cannot be modified because one or more non-clustered indexes reside in a filegroup which is not online.  The query could not be completed due to an online index build operation and must be recompiled. $The query processor could not produce a query plan because a worktable is required, and its minimum row size exceeds the maximum allowable of %1!s! bytes. A typical reason why a worktable is required is a GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause in the query. If the query has a GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause, consider reducing the number and/or size of the fields in the clause. Consider using prefix (LEFT()) or hash (CHECKSUM()) of fields for grouping or prefix for ordering. Note however that this will change the behavior of the query. \The query processor could not produce a query plan because a worktable is required, and its minimum row size exceeds the maximum allowable of %1!s! bytes. A typical reason why a worktable is required is a GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause in the query. Resubmit your query without the ROBUST PLAN hint. The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization. Please simplify the query. `Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query without specifying any hints and without using SET FORCEPLAN. The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information. $Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services. A time out occurred while waiting to optimize the query. Rerun the query. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution (HRESULT = 0x%1!s!). Internal error: Server stack limit has been reached. Please look for potentially deep nesting in your query, and try to simplify it. 8Internal error: An expression services limit has been reached. Please look for potentially complex expressions in your query, and try to simplify them. The query processor could not produce a query plan because distributed query does not support materializing intermediate results with default in DML queries over remote sources. Try to use actual default values instead of default or split the update into multiple statements, one only containing the DEFAULT assignment, the other with the rest. The query processor received an error from a cluster communication layer. PThe query processor could not produce a query plan for a query with a spatial index hint. Reason: %1!s!. Try removing the index hints or removing SET FORCEPLAN. XThe query processor could not produce a query plan because there is a subquery in the predicate of the full outer join. This is not supported for distributed queries. <The query processor could not produce a query plan because a USE PLAN hint was used for a query that modifies data while the target table of the modification has an index that is currently being built online. Consider waiting until the online index build is done before forcing the plan, or using another way to tune the query, such as updating statistics, or using a different hint or a manual query rewrite. The query processor could not start the necessary thread resources for parallel query execution. Internal Query Processor Error: The plan selected for execution does not support the invoked given execution routine. A timeout occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query in resource pool '%1!s!' (%2!s!). Rerun the query. Unable to find index entry in index ID %1!s!, of table %2!s!, in database '%3!s!'. The indicated index is corrupt or there is a problem with the current update plan. Run DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. If the problem persists, contact product support. Could not insert a row larger than the page size into a hash table. Resubmit the query using the ROBUST PLAN optimization hint. <The query has been canceled because the estimated cost of this query (%1!s!) exceeds the configured threshold of %2!s!. Contact the system administrator. Could not perform the operation because the requested memory grant was not available in resource pool '%1!s!' (%2!s!). Rerun the query, reduce the query load, or check resource governor configuration setting. The query processor is unable to produce a plan for the table or view '%1!s!' because the table resides in a filegroup which is not online. The query processor is unable to produce a plan because the index '%1!s!' on table or view '%2!s!' is disabled. The query processor could not produce a query plan. Resubmit the query after disabling trace flag %1!s!. Could not get the memory grant of %1!s! KB because it exceeds the maximum configuration limit in workload group '%2!s!' (%3!s!) and resource pool '%4!s!' (%5!s!). Contact the server administrator to increase the memory usage limit. Cannot start the columnstore index build because it requires at least %1!s! KB, while the maximum memory grant is limited to %2!s! KB per query in workload group '%3!s!' (%4!s!) and resource pool '%5!s!' (%6!s!). Retry after modifying columnstore index to contain fewer columns, or after increasing the maximum memory grant limit with Resource Governor. |Cannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because for clustered indexes on aggregate views without GROUP BY, the only distribution option supported is DISTRIBUTION=NONE. Cannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because the select list of the view definition does not include all columns in the GROUP BY clause. Consider adding these columns to the select list. Cannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because the index key includes columns that are not in the GROUP BY clause. Consider eliminating columns that are not in the GROUP BY clause from the index key. Cannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because the view references an unknown value (SUM aggregate of nullable expression). Consider referencing only non-nullable values in SUM. ISNULL() may be useful for this. LCannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because its select list does not include COUNT_BIG(*). Consider adding COUNT_BIG(*) to the select list. XCannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because no row can satisfy the view definition. Consider eliminating contradictions from the view definition. Cannot create the clustered index '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' because the select list of the view contains an expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column. Consider removing expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column from select list. The attempt to maintain the indexed view "%1!s!" failed because it contains an expression on aggregate results, or because it contains a ranking or aggregate window function. Consider dropping the clustered index on the view, or changing the view definition. Query optimizer reached the internal limit of the maximum number of views that can be used during optimization. xThe attempt to maintain the indexed view "%1!s!" failed because of the ignore_dup_key option on index "%2!s!". Drop the index or re-create it without the ignore_dup_key index option. The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows. TA MERGE statement is not valid if it triggers both the 'ON DELETE SET NULL' and 'ON UPDATE CASCADE' actions for a referential integrity constraint. Modify the actions performed by the MERGE statement to ensure that it does not trigger both these actions for a referential integrity constraint. The query processor is unable to produce a plan. The table '%1!s!' is unavailable because the heap is corrupted. Take the database offline to rebuild the table and heap, and then run the query processor again. A timeout occurred while waiting for remote memory resources to execute the query in resource pool '%1!s!' (%2!s!). Rerun the query. $Invalid plan. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during the processing of a remote query phase. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during processing. [%1!s!] (SELECT via cursor failed because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN hint, neither Populate nor Fetch plans are provided, and at least one must be present. For best likelihood of successful plan forcing, use an XML cursor plan captured from SQL Server without modification. Could not force query plan because XML showplan provided in USE PLAN hint contains invalid Star Join specification. Consider specifying a USE PLAN hint that contains an unmodified XML showplan produced by SQL Server. This may allow you to force the plan. A query plan could not be found because optimizer exceeded number of allowed operations while searching for plan specified in USE PLAN hint. First consider removing USE PLAN hint. Then if necessary consider (1) updating statistics, (2) using other hints such as join hints, index hints, or the OPTIMIZE FOR hint, (3) rewriting query or breaking it down into two or more separate queries. Query cannot be compiled because <CursorStmt> element appears in XML plan provided to USE PLAN but USE PLAN was applied to a non-cursor statement. Consider using an XML plan obtained from SQL Server for statement without modification. Cursor plan forcing failed because input plan has more than one <Operation> node with OperationType=%1!s!. Consider using an XML cursor plan captured from SQL Server without modification. Cursor plan failed because it is not possible to force the plan for a cursor of type other than FAST_FORWARD or STATIC with a USE PLAN hint. Consider removing USE PLAN hint and updating statistics or using different hints to influence query plan choice. Cursor plan forcing failed because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN, required element %1!s! is missing under <CursorPlan> element. Consider using an XML cursor plan captured from SQL Server without modification. Database '%1!s!', specified in the USE PLAN hint, does not exist. Specify an existing database. Query cannot be compiled because USE PLAN hint conflicts with hint %1!s!. Consider removing hint %2!s!. Query cannot be compiled because USE PLAN hint conflicts with SET %1!s! ON. Consider setting %2!s! OFF. HCannot compile query because combination of LogicalOp = '%1!s!', PhysicalOp = '%2!s!', and sub_element = '%3!s!' under RelOp element in XML plan in USE PLAN hint is not valid. Use a recognized combination instead. Consider using an automatically generated XML plan without modification. $Cannot execute query because USE PLAN hint conflicts with use of distributed query or full-text operations. Consider removing USE PLAN hint. xCannot execute query because of incorrectly formed XML plan in USE PLAN hint. Verify that XML plan is a legal plan suitable for plan forcing. See Books Online for additional details. Cannot run query because of improperly formed Spool element with parent RelOp with NodeId %1!s! in XML plan in USE PLAN hint. Verify that each Spool element's parent RelOp has unique NodeId attribute, and each Spool element has either a single RelOp sub-element, or a PrimaryNodeId attribute, but not both. PrimaryNodeId of Spool must reference NodeId of an existing RelOp with a Spool sub-element. Consider using unmodified XML showplan as USE PLAN hint. Cannot run query because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN, element %1!s! must have %2!s! %3!s! nodes as children, but has %4!s!. Query processor could not produce query plan because USE PLAN hint contains plan that could not be verified to be legal for query. Remove or replace USE PLAN hint. For best likelihood of successful plan forcing, verify that the plan provided in the USE PLAN hint is one generated automatically by SQL Server for the same query. Cannot run query because it contains more than one USE PLAN hint. Use at most one USE PLAN hint. hError due to negative or NULL window delimiter. Aggregate functions that are used with CUBE, ROLLUP, or GROUPING SET queries must provide for the merging of subaggregates. To fix this problem, remove the aggregate function or write the query using UNION ALL over GROUP BY clauses. Multiple ordered aggregate functions in the same scope have mutually incompatible orderings. Index '%1!s!', specified in the USE PLAN hint, does not exist. Specify an existing index, or create an index with the specified name. Could not force query plan because of a problem in an indexed view referenced in the plan. <Cannot execute query. There is more than one TABLE HINT clause specified for object '%1!s!'. Use at most one such TABLE HINT clause per table reference. $Cannot execute query. TABLE HINT in the OPTION clause leads to ambiguous reference for object '%1!s!'. Consider USE PLAN query hint instead. Cannot execute query. Semantic affecting hint '%1!s!' appears in the '%2!s!' clause of object '%3!s!' but not in the corresponding '%4!s!' clause. Change the OPTION (TABLE HINTS...) clause so the semantic affecting hints match the WITH clause. Cannot execute query. Object '%1!s!' is specified in the TABLE HINT clause, but is not used in the query or does not match the alias specified in the query. Table references in the TABLE HINT clause must match the WITH clause. Cannot execute query. Table-valued or OPENROWSET function '%1!s!' cannot be specified in the TABLE HINT clause. xSubproc thread aborted during parallel query execution. tInput parameter of %1!s! function must be a constant. Input parameter of percentile function is outside of range [0, 1]. ORDER BY list of RANGE window frame cannot contain expressions of LOB type. ORDER BY list of RANGE window frame has total size of %1!s! bytes. Largest size supported is %2!s! bytes. Offset parameter for Lag and Lead functions cannot be a negative value. REDISTRIBUTE and REDUCE hints expect the first join condition to be an equality comparison of columns. Modify the query and re-run it. REPLICATE and REDUCE hints can only be used with inner joins. Modify the query and re-run it. Table error: Object ID %1!s! has inconsistent metadata. This error cannot be repaired and prevents further processing of this object. hMemory allocation error during DBCC processing. Extent %1!s! in database ID %2!s! is allocated in both GAM %3!s! and SGAM %4!s!. Extent %1!s! in database ID %2!s! is allocated by more than one allocation object. Extent %1!s! in database ID %2!s! is marked allocated in the GAM, but no SGAM or IAM has allocated it. Page %1!s! in database ID %2!s! is allocated in the SGAM %3!s! and PFS %4!s!, but was not allocated in any IAM. PFS flags '%5!s!'. The spatial index, XML index or indexed view '%1!s!' (object ID %2!s!) contains rows that were not produced by the view definition. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database. For more information about troubleshooting DBCC errors on indexed views, see SQL Server Books Online. The spatial index, XML index or indexed view '%1!s!' (object ID %2!s!) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database. For more information about troubleshooting DBCC errors on spatial indexes, XML indexes, and indexed views, see SQL Server Books Online. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page ID %6!s! contains an incorrect page ID in its page header. The PageId in the page header = %7!s!. Page %1!s! in database ID %2!s! is allocated to both object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!), and object ID %8!s!, index ID %9!s!, partition ID %10!s!, alloc unit ID %11!s! (type %12!s!). Extent %1!s! is allocated to '%2!s!' and at least one other object. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): The record count in the header (%6!s!) does not match the number of records (%7!s!) found on page %8!s!. Cannot perform a %1!s! operation inside a user transaction. Terminate the transaction and reissue the statement. 8Check terminated. A failure was detected while collecting facts. Possibly tempdb out of space or a system table is inconsistent. Check previous errors. 4Table error: Cross object linkage: Page %1!s!, slot %2!s!, in object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!), refers to page %8!s!, slot %9!s!, in object ID %10!s!, index ID %11!s!, partition ID %12!s!, alloc unit ID %13!s! (type %14!s!). ,Table error: Cross object linkage: Parent page %1!s!, slot %2!s! in object %3!s!, index %4!s!, partition %5!s!, AU %6!s! (%7!s!), and page %8!s!->next in object %9!s!, index %10!s!, partition %11!s!, AU %12!s! (%13!s!), refer to page %14!s! but are not in the same object. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): The ghosted record count in the header (%6!s!) does not match the number of ghosted records (%7!s!) found on page %8!s!. <Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): Page %6!s! could not be processed. See other errors for details. `Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): Errors found in off-row data with ID %6!s! owned by %7!s! record identified by %8!s! @Database error: Database %1!s! has inconsistent metadata. This error cannot be repaired and prevents further DBCC processing. Please restore from a backup. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) B-tree level mismatch, page %6!s!. Level %7!s! does not match level %8!s! from parent %9!s!. Could not find filegroup ID %1!s! in sys.filegroups for database '%2!s!'. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The low key value on page %6!s! (level %7!s!) is not >= the key value in the parent %8!s! slot %9!s!. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The high key value on page %6!s! (level %7!s!) is not less than the low key value in the parent %8!s!, slot %9!s! of the next page %10!s!. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The previous link %6!s! on page %7!s! does not match the previous page %8!s! that the parent %9!s!, slot %10!s! expects for this page. lTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). B-tree chain linkage mismatch. %6!s!->next = %7!s!, but %8!s!->Prev = %9!s!. tTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). B-tree page %6!s! has two parent nodes %7!s!, slot %8!s! and %9!s!, slot %10!s!. Table error: Page %1!s!, Object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). Unexpected page type %7!s!. LTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) failed. Values are %8!s! and %9!s!. TTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) failed. Address 0x%8!s! is not aligned. `Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) failed. Slot %8!s!, offset 0x%9!s! is invalid. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) failed. Slot %8!s!, offset 0x%9!s! overlaps with the prior row. |Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) failed. Slot %8!s!, row extends into free space at 0x%9!s!. tTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page (%6!s!:%7!s!), row %8!s!. Test (%9!s!) failed. Values are %10!s! and %11!s!. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s! will be rebuilt. Table error: Allocation page %1!s! has invalid %2!s! page header values. Type is %3!s!. Check type, alloc unit ID and page ID on the page. Table error: Multiple IAM pages for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) contain allocations for the same interval. IAM pages %6!s! and %7!s!. Database error: Page %1!s! is marked with the wrong type in PFS page %2!s!. PFS status 0x%3!s! expected 0x%4!s!. %1!s! fixed %2!s! allocation errors and %3!s! consistency errors not associated with any single object. lTable error: table '%1!s!' (ID %2!s!). Data row does not have a matching index row in the index '%3!s!' (ID %4!s!). Possible missing or invalid keys for the index row matching: $Table error: table '%1!s!' (ID %2!s!). Index row in index '%3!s!' (ID %4!s!) does not match any data row. Possible extra or invalid keys for: Data row (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) identified by (%4!s!) with index values '%5!s!'. Index row (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) with values (%4!s!) pointing to the data row identified by (%5!s!). Table error: IAM page %1!s! for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) is linked in the IAM chain for object ID %7!s!, index ID %8!s!, partition ID %9!s!, alloc unit ID %10!s! (type %11!s!) by page %12!s!. XTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, column %8!s! is not a valid complex column. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node at page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, text ID %8!s! does not match its reference from page %9!s!, slot %10!s!. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node at page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, text ID %8!s! has incorrect node type %9!s!. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node at page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, text ID %8!s! has type %9!s!. It cannot be placed on a page of type %10!s!. tTable error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node at page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, text ID %8!s! is not referenced. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node at page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, text ID %8!s! is referenced by page %9!s!, slot %10!s!, but was not seen in the scan. Unable to read and latch page %1!s! with latch type %2!s!. %3!s! failed. An internal error occurred in DBCC that prevented further processing. Contact Customer Support Services. @Table error: %1!s! page %2!s! (object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!)) is out of the range of this database. Table error: IAM chain linkage error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The next page for IAM page %6!s! is %7!s!, but the previous link for page %8!s! is %9!s!. Row error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page ID %6!s!, row ID %7!s!. Column '%8!s!' was created NOT NULL, but is NULL in the row. Forwarded row mismatch: Object ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!) page %5!s!, slot %6!s! points to forwarded row page %7!s!, slot %8!s!; the forwarded row points back to page %9!s!, slot %10!s! Forwarded row referenced by more than one row. Object ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!), page %5!s!, slot %6!s! incorrectly points to the forwarded row page %7!s!, slot %8!s!, which correctly refers back to page %9!s!, slot %10!s!. 4CHECKTABLE object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) processing encountered page %6!s!, slot %7!s! twice. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node at page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, text ID %8!s! is pointed to by page %9!s!, slot %10!s! and by page %11!s!, slot %12!s!. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s! was not seen in the scan although its parent %7!s! and previous %8!s! refer to it. Check any previous errors. 0Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Parent node for page %6!s! was not encountered. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s! is missing a reference from previous page %7!s!. Possible chain linkage problem. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s! is missing references from parent (unknown) and previous (page %7!s!) nodes. Possible bad root entry in system catalog. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Index node page %6!s!, slot %7!s! refers to child page %8!s! and previous child %9!s!, but they were not encountered. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The next pointer of %6!s! refers to page %7!s!. Neither %8!s! nor its parent were encountered. Possible bad chain linkage. Table error: Cross object linkage. Page %1!s!->next in object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, AU ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) refers to page %7!s! in object ID %8!s!, index ID %9!s!, partition ID %10!s!, AU ID %11!s! (type %12!s!) but is not in the same index. |Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!. A row should be on partition number %4!s! but was found in partition number %5!s!. Possible extra or invalid keys for: Could not locate file '%1!s!' for database '%2!s!' in sys.database_files. The file either does not exist, or was dropped. Too many errors found (%1!s!) for object ID %2!s!. To see all error messages rerun the statement using "WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS". dNo help available for DBCC statement '%1!s!'. hRow (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) identified by (%4!s!). l0x%1!s! to 0x%2!s! is not a valid address range. `Check Catalog Msg %1!s!, State %2!s!: %3!s! 4Object ID %1!s!, forwarding row page %2!s!, slot %3!s! points to page %4!s!, slot %5!s!. Did not encounter forwarded row. Possible allocation error. lObject ID %1!s!, forwarded row page %2!s!, slot %3!s! should be pointed to by forwarding row page %4!s!, slot %5!s!. Did not encounter forwarding row. Possible allocation error. System table '%1!s!' (object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!) is in filegroup %4!s!. All system tables must be in filegroup %5!s!. hIAM page %1!s! for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) controls pages in filegroup %7!s!, that should be in filegroup %8!s!. dService Broker Msg %1!s!, State %2!s!: %3!s! @Page errors on the GAM, SGAM, or PFS pages prevent allocation integrity checks in database ID %1!s! pages from %2!s! to %3!s!. See other errors for cause. The log for database '%1!s!' is not available. Check the event log for related error messages. Resolve any errors and restart the database. The transaction log for database '%1!s!' is full due to '%2!s!'. The log scan number %1!s! passed to log scan in database '%2!s!' is not valid. This error may indicate data corruption or that the log file (.ldf) does not match the data file (.mdf). If this error occurred during replication, re-create the publication. Otherwise, restore from backup if the problem results in a failure during startup. `An error occurred while processing the log for database '%1!s!'. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log. Either start LSN or end LSN specified in OpenRowset(DBLog, ...) is invalid. \User does not have permission to query the virtual table, DBLog. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and the db_owner fixed database role have this permission 4User does not have permission to query backup files with the virtual table DBLog. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role has this permission DAn error occurred while processing the log for database '%1!s!'. The log block version %2!s! is unsupported. This server supports log version %3!s! to %4!s!. `The log record at LSN %1!s! is corrupted. An error occurred while processing the log for database '%1!s!'. The log block could not be decrypted. |The log for database '%1!s!' does not allow user writes. DThe virtual log file sequence 0x%1!s! at offset 0x%2!s! bytes in file '%3!s!' is active and cannot be overwritten with sequence 0x%4!s! for database '%5!s!'. The log for database '%1!s!' failed to grow while shrink in progress. Please retry. Cannot accept virtual log file sequence 0x%1!s! for database '%2!s!' because file %3!s! does not exist yet. The log can not be initialized because the log files are not fully formatted. The log for database '%1!s!' cannot be shrunk until all secondaries have moved past the point where the log was added.. tPossible index corruption detected. Run DBCC CHECKDB. <auto statistics internal <auto statistics internal `The provided statistics stream is corrupt. Histogram support not allowed for input data type 0x%1!s!. $The name, '%1!s!', is invalid. The suffix '_readonly_database_statistic' is reserved. Select another name without using the reserved suffix. xThe query notification subscription message is invalid. The query notification subscription timeout is invalid. The allowed range is 1 through 2147483647. User "%1!s!" does not have permission to request query notification subscriptions on database "%2!s!". The query notification subscription "%1!s!" cannot be deleted because it does not exist or it has already been fired. <Query notification subscription could not get dialog endpoint. Could not open service broker dialog for service name '%1!s!' of broker instance '%2!s!'. Query notification subscription could not begin dialog with service name '%1!s!' of broker instance '%2!s!'. The query notification delivery failed to decode the error message from the Service Broker. Query notification delivery failed to encode message. Delivery failed for notification '%1!s!'. Query notifications reached the internal limit of the maximum number of objects. The query notification subscriptions cleanup operation failed. See previous errors for details. @Internal query notification table has an outdated schema and the table has been dropped. Query notification cleanup has not been performed for this table. The notification options identifier string has %1!s! characters. The maximum allowed length is %2!s! characters. A string value within the notification options identifier is too long. String with prefix '%1!s!' must be %2!s! characters or less. Unmatched quote in notification options identifier string. |Name expected in notification options identifier option. Unknown option name '%1!s!' present in notification options identifier. The following are valid option names: 'Service', 'Broker Instance', 'Local Database'. Option names cannot be quoted. Option '%1!s!' was specified multiple times in the notification options identifier. An equal (=) character was expected after the option name. Found '%1!s!' instead. A semicolon (;) must be use to separate options in a notification options identifier. String '%1!s!' was found following an option. The option 'Service' must be specified in the notification options identifier. The options 'Broker Instance' and 'Local Database' were both specified in the notification options identifier. Value missing for option '%1!s!' in notification options identifier. dDatabase %1!s! is not a valid local database. hDatabase %1!s! is not a valid broker database. PQuery notification subscriptions are not allowed under an active application role context. Consider re-issuing the request without activating the application role. Internal query notifications error: The garbage collector corrected an inconsistency. tService broker dialog '%1!s!' could not be closed because the database with id '%2!s!' is not available. Consider closing the dialogs manually once the database is available again. Query notification cleanup could not access metadata for database "%1!s!". Check whether the database is successfully restored and online. During the last time interval %1!s! query notification errors were suppressed. %1!s!In this version of the server, the 'fn:id()' function only accepts an argument of type 'IDREF *'. %1!s!In this version of the server, 'cast as <type>%2!s!' is not available. Please use the 'cast as <type> ?' syntax. %1!s!The context item in which the 'fn:id()' function is used must be a node. l%1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected '%3!s!'. %1!s!This version of the server only supports XQuery version '1.0'. %1!s!Only type names followed by '?' are supported in the target of 'instance of'. %1!s!The target of 'replace value of' cannot be a union type, found '%2!s!'. T%1!s!The argument of '%2!s!' must be of a single numeric primitive type or ''. Found argument of type '%3!s!'. %1!s!The target of 'replace value of' cannot be '', found '%2!s!'. %1!s!The 'with' clause of 'replace value of' cannot contain constructed XML. %1!s!Heterogeneous sequences are not allowed in '%2!s!', found '%3!s!' and '%4!s!'. %1!s!'%2!s!' is not supported on simple typed or '' elements, found '%3!s!'. %1!s!This version of the server does not support multiple expressions or expressions mixed with strings in an attribute constructor. %1!s!Cannot implicitly atomize or apply 'fn:data()' to complex content elements, found type '%2!s!' within inferred type '%3!s!'. %1!s!Only constant expressions are supported for the name expression of computed element and attribute constructors. %1!s!Cannot use 'xmlns' in the name expression of computed attribute constructor. |%1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected string literal. %1!s!Syntax error at source character '0x%2!s!' near '%3!s!', expected string literal. %1!s!Static simple type validation: Invalid simple type value '%2!s!'. %1!s!The result of applying the 'parent' axis on the document node is statically 'empty'. %1!s!The result of applying 'parent::%2!s!' is statically 'empty'. %1!s!Two consecutive '-' can only appear in a comment constructor if they are used to close the comment ('-->'). %1!s!Using ':' in variable names is not supported in this version of the server. %1!s!Found '}' without matching '{'. If you want to use the characters '{' or '}', you need to escape them as '{{' or '}}' respectively. %1!s!Computed processing instruction constructors are not supported. t%1!s!Computed comment constructors are not supported. %1!s!All prolog entries need to end with ';', found '%2!s!'. l%1!s!Type specification expected, found '%2!s!'. %1!s!Only comparable types are allowed in '%2!s!', found '%3!s!'. %1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected '%3!s!' or '%4!s!'. %1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected 'where', '(stable) order by' or 'return'. %1!s!'//' followed by 'self', 'parent' or 'descendant-or-self' axes is not supported when it encounters simple typed or '' elements, found '%2!s!'. %1!s!The 'form' attribute cannot be specified on a local attribute or element definition that has the 'ref' attribute. Location: '%2!s!'. l%1!s!The XQuery syntax '%2!s!' is not supported. t%1!s!The XML Schema syntax '%2!s!' is not supported. t%1!s!The XML Schema type 'NOTATION' is not supported. %1!s!The value of a namespace declaration attribute must be a string literal. It cannot contain expressions. %1!s!The 'form' attribute cannot be specified on a global attribute or element definition. Location: '%2!s!'. %1!s!Explicit import of the current target namespace is invalid. References to items in the current target namespace that have already been loaded in the schema collection will be resolved implicitly. %1!s!Syntax error near '%2!s!', expected a step expression. %1!s!An XML instance is only supported as the direct source of an insert using sql:column/sql:variable. %1!s!The XML instance referred to by sql:column() and sql:variable() must be either untyped XML or must be typed with the same XML schema collection as the context XML instance on which the XML method is being applied to. %1!s!The SQL type '%2!s!' is not supported with sql:column() and sql:variable(). XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, unexpected end of input XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, unrecognized encoding XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, unable to switch the encoding XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, unrecognized input signature XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, whitespace expected XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, semicolon expected xXML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, '>' expected XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, A string literal was expected |XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, equal expected XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, well formed check: no '<' in attribute value XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, hexadecimal digit expected XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, decimal digit expected xXML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, '[' expected xXML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, '(' expected XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, illegal xml character XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, illegal name character XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect document syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect CDATA section syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect comment syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect conditional section syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect ATTLIST declaration syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect DOCTYPE declaration syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect ELEMENT declaration syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect ENTITY declaration syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect NOTATION declaration syntax |XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, NDATA expected |XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, PUBLIC expected |XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, SYSTEM expected xXML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, name expected XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, one root element XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, end tag does not match start tag XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, duplicate attribute XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, text/xmldecl not at the beginning of input XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, namespaces beginning with "xml" are reserved XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect text declaration syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect xml declaration syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect encoding name syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect public identifier syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, well formed check: pes in internal subset XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, well formed check: pes between declarations XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, well formed check: no recursion XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, entity content not well formed XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, well formed check: undeclared entity XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, well formed check: parsed entity XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, well formed check: no external entity references XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect processing instruction syntax XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, incorrect system identifier syntax xXML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, '?' expected XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, no ']]>' in element content XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, illegal qualified name character XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, multiple colons in qualified name xXML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, colon in name XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, redeclared prefix XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, undeclared prefix XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, non default namespace with empty uri XML %1!s! starting with '%2!s!' is %3!s! characters long, which exceeds the limit. Maximum allowed length is %4!s! characters. XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, not all chunks of value have been read XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, xml:space has a non-legal value XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, XML namespace prefix 'xml' can only be associated with the URI This URI cannot be used with other prefixes. XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, XML namespace prefix 'xmlns' is reserved for use by XML. 8XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, XML namespace xml namespace URI ( must be assigned only to prefix 'xml'. XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, xmlns namespace URI ( is reserved and must not be used. |XML parsing: line %1!s!, character %2!s!, unsupported xml The data type '%1!s!' used in the VALUE method is invalid. XQuery: Unable to resolve sql:variable('%1!s!'). The variable must be declared as a scalar TSQL variable. The string literal provided for the argument %1!s! of the '%2!s!' method must not exceed %3!s! bytes. 4Errors and/or warnings occurred when processing the XQuery statement for XML data type method '%1!s!'. See previous error messages for more details. Errors and/or warnings occurred when processing the XQuery statement for XML data type method '%1!s!', invoked on column '%2!s!', table '%3!s!'. See previous error messages for more details. The XMLDT method '%1!s!' can only be invoked on columns of type xml. The XML data type method on a remote column used in this query can not be executed either locally or remotely. Please rewrite your query. The reference parameter given to XMLDT method '%1!s!' was generated from a different XML instance than the one it is being applied to. XMLUNNEST method requires typed xml column with single global element Functionality not yet implemented: XMLNODEREFS cannot use references exposed by views. Xml data type is not supported as a parameter to remote calls. Error processing XML data type method '%1!s!'. The following SET options required by XML data type methods are not set: '%2!s!'. Xml data type is not supported in distributed queries. Remote object '%1!s!' has xml column(s). An XML schema has been altered or dropped, and the query plan is no longer valid. Please rerun the query batch. `XQuery: The name or one of the parts of a multi-part name supplied to %1!s!('%2!s!') is empty. Empty names cannot be used to identify objects, columns or variables in SQL. XQuery: The name or one of the parts of a multi-part name that starts with '%1!s!' supplied to %2!s!() is not a valid SQL identifier - it is too long. Maximum length is %3!s!, actual length is %4!s!. XXQuery: The name or one of the parts of a multi-part name that starts with '%1!s!' supplied to %2!s!() is not a valid SQL identifier - it contains invalid characters. XXQuery: The name supplied to sql:variable('%1!s!') is not a valid SQL variable name. Variable names must start with the '@' symbol followed by at least one character. XQuery: '%1!s!' referenced by sql:variable() is not a valid system function name. Error processing XML data type. The XML data type instance contains a negative xs:date or xs:dateTime value. The XQuery modify method is not allowed on sparse column sets. $Cannot update the sparse column set '%1!s!' because the XML content supplied references the non-sparse column '%2!s!' which does not belong to this column set. The XML data used to update a sparse column set cannot reference columns that don't belong to the column set. The XML content provided does not conform to the required XML format for sparse column sets. The XML content that is supplied for the sparse column set '%1!s!' contains duplicate references to the column '%2!s!'. A column can only be referenced once in XML content supplied to a sparse column set. hIn the XML content that is supplied for the sparse column set '%1!s!', the '%2!s!' attribute value on the element '%3!s!' is out of range. The valid range is from 1 to %4!s!. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set '%1!s!', the sqltypes:scale attribute value on the element '%2!s!' is out of range. The valid range for the scale is from 0 to the specified precision. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set '%1!s!', the '%2!s!' attribute on the element '%3!s!' is not valid. The attribute is valid only for sparse columns of data type sql_variant. \In the XML content that is supplied for the column set column '%1!s!', the sqlDBType:base64Encoded attribute on the element '%2!s!' is not valid. The base64Encoded attribute can only be used when the corresponding sparse column is of character data type (char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar), or if the sparse column is of data type sql_variant and the value of the xsi:type attribute is "Char", "VarChar", "NChar", or "NVarChar". 8In the XML content that is supplied for the column set column '%1!s!, the '%2!s!' attribute on the element '%3!s!' is not valid. Remove the attribute. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set column '%1!s!', the '%2!s!' attribute value on the element '%3!s!' is not valid. \In the query/DML operation involving column set '%1!s!', conversion failed when converting from the data type '%2!s!' to the data type '%3!s!' for the column '%4!s!'. |In the XML that is supplied for the column set '%1!s!', the element '%2!s!' should reside in the global namespace. Remove the default namespace declaration or the prefix on the element. (In the query/DML operation involving column set '%1!s!', conversion failed when converting from the data type '%2!s!' to the data type '%3!s!' for the column '%4!s!'. Please refer to the Books-on-line for more details on providing XML conversion methods for CLR types. lCannot relate to %1!s! %2!s! because it is %3!s!. Failed to start a system task with error code %1!s!, state %2!s!. |The conversation priority with ID %1!s! has been dropped. The conversation priority with ID %1!s! is referencing the missing service with ID %2!s!. The conversation priority with ID %1!s! is referencing the missing service contract with ID %2!s!. The %1!s! name '%2!s!' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is %3!s!. The service '%1!s!' in the FROM SERVICE clause must match the service '%2!s!' referenced by %3!s! = '%4!s!'. XCannot find the specified user '%1!s!'. The queue '%1!s!' cannot be activated because the activation user is not specified. The queue '%1!s!' cannot be activated because the activation stored procedure is either not specified or is invalid. A message of type '%1!s!' failed XML validation on the target service. %2!s! This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. |A message of type '%1!s!' was received and failed XML validation. %2!s! This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. lThe service queue "%1!s!" is currently disabled. The message cannot be sent because the service queue '%1!s!' associated with the dialog is currently disabled and retention is on. Failed to create remote service binding '%1!s!'. A remote service binding for service '%2!s!' already exists. The activation stored procedure '%1!s!' is invalid. Functions are not allowed. An error occurred while processing a message in the Service Broker and Database Mirroring transport: error %1!s!, state %2!s!. hThe crypto provider context is not initialized. The key passed in for this operation is in the wrong state. lThe key size is unacceptable for this key object. The key buffer size is inconsistent with the key modulus size. An internal Service Broker error occurred: an object is in the wrong state for this operation. This error indicates a serious problem with SQL Server. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information pointing to possible hardware problems. The hash buffer size is not correct for initializing the hash object. The encryption/decryption data buffer size is not 8 byte aligned. XThe decrypted signature size is wrong. hThe signature did not verify the internal hash. pThe salt size is unacceptable for this key object. PThe salt buffer size is too small. HThe passed in name is too long. Service Broker was unable to allocate memory for cryptographic operations. This message is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages, and address the underlying problem. pThe certificate is not valid at this point in time. PThe requested object was not found. xThe passed in serialized object is incorrectly encoded. XThe cer or pvk file size is too large. A password was supplied and the pvk file is not encrypted. XThe operation encountered an OS error. dA cryptographic operation failed. This error indicates a serious problem with SQL Server. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for further information. hAn error occurred in a Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport connection endpoint, Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. (Near endpoint role: %3!s!, far endpoint address: '%4!s!') An error occurred in the Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport manager: Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. An error occurred in the service broker message dispatcher. Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. An error occurred in the service broker manager, Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. An error occurred in the timer event cache. Error %1!s!, state %2!s!. Received a malformed message from the network. Unable to retrieve a broker message attribute from a message destined for database ID %1!s!. This may indicate a network problem or that another application connected to the Service Broker endpoint. `The queue '%1!s!' has been enabled for activation, but the MAX_QUEUE_READERS is zero. No procedures will be activated. Consider increasing the number of MAX_QUEUE_READERS. A security (SSPI) error occurred when connecting to another service broker: '%1!s!'. Check the Windows Event Log for more information. A system cryptographic call failed during a Service Broker or Database Mirroring operation: system error '%1!s!'. The system call failed during a Service Broker or Database Mirroring operation. System error: '%1!s!'. Service Broker failed to retrieve the session key for encrypting a message. The signature of activation stored procedure '%1!s!' is invalid. Parameters are not allowed. lAttempting to use database and it doesn't exist. The transmission queue table structure in database is inconsistent. Possible database corruption. An error occurred in the service broker multicast manager, Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. hThe structure of the Service Broker transmission work-table in tempdb is incorrect or corrupt. This indicates possible database corruption or hardware problems. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information on possible hardware problems. Restart SQL Server to rebuild tempdb. xCannot access the transmission queue table in database. `The %1!s! of route '%2!s!' cannot be empty. The %1!s! of route '%2!s!' must be less than %3!s! characters long. The SERVICE_NAME and BROKER_INSTANCE of route "%1!s!" must be specified when using mirroring. Cannot specify BROKER_INSTANCE without SERVICE_NAME in route "%1!s!". TThe system object cannot be modified. Messages with conversation ID '%1!s!' have been removed from the transmission queue. Messages with conversation handle '%1!s!' and conversation group '%2!s!' have been removed from the queue with ID %3!s!. |Activation has been disabled on the queue with ID %1!s!. The service contract with ID %1!s! is referencing the missing message type with ID %2!s!. The service with ID %1!s! is referencing the missing service contract with ID %2!s!. The service with ID %1!s! is referencing the missing service queue with ID %2!s!. The conversation endpoint '%1!s!' is referencing the missing conversation group '%2!s!'. The conversation endpoint with ID '%1!s!' and is_initiator: %2!s! is referencing the missing service contract with ID %3!s!. The conversation endpoint with ID '%1!s!' and is_initiator: %2!s! is referencing the missing service with ID %3!s!. The conversation group '%1!s!' is referencing the missing service with ID %2!s!. `The service with ID %1!s! has been dropped. tThe service contract with ID %1!s! has been dropped. The conversation endpoint with handle '%1!s!' has been dropped. lThe conversation group '%1!s!' has been dropped. The %1!s! endpoint cannot listen on port %2!s! because it is in use by another process. The %1!s! endpoint cannot listen for connections due to the following error: '%2!s!'. Could not start Service Broker manager. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows error log for additional error messages. Could not allocate enough memory to start the Service Broker task manager. This message is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages, and address the underlying problem. Cannot start the Service Broker primary event handler. This error is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages, and address this underlying problem. Cannot start Service Broker security manager. This message is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event log for additional messages, and address the underlying problem. Could not allocate memory for extra Service Broker tasks while adding CPUs. Cannot start Service Broker activation manager. This message is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event log for additional messages and address the underlying problem. <This message could not be delivered because it failed XML validation. This failure occurred while the message was being delivered to the target service. The messages in the queue with ID %1!s! are referencing the invalid conversation handle '%2!s!'. The stored procedure with ID %1!s! is invalid but is referenced by the queue with ID %2!s!. The activation user with ID %1!s! is invalid but is referenced by queue with ID %2!s!. The messages in the queue with ID %1!s! are referencing the invalid conversation group '%2!s!'. The messages in the queue with ID %1!s! are referencing the invalid message type with ID %2!s!. The conversation endpoint with ID '%1!s!' and is_initiator: %2!s! is referencing the invalid conversation group '%3!s!'. The transmission queue is referencing the invalid conversation ID '%1!s!'. The remote service binding with ID %1!s! is referencing the invalid service contract with ID %2!s!. The message type with ID %1!s! is referencing the invalid XML schema collection ID %2!s!. The conversation endpoint with conversation handle '%1!s!' is in an inconsistent state. Check the SQL Server error logs and the Windows event logs for information on possible hardware problems. To recover the database, restore the database from a clean backup. If no clean backup is available, consider running DBCC CHECKDB. Note that DBCC CHECKDB may remove data. The conversation group '%1!s!' reports references to %2!s! conversation handle(s), but actually references %3!s!. Cannot enable stored procedure activation on queue '%1!s!'. Event notification for queue_activation is already configured on this queue. Cannot create event notification for queue_activation on queue "%1!s!". Stored procedure activation is already configured on this queue. The database for this conversation endpoint is attached or restored. The database for the remote conversation endpoint is attached or restored. The invalid schema has been dropped from the message type with ID %1!s!. The remote service binding with ID %1!s! has been dropped. Dialog security is not available for this conversation because there is no remote service binding for the target service. Create a remote service binding, or specify ENCRYPTION = OFF in the BEGIN DIALOG statement. tCannot find the security certificate because the lookup database principal ID (%1!s!) is not valid. The security principal may have been dropped after the conversation was created. Cannot find the security certificate because the lookup database principal (Id: %1!s!) does not correspond to a server principal. The security principal may have been dropped after the conversation was created. Dialog security is unavailable for this conversation because there is no security certificate bound to the database principal (Id: %1!s!). Either create a certificate for the principal, or specify ENCRYPTION = OFF when beginning the conversation. There is no private key for the security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!). The certificate may have been created or installed incorrectly. Reinstall the certificate, or create a new certificate. The length of the private key for the security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!) is incompatible with the Windows cryptographic service provider. The key length must be a multiple of 64 bytes. The length of the public key for the security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!) is incompatible with the Windows cryptographic service provider. The key length must be a multiple of 64 bytes. An error occurred in dialog transmission: Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. %3!s! The private key for the security certificate bound to the database principal (ID %1!s!) is password protected. Password protected private keys are not supported for use with secure dialogs. Cannot create task for Service Broker message dispatcher. This message is a symptom of another problem that is preventing SQL Server from creating tasks. Please check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event log for additional messages. Message transmitter in service broker message dispatcher failed %1!s! times Cannot start the Service Broker message dispatcher. This error is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event log for additional messages, and address this underlying problem. The activation stored procedure '%1!s!' is invalid. Temporary procedures may not be configured for activation. The %1!s! of route "%2!s!" must be an address when using mirroring. pThe %1!s! of route "%2!s!" is not a valid address. The ADDRESS of route '%1!s!' cannot be 'TRANSPORT' when SERVICE_NAME is specified. The LIFETIME of route '%1!s!' must be in the range %2!s! to %3!s!. The ADDRESS and MIRROR_ADDRESS of route '%1!s!' cannot be the same. 4The Broker Configuration conversation on dialog handle '%1!s!' closed due to an error. To troubleshoot this problem, investigate the error: '%2!s!'. DThe security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!) has been disabled for use with BEGIN DIALOG. See the Books Online topics "Certificates and Service Broker" for an overview and "ALTER CERTIFICATE (Transact-SQL)" for syntax to make a certificate ACTIVE FOR BEGIN_DIALOG. A database user associated with the secure conversation was dropped before credentials had been exchanged with the far endpoint. Avoid using DROP USER while conversations are being created. The Service Broker in database "%1!s!" cannot be enabled because there is already an enabled Service Broker with the same ID. Cannot create a new Service Broker in read-only database "%1!s!". DCannot enable the Service Broker in database "%1!s!" because the Service Broker GUID in the database (%2!s!) does not match the one in sys.databases (%3!s!). Cannot create a new Service Broker in a mirrored database "%1!s!". 4The message could not be delivered because it could not be classified. Enable broker message classification trace to see the reason for the failure. Error converting %1!s! to %2!s!. The result would be truncated. The locale identifier (LCID) %1!s! is not supported by SQL Server. HInvalid data for type "%1!s!". 8Column or parameter #%1!s!: Invalid fractional second precision %2!s! specified for %3!s! data type. The maximum fractional second precision is %4!s!. The datepart %1!s! is not supported by date function %2!s!. The input character string does not follow style %1!s!, either change the input character string or use a different style. This session's YDM date format is not supported when converting from this character string format to date, time, datetime2 or datetimeoffset. Change the session's date format or provide a style to the explicit conversion. The style %1!s! is not supported for conversions from %2!s! to %3!s!. The datepart %1!s! is not supported by date function %2!s! for data type %3!s!. xThe system timezone information could not be retrieved. The timezone provided to builtin function %1!s! is invalid. 4The timezone provided to builtin function %1!s! would cause the datetimeoffset to overflow the range of valid date range in either UTC or local time. The date provided is before the start of the Hijri calendar which in Microsoft's 'Kuwaiti Algorithm' is July 15th, 622 C.E. (Julian calendar) or July 18th, 622 C.E (proleptic Gregorian calendar). xWaitfor delay and waitfor time cannot be of type %1!s!. The number of columns in the column set exceeds 2048. Reduce the number of columns that are referenced in the column set. The specified column set value causes the estimated row size to be at least %1!s! bytes. This exceeds the maximum allowed row size of %2!s! bytes. To reduce the row size, reduce the number of columns specified in the column set. The culture parameter '%1!s!' provided in the function call is not supported. Error converting string value '%1!s!' into data type %2!s! using culture '%3!s!'. Full-text catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!') is low on disk space. Pausing all populations in progress until more space becomes available. Reason code: %5!s!. Error: %6!s!. To resume populations, free up disk space. Error: Failed to resume full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' in database '%3!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%4!s!', database ID '%5!s!'). Error: 0x%6!s!. Repeat the operation that triggered the resume, or drop and re-create the index. tAn internal error occurred in full-text docid mapper. Fulltext DDL command failed because SQL Server was started in single user mode. During upgrade fatal error 0x%1!s! encountered in CoCreateGuid. Failed to resolve full-text catalog file name for '%2!s!'. Rebuild full-text catalog '%1!s!' failed: Catalog header file is read-only. Rebuild full-text catalog '%1!s!' failed: Full-text catalog is read-only. Computed column '%1!s!' cannot be used for full-text search because it is nondeterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column. Computed column '%1!s!' cannot be used as full-text type column for image or varbinary(MAX) column. This computed column must be deterministic, precise or persisted, with a size less or equal than %2!s! characters. Too many full-text columns or the full-text query is too complex to be executed. hCannot find the specified user or role '%1!s!'. Current user or role '%1!s!' does not have the required permission to set the owner. The path '%1!s!' has invalid attributes. It needs to be a directory. It must not be hidden, read-only, or on a removable drive. SQL Server failed to communicate with filter daemon launch service (Windows error: %1!s!). Full-Text filter daemon process failed to start. Full-text search functionality will not be available. SQL Server failed to create named pipe '%1!s!' to communicate with the full-text filter daemon (Windows error: %2!s!). Either a named pipe already exists for a filter daemon host process, the system is low on resources, or the security identification number (SID) lookup for the filter daemon account group failed. To resolve this error, terminate any running full-text filter daemon processes, and if necessary reconfigure the full-text daemon launcher service account. Cannot perform requested task because full-text memory manager is not initialized. View '%1!s!' is not an indexed view. Full-text index is not allowed to be created on it. Logical name, size, maxsize, filegrowth, and offline properties of full-text catalog cannot be modified. Failed to move full-text catalog from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!'. OS error '%3!s!'. Failed to finish full-text operation. Filegroup '%1!s!' is empty, read-only, or not online. NULL or Invalid type of value specified for '%1!s!' parameter. Cannot use full-text search in master, tempdb, or model database. Couldn't complete full-text operation because full-text key for table or indexed view '%1!s!' is offline. 8Database is not fully started up or it is not in an ONLINE state. Try the full-text DDL command again after database is started up and becomes ONLINE. 4Variable parameters can not be passed to fulltext predicates: contains, freetext and functions: containstable, freetexttable applied to remote table. dCannot use full-text search in user instance. 4The value '%1!s!' for the full-text component '%2!s!' is longer than the maximum permitted (%3!s! characters). Please reduce the length of the value. (There is not enough memory to generate a search property list cache. Rerun your full-text indexing statement when more resources are available. A search property list cache cannot be generated during full-text indexing. Attempting to query the registered search properties caused an internal error as indicated by the HRESULT error code, ((HRESULT = '0x%1!s!'). The max gap argument in NEAR clause must be either the word MAX or an integer greater than or equal to 0. The number of query terms in NEAR clause must be less than or equal to 64. DThe column '%1!s!' cannot be added to a full-text index. Full-text indexes are limited to 1024 columns. When you create a full-text index, add fewer columns. The column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' cannot be used for full-text search because it is a sparse column set. 8Unknown provider error. |The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure. lThe provider did not implement the functionality. HThe provider ran out of memory. One or more arguments were reported invalid by the provider. `The provider did not support an interface. pThe provider indicated an invalid pointer was used. pThe provider indicated an invalid handle was used. XThe provider terminated the operation. The provider did not give any information about the error. The data necessary to complete this operation was not yet available to the provider. (Access denied. Execution terminated by the provider because a resource limit was reached. The provider called a method from IRowsetNotify in the consumer, and the method has not yet returned. pThe provider does not support the necessary method. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation. xProvider caused a server fault in an external process. <No command text was set. <Command was not prepared. 8Authentication failed. Cannot return multiple result sets (not supported by the provider). The specified index does not exist or the provider does not support an index scan on this data source. The specified table or view does not exist or contains errors. No value was given for one or more of the required parameters. |Cannot set any properties while there is an open rowset. The insertion was canceled by the provider during notification. Could not convert the data value due to reasons other than sign mismatch or overflow. The data value for one or more columns overflowed the type used by the provider. The data violated the integrity constraints for one or more columns. The number of rows that have pending changes has exceeded the limit specified by the DBPROP_MAXPENDINGROWS property. Cannot create the row. Would exceed the total number of active rows supported by the rowset. The consumer cannot insert a new row before releasing previously-retrieved row handles. The change was canceled by the provider during notification. Could not convert the data value due to reasons other than sign mismatch or overflow. The data value for one or more columns overflowed the type used by the provider. The data violated the integrity constraints for one or more columns. The number of rows that have pending changes has exceeded the limit specified by the DBPROP_MAXPENDINGROWS property. 0The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed after the containing row was last fetched or resynchronized. The consumer could not delete the row. A deletion is pending or has already been transmitted to the data source. The consumer could not delete the row. The insertion has been transmitted to the data source. The rowset uses integrated indexes and there is no current index. RestartPosition on the table was canceled during notification. The table was built over a live data stream and the position cannot be restarted. xThe provider did not release some of the existing rows. The order of the columns was not specified in the object that created the rowset. The provider had to reexecute the command to reposition the next fetch position to its initial position, and the order of the columns changed. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains the DISTINCT keyword. Consider removing DISTINCT from the view or not indexing the view. Alternatively, consider replacing DISTINCT with GROUP BY or COUNT_BIG(*) to simulate DISTINCT on grouping columns. ,Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains the TOP or OFFSET keyword. Consider removing the TOP or OFFSET or not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains the TABLESAMPLE clause. Consider removing TABLESAMPLE or not indexing the view. xCannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses OPENROWSET, OPENQUERY, or OPENDATASOURCE. Consider not indexing the view, or eliminating OPENQUERY, OPENROWSET, and OPENDATASOURCE. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references a table using a CONTAINSTABLE or FREETEXTTABLE full-text function. Consider removing use of these functions or not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses the OPENXML rowset provider. Consider removing OPENXML or not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references an internal system rowset provider. Consider not indexing this view. DCannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses table variable "%3!s!". Consider not indexing this view or removing the reference to the table variable. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references a SQL Server internal table. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references derived table "%3!s!" (defined by SELECT statement in FROM clause). Consider removing the reference to the derived table or not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains an OUTER APPLY. Consider not indexing the view, or removing OUTER APPLY. ,Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a join using an ODBC standard escape syntax. Consider using an ANSI join syntax instead. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains an INNER join that specifies a join hint. Consider removing the join hint. dCannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses a LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL OUTER join, and no OUTER joins are allowed in indexed views. Consider using an INNER join instead. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses the PIVOT operator. Consider not indexing this view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses the UNPIVOT operator. Consider not indexing this view. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains one or more UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators. Consider creating a separate indexed view for each query that is an input to the UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators of the original view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because the view uses the "*" operator to select columns. Consider referencing columns by name instead. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a GROUP BY ALL. Consider using a GROUP BY instead. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a CUBE, ROLLUP, or GROUPING SETS operator. Consider not indexing this view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a HAVING clause. Consider removing the HAVING clause. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references an internal SQL Server column. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses aggregate "%3!s!". Consider eliminating the aggregate, not indexing the view, or using alternate aggregates. For example, for AVG substitute SUM and COUNT_BIG, or for COUNT, substitute COUNT_BIG. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses aggregate "%3!s!" with the DISTINCT keyword. Consider not indexing this view or eliminating DISTINCT. Consider use of a GROUP BY or COUNT_BIG(*) view to simulate DISTINCT on grouping columns. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains one or more subqueries. Consider changing the view to use only joins instead of subqueries. Alternatively, consider not indexing this view. TCannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses a CONTAINS or FREETEXT full-text predicate. Consider eliminating CONTAINS or FREETEXT, or not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references the inline or multistatement table-valued function "%3!s!". Consider expanding the function definition by hand in the view definition, or not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses non-deterministic common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function "%3!s!". Consider not indexing the view or changing it to not use this function. LCannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references imprecise common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function "%3!s!". Consider not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references table valued common language runtime (CLR) function "%3!s!". Consider removing reference to the function or not indexing the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because function "%3!s!" referenced by the view performs user or system data access. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains more than one APPLY. Consider not indexing the view, or using only one APPLY. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses the aggregate COUNT. Use COUNT_BIG instead. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references common table expression "%3!s!". Views referencing common table expressions cannot be indexed. Consider not indexing the view, or removing the common table expression from the view definition. 4Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because its select list does not include a proper use of COUNT_BIG. Consider adding COUNT_BIG(*) to select list. tCannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because the view uses an implicit conversion from string to datetime or smalldatetime. Use an explicit CONVERT with a deterministic style value. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because the view contains a table hint. Consider removing the hint. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references CLR routine (function or method) '%3!s!' outside non-key columns of SELECT list. Recreate or alter view so it does not reference CLR routines except in non-key columns of SELECT list, and then create index. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains an APPLY. Consider not indexing the view, or removing APPLY. xCannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a ranking or aggregate window function. Remove the function from the view definition or, alternatively, do not index the view. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it uses the CHANGETABLE function. Cannot create %1!s! on the view '%2!s!' because it references a sparse column set. Views that contain a sparse column set cannot be indexed. Consider removing the sparse column set from the view or not indexing the view. 8Cannot create %1!s! on the view '%2!s!' because it uses the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function. hCannot invoke mutator on a null CLR type value. Field "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!.%3!s!" cannot be updated because the field is "%4!s!". Could not find UdtExtensions.dll. Please check your installation. Assembly '%1!s!' references assembly '%2!s!', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate and automatically load the referenced assembly from the same location where referring assembly came from, but that operation has failed (reason: %3!s!). Please load the referenced assembly into the current database and retry your request. Assembly '%1!s!' references assembly '%2!s!', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate and automatically load the referenced assembly from the same location where referring assembly came from, but that operation has failed (reason: %3!s!). Please load the referenced assembly into the current database and retry your request. `Could not get path for SQL Server: '%1!s!'. dCould not create AppDomain manager: '%1!s!'. Failed to enter Common Language Runtime (CLR) with HRESULT 0x%1!s!. This may due to low resource conditions. The Init method for a CLR table-valued function must be annotated with SqlFunctionAttribute. The SqlFunctionAttribute of the Init method for a CLR table-valued function must set the FillRowMethodName property. The FillRowMethodName property of SqlFunctionAttribute does not contain a valid method name. .NET Framework execution was aborted. The UDP/UDF/CLR type did not revert thread token. An error occurred while using the .NET Framework during %1!s!. The server may be running out of resources. Try running the query again. If the problem persist, contact a support professional. %2!s! An error occurred in the Microsoft .NET Framework while trying to load assembly id %1!s!. The server may be running out of resources, or the assembly may not be trusted with PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS or UNSAFE. Run the query again, or check documentation to see how to solve the assembly trust issues. For more information about this error: %2!s! The app domain with specified version id (%1!s!) was unloaded due to memory pressure and could not be found. An error occurred trying to get file version info for the file '%1!s!'. $'%1!s!' failed because parameter %2!s! of method '%3!s!' of type '%4!s!' is annotated with unsupported attribute System.ParamArrayAttribute. LUserDefinedType method call failed because parameter %1!s! of method '%2!s!' of type '%3!s!' is annotated with unsupported attribute System.ParamArrayAttribute. `Method name '%1!s!' is invalid for '%2!s!'. Method name '%1!s!' is invalid for UserDefinedType method call. XType %1!s! not found in database %2!s! Invalid user code has been identified by .Net Framework Managed Debug Assistant %1!s! WITH ENCRYPTION option of CREATE TRIGGER is only applicable to T-SQL triggers and not to CLR triggers. The server is shutting down due to stack overflow in user's unmanaged code. Two versions of assembly '%1!s!' cannot coexist in database '%2!s!'. Keep one version and drop the other. 4%1!s! ASSEMBLY for assembly '%2!s!' failed because assembly '%3!s!' is not authorized for PERMISSION_SET = %4!s!. The assembly is authorized when either of the following is true: the database owner (DBO) has %5!s! permission and the database has the TRUSTWORTHY database property on; or the assembly is signed with a certificate or an asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with %6!s! permission. xThere is not enough stack to create appdomain '%1!s!'. `.Net Framework execution was aborted. %1!s! ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because serialization layout of type '%1!s!' would change as a result of a change in type '%2!s!' in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change serialization layout. Type '%1!s!' in assembly '%2!s!' derives from a generic type which is not supported for a CLR Type. Assembly "%1!s!" was built using version %2!s! of the .NET Framework. SQL Server currently uses version %3!s!. lFailed to obtain ICLRAppDomainResourceMonitor interface from CLR. The error code from CLR was: 0x%1!s!. As a result, resource monitoring won't work for AppDomain with ID %2!s!. Changing the database compatibility level has caused data to be marked as unchecked in one or more objects in database %1!s!. Refer to the column has_unchecked_assembly_data in the sys.tables and sys.views to locate all such objects. pThe Common Language Runtime (CLR) was loaded in an unsupported manner. This can occur if an extended stored procedure or OLE Automation object running in SQL Server calls into managed code before the CLR integration runtime host loads the CLR. You need to restart SQL Server to use CLR integration features. @An internal error occurred. Verification of assembly failed. Could not open the physical file '%1!s!': %2!s!. Verification of assembly failed. Could not read from the physical file "%1!s!": %2!s!. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because type '%2!s!' provided is not allowed. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the statement specified by @stmt and @module_or_batch, or by @plan_handle and @statement_start_offset, matches the existing plan guide '%2!s!' in the database. Drop the existing plan guide before creating the new plan guide. LOperation '%1!s!' is not allowed. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because parameter @hints is incorrect. Use N'OPTION ( <query_hint> [ ,...n ] )'. (Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because value '%2!s!' provided for @module_or_batch is not legal two-part name. Use 'schema_name.object_name'. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because parameter @stmt has more than one statement. $Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the statement specified by @stmt and @module_or_batch, or by @plan_handle and @statement_start_offset, does not match any statement in the specified module or batch. Modify the values to match a statement in the module or batch. xCannot '%1!s!' plan guide '%2!s!' because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Verify plan guide name and database of current session, and that you have needed permission. XCannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the statement specified by @stmt or @statement_start_offset either contains a syntax error or is ineligible for use in a plan guide. Provide a single valid Transact-SQL statement or a valid starting position of the statement within the batch. To obtain a valid starting position, query the 'statement_start_offset' column in the sys.dm_exec_query_stats dynamic management function. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because there is already a plan guide with that name in the database. Use a unique name. DCannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because object '@module_or_batch' is encrypted. Consider tuning query using other techniques such as indexes and statistics. Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' because it is referenced by plan guide '%4!s!'. Use sp_control_plan_guide to drop the plan guide first. Record the plan guide definition for future use if needed. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the module '%2!s!' does not exist or you do not have needed permission. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because @module_or_batch can not be compiled. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because you do not have needed permission. Alter database permission required. Cannot execute sp_control_plan_guide because of insufficient permissions to control plan guide '%1!s!'. Alter permission on object referenced by plan guide, or alter database permission required. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the hints specified in @hints cannot be applied to the statement specified by either @stmt or @statement_start_offset. Verify that the hints can be applied to the statement. LCannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because @type was specified as '%2!s!' and a non-NULL value is specified for the parameter '%3!s!'. This type requires a NULL value for the parameter. Specify NULL for the parameter, or change the type to one that allows a non-NULL value for the parameter. 0Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because @type was specified as '%2!s!' and the parameter '%3!s!' is NULL. This type requires a non-NULL value for the parameter. Specify a non-NULL value for the parameter, or change the type to one that allows a NULL value for the parameter. dCannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because @hints has illegal value. @hints must be OPTION(PARAMETERIZATION FORCED) or OPTION(PARAMETERIZATION SIMPLE) if @type is 'template'. Cannot generate query template because @querytext does not contain a valid single query. HCannot parameterize @querytext. Cannot drop %1!s! '%2!s!' because its trigger '%3!s!' is referenced by plan guide '%4!s!'. Use sp_control_plan_guide to drop the plan guide first. Record the plan guide definition for future use if needed. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the object '%2!s!' is a temporary object. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because its name is invalid. Plan guide name cannot begin with a '#' character. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because there is already a planguide '%2!s!' of @type 'template' on @stmt. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the statement specified by @statement_start_offset does not match any statement in specified module or batch. Consider modifying @statement_start_offset to match a statement in module or batch. dCannot create plan guide '%1!s!' from cache because the user does not have adequate permissions. Grant the VIEW SERVER STATE permission to the user creating the plan guide. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the batch or module specified by @plan_handle does not contain a statement that is eligible for a plan guide. Specify a different value for @plan_handle. `Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the plan guide name exceeds 124, the maximum number of characters allowed. Specify a name that contains fewer than 125 characters. XCannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the value specified for @params is invalid. Specify the value in the form <parameter_name> <parameter_type>, or specify NULL. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because a plan was not found in the plan cache that corresponds to the specified plan handle. Specify a cached plan handle. For a list of cached plan handles, query the sys.dm_exec_query_stats dynamic management view. 4Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' because the batch or module corresponding to the specified @plan_handle contains more than 1000 eligible statements. Create a plan guide for each statement in the batch or module by specifying a statement_start_offset value for each statement. Cannot enable plan guide '%1!s!' because the enabled plan guide '%2!s!' contains the same scope and starting offset value of the statement. Disable the existing plan guide before enabling the specified plan guide. Cannot find the plan guide either because the specified plan guide ID is NULL or invalid, or you do not have permission on the object referenced by the plan guide. Verify that the plan guide ID is valid, the current session is set to the correct database context, and you have ALTER permission on the object referenced by the plan guide or ALTER DATABASE permission. Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' from cache because a query plan is not available for the statement with start offset %2!s!.This problem can occur if the statement depends on database objects that have not yet been created. Make sure that all necessary database objects exist, and execute the statement before creating the plan guide. xCannot specify included columns for a clustered index. Mixing old and new syntax in CREATE/ALTER/DROP INDEX statement is not allowed. 4Cannot rebuild clustered index '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' because the view is dependent on base table '%3!s!' whose clustered index '%4!s!' is disabled. Cannot convert a statistic to an index using DROP_EXISTING index option when ONLINE index option is also specified. Cannot disable primary key index "%1!s!" on table "%2!s!" because the table is published for replication. Cannot disable the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because the indexed view is published for replication. |The clustered index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' cannot be disabled because the table has change tracking enabled. Disable change tracking on the table before disabling the clustered index. 8The index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' cannot be disabled because the table has change tracking enabled. Change tracking requires a primary key constraint on the table, and disabling the index will drop the constraint. Disable change tracking on the table before disabling the index. Filtered %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be created on table '%3!s!' because the column '%4!s!' in the filter expression is a computed column. Rewrite the filter expression so that it does not include this column. PFiltered index '%1!s!' cannot be created on object '%2!s!' because it is not a user table. Filtered indexes are only supported on tables. If you are trying to create a filtered index on a view, consider creating an indexed view with the filter expression incorporated in the view definition. (Filtered %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be created on table '%3!s!' because the column '%4!s!' in the filter expression is compared with a constant of higher data type precedence or of a different collation. Converting a column to the data type of a constant is not supported for filtered %5!s!. To resolve this error, explicitly convert the constant to the same data type and collation as the column '%6!s!'. $Filtered %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be created on table '%3!s!' because the column '%4!s!' in the filter expression is compared with a constant that cannot be converted to the data type of the column. Rewrite the filter expression so that it does not include this comparison. |Index '%1!s!' could not be created or rebuilt. The key length for this index (%2!s! bytes) exceeds the maximum allowed length of '%3!s!' bytes when using the vardecimal storage format. Cannot %1!s! filtered index '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!' because the statement sets the IGNORE_DUP_KEY option to ON. Rewrite the statement so that it does not use the IGNORE_DUP_KEY option. Filtered %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be created on table '%3!s!' because the column '%4!s!' in the filter expression is of a CLR data type. Rewrite the filter expression so that it does not include this column. Filtered %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot be created on table '%3!s!' because the filter expression contains a comparison with a literal NULL value. Rewrite the comparison to use the IS [NOT] NULL comparison operator to test for NULL values. The index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' could not be created because the column '%3!s!' in the filter expression of the index is a column set. 4The %1!s! '%2!s!' could not be created or rebuilt. A compressed index is not supported on table that contains sparse columns or a column set column. 8Filtered statistics '%1!s!' cannot be created on object '%2!s!' because it is not a user table. Filtered statistics are only supported on user tables. Index '%1!s!' could not be created or rebuilt. A unique or clustered index on a federated table must contain the federated column. Index '%1!s!' could not be created. Views cannot be indexed in a federated database. XInvalid online index creation operation The table-valued parameter "%1!s!" is READONLY and cannot be modified. The READONLY option cannot be used in an EXECUTE or CREATE AGGREGATE statement. The WITH CUBE and WITH ROLLUP options are not permitted with a ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS specification. tToo many grouping sets. The maximum number is %1!s!. `To rethrow an error, a THROW statement must be used inside a CATCH block. Insert the THROW statement inside a CATCH block, or add error parameters to the THROW statement. lSubqueries are not allowed in the OUTPUT clause. Too many expressions are specified in the GROUP BY clause. The maximum number is %1!s! when grouping sets are supplied. $The CUBE() and ROLLUP() grouping constructs are not allowed in the current compatibility mode. They are only allowed in 100 mode or higher. |DEFAULT is not allowed on the right hand side of "%1!s!" The number of columns for each row in a table value constructor must be the same. An action of type '%1!s!' is not allowed in the 'WHEN NOT MATCHED' clause of a MERGE statement. An action of type 'INSERT' is not allowed in the '%1!s!' clause of a MERGE statement. |A MERGE statement must be terminated by a semi-colon (;). An action of type '%1!s!' cannot appear more than once in a '%2!s!' clause of a MERGE statement. A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement must have an OUTPUT clause. The %1!s! clause is not allowed when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Query hints are not allowed in nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statements. An OUTPUT INTO clause is not allowed in a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. The WHERE CURRENT OF clause is not allowed in a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. The DISTINCT keyword is not allowed when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. In a MERGE statement, a variable cannot be set to a column and expression in the same assignment in the SET clause of an UPDATE action. Assignments of the form 'SET @variable = column = expression' are not valid in the SET clause of an UPDATE action in a MERGE statement. Modify the SET clause to only specify assignments of the form 'SET @variable = column' or 'SET @variable = expression'. The FORCESEEK hint is not allowed for target tables of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements. Cannot use the VARYING option in a DECLARE, CREATE AGGREGATE or CREATE FUNCTION statement. User defined aggregates do not support default parameters. A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed on either side of a JOIN or APPLY operator. A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed as the table source of a PIVOT or UNPIVOT operator. @A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed in a SELECT statement that is not the immediate source of rows for an INSERT statement. A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed in the FROM clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement. A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed inside another nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed on either side of a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operator. A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed in the USING clause of a MERGE statement. Variable assignment is not allowed in a statement containing a top level UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator. Incorrect WHERE clause for filtered %1!s! '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!'. A full-text stoplist statement must be terminated by a semi-colon (;). In an ALTER TABLE REBUILD or ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement, when a partition is specified in a DATA_COMPRESSION clause, PARTITION=ALL must be specified. The PARTITION=ALL clause is used to reinforce that all partitions of the table or index will be rebuilt, even if only a subset is specified in the DATA_COMPRESSION clause. The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of %1!s! row values. The insert column list used in the MERGE statement cannot contain multi-part identifiers. Use single part identifiers instead. A search property list statement must end with a semicolon (;). A TOP can not be used in the same query or sub-query as a OFFSET. The offset specified in a OFFSET clause may not be negative. The number of rows provided for a OFFSET clause must be an integer. The number of rows provided for a FETCH clause must be greater then zero. The FORCESCAN hint is not allowed for target tables of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements. The FORCESCAN hint is specified simultaneously with the FORCESEEK hint. Remove one of the hints and resubmit the query. <The parameterized FORCESEEK hint cannot be simultaneously used with INDEX hints or a non-parameterized FORCESEEK hint on the same object. Use either INDEX hints and a non-parameterized FORCESEEK hint or use a parameterized FORCESEEK hint without INDEX hints for each table or view. There are multiple FORCESEEK hints specified on the same table or view. Remove the extra FORCESEEK hints and resubmit the query. The FORCESEEK hint cannot be used with index 0. Correct the index provided to the FORCESEEK hint and resubmit the query. The FORCESCAN hint cannot be used with more than one INDEX hint. Remove the extra INDEX hints and resubmit the query. The ORDER BY in WITHIN GROUP clause of '%1!s!' function must have exactly one expression. lThe function '%1!s!' may not have a window frame. hThe function '%1!s!' must have an OVER clause. tThe function '%1!s!' must have a WITHIN GROUP clause. The function '%1!s!' takes between %2!s! and %3!s! arguments. Window frame with ROWS or RANGE must have an ORDER BY clause. |The function '%1!s!' may not have a WITHIN GROUP clause. The function '%1!s!' may not have ORDER BY in OVER clause. tUse of DISTINCT is not allowed with the OVER clause. Scale argument is not valid. Valid expressions for data type %1!s! scale argument are integer constants and integer constant expressions. `Invalid data type %1!s! in function %2!s!. The %1!s! function is not allowed in the current compatibility mode. It is only allowed in 110 mode or higher. GROUP BY clause can only contain one query hint. Remove the extra hints and re-run the query. \Number of grouping columns in the query exceeded maximum number allowed. SQL Server allows 64k grouping columns. Reduce number of grouping columns and re-run the query. DISTRIBUTED_AGG and CENTRAL_AGG hints cannot be used with a CUBE or ROLLUP clause. Modify the query and re-run it. CENTRAL_AGG must be specified after all columns in the GROUP BY clause. Modify the query and re-run it. DISTRIBUTED_AGG hint cannot be used when the GROUP BY clause contains the same column more than once. Modify the query and re-run it. LABEL hint can only be used one time in the query. Modify the query and re-run it. |The %1!s! '%2!s!' is not supported with in-memory tables. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is not yet implemented with in-memory tables. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is not supported with natively compiled stored procedures. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is not yet implemented with natively compiled stored procedures. Index '%1!s!' cannot be created on an in-memory table because it is non-covering. Table or view '%1!s!' is not an in-memory table and cannot be accessed from a natively compiled stored procedure. Table '%1!s!' is an in-memory table and can only be accessed from a natively compiled stored procedure. Procedure '%1!s!' cannot be executed because it is a natively compiled procedure that has not been deployed. hCannot create a hekaton table without columns. Deployment failed for procedure '%1!s!' because of compilation errors. Conversion from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!' is not yet implemented with natively compiled stored procedures. dThe object '%1!s!' is not an in-memory table. BEGIN ATOMIC is only supported inside natively compiled stored procedures. The body of a natively compiled stored procedures must be an ATOMIC block. The WITH clause of BEGIN ATOMIC statement must specify value for the option '%1!s!'. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is not supported with an active xtp transaction. The ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command failed because it contained multiple MODIFY REPLICA options: %1!s!. Enter a separate ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP ... MODIFY REPLICA command for each replica option that you want to modify. The listener for the WSFC resource '%1!s!' failed to start, and returned error code %2!s!, '%3!s!'. For more information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development Documentation. Failed to stop the listener for Windows Failover Cluster resource '%1!s!'. Error: %2!s!. %3!s! Failed to configure resource governor during startup. Check SQL Server error log for specific error messages or check the consistency of master database by running DBCC CHECKCATALOG('master'). User does not have permission to alter the resource governor configuration. User-defined function '%1!s!' does not exist in master database, or the user does not have permission to access it. $The specified schema name '%1!s!' for classifier user-defined function either does not exist, or the user does not have permission to use it. Resource governor configuration failed. There are active sessions in workload groups being dropped or moved to different resource pools. Disconnect all active sessions in the affected workload groups and try again. `Could not complete resource governor configuration because there is not enough memory. Reduce the server load or try the operation on a dedicated administrator connection. The object '%1!s!'.'%2!s!' is not a valid resource governor classifier user-defined function. A valid classifier user-defined function must be schema-bound, return sysname, and have no parameters. Attribute '%1!s!' with value of %2!s! is greater than attribute '%3!s!' with value of %4!s!. Attribute '%1!s!' with value of %2!s! is less than attribute '%3!s!' with value of %4!s!. 0The resource pool cannot be created. The maximum number of resource pools cannot exceed current limit of %1!s! including predefined resource pools. 4The operation could not be completed. The specified '%1!s!' value, %2!s!, causes the sum of minimums on all resource pools on scheduler %3!s! to exceed 100 percent. Reduce the value for one or more pools, or change pool affinity, so that the sum is less than or equal to 100. Requested operation cannot be performed because the resource pool '%1!s!' does not exist. The operation could not be completed. Dropping predefined %1!s! is not allowed. Users are not allowed to %1!s! the workload group '%2!s!' in the '%3!s!' resource pool. |The name of the %1!s! '%2!s!' cannot begin with # of ##. The operation could not be completed. Altering '%1!s!' %2!s! is not allowed. DCannot drop resource pool '%1!s!' because it contains workload group '%2!s!'. Drop or remove all workload groups using this resource pool before dropping it. ALTER WORKLOAD GROUP failed. Either a 'WITH' or 'USING' clause must be specified. xCannot create %1!s! '%2!s!' because it already exists. TAn error occurred while reading the resource governor configuration from master database. Check the integrity of master database or contact the system administrator. Cannot %1!s! user-defined function '%2!s!'. It is being used as a resource governor classifier. xThe '%1!s!' %2!s! cannot be moved out of '%3!s!' %4!s!. P%1!s! failed. Rerun the statement. %1!s! failed. The resource governor is not available in this edition of SQL Server. You can manipulate resource governor metadata but you will not be able to apply resource governor configuration. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports resource governor. The pool affinity range is invalid. The lower bound %1!s! must be less than the upper bound %2!s!. A %1!s! value was specified more than one time in the pool affinity range list. The %1!s! range that specifies %2!s! %3!s! to %4!s! includes at least one %5!s! that is not available to the current instance. The maximum %6!s! number that is available to this instance is %7!s!. (The operation could not be completed. The specified '%1!s!' value, %2!s!, causes the sum of minimums on all workload groups using resource pool '%3!s!' to exceed 100 percent. Reduce the value or modify other workload groups so that the sum is less than or equal to 100. xFailed to run resource governor classifier user-defined function. See previous errors in SQL Server error log from session ID %1!s! for details. Classifier elapsed time: %2!s! ms. |Resource governor '%1!s!' operation was canceled by user. \Resource governor reconfiguration failed. TUnknown status code for this column. TNon-NULL value successfully returned. Deferred accessor validation occurred. Invalid binding for this column. Could not convert the data value due to reasons other than sign mismatch or overflow. PSuccessfully returned a NULL value. \Successfully returned a truncated value. Could not convert the data type because of a sign mismatch. Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the data type used by the provider. The provider cannot allocate memory or open another storage object on this column. |The provider cannot determine the value for this column. |The user did not have permission to write to the column. The data value violated the integrity constraints for the column. pThe data value violated the schema for the column. DThe column had a bad status. PThe column used the default value. \The column was skipped when setting data. LThe row was successfully deleted. The table was in immediate-update mode, and deleting a single row caused more than one row to be deleted in the data source. |The row was released even though it had a pending change. tDeletion of the row was canceled during notification. 0The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed after the containing row was last fetched or resynchronized. The row has a pending delete or the deletion had been transmitted to the data source. LThe row is a pending insert row. DBPROP_CHANGEINSERTEDROWS was VARIANT_FALSE and the insertion for the row has been transmitted to the data source. Deleting the row violated the integrity constraints for the column or table. The row handle was invalid or was a row handle to which the current thread does not have access rights. Deleting the row would exceed the limit for pending changes specified by the rowset property DBPROP_MAXPENDINGROWS. PThe row has a storage object open. The provider ran out of memory and could not fetch the row. User did not have sufficient permission to delete the row. $The table was in immediate-update mode and the row was not deleted due to reaching a limit on the server, such as query execution timing out. hUpdating did not meet the schema requirements. There was a recoverable, provider-specific error, such as an RPC failure. The provider indicates that conflicts occurred with other properties or requirements. Could not obtain an interface required for text, ntext, or image access. The provider could not support a required row lookup interface. The provider could not support an interface required for the UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT statements. xThe provider could not support insertion on this table. tThe provider could not support updates on this table. xThe provider could not support deletion on this table. tThe provider could not support a row lookup position. pThe provider could not support a required property. The provider does not support an index scan on this data source. This message could not be delivered because the FROM service name is missing. The message origin is: '%1!s!'. 4This message has been dropped because the FROM service name exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Service name: "%2!s!". Message origin: "%3!s!". This message has been dropped because the FROM broker instance is missing. The message origin is '%1!s!'. @This message has been dropped because the FROM broker instance exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Broker instance: "%2!s!". Message origin: "%3!s!". This message has been dropped because the TO service name is missing. The message origin is "%1!s!". 0This message has been dropped because the TO service name exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Service name: "%2!s!". Message origin: "%3!s!". This message has been dropped because the service contract name is missing. The message origin is "%1!s!". <This message has been dropped because the service contract name exceeds the maximum size of %1!s! bytes. Contract name "%2!s!". Message origin: "%3!s!". 4This message could not be delivered because the conversation ID could not be associated with an active conversation. The message origin is: '%1!s!'. This message has been dropped because the TO service could not be found. Service name: "%1!s!". Message origin: "%2!s!". TThis message has been dropped because the user does not have permission to access the target database. Database ID: %1!s!. Message origin: &amp;quot;%2!s!&amp;quot;. This message could not be delivered because the conversation endpoint has already been closed. This message could not be delivered because this is not the first message in the conversation. 0This message could not be delivered because the '%1!s!' contract could not be found or the service does not accept conversations for the contract. HThis message could not be delivered because the user with ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s! does not have permission to send to the service. Service name: '%3!s!'. This message could not be delivered because there is already another task processing this message. lThis message could not be delivered because it is out of sequence with respect to the conversation. Conversation receive sequence number: %1!s!, Message sequence number: %2!s!. This message could not be delivered because it is a duplicate. This message could not be delivered because the destination queue has been disabled. Queue ID: %1!s!. This message could not be delivered because the TO broker instance is missing. This message could not be delivered because there is an inconsistency in the message header. This message could not be delivered because the TO service name in the message does not match the name in the conversation endpoint. Message TO Service Name: '%1!s!'. Conversation Endpoint TO Service Name: '%2!s!'. This message could not be delivered because the service contract name in the message does not match the name in the conversation endpoint. Message service contract name: '%1!s!'. Conversation endpoint service contract name: '%2!s!'. This message could not be delivered because another instance of this service program has already started conversing with this endpoint. This message could not be delivered because the message type name could not be found. Message type name: '%1!s!'. DThis message could not be delivered because the message type is not part of the service contract. Message type name: '%1!s!'. Service contract name: '%2!s!'. This message could not be delivered because the initiator service has sent a message with a message type that can only be sent by the target. Message type name: '%1!s!'. Service contract name: '%2!s!'. This message could not be delivered because the target service has sent a message with a message type that can only be sent by the initiator. Message type name: '%1!s!'. Service contract name: '%2!s!'. This message could not be delivered because the security context could not be retrieved. This message could not be delivered because the message could not be decrypted and validated. This message could not be delivered because the conversation endpoint is not secured, however the message is secured. This message could not be delivered because the conversation endpoint is secured, however the message is not secured. This message has been dropped because the session key of the conversation endpoint does not match that of the message. This message could not be delivered because an internal error was encountered while processing it. Error code %1!s!, state %2!s!: %3!s!. Received a malformed message. The binary message class (%1!s!:%2!s!) is not defined. This may indicate network problems or that another application is connected to the Service Broker endpoint. A corrupted message has been received. The binary header size of %1!s! is expected, however the header size received was %2!s!. A %1!s! message could not be processed due to insufficient memory. The message was dropped. A corrupted message has been received. The private variable data segment is malformed. A corrupted message has been received. The private variable data segment extends beyond the length of the message. A corrupted message has been received. The binary message preamble is malformed. A corrupted message has been received. The conversation security version number is not %1!s!.%2!s!. LA corrupted message has been received. The maximum number of public variable data elements (%1!s!) has been exceeded. Public variable data elements found: %2!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The public variable data element (%1!s!) has been duplicated in this message. A corrupted message has been received. The handshake validation header is malformed. PA corrupted message has been received. The maximum number of private variable data elements (%1!s!) has been exceeded. Private variable data elements found: %2!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The private variable data element (%1!s!) has been duplicated in this message. A corrupted message has been received. The login negotiate header is invalid. A corrupted message has been received. The SSPI login header is invalid. A corrupted message has been received. The pre-master-secret is invalid. A corrupted message has been received. The security certificate key fields must both be present or both be absent. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The service pair security header source certificate and the signature must both be present or both be absent. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The destination certificate serial number is missing. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The service pair security header destination certificate, the key exchange key, the key exchange key ID, and the session key must all be present or all be absent. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. xA corrupted message has been received. The session key ID is missing. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The encryption flag is set, however the message body, MIC or salt is missing. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The MIC is present, however the message body or encryption flag is missing. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The MIC and session key ID are in an invalid state. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The MIC size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater than %2!s! bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The certificate serial number size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater than %2!s! bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The certificate issuer name size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater than %2!s! bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The destination certificate serial number size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater than %2!s! bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The destination certificate issuer name size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater than %2!s! bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The service pair security header size is %1!s!, however it must be between %2!s! and %3!s! bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%4!s!', Initiator: %5!s!, and Message sequence number: %6!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The key exchange key size is %1!s!, however it must be between %2!s! and %3!s! bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%4!s!', Initiator: %5!s!, and Message sequence number: %6!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The key exchange key ID is invalid. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The encrypted session key size is %1!s!, however it must be %2!s! bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The session key ID size is %1!s!, however it must be %2!s! bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The salt size is %1!s!, however it must be %2!s! bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%3!s!', Initiator: %4!s!, and Message sequence number: %5!s!. A corrupted message has been received. A UNICODE string is not two byte aligned within the message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. A UNICODE string is greater than the maximum allowed size of %1!s! bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%2!s!', Initiator: %3!s!, and Message sequence number: %4!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The conversation ID must not be NULL. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The message ID must not be NULL. A corrupted message has been received. The message body is not properly padded for encryption. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. A sequence number is larger than allowed. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The End of Conversation and Error flags are both set. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The End of Conversation flag has been set on an unsequenced message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The End of Conversation and Error flags may not be set in the first sequenced message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The message type is missing for this message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The message type must not be set in this message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A packet of size %1!s! bytes could not be processed because it exceeds the receive buffer count. A corrupted message has been received. The private portion of the message header is malformed. This message has been dropped due to licensing restrictions. See the documentation for further details. This forwarded message has been dropped because the hops remaining count has reached 0. Dropped this forwarded message because this SQL Server instance is out of memory. This forwarded message has been dropped because a duplicate message is already being forwarded. ,This forwarded message has been dropped because its memory usage would exceed the configured memory limit of %1!s! bytes for forwarded messages. This forwarded message was dropped because the message could not be delivered within the message time to live. This may indicate that the forwarding route is incorrectly configured or that the destination is unavailable. This forwarded message has been dropped because the time consumed has exceeded the message's time to live of %1!s! seconds (the message arrived with %2!s! seconds consumed and used %3!s! seconds in this broker). $The forwarded message has been dropped because a transport send error occurred when sending the message. Check previous events for the error. This forwarded message has been dropped because a transport is shutdown. This forwarded message has been dropped because the destination route is not valid. A corrupted message has been received. The private variable data segment offset is incorrect. A corrupted message has been received. The public variable data segment offset is incorrect. Forward progress on this transaction is disallowed. Transaction has been rolled back. This operation must be executed within a parallel nested transaction. The stored procedure %1!s! must be executed within a user transaction. The isolation level specified for the PNT child transaction does not match the current isolation level for the parent. %1!s! statement cannot be used inside a parallel nested transaction. Parallel plan with updates is not supported inside a parallel nested transaction. The stored procedure '%1!s!' cannot be executed through MARS connection. Bound sessions and user parallel nested transactions cannot be used in the same transaction. Cannot create a User Parallel Nested Transaction, the maximum number of parallel nested transactions is reached. This operation cannot be executed within an active transaction. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Index '%1!s!' on indexed view '%2!s!' uses partition function '%3!s!', but table '%4!s!' uses non-equivalent partition function '%5!s!'. Index on indexed view '%6!s!' and table '%7!s!' must use an equivalent partition function. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '%1!s!' is %2!s!, but index '%3!s!' on indexed view '%4!s!' is %5!s!. ,ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' is referenced by %2!s! indexed view(s), but source table '%3!s!' is only referenced by %4!s! indexed view(s). Every indexed view on the target table must have at least one matching indexed view on the source table. HALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Indexed view '%1!s!' is not aligned with table '%2!s!'. The partitioning column '%3!s!' from the indexed view calculates its value from one or more columns or an expression, rather than directly selecting from the table partitioning column '%4!s!'. Change the indexed view definition, so that the partitioning column is directly selected from table partitioning column '%5!s!'. <ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' is referenced by %2!s! indexed view(s), but source table '%3!s!' is only referenced by %4!s! matching indexed view(s). Every indexed view on the target table must have at least one matching indexed view on the source table. <ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '%1!s!' is not aligned with the index '%2!s!' on indexed view '%3!s!'. The table is partitioned on column '%4!s!', but the index on the indexed view is partitioned on column '%5!s!', which is selected from a different column '%6!s!' in table '%7!s!'. Change the indexed view definition so that the partitioning column is the same as the table's partitioning column. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Source and target partitions have different values for the DATA_COMPRESSION option. Vardecimal storage format can not be enabled for '%1!s!'. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports vardecimal. Cannot modify the column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' to add or remove the COLUMN_SET attribute. To change a COLUMN_SET attribute of a column, either modify the table to remove the column and then add the column again, or drop and re-create the table. `Cannot remove the column set '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because the table contains more than 1025 columns. Reduce the number of columns in the table to less than 1025. Cannot modify the column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' to a sparse column because the column has a default or rule bound to it. Unbind the rule or default from the column before designating the column as sparse. Cannot add the sparse column '%1!s!' to the table '%2!s!' because the data type of the column has a default or rule bound to it. Unbind the rule or default from the data type before adding the sparse column to the table. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same sparse storage attribute in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same column set property in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. Object '%1!s!' cannot be disabled or enabled. This action applies only to foreign key and check constraints. Cannot %1!s! table '%2!s!' because the table either contains sparse columns or a column set column which are incompatible with compression. Cannot alter or drop column '%1!s!' because the table '%2!s!' is federated on it. The batch could not be analyzed because of compile errors. The type for parameter '%1!s!' cannot be deduced in this context. The parameter type cannot be deduced because a single expression contains two untyped parameters, '%1!s!' and '%2!s!'. The discovered type with user type id %1!s! in database %2!s! is invalid. The discovered type with the XML schema collection id %1!s! in database %2!s! is invalid. The parameter type for '%1!s!' cannot be uniquely deduced; two possibilities are '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. The parameter type for '%1!s!' cannot be deduced because no type would make the query valid. The undeclared parameter '%1!s!' is used more than once in the batch being analyzed. The metadata could not be determined because the statement '%1!s!' is not compatible with the statement '%2!s!'. 8The metadata could not be determined because the statement '%1!s!' in the main batch is not compatible with the statement '%2!s!' in procedure '%3!s!'. 8The metadata could not be determined because the statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' is not compatible with the statement '%3!s!' in the main batch. @The metadata could not be determined because the statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' is not compatible with the statement '%3!s!' in procedure '%4!s!'. XThe metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' contains dynamic SQL. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' contains dynamic SQL. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set. `The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' invokes a CLR procedure. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' invokes a CLR procedure. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' invokes a CLR trigger. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' invokes a CLR trigger. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' invokes an extended stored procedure. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' invokes an extended stored procedure. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' uses an undeclared parameter in a context that affects its metadata. <The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' uses an undeclared parameter in a context that affects its metadata. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' causes indirect recursion. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' causes indirect recursion. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' uses a temp table. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' uses a temp table. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' does not support metadata discovery. The metadata could not be determined because statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!' does not support metadata discovery. The metadata could not be determined because every code path results in an error; see previous errors for some of these. The metadata could not be determined because there are no code paths that reach the end of the batch. (The object id '%1!s!' passed to sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object refers to an object which is not a T-SQL procedure or trigger. The object id '%1!s!' passed to sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object was invalid. Type '%1!s!' is not a valid object name for result set definition. dType '%1!s!' is invalid or not a table type. 8EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified %1!s! result set(s), and the statement tried to send more result sets than this. <EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified %1!s! result set(s), but the statement only sent %2!s! result set(s) at run time. XEXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified %1!s! column(s) for result set number %2!s!, but the statement sent %3!s! column(s) at run time. EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified type '%1!s!' for column #%2!s! in result set #%3!s!, and the corresponding type sent at run time was '%4!s!'; there is no conversion between the two types. ,One of the types specified in WITH RESULT SETS clause has been modified after the EXECUTE statement started running. Please rerun the statement. sp_describe_first_result_set cannot be invoked when SET STATISTICS XML or SET STATISTICS PROFILE is on. |sp_describe_undeclared_parameters failed to discover parameter metadata for remote procedure call because parameters were passed by name and by name parameter metadata discovery failed. lSET STATISTICS XML ON and SET STATISTICS PROFILE ON are not allowed inside any procedure or batch that executes through an EXECUTE statement that has a WITH RESULT SETS clause. Could not deduce type for parameter in position '%1!s!' for remote call to module '%2!s!'. Remote result set discovery cannot be done inside SELECT INTO. @sp_showmemo_xml cannot run when the STATISTICS XML, STATISTICS PROFILE or SHOWPLAN set option is on. Set these options to OFF and re-run sp_showmemo_xml. Only one statement can be used as input parameter to sp_showmemo_xml. Modify the input parameter and re-run the stored procedure. The stored procedure 'sp_showmemo_xml' is not available in this edition of SQL Server. Using stored procedures is not supported. Modify the input parameter and re-run sp_showmemo_xml. The metadata could not be determined because remote metadata discovery failed for statement '%1!s!'. The metadata could not be determined because remote metadata discovery failed for statement '%1!s!' in procedure '%2!s!'. The @browse_information_mode parameter expects a tinyint with values 0, 1 or 2. |EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified a non-nullable type for column #%1!s! in result set #%2!s!, and the corresponding value sent at run time was null. x%1!s! statements with a '%2!s!' option are not allowed. p%1!s! statements are not allowed at the top level. X%1!s! are not allowed at the top level. lSpecifying server name in '%1!s!' is not allowed. Specifying database name for '%1!s!' in a %2!s! statement is not allowed. tCreating temporary stored procedures is not allowed. An internal error occurred while building the project. %1!s! lThere is not enough memory to build the project. Specifying schema elements in the CREATE SCHEMA statement is not supported. Multiple statements in a T-SQL batch are not allowed at the top level. dNumbered stored procedures are not supported. 8%1!s! is not supported. tAn unknown error has occurred trying to load '%1!s!'. Combining column level permissions with other permissions is not allowed in the same GRANT/DENY/REVOKE statement. There is not enough stack available to compile the statment. REVOKE statements can only be used to revoke column level permissions. CREATE ASSEMBLY can only be created FROM a constant binary expression. ALTER TABLE statements can only be used to add a single constraint. ALTER ROLE statements can only be used to add a member to a role. '%1!s!' is either corrupt, not readable or not accessible. |The increment for sequence object '%1!s!' cannot be zero. `The absolute value of the increment for sequence object '%1!s!' must be less than or equal to the difference between the minimum and maximum value of the sequence object. The sequence object '%1!s!' must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, or any user-defined data type that is based on one of the above integer data types. The start value for sequence object '%1!s!' must be between the minimum and maximum value of the sequence object. The current value '%1!s!' for sequence object '%2!s!' must be between the minimum and maximum value of the sequence object. The minimum value for sequence object '%1!s!' must be less than its maximum value. The cache size for sequence object '%1!s!' must be greater than 0. An invalid value was specified for argument '%1!s!' for the given data type. The 'RESTART WITH' argument cannot be used in a CREATE SEQUENCE statement. Argument 'START WITH' cannot be used in an ALTER SEQUENCE statement. Argument 'AS' cannot be used in an ALTER SEQUENCE statement. tArgument '%1!s!' can not be specified more than once. HInvalid sequence name '%1!s!'. `No properties specified for ALTER SEQUENCE. NEXT VALUE FOR function does not support the PARTITION BY clause. NEXT VALUE FOR function does not support the OVER clause in default constraints, UPDATE statements, or MERGE statements. NEXT VALUE FOR function does not support an empty OVER clause. NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in check constraints, default objects, computed columns, views, user-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, user-defined table types, sub-queries, common table expressions, or derived tables. NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in the TOP, OVER, OUTPUT, ON, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, or ORDER BY clauses. NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used directly in a statement that uses a DISTINCT, UNION, UNION ALL, EXCEPT or INTERSECT operator. HNEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in the WHEN MATCHED clause, the WHEN NOT MATCHED clause, or the WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clause of a merge statement. NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used directly in a statement that contains an ORDER BY clause unless the OVER clause is specified. An expression that contains a NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be passed as an argument to a table-valued function. An expression that contains a NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be passed as an argument to an aggregate. \Object '%1!s!' is not a sequence object. NEXT VALUE FOR functions for a given sequence object must have exactly the same OVER clause definition. The sequence object '%1!s!' has reached its minimum or maximum value. Restart the sequence object to allow new values to be generated. Database name cannot be specified for the sequence object in default constraints. TA column that uses a sequence object in the default constraint must be present in the target columns list, if the same sequence object appears in a row constructor. The requested range for sequence object '%1!s!' exceeds the maximum or minimum limit. Retry with a smaller range. dParameter '%1!s!' must be a positive integer. (NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in the SELECT clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. The target table of the INSERT statement cannot have DEFAULT constraints using the NEXT VALUE FOR function when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Only one instance of NEXT VALUE FOR function per sequence object is allowed in SET or SELECT with variable assignment. NEXT VALUE FOR function does not support the ROWS and RANGE clauses. The use of NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in this context. NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used if ROWCOUNT option has been set, or the query contains TOP or OFFSET. NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used in a default constraint if ROWCOUNT option has been set, or the query contains TOP or OFFSET. NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used within CASE, CHOOSE, COALESCE, IIF, ISNULL and NULLIF. NEXT VALUE FOR function can only be used with MERGE if it is defined within a default constraint on the target table for insert actions. TRESTORE WITH SNAPSHOTRESTOREPHASE=2 for database '%1!s!' failed because an earlier RESTORE WITH SNAPSHOTRESTOREPHASE=1 may have failed as a result of a network error. Retry the restore operation through SQL Writer after addressing any network issues and making sure that SQL Server is running. Column '%1!s!.%2!s!' is a federated column, while referencing column '%3!s!.%4!s!' in foreign key '%5!s!' is not. Federation scheme key '%1!s!' is not a part of this federation. The requested %1!s! index on column '%2!s!' of table '%3!s!' could not be created because the column type is not %4!s! . Specify a column name that refers to a column with a %5!s! data type. Could not find spatial tessellation scheme '%1!s!' for column of type %2!s!. Specify a valid tessellation scheme name in your USING clause. Could not find the default spatial tessellation scheme for the column '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!'. Make sure that the column reference is correct, or specify the extension scheme in a USING clause. Incorrect parameters were passed to the CREATE %1!s! statement near '%2!s!'. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax. Duplicate parameters were passed to the create index statement. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax. The CREATE %1!s! statement is missing the required parameter '%2!s!'. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax. dTable '%1!s!' does not have a clustered primary key as required by the %2!s! index. Make sure that the primary key column exists on the table before creating a %3!s! index. (Could not find the %1!s! index '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!'. Either no %4!s! index with this name exists, or a non-%5!s! index might be using the same name. Fix the index name, avoiding duplicates. If a relational index has the same name, drop the regular relational index. Only one spatial index hint may appear per table, either as the first or the last hinted index. The value of parameter '%1!s!' of CREATE %2!s! must be less than %3!s!. The value of parameter '%1!s!' of CREATE %2!s! must be greater than %3!s!. The value of parameter '%1!s!' of CREATE %2!s! must be greater than the value of parameter '%3!s!'. The '%1!s!' parameter of CREATE %2!s! is incompletely defined. If the parameter has more than one part, all the parts must be defined. The index option %1!s! in the CREATE %2!s! statement has to appear before the general index options. D Creating a %1!s! index requires that the primary key in the base table satisfy the following restrictions. The maximum number of primary-key columns is %2!s!. The maximum combined per-row size of the primary-key columns is %3!s! bytes. The primary key on the base table '%4!s!' has %5!s! columns, and contains %6!s! bytes. Alter the base table to satisfy the primary-key restrictions imposed by the %7!s! index. lCannot disable change tracking on database '%1!s!' while client connections are waiting on change notification. Please close those connections before disabling change tracking. xALTER DATABASE CURRENT failed because '%1!s!' is a system database. System databases cannot be altered by using the CURRENT keyword. Use the database name to alter a system database. The reference to temp table name '%1!s!' is ambiguous and cannot be resolved. Use either '%2!s!' or '%3!s!'. The reference to cursor name '%1!s!' is ambiguous and cannot be resolved. Possible candidates are '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. Containment cannot be enabled for database '%1!s!' because it is a system database. tFeature or option "%1!s!" breaches containment in a contained database. Please see Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases. Index name '%1!s!' is too long. Maximum length for temp table index name is %2!s! characters. The option '%1!s!' cannot be set on non-contained database. The option '%1!s!' cannot be set on a database while containment is being set to NONE. lThe option '%1!s!' was specified multiple times. The user options for the instance must be set to 0 in order to %1!s! a contained database. Errors were encountered in the %1!s! '%2!s!' during compilation of the object. Either the containment option of the database '%3!s!' was changed, or this object was present in model db and the user tried to create a new contained database. (The object referenced as '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than in the current metadata collation '%3!s!'. (The column referenced as '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than in the current metadata collation '%3!s!'. TThe type or XML schema collection referenced as '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than in the current metadata collation '%3!s!'. dThe reference to the variable, parameter or goto label '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than in the current metadata collation '%3!s!'. hRECONFIGURE failed. Attempting to change the 'contained database authentication' value to 0 while there are existing contained databases requires a RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE. sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used in a non-contained database (a database with CONTAINMENT set to NONE). sp_migrate_user_to_contained can not be used with a user with a password or a user type other than SQL Login. sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used on a user used in the EXECUTE AS clause of a signed module. sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used to copy a password to an old hash algorithm. sp_migrate_user_to_contained can not find the login for user '%1!s!'. dThe sp_configure value 'contained database authentication' must be set to 1 in order to %1!s! a contained database. You may need to use RECONFIGURE to set the value_in_use. The database cannot be contained; this functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server. RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE set the 'contained database authentication' to 0 while there are contained databases in use. This will disrupt authentication for contained users and will not allow new contained databases to be created. User-named %1!s! constraint '%2!s!' is not allowed on temp table '%3!s!' because it is being created in a contained database. Please consult the Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases. $User-defined %1!s! '%2!s!' in tempdb cannot be referenced from local temp table '%3!s!' because the temp table is being created in a contained database. Please consult the Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases. The stored procedure '%1!s!' refers to a group of numbered stored procedures. Numbered stored procedures are not available in contained databases. Please consult the Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases. The sp_configure 'user options' setting must be zero if the Database Engine has contained databases. hDatabase '%1!s!' is a contained database. The option 'contained database authentication' setting is 0. Users with passwords will not be able to login to contained databases. The database '%1!s!' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the schema bound %2!s! '%3!s!' depends on builtin function '%4!s!'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%5!s!', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database. The database '%1!s!' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the check constraint '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!' depends on builtin function '%4!s!'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%5!s!', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database. The database '%1!s!' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the computed column '%2!s!' on %3!s! '%4!s!' depends on builtin function '%5!s!'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%6!s!', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database. ALTER DATABASE statement failed. The containment option of the database '%1!s!' could not be altered because compilation errors were encountered during validation of SQL modules. See previous errors. |CREATE DATABASE statement failed. The contained database '%1!s!' could not be created because compilation errors were encountered during validation of SQL modules. See previous errors. Replication, Change Data Capture and Change Tracking are not supported in contained databases. The database '%1!s!' cannot be altered to a contained database, since it has one of these options turned on. HReplication, Change Data Capture and Change Tracking are not supported in contained databases. The option cannot be enabled on the contained database '%1!s!'. @CREATE DATABASE failed. Recollating the database failed while creating the partially contained database '%1!s!', with a default data collation of '%2!s!'. ALTER DATABASE failed. Recollating the database failed while altering the database '%1!s!' to containment='%2!s!'. The COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT clause cannot be used in a constraint, computed column, index filter expression, or any schema-bound object. The containment state of database '%1!s!' does not match the value in master. Contained database functionality will not work as expected. Detach and re-attach the database to correct the database state in master. |Supply either %1!s! or %2!s! to identify the log entries. hYou must specify %1!s! when creating a subplan. Supply either %1!s! or %2!s! to identify the plan or sub-plan to be run. file name audit 0audit specification audit name server role ,server principal execute as $symmetric key principal 0security descriptor 0hypothetical index 0nonclustered index credential (asymmetric key 0partition function ,partition scheme encryption signature password rename end dialog @END CONVERSATION WITH ERROR ,MOVE CONVERSATION <receive sequenced message <receive end conversation Preceive end conversation with error 4receive broker error Hreceive message acknowledgement 8terminate conversation $broker error ,countersignature <BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER 8fire conversation timer DEND CONVERSATION WITH CLEANUP <BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION SEND $conversation 0conversation group system (Service Broker 0Database Mirroring 0conversation handle 8GET CONVERSATION GROUP master key another assembly with same SQL name is already present in the current database Xversion, culture or public key mismatch (IL compilation 0Inproc data access (DDL operations 8execution cache cleanup 4unspecified operation dialog 4encryption algorithm 8authentication protocol <encryption algorithm tag name thumbprint LIV(Initialization Vector) length bit length constraint 8database encryption key $Anchor record (Page dictionary LCompression information structure Could not find the 'Sync' subsystem with the task ID %1!s!. PYou must supply a publication name. X%1!s! must be in the current database. XCannot drop the publication because at least one subscription exists for this publication. Drop all subscriptions to the publication before attempting to drop the publication. If the problem persists, replication metadata might be incorrect; consult Books Online for troubleshooting information. HCould not drop the publication. @There are no publications. hThere are no articles for publication '%1!s!'. The remote server '%1!s!' is not defined as a subscription server. Ensure you specify the server name rather than a network alias. Unable to mark server '%1!s!' as a non SQL Server subscriber. The @status parameter value must be either 'active' or 'inactive'. dThis database is not enabled for publication. \The synchronization method (@sync_method) must be '[bcp] native', '[bcp] character', 'concurrent', 'concurrent_c', 'database snapshot', or 'database snapshot character'. The replication frequency (@repl_freq) must be either 'continuous' or 'snapshot'. XThe publication '%1!s!' already exists. Invalid @restricted parameter value. Valid options are 'true' or 'false'. LCould not create the publication. The @operation parameter value must be either add, drop, or alter. Could not obtain the column ID for the specified column. Schema replication failed. pThe column was not added correctly to the article. The @property parameter value must be either 'description', 'sync_object', 'type', 'ins_cmd', 'del_cmd', 'upd_cmd', 'filter', 'dest_table', 'dest_object', 'creation_script', 'pre_creation_cmd', 'status', 'schema_option', or 'destination_owner'. lThe type must be '[indexed view ]logbased[ (manualview|manualfilter|manualboth)]', '[serializable ]proc exec', or '(view|indexed view|proc|func|aggregate|synonym) schema only'. The value of property 'subscriber_provider' cannot be NULL. <The value of property 'subscriber_type is not a supported heterogeneous subscriber type. The value must be 1 (ODBC subscriber), or 3 (OLEDB subscriber). d%1!s! does not exist in the current database. Only user tables, materialized views, and stored procedures can be published as 'logbased' articles. The vertical partition switch must be either 'true' or 'false'. pThe article '%1!s!' exists in publication '%2!s!'. User tables and views are the only valid synchronization objects. The value of parameter %1!s! cannot be 'all'. It is reserved by replication stored procedures. Could not change replication frequency because there are active subscriptions on the publication. The publication name (@publication) cannot be the keyword 'all'. The replication option '%1!s!' of database '%2!s!' has already been set to true. \Could not enable database for publishing. The replication option '%1!s!' of database '%2!s!' has been set to false. `Could not disable database for publishing. Could not construct column clause for article view. Reduce the number of columns or create the view manually. `The server '%1!s!' is already a Subscriber. The '%1!s!' property can only be changed if the publication is enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions. The publication is not enabled. DCould not create Subscriber. The parameter %1!s! passed to stored procedure %2!s! cannot be NULL. lUnable to clear subscriber status for the server. Unable to update subscriber_type in MSdistribution_agents table. tCould not drop article. A subscription exists on it. 4Could not drop %1!s!. XThe server '%1!s!' is not a Subscriber. Stored procedures for replication are the only objects that can be used as a filter. pNo subscription is on this publication or article. tThe parameter value must be 'sync_type' or 'dest_db'. The @sync_type parameter value must be "automatic", "none", "replication support only", "initialize with backup", or "initialize from lsn". pThe subscription could not be updated at this time. pThe subscription could not be dropped at this time. XThe subscription could not be created. Cannot create the subscription because the subscription already exists in the subscription database. Only one subscription to the same publication is allowed in each subscription database. Drop the subscription and add it again if necessary. If the problem persists, replication metadata might be incorrect; see Books Online for troubleshooting information. Materialized view articles cannot be created for publications with the properties allow_sync_tran, allow_queued_tran, or allow_dts. Subscriber parameters specifying provider properties must be NULL for SQL Server subscribers. The @pre_creation_cmd parameter value must be 'none', 'drop', 'delete', or 'truncate'. The remote server does not exist or has not been designated as a valid Subscriber. The @status parameter value must be 'initiated', 'active', 'inactive', or 'subscribed'. The previous status must be 'active', 'inactive', or 'subscribed'. The status value is the same as the previous status value. The subscription status of the object could not be changed. Could not update sysarticles. The subscription status could not be changed. Could not update the distribution database subscription table. The subscription status could not be changed. Could not find the Distributor or the distribution database for the local server. The Distributor may not be installed, or the local server may not be configured as a Publisher at the Distributor. tThe server '%1!s!' is already listed as a Publisher. lThe Publisher could not be created at this time. |Could not grant replication login permission to '%1!s!'. The parameter must be 'description', 'taskid', 'sync_method', 'status', 'repl_freq', 'restricted', 'retention', 'immediate_sync', 'enabled_for_internet', 'allow_push', 'allow_pull', 'allow_anonymous', or 'retention'. 8The remote server "%1!s!" does not exist, or has not been designated as a valid Publisher, or you may not have permission to see available Publishers. The Subscriber information could not be obtained from the Distributor. The table '%1!s!' must have a primary key to be published using the transaction-based method. (The clustered index on materialized view '%1!s!' may not contain nullable columns if it is to be published using the transaction-based method. (Error evaluating article synchronization object after column drop. The filter clause for article '%1!s!' must not reference the dropped column. The @type parameter passed to sp_helpreplicationdb must be either 'pub' or 'sub'. Could not change article because there is an existing subscription to the article. Cannot grant or revoke access directly on publication '%1!s!' because it uses the default publication access list. 0Could not subscribe to article '%1!s!' because heterogeneous Subscriber '%2!s!' does not support the @pre_creation_cmd parameter value 'truncate'. 4The value for the @sync_method parameter is not valid. Could not subscribe to publication '%1!s!' because non-SQL Server Subscriber '%2!s!' only supports values of 'character', 'bcp character', 'concurrent_c', and 'database snapshot character' for the @sync_method parameter. The path and name of the table creation script must be specified if the @pre_creation_cmd parameter value is 'drop'. TThe 'status' value must be 'no column names', 'include column names', 'string literals', 'parameters', 'DTS horizontal partitions' or 'no DTS horizontal partitions'. pCannot drop Distribution Publisher '%1!s!'. The remote Publisher is using '%2!s!' as Distributor. Disable publishing at the Publisher before attempting to drop this relationship. The server '%1!s!' is already defined as a Distributor. To reconfigure the server as a Distributor, you must first uninstall the exisiting Distributor. Use the stored procedure sp_dropdistributor, or use the Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard. Specify all articles when subscribing to a publication using concurrent snapshot processing. The publication '%1!s!' already has a Snapshot Agent defined. Specify all articles when unsubscribing from a publication using concurrent snapshot processing. Invalid "%1!s!" value. Valid values are "publisher", "subscriber", or "both". Distribution retention periods must be greater than or equal to 0. For stored procedure articles, the @property parameter value must be 'description', 'dest_table', 'dest_object', 'creation_script', 'pre_creation_cmd', 'schema_option', or 'destination_owner'. The @pre_creation_cmd parameter value must be 'none' or 'drop'. This procedure can be executed only against table-based articles. Could not execute '%1!s!'. Check '%2!s!' in the install directory. xThe server '%1!s!' is not configured as a Distributor. `The property parameter value must be %1!s!. t'%1!s!' is not configured as a distribution database. A stored procedure can be published only as a 'serializable proc exec' article, a 'proc exec' article, or a 'proc schema only' article. Could not add the distribution database '%1!s!'. This distribution database already exists. Could not drop the distribution database '%1!s!'. This distributor database is associated with a Publisher. Could not drop the Distributor '%1!s!'. This Distributor has associated distribution databases. The @article parameter value must be 'all' for immediate_sync publications. The subscription @sync_type parameter value 'manual' is no longer supported. A publication must have at least one article before a subscription to it can be created. You do not have the required permissions to complete the operation. Invalid @subscription_type parameter value. Valid options are 'push' or 'pull'. The @status parameter value must be NULL for 'automatic' sync_type when you add subscriptions to an immediate_sync publication. There is no subscription on Publisher '%1!s!', publisher database '%2!s!', publication '%3!s!'. The keyword 'all' is reserved by replication stored procedures. The @value parameter value must be either 'true' or 'false'. DInvalid option name '%1!s!'. tThe replication system table '%1!s!' already exists. Cannot drop Distributor Publisher '%1!s!'. There are Subscribers associated with it in the distribution database '%2!s!'. Cannot drop Subscriber '%1!s!'. There are subscriptions for it in the publication database '%2!s!'. xThe article parameter '@schema_option' cannot be NULL. lRestricted publications are no longer supported. Invalid '%1!s!' value. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'. dReplication-%1!s!: agent %2!s! failed. %3!s! |The Distributor parameter must be '@heartbeat_interval'. Invalid article ID specified for procedure script generation. The custom stored procedure calling the format for the %1!s! command specified in the article definition does not match the %2!s! format. Could not change property '%1!s!' for article '%2!s!' because there is an existing subscription to the article. LThe specified '%1!s!' is invalid. This job has one or more notifications to operators other than '%1!s!'. The job cannot be targeted at remote servers as currently defined. PCannot rename the '%1!s!' operator. Cannot modify or delete operator '%1!s!' while this server is a %2!s!. Warning: Could not determine local machine name. This prevents MSX operations from being posted. Specify either a job_name, job_id, or an originating_server. hSpecify a valid job_id (or 0x00 for all jobs). The specified '%1!s!' is invalid (valid values are returned by %2!s!). The specified '%1!s!' is invalid (valid values are greater than 0 but excluding %2!s!). When an action of 'REASSIGN' is specified, the New Login parameter must also be supplied. Only a system administrator can reassign ownership of a job. Specify either the @name, @id, or @loginname of the task(s) to be deleted. The specified %1!s! is too long. It must contain no more than %2!s! characters. xCannot specify '%1!s!' as the operator to be notified. pCannot perform this action on a job you do not own. The owner ('%1!s!') of this job is either an invalid login, or is not a valid user of database '%2!s!'. TCannot start the job "%1!s!" (ID %2!s!) because it does not have any job server or servers defined. Associate the job with a job server by calling sp_add_jobserver. PCannot stop the job "%1!s!" (ID %2!s!) because it does not have any job server or servers defined. Associate the job with a job server by calling sp_add_jobserver. Cannot perform this operation while SQLServerAgent is starting. Try again later. You do not have sufficient permission to run this command. Contact your system administrator. dThe specified %1!s! ('%2!s!') already exists. dThe specified %1!s! ('%2!s!') does not exist. Target server '%1!s!' is already a member of group '%2!s!'. xTarget server '%1!s!' is not a member of group '%2!s!'. 0The MSSQLServer service terminated unexpectedly. Check the SQL Server error log and Windows System and Application event logs for possible causes. The specified '%1!s!' is invalid (valid values are: %2!s!). dCannot add a job to the '%1!s!' job category. There are no jobs at this server that originated from server '%1!s!'. pJob '%1!s!' is already targeted at server '%2!s!'. |Job '%1!s!' is not currently targeted at server '%2!s!'. \A target server cannot be named '%1!s!'. xObject-type and object-name must be supplied as a pair. You must provide either @job_id or @job_name (and, optionally, @schedule_name), or @schedule_id. Cannot add, update, or delete a job (or its steps or schedules) that originated from an MSX server. The originating server must be either local server or MSX server. '%1!s!' is a permanent %2!s! category and cannot be deleted. The command script does not destroy all the objects that it creates. Revise the command script. tThe schedule for this job is invalid (reason: %1!s!). |Supply either @job_name, @job_id or @originating_server. Supply either a job name (and job aspect), or one or more job filter parameters. Supply either a date (created or last modified) and a data comparator, or no date parameters at all. |Supply @target_server_groups or @target_servers, or both. Cannot specify a job ID for a new job. An ID will be assigned by the procedure. tCannot add a local job to a multiserver job category. tCannot add a multiserver job to a local job category. `The '%1!s!' supplied has an invalid %2!s!. D%1!s! cannot be before %2!s!. \%1!s! cannot contain '%2!s!' characters. This job is currently targeted at the local server so cannot also be targeted at a remote server. This job is currently targeted at a remote server so cannot also be targeted at the local server. There are two or more tasks named '%1!s!'. Specify %2!s! instead of %3!s! to uniquely identify the task. There are two or more jobs named '%1!s!'. Specify %2!s! instead of %3!s! to uniquely identify the job. lSupply either %1!s! or %2!s! to identify the job. tFrequency Type 0x2 (OnDemand) is no longer supported. lThis server is already enlisted into MSX '%1!s!'. TCannot enlist into the local machine. pThis server is not currently enlisted into an MSX. Server '%1!s!' is an MSX. Cannot enlist one MSX into another MSX. Logins other than the current user can only be seen by members of the sysadmin role. hColumn '%1!s!' does not exist in table '%2!s!'. The target server (TSX) version is not compatible with the master server (MSX) version (%1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!). |Access to Integration Services package '%1!s!' is denied. Cannot initialize COM library because CoInitialize failed. Cannot complete this operation because an unexpected error occurred. Cannot determine the service account for this SQL Server instance. Cannot list '%1!s!' in Active Directory because the name is too long. Active Directory common names cannot exceed 64 characters. `%1!s! is already configured as TSX machine The MSX server must be running the Standard or Enterprise edition of SQL Server The MSX server is not prepared for enlistments [there must be an operator named 'MSXOperator' defined at the MSX] \The TSX server is not currently enlisted DSpecify a valid schedule_uid. Only members of sysadmin role can modify the owner of a schedule. 8One or more schedules were not deleted because they are being used by at least one other job. Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job. $Schedule "%1!s!" was not deleted because it is being used by at least one other job. Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job. The schedule ID "%1!s!" is used by more than one job. Specify the job_id. The @originating_server must be either the local server name or the master server (MSX) name for MSX jobs on a target server (TSX). There are two or more schedules named "%1!s!". Specify %2!s! instead of %3!s! to uniquely identify the schedule. The schedule was not deleted because it is being used by one or more jobs. xSupply either %1!s! or %2!s! to identify the schedule. The specified schedule name "%1!s!" is not associated with the job "%2!s!". More than one schedule named "%1!s!" is attached to job "%2!s!". Use "sp_update_schedule" to update schedules. More than one schedule named "%1!s!" is attached to job "%2!s!". Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job. The schedule was not attached to the specified job. The caller must own the job or the operation must be performed by a sysadmin. @sysadmin_only flag is no longer supported by SQLAgent and kept here only for backwards compatibility Table '%1!s!' foreign key 'originating_server_id' does not have a matching value in the referenced view 'dbo.sysoriginatingservers_view'. Field 'originating_server_id' in table sysoriginatingservers is being referenced by either sysjobs or sysschedules. Only members of role sysadmin can specify the %1!s! parameter. Only owner of a job or members of sysadmin role can detach a schedule. Only owner of a job or members of role sysadmin or SQLAgentOperatorRole can purge history of the job. Only owner of a job or members of role sysadmin or SQLAgentOperatorRole can start and stop the job. Only owner of a job schedule or members of sysadmin role can modify or delete the job schedule. D'%1!s!' is a member of sysadmin server role and cannot be granted to or revoked from the proxy. Members of sysadmin server role are allowed to use any proxy. Only members of sysadmin server role can modify multi-server jobs Only members of sysadmin server role can start/stop multi-server jobs Only members of sysadmin server role can create multi-server jobs Current proxy_id %1!s! and new proxy_id %2!s! cannot be the same. Proxy %1!s! does not have access to subsystem %2!s!. Please use sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem to grant permissions to this proxy. lYou must supply either a plan_name or a plan_id. Cannot delete this plan. The plan contains enlisted databases. The destination database is already part of a log shipping plan. XThis database is already log shipping. `A log shipping monitor is already defined. The user name cannot be null when using SQL Server authentication. `This stored procedure must be run in msdb. Cannot delete the monitor server while databases are participating in log shipping. The specified @backup_file_name was not created from database '%1!s!'. |The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup. The log shipping primary database %1!s!.%2!s! has backup threshold of %3!s! minutes and has not performed a backup log operation for %4!s! minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information. The log shipping secondary database %1!s!.%2!s! has restore threshold of %3!s! minutes and is out of sync. No restore was performed for %4!s! minutes. Restored latency is %5!s! minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information. TSupply either @plan_id or @plan_name. Other databases are enlisted on this plan and must be removed before the plan can be deleted. |The database '%1!s!' is already involved in log shipping. The database '%1!s!' does not seem to be involved in log shipping. A log shipping monitor is already defined. Call sp_define_log_shipping_monitor with @delete_existing = 1. lA user name is necessary for SQL Server security. Could not remove the monitor as there are still databases involved in log shipping. There are still secondary servers attached to this primary. Destination path %1!s! is not valid. Unable to list directory contents. Specify a valid destination path. HCould not set single user mode. 8Role change succeeded. 0Role change failed. The specified @backup_file_name was not taken from database '%1!s!'. |The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup. Supply either a non-zero message ID, non-zero severity, non-null performance condition, or non-null WMI namespace and query. An alert ('%1!s!') has already been defined on this condition. The @target_name parameter must be supplied when specifying an @enum_type of 'TARGET'. The @target_name parameter should not be supplied when specifying an @enum_type of 'ALL' or 'ACTUAL'. '%1!s!' is the fail-safe operator. You must make another operator the fail-safe operator before '%2!s!' can be dropped. Specify a null %1!s! when supplying a performance condition. XCannot set alerts on message ID %1!s!. A performance condition must be formatted as: 'object_name|counter_name|instance_name|comparator(> or < or =)|numeric value'. `Specify both @wmi_namespace and @wmi_query. xSpecify a valid %1!s! when supplying a @wmi_namespace. tSpecify a null %1!s! when supplying a @wmi_namespace. |The @wmi_query could not be executed in the @wmi_namespace provided. Verify that an event class selected in the query exists in the namespace and that the query has the correct syntax. pSpecify a valid %1!s! when supplying a @wmi_query. Only a member of the sysadmin server role can add a job for a different owner with @owner_login_name. <Proxy (%1!s!) is not allowed for subsystem "%2!s!" and user "%3!s!". Grant permission by calling sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem or sp_grant_login_to_proxy. A proxy account is not allowed for a Transact-SQL subsystem. Cannot delete proxy (%1!s!). It is used by at least one jobstep. Change this proxy for all jobsteps by calling sp_reassign_proxy. Only one of @login_name, @fixed_server_role, or @msdb_role should be specified. "%1!s!" is not a valid SQL Server standard login, Windows NT user, Windows NT group, or msdb database role. "%1!s!" is not a valid SQL Server fixed server role, Windows NT user, or Windows NT group. '"%1!s!" is not a valid role of an msdb database, Windows NT user, or Windows NT group. "%1!s!" has not been granted permission to use proxy "%2!s!". DSupply either %1!s! or %2!s!. Only members of sysadmin role are allowed to update or delete jobs owned by a different login. The specified category "%1!s!" does not exist for category class "%2!s!". Job "%1!s!" cannot be used by an alert. It should first be associated with a server by calling sp_add_jobserver. LJob "%1!s!" has no steps defined. `Proxy "%1!s!" is not a valid Windows user. The Transact-SQL subsystem cannot be executed under the context of a proxy account. Permission to access proxy already granted. Verify current permissions assignments. dSupply both %1!s! and %2!s!, or none of them. Use either a proxy or user_domain, user_name, or user_password parameter. All user_domain, user_name, and user_password parameters should be defined. The user_domain, user_name, and user_password parameters can be specified only for replication subsystems. Only members of the sysadmin role can specify a "%1!s!" parameter. Execution in the context of disabled proxy (proxy_id = %1!s!) is not allowed. Contact your system administrator. Only a Standard or Enterprise edition of SQL Server can be enlisted into an MSX. Only a SQL Server running on Microsoft Windows NT can be enlisted into an MSX. The version of the MSX (%1!s!) is not recent enough to support this TSX. Version %2!s! or later is required at the MSX. It is invalid for any TSQL step of a multiserver job to have a non-null %1!s! value. Login '%1!s!' owns one or more multiserver jobs. Ownership of these jobs can only be assigned to members of the %2!s! role. This job is owned by '%1!s!'. Only a job owned by a member of the %2!s! role can be a multiserver job. The %1!s! parameter is not valid for a job step of type '%2!s!'. The %1!s! parameter is not supported on Windows 95/98 platforms. Only a sysadmin can specify '@output_file_name' parameter for a jobstep. Only a sysadmin can specify '@database_user_name' parameter. Only the owner of DTS Package '%1!s!' or a member of the sysadmin role may reassign its ownership. Only the owner of DTS Package '%1!s!' or a member of the sysadmin role may create new versions of it. Only the owner of DTS Package '%1!s!' or a member of the sysadmin role may drop it or any of its versions. DTS Package '%1!s!' already exists with a different ID in this category. SSIS folder '%1!s!' already exists in the specified parent folder. DTS Category '%1!s!' was found in multiple parent categories. You must uniquely specify the category to be dropped. SSIS folder '%1!s!' contains packages and/or other folders. You must drop these first. DTS Package '%1!s!' exists in different categories. You must uniquely specify the package. hDTS Package '%1!s!' exists in another category. DTS Package ID '%1!s!' already exists with a different name. Cannot drop the Local, Repository, or LocalDefault DTS categories. Proxy "%1!s!" has not been granted permission to use subsystem "%2!s!". Operator "%1!s!" is not enabled and therefore cannot receive notifications. Operator "%1!s!" does not have an e-mail address specified. \Database Mail is not properly configured. pBoth %1!s! parameters (id and name) cannot be NULL Both %1!s! parameters (id and name) do not point to the same object 4%1!s! id is not valid 8%1!s! name is not valid tEither %1!s! or %2!s! parameter needs to be supplied Mail database to user database association does not exist and therefore cannot be updated Either @profile_name or @description parameter needs to be specified for update pAccount sequence number must be supplied for update xEach principal should have at least one default profile The specified '%1!s!' cannot use commas (,) to separate addresses: '%2!s!'. To continue, use semicolons (;) to separate addresses. T%1!s! is not a valid mailserver_type The @username parameter needs to be supplied if the @password is supplied. Unable to retrieve the newly created credential [%1!s!] from the credential store. XMail host database specified is invalid Parameter '%1!s!' must be specified. This parameter cannot be NULL. Received an error on the Service Broker conversation with Database Mail. Database Mail may not be available, or may have encountered an error. Check the Database Mail error log for information. The Service Broker conversation to Database Mail ended without a response from Database Mail. Database Mail may not be available, or may have encountered an error. Check the Database Mail error log for more information. Parameter @attachmentencoding does not support the value "%1!s!". The attachment encoding must be "MIME". Parameter @importance does not support the value "%1!s!". Mail importance must be one of LOW, NORMAL, or HIGH. Parameter @sensitivity does not support the value "%1!s!". Mail sensitivity must be one of NORMAL, PERSONAL, PRIVATE, or CONFIDENTIAL. At least one of the following parameters must be specified. "%1!s!". \Parameter @attach_query_result_as_file cannot be 1 (true) when no value is specified for parameter @query. A query must be specified to attach the results of the query. Parameter @mailformat does not support the value "%1!s!". The mail format must be TEXT or HTML. Received error %1!s! while sending a message as part of the %2!s! operation. Database Mail may not be available, or may have encountered an error. Check the Database Mail error log for more information. The format of the parameter @attachments is incorrect. The file names must be separated by a semicolon ";". There is no configuration parameter named "%1!s!", or the value provided is not of the correct data type. Database Mail is not permitted to send files with the file extension %1!s!. The current user ('%1!s!') either does not have permission to access the database specified in the parameter @execute_query_database or cannot impersonate the user specified in the parameter @execute_query_as. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and members of the db_owner fixed database role can impersonate another user. The user name %1!s! specified in @execute_query_as is invalid. There is no user by that name. The database name "%1!s!" specified in @execute_query_database is invalid. There is no database by that name. No global profile is configured. Specify a profile name in the @profile_name parameter. Mail not queued. Database Mail is stopped. Use sysmail_start_sp to start Database Mail. Unable to test profile. Database Mail is stopped. Use sysmail_start_sp to start Database Mail. $Service Broker message delivery is not enabled in this database. Use the ALTER DATABASE statement to enable Service Broker message delivery. TUnable to test profile. Service Broker message delivery is not enabled in this database. Use the ALTER DATABASE statement to enable Service Broker message delivery. Invalid message received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %1!s!. message_type_name: %2!s!. message body: %3!s!. Invalid %1!s! value received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %2!s!. message_type_name: %3!s!. message body: %4!s!. Invalid XML message format received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %1!s!. message_type_name: %2!s!. message body: %3!s!. Mail not queued. Maximum number of mails per day (%1!s!) for login %2!s! has been exceeded. |Failed to retrieve SQLPath for syssubsystems population. Failed to retrieve VerSpecificRootDir for syssubsystems population. Database Compatibility Level is too low. Compatibility Level must be Version80 or higher. DQuery execution failed: %1!s! Database Mail logging level: normal - 1, extended - 2 (default), verbose - 3 User name cannot be supplied when using default credentials Mail Id %1!s! has been deleted from sysmail_mailitems table. This mail will not be sent. HDeleting profile %1!s! failed because there are some unsent emails associated with this profile, use force_delete option to force the deletion of the profile. Cannot delete the active collection set '%1!s!'. Stop the collection set and then try to delete it again. xCannot update the name or the parameters of the collection item '%1!s!' in the active collection set '%2!s!'. Stop the collection set and then try to update the collection item again. <Cannot delete the collection item '%1!s!' in the active collection set '%2!s!'. Stop the collection set and then try to delete the collection item again. Cannot delete the collector type '%1!s!'. Delete all collection items associated with this collector type and then try to delete it again. Cannot upload data for the inactive collection set '%1!s!'. Start the collection set and then try to upload the data again. Cannot update the name, target, proxy_id, logging_level, or collection_mode, or add collection item to the active collection set '%1!s!'. Stop the collection set and then try to update it again. The user does not have permission to change '%1!s!'. The user must be a member of data collector role '%2!s!'. The user does not have permission to perform this operation. The user must be a member of data collector role '%1!s!'. $SQL Server Trace with id %1!s! has been stopped and closed by external user. SQL Server Trace collector will attempt to re-create the trace. The specified %1!s! (%2!s!) is not valid in this data warehouse. Management Data Warehouse database can only be installed on an instance of SQL Server 2008 or higher. Cannot perform this procedure when the collector is disabled. Enable the collector and then try again. The state of the collection set has changed, but it will not start or stop until the collector is enabled. tA collection set in cached mode requires a schedule. Caught error#: %1!s!, Level: %2!s!, State: %3!s!, in Procedure: %4!s!, Line: %5!s!, with Message: %6!s! Collection set: '%1!s!' does not contain any collection items, so starting the collection set will have no effect. The MDWInstance and MDWDatabase parameters of the configuration store cannot be null. Invalid value (%1!s!) of the @cache_window parameter. Allowable values are: -1 (cache all upload data from previous upload failures), 0 (cache no upload data), N (cache data from N previous upload failures, where N >= 1) A collection set cannot start when SQL Server Agent is stopped. Start SQL Server Agent. PA collection set cannot start if the management data warehouse is not configured. Run the instmdw.sql script to create and configure the management data warehouse. Cannot perform this procedure when the collector is enabled. Disable the collector and then try again. The status of the collector cannot be null. This may indicate an internal corruption in the collector configuration data. Insufficient priveleges to start collection set: '%1!s!'. Only a member of the 'sysadmin' fixed server role can start a collection set without a SQL Server Agent proxy. Attach a SQL Server Agent proxy to the collection set before retrying. A collection set cannot start without a schedule. Specify a schedule for the collection set. Cannot upload data on-demand for the collection set '%1!s!' in non-cached mode. Cannot collect data on-demand for the collection set '%1!s!' in cached mode.  Cannot update or delete a system collection set, or add new collection items to it. Unable to convert showplan to XML. Error #%1!s! on Line %2!s!: %3!s! Data Collector cannot be enabled when SQL Server Agent is stopped. Start SQL Server Agent. 0Only dbo or members of dc_admin can install or upgrade instmdw.sql. Contact an administrator with sufficient permissions to perform this operation. A management data warehouse cannot be installed to SQL Server Express Edition. Attempting to upgrade a Management Data Warehouse of newer version '%1!s!' with an older version '%2!s!'. Upgrade aborted. t"%1!s!" has not been granted permission to use proxy. The operation failed because credential '%1!s!' identity is not a valid Windows account Object '%1!s!' does not exist or is not a valid object for this operation. The procedure '%1!s!' cannot be executed within a transaction. Only members of the %1!s! role can execute this stored procedure. 4Name cannot be NULL. '%1!s!' is not a valid name because it contains invalid characters. '%1!s!' is not a valid login or you do not have permission. tUser '%1!s!' does not exist in the current database. The object '%1!s!' does not exist in database '%2!s!' or is invalid for this operation. The database '%1!s!' does not exist. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases. Database option '%1!s!' does not exist. Specify a valid database option. The device '%1!s!' does not exist. Use sys.backup_devices to show available devices. |The role '%1!s!' does not exist in the current database. The server '%1!s!' does not exist. Use sp_helpserver to show available servers. PThe default '%1!s!' does not exist. LThe rule '%1!s!' does not exist. tThe extended stored procedure '%1!s!' does not exist. Invalid value given for parameter %1!s!. Specify a valid parameter value. `The specified user name is already aliased. User, group, or role '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. dThe server principal '%1!s!' already exists. XLogical device '%1!s!' already exists. PThe server '%1!s!' already exists. The database '%1!s!' already exists. Specify a unique database name. h'%1!s!' is not a valid official language name. hThe application role password must not be NULL. The data type '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have permission. User-defined error messages must have an ID greater than 50000. User-defined error messages must have a severity level between 1 and 25. You must specify 'REPLACE' to overwrite an existing message. The type "%1!s!" is an unknown backup device type. Use the type "disk" or "tape". LThe logical name cannot be NULL. LThe physical name cannot be NULL. Cannot unbind from '%1!s!'. Use ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT. Cannot bind default '%1!s!'. The default must be created using the CREATE DEFAULT statement. Cannot rename the table because it is published for replication. |Objects exist which are not owned by the database owner. List of %1!s! name contains spaces, which are not allowed. LList of %1!s! has too few names. LList of %1!s! has too many names. List of %1!s! names contains name(s) which have '%2!s!' non-alphabetic characters. ,The add device request was denied. A physical device named "%1!s!" already exists. Only one backup device may refer to any physical device name. lThe guest user cannot be mapped to a login name. The login already has an account under a different user name. LAll user IDs have been assigned. A default-name mapping of a remote login from remote server '%1!s!' already exists. A remote user '%1!s!' already exists for remote server '%2!s!'. One or more users are using the database. The requested operation cannot be completed. Usage: sp_addmessage <msgnum>,<severity>,<msgtext> [,<language> [,FALSE | TRUE [,REPLACE]]] Usage: sp_addremotelogin remoteserver [,loginname [,remotename]] Default, table, and user data types must be in the current database. Rule, table, and user data type must be in the current database. pThe table or view must be in the current database. hCannot use parameter %1!s! for a Windows login. lMembership of the public role cannot be changed. xPhysical data type '%1!s!' does not accept a collation The column or user data type must be in the current database. Usage: sp_addtype name, 'data type' [,'NULL' | 'NOT NULL'] Could not find object '%1!s!' or you do not have required permission or the object is not valid for adding extended property. The size associated with an extended property cannot be more than 7,500 bytes. The name change cannot be performed because the SID of the new name does not match the old SID of the principal. The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be used when CHECK_EXPIRATION is OFF. Usage: sp_bindefault defaultname, objectname [, 'futureonly'] pCannot bind a default to a computed column, a sparse column, or to a column of the following data types: timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, or CLR type. dCannot bind a default to an identity column. Cannot bind a default to a column created with or altered to have a default value. You do not own a table named '%1!s!' that has a column named '%2!s!'. |Usage: sp_bindrule rulename, objectname [, 'futureonly'] Cannot bind a rule to a computed column, a sparse column, or to a column of the following data types: text, ntext, image, timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, or user-defined data type. @sp_addtype cannot be used to define user-defined data types for varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) data types. Use CREATE TYPE for this purpose. Cannot change the owner of the master, model, tempdb or distribution database. The proposed new database owner is already a user or aliased in the database. The third parameter for table option 'text in row' is invalid. It should be 'on', 'off', '0', '1' or a number from 24 through 7000. Too many failed login attempts. This account has been temporarily locked as a precaution against password guessing. A system administrator can unlock this login with the UNLOCK clause of ALTER LOGIN. Password validation failed. The password for the user is too recent to change. Password validation failed. The password cannot be used at this time. Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too short. Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too long. Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough. Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. |An unexpected error occurred during password validation. An error occurred during the execution of %1!s!. A call to '%2!s!' failed with error code: '%3!s!'. The CHECK_EXPIRATION option cannot be used when CHECK_POLICY is OFF. The configuration option '%1!s!' does not exist, or it may be an advanced option. hThe configuration option '%1!s!' is not unique. dTrigger '%1!s!' is not a trigger for '%2!s!'. Cannot set the default language to a language ID not defined in syslanguages. The CHECK_POLICY and CHECK_EXPIRATION options cannot be turned OFF when MUST_CHANGE is ON. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for configuration option '%2!s!'. pThere already exists a '%1!s!' trigger for '%2!s!'. XUsage: sp_dbremove <dbname> [,dropdev] INSTEAD OF trigger '%1!s!' cannot be associated with an order. XNo alias exists for the specified user. Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on '%1!s!', or the object does not exist. The database principal is set as the execution context of one or more procedures, functions, or event notifications and cannot be dropped. An error occurred during the execution of sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account. Possible reasons: the provided account was invalid or the '%1!s!' credential could not be created. Error code: %2!s!, Error Status: %3!s!. The database principal owns a %1!s! in the database, and cannot be dropped. The server principal owns one or more %1!s!(s) and cannot be dropped. '%1!s!' is not a valid option for the @updateusage parameter. Enter either 'true' or 'false'. The role has members. It must be empty before it can be dropped. An implicit %1!s! creation has failed. Reason: The %2!s! may have been dropped or its name may already be in use. An encryption password must be provided to encrypt the private key of this %1!s!. No decryption password should be provided because the private key of this %1!s! is encrypted by a master key. The data type or table column '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have permission. Principal doesn't exist or doesn't have sufficient privileges. HCannot %1!s! the %2!s! '%3!s!'. Cannot %1!s! the %2!s! '%3!s!', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Cannot update user instances. Reason: %1!s!. Error code: 0x%2!s!. 8The xp_cmdshell proxy account information cannot be retrieved or is invalid. Verify that the '%1!s!' credential exists and contains valid information. The database principal owns an %1!s! and cannot be dropped. |The server principal owns a %1!s! and cannot be dropped. The password that you specified is too long. The password should have no more than %1!s! characters. Setuser failed because of one of the following reasons: the database principal '%1!s!' does not exist, its corresponding server principal does not have server access, this type of database principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission. @Cannot initialize security. Maximum impersonation nesting level exceeded (limit %1!s!).. Cannot issue impersonation token from non-primary impersonation context or for non-Windows user. Cannot set application role '%1!s!' because it does not exist or the password is incorrect. tUnexpected error while creating impersonation token. Invalid timeout value. Valid timeout is between 1 and 7200 sec. '%1!s!' is not a valid login or cannot be issued impersonation token. Could not find object '%1!s!' or you do not have permission. 4Cannot generate GUID. $Cannot rename the view '%1!s!' and its columns and indexes because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes. The server option "%1!s!" is not available in this edition of SQL Server. This login is the owner of %1!s! job(s). You must delete or reassign these jobs before the login can be dropped. Cannot use the parameter "%1!s!" for a certificate or asymmetric key login. FallBack certificate must be created or dropped in master database in single user mode. Server principal '%1!s!' has granted one or more permission(s). Revoke the permission(s) before dropping the server principal. Login '%1!s!' owns one or more database(s). Change the owner of the database(s) before dropping the login. Login '%1!s!' is aliased or mapped to a user in one or more database(s). Drop the user or alias before dropping the login. hThe only valid @parameter value is 'WITH_LOG'. |Usage: sp_dropmessage <msg number> [,<language> | 'ALL'] pCannot drop a message with an ID less than 50,000. The message number %1!s! or specified language version does not exist. Cannot disable access to the guest user in master or tempdb. The database principal owns objects in the database and cannot be dropped. The database principal owns data types in the database and cannot be dropped. There is no remote user '%1!s!' mapped to local user '%2!s!' from the remote server '%3!s!'. The server principal is set as the execution context of a trigger or event notification and cannot be dropped. Cannot create an index that does not include all security columns. xCannot have more than one security column for a table. There are still remote logins or linked logins for the server '%1!s!'. tCannot alter or drop the security column of a table. The MUST_CHANGE option is not supported by this version of Microsoft Windows. The current security context is non-revertible. The "Revert" statement failed. TThere is no text for object '%1!s!'. The name supplied (%1!s!) is not a user, role, or aliased login. The current security context cannot be reverted. Please switch to the original database where '%1!s!' was called and try it again. TThere are no remote servers defined. |There are no remote logins for the remote server '%1!s!'. PThere are no remote logins defined. XThere are no remote logins for '%1!s!'. There are no remote logins for '%1!s!' on remote server '%2!s!'. DThere are no servers defined. XInvalid Remote Server Option: '%1!s!'. The trusted option in remote login mapping is no longer supported. The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file is not valid or does not exist; or you do not have permissions for it. TAn error occurred during encryption. Invalid certificate subject. The certificate subject must have between 1 and %1!s! characters. Warning: The certificate you created has an invalid validity period; its expiration date precedes its start date. lWarning: The certificate you created is expired. Warning: The certificate you created is not yet valid; its start date is in the future. |'%1!s!' is not a valid option for the @delfile parameter. Property cannot be updated or deleted. Property '%1!s!' does not exist for '%2!s!'. HObject '%1!s!' is not a table. `Cannot change the owner of an indexed view. `Remote login option '%1!s!' is not unique. Error: The input parameter '%1!s!' is not allowed to be null. Error: The value for the @newname parameter contains invalid characters or violates a basic restriction (%1!s!). No item by the name of '%1!s!' could be found in the current database '%2!s!', given that @itemtype was input as '%3!s!'. hCannot create alias types from an XML datatype. XThe database '%1!s!' cannot be renamed. 4The argument specified for the "%1!s!" parameter of stored procedure sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format is not valid. Valid arguments are 'ON' or 'OFF'. lError starting user instance. Error code: %1!s!. pThe argument specified for the '@increased_partitions' parameter of stored procedure sp_db_increased_partitions is not valid. Valid arguments are 'ON', 'OFF', 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'. A certificate with name '%1!s!' already exists or this certificate already has been added to the database. Property cannot be added. Property '%1!s!' already exists for '%2!s!'. dObjects of this type have no space allocated. HColumn '%1!s!' has no default. XUser data type '%1!s!' has no default. @Column '%1!s!' has no rule. PUser data type '%1!s!' has no rule. (Cannot write into file '%1!s!'. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does not already exist. Usage: sp_dboption [dbname [,optname [,'true' | 'false']]] XDatabase option '%1!s!' is not unique. The option '%1!s!' cannot be changed for the master database. Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set database options. Cannot dump the private key of certificate '%1!s!' because the private key cannot be found. tUser does not have permission to perform this action. Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (%1!s!) is wrong. lError: Explicit @objtype '%1!s!' is unrecognized. The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database. dInvalid '%1!s!' specified. It must be %2!s!. tThe primary or foreign key table name must be given. dSyntax error parsing SQL identifier '%1!s!'. Users other than the database owner or guest exist in the database. Drop them before removing the database. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for @autofix. The only valid value is 'auto'. hUsage: sp_certify_removable <dbname> [,'auto'] The database that you are attempting to certify cannot be in use at the same time. The database must be owned by a member of the sysadmin role before it can be removed. The DEFAULT_SCHEMA clause cannot be used with principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys. The format of the security descriptor string '%1!s!' is invalid. Usage: sp_create_removable <dbname>,<syslogical>,<sysphysical>,<syssize>,<loglogical>,<logphysical>,<logsize>,<datalogical1>,<dataphysical1>,<datasize1> [,<datalogical2>,<dataphysical2>,<datasize2>...<datalogical16>,<dataphysical16>,<datasize16>] A SID in the security descriptor string '%1!s!' could not be found in an account lookup operation. tCould not create the '%1!s!' portion of the database. An unexpected error has occurred in the processing of the security descriptor string '%1!s!'. XCannot make '%1!s!' database removable. xA security descriptor with name '%1!s!' already exists. \Logical data device '%1!s!' not created. Invalid @with_log parameter value. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'. Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted. Cannot provision master key passwords for system databases. The only valid @parameter_value values are 'true' or 'false'. Login '%1!s!' is already mapped to user '%2!s!' in database '%3!s!'. You must add the us_english version of this message before you can add the '%1!s!' version. All localized versions of this message must be dropped before the us_english version can be dropped. hThe name '%1!s!' contains too many characters. The database principal has granted or denied permissions to objects in the database and cannot be dropped. The special word '%1!s!' cannot be used for a logical device name. Terminating this procedure. The @action '%1!s!' is unrecognized. Try 'REPORT', 'UPDATE_ONE', or 'AUTO_FIX'. Terminating this procedure. '%1!s!' is a forbidden value for the login name parameter in this procedure. Terminating this procedure. Cannot have an open transaction when this is run. Terminating this procedure. The %1!s! name '%2!s!' is absent or invalid. HGeneral cryptographic failure. The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key data is invalid. `The signature of the public key is invalid. No recognized letter is contained in the parameter value for General Permission Type (%1!s!). Valid letters are in this set: %2!s! . Collation '%1!s!' is supported for Unicode data types only and cannot be set at either the database or server level. Database_Name should not be used to qualify owner.object for the parameter into this procedure. The "user options" config value (%1!s!) was rejected because it would set incompatible options. The severity level of the '%1!s!' version of this message must be the same as the severity level (%2!s!) of the us_english version. The @TriggerType parameter value must be 'insert', 'update', or 'delete'. Cannot change the compatibility level of replicated or distributed databases. Could not change the merge publish option because the server is not set up for replication. Cannot alter the trustworthy state of the model or tempdb databases. Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating server metadata. XThe file named '%1!s!' does not exist. The file named '%1!s!' is a primary file and cannot be removed. Error: DBCC DBREPAIR REMAP failed for database '%1!s!' (device '%2!s!'). An error occurred while decrypting %1!s! '%2!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation, but data that cannot be decrypted by the old master key will become unavailable. There was some problem removing '%1!s!' from sys.master_files. pThe selected index does not exist on table '%1!s!'. The option %1!s! cannot be changed for the '%2!s!' database. The current database does not contain a %1!s! named '%2!s!'. TThe current master key cannot be decrypted. If this is a database master key, you should attempt to open it in the session before performing this operation. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation but the data encrypted by the old master key will be lost. hThere are no matching rows on which to report. The user '%1!s!' cannot take the action auto_fix due to duplicate SID. Error: The qualified @oldname references a database (%1!s!) other than the current database. Error: The new name '%1!s!' is already in use as a %2!s! name and would cause a duplicate that is not permitted. Object '%1!s!' cannot be renamed because the object participates in enforced dependencies. dOwnership change for %1!s! is not supported. An entity of type %1!s! cannot be owned by a role, a group, or by principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys. Cannot change owner for an object that is owned by a parent object. Change the owner of the parent object instead. Cannot transfer an object that is owned by a parent object. TCannot transfer a schemabound object. TCannot transfer an MS Shipped object. `An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file %1!s! failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. The %1!s! cannot be dropped because one or more entities are either signed or encrypted using it. An entity of type %1!s! cannot be owned by a role, a group, an approle, or by principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys. The current application role has been dropped. The current security context contains no valid database user context. The current security context was set by "%1!s!". It cannot be reverted by statement "%2!s!". Cannot add functional unit '%1!s!' to component '%2!s!'. This unit has been already registered with the component. An error occurred while trying to load the xpstar dll to read the agent proxy account from LSA. An error occurred while trying to read the SQLAgent proxy account credentials from the LSA. An error occurred while trying to create the '%1!s!' credential. ,Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ,Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only members of Builtin\Users can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to low memory. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ,Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in generating a unique user instance name. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in reading registry keys. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in impersonating the client. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in copying database files. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in creating user instance event. The connection will be closed.%1!s! 4Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.%1!s! @Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in obtaining the user instance's process information. The connection will be closed.%1!s! XFailed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in persisting the user instance information into system catalog. The connection will be closed.%1!s! 0Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in making a connection to the user instance. The connection will be closed.%1!s! DFailed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only the SQL Server Express version lets you generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error adding user to sysadmin role. Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error configuring system database entries in MASTER DB. Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error configuring system database paths in MASTER DB. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in updating security descriptor on the process of the user instance. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Generating user instances in SQL Server is disabled. Use sp_configure 'user instances enabled' to generate user instances.%1!s! Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating Resource Manager ID. lNo database principal is defined for sid '%1!s!'. Another batch in the session is changing security context, new batch is not allowed to start. If the qualified object name specifies a database, that database must be the current database. There is no user table matching the input name '%1!s!' in the current database or you do not have permission to access the table. sp_indexoption is not supported for XML or spatial indexes. Use ALTER INDEX instead. Input name '%1!s!' does not have a matching user table or indexed view in the current database. 0sp_indexoption is not supported for XML Index and the table has an XML index on it. Use ALTER INDEX instead to set the option for ALL the indexes. The specified option '%1!s!' is not supported by this edition of SQL Server and cannot be changed using sp_configure. An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login '%1!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation but the data encrypted by the old master key will be lost. Collation '%1!s!' is not supported by the operating system The qualified old name could not be found for item type '%1!s!'. An asymmetric key with name '%1!s!' already exists or this asymmetric key already has been added to the database. The %1!s! is not protected by a password. A decryption password cannot be used for this operation. Only objects in the master database owned by dbo can have the startup setting changed. Could not change startup option because this option is restricted to objects that have no parameters. Windows NT user or group '%1!s!' not found. Check the name again. P'%1!s!' is not a fixed server role. The server principal "%1!s!" does not exist, does not have server access, or you do not have permission. Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user '%1!s!', error code %2!s!. \Cannot use the special principal '%1!s!'. PCannot execute as the server principal because the principal "%1!s!" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission. '%1!s!' is not a valid Windows NT name. Give the complete name: <domain\username>. "%1!s!" cannot be called in this batch because a simultaneous batch has called it. 8'%1!s!' is not a role. tUser or role '%1!s!' does not exist in this database. Database principal or schema '%1!s!' does not exist in this database. P'%1!s!' is not a known fixed role. XCannot make a role a member of itself. 8Cannot set compatibility level because database has a view or computed column that is indexed. These indexes require a SQL Server compatible database. tUsage: sp_dbcmptlevel [dbname [, compatibilitylevel]] Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set the database compatibility level. dSupplied parameter sid should be binary(16). pThe group '%1!s!' does not exist in this database. The database principal owns a database role and cannot be dropped. Application roles can only be activated at the ad hoc level. hNo server principal is defined for sid '%1!s!'. You must specify a provider name with this set of properties. You must specify a provider name for unknown product '%1!s!'. You cannot specify a provider or any properties for product '%1!s!'. P'%1!s!' is an invalid product name. \You must specify the @rolename parameter. Stored procedure '%1!s!' can only be executed at the ad hoc level. LSupplied parameter sid is in use. Could not drop login '%1!s!' as the user is currently logged in. $Encryption by the machine key cannot be added to the service master key because the service master key cannot be decrypted or does not exist. Dropping an encryption from the service master key failed. No encryption by the machine key exists. Adding an encryption to the service master key failed. An encryption by the machine key already exists. dUnsupported private key format or key length. TThe private key password is invalid. TAn error occurred during decryption. tAn error occurred during the generation of the %1!s!. Invalid private key. The private key does not match the public key of the %1!s!. Cannot change the owner of a table that has an indexed view. Cannot change owner of object '%1!s!' or one of its child objects because the new owner '%2!s!' already has an object with the same name. LAn error occurred while signing. |A key required by this operation appears to be corrupted. An error occurred while generating a key required by this operation. The password cannot be dropped because another database may be using it. lCannot enable a login that has an empty password. TCannot execute as the database principal because the principal "%1!s!" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission. Cannot execute as the Windows token. It is not valid, or you do not have permission. Cannot execute as the ticket. It is not valid, or you do not have permission. `The %1!s! with name "%2!s!" already exists. lThe security descriptor information is not valid. The security descriptor is invalid because it does not contain information about its owner or about its primary group. xInvalid data type is supplied in the '%1!s!' statement. pCookie generation failed in the '%1!s!' statement. hCannot set a credential for principal '%1!s!'. dLogin '%1!s!' does not have access to server. hLogin '%1!s!' does not have access to database. User '%1!s!' cannot be dropped, it can only be disabled. The user is already disabled in the current database. The identity string is too long. The identity string should contain no more than %1!s! characters. Cannot drop the credential '%1!s!' because it is used by a server principal. You cannot set network name on server '%1!s!' because it is not a linked SQL Server. There is already a master key in the database. Please drop it before performing this statement. Adding an encryption to the symmetric key failed. An encryption by the same %1!s! '%2!s!' may already exist. Cannot drop %1!s! because %2!s! '%3!s!' is encrypted by it. Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation. Error in synchronizing system certificates between master and resource database. Cannot change owner of Assembly '%1!s!' since dependent assembly '%2!s!' is not owned by the new owner. Cannot revert the current security context because the cookie is invalid. Can only use the 'No Revert' or 'Cookie' options with the 'Execute As' statement at the adhoc level. The current security context cannot be reverted using this statement. A cookie may or may not be needed with 'Revert' statement depending on how the context was set with 'Execute As' statement. Cannot unset application role because none was set or the cookie is invalid. lAn error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login '%1!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The error was ignored because the FORCE option was specified. The password is already provisioned for the database '%1!s!' The password cannot be dropped because it is not provisioned for the database '%1!s!' An invalid parameter or option was specified for procedure '%1!s!'. Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable Full-Text Search. The functionality to disable and enable full-text search for a database is deprecated. Please change your application. xDBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made read-only. |DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made single user. Cannot execute '%1!s!' because the database is in read-only access mode. HColumn '%1!s!' does not exist. \Column '%1!s!' is not a computed column. tCannot create user defined types from XML data type. Vardecimal storage format is not available in system database '%1!s!'. xCannot run sp_resetstatus against a database snapshot. The schema '%1!s!' specified for parameter schema_name does not exist. Compressing XML index is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings. Compressing temporary tables is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings. Compressing tables with sparse columns or column sets is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings. Feature "sp_addserver" is no longer supported. Replace remote servers by using linked servers. l%1!s!: This feature has not been implemented yet. p%1!s!: The value of the parameter %2!s! is invalid. The "%1!s!" procedure was called with an incorrect number of parameters. sp_cursor: optype: You can only specify ABSOLUTE in conjunction with DELETE or UPDATE. @The cursor is already open. Temporary storage used by the cursor to store large object variable values referred by the cursor query is not usable any more. `%1!s! is not allowed in cursor statements. %1!s!: The cursor identifier value provided (%2!s!) is not valid. |The cursor %1!s! is currently used by another statement. %1!s!: The fetch type %2!s! cannot be used with forward only cursors. The "%1!s!" procedure was called with too many parameters. hA cursor with the name '%1!s!' already exists. hA cursor with the name '%1!s!' does not exist. 0Cursor is not open. Cursor Fetch: Implicit conversion from data type %1!s! to %2!s! is not allowed. Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns. |The fetch type %1!s! cannot be used with dynamic cursors. sp_cursoroption: The column ID (%1!s!) does not correspond to a text, ntext, or image column. pCannot fetch into text, ntext, and image variables. sp_cursor: Exec statement is not allowed as source for cursor insert. <The cursor is READ ONLY. dThe requested row is not in the fetch buffer. hThere are no rows in the current fetch buffer. The cursor has a FOR UPDATE list and the requested column to be updated is not in this list. The cursor does not include the table being modified or the table is not updatable through the cursor. No parameter values were specified for the sp_cursor-%1!s! statement. xsp_cursor: One or more values parameters were invalid. A server cursor cannot be opened on the given statement or statements. Use a default result set or client cursor. lsp_cursoropen/sp_cursorprepare: The statement parameter can only be a batch or a stored procedure with a single select, without FOR BROWSE, COMPUTE BY, or variable assignments. Cursor updates are not allowed on tables opened with the NOLOCK option. Could not generate asynchronous keyset. The cursor has been deallocated. Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared. DThe cursor was not declared. Could not open the cursor because one or more of its tables have gone out of scope. LNo rows were updated or deleted. The variable '%1!s!' is not a cursor variable, but it is used in a place where a cursor variable is expected. The variable '%1!s!' is a cursor variable, but it is used in a place where a cursor variable is not valid. HThe variable '%1!s!' cannot be used as a parameter because a CURSOR OUTPUT parameter must not have a cursor allocated to it before execution of the procedure. A cursor variable cannot be used as a parameter to a remote procedure call. PExecuting SQL directly; no cursor. XCould not create an acceptable cursor. tFOR UPDATE cannot be specified on a READ ONLY cursor. Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared. LUnique table computation failed. xYou have reached the maximum number of cursors allowed. |The target object type is not updatable through a cursor. You cannot specify scroll locking on a cursor that contains a remote table. For the optimistic cursor, timestamp columns are required if the update or delete targets are remote. Cursor scroll locks were invalidated due to a transaction defect. Reissue the UPDATE or DELETE statement after a cursor fetch. %1!s!: Specified concurrency control option %2!s! (%3!s!) is incompatible with static or fast forward only cursors. Only read-only is compatible with static or fast forward only cursors. The cursor operation is required to wait for cursor asynchronous population to complete. However, at this point the transaction cannot be yielded to let the asynchronous population to continue. T%1!s! cannot take output parameters. The asynchronous cursor worktable population thread spawn failed. |Internal Cursor Error: The cursor is in an invalid state. Failure to send an event notification instance of type '%1!s!' on conversation handle '%2!s!'. Error Code = '%3!s!'. Failed to post QUEUE_ACTIVATION event. Error code: '0x%1!s!'. Closed event notification conversation endpoint with handle '%1!s!', due to the following error: '%2!s!'. Event notification conversation on dialog handle '%1!s!' closed without an error. Event notification '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' dropped due to send time service broker errors. Check to ensure the conversation handle, service broker contract, and service specified in the event notification are active. Unable to cycle error log file from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!' due to OS error '%3!s!'. A process outside of SQL Server may be preventing SQL Server from reading the files. As a result, errorlog entries may be lost and it may not be possible to view some SQL Server errorlogs. Make sure no other processes have locked the file with write-only access." \SQL Server evaluation period has expired. l%1!s!: Operating system error %2!s! encountered. <The current event was not reported to the Windows Events log. Operating system error = %1!s!. You may need to clear the Windows Events log if it is full. tSecurity context for operating system objects could not be created. SQL Server cannot be started. Look for corresponding entries in the event viewer to help diagnose the root cause. initerrlog: Could not open error log file '%1!s!'. Operating system error = %2!s!. hError: %1!s! Severity: %2!s! State: %3!s! %4!s! |SQL Server Assertion: File: <%1!s!>, line = %2!s! Failed Assertion = '%3!s!' %4!s!. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted. lSQL Server Assertion: File: <%1!s!>, line=%2!s! Failed Assertion = '%3!s!'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted. DSQL Server Assertion: File: <%1!s!>, line = %2!s! %3!s!. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted. Clustered instances are not supported on this edition of SQL Server. SQL Server could not start due to a boot failure. Operating system error = %1!s!. lThe Extended Event session could not be created. Executing 'sp_server_diagnostics' stored procedure in repeat mode with 'insert into' clause is not allowed. Assertion "%1!s!" with message "%2!s!" at <%3!s!>:%4!s! failed. `Assertion "%1!s!" at <%2!s!>:%3!s! failed. pError spawning System Health Monitor thread: %1!s! Failed to initialize Distributed COM (CoInitializeEx returned %1!s!). Heterogeneous queries and remote procedure calls are disabled. Check the DCOM configuration using Component Services in Control Panel. An invalid startup option '%1!s!' was supplied, either from the registry or the command prompt. Correct or remove the option. Error %1!s! occurred while opening file '%2!s!' to obtain configuration information at startup. An invalid startup option might have caused the error. Verify your startup options, and correct or remove them if necessary. Error %1!s! occurred while opening file '%2!s!' to obtain configuration information at startup time. An invalid startup option might have caused the error. Verify your startup options, and correct or remove them if necessary. Failed to initialize distributed COM; DCOM is not installed. Heterogeneous queries and remote procedure calls are disabled. Check the DCOM configuration using Component Services in Control Panel. 0SQL Server could not spawn %1!s! thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems. linitdata: No memory for kernel buffer hash table. Xinitdata: No memory for kernel buffers. Not enough memory for the configured number of locks. Attempting to start with a smaller lock hash table, which may impact performance. Contact the database administrator to configure more memory for this instance of the Database Engine. Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor hash tables. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. `Launch of startup procedure '%1!s!' failed. Unable to allocate enough memory to start '%1!s!'. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. Could not dispatch SQL Server by Service Control Manager. Operating system error = %1!s!. Could not register Service Control Handler. Operating system error = %1!s!. TSQL Server service has been paused. No new connections will be allowed. To resume the service, use SQL Computer Manager or the Services application in Control Panel. %1!s!: Could not set Service Control Status. Operating system error = %2!s!. initeventlog: Could not initiate the EventLog Service for the key '%1!s!', last error code is %2!s!. `SNIInitialize() failed with error 0x%1!s!. pSNIInitializeListener() failed with error 0x%1!s!. TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x%1!s!, status code 0x%2!s!. Reason: %3!s! %4!s! LUnable to update password policy. Failed to enqueue %1!s! task. There may be insufficient memory. SQL Server is not ready to accept new client connections. Wait a few minutes before trying again. If you have access to the error log, look for the informational message that indicates that SQL Server is ready before trying to connect again. %1!s! SQL Server cannot accept new connections, because it is shutting down. The connection has been closed.%1!s! SQL Server failed with error code 0x%1!s! to spawn a thread to process a new login or connection. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.%2!s! Initializing the FallBack certificate failed with error code: %1!s!, state: %2!s!, error number: %3!s!. Cannot accept a new connection because the session has been terminated. This error occurs when a new batch execution is attempted on a session that is logging out, or when a severe error is encountered upon connection. Check the error log to see if this session was terminated by a KILL command or because of severe errors.%1!s! |The server was unable to load the SSL provider library needed to log in; the connection has been closed. SSL is used to encrypt either the login sequence or all communications, depending on how the administrator has configured the server. See Books Online for information on this error message: %1!s! %2!s! %3!s! The server was unable to complete its initialization sequence because the available network libraries do not support the required level of encryption. The server process has stopped. Before restarting the server, verify that SSL certificates have been installed. See Books Online topic "Configuring Client Protocols and Network Libraries". @Login failed due to timeout; the connection has been closed. This error may indicate heavy server load. Reduce the load on the server and retry login.%1!s! Connection failed because the endpoint could not be found. This may result if an endpoint is dropped while a connection attempt is in progress. Attempt to connect to a different endpoint on the server.%1!s! Changing the remote access settings for the Dedicated Admin Connection failed with error 0x%1!s!, status code 0x%2!s!. SQL Server cannot start on this machine. The processor(s) (CPU) model does not support all instructions needed for SQL Server to run. Refer to the System Requirements section in BOL for further information. %1!s!: Could not open file %2!s! for file number %3!s!. OS error: %4!s!. H%1!s!: Operating system error %2!s! occurred while creating or opening file '%3!s!'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation. X%1!s!: File '%2!s!' has an incorrect size. It is listed as %3!s! MB, but should be %4!s! MB. Diagnose and correct disk failures, and restore the database from backup. DSQL Server was unable to run a new system task, either because there is insufficient memory or the number of configured sessions exceeds the maximum allowed in the server. Verify that the server has adequate memory. Use sp_configure with option 'user connections' to check the maximum number of user connections allowed. Use sys.dm_exec_sessions to check the current number of sessions, including user processes. PThe session with SPID %1!s! was found to be invalid during termination, possibly because of corruption in the session structure. Contact Product Support Services. %1!s!: Process %2!s! generated an access violation. SQL Server is terminating this process. A user request from the session with SPID %1!s! generated a fatal exception. SQL Server is terminating this session. Contact Product Support Services with the dump produced in the log directory. $SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception %1!s!. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart). SQL Server is terminating a system or background task %1!s! due to errors in starting up the task (setup state %2!s!). LAn image corruption/hotpatch detected while reporting exceptional situation. This may be a sign of a hardware problem. Check SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG.log for details. DBCC DBRECOVER failed for database ID %1!s!. Restore the database from a backup. DBCC cannot free DLL '%1!s!'. SQL Server requires this DLL in order to function properly. Could not load the DLL %1!s!, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: %2!s!. Could not find the function %1!s! in the library %2!s!. Reason: %3!s!. HSQL Server has insufficient memory to run the extended stored procedure '%1!s!'. Release server memory resources by closing connections or ending transactions. p%1!s! can only be executed in the master database. LThe Tabular Data Stream (TDS) version 0x%1!s! of the client library used to open the connection is unsupported or unknown. The connection has been closed. %2!s! XThere was a memory allocation failure during connection establishment. Reduce nonessential memory load, or increase system memory. The connection has been closed.%1!s! The value in the usertype field of the login record is invalid. The value 0x01, which was used by Sybase clients, is no longer supported by SQL Server. Contact the vendor of the client library that is being used to connect to SQL Server.%1!s! hSSPI handshake failed with error code 0x%1!s!, state %2!s! while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. Reason: %3!s! %4!s! %5!s! Event '%1!s!', which was received from the client, is not recognized by SQL Server. Contact the vendor of the client library that is being used to connect to SQL Server, and have the vendor fix the event number in the tabular data stream that is sent. Could not connect because the maximum number of '%1!s!' user connections has already been reached. The system administrator can use sp_configure to increase the maximum value. The connection has been closed.%2!s! Could not connect because the maximum number of '%1!s!' dedicated administrator connections already exists. Before a new connection can be made, the existing dedicated administrator connection must be dropped, either by logging off or ending the process.%2!s! The requested service has been stopped or disabled and is unavailable at this time. The connection has been closed.%1!s! Could not close network endpoint, or could not shut down network library. The cause is an internal error in a network library. Review the error log: the entry listed after this error contains the error code from the network library. pCould not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log. There was a failure while attempting to encrypt a password. The connection has been closed.%1!s! HThe prelogin packet used to open the connection is structurally invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%1!s! A network error occurred while establishing a connection; the connection has been closed.%1!s! Network error code 0x%1!s! occurred while establishing a connection; the connection has been closed. This may have been caused by client or server login timeout expiration. Time spent during login: total %2!s! ms, enqueued %3!s! ms, network writes %4!s! ms, network reads %5!s! ms, establishing SSL %6!s! ms, network reads during SSL %7!s! ms, network writes during SSL %8!s! ms, secure calls during SSL %9!s! ms, enqueued during SSL %10!s! ms, negotiating SSPI %11!s! ms, network reads during SSPI %12!s! ms, network writes during SSPI %13!s! ms, secure calls during SSPI %14!s! ms, enqueued during SSPI %15!s! ms, validating login %16!s! ms, including user-defined login processing %17!s! ms.%18!s! @The login packet used to open the connection is structurally invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%1!s! dEncryption is required to connect to this server but the client library does not support encryption; the connection has been closed. Please upgrade your client library.%1!s! TLength specified in network packet payload did not match number of bytes read; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%1!s! ,char data type%0 Lvariable-length char data type%0 0binary data type%0 Pvariable-length binary data type%0 @1-byte integer data type%0 @2-byte integer data type%0 @4-byte integer data type%0 (bit data type%0 4datetime data type%0 Pdatetime data type, nulls allowed%0 ,money data type%0 Lmoney data type, nulls allowed%0 X4-byte float data type, nulls allowed%0 <8-byte float data type%0 X8-byte float data type, nulls allowed%0 `4-byte datetime data type, nulls allowed%0 <4-byte money data type%0 $event type%0 @done packet status field%0 4error severity type%0 \4-byte integer data type, nulls allowed%0 ,image data type%0 ,text data type%0 0numeric data type%0 Pnumeric data type, nulls allowed%0 0decimal data type%0 Pdecimal data type, nulls allowed%0 Hbit data type, nulls allowed%0 d8000-byte variable-length binary data type%0 h8000-byte variable-length character data type%0 D8000-byte binary data type%0 H8000-byte character data type%0 X8000-byte Unicode character data type%0 x8000-byte Unicode variable-length character data type%0 <Unicode text data type%0 Duniqueidentifier data type%0 l'%1!s!' is an unsupported Open Data Services API. An unexpected query string was passed to a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) generation procedure. The server will drop the connection, because the client driver has sent multiple requests while the session is in single-user mode. This error occurs when a client sends a request to reset the connection while there are batches still running in the session, or when the client sends a request while the session is resetting a connection. Please contact the client driver vendor. `A new connection was rejected because the maximum number of connections on session ID %1!s! has been reached. Close an existing connection on this session and retry.%2!s! Logon failed for login '%1!s!' due to trigger execution.%2!s! pException happened when running extended stored procedure '%1!s!' in the library '%2!s!'. SQL Server is terminating process %3!s!. Exception type: %4!s!; Exception code: 0x%5!s!. dError: %1!s!, Severity: %2!s!, State: %3!s!. xError: %1!s!, Severity: %2!s!, State: %3!s!. (Params:%4!s!). The error is printed in terse mode because there was error during formatting. Tracing, ETW, notifications etc are skipped. Error %1!s!, severity %2!s!, state %3!s! was raised, but no message with that error number was found in sys.messages. If error is larger than 50000, make sure the user-defined message is added using sp_addmessage. Exception %1!s!, %2!s! occurred when the server tried to reset connection %3!s!. Because the server cannot recover from the failure to reset the connection, the connection has been dropped. Please contact Microsoft technical support. 0The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID %1!s!, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is %2!s!. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message. `Error: Failed to set up execution context. Failed to load format string for error %1!s!, language id %2!s!. Operating system error: %3!s!. Check that the resource file matches SQL Server executable, and resource file in localized directory matches the file under English directory. Also check memory usage. (The connection has been dropped because the principal that opened it subsequently assumed a new security context, and then tried to reset the connection under its impersonated security context. This scenario is not supported. See "Impersonation Overview" in Books Online. <Failed to format string for error %1!s!, language id %2!s!. This may be caused by low memory in server, or error happening while formatting the message. The client was unable to join a session with SPID %1!s!. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing or a change in permissions since the session was established. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message. %1!s!: Backup device '%2!s!' failed to %3!s!. Operating system error %4!s!. %1!s!: %2!s! failure on backup device '%3!s!'. Operating system error %4!s!. During restore restart, an I/O error occurred on checkpoint file '%1!s!' (operating system error %2!s!). The statement is proceeding but cannot be restarted. Ensure that a valid storage location exists for the checkpoint file. Could not clear '%1!s!' bitmap in database '%2!s!' because of error %3!s!. As a result, the differential or bulk-logged bitmap overstates the amount of change that will occur with the next differential or log backup. This discrepancy might slow down later differential or log backup operations and cause the backup sets to be larger than necessary. Typically, the cause of this error is insufficient resources. Investigate the failure and resolve the cause. If the error occurred on a data backup, consider taking a data backup to create a new base for future differential backups. During a RESTORE operation, an I/O error occurred on checkpoint file '%1!s!' (operating system error %2!s!). Ensure that a valid storage location exists for the checkpoint file and try the operation again. The background checkpoint thread has encountered an unrecoverable error. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the thread can clean up its resources. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Server is in script upgrade mode. Only administrator can connect at this time.%2!s! Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Only administrators may connect at this time.%2!s! Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.%1!s! \Login failed for user '%1!s!'.%2!s!%3!s! Login failed. The number of simultaneous users already equals the %1!s! registered licenses for this server. To increase the maximum number of simultaneous users, obtain additional licenses and then register them through the Licensing item in Control Panel.%2!s! Login failed. The workstation licensing limit for SQL Server access has already been reached.%1!s! Login failed. The number of simultaneous users has already reached the limit of %1!s! licenses for this '%2!s!' server. Additional licenses should be obtained and installed or you should upgrade to a full version.%3!s! Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Server is in single user mode. Only one administrator can connect at this time.%2!s! The login failed for user "%1!s!". The password change failed. The password for the user is too recent to change. %2!s! The login failed for user "%1!s!". The password change failed. The password cannot be used at this time. %2!s! 0Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too short.%2!s! 0Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too long.%2!s! DLogin failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough.%2!s! $The login failed for user "%1!s!". The password change failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. %2!s! The login failed for user "%1!s!". The password change failed. An unexpected error occurred during password validation. %2!s! Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: The account is disabled.%2!s! The login failed for user "%1!s!". The password change failed. The user does not have permission to change the password. %2!s! 4Could not connect to server '%1!s!' because '%2!s!' is not defined as a remote server. Verify that you have specified the correct server name. %3!s!. LCould not connect to server '%1!s!' because '%2!s!' is not defined as a remote login at the server. Verify that you have specified the correct login name. %3!s!. LCould not connect to server '%1!s!' because it is not configured to accept remote logins. Use the remote access configuration option to allow remote logins.%2!s! Login failed for user '%1!s!' because the account is currently locked out. The system administrator can unlock it. %2!s! Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: The password of the account has expired.%2!s! Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.%2!s! TSQL Server could not start because of an invalid serial number. The serial number information retrieved at startup appears invalid. To proceed, reinstall SQL Server. xSQL Server cannot start because the license agreement for this '%1!s!' version of SQL Server is invalid. The server is exiting. To proceed, reinstall SQL Server with a valid license. The user instance login flag is not supported on this version of SQL Server. The connection will be closed.%1!s! The user instance login flag is not allowed when connecting to a user instance of SQL Server. The connection will be closed.%1!s! The user instance login flag cannot be used along with an attach database file name. The connection will be closed.%1!s! |%1!s! cannot start because your system is low on memory. Your %1!s! installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (%2!s!). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem 8%1!s! could not find the default instance (%2!s!) - error %3!s!. Please specify the name of an existing instance on the invocation of sqlservr.exe.\n\nIf you believe that your installation is corrupt or has been tampered with, uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem. H%1!s! could not find the specified named instance (%2!s!) - error %3!s!. Please specify the name of an existing instance on the invocation of sqlservr.exe.\n\nIf you believe that your installation is corrupt or has been tampered with, uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem. `%1!s!: The parameter '%2!s!' is not valid. %1!s! procedure was called with the wrong number of parameters. Only one Log Reader Agent or log-related procedure (sp_repldone, sp_replcmds, and sp_replshowcmds) can connect to a database at a time. If you executed a log-related procedure, drop the connection over which the procedure was executed or execute sp_replflush over that connection before starting the Log Reader Agent or executing another log-related procedure. Could not allocate memory for replication. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. Could not retrieve replication information for table %1!s!. Verify that the table has a primary key, and then rerun the Log Reader Agent. Unable to execute procedure. The database is not published. Execute the procedure in a database that is published for replication. Invalid %1!s! statement for article %2!s!. Verify that the stored procedures that propagate changes to Subscribers use the appropriate call syntax, and then rerun the Log Reader Agent. Use sp_helparticle and sp_changearticle to view and change the call syntax. Commit record at {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} has already been distributed. Invalid begin LSN {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} for commit record {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. Check DBTABLE. Commit record {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} reports oldest active LSN as (0:0:0). Execution of filter stored procedure %1!s! failed. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information. The "%1!s!" log sequence number (LSN) that was specified for the replication log scan is invalid. lThe replbeginlsn field in the DBTABLE is invalid. The specified begin LSN {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} for replication log scan occurs before replbeginlsn {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. The specified LSN {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} for repldone log scan occurs before the current start of replication in the log {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. The specified LSN {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} for repldone log scan is not a replicated commit record. The specified LSN {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} for repldone log scan is not present in the transaction log. Invalid storage type %1!s! specified writing variant of type %2!s!. Invalid server data type (%1!s!) specified in repl type lookup. Could not locate text information records for the column "%1!s!", ID %2!s! during command construction. The stored procedure %1!s! must be executed within a transaction. The Log Reader Agent encountered an unexpected log record of type %1!s! encountered while processing DML operation. An error occurred while waiting on the article cache access event. \%1!s!: Error initializing MSMQ components p%1!s!: Error opening Microsoft Message Queue %2!s! You have specified a value for the @dts_package_password parameter. You must also specify a value for the @dts_package_name parameter. The value specified for the @backupdevicetype parameter is not valid. The value must be 'logical', 'disk', or 'tape'. \Could not locate backup header information for database '%1!s!' in the specified backup device. Specify a backup device that contains a backup of the Publisher database. The subscription setup script path has been truncated, because the snapshot folder directory path is too long. Reconfigure the Distributor to use a shorter path for this Publisher, and then retry the operation. The alternate snapshot folder path generated by replication has been truncated. Reconfigure the publication to use a shorter alternate snapshot folder path, and then retry the operation. The specified publication does not allow subscriptions to be initialized from a backup. To allow initialization from a backup, use sp_changepublication: set 'allow_initialize_from_backup' to 'true'. 4Snapshot publications cannot use the option to initialize a subscription from a backup. This option is only supported for transactional publications. Cannot enable the option to initialize a subscription from a backup. This is not supported for non-SQL Server Publishers; it is only supported for transactional publications from SQL Server Publishers. The valid new types of a log based indexed view article are 'indexed view logbased', 'indexed view logbased manualfilter', 'indexed view logbased manualview', and 'indexed view logbased manualboth' only. ,The valid new types of a log based table article are 'logbased', 'logbased manualfilter', 'logbased manualview', and 'logbased manualboth' only. `Only users who are members of the following roles can perform this operation: sysadmin fixed server role; dbowner or dbcreator fixed database role in the current database. Unable to allocate memory for replication schema version node. <Cannot insert a new schema change into the systranschemas system table. HRESULT = '0x%1!s!'. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services. The topic %1!s! is not a supported help topic. To see the list of supported topics, execute the stored procedure sp_replhelp N'helptopics'. Peer-to-peer replication has been enabled, and the Log Reader Agent was unable to find an Extended-Originator-Record (EOR) for a transaction that did not originate at this server. Contact Customer Support Services. |The Log-Scan Process failed to construct a replicated command from log sequence number (LSN) {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services. Cannot initialize the replication resource. Ensure that SQL Server has sufficient memory. If the problem persists, restart SQL Server. Cannot find an object ID for the replication system table '%1!s!'. Verify that the system table exists and is accessible by querying it directly. If it does exist, stop and restart the Log Reader Agent; if it does not exist, drop and reconfigure replication. (Article information is not valid. Stop the Log Reader Agent, execute the stored procedure sp_replflush, and then restart the Log Reader Agent. END_UPDATE log record {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} encountered without matching BEGIN_UPDATE. LCannot restart the scan on table '%1!s!'. HRESULT = '0x%2!s!'. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services. <Invalid %1!s! log record. pCan not lock the database object in article cache. Expecting %1!s! bytes of data, but only %2!s! were found in the transaction log. For more information, contact Customer Support Services. Text information block not valid. Contact Customer Support Services. Failed to scan to log sequence number (LSN) {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}. Contact Customer Support Services. Failed to lock the current log record at log sequence number (LSN) {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}. Contact Customer Support Services. The rowset does not contain any column with offset %1!s!. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services. HInvalid value %1!s! for %2!s!. XFailed to delete rows from the systranschemas table. HRESULT = '0x%1!s!'. The rows will be deleted the next time replication executes the stored procedure sp_replcmds. <The Log Reader Agent scanned to the end of the log before processing all transactions in the hash table. %1!s! transactions in the hash table, %2!s! transactions processed, end of log LSN {%3!s!:%4!s!:%5!s!}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services. TInvalid filter procedure definition. (Failed to scan to the delete log record of an update base on log sequence number (LSN) {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}. Contact Customer Support Services. A bounded update was logged within the range of another bounded update within the same transaction. First BEGIN_UPDATE {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, current BEGIN_UPDATE {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. Contact Customer Support Services. The Log Reader Agent scanned to the end of the log while processing a bounded update. BEGIN_UPDATE LSN {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, END_UPDATE LSN {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}, current LSN {%7!s!:%8!s!:%9!s!}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services. An unexpected Text Information Begin (TIB) log record was encountered while processing the TIB for offset %1!s!. Last TIB processed: (textInfoFlags 0x%2!s!, coloffset %3!s!, newSize %4!s!, oldSize %5!s!). Contact Customer Support Services. Encountered an unexpected Text Information End (TIE) log record. Last Text Information Begin (TIB) processed: (textInfoFlags 0x%1!s!, coloffset %2!s!, newSize %3!s!, oldSize %4!s!), text collection state %5!s!. Contact product support. %1!s!, ti: {RowsetId %2!s!, {TextTimeStamp %3!s!, {RowId {PageId %4!s!, FileId %5!s!}, SlotId %6!s!}}, coloffset %7!s!, textInfoFlags 0x%8!s!, textSize %9!s!, offset %10!s!, oldSize %11!s!, newSize %12!s!}. TCannot find rowset ID %1!s! in the current schema. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. pThe Log Reader Agent encountered a NULL command that is not valid. Restart the agent if it has stopped. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. Cannot locate database information in the article cache. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, back up the publication database, and then contact Customer Support Services. Failed to retrieve the oldest active log sequence number (LSN) from a commit record. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. Failed to allocate or reallocate buffer for replication command, old size %1!s!, new size %2!s!. Invalid compensation range: begin {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, end {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. ,Cannot retrieve the rowset ID from log records generated from a text pointer based operation. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. Possible inconsistent state in the distribution database: dist_backup_lsn {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, dist_last_lsn {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. Execute "sp_repldone NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1", and then execute sp_replflush. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. Cannot retrieve the peer-to-peer database information. Contact Customer Support Services. 8Failed to evaluate the filter procedure or computed column. Cannot find the column offset information for column ID %1!s!, rowsetId %2!s!. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, back up the publication database and then contact Customer Support Services. HUnexpected %1!s! log record encountered, last FILESTREAMInfo node processed : {%2!s!, {{%3!s!, %4!s!}, %5!s!, %6!s!, %7!s!, %8!s!}, %9!s!, %10!s!, %11!s!, %12!s!, %13!s!, %14!s!, {%15!s!:%16!s!:%17!s!}, %18!s!, {{%19!s!, %20!s!}, %21!s!, %22!s!, %23!s!, %24!s!}, {%25!s!:%26!s!:%27!s!}} Failed to %1!s! the replication context for TxF: {%2!s!, %3!s!, %4!s!, %5!s!, %6!s!, %7!s!, %8!s!, %9!s!, {%10!s!:%11!s!:%12!s!}, %13!s!, %14!s!, {%15!s!:%16!s!:%17!s!}}. If the problem persists, contact product support. 0Failed to read the TXF_REPLICATION_RECORD_WRITE structure. Last error returned '%1!s!'. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services. One or more subscriptions have been marked inactive. Drop and re-create all subscriptions for this node that are failing with this error. Can not rename the database name because it is published or it is a distribution database used by replication. Agent '%1!s!' is retrying after an error. %2!s! retries attempted. See agent job history in the Jobs folder for more details. The subscription to this publication is not active yet. No user action is required. Failed to compare delete and insert log record for column ID %1!s! with table ID %2!s! ODBC error encountered, State = %1, native error = %2, error message = %3. LWindows NT Error encountered, %1. tMS SQL SNMP Extension Agent starting, %1, version %2. \MS SQL SNMP Extension Agent reconnecting. TMS SQL SNMP Extension Agent stopping. Cannot start C2 audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down. Error = %1!s! |OLE task allocator failed to initialize. Heterogeneous queries, distributed queries, and remote procedure calls are unavailable. Confirm that DCOM is properly installed and configured. File '%1!s!' either does not exist or there was an error opening the file. Error = '%2!s!'. PTrace file name '%1!s!' is invalid. TUnknown error occurred in the trace. tThe active trace must be stopped before modification. LThe trace event ID is not valid. LThe trace column ID is not valid. Filters with the same event column ID must be grouped together. pThe comparison operator in the filter is not valid. lThe boolean operator in the filter is not valid. HThe trace status is not valid. PCould not find the requested trace. HThe trace option is not valid. LCannot remove SPID trace column. HCould not create a trace file. `Not enough memory was available for trace. xThe requested trace stop time has been already passed. @The parameter is not valid. LCannot modify a restricted trace. Cannot create a new trace because the trace file path is found in the existing traces. pThe trace file path is not valid or not supported. $The trace file name is not valid because it contains a rollover file number (NNN in C:\file_NNN) while the trace rollover option is enabled. The default trace cannot be stopped or modified. Use SP_CONFIGURE to turn it off. Stopping the trace because the current trace file is full and the rollover option is not specified. Fail to delete an old trace file '%1!s!'. Error = '%2!s!'. `An error occurred starting the default trace. Cause: %1!s! Use sp_configure to turn off and then turn on the 'default trace enabled' advanced server configuration option. Trace ID '%1!s!' was stopped because of an error. Cause: %2!s!. Restart the trace after correcting the problem. PThe READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL '%1!s!' specified for availability replica '%2!s!' is not valid. It does not follow the required format of 'TCP://system-address:port'. For information about the correct routing URL format, see the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP documentation in SQL Server Books Online. A duplicate availability replica '%1!s!' was specified in the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST for availability replica '%2!s!'. Inspect the replica list that you specified in your command, and remove the duplicate replica name or names from the list. Then retry the command. The availability replica '%1!s!' specified in the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST for availability replica '%2!s!' does not exist. Only availability replicas that belong to the specified availability group '%3!s!' can be added to this list. To get the names of availability replicas in a given availability group, select replica_server_name from sys.availability_replicas and name from sys.availability_groups. For more information, see SQL Server Books Online. LAn availability replica '%1!s!' that is specified in the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST for availability replica '%2!s!' does not have a value set for READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL. Ensure a READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL is set for each availability replica in the availability group. Specify a valid READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL for each replica that you want to added to the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST. If you are altering availability replicas of an existing availability group, you can get the names of availability replicas in a given availability group, select replica_server_name from sys.availability_replicas and name from sys.availability_groups. For more information, see SQL Server Books Online. Failed to create, join or add replica to availability group '%1!s!', because node '%2!s!' is a possible owner for both replica '%3!s!' and '%4!s!'. If one replica is failover cluster instance, remove the overlapped node from its possible owners and try again. The lease between availability group '%1!s!' and the Windows Server Failover Cluster has expired. A connectivity issue occurred between the instance of SQL Server and the Windows Server Failover Cluster. To determine whether the availability group is failing over correctly, check the corresponding availability group resource in the Windows Server Failover Cluster. hFailed to open a cluster network interface object: '%1!s!'. The WSFC cluster control API returned error code %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. 0'%1!s!' and '%2!s!' belong to the same subnet. Only one IPv4 and/or one IPv6 address from each subnet is allowed. For an advanced configuration, see the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) administrator to create a customized configuration through the Cluster Manager. <The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!', DNS name '%2!s!', port %3!s! failed to start with a permanent error: %4!s!. Verify port numbers, DNS names and other related network configuration, then retry the operation. The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!', DNS name '%2!s!', port %3!s! failed to start with this error: %4!s!. Verify network and cluster configuration and logs. The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!', DNS name '%2!s!', port %3!s! failed to stop with this error: %4!s!. Verify network and cluster configuration and logs. The WSFC cluster does not have a public cluster network with an IPv4 subnet. This is a requirement to create an availability group DHCP listener. Configure a public network for the cluster with an IPv4 subnet, and try to create the listener. tNone of the IP addresses configured for the availability group listener can be hosted by the server '%1!s!'. Either configure a public cluster network on which one of the specified IP addresses can be hosted, or add another listener IP address which can be hosted on a public cluster network for this server. The specified IP Address '%1!s!' is not valid in the cluster-allowed IP range. Check with the network administrator to select values that are appropriate for the cluster-allowed IP range. The WSFC nodes that host the primary and secondary replicas belong to different subnets. DHCP across multiple subnets is not supported for availability replicas. Use the static IP option to configure the availability group listener. The listener with DNS name '%1!s!' does not conform to SQL Server listener guidelines, and cannot be configured through SQL Server. Reconfigure the listener through the WSFC Cluster Manager. HThe availability group listener with DNS name '%1!s!' is configured to use DHCP. For listeners with this configuration, IP addresses cannot be added through SQL Server. To add IP addresses to the listener, drop the DHCP listener and create it again configured to use static IP addresses. The WSFC node that hosts the primary replica belongs to multiple subnets. To use the DHCP option in a multi-subnet environment, supply an IPv4 IP address and subnet mask of the subnet for the listener. Failed to obtain the WSFC node enumeration handle. The error code is %1!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The WSFC cluster network interface control API returned error code %1!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. HThe WSFC cluster network control API returned an invalid IP address. The WSFC service might have invalid data in its database or it is a not supported version. dThe WSFC management API returned an unrecognizable dependency expression: '%1!s!'. The WSFC service might have invalid data in its database or it is a not supported version. Failed to obtain the WSFC resource dependency expression for cluster resource with name or ID '%1!s!' The error code is %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to remove the resource dependency in which resource '%1!s!' is depending on resource '%2!s!' in the WSFC cluster. The error code is %3!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The listener with DNS name '%1!s!' for the availability group '%2!s!' is already listening on the TCP port %3!s!. Please choose a different TCP port for the listener. If there is a problem with the listener, try restarting the listener to correct the problem. 4The specified listener with DNS name, '%1!s!', does not exist for the Availability Group '%2!s!'. Use an existing listener, or create a new listener. `Failed to delete a resource in the WSFC cluster because the resource '%1!s!' is not offline. Delete the resource using the Failover Cluster Management tool (cluadmin.msc). The WSFC cluster could not bring the Network Name resource with DNS name '%1!s!' online. The DNS name may have been taken or have a conflict with existing name services, or the WSFC cluster service may not be running or may be inaccessible. Use a different DNS name to resolve name conflicts, or check the WSFC cluster log for more information. hFailed to delete the WSFC cluster resource '%1!s!'. The error code is %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to add a resource dependency, making resource '%1!s!' depend on resource '%2!s!', in the WSFC cluster. The error code is %3!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to set the resource dependency expression '%1!s!' for the WSFC resource '%2!s!'. The error code is %3!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Cannot take the WSFC resource with ID '%1!s!' offline. The error code is %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The attempt to create the network name and IP address for the listener failed. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the values provided for the network name and IP address may be incorrect. Check the state of the WSFC cluster and validate the network name and IP address with the network administrator. The availability group '%1!s!' already has a listener with DNS name '%2!s!'. Availability groups can have only one listener. Use the existing listener, or drop the existing listener and create a new one. Failed to find a multi-string property (property name '%1!s!') of the WSFC resource with name or ID '%2!s!'. The system error code is %3!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The WSFC cluster network control API returned error code %1!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. TFailed to open a cluster network object: '%1!s!'. The WSFC cluster control API returned error code %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain the WSFC resource state for cluster resource with name or ID '%1!s!'. The WSFC resource state API returned error code %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The port number, %1!s!, that is specified is invalid. Valid port numbers range from 1 to 65535, inclusive. Select a port number in this range. If a port number is not provided, the default number 1433 is used. The format for the IP address, '%1!s!', is invalid. Please use a valid value for the IP address. The specified IP Address, '%1!s!', is duplicated in the IP address list. Each IP address included in the listener configuration must be unique. Change the statement to remove or replace the duplicated values. xThe specified DNS name, '%1!s!', is invalid. The length of the DNS name needs to be between 1 and 63 characters, inclusive. Change the value of the DNS name to meet this requirement. |The configuration changes to the availability group listener were completed, but the TCP provider of the instance of SQL Server failed to listen on the specified port [%1!s!:%2!s!]. This TCP port is already in use. Reconfigure the availability group listener, specifying an available TCP port. For information about altering an availability group listener, see the "ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP (Transact-SQL)" topic in SQL Server Books Online. Listener configuration changes were completed but listening status of the corresponding TCP provider could not be determined because of the error code: %1!s!. Check the system error log to determine if the TCP provider is listening or a listener restart is needed. `The attempt to create the network name and IP address for the listener failed, and the attempt to roll back the resources for the Network Name and IP Address resources has also failed. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the values provided for the network name and IP address may be incorrect. Check the state of the WSFC cluster and validate the network name and IP address with the network administrator. Ensure that no Network Name or IP Address resource from this operation still exists in the cluster. The attempt to create FILESTREAM RsFx endpoint failed with HRESULT 0x%1!s!. The attempt to delete FILESTREAM RsFx endpoint failed with HRESULT 0x%1!s!. %1!s!: Cannot convert parameter %2!s!: Resulting colv would have too many entries. Cannot make the change because the article might be in a publication that has anonymous or client subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to acknowledge that such a subscription will be reinitialized. The system tables for merge replication could not be dropped successfully. The system tables for merge replication could not be created successfully. The article '%1!s!' could not be added to the publication '%2!s!'. The Snapshot Agent corresponding to the publication '%1!s!' could not be dropped. Cannot set incompatible publication properties. The 'allow_anonymous' property of a publication depends on the 'immediate_sync' property. The subscription type '%1!s!' is not allowed on publication '%2!s!'. The publication property '%1!s!' cannot be changed when there are subscriptions on it. DInvalid @schema_option value. $Could not remove directory '%1!s!'. Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory. Invalid @subscription_type value. Valid values are 'pull' or 'anonymous'. pThe subscription on the Subscriber does not exist. The @optional_command_line is too long. Use an agent definition file. Replication database option '%1!s!' cannot be set unless the database is a publishing database or a distribution database. The article resolver supplied is either invalid or nonexistent. TThe subscription could not be found. \This article has now settings to disable uploads and compensate_for_errors=true. However, local and anonymous subscribers will behave as if compensate_for_errors=false. Invalid @subscriber_type value. Valid options are 'local', 'global', or 'anonymous'. The alt_snapshot_folder cannot be the same as the working directory. The publication name must be unique. The specified publication name '%1!s!' has already been used. XThe publication '%1!s!' does not exist. PThe article '%1!s!' does not exist. The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not enable database for publishing. The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not disable database for publishing. The article '%1!s!' already exists on another publication with a different column tracking option. pCould not delete the row because it does not exist. p'%1!s!' is not defined as a Subscriber for '%2!s!'. <Invalid publication type. Publication '%1!s!' does not support '%2!s!' subscriptions. lThe Distributor has not been installed correctly. The article '%1!s!' already exists in another publication with a different article resolver. The article filter could not be added to the article '%1!s!' in the publication '%2!s!'. The article filter could not be dropped from the article '%1!s!' in the publication '%2!s!'. Could not drop the article(s) from the publication '%1!s!'. Transaction rolled back. Could not execute trigger. Retry your transaction. Could not change the article '%1!s!' because the publication has already been activated. xThe priority property is invalid for local subscribers. LYou must supply an article name. @The article does not exist. lYou are not authorized to perform this operation. To modify the priority of a subscription, run sp_changemergesubscription at the Publisher instead of using sp_changemergepullsubscription at subscriber. This is for backward compatibility only. pThe priority value should not be larger than 100.0. The retention period must be greater than or equal to 0, and it must not extend past December 31, 9999. LThe Subscriber is not registered. The @metatype parameter value must be null, 1, 2, 5, or 6. An article with a different %1!s! value already exists for object '%2!s!'. hCurrent database is not enabled for publishing. Table '%1!s!' cannot be published for merge replication because it has a timestamp column. TTable '%1!s!' cannot be republished. The profile name '%1!s!' already exists for the specified agent type. The @agent_type must be 1 (Snapshot), 2 (Logreader), 3 (Distribution), or 4 (Merge) pThe @profile_type must be 0 (System) or 1 (Custom) hCompatibility level cannot be smaller than 60. The compatibility level of this database must be set to 70 or higher to be enabled for merge publishing. Updating columns with the rowguidcol property is not allowed. DTable '%1!s!' into which you are trying to insert, update, or delete data has been marked as read-only. Only the merge process can perform these operations. Cannot drop profile. Either it is not defined or it is defined as the default profile. \Cannot drop profile because it is in use. 4Profile not defined. The parameter name '%1!s!' already exists for the specified profile. The article cannot be created on table '%1!s!' because it has more than %2!s! columns. Cannot validate a merge article that uses looping join filters. HCannot update subscription row. \Cannot update Subscriber information row. xArticles can be added or changed only at the Publisher. Only a table object can be published as a "table" article for merge replication. The 'status' parameter value must be either 'active' or 'unsynced'. The @sync_mode parameter value must be 'native' or 'character'. lProblem encountered generating replica nickname. @The @property parameter value must be one of the following: 'sync_type', 'priority', 'description', 'subscriber_security_mode', 'subscriber_login', 'subscriber_password', 'publisher_security_mode', 'publisher_login', 'publisher_password', 'merge_job_login', or 'merge_job_password'. Invalid @subscription_type parameter value. Valid options are 'push', 'pull', or 'both'. dPublication property '%1!s!' cannot be NULL. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%2!s!'. Publication '%1!s!' does not support the nosync type because it contains a table that does not have a rowguidcol column. `You cannot push an anonymous subscription. Only assign priorities that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than 100. dCould not get license information correctly. dCould not get version information correctly. 0sp_mergesubscription_cleanup is used to clean up push subscriptions. Use sp_dropmergepullsubscription to clean up pull or anonymous subscriptions. `Table '%1!s!' into which you are trying to insert, update, or delete data is currently being upgraded or initialized for merge replication. On the publisher data modifications are disallowed until the upgrade completes and snapshot has successfully run. On subscriber data modifications are disallowed until the upgrade completes or the initial snapshot has been successfully applied and it has synchronized with the publisher. $Merge replication upgrade is not complete until the snapshot agent is run for the publisher and the merge agent run for all the subscribers. Cannot drop Subscriber '%1!s!'. There are existing subscriptions. The updatable Subscriber stored procedure '%1!s!' does not exist. Could not insert into sysarticleupdates using sp_articlecolumn. Invalid '%1!s!' value. Valid values are 'read only', 'sync tran', 'queued tran', or 'failover'. Invalid '%1!s!' value in '%2!s!'. The publication is not enabled for '%3!s!' updatable subscriptions. Immediate Updating Subscriptions: The xml values inserted/updated by Subscriber will be replicated as NULL to publisher. Could not drop synchronous update stored procedure '%1!s!' in '%2!s!'. `Source table '%1!s!' not found in '%2!s!'. PTable '%1!s!' not found in '%2!s!'. Updatable subscriptions: The text, ntext, or image values inserted at the Subscriber will be NULL. Updatable subscriptions: The text, ntext, or image values cannot be updated at the Subscriber. |Updateable Subscriptions: Cannot update identity columns. Updateable Subscriptions: Cannot update timestamp columns. pUpdateable Subscriptions: Rolling back transaction. Database '%1!s!' does not contain any replication metadata for a row whose ROWGUIDCOL matches the value specified for the @rowguid parameter of sp_showrowreplicainfo. Verify that the value specified for @rowguid parameter is correct. Updateable Subscriptions: Rows do not match between Publisher and Subscriber. Run the Distribution Agent to refresh rows at the Subscriber. Updateable Subscriptions: Replicated data is not updatable. Updateable Subscriptions: INSERT and DELETE operations are not supported unless published table has a timestamp column. @Updateable Subscriptions: INSERT operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber. @Updateable Subscriptions: UPDATE operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber. sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: must be a member of the db_owner or sysadmin roles. psp_MSmark_proc_norepl: invalid object name '%1!s!'. Could not validate the article '%1!s!'. It is not activated. pValidation Failure. Object '%1!s!' does not exist. 4(default destination) pInvalid '%1!s!' value for stored procedure '%2!s!'. The subscription is not initialized. Run the Distribution Agent first. $The article property 'status' cannot include bit 64, 'DTS horizontal partitions' because the publication does not allow data transformations. 0Only 'DTS horizontal partitions' and 'no DTS horizontal partitions' are valid 'status' values because the publication allows data transformations. <'dts horizontal partitions' and 'no dts horizontal partitions' are not valid 'status' values because the publication does not allow data transformations. TCannot modify publication '%1!s!'. The sync_method cannot be changed to 'native', or 'concurrent' because the publication is enabled for heterogeneous subscribers. A push subscription to the publication exists. Use sp_subscription_cleanup to drop defunct push subscriptions. <Skipping error signaled. Only '%1!s!' or members of db_owner can drop the anonymous agent. The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command. TContinue on data consistency errors. Cannot attach subscription file '%1!s!'. Make sure that it is a valid subscription copy file. Cannot run '%1!s!' when the Log Reader Agent is replicating the database. Cannot add the article. Publications that allow transformable subscriptions with Data Transformation Services (DTS) can only include tables and indexed views that are published as tables. Checksum validation is not supported because the publication allows DTS. Use row count only validation. Validation is not supported for articles that are set up for DTS horizontal partitions. Validation is not supported for heterogeneous Subscribers. Unable to add a heterogeneous subscription to the publication. The publication is not enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions. You must have CREATE DATABASE permission to attach a subscription database. Server user '%1!s!' is not a valid user in database '%2!s!'. Add the user account or 'guest' user account into the database first. The security mode specified requires the server '%1!s!' to be registered as a linked server. Use sp_addlinkedserver to add the server. Cannot copy a subscription database to an existing database. Replication database option 'sync with backup' cannot be set on the publishing database because the database is in Simple Recovery mode. You cannot validate article '%1!s!' unless you have 'SELECT ALL' permission on table '%2!s!'. The value specified for the @login parameter is not valid. User '%1!s!' is not a user in database '%2!s!'. Add the user account to the database before attempting to execute the stored procedures sp_grant_publication_access or sp_revoke_publication_access. Cannot create the merge replication publication access list (PAL) database role for publication '%1!s!'. This role is used by replication to control access to the publication. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to create roles in the publication database. Filter '%1!s!' already exists in publication '%2!s!'. Specify a unique name for the @filtername parameter of sp_addmergefilter. pPartition id has to be greater than or equal to 0. TFailed to generate dynamic snapshot. XFailed to get partition id information. Cannot create partitioned snapshot job. A job already exists for publication '%1!s!' that uses the values you specified for the @suser_sname and/or @host_name parameters of sp_adddynamicsnapshot_job. If the job that already exists is not working correctly, use sp_dropdynamicsnapshot_job to drop it and create a new one using sp_adddynamicsnapshot_job. Cannot find a location in which to generate a partitioned snapshot. Verify that the there is a valid snapshot folder specified for the publication. This can be the default folder associated with the Distributor or an alternate folder associated with the publication. Failed to create a dynamic snapshot job to generate the dynamic snapshot. Cannot start the partitioned snapshot job. Verify that SQL Server Agent is running on the Distributor. The root publication information could not be found on the republisher. A push subscription to '%1!s!' was found. Cannot add a pull subscription agent for a push subscription. LCannot generate merge replication stored procedures for article '%1!s!'. Stored procedures are generated on the Publisher when the Snapshot Agent runs or when a data definition language action is performed; they are generated on the Subscriber when the snapshot is applied by the Merge Agent. Verify that the agents have the appropriate permissions to create procedures, and that the procedures do not already exist. `Cannot enable the publication to support non-SQL Server subscriptions because the publication is enabled for updatable subscriptions. To support non-SQL Server subscriptions, drop the existing publication and create a new one with the properties allow_sync_tran and allow_queued_tran set to 'false'. Cannot change enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions property while there are subscriptions to the publication. Failed to check if the subset_filterclause has a dynamic function in it. 0Cannot add article '%1!s!' with one or more dynamic functions in the subset_filterclause '%2!s!' to publication '%3!s!' because the publication could have active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to add the article and reinitialize all active subscriptions. Cannot change the value of validate_subscriber_info for publication '%1!s!' because the publication has active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to change the value and reinitialize all active subscriptions. Invalid value "%1!s!" specified for the parameter @identityrangemangementoption. Valid values are "auto", "manual", or "none". The property "%1!s!" cannot be modified for publications that are enabled for non-SQL Server subscriptions. Peer-to-peer publications do not support %1!s!. Change the value for parameter '%2!s!'. XCannot modify property '%1!s!'. The publication is used in a peer-to-peer topology, which does not allow this property to be modified after the publication is created. xAn article already exists for table "%1!s!" with a different value for the @delete_tracking property. The value must be the same for all publications in which the table is published. Use the stored procedures sp_helpmergearticle and sp_changemergearticle to view and modify the property in the other article(s). Publications enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions do not support %1!s!. Please change the '%2!s!' parameter value. 0Cannot enable data definition language (DDL) replication (a value of "true" for the @replicate_ddl parameter) for publication "%1!s!". This is because the compatibility level of the publication is lower than 90RTM. For new publications, in the stored procedure sp_addmergepublication, set the @publication_compatibility_level parameter to 90RTM; for existing publications, use sp_changemergepublication. $Publication "%1!s!" "%2!s!". Therefore the compatibility level of the publication cannot be set to lower than %3!s!. To set the compatibility level lower, disable the feature and then call the stored procedure sp_changemergepublication to lower the compatibility level. Required metadata for publication '%1!s!' could not be found in the sysmergeschemachange system table. Run the Snapshot Agent again. Cannot have a dynamic snapshot job with both dynamic_filter_login and dynamic_filter_hostname being NULL. |Dynamic snapshots are only valid for merge publications. The partitioned snapshot process cannot complete. Cannot retrieve the maximum timestamp information from the MSsnapshot_history table in the distribution database. Ensure that a standard snapshot is up-to-date and available. The @subset_filterclause parameter cannot reference a computed column. pThe value for the @pub_identity_range parameter must be a multiple of the increment for the identity column. The increment for table "%1!s!" and identity column "%2!s!" is %3!s!. hThe value for the @identity_range parameter must be a multiple of the increment for the identity column. The increment for table "%1!s!" and identity column "%2!s!" is %3!s!. The value of IDENT_CURRENT ("%1!s!") is greater than the value in the max_used column of the MSmerge_identity_range system table. The republisher's republishing range obtained from its publisher is not large enough to allocate the specified @pub_identity_range. The republisher's republishing range obtained from its publisher is not large enough to allocate the specified @identity_range. TThe republisher does not have a range of identity values from the root Publisher '%1!s!' that it can assign to its Subscribers. Ensure that the republisher has a server subscription to the publication at the root Publisher, and then run the Merge Agent to synchronize with the root Publisher. The identity range allocation entry for the Publisher could not be found in the system table MSmerge_identity_range. Ensure that the value for the @identityrangemanagementoption property is "auto". |The Publisher cannot be assigned a new range of identity values, because the values for the identity column's data type have all been used. Change the data type in the identity column. pThe republisher does not have a range of identity values from the root Publisher that it can assign to its Subscribers. Run the Merge Agent to synchronize with the root Publisher. Cannot refresh the identity range and/or the check constraint on the Publisher. Ensure the following: that the value in the identity column has not reached the maximum for the data type in the identity column; and that the user who made the last insert has the privileges to drop and re-create the check constraint. Cannot allocate an identity range for article "%1!s!". The article is not enabled for automatic identity range management. Not enough range available to allocate a new range for a subscriber. Object referenced by the given @article or @artid '%1!s!' could not be found. dCannot add, drop, or alter the identity range check constraint for table %1!s!. This constraint is used by replication for automatic identity range management. This error typically occurs if the user who made the last insert in the table does not have permission to make schema changes on the table. If this error occurs at the Publisher, run sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange; if it occurs at the Subscriber, run the Merge Agent. Cannot find the identity range allocation entry for the Subscriber in the MSmerge_identity_range table. Reinitialize the subscription. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use HOST_NAME() for parameterized filtering. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized filtering. hThe publication does not use dynamic filtering. \The identity range values cannot be NULL. DCannot refresh the Publisher identity range for article "%1!s!". Execute the stored procedure sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange to refresh the identity range. hCannot add article "%1!s!" with automatic identity range management. The article is already published in a transactional publication with automatic identity range management. Could not find the regular snapshot job for the specified publication '%1!s!'. Cannot execute the stored procedure sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange on the current database because the database is a republisher or a Subscriber. To adjust the identity range at a republisher or a Subscriber, synchronize with the root Publisher. `Failed to get metadata for a batch of rows. xFailed batched deletion on download only article %1!s!. Deleted more rows than expected in the batched delete attempt on table %1!s!. Stop and restart the Merge Agent. Cannot drop the filter '%1!s!' . The filter specified for the @filtername parameter cannot be found. Parameter '%1!s!' cannot be NULL or empty when this procedure is run from a '%2!s!' database. Parameter '%1!s!' must be NULL when this procedure is not being run from a '%2!s!' database. The tracer token ID (%1!s!) could not be found for Publisher %2!s!, database %3!s!, publication %4!s!. Use the stored procedure sp_helptracertokens to retrieve a list of valid tracer token IDs. The check for a Publisher needing a new identity range allocation failed on table %1!s!. This check occurs every time the Merge Agent and Snapshot Agent run. Rerun the Merge Agent or Snapshot Agent. `Cannot set up the Publisher identity range for table %1!s!. Verify that appropriate ranges were specified when the article was created, and then rerun the Snapshot Agent. Merge replication upgrade of SQL Server 2005 metadata and triggers on the subscriber failed. One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %1!s! were present in MSmerge_tombstone; merge replication cannot use batch insert. This typically occurs when rows move from one partition to another. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, verify that data is partitioned optimally. Batch insert can improve the performance of merge replication. One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %1!s! were present in MSmerge_contents; merge replication cannot use batch insert. This typically occurs when rows move from one partition to another. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, verify that data is partitioned optimally. Batch insert can improve the performance of merge replication. One or more rows to be updated for table %1!s! contain changes in the column %2!s!, which is used in one or more filters; merge replication cannot use batch processing for these changes. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, verify that data is partitioned optimally. Batch updates can improve the performance of merge replication. Only %1!s! out of %2!s! rows were updated in the batched update procedure for table %3!s!; other rows could not be updated because they have been deleted. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, determine if update-delete conflicts can be avoided. Batch updates can be helpful for performance. The object %1!s! is marked as shipped by Microsoft (ms_shipped). It cannot be added as an article for merge replication. @Cannot drop article %1!s! from publication %2!s!. In this publication, this is the only article that uses a parameterized filter. Dropping this article changes the publication to a static publication, which requires reinitialization of all Subscribers. To drop the article and reinitialize all active subscriptions, specify a value of 1 for the @force_reinit_subscription parameter of sp_dropmergepublication. A value for the parameter @host_name was not specified while publication uses HOST_NAME() for dynamic filtering. A value for the parameter @suser_sname was not specified while publication uses SUSER_SNAME() for dynamic filtering. The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed on the distributor. The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed due to one or more errors. One or more rows inserted in table '%1!s!' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set to %2!s!. The datatype of the identity column of table '%1!s!' is tinyint. tinyint does not have enough numbers available for merge auto identity range. Change the identity column to have a larger datatype and add the merge article with merge auto identity range management. Incorrect identity range allocation was detected when logging identity range allocation information on the distributor for publisher '%1!s!', publisher_db '%2!s!', publication '%3!s!' and article '%4!s!'. The dynamic filters property for publication '%1!s!' has been incorrectly set. Use sp_changemergepublication to reset the value to true if the publication uses parameterized filters and false if it does not. Unable to acquire the replication merge administrative application lock for database '%1!s!'. This could be due an active snapshot running while the schema change (DDL) or the administrative proc change was attempted. HReplication merge admin stored procedure '%1!s!' failed for publication '%2!s!'. This could be due an active snapshot running while the admin proc was called. Failed to prepare article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!' for merge replication. Failed to create merge replication triggers for object '%1!s!'. Failed to create publication views for merge replication publication '%1!s!'. sp_addmergelogsettings failed to add log settings. If log settings already exist for this subscription then use sp_changemergelogsettings to change the settings or sp_dropmergelogsettings to remove the settings. 0Log settings do not exist for subscriber server '%1!s!', subscriber db '%2!s!', webserver '%3!s!'. Use sp_addmergelogsettings to add the settings. sp_changemergelogsettings failed to update log settings. Check the parameter values. Log settings do not exist for subscriber server '%1!s!', subscriber db '%2!s!', webserver '%3!s!'. xsp_dropmergelogsettings failed to remove log settings. '%1!s!' failed. The value for parameter '%2!s!' is not valid. Valid values are @support_options [0 - 5], @log_severity [1 - 4], @log_file_size [2,000,000 - 999,000,000], @no_of_log_files [2 - 500], @upload_interval [0 - 40320], @delete_after_upload [0 - 1]. Computed column "%1!s!" can only be added to publication after its depending object "%2!s!" is added. Could not find a valid command line for the dynamic snapshot job with job_id '%1!s!' for publication '%2!s!'. Unable to update the dynamic snapshot location for the dynamic snapshot job with job_id '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!'. Failed to change the dynamic snapshot location in one or more dynamic snapshot jobs for the given publication. An invalid value was specified for parameter @subscription_type. Valid values are 'push', 'pull', 'both', 'anonymous' or 'all'. Failed to restore the max allocated identity value for article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!'. The max identity value allocation for article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!' could not be found on the distributor. Setting @upload_first to 'true' requires the publication to be at publication_compatibility_level of '80RTM' or higher. Use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to '80RTM' or higher if you want to use this feature. This edition of SQL Server does not support publications. Dropping existing publications. One or more rows updated in table '%1!s!' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set to %2!s!. One or more rows deleted in table '%1!s!' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set to %2!s!. Cannot add article '%1!s!' to publication '%2!s!'. The publication already contains 256 articles, which is the maximum. <Cannot add article '%1!s!' with sparse column or column set to merge publication since merge replication does not support sparse columns and column set. The DDL operation is not supported for article '%1!s!'. If the column in the DDL operation is enabled for FILESTREAM or is of type hierarchyid, geometry, geography, datetime2, date, time, or datetimeoffset, the publication compatibility level must be at least 100RTM. For DDL operations that involve FILESTREAM and hierarchyid columns, the snapshot mode must be native. Character mode, which is required for SQL Server Compact Subscribers, is not supported. <Cannot reinitialize the article '%1!s!' in subscription '%2!s!:%3!s!' to publication '%4!s!'. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscription instead. Cannot reinitialize the subscription. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscription instead. Cannot publish objects from the replication administrative user schema [%1!s!]. This schema owns all replication procedures and metadata tables, but it cannot own published objects. Use a different schema for objects that will be published. Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical articles in publications at all nodes prior to synchronizing. Articles in publication [%1!s!].[%2!s!].[%3!s!] do not match articles in [%4!s!].[%5!s!].[%6!s!]. ,Articles can only be included in a single peer-to-peer publication. [%1!s!].[%2!s!] is already included in the peer-to-peer publication '%3!s!'. Peer-to-peer topologies require identical publication names on each Publisher. You are attempting to republish object [%1!s!].[%2!s!] that is already being published in the peer-to-peer publication [%3!s!].[%4!s!].[%5!s!]. An error occurred while executing a peer-to-peer forwarding command. Contact Customer Support Services. tNo peers were found for %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!. If you encounter this error when executing the stored procedure sp_requestpeerresponse, verify that subscriptions have been created before attempting to call the procedure again. If you encounter this error in other circumstances, contact Customer Support Services. The peer-to-peer publication '%1!s!' does not exist. Execute sp_helppublication to view a list of publication names. Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical publication names on each publisher. The distribution agent for publication [%1!s!].[%2!s!].[%3!s!] is attempting to synchronize articles that exist in publication [%4!s!].[%5!s!].[%6!s!]. The specified source object must be a user-defined aggregate object if it is published as an 'aggregate schema only' type article. `Replication monitoring refresher for %1!s!. The specified source object must be a synonym if it is published as a 'synonym schema only' type article. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can modify a %1!s! that does not have a job with a proxy account defined. An error occurred during the execution of '%1!s!'. A call to '%2!s!' failed with error code: '%3!s!', return code: '%4!s!'. dCannot subscribe to an inactive publication. Cannot add a Distribution Agent at the Subscriber for a push subscription. The Distribution Agent for this subscription already exists (%1!s!). pChanging publication names is no longer supported. Cannot publish the database object '%1!s!' because it is encrypted. Cannot use sp_addpublisher to add a Publisher. Use sp_adddistpublisher. Cannot add the remote Distributor. Make sure that the local server is configured as a Publisher at the Distributor. Cannot uninstall the Distributor because there are Subscribers defined. The specified filter procedure is already associated with a table. Removed %1!s! replicated transactions consisting of %2!s! statements in %3!s! seconds (%4!s! rows/sec). @Deactivated subscriptions. Cannot change the 'allow_push' property of the publication to "false". There are push subscriptions on the publication. Cannot change the 'allow_pull' property of the publication to "false". There are pull subscriptions on the publication. The @optname parameter value must be 'transactional' or 'merge'. The replication option '%1!s!' has been set to TRUE already. The replication option '%1!s!' has been set to FALSE already. Cannot perform SQL Server 7.0 compatible checksum operation on a merge article that has a vertical or horizontal partition. Rowcount validation and SQL Server 2000 compatible binary checksum operation can be performed on this article. <There are too many consecutive snapshot transactions in the distribution database. Run the Log Reader Agent again or clean up the distribution database. xDrop the Distributor before you uninstall replication. If set 'immediate_sync' property of a publication to true then must also set 'independent_agent' property to true. H'%1!s!' is no longer supported. The stored procedure '%1!s!' is already published as an incompatible type. xThe string being encrypted cannot have null characters. Cannot have an anonymous subscription on a publication that does not have an independent agent. '%1!s!' replication stored procedures are not installed. You must reinstall SQL Server with Replication. Replication components are not installed on this server. Run SQL Server Setup again and select the option to install replication. Cannot drop a push subscription entry at the Subscriber unless @drop_push is 'true'. |Names of SQL Server replication agents cannot be changed. 'post_script' is not supported for stored procedure articles. Could not subscribe because non-SQL Server Subscriber '%1!s!' does not support 'sync tran' update mode. Cannot drop server '%1!s!' as Distribution Publisher because there are databases enabled for replication on that server. Rows inserted or updated at the Subscriber cannot be outside the article partition. You have updated the Publisher property '%1!s!' successfully. Another %1!s! agent for the subscription or subscriptions is running, or the server is working on a previous request by the same agent. PInvalid working directory '%1!s!'. xWindows Authentication is not supported by the server. (The article '%1!s!' contains the destination owner '%2!s!'. Non-SQL Server Subscribers require articles to have the destination owner of NULL. PPublication '%1!s!' does not exist. A remote distribution Publisher is not allowed on this server version. The distribution Publisher property, 'distributor_password', has no usage and is not supported for a Distributor running on Windows NT 4.0. LThe Distributor is not installed. $Cannot ignore the remote Distributor (@ignore_remote_distributor cannot be 1) when enabling the database for publishing or merge publishing. Cannot uninstall the Distributor because there are databases enabled for publishing or merge publishing. Cannot change distribution Publisher property 'distribution_db' because the Publisher is using the current distribution database. Cannot drop the local distribution Publisher because there are Subscribers defined. Cannot add login '%1!s!' to the publication access list because it does not have access to the distribution server '%2!s!'. The login '%1!s!' does not have access permission on publication '%2!s!' because it is not in the publication access list. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can perform this operation. Contact an administrator with sufficient permissions to perform this operation. Could not subscribe because non-SQL Server Subscriber '%1!s!' does not support custom stored procedures. `Cannot write to the message queue for the queued updating subscription. Ensure that Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator is running, and that the subscription is active and initialized. If the subscription uses Microsoft Message Queueing, ensure the proper permissions are set on the queue. Input property parameter is not valid. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid parameters for sp_changemergepublication. The trigger at the Subscriber could not execute commands at the Publisher over the linked server connection (triggers are used for Subscribers with updating subscriptions). Ensure sp_link_publication has been used to configure the linked server properly, and ensure that the login used to connect to the Publisher is in the publication access list. xInvalid value for parameter %1!s! specified for %2!s!. The subscription to publication '%1!s!' has expired or does not exist. Anonymous Subscribers cannot have updatable subscriptions. An updatable subscription to publication '%1!s!' on Subscriber '%2!s!' already exists. Cannot reinitialize subscriptions of non-immediate_sync publications. Could not subscribe because non-SQL Server Subscriber '%1!s!' does not support parameterized statements. Invalid article status %1!s! specified when adding article '%2!s!'. The row size of table '%1!s!' exceeds the replication limit of 6,000 bytes. Table '%1!s!' cannot participate in updatable subscriptions because it is published for merge replication. The subscription is uninitialized or unavailable for immediate updating as it is marked for reinitialization. If using queued failover option, run Queue Reader Agent for subscription initialization. Try again after the (re)initialization completes. xThis subscription does not support automatic reinitialization (subscribed with the 'no sync' option). To reinitialize this subscription, you must drop and re-create the subscription. hThe subscription has not been synchronized within the maximum retention period or it has been dropped at the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription to receive data. \The publication specified does not exist. The subscription(s) have been marked inactive and must be reinitialized. NoSync subscriptions will need to be dropped and recreated. |Table '%1!s!' does not exist in the Subscriber database. The RPC security information for the Publisher is missing or invalid. Use sp_link_publication to specify it. 4The 'msrepl_tran_version' column must be in the vertical partition of the article that is enabled for updatable subscriptions; it cannot be dropped. Server setting 'Allow triggers to be fired which fire other triggers (nested triggers)' must exist on updatable Subscribers. $Database property 'IsRecursiveTriggersEnabled' has to be false for subscription databases at Subscribers that allow updatable subscriptions. Database compatibility level at immediate updating Subscribers cannot be less than 70. Publication '%1!s!' does not allow anonymous subscriptions. The retention period must be less than the retention period for the distribution database. The retention period for the distribution database must be greater than the retention period of any existing non-merge publications. 0Client subscriptions and anonymous subscriptions cannot republish data. To republish data from this database, the subscription to the root Publisher must be a server subscription with a priority greater than 0. Drop the current subscription and create a server subscription. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can perform this operation. XCannot upgrade merge replication metadata. Attempt the upgrade again by running the Merge Agent for the Subscriber or by running the Snapshot Agent for the Publisher. Global subscribers with priority 0 are not allowed to create merge publications. This edition of SQL Server cannot act as a Publisher or Distributor for replication. |This edition of SQL Server does not support publications. H'%1!s!' is not a table or view. This edition of SQL Server does not support transactional publications. The parameters @xact_seqno_start and @xact_seqno_end must be identical if @command_id is specified. @xact_seqno_start and @publisher_database_id must be specified if @command_id is specified. |'%1!s!' is not a valid parameter for the Snapshot Agent. '%1!s!' is not a valid parameter for the Log Reader Agent. '%1!s!' is not a valid parameter for the Distribution Agent. t'%1!s!' is not a valid parameter for the Merge Agent. %1!s! is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be a positive integer. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be 1, 2, or 3. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be 0, 1, or 2. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 10,000. %1!s! is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be a non-negative integer. XOnly members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role, or the owner of the subscription can drop subscription '%1!s!' to publication '%2!s!'. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and '%1!s!' can drop the pull subscription to the publication '%2!s!'. Cannot drop the distribution database '%1!s!' because it is currently in use. The agent profile '%1!s!' could not be found at the Distributor. Cannot find the table name or the table owner corresponding to the alternative table ID(nickname) '%1!s!' in sysmergearticles. A table used in merge replication must have at least one non-computed column. Pull subscriptions cannot be created in the same database as the publication. Only global merge subscriptions can be added to database '%1!s!'. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating INSERT trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger '%1!s!' to first. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating UPDATE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger '%1!s!' to first. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating DELETE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger '%1!s!' to first. 4There are existing subscriptions to heterogeneous publication '%1!s!'. To add new articles, first drop the existing subscriptions to the publication. LCannot create transactional subscription to merge publication '%1!s!'. The publication type should be either transactional(0) or snapshot(1) for this operation. Publication '%1!s!' is not enabled to use an independent agent. The specified job ID must identify a Distribution Agent or a Merge Agent job. Detected inconsistencies in the replication agent table. The specified job ID does not correspond to an entry in '%1!s!'. Detected inconsistencies in the replication agent table. The specified job ID corresponds to multiple entries in '%1!s!'. This procedure supports only remote execution of push subscription agents. The 'offload_server' property cannot be the same as the Distributor name. Could not determine the Subscriber name for distributed agent execution. Agent execution cannot be distributed to a Subscriber that resides on the same server as the Distributor. The @change_active flag may not be specified for articles with manual filters or views. XThe SQL Server '%1!s!' could not obtain Windows group membership information for login '%2!s!'. Verify that the Windows account has access to the domain of the login. The custom stored procedure schema option is invalid for a snapshot publication article. Cannot subscribe to publication of sync_type 'dump database' because the Subscriber has subscriptions to other publications. Cannot subscribe to publication %1!s! because the Subscriber has a subscription to a publication of sync_type 'dump database'. @use_ftp cannot be 'true' while @alt_snapshot_folder is neither NULL nor empty. The '%1!s!' database is not published for merge replication. Both @subscriber and @subscriberdb must be specified with non-null values simultaneously, or both must be left unspecified. The '%1!s!' database is not published for transactional or snapshot replication. Unable to determine the snapshot folder for the specified subscription because the specified Subscriber is not known to the Distributor. hPre- and post-snapshot commands are not supported for a publication that may support non-SQL Server Subscribers by using the character-mode bcp as the synchronization method. Cannot create a subscription of sync_type 'none' to a publication using the 'concurrent' or 'concurrent_c' synchronization method. TCannot create article '%1!s!'. All articles that are part of a concurrent synchronization publication must use stored procedures to apply changes to the Subscriber. TCannot change article '%1!s!'. All articles that are part of a concurrent synchronization publication must use stored procedures to apply changes to the Subscriber. LCannot change article '%1!s!'. articles that are part of a concurrent synchronization publication can not have ins_cmd/del_cmd which exceeds %2!s! characters . The @status parameter value must be 'initiated' or 'active'. The snapshot compression option can be enabled only for a publication having an alternate snapshot generation folder defined. For a publication to be enabled for the Internet, the 'ftp_address' property must not be null. If a publication is enabled for the Internet, the 'alt_snapshot_folder' property must be non-empty. The 'ftp_port' property must be a non-negative integer < 65536. Could not change the Publisher because the subscription has been dropped. Use sp_subscription_cleanup to clean up the triggers. It is invalid to exclude the rowguid column for the table from the partition. It is not possible to add column '%1!s!' to article '%2!s!' because the snapshot for publication '%3!s!' has been run. Column '%1!s!' cannot be included in a vertical partition because it is neither nullable nor defined with a default value. Column '%1!s!' cannot be excluded from a vertical partition because it is neither nullable nor defined with a default value. HColumn '%1!s!' does not exist. The specified job ID does not represent a %1!s! agent job for any push subscription in this database. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, members of the db_owner fixed database role, and owners of subscriptions served by the specified replication agent job can modify the agent offload settings. Could not identify the Publisher '%1!s!' at the Distributor '%2!s!'. Make sure that the server '%3!s!' is registered at the Distributor. The specified Subscriber cannot use transformable subscriptions using Data Transformation Services. Only SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, and OLE DB Subscribers can use transformable subscriptions. |Could not find package '%1!s!' in msdb at server '%2!s!'. The publication has to be in 'character', 'concurrent_c', or 'database snapshot character' bcp mode to allow DTS. The publication has to be 'independent_agent type' to allow DTS. Because this publication allows transformable subscriptions using DTS, it requires autogenerated stored procedures and parameterized commands, which are set using default value for the @status. DYou cannot change the ins_cmd, upd_cmd, or del_cmd article properties because the publication allows Data Transformation Services or updatable subscriptions. <Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, db_owner fixed database role, or the creator of the subscription can change the subscription properties. Could not create column list because it is too long. Create the list manually. LData Transformation Services (DTS) properties cannot be set because the publication does not allow transformable subscriptions using DTS. To allow transformable subscriptions, you must drop the publication and then and re-create it, specifying that transformable subscriptions are allowed. Invalid @dts_package_location parameter value. Valid options are 'Distributor' or 'Subscriber'. A publication that allows DTS cannot be enabled for updatable subscriptions. |@dts_package_name can be set for push subscriptions only. The @agent_type parameter must be one of 'distribution', 'merge', or NULL. HInvalid property name '%1!s!'. %1!s! parameter is incorrect: it should be '%2!s!', '%3!s!' or '%4!s!'. The subscription is not initialized or not created for failover mode operations. Subscription for Publisher '%1!s!' does not have a valid queue_id. pThe current mode is the same as the requested mode. pThe queue for this subscription with queue_id = '%1!s!' is not empty. Run the Queue Reader Agent to make sure the queue is empty before setting mode from [queued] to [immediate]. MSrepl_tran_version column is a predefined column used for replication and can be only of data type uniqueidentifier @identity_range, @pub_identity_range, or @threshold cannot be NULL when @identityrangemanagementoption is set to AUTO. Cannot support identity range management because this table does not have an identity column. A valid identity range is not available. Check the data type of the identity column. @Identity automation failed. XFailed to allocate new identity range. @Schema replication failed. This change cannot take effect until you run the snapshot again. PPublication '%1!s!' does not exist. Dropping a column that is being used by a merge filter clause is not allowed. It is not possible to drop column '%1!s!' to article '%2!s!' because the snapshot for publication '%3!s!' has already been run. The publication '%1!s!' does not allow subscription copy or its subscription has not been synchronized. The subscription cannot be attached because the publication does not allow subscription copies to synchronize changes. Cannot resolve load hint for object %1!s! because the object is not a user table. Cannot find source object ID information for article %1!s!. This step failed because column '%1!s!' exists in the vertical partition. This step failed because column '%1!s!' does not exist in the vertical partition. The publication must be immediate_sync type to allow subscription copy. DThe database is attached from a subscription copy file without using sp_attach_subscription. Drop the database and reattach it using sp_attach_subscription. Cannot copy subscription. Only single file subscription databases are supported for this operation. Subscribers cannot subscribe to publications that allow DTS without using a DTS package. tCannot create file '%1!s!' because it already exists. An alternate synchronization partner can be configured only at the Publisher. Publisher '%1!s!', publisher database '%2!s!', and publication '%3!s!' are not valid synchronization partners. The creation_script property cannot be NULL if a schema option of 0x0000000000000000 is specified for the article. The specified source object must be a stored procedure object if it is published as a 'proc schema only' type article. Unable to add the article '%1!s!' because a snapshot has been generated for the publication '%2!s!'. The specified source object must be a view object if it is going to be as a 'view schema only' type article. The schema options available for a procedure, function, synonym, or aggregate schema article are: 0x00000001, 0x00000020, 0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00400000, 0x02000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, and 0x80000000. The @pre_creation_command parameter for a schema only article must be either 'none' or 'drop'. '%1!s!' is not a valid property for a schema only article. The 'offload_server' property cannot be NULL or empty if the pull subscription agent is to be enabled for remote activation. The database '%1!s!' does not have a pull subscription to the specified publication. The 'offload_server' property cannot be the same as the Subscriber server name. The specified source object must be a user-defined function object if it is going to be published as a 'func schema only' type article. The schema options available for a view schema article are: 0x00000001, 0x00000010, 0x00000020, 0x00000040, 0x00000100, 0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00040000, 0x00100000, 0x00200000, 0x00400000, 0x00800000, 0x01000000, 0x08000000, 0x40000000, and 0x80000000. Do not call this stored procedure for schema change because the current database is not enabled for replication. Automatic identity range support is useful only for publications that allow updating subscribers. Identity range values must be positive integers that are greater than 1. `Threshold value must be from 1 through 100. dCannot use the INSERT command because the table has an identity column. The insert custom stored procedure must be used to set 'identity_insert' settings at the Subscriber. Article property '%1!s!' can be set only when the article uses automatic identity range management. The subscription(s) to Publisher '%1!s!' does not allow subscription copy or it has not been synchronized. There is a push subscription to Publisher '%1!s!'. Only pull and anonymous subscriptions can be copied. ,This database either is a publisher, or there is a push subscription to publication '%1!s!'. Only pull and anonymous subscriptions can be copied. Cannot copy subscriptions because there is no synchronized subscription found in the database. The table '%1!s!' is already published as another article with a different automatic identity support option. lThe threshold value should be from 1 through 100. Conflict table for article '%1!s!' could not be created successfully. Publisher '%1!s!', publication database '%2!s!', and publication '%3!s!' could not be added to the list of synchronization partners. Character mode publication does not support vertical filtering when the base table does not support column-level tracking. lTable '%1!s!' is not part of publication '%2!s!'. This step failed because table '%1!s!' is not part of any publication. Cannot create file at '%1!s!'. Ensure the file path is valid. Cannot attach subscription file '%1!s!'. Ensure the file path is valid and the file is updatable. OLE DB or ODBC Subscribers cannot subscribe to article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!' because the article has a timestamp column and the publication is 'allow_queued_tran' (allows queued updating subscriptions). Primary key column '%1!s!' cannot be excluded from a vertical partition. Publisher '%1!s!', publisher database '%2!s!', publication '%3!s!' could not be removed from the list of synchronization partners. 8It is invalid to remove the default Publisher '%1!s!', publication database '%2!s!', and publication '%3!s!' from the list of synchronization partners \Parameter '@add_to_active_directory' cannot be set to TRUE because Active Directory client package is not installed properly on the machine where SQL Server is running. The Active Directory operation on publication '%1!s!' could not be completed because Active Directory client package is not installed properly on the machine where SQL Server is running. hColumn '%1!s!' already exists in table '%2!s!'. A column used in filter clause '%1!s!' either does not exist in the table '%2!s!' or cannot be excluded from the current partition. dInvalid property '%1!s!' for article '%2!s!'. You must first drop all existing merge publications to add an anonymous or local subscription to database '%1!s!'. Invalid property value '%1!s!'. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid parameters for sp_changemergearticle. Schema replication failed because database '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' is not the original Publisher of table '%3!s!'. The offload server must be specified if the agent for this subscription is to be offloaded for remote execution. Failed to drop column '%1!s!' from the partition because a computed column is accessing it. tParameter '%1!s!' cannot be NULL or an empty string. Column '%1!s!' cannot be dropped from table '%2!s!' because it is a primary key column. Column '%1!s!' cannot be dropped from table '%2!s!' because there is a unique index accessing this column. Cannot publish table '%1!s!' for both a merge publication and a publication with the updatable subscribers option. Cannot add a computed column or a timestamp column to a vertical partition for a character mode publication. Cannot clean up the meta data for publication '%1!s!' because other publications are using one or more articles in this publication. You must upgrade the Subscriber to SQL Server 2000 to create updatable subscriptions when the Publisher is SQL Server 2000 or higher. LInvalid publication name '%1!s!'. Cannot publish the schema-bound view '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter must be "indexed view schema only" (for snapshot or transactional replication) or "indexed view logbased" (for transactional replication only). The type must be 'table' or '( view | indexed view | proc | func ) schema only'. Cannot publish the source object '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view schema only" or "indexed view logbased") can be used only for indexed views. Either specify a value of "view schema only" for the @type parameter, or modify the view to be schema bound with a unique clustered index. Cannot publish the source object '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view logbased") requires that the view be schema bound with a unique clustered index. Either specify a value of "view schema only" for the @type parameter, or modify the view to be schema bound with a unique clustered index. The 'schema_option' property for a merge article cannot be changed after a snapshot is generated for the publication. To change the 'schema_option' property of this article the corresponding merge publication must be dropped and re-created. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%2!s!' because it contains one or more articles that have been subscribed to by the same Subscriber database at transaction level. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%2!s!' because it contains one or more articles that have been subscribed to by the same Subscriber database at merge level. @identity_range, @pub_identity_range, and @threshold must be NULL when @identityrangemanagementoption is set to 'none' or 'manual'. Column '%1!s!' of table '%2!s!' cannot be excluded from a vertical partition because there is a computed column that depends on it. lFailed to drop column '%1!s!' from table '%2!s!'. hFailed to add column '%1!s!' to table '%2!s!'. XConflict table '%1!s!' does not exist. The specified @destination_folder is not a valid path of an existing folder. Could not create the snapshot directory structure in the specified @destination_folder. Either the snapshot files have not been generated or they have been cleaned up. The identity range value provided has exceeded the maximum value allowed. The specified automatic identity support parameters conflict with the settings in another article. Object '%1!s!' cannot be published twice in the same publication. Either @publisher (and @publisher_db) or @subscriber (and @subscriber_db) must be specified, but both cannot be specified. Publication '%1!s!' does not contain any article that uses automatic identity range management. hParameter @resync_type must be either 0, 1, 2. Invalid resync type. No validation has been performed for this subscription. `Failed to resynchronize this subscription. Invalid Subscriber partition validation expression '%1!s!'. The resolver information should be specified while using the '%1!s!' resolver. The resolver information should specify a column with data type, datetime, or smalldatetime while using the '%1!s!' resolver. 8The article '%1!s!' should enable column tracking to use the '%2!s!' resolver. The default resolver will be used to resolve conflicts on this article. The merge triggers could not be created on the table '%1!s!'. The schema change information could not be updated at the subscription database. The copy of the subscription could not be made because the subscription to publication '%1!s!' has expired. The subscription could not be attached because the subscription to publication '%1!s!' has expired. ,Could not find the Snapshot Agent command line for the specified publication. Check that a valid regular snapshot job exists on the distributor. The version of the Distributor cannot be lower than the version of the Publisher. The parameter @dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be an empty string. This publication logs conflicts on both replicas. Pre-SQL Server 2005 subscribers will not honor this setting. A dynamic snapshot job can be scheduled only for a publication with dynamic filtering enabled. A Snapshot Agent must be added for the specified publication before a dynamic snapshot job can be scheduled. Could not find the Snapshot Agent ID for the specified publication. Could not find the dynamic snapshot job with a '%1!s!' of '%2!s!' for the specified publication. l'%1!s!' is not a valid dynamic snapshot job name. The specified dynamic snapshot job name '%1!s!' is already in use. Try the operation again with a different job name. Only one of the parameters, @dynamic_snapshot_jobid or @dynamic_snapshot_jobname, can be specified with a nondefault value. Cannot create a sub-directory under the snapshot folder (%1!s!). Ensure that there is enough disk space available, and that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to create a sub-directory under the snapshot folder. Cannot copy user script file to the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%1!s!). Ensure that there is enough disk space available, and that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to write to the snapshot folder and its subdirectories. Failed to retrieve information about the publication : %1!s!. Check the name again. A generation that was expected to be in %1!s!.dbo.MSmerge_genhistory could not be found. If this error occurred in a subscription database, reinitialize the subscription. If this error occurred in a publication database, restore the database from a backup. Cannot initialize Message Queuing-based subscription because the platform is not Message Queuing %1!s! compliant Warning: column '%1!s!' already exists in the vertical partition. Warning: column '%1!s!' does not exist in the vertical partition. Invalid @subscriber_type value. Valid options are 'local' and 'global'. pCannot execute sp_dropmergearticle if the publication has a Subscriber that is running on a version of SQL Server 2000 or earlier. Drop and re-create the publication without the article '%1!s!' or set the publication compatibility level of publication '%2!s!' to '90RTM' before calling sp_dropmergearticle. On Demand user script cannot be applied to the snapshot publication. @dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be a non-empty string while @alt_snapshot_folder is neither empty nor null. @dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be a non-empty string while @use_ftp is 'true'. \Could not find stored procedure '%1!s!'. dInvalid value specified for %1!s! parameter. Excluding the last column in the partition is not allowed. lFailed to change the owner of '%1!s!' to '%2!s!'. Column '%1!s!' cannot be excluded from the vertical partitioning because there is a unique index accessing this column. HInvalid property name '%1!s!'. The specified @agent_jobid is not a valid job id for a '%1!s!' agent job. TMerge filter '%1!s!' does not exist. Failed to add publication '%1!s!' to Active Directory. %2!s! HCould not add article '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. PCould not add article '%1!s!' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and reinitialize the active subscriptions. DCould not add filter '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. LCould not add filter '%1!s!' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and reinitialize the active subscriptions. The specified offload server name contains the invalid character '%1!s!'. Could not remove publication '%1!s!' from Active Directory. xThe resync date specified '%1!s!' is not a valid date. Cannot drop filter '%1!s!' from publication '%2!s!' because its snapshot has been run and this publication could have active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to reinitialize all subscriptions and drop the filter. Could not open database %1!s!. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. If the database is used for replication, run sp_vupgrade_replication in the [master] database when the database is available. Could not open database %1!s!. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. If the database is used for replication, run sp_vupgrade_replication in the [master] database when the database is available. Could not open distribution database %1!s! because it is offline or being recovered. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. Be sure this database is available and run sp_vupgrade_replication again. tCannot drop article '%1!s!' from publication '%2!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. Cannot add timestamp column without forcing reinitialization. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force reinitialization. Cannot add (drop) column to table '%1!s!' because the table belongs to publication(s) with an active updatable subscription. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force reinitialization. @Cannot drop filter '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot. Cannot enable a merge publication on this server because the working directory of its Distributors is not using a UNC path. The specified subscription does not exist or has not been synchronized yet. Snapshot failed to process publication '%1!s!'. Possibly due to active schema change activity or new articles being added. Schema change failed on object '%1!s!'. Possibly due to active snapshot or other schema change activity. The expanded dynamic snapshot view definition of one of the articles exceeds the system limit of 3499 characters. Consider using the default mechanism instead of the dynamic snapshot for initializing the specified subscription. Row filter(%1!s!) is invalid for column partition(%2!s!) for article '%3!s!' in publication '%4!s!'. Dropping row filter(%1!s!) for article '%2!s!' in '%3!s!'. Reissue sp_articlefilter and sp_articleview to create a row filter. Invalid schema option specified for publication that allows updating subscribers. Need to set the schema option to include DRI constraints. The value specified for the @type parameter of sp_addsubscriber or the @subscriber_type parameter of sp_addsubscription is not valid. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid values. The transactions required for synchronizing the nosync subscription created from the specified backup are unavailable at the Distributor. Retry the operation again with a more up-to-date log, differential, or full database backup. Could not complete setting up the no-sync subscription at the Distributor while the distribution cleanup agent is running. The operation has a greater chance of success if the distribution cleanup agent is temporarily disabled. PThe transactions required for synchronizing the subscription with the specified log sequence number (LSN) are unavailable at the Distributor. Specify a higher LSN. Article property must be changed at the original Publisher of article '%1!s!'. DArticle name cannot be 'all'. XIncorrect value for parameter '%1!s!'. Cannot create the subscription. If you specify a value of "initialize with backup" for the @sync_type parameter, you must subscribe to all articles in the publication by specifying a value of "all" for the @article parameter. Cannot create the subscription. You must specify a value of "Active" or "Subscribed" for the @status parameter. This is because the value specified for the @sync_type parameter is "initialize with backup" or "replication support only". pOnly one of parameters %1!s! and %2!s! can be set. HSnapshot Agent startup message. PDistribution Agent startup message. DMerge Agent startup message. Failed to acquire the application lock indicating the front of the queue. PQueue Reader Agent startup message. Either the publication '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to access it. Ensure that the publication exists and that the account under which the Merge Agent connects to the Publisher is included in the publication access list (PAL). The @publisher parameter must be NULL for SQL Server publishers. The @publisher parameter may not be NULL for heterogeneous publishers. No shared agent subscription exists for publication '%1!s!' and the subscriber/subscriber database pair '%2!s!'/'%3!s!'. The replication %1!s! could not be upgraded for %2!s! databases. Ensure that %3!s! is upgraded and execute %4!s! again. The %1!s! %2!s! (%3!s!) login (%4!s!) password has been changed. The internal procedure sp_MStran_is_snapshot_required must be executed at the Distributor if the @run_at_distributor parameter has a value of 1. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Customer Support Services. lValue provided for parameter %1!s! is not valid. hThe primary key for source table "%1!s!" includes the timestamp column "%2!s!". Cannot create the article for the specified publication because it allows updating Subscribers. Cannot create replication subscription(s) in the master database. Choose another database for creating subscriptions. p%1!s! can only be executed in the "%2!s!" database. Article validation was requested for snapshot publication "%1!s!". Article validation is only valid for transactional publications. Tracer tokens cannot be posted for a snapshot publication. An error occurred while logging the tracer token history information. The tracer token could not be posted. An error occurred while inserting the tracer token to the log. The tracer token could not be posted. No active subscriptions were found. The publication must have active subscriptions in order to post a tracer token. A database '%1!s!' already exists. If you intend this to be your distribution database set @existing_db = 1. 8The value specified for the %1!s! parameter of sp_mergearticlecolumn must be '%2!s!'. A value of 'true' is allowed only when this procedure is called by another replication procedure. Either set the value of the @schema_replication parameter to 'false' or do not specify a value. The procedure %1!s! failed to %2!s! the resource %3!s!. Server error = %4!s!. %1!s!: The %2!s! parameter is shorter than the minimum required size. TCannot complete the requested operation in the subscription database because a snapshot is currently being delivered to the database. Perform the operation again at a later time. To stop the delivery of the snapshot, stop the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent associated with the subscription. Replication custom procedures will not be scripted because the specified publication '%1!s!' is a snapshot publication. \Some generation values are above the upper limit of %1!s! used in SQL Server 2000. Change the publication_compatibility_level of the publication to 90 to make this work. This article cannot use the '%1!s!' feature because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication '%2!s!' to '90RTM'. Adding column '%1!s!' to table '%2!s!' failed. Articles can have at most %3!s! columns, including columns that have been filtered. \A lightweight replica must be anonymous. Article '%1!s!' already belongs to a subscription with a different value for the @lightweight property. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be added to database '%2!s!', because a publication with a lower compatibility level already exists. All merge publications in a database must have the same compatibility level. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be added to database '%2!s!', because a publication with a higher compatibility level already exists. All merge publications in a database must have the same compatibiliy level. The article '%1!s!' is already published in another publication, and is set to use nonoverlapping partitions with multiple subscribers per partition (@partition_options = 2). This setting does not permit the article to be included in more than one publication. The column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is involved in a foreign key relationship with a column in table '%3!s!', but this column was not found in the specified join clause. A logical record relationship between these tables should include this column. Table '%1!s!' cannot have table '%2!s!' as a parent in a logical record relationship because it already has a different parent table. A logical record relationship allows only one parent table for a given child table. A logical record relationship, specified by the @filter_type parameter, requires a one-to-one or a one-to-many join from the parent table to the child table. Either change the value of the @filter_type parameter, or set the @join_unique_key parameter to 1. You cannot drop a column defined as data type uniqueidentifier with the rowguidcol property because merge replication uses this column for tracking. To drop the column, you must first drop the table from all publications and subscriptions. $Cannot complete ALTER TABLE command. Do not execute the command 'ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE TRIGGER ALL' on a published table. Reissue multiple 'ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE TRIGGER trigger_name' statements to disable each trigger individually on the given table. xEncountered server error %1!s! while executing <%2!s!>. The schema for the article %1!s! was either not generated properly or was not applied properly during initial synchronization. This may be due to permissions issues. Verify whether the object exists, and whether the necessary permissions are granted. You cannot disable a trigger used by merge replication on a published table. To drop the trigger, drop the table from the publication. Cannot replicate the ALTER TABLE command. It contains multiple DROP commands, including a DROP command for a column that is not included in all subscriptions to this article. Use a single DROP command in each ALTER TABLE command. Encountered server error %1!s! while restoring the log for database %2!s!. 0Cannot execute sp_change_subscription_properties. This stored procedure can only be used for publications that have at least one pull subscription. lCannot add the computed column '%1!s!' to the publication. You must first add all columns on which this column depends; you cannot filter any of these colunmns from the article. Before you drop the column from the publication, all computed columns that depend on column '%1!s!' must be dropped. Only members of the sysadmin or db_owner or db_ddladmin roles can perform this operation. lMerge data definition language (DDL) error: Dropping a column used in a row filter or a join filter is not allowed. To drop a column used in a row filter, first change the row filter using sp_changemergearticle. To drop a column used in a join filter, first drop the join filter using sp_dropmergefilter. The value specified for parameter %1!s! = %2!s! is not valid. The table %1!s! contains the column msrepl_tran_version, which is used by replication. The column is set to NULL, but it must be set to NOT NULL. Replication failed to alter this column, so you must drop the column and then add the table as an article again using sp_addarticle. Replication will then add the column to the table. The call format VCALL cannot be used for the specified article. VCALL format can be used only for articles in publications that allow updating subscriptions. If you do not require updating subscriptions, specify a different call format. If you do require updating subscriptions, you must drop the publication and re-create it to specify that updating subscriptions are allowed. The article %1!s! in the publication %2!s! does not have a valid conflict table entry in the system table sysarticleupdates. This entry is required for publications that allow queued updating subscriptions. Check for errors in the last run of the Snapshot Agent. Cannot create the logical record relationship. Table '%1!s!' does not have a foreign key referencing table '%2!s!'. A logical record relationship requires a foreign key relationship between the parent and child tables. Cannot create the logical record relationship in publication '%1!s!'. The use_partition_groups option for the publication must be set to "true" in order to use logical records. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the option to "true". Cannot add a logical record relationship because the foreign key constraint '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' is disabled. To create the logical record relationship, first enable the foreign key constraint. LCannot add a logical record relationship because the foreign key constraint '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' is defined with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. To add the logical record relationship, first drop the foreign key constraint, and then re-create it without the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. Cannot add a logical record relationship because the article '%1!s!' is published in publication '%2!s!', which has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. |The value specified for the property filter_type is not valid. Valid values are 1 (join filter only), 2 (logical record relation only), and 3 (join filter and logical record relation). Cannot add a logical record relationship between tables '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' because the foreign key column '%3!s!' in table '%4!s!' allows NULL values. Alter the column to disallow NULL values. In order to use partition_options of 2 (non overlapping partitions with multiple subscriptions per partition) or 3 (non overlapping partitions one subscription per partition) the publication '%1!s!' must be enabled to use partition groups functionality. Use sp_changemergepublication to set 'use_partition_groups' to 'true'. ,Article "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article is involved in multiple join filters. Either select a value of 0 or 1 for the @partition_options parameter, or drop all but one of the join filters by using sp_dropmergefilter. Article "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article is involved in both a row filter and a join filter. Either select a value of 0 or 1 for the @partition_options parameter; drop the join filter by using sp_dropmergefilter; or change the row filter by using sp_changemergepublication. PArticle "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article has a join filter with a join_unique_key value of 0. Either select a value of 0 or 1 for the @partition_options parameter, or use sp_changemergefilter to specify a value of 1 for join_unique_key. Article "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article has a direct or indirect join filter relationship with parent article "%3!s!". The parent article does not use the same value for partition_options. Use sp_changemergepublication to change the value for one of the articles. Cannot update the column in article '%1!s!'. The article has a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the partition_options property, and the column is involved in a row filter and/or a join filter. In this situation, the column cannot be updated at a Subscriber or republisher; it must be updated at the top-level Publisher. Cannot insert the row for article '%1!s!'. The row does not belong to the Subscriber's partition, and the article has a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the partition_options property. Nonoverlapping partitions do not allow out-of-partition inserts. Cannot specify custom article ordering in publication '%1!s!' because the publication has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. The article includes only the rowguidcol column. You must publish at least one other column. Modifying DDL triggers created by replication is disallowed since these are required to track DDL changes. @The parameters @article and @join_articlename cannot have the same value. Specify different articles for the two parameters; self-joins are not permitted. Non-SQL Server Publisher [%1!s!] cannot be found. Execute sp_helpdistpublishers to view a list of available Publishers. The value of the parameter @type must be 'logbased' for Oracle publications. The refresh of Oracle publisher '%1!s!' by sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher was not successful. The Oracle publisher meta data has been retained in its failed state to help in diagnosing the cause of the failure. When the problem has been diagnosed and resolved, rerun sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher to complete the refresh. @The non-SQL Server Publisher vendor is not valid. Attempt to add the Publisher again. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Customer Support Services. PNon-SQL Server Publishers must be configured in the context of the distribution database. Execute sp_adddistpublisher in the context of the distribution database. Parameter "%1!s!" is for non-SQL Server Publishers only. The value of this parameter must be "%2!s!" for a SQL Server Publisher. sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher was unable to obtain publisher information for Oracle publisher '%1!s!'. sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher may only be called to refresh Oracle publishers currently defined at the distributor. Cannot use a value of TRUE for the parameter @ignore_distributor. The value must be FALSE for a non-SQL Server Publisher. Non-SQL Server publications do not support updatable subscriptions. The properties allow_sync_tran and allow_queued_tran must be "false". @The failed attempt by sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher to refresh publisher '%1!s!' did not alter any meta data at the Oracle publisher. Make certain that the correct Oracle publisher has been identified and that the requirements for refreshing the Oracle publisher have been met. Cannot drop the distribution Publisher "%1!s!" because it has publications defined. Drop the publications first. For non-SQL Server Publishers, the value of the @sync_method parameter must be "character" or "concurrent_c". tConstraint column '%1!s!' not found in table '%2!s!'. lIndex column '%1!s!' not found in table '%2!s!', Unable to find table information for article %1!s!. Local distributor cache may be corrupt. Cannot find column [%1!s!] in the article. Verify that the column exists in the underlying table, and that it is included in the article. Unable to run SQL*PLUS. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21617 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. The Publisher '%1!s!' does not exist. To view a list of Publishers, use the stored procedure sp_helpdistpublisher. xMust provide both @SelectColumnList and @InsColumnList. The version of SQL*PLUS that is accessible through the system Path variable is not current enough to support Oracle publishing. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21620 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. Unable to create the public synonym %1!s!. Verify that the replication administrative user has been granted the CREATE SYNONYM permission. Unable to grant SELECT permission on the public synonym %1!s!. Verify that the replication administrative user has sufficient permissions. Unable to update the public synonym 'MSSQLSERVERDISTRIBUTOR' to mark Oracle instance '%1!s!' as a SQL Server publisher. Unable to locate the registered Oracle OLEDB provider, OraOLEDB.Oracle, at distributor '%1!s!'. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle OLEDB provider is installed and registered at the distributor. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21624 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. Unable to update the publisher table HREPL_PUBLISHER at the Oracle instance '%1!s!'. Unable to connect to Oracle database server '%1!s!' using the Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21626 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. Unable to connect to Oracle database server '%1!s!' using the Microsoft OLEDB provider MSDAORA. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21627 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. Unable to update the registry of distributor '%1!s!' to allow Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle to run in process with SQL Server. Make certain that current login is authorized to modify SQL Server owned registry keys. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21628 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. The CLSID registry key indicating that the Oracle OLEDB Provider for Oracle, OraOLEDB.Oracle, has been registered is not present at the distributor. Make certain that the Oracle OLEDB provider is installed and registered at the distributor. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21629 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online. Unable to determine whether the table '%1!s!' is still being published. Contact Customer Support Services. (Cannot unpublish table '%1!s!'; the remote call to the Oracle Publisher failed. Verify that the replication administrative user login can connect to the Oracle Publisher using SQL*PLUS. If you can connect but the problem persists, drop and reconfigure Oracle publishing. The parameter %1!s! is not supported for non-SQL Server publications. The value specified for this parameter must be %2!s!. @The publication '%1!s!' could not be added because non-SQL Server Publishers only support the @sync_method parameter values "character" or "concurrent_c". The parameter %1!s! does not support the value '%2!s!' when using non-SQL Server publications. The value must be %3!s!. lAn unsupported schema option combination was specified. Non-SQL Server publications only support the following schema options: 0x01, 0x02, 0x10, 0x40, 0x80, 0x4000, and 0x8000. l%1!s! is required for heterogeneous publications. You have specified a value of '%1!s!' for the @repl_freq parameter of sp_addpublication. For non-SQL Server publications, this requires one of the following values for the @sync_method parameter: %2!s!. Heterogeneous publishers can not use trusted connections, set @trusted to false. Non-SQL Server Publishers do not support a value of 1 for the parameter @thirdparty_flag. When executing the stored procedure sp_adddistpublisher, specify a value of 0 for the parameter. The "%1!s!" parameter is for non-SQL Server Publishers only. It must be NULL for SQL Server Publishers. PHeterogeneous publishers require a linked server. A linked server named '%1!s!' already exists. Please remove linked server or choose a different publisher name. The value specified for the parameter '%1!s!' must be MSSQLSERVER, ORACLE, or ORACLE GATEWAY. %1!s! value of '%2!s!' is not supported for heterogeneous subscribers, must be %3!s!. The value '%1!s!' is not a valid non-SQL Server Publisher type. For SQL Server 2005, the value must be ORACLE or ORACLE GATEWAY. LThe Oracle server [%1!s!] is already defined as the Publisher [%2!s!] on the Distributor [%3!s!].[%4!s!]. Drop the Publisher or drop the public synonym [%5!s!]. dThe Oracle Publisher support package could not be loaded. Drop the replication administrative user schema and re-create it; ensure it is granted the documented permissions. Cannot change the property '%1!s!'. Non-SQL Server Publishers do not support this property. |The value specified for @rowcount_only for the article '%1!s!' is not 1. For an article in a publication from a non-SQL Server Publisher, 1 is the only valid setting for this parameter. Failed to execute the HREPL.%1!s! request to Oracle Publisher '%2!s!'. Verify that the Oracle package code exists on the Publisher, and that the replication administrative user account has sufficient permissions. The database management system (DBMS) %1!s! %2!s! does not exist. Verify the supported DBMS and versions by querying msdb.dbo.MSdbms. The data type %1!s! does not exist. Verify the supported data types and mappings by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. PThe data type %1!s! already exists. The data type mapping for %1!s! does not exist. Verify the list of available mappings by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. hThe data type mapping for %1!s! already exists. The data type mapping does not exist. Verify the list of mappings by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. Cannot execute this procedure for a SQL Server Publisher. The Publisher must be a non-SQL Server Publisher. The value specified for the parameter @full_or_fast for article '%1!s!' must be 0, 1, or 2. The value specified for the @shutdown_agent parameter for article '%1!s!' must be 0 or 1. The source object [%1!s!].[%2!s!] on the non-SQL Server Publisher was either not found or is not supported. If the object exists, verify that it meets the requirements for being published. Cannot find a valid primary key for the source table [%1!s!].[%2!s!]. A valid primary key is required to publish the table. Add or correct the primary key definition on the source table. hIndex [%1!s!] contains unique nullable column. dKey [%1!s!] contains unique nullable column. pCannot specify more than %1!s! column names for the index or primary key because this exceeds the maximum number of columns supported by SQL Server. %2!s! columns were specified. 4The index "%1!s!" was not created. The index has a key length of at least %2!s! bytes. The maximum key length supported by SQL Server is %3!s! bytes. The constraint "%1!s!" was not created because one or more columns in the constraint is not published. Either include all columns in the published article, or alter the constraint to remove columns that are not published. <Column [%1!s!] cannot be published because it uses an unsupported data type [%2!s!]. View supported data types by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. TConnection to server [%1!s!] failed. lCannot execute the procedure. Administration of a non-SQL Server Publisher must be performed at the associated SQL Server Distributor. Execute the procedure at the Distributor. The login '%1!s!' has insufficient authorization to execute this command. Test connection to publisher [%1!s!] failed. Verify authentication information. Unable to update the linked server [%1!s!] for the login [%2!s!]. Cannot specify more than %1!s! indexes for a single table. %2!s! indexes specified. Excess indexes have been ignored. Heterogeneous subscriber '%1!s!' could not add a subscription for heterogeneous publication '%2!s!' because publication sync method is not 'character', 'concurrent_c', or 'database snapshot character'. Heterogeneous publisher '%1!s!' cannot be defined as a subscriber. The parameter "%1!s!" can be set to "%2!s!" only when "%3!s!" is set to "%4!s!". Peer-to-peer publications only support a '%1!s!' parameter value of %2!s!. @The Distribution Agent was unable to update the cached log sequence numbers (LSNs) for Originator %1!s!, OriginatorDB %2!s!, OriginatorDBVersion %3!s!, OriginatorPublicationID %4!s!. Stop and restart the Distribution Agent. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services. $The current user '%1!s!' does not have a valid linked server login mapping for non-SQL Server Publisher [%2!s!]. Replication connects to the Publisher through a linked server; use the stored procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to map the user's login to this linked server. Cannot publish table [%1!s!].[%2!s!]. The replication administraive user requires an explicit SELECT grant, or a SELECT grant through PUBLIC, in order to publish this table. A role-based SELECT grant, if one exists, is not sufficient. tCannot verify administrator login privileges for Oracle Publisher %1!s!. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. hThe replication administrative user for Oracle Publisher "%1!s!" has insufficient permissions. Refer to the script /MSSQL/Install/oracleadmin.sql for the required permissions. Request '%1!s!' for Oracle schema filter for Oracle publisher '%2!s!' failed. The operation "%1!s!" is not valid. Valid operations are "add", "drop", and "help". Schema filters are supported only for Oracle Publishers. The Publisher "%1!s!" is a "%2!s!" Publisher. dThe current login '%1!s!' is not in the publication access list (PAL) of any publication at Publisher '%2!s!'. Use a login that is in the PAL, or add this login to the PAL. A NULL @schema value is invalid for add and drop schema filter operations. Failed to script the subscriber stored procedures for article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!' 4%1!s! cannot be null or empty when %2!s! is set to 0 (SQL Server Authentication). Specify a login or set security mode to 1 (Windows Authentication). The stored procedure only applies to Oracle Publishers. The Publisher '%1!s!' is a %2!s! Publisher. dThe parameter '%1!s!' is no longer supported. hMicrosoft SQL Server Additive Conflict Resolver lMicrosoft SQL Server Averaging Conflict Resolver Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Later Wins) Conflict Resolver tMicrosoft SQL Server Download Only Conflict Resolver hMicrosoft SQL Server Maximum Conflict Resolver |Microsoft SQL Server Merge Text Columns Conflict Resolver hMicrosoft SQL Server Minimum Conflict Resolver dMicrosoft SQL Server Priority Column Resolver Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver pMicrosoft SQL Server Upload Only Conflict Resolver dMicrosoft SQLServer Stored Procedure Resolver <Cannot register the article resolver %1!s!. This can occur if the account under which SQL Server is running does not have access to the distribution database. Add the class ID and the custom resolver name manually to the MSmerge_articleresolver table in the distribution database. The article resolver name cannot be an empty string or NULL. Specify a valid value for the @article_resolver parameter. For a COM resolver, the @resolver_clsid cannot be an empty string or NULL. Specify a valid value for @resolver_clsid. lCannot find a job that matches the ID or name specified in the parameters @dynamic_snapshot_jobid or @dynamic_snapshot_jobname. Verify the values specified for those parameters. Failed to add an extended trigger for replicating the '%1!s!' event. The value specified for the @pubid parameter of procedure '%1!s!' is not valid or is NULL. Verify that the Merge Agent is running correctly. Reinitalize the subscription if the problem persists. XCannot alter the view. An indexed view replicated as a table cannot be altered to a nonindexed view. Drop the view from the publication before attempting to alter it. Cannot complete the replication operation. The security check for the current user is failing. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, or db_owner or db_ddladmin fixed database roles can perform this operation. The article can support logical record level conflict detection only if it uses logical record conflict resolution. TThe @keep_partition_changes property cannot be set to "true." This is because the @publication_compatibility_level property is set to 90RTM or higher and the @use_partition_groups property is set to "true." Set a lower compatibility level or set the @use_partition_groups property to "false." 4Table '%1!s!' can not be replicated because it contains imprecise Primary Key column, please recreate table without 'persisted' clause and try again. Cannot add a constraint or default without an explicit name, because the table is included in a publication that replicates DDL events. Specify a unique name for the constraint and then reissue the DDL statement. DUsing Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages in replication requires a password that is not NULL or empty. Specify a valid value for parameter '%1!s!'. @Cannot open database %1!s!. The upgrade of replication %2!s! could not be performed. Run %3!s! again from the %4!s! database when the %5!s! is accessible. Peer-to-peer publications do not support replicating timestamp columns as varbinary(8). You cannot add an article with this option, nor add or alter a table to include a timestamp column as varbinary(8). Source object [%1!s!].[%2!s!] is a temporary object and cannot be published. Unable to relocate the article log table to a different tablespace. Verify that the replication administrative user login can connect to the Oracle Publisher using SQL*PLUS. If you can connect, but the problem persists, it might be caused by insufficient permissions or insufficient space in the tablespace; check for any Oracle error messages. |The property '%1!s!' is not valid for '%2!s!' Publishers. |The property '%1!s!' is not valid for %2!s! publications. 0Cannot alter property '%1!s!'. You must first call the stored procedure sp_articleview to initialize the article; the property can then be altered. Oracle subscriber '%1!s!' not found. Loopback support cannot be checked. TUnable to retrieve distributor information from Oracle publisher '%1!s!'. Bi-directional publishing requires Oracle publisher to exist before the Oracle subscriber. pThe Oracle Publisher name is '%1!s!' and the Oracle Subscriber name is '%2!s!'. Bidirectional Oracle publishing requires the Oracle Publisher and Subscriber names to be the same. Unable to retrieve the originator information for the Oracle subscriber '%1!s!'. Oracle bidirectional publishing requires parameter '%1!s!' to have a value of '%2!s!'. Cannot generate a filter view or procedure. Verify that the value specified for the @filter_clause parameter of sp_addarticle can be added to the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement to produce a valid query. pThe '%1!s!' character length must not exceed %2!s!. `Cannot establish a connection to the Oracle Publisher '%1!s!'. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. xThe article was dropped at the Distributor, but information at the Publisher '%1!s!' was not dropped. No action is required; the information is cleaned up if the Publisher is dropped. The Publisher was dropped at the Distributor, but information on the Publisher '%1!s!' was not dropped. Connect to the Oracle Publisher with SQL*PLUS and drop the replication administrative user. The table %1!s! does not have a primary key, which is required for transactional replication. Create a primary key on the table. 4Cannot publish view %1!s! as a table because it does not have a unique clustered index. Publish the view as a view, or add a unique clustered index. The current user %1!s! does not have SELECT permission on the table %2!s!. The user must have SELECT permission to retrieve rows at the Subscriber that have updates pending in the queue. 4The table %1!s!, which is specified in the @tablename parameter of sp_getqueuedrows, is not part of any active initialized queued subscription. Ensure your queued subscriptions are properly initialized by running the Snapshot Agent, Distribution Agent, and Queue Reader Agent. Processing has been terminated. The resultset for sp_getqueuedrows is larger than 16,000, the maximum size that the procedure can return. Run the Queue Reader Agent to flush the queue at the Subscriber before executing this procedure again. `Failed to mark '%1!s!' as a system object. Based on article settings, table %1!s! should have an identity column, but it does not have one. Verify article settings with sp_helparticle and change them if necessary with sp_changearticle. The subscription is read-only. The publication that this subscription synchronizes with allows updates at the Subscriber, but a value of 'read-only' was specified for the @update_mode parameter of sp_addsubscription. To allow updates, you must drop and then re-create the subscription, specifying a different value for @update_mode. dCannot find a valid Queue Reader Agent ID for the subscription to Publisher %1!s!, database %2!s!, publication %3!s!. The specified subscription to an updating Subscriber publication is not initialized. Run the Snapshot Agent, Distribution Agent, and Queue Reader Agent to initialize the subscription. \Cannot add the column '%1!s!' to the table '%2!s!'. The table already contains the maximum number of columns allowed for an article in a merge publication (246 columns). Cannot execute the replication script in the 'master' database; the current session will be terminated. The script must be executed in the distribution database, and the master database cannot serve as the distribution database. @Cannot execute the replication script; the current session will be terminated. Check for any errors returned by SQL Server during execution of the script. Message Queuing Service is not running. Start this service and retry the operation. Cannot create the publication. Specifying a value of 'msmq' for the parameter @queue_type is supported only on Microsoft Windows NT platforms. Specify a value of 'sql' for this parameter. ,Table %1!s! contains an identity column that is marked as Not For Replication, but the @identitymanagementoption parameter of sp_addarticle is set to 'none'. To support immediate updating subscriptions, specify a value of 'manual' or 'auto' for @identitymanagementoption. When executing sp_adddistributor for a remote Distributor, you must use a password. The password specified for the @password parameter must be the same when the procedure is executed at the Publisher and at the Distributor. %1!s! is not within the supported range of %2!s! and %3!s!. Property "%1!s!" requires the parameters @force_invalidate_snapshot and @force_reinit_subscription to be set to "true". @This procedure is supported only for non-SQL Server Publishers. The Publisher '%1!s!', on which you are executing the procedure, is a SQL Server Publisher. tFailed to generate column bitmap for article '%1!s!'. Failed to generate published column bitmap for article '%1!s!'. |Failed to generate article view name for article '%1!s!'. Cannot add Publisher objects to the Oracle Publisher for article '%1!s!'. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. Ensure that the replication administrative user schema has the required permissions. 0The non-SQL Server Publisher is missing one or more %1!s! objects. Drop and re-create the Publisher and the replication administrative user schema. Unable to retrieve heterogeneous metadata. Verify connection information Cannot add primary key column '%1!s!' to article '%2!s!'. If the Publisher is a non-SQL Server Publisher, the primary key could have violated SQL Server limits for number and length of columns. For more information, see errors returned by sp_addarticle. hCannot add the Publisher triggers and the article log table to the Oracle Publisher for the article '%1!s!'. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. Ensure that the replication administrative user schema has the required permissions. You must specify a non-NULL value for the @rowfilter parameter. Failure to query Oracle XactSet Job attributes for publisher '%1!s!'. Failure to refresh Oracle XactSet Job for publisher '%1!s!'. Failure to query Oracle Xact batching enabled flag for publisher '%1!s!'. Invalid parameter passed to sp_IHSetXactBatching. The bit flag to enable/disable Xact batching must be 0 or 1. Failure to set the Oracle Xact batching enabled flag for publisher '%1!s!'. Cannot publish the table '%1!s!.%2!s!' from the Publisher '%3!s!'. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS. Ensure that the replication administrative user schema has the required permissions. The table '%1!s!.%2!s!' already appears in a transactional publication on Oracle Gateway Publisher '%3!s!'. When using the Oracle Gateway option, a table published using transactional replication can only be included in one publication. To publish this table in more than one publication, you must reconfigure the Oracle Publisher to use the Oracle Complete option. The table '%1!s!.%2!s!' already appears in the transactional publication '%3!s!' on Publisher '%4!s!'. The Oracle Gateway publishing option (the default) allows a table to be included as an article in any number of snapshot publications, but only in one transactional publication. To publish a table in more than one transactional publication, use the Oracle Complete publishing option. To change publishing options, you must drop and reconfigure the Publisher. Non-SQL Server Publishers are supported only in the Enterprise and Developer editions of SQL Server. The edition of this instance is %1!s!. The value specified for the @propertyname parameter is not valid. Use one of the following values: %1!s!. The value specified for property %1!s! is not valid. Use one of the following values: %2!s!. The property "xactsetjobinterval" must be assigned a value greater than or equal to 0. 8Cannot create the agent job. '%1!s!' must be a valid Windows login in the form : 'MACHINE\Login' or 'DOMAIN\Login'. See the documentation for '%2!s!'. PCannot execute the replication administrative procedure. The '%1!s!' agent job must be added through '%2!s!' before continuing. See the documentation for '%3!s!'. The %1!s! agent for Publisher (%2!s!), database (%3!s!), publication (%4!s!) cannnot be found. Create the agent with the appropriate procedure: sp_addpublication_snapshot, sp_addlogreader_agent, or sp_addqreader_agent. 8The common generation watermark is invalid at this replica since it does not exist or metadata for changes not yet propagated may have been cleaned up. $The stored procedure sp_createagentparameter failed to add one or more parameters to the system table msdb.dbo.MSagentparameterlist. Check for any errors returned by sp_createagentparameter and errors returned by SQL Server during execution of sp_createagentparameter. The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be an integer less than or equal to '%3!s!'. Verify that replication is installed properly. Cannot update agent parameter metadata. Replication could not insert parameter '%1!s!' into table '%2!s!'. Verify that replication is properly installed. Check errors returned by SQL Server during execution of sp_createagentparameter. (The value '%1!s!' specified for the @agent_type parameter of sp_getagentparameterlist is not valid. Specify a valid value of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9. @The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for the '%2!s!' parameter. The value must be an integer. Verify that replication is installed properly and that sp_add_agent_parameter is invoked with a valid value. pThe agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value: the profile_id %1!s! does not exist or it does not support the parameter %2!s!. The value must be an integer. Verify that replication is installed properly and that sp_add_agent_parameter is invoked with a valid value. For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_clsid must be specified as NULL. For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_info must contain the class name in '%1!s!' that implements the Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule interface. Identity column can only be added to a published table with 'Not For Replication' clause Cannot drop the column '%1!s!' because it is used by replication: it is referenced in a filter or view by article '%2!s!'. To drop the column, you must first remove the filter from the article. hCannot perform "Disable Trigger All" on table %1!s! because it belongs to a publication that supports updatable subscriptions (replication adds triggers to tables for these types of publications). You may, however, disable user triggers individually. Specify an individual user trigger name to disable. Can not disable trigger %1!s! on table %2!s! because it is required by updatable publication. LDDL replication failed to refresh custom procedures, please run "exec sp_register_custom_scripting 'CUSTOM_SCRIPT', your_script, '%1!s!', '%2!s!' "and try again Can not alter replicated object '%1!s!' to 'with encrypted'. An invalid value was specified for parameter '%1!s!'. The value must be '%2!s!' when changing this property. The property '%1!s!' is only valid for push subscriptions. Cannot change the property '%1!s!' . This property is only valid for subscriptions that allow updating at the Subscriber. The subscription against which the procedure was called does not allow updates at the Subscriber. $Cannot write to the script file in the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%1!s!). Ensure that there is enough disk space available. Also ensure that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to write to the snapshot folder and its subdirectories. Specify one and only one of the parameters - %1!s! or %2!s!. xCannot perform %1!s! on %2!s! as entry already exists. xCannot perform %1!s! on %2!s! as entry does not exist. LCan not add constraints to multiple columns because table %1!s! is published but column %2!s! is not in all active partitions, please use separate DDL statement. @Can not drop constraints in the same DDL statement which drops columns from table %1!s! because the table is published, please use separate DDL statement. The property '%1!s!' is valid only for %2!s! subscriptions. Use '%3!s!' for %4!s! subscriptions. The %1!s! parameters have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For more information, see the '%2!s!' documentation. The proxy account for jobstep_uid (%1!s!) could not be found. You cannot specify schema_option 0x4 (script identity as identity rather than the base data type) for article '%1!s!'. The value specified for the parameter @identityrangemanagementoption is NONE. To replicate identity as identity, the value must be MANUAL or AUTO for publications that do not support queued updating subscriptions. The %1!s! already exists. Use '%2!s!' to change any settings/properties. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can perform this operation without specifying %1!s!. An error occurred when creating a trace event at Oracle publisher '%1!s!'. The trace event could not be posted. |The primary key for '%1!s!.%2!s!' has %3!s! columns. SQL Server supports a maximum of %4!s! columns. Redefine the primary key so that it has no more than the maximum number of columns. The index for the primary key '%1!s!.%2!s!' is at least %3!s! bytes. SQL Server supports a maximum key length of %4!s! bytes. Reduce the number of columns in the primary key or redefine the columns to use smaller data types. The distribution agent must be run in single subscription stream mode prior to resetting the subscription xact_seqno. A replication agent job (%1!s!) for this subscription already exists. The %1!s! parameter(s) have been deprecated from this procedure. The value(s) should now be specified when calling '%2!s!'. Article '%1!s!' can not support schema_option 0x20 or 0x2000000000 because it contains computed column, check/default constraint or primary key which is based on CLR type column, change @schema_option setting and try again. Can not add CLR type based computed column or check constraint to table '%1!s!' because article '%2!s!' supports schema_option 0x20. %1!s! can only be specified/changed for heterogeneous publications when %2!s! is set to %3!s!. Article '%1!s!' can not be added, an indexed view published as 'indexed view logbased' and a stored procedure in either form of 'proc exec' can not be published if their common base table is also published. @Can not alter XML, CLR type or MAX type column because table is published and article '%1!s!' supports the schema option to map this to a base column type. \Can not alter procedure '%1!s!' to depend on an indexed view published as 'indexed view logbased' or a base table because the indexed view depends on this table as well. Cannot find a distribution agent job for the specified transactional or snapshot push subscription. Cannot find a merge agent job for the specified merge push subscription. The specified pull subscription is not configured with a synchronization agent job. The property "%1!s!" cannot be changed to "%2!s!" after the value has already been set to "%3!s!". LPeer-to-peer publications only support a "%1!s!" value of %2!s!. Article "%3!s!" currently has a "%4!s!" value of %5!s!. This value must be changed to continue. Peer-to-peer publications do not support %1!s!. Article "%2!s!" currently has %3!s!. This must be changed to continue. The login %1!s! provided in sp_link_publication is not mapped to any user in publishing database %2!s!. For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the .NET Assembly name should be the name of a valid assembly in '%1!s!' that contains the class that implements the Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule interface. Check the registration of the business logic handler to make sure the .NET Assembly name was specified correctly. Snapshot can not process article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!', the clustered index on indexed view '%3!s!' may have been dropped by upgrade or restore process, please re-create the index and re-run snapshot. Cannot change subscription property '%1!s!' because there is no entry for this subscription in the MSsubscription_properties table. Call sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent before changing this property. The current operation was aborted because it would deactivate an article in a publication for which a snapshot was being generated. <FILESTREAM columns cannot be published in a publication by using a synchronization method of either 'database snapshot' or 'database snapshot character'. Cannot add the SPARSE property to a column for the article '%1!s!' because merge replication does not support sparse columns. 0Cannot publish the article '%1!s!' or add the COLUMN_SET attribute set to its base table '%2!s!' because replication does not support column sets. The '%1!s!' publication property must be either 'true' or 'false'. The publication property '%1!s!' can only be set to '%2!s!' when the publication property '%3!s!' is set to '%4!s!'. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' belongs to a publication which does not allow switching of partitions lALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The statement is not allowed because one or more of the tables in this statement is an article with a different destination table or owner. Cannot add filter between proposed parent article '%1!s!' and proposed child article '%2!s!' since this would introduce a cycle in the filter relationships. The proposed parent is already being filtered by the child. Distribution agent encountered a deadlock while applying commands in SubscriptionStreams mode. Spid %1!s! waiting on lock (type '%2!s!', mode '%3!s!') for index '%4!s!' of table '%5!s!'. Publisher %1!s! of database %2!s! has not been redirected. The availability group associated with Virtual Network Name '%1!s!' has no replicas. You are not authorized to run the stored procedure %1!s!. The stored procedure %1!s! must be run from a distirbution database. The current database %2!s! is not a distribution database. The parameters @original_publisher and @publisher_db to stored procedure '%1!s!' may not be NULL. The distributor '%1!s!' is not the distributor for original publisher '%2!s!' and publisher database '%3!s!'. The original publisher '%1!s!' for database '%2!s!' is not a remote server for the distributor. Unable to create a linked server to use in contacting the remote publisher for original publisher '%1!s!', publisher database '%2!s!', and redirected publisher '%3!s!'. The command '%4!s!' failed with Error '%5!s!', Error Message '%6!s!'. Unable to query the redirected server '%1!s!' for original publisher '%2!s!' and publisher database '%3!s!' to determine the name of the remote server; Error %4!s!, Error message '%5!s!'. The virtual network name '%1!s!' has been used to identify the redirected publisher for original publisher '%2!s!' and database '%3!s!'. The availability group associated with this virtual network name, however, does not include the publisher database. @The database '%1!s!' at the redirected publisher '%2!s!' for original publisher '%3!s!' and database '%4!s!' is either not synchronized or is not active. The database '%1!s!' at the redirected publisher '%2!s!' for original publisher '%3!s!' and database '%4!s!' belongs to a HADRon availability group and must be redirected to its associated HADRon Virtual Network Name. xThe query at the redirected publisher '%1!s!' to determine whether the publisher database '%2!s!' belonged to an availability group failed with error '%3!s!', error message '%4!s!'. The query at the redirected publisher '%1!s!' to determine the health of the availability group associated with publisher database '%2!s!' failed with error '%3!s!', error message '%4!s!'. pThe return code of the failed call was '%1!s!'. hThe remote server name returned was null. xThe query at the redirected publisher '%1!s!' to determine whether the publisher database '%2!s!' belonged to an availability group failed with error '%3!s!', error message '%4!s!'. |The SQL Server instance '%1!s!' is not configured to support replication. To enable the SQL Server instance to serve as a replication publisher, configure the instance for replication. pThe SQL Server instance '%1!s!' is not a replication publisher. Run sp_adddistributor on SQL Server instance '%2!s!' with distributor '%3!s!' in order to enable the instance to host the publishing database '%4!s!'. Make certain to specify the same login and password as that used for the original publisher. The SQL Server instance '%1!s!' with distributor '%2!s!' and distribution database '%3!s!' cannot be used with publisher database '%4!s!'. Reconfigure the publisher to make use of distributor '%5!s!' and distribution database '%6!s!. The publisher '%1!s!' with distributor '%2!s!' is not known as a publisher at distributor '%3!s!'. Run sp_adddistpublisher at distributor '%4!s!' to enable the remote server to host the publishing database '%5!s!'. Unable to query sys.availability_replicas at the availability group primary associated with virtual network name '%1!s!' for the server names of the member replicas: error = %2!s!, error message = %3!s!.', The subscribers ( %1!s! ) of original publisher '%2!s!' do not appear as remote servers at redirected publisher '%3!s!'. Run sp_addlinkedserver at the redirected publisher to add these subscribers as remote servers. Unable to configure a linked server to query replica host server '%1!s!': return code = %2!s!. One or more publisher validation errors were encountered for replica host '%1!s!'. \The query at the redirected publisher '%1!s!' to determine whether the SQL Server instance is a replication publisher failed with error '%2!s!', error message '%3!s!'. HThe query to determine whether the local distributor '%1!s!' is the distributor for remote publisher '%2!s!' failed with error '%3!s!', error message '%4!s!'. The publisher '%1!s!' uses distribution database '%2!s!' and not '%3!s!' which is required in order to host the publishing database '%4!s!'. Run sp_changedistpublisher at distributor '%5!s!' to change the distribution database used by the publisher to '%6!s!'. The query at the redirected publisher '%1!s!' to determine whether there were sysserver entries for the subscribers of the original publisher '%2!s!' failed with error '%3!s!', error message '%4!s!'. The value supplied for the change_columns argument of CHANGE_TRACKING_IS_COLUMN_IN_MASK function is not valid. The value must be a bitmask returned by the CHANGETABLE(CHANGES ...) function. The arguments supplied are not valid for the CHANGES option of the CHANGETABLE function. The arguments supplied are not valid for the VERSION option of the CHANGETABLE function. A table returned by the CHANGETABLE function must be aliased. lChange tracking is not enabled on table '%1!s!'. The CHANGETABLE function does not support remote data sources. Object '%1!s!' is of a data type that is not supported by the CHANGETABLE function. The object must be a user-defined table. The CHANGE_TRACKING_CONTEXT WITH clause cannot be used with a SELECT statement. The "context" argument for the CHANGE_TRACKING_CONTEXT WITH clause must be of type varbinary data type with a maximum length of 128. $The number of columns specified in the CHANGETABLE(VERSION ...) function does not match the number of primary key columns for table '%1!s!'. The column '%1!s!' specified in the CHANGETABLE(VERSION ...) function is not part of the primary key for table '%2!s!'. Each primary key column must be specified once in the CHANGETABLE(VERSION ...) function. The column '%1!s!' is specified more than once. %1!s! is not allowed because the table is being tracked for change tracking. Change tracking options for ALTER DATABASE cannot be combined with other ALTER DATABASE options. Change tracking is enabled for one or more tables in database '%1!s!'. Disable change tracking on each table before disabling it for the database. Use the sys.change_tracking_tables catalog view to obtain a list of tables for which change tracking is enabled. Change tracking is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. xFor databases that are members of a secondary availability replica, change tracking is not supported. Run change tracking queries on the databases in the primary availability replica. Unexpected All articles in the publication passed data validation (rowcount and checksum). Not All articles in the publication passed data validation (rowcount only) $Initializing. \Applying the snapshot to the Subscriber. pThe merge completed with no data changes processed. DNo data needed to be merged. \Uploading data changes to the Publisher. `Downloading data changes to the Subscriber. TRetrieving subscription information. PRetrieving publication information. LThe merge completed successfully. Cannot use partition groups with unfiltered publications. Set "use_partition_groups" to "false" using sp_changemergepublication. Cannot use partition groups because the join filter between the following articles contains one or more functions: "%1!s!" and "%2!s!". Cannot use partition groups because one or more filters reference the following view, which contains functions: "%1!s!". The publication cannot use precomputed partitions because there is at least one circular reference in the join filters specified for the articles in the publication. To use precomputed partitions, ensure that no circular join filter relationships exist. The publication "%1!s!" was defined as having dynamic filters, but it does not contain any dynamic filters. The publication was defined as having no dynamic filters, but contains one or more dynamic filters. 8Cannot use column of type image, ntext, xml, CLR type, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max) in a subset or join filter for article: '%1!s!'. Cannot add a logical record relationship between tables "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" because a text, image, ntext, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max) column was referenced in the join clause. Article '%1!s!' cannot be published because it is published in another merge publication. An article that has a value of 3 for the @partition_options parameter of sp_addmergearticle (nonoverlapping partitions with a single subscription per partition) cannot be included in multiple publications or subscriptions, and cannot be republished. To include the article in multiple publications, use sp_changemergearticle to specify a different value for the partition_options property of the existing article. PAn article cannot use @partition_options 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) and be a part of a logical record relationship at the same time. Check article "%1!s!". Article '%1!s!' is published in another merge publication, with a different value specified for the @partition_options parameter of sp_addmergearticle. The specified value must be the same in all merge publications. Either specify the same value as the existing article or change the existing article using sp_changemergearticle. The publication "%1!s!" cannot allow multiple subscriptions per partition if it contains articles using @partition_options = 3. An invalid value was specified for %1!s!. Valid values are 0 (none), 1 (enforced partitions), 2 (nonoverlapping partitions with multiple subscriptions per partition), and 3 (nonoverlapping partitions with single subscription per partition). Invalid value specified for %1!s!. Valid values are 'day', 'days', 'dd', 'year', 'years', 'yy', 'yyyy', 'month', 'months', 'mm', 'week', 'weeks', 'wk', 'hour', 'hours', 'hh', 'minute', 'minutes', 'mi'. Cannot use a retention period unit other than "days" for publication "%1!s!" because the compatibility level of the publication is lower than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. Cannot change the retention period unit for publication "%1!s!" because the compatibility level of the publication is lower than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM. Cannot update any column in article "%1!s!" that is used in a logical record relationship clause. Character mode publication does not support partitioned tables. For heterogeneous publications, the %1!s! parameters should be specified when calling "%2!s!". The %1!s! parameter value cannot be updated or changed for heterogeneous publications. The job_login provided must match the Publisher login specified when adding the distribution Publisher (sp_adddistpublisher). Only replication jobs or job schedules can be added, modified, dropped or viewed through replication stored procedures. Use of parameters %1!s! is invalid when parameter %2!s! is set to %3!s!. Cannot change publication "%1!s!" to use sync_mode of "character", because it contains one or more logical record relationships. HCannot add a logical record relationship in publication "%1!s!" because it uses sync_mode of "character" and could have SQL Server Compact Edition subscribers. Invalid value for property @subscriber_upload_options. Valid values are 0 (allow uploads), 1 (disable uploads), 2 (disable uploads prohibit subscriber changes), and 3 (disable_outofpartition_subscriber_changes). When the publication property @allow_partition_realignment is set to "false", the article property @subscriber_upload_options for all articles in the publication must be set to disable uploads. Cannot add a logical record relationship in publication "%1!s!" because it allows Web synchronization. Cannot change publication "%1!s!" to allow Web synchronization because it contains one or more logical record relationships. A concurrent snapshot is not allowed for snapshot publications. Vertical partitioning is only allowed for log-based articles. A shared distribution agent (%1!s!) already exists for this subscription. Cannot drop identity column "%1!s!" from the vertical partition when identityrangemanagementoption is set to auto. The type "%1!s!" is invalid. Valid types are "merge", "tran", and "both". A valid value for parameter "@resync_date_str" needs to be provided when "@resync_type" is set to 2. The parameter "@resync_type" is set to "%1!s!" but this subscription has never been successfully validated. Cannot change publication "%1!s!" to use the sync_mode of "character" because it uses a retention period unit other than "day". Use sp_changemergepublication to set the retention period unit to "day". Cannot set the retention period unit to a value other than "day" for publication "%1!s!" because it uses the sync_mode of "character" and may have SQL Server Compact Edition subscribers. Invalid value for the property "%1!s!". Valid values are 1 and 0. The status of the schema change could not be updated because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication "%1!s!" to 90RTM. tThe status of the schema change could not be updated. The status of the schema change must be "active" or "skipped". Merge replication does not allow filters that reference dynamic functions that take one or more parameters. Check the function "%1!s!". The requested operation failed because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication "%1!s!" to 90RTM. Cannot change the compatibility level of a publication to a value lower than the existing value. |contains one or more articles that do not upload changes 4uses ddl replication huses other than day as unit of retention period 4uses logical records contains one or more articles that use subscription-based or partition-based filtering contains one or more articles which will not compensate for errors \contains one or more schema only articles contains one or more articles that use automatic identity range management contains one or more articles that use datatypes new in SQL Server 2000 tcontains one or more articles with a timestamp column uses snapshot compression with snapshot_in_defaultfolder set to false contains one or more articles that use vertical partitioning When article property 'published_in_tran_pub' is set to 'true' then article property 'upload_options' has to be set to disable uploads. Cannot change publication "%1!s!" to disallow use_partition_groups because it contains one or more logical record relationships. When using logical record relationships the publication must set the @use_partition_groups property to 'true'. The subscription to publication '%1!s!' was not found but a shared agent does exist. To specify a subscription to a publication that is replicated via a shared agent specify '%2!s!' for the publication name. Cannot publish database '%1!s!' because it is marked as published on a different server. Before attempting to publish this database, execute sp_replicationdboption, specifying a value of FALSE for 'publish' and 'merge publish'. Article '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in publication '%2!s!'. The replication of FILESTREAM columns is not supported for publications that have a 'sync_mode' of 1 (character mode). Specify a 'sync_mode' of 0 (native mode) for the publication by using sp_addmergepublication or sp_changemergepublication, or partition the article vertically so that the FILESTREAM column is not replicated. Article '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in publication '%2!s!'. The replication of FILESTREAM columns is not supported for publications that have a 'publication_compatibility_level' of less than "90RTM" (SQL Server 2005). Specify a 'publication_compatibility_level' greater than or equal to "90RTM" by using sp_addmergepublication or sp_changemergepublication, or partition the article vertically so that the FILESTREAM column is not replicated. Article '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in publication '%2!s!'. The replication of FILESTREAM columns is not supported for articles that have a 'schema_option' set to 0x20000000. This converts large object data types to data types that are supported on earlier versions of Microsoft SQL Server. Remove this 'schema_option' setting by using sp_addmergepublication or sp_changemergepublication, or partition the article vertically so that the FILESTREAM column is not replicated. 8Column '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in article '%2!s!' of publication '%3!s!'. The DDL operatoin on hierarchyid and FILESTREAM columns is not supported for publications that have a 'sync_mode' of 1 (character mode) or with a lower than 90RTM backward compatibility level. PStarting the Change Data Capture Collection Agent job. To report on the progress of the operation, query the sys.dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions dynamic management view. Starting the Change Data Capture Cleanup Agent job using low watermark %1!s!. Change Data Capture has scanned the log from LSN{%1!s!} to LSN{%2!s!}, %3!s! transactions with %4!s! commands have been extracted. To report on the progress of the operation, query the sys.dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions dynamic management view. HChange Data Capture cannot proceed with the job-related action because transactional replication is enabled on database %1!s! but Distributor information cannot be retrieved to determine the state of the logreader agent. Make the Distributor database available, or disable distribution. The originator ID '%1!s!' is not valid. You must specify a non-zero ID that has never been used in the topology. The publication property '%1!s!' cannot be modified because the peer-to-peer publication '%2!s!' is not enabled for conflict detection. To enable the publication for conflict detection, use sp_configure_peerconflictdetection. Cannot execute procedure '%1!s!'. Publication '%2!s!' must be enabled for peer-to-peer replication before you execute this procedure. To enable the publication for peer-to-peer replication, use sp_changepublication. The @action parameter value is not valid. Valid values are 'enable' and 'disable'. hThe roundtrip time-out must be greater than 0. The qualified table name '%1!s!' is too long to be enabled for peer-to-peer conflict detection. TPeer-to-peer conflict detection alert The publication '%1!s!' was already %2!s! for peer-to-peer conflict detection. DThe command %1!s! failed. The values specified for the @ins_cmd, @del_cmd or @upd_cmd cannot be appended with schema name %2!s! within the size limit %3!s!. <Could not update the metadata that indicates database %1!s! is enabled for Change Data Capture. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. DCould not update the metadata that indicates database %1!s! is not enabled for Change Data Capture. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. 4Could not update the metadata that indicates table %1!s! is enabled for Change Data Capture. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. <Could not update the metadata that indicates table %1!s! is not enabled for Change Data Capture. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. Could not modify the the verbose logging status for table %1!s!. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. XCould not update the metadata for database %1!s! to indicate that a Change Data Capture job has been dropped. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. TCould not update the metadata for database %1!s! to indicate that a Change Data Capture job has been added. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. ,Could not delete table entries or drop objects associated with capture instance '%1!s!'. The failure occurred when executing the command '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. `All columns of a CDC unique index must be defined as NOT NULL. Index '%1!s!' selected as the CDC unique index for source table '%2!s!.%3!s!' does not meet this requirement. Define all columns of the selected index as NOT NULL or select another unique index as the CDC index and resubmit the request. @The application lock request '%1!s!' needed to modify Change Data Capture metadata was not granted. The value returned from the request was %2!s!: -1 = timeout; -2 = canceled; -3 = deadlock victim; -999 validation or other call error. Examine the error cause and resbmit the request. 4Could not upgrade the metadata for database '%1!s!' that is enabled for Change Data Capture. The failure occurred when executing the action '%2!s!'. The error returned was %3!s!: '%4!s!'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request. TALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because the partitioned destination table is enabled for Change Data Capture and does not have @allow_partition_switch set to 1. HALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because the partitioned source table is enabled for Change Data Capture and does not have @allow_partition_switch set to 1. \The '%1!s!' option must be either 1 or 0. (The threshold value specified for the Change Data Capture cleanup process must be greater than 0. When creating or modifying the cleanup job, specify a positive threshold value. If this error is encountered when executing the sys.sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table stored procedure, reset the threshold value associated with the job to a non-negative value by using the sp_cdc_change_job stored procedure. Could not update cdc.change_tables to indicate a change in the low water mark for database %1!s!. Can not enable Change Data Capture on table '%1!s!' or add ColumnSet column to it because CDC does not support ColumnSet. Unable to add entries to the Change Data Capture LSN time mapping table to reflect dml changes applied to the tracked tables. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. DLog Scan process failed in processing log records. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. PLog scan process failed in processing a ddl log record. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. The database snapshot '%1!s!' does not exist. Correct the parameter value and resubmit the request. \Failed to insert rows into Change Data Capture change tables. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. The call to sp_MScdc_capture_job by the Capture Job for database '%1!s!' failed. Look at previous errors for the cause of the failure. The number of columns in the index '%1!s!', used as the unique row identifier to support net changes for table '%2!s!'.'%3!s!', exceeds the limit of 14 columns. Set the parameter @supports_net_changes to 0 or use the @index_name parameter to identify a unique index with fewer than 15 columns as the unique row identifier and resubmit the request. The database '%1!s!' is not enabled for Change Data Capture. Ensure that the correct database context is set and retry the operation. To report on the databases enabled for Change Data Capture, query the is_cdc_enabled column in the sys.databases catalog view. Caller is not authorized to initiate the requested action. Sysadmin privileges are required. Another connection is already running 'sp_replcmds' for Change Data Capture in the current database. Caller is not authorized to initiate the requested action. DBO privileges are required. DThe database '%1!s!' cannot be enabled for Change Data Capture because a database user named 'cdc' or a schema named 'cdc' already exists in the current database. These objects are required exclusively by Change Data Capture. Drop or rename the user or schema and retry the operation. xParameter @role_name cannot be empty. Specify a value for @role_name and retry the operation. Supply null as the value if no role is to be used to gate access to captured change data. lCould not create the Change Data Capture objects in database '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Failed to cleanup the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table in database '%1!s!' when the last database table enabled for Change Data Capture was disabled. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. The cleanup request for database '%1!s!' failed. The database is not enabled for Change Data Capture. TThe capture job cannot be used by Change Data Capture to extract changes from the log when transactional replication is also enabled on the same database. When Change Data Capture and transactional replication are both enabled on a database, use the logreader agent to extract the log changes. hCould not drop the Change Data Capture objects in database '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. $Only members of the sysadmin or db_owner or db_ddladmin roles can perform this operation when Change Data Capture is enabled for a database. Could not grant SELECT permission for the change enumeration functions for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!' for the specified role. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. One or more columns in the list of included columns was not a captured column of the change table %1!s!. One or more columns in the list of columns needing update flags was not a captured column of the change table %1!s!. The named capture instance %1!s! does not exist for database %2!s!. Unable to generate scripts for all capture instances that the caller is authorized to access. To generate all such scripts, the parameters @column_list and @update_flag_list must both be null or empty.' Could not compute the new low endpoint for database '%1!s!' from retention %2!s!. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. 0Could not clean up change tables for database '%1!s!'. A failure occurred when attempting to clean up the database change tables based upon the current retention time. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. The number of columns captured by capture instance '%1!s!' exceeds the maximum allowed number: %2!s!. Use the @captured_columns_list parameter to specify a subset of the columns less than or equal to the maximum allowed and resubmit the request. Could not create a capture instance because the capture instance name '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. Specify an explicit unique name for the parameter @capture_instance. Capture instance name '%1!s!' exceeds the length limit of 100 characters. Specify a name that satisfies the length constraint. Index name '%1!s!' is not an index for table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Specify a valid index name for the table. 4Index '%1!s!' must be either a primary key or a unique index for table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Specify an index that meets at least one of these requirements. Could not locate '%1!s!' as a column of source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Specify a valid column name. `Source table '%1!s!.%2!s!' does not exist in the current database. Ensure that the correct database context is set. Specify a valid schema and table name for the database. $Capture instance name '%1!s!' is invalid. Specify a valid name. See the topic 'Identifiers' in SQL Server Books Online for object name rules. Role name '%1!s!' is invalid. Specify a valid name. See the topic 'Identifiers' in SQL Server Books Online for object name rules. @The parameter @supports_net_changes is set to 1, but the source table does not have a primary key defined and no alternate unique index has been specified. Could not remove DDL history entries in the Change Data Capture metadata for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not retrieve column information for index '%1!s!' of source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Columns specified in the captured column list could not be mapped to columns in source table '%1!s!.%2!s!'. Verify that the columns specified in the parameter @captured_column_list are delimited properly and match columns in the source table. hColumns used to uniquely identify a row for net change tracking must be included in the list of captured columns. Add either the primary key columns of the source table, or the columns defined for the index specified in the parameter @index_name to the list of captured columns and retry the operation. Could not create the specified database role '%1!s!' for gating access to change table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not add column information to the cdc.index_columns system table for the specified index for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not add column information to the cdc.captured_columns system table for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not create the change table for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not create the change enumeration functions for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not update the Change Data Capture metadata for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not remove index column entries in the Change Data Capture metadata for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not remove captured column entries in the Change Data Capture metadata for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not drop Change Data Capture objects created for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not remove Change Data Capture metadata for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not cleanup change tables for capture instance '%1!s!' using low end point %2!s!. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not obtain the maximum LSN for the database from function 'sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not obtain the minimum LSN of the change table associated with capture instance '%1!s!' from function 'sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. `LSN %1!s!, specified as the new low end point for the change table associated with capture instance '%2!s!', is not within the Change Data Capture timeline [%3!s!, %4!s!]. Could not create the function to query for all changes for capture instance '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not create the function to query for net changes for capture instance '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Change data capture instance '%1!s!' has not been enabled for the source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Use sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture to verify the capture instance name and retry the operation. Could not create a nonclustered index to support net change tracking for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. 4Two capture instances already exist for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!'. A table can have at most two capture instances. If the current tracking options are not appropriate, disable change tracking for the obsolete instance by using sys.sp_cdc_disable_table and retry the operation. Parameter '%1!s!' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation. LSN %1!s!, specified as the new low end point for change table cleanup must represent the start_lsn value of a current entry in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table. Choose an LSN value that satisfies this requirement. A quoted column in the column list is not properly terminated. Verify that columns are correctly delimited and retry the operation. For more information, see 'Delimited Identifiers' in Books Online. \Could not create table dbo.systranschemas in database '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not create a clustered index for table dbo.systranschemas in database '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not create DDL trigger '%1!s!' when enabling Change Data Capture for database '%2!s!'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. The value for parameter @maxscans specified for the Change Data Capture job must be greater than 0. Could not allocate memory for the log reader history cache. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. Check the physical and virtual settings on the server and examine memory usage to see if another application is excessively consuming memory. When calling stored procedure [sys].sp_cdc_help_change_data capture, if either @source_schema or @source_name is non-null and non-empty, the other parameter must also be non-null and non-empty. \The specified filegroup '%1!s!' is not a valid filegroup for database '%2!s!'. Specify a valid existing filegroup or create the named filegroup, and retry the operation. Tables contained in the cdc schema cannot be enabled for Change Data Capture. 8Source table '%1!s!' contains one of the following reserved column names: __$start_lsn, __$end_lsn, __$seqval, __$operation, and __$update_mask. To enable Change Data Capture for this table, specify a captured column list and ensure that these columns are excluded from the list. Could not alter column '%1!s!' of change table '%2!s!' in response to a data type change in the corresponding column of the source table '%3!s!'. The Change Data Capture meta data for source table '%4!s!' no longer accurately reflects the source table. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Unable to update DDL history information to reflect columns changes applied to the tracked table associated with change table '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. Could not update the cdc.captured_columns entry for column '%1!s!' of change table '%2!s!' to reflect a data type change in the corresponding column of the source table '%3!s!'. Change Data Capture column meta data for table '%4!s!' no longer accurately reflects the source table. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. The unique index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' is used by Change Data Capture. The constraint using this index cannot be dropped or disabled. The unique index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!.%3!s!' is disabled and cannot be used as a unique index by Change Data Capture. Enable the index. `Object does not exist or access is denied. Could not create internal stored procedures used to populate the change table for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems. TThe unique index '%1!s!' on source table '%2!s!' is used by Change Data Capture. To alter or drop the index, you must first disable Change Data Capture on the table. `An error occurred while waiting on the log reader history cache event. This error is reported by the internal task scheduling and might be transient. Retry the operation. Change data capture has not been enabled for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!'. Specify the name of a table enabled for Change Data Capture. To report on the tables enabled for Change Data Capture, query the is_tracked_by_cdc column in the sys.tables catalog view. ,Could not allocate memory for Change Data Capture population. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. Check the physical and virtual memory settings on the server and examine memory usage to see if another application is consuming excessive memory. lChange Data Capture population failed writing blob data for one or more large object columns. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. Check the physical and virtual memory settings on the server and examine memory usage to see if another application is consuming excessive memory. ,This instance of SQL Server is the %1!s!. Change data capture is only available in the Enterprise, Developer, and Enterprise Evaluation editions. 0Could not enable Change Data Capture for database '%1!s!'. Change data capture is not supported on system databases, or on a distribution database. The value specified for the parameter @pollinginterval cannot exceed 24 hours or be less than 0. Specify a polling interval (in seconds) that is less than or equal to 24 hours (86,400 seconds). The value specified for the parameter @maxtrans must be greater than 0. |The specified @job_type, %1!s!, is not supported. The value specified for the parameter @job_type must be N'capture' to indicate a capture job, or N'cleanup' to indicate a cleanup job. @The Change Data Capture job table containing job information for database '%1!s!' cannot be found in the msdb system database. Run the stored procedure 'sys.sp_cdc_add_job' to create the appropriate CDC capture or cleanup job. The stored procedure will create the required job table. The retention value specified for the Change Data Capture cleanup process must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 52594800. When creating or modifying the cleanup job, specify a retention value (in minutes) that is within that range. If this error is encountered when executing the sys.sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table stored procedure, reset the retention value associated with the job to a non-negative value less than 52594800 by using the sp_cdc_change_job stored procedure. PA value for the parameter @retention cannot be specified when the job type is 'capture'. Specify NULL for the parameter, or omit the parameter from the statement. When adding or modifying the CDC cleanup job, @pollinginterval, @maxtrans, @maxscans, and @continuous may not be assigned non-null values. dThe Change Data Capture '%1!s!' job does not exist in the system table 'msdb.dbo.cdc_jobs'. Use the stored procedure 'sys.sp_cdc_add_job' to add the Change Data Capture job. The value specified for the parameter @continuous must be 0 or 1. <The value specified for the parameter @pollinginterval must be null or 0 when the stored procedure 'sys.sp_cdc_scan' is not being run in continuous mode. The WinFS share permissions have become corrupted {Error: %1!s!}. Please try setting the share permissions again. @Invalid input parameter(s). ,Access is denied. TItem does not exist {ItemId: %1!s!}. XFolder already exists {ItemId: %1!s!}. XFolder does not exist {ItemId: %1!s!}. tOperation violates hierarchical namespace uniqueness. XContainer is not empty {ItemId: %1!s!}. PItem cannot be copied onto itself. `Scoping path does not exist or is invalid. <Container does not exist. @No more items to enumerate. Item does not exist in the given scope {ItemId: %1!s!, Scope: %2!s!}. LTransaction not in active state. Item either does not exist or it is not a file-backed one. 0Sharing violation. Transaction bindtoken must be null when called within the context of a transaction. Inconsistent StreamSize and/or AllocationSize data {ItemId: %1!s!}. lFile-backed item does not exist {ItemId: %1!s!}. PItemId of folder '%1!s!' not found. \Share '%1!s!' does not exist in Catalog. `Could not delete Share '%1!s!' in Catalog. LStore item not found in Catalog. XCould not delete Store item in Catalog. \Store database name not found in Catalog. hCould not create share to the ItemPath '%1!s!'. lCould not add Share item for '%1!s!' in Catalog. \ItemPath '%1!s!' does not exist in Store. \Could not update Store state in Catalog. Itempath '%1!s!' is a file-backed item or within it's sub-tree. Could not start Store Manager. Please look in WinFS UT Log for details. TItempath '%1!s!' is a compound item. HItem container does not exist. @Owning Item does not exist. tNamespaceName is empty or exceeds the maximum length. DInvalid Source endpoint type DInvalid Target endpoint type lA File-backed item must be a compound item type. hA File Backed Item may not contain other Items. @Source Item does not exist. `Item with name already exists in container. lNew container cannot be a sub-container of item. 4Item does not exist. `Item can not be deleted if it has children @Target Item does not exist. 8Invalid Namespace Name. Operation can not be called inside a un-committable transaction PWin32 file handle is open for item hCannot change ContainerId when replacing item. lThis procedure is reserved and cannot be called. @File stream cannot be null. HContainer ids must be the same. The request could not be performed because of an device I/O error. \System error occurred {ErrorCode: %1!s!}. Not enough memory available in the system to process the request. HUnspecified error(s) occurred. The specified Publisher is not enabled as a remote Publisher at this Distributor. Ensure the value specified for the parameter @publisher is correct, and that the Publisher is enabled as a remote Publisher at the Distributor. 0Upgrade of the distribution database MSmerge_subscriptions table failed. Rerun the upgrade procedure in order to upgrade the distribution database. It is invalid to drop the default constraint on the rowguid column that is used by merge replication. The new column cannot be added to article '%1!s!' because it has more than %2!s! replicated columns. HCannot synchronize the subscription because the schemas of the article at the Publisher and the Subscriber do not match. It is likely that pending schema changes have not yet been propagated to the Subscriber. Run the Merge Agent again to propagate the changes and synchronize the data. The merge replication views could not be regenerated after performing the data definition language (DDL) operation. Invalid value '%1!s!' specified while executing sp_changemergearticle on article '%2!s!' for the 'identityrangemanagementoption' property. $The constraint is used by merge replication for identity management and cannot be dropped directly. Execute sp_changemergearticle @publication, @article, "identityrangemanagementoption", "none" to disable merge identity management, which will also drop the constraint. Cannot add an identity column since the table is published for merge replication. Cannot perform alter table because the table is published in one or more publications with a publication_compatibility_level of lower than '90RTM'. Use sp_repladdcolumn or sp_repldropcolumn. sp_repladdcolumn does not allow adding columns of datatypes that are new to this release. Failed to execute the command "%1!s!" through xp_cmdshell. Detailed error information is returned in a result set. dPrecomputed partitions cannot be used because articles "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" are part of a join filter and at least one of them has a constraint with a CASCADE action defined. \The logical record relationship between articles "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" cannot be added because at least one of the articles has a constraint with a CASCADE action defined. The article cannot be created on table '%1!s!' because it has more than %2!s! columns and column-level tracking is being used. Either reduce the number of columns in the table or change to row-level tracking. (Replication stored procedure sp_MSupdategenhistory failed to update the generation '%1!s!'. This generation will be retried in the next merge. The snapshot storage option (@snapshot_storage_option) must be 'file system', or 'database'. Stored procedures containing table-value parameters cannot be published as '[serializable] proc exec' articles. A snapshot storage option of 'database' is incompatible with the use of character mode bcp for snapshot generation. @Cannot add a sparse column or a sparse column set because the table is published for merge replication. Merge replication does not support sparse columns. `The proc sp_registercustomresolver cannot proceed because it is not run in the context of the distribution database, or the distribution database is not properly upgraded. `The Extended Event engine is out of memory. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", encountered a configuration error during initialization. Object cannot be added to the event session. %3!s! The %1!s!, "%2!s!", could not be added. The maximum number of singleton targets has been reached. XThe Extended Event engine is disabled. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", could not be added. The maximum number of packages has been reached. HThe Extended Event engine could not be initialized. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems. The Extended Event engine has been disabled by startup options. Features that depend on Extended Events may fail to start. The Extended Event engine could not allocate record for local thread/fiber. The %1!s! name, "%2!s!", is invalid, or the object could not be found DThe constraints of %1!s! name, "%2!s!", have been violated. The object does not support binding to actions or predicates. Event not added to event session. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", already exists in the event session. Object cannot be added to the event session. lThe %1!s!, "%2!s!", was specified multiple times. For %1!s!, "%2!s!", the customizable attribute, "%3!s!", does not exist. The predicate expression bound to %1!s! ,"%2!s!", has mismatching types. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", already exists. Choose a unique name for the event session. |The specified buffer size is less than the minimum size. pThe buffer size specified exceeds the maximum size. |The dispatch latency specified is below the minimum size. An attempt was made to add an asynchronous target to a session with a maximum memory of 0. For asynchronous targets to be added to a session, the session must have a maximum memory greater than 0. Source and comparator types of the predicate do not match. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", exceeds the number of allowable bound actions. Maximum event size is smaller than configured event session memory. Specify a larger value for maximum event size, or specify 0. For %1!s!, "%2!s!", the parameter "%3!s!" passed is invalid. %4!s! Mandatory customizable attributes are missing for %1!s!, "%2!s!". The %1!s!, "%2!s!", can not be added to an event session that specifies no event loss. |The %1!s!, "%2!s!", cannot be bound to the event session. TThe %1!s! name, "%2!s!", is invalid. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", could not be found. Ensure that the object exists and the name is spelled correctly. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", could not be found. Ensure that the package exists and the name is spelled correctly. Two of the actions/predicates for %1!s!, "%2!s!", can not coexist. Please remove one. For %1!s!, "%2!s!" the customizable attribute, "%3!s!", was specified multiple times. For %1!s!, "%2!s!", the value specified for customizable attribute, "%3!s!", did not match the expected type, "%4!s!". The %1!s!, "%2!s!", does not exist in the event session. Object cannot be dropped from the event session. hInsuficient buffer space to copy error message. tInternal Extended Event error: invalid message code. HError validating action. %1!s! LError validating predicate. %1!s! TThe %1!s! name "%2!s!" is not unique. pInternal Extended Event error: invalid package ID. The Extended Event engine failed unexpectedly while performing an operation. Invalid event session name "%1!s!". Temporary event sessions are not allowed. The event session option, "%1!s!", is set more than once. Remove the duplicate session option and re-issue the statement. The event session option, "%1!s!", has an invalid value. Correct the value and re-issue the statement. `The event session has already been stopped. `The event session has already been started. XThe %1!s!, "%2!s!", could not be found. Event session option "%1!s!" cannot be changed while the session is running. Stop the event session before changing this session option. The "%1!s!" specified exceeds the maximum allowed value. Specify a smaller configuration value. 8One or more event sessions failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause, and correct any associated problems. 0Event session "%1!s!" failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause, and correct any associated problems. PFailed to parse an event predicate. An invalid comparison operator was specified for an event predicate. The value specified for %1!s!, "%2!s!", %3!s!, "%4!s!", is invalid. The predicate on event "%1!s!" is invalid. Operator '%2!s!' is not defined for type "%3!s!", %4!s!: "%5!s!". The predicate on event, "%1!s!", exceeds the maximum length of %2!s! characters. The operating system returned error %1!s! while reading from the file '%2!s!'. The log file name "%1!s!" is invalid. Verify that the file exists and that the SQL Server service account has access to it. Initial file name and initial offset must be specified as a pair. Please correct the parameters and retry your query. The metadata file name "%1!s!" is invalid. Verify that the file exists and that the SQL Server service account has access to it. The offset %1!s! is invalid for log file "%2!s!". Specify an offset that exists in the log file and retry your query. An error occurred while obtaining metadata information from the file "%1!s!". The file may be damaged. LPredicate too large for display. An error occurred while trying to flush all running Extended Event sessions. Some events may be lost. The Extended Events session named "%1!s!" has either been stopped or dropped and can no longer be accessed. The Extended Events session named "%1!s!" could not be found. Make sure the session exists and is started. The event data stream was disconnected due to an internal error. lOne or more event sessions failed to reconcile their runtime states. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause, and correct any associated problems. \Event session "%1!s!" failed to reconcile its runtime state. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause, and correct any associated problems. The file pattern "%1!s!" represents a full path. Use only relative paths with no drive letters. PThe source option %1!s! is invalid. A damaged buffer was found in file "%1!s!" at offset %2!s!, no further events will be read from the file. lThe server was unable to initialize encryption because of a problem with a security library. The security library may be missing. Verify that security.dll exists on the system. LThe server has attempted to initialize SSL encryption when it has already been initialized. This indicates a problem with SQL Server. Contact Technical Support. Unable to load user-specified certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%1!s!"]. The server will not accept a connection. You should verify that the certificate is correctly installed. See "Configuring Certificate for Use by SSL" in Books Online. Unable to load user-specified certificate. Because connection encryption is required, the server will not be able to accept any connections. You should verify that the certificate is correctly installed. See "Configuring Certificate for Use by SSL" in Books Online. Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ %1!s! <%2!s!> %3!s!]. Tcp port is already in use. Server failed to listen on %1!s! <%2!s!> %3!s!. Error: %4!s!. To proceed, notify your system administrator. LHTTP authentication failed.%1!s! Server named pipe provider failed to listen on [ %1!s! ]. Error: %2!s! <The SQL Server Network Interface library was unable to close socket handle due to a closesocket failure under memory pressure. Winsock error code: %1!s!. The SQL Server Network Interface library was unable to load SPN related library. Error: %1!s!. \Server TCP provider has stopped listening on port [ %1!s! ] due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server will automatically attempt to reestablish listening. <Server HTTP provider has stopped listening due to a failure. Error: %1!s!, state: %2!s!. The server will automatically attempt to reestablish listening. `Server named pipe provider has stopped listening on [ %1!s! ] due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server will automatically attempt to reestablish listening. Server local connection provider failed to listen on [ %1!s! ]. Error: %2!s! pServer local connection provider has stopped listening on [ %1!s! ] due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server will automatically attempt to re-establish listening. SQL Server Network Interfaces failed to initialize listeners on node %1!s! of a multi-node (NUMA) server configuration with node affinity mask 0x%2!s!. There may be insufficient memory. Free up additional memory, then turn the node off and on again. If the failure persists repeat this multiple times or restart the SQL Server. Could not find any IP address that this SQL Server instance depends upon. Make sure that the cluster service is running, that the dependency relationship between SQL Server and Network Name resources is correct, and that the IP addresses on which this SQL Server instance depends are available. Error code: %1!s!. Failed to determine the fully qualified domain name of the computer while initializing SSL support. This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %1!s!. A TCP provider is enabled, but there are no TCP listening ports configured. The server cannot accept TCP connections. Invalid parameter detected while initializing TCP listening port. Error: %1!s!, state: %2!s!. Contact Technical Support. Extended Protection for the SQL Server Database Engine is enabled, but the operating system does not support Extended Protection. Connection attempts using Windows Authentication might fail. Check for an operating system service pack to allow for Extended Protection through Service Binding and Channel Binding, or disable Extended Protection for the Database Engine. TAn error occurred while configuring cluster virtual IP addresses for Extended Protection. Connection attempts using Windows Authentication might fail. Error: %1!s!. <Failed to load the Cluster Resource Libraries: clusapi.dll and resutils.dll. SQL Server will be unable to accept TCP connections on clustered listeners. TCP connection closed but a child process of SQL Server may be holding a duplicate of the connection's socket. Consider enabling the TcpAbortiveClose SQL Server registry setting and restarting SQL Server. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. Failed to start a listener for virtual network name '%1!s!'. Error: %2!s!. lReserved error message. Should never be issued. A null or invalid SqlCommand object was supplied to Fuzzy Lookup Table Maintenance by SQLCLR. Reset the connection. `Bad token encountered during tokenization. xUnexpected token type encountered during tokenization. LError Tolerant Index is corrupt. Deleted more than one rid from ridlist during delete operation. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. Attempt to delete from empty ridlist. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. rid to be deleted not found in rid-list. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. Error Tolerant Index frequencies must be non-negative. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. Attempt to insert row whose ID is already present. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. No ridlist provided for appending. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. xCannot delete token. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. Tokenizer object has no delimiter set. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. Deletion failed because token does not occur in index. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. Unexpected ridlist length. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. Cannot connect to Error Tolerant Index. Bad or missing SqlCommand object. dFailed to drop index on reference table copy. Could not retrieve metadata from Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt. Could not initialize from metadata contained in Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt. An error specific to fuzzy lookup table maintenance has occurred. A system error occurred during execution of fuzzy lookup table maintenance. Cannot write at negative index position. Could not update Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt. Argument is not a valid hex string. Could not initialize from metadata contained in Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt. Negative count in Error Tolerant Index metadata. The index is probably corrupt. Error tolerant index metadata contains unsupported normalization flags. The index is probably corrupt. Invalid Error Tolerant Index metadata. The index is probably corrupt. hInvalid Error Tolerant Index metadata version. Missing metadata. The Error Tolerant Index is probably corrupt. Unable to parse token counts in Error Tolerant Index metadata. The index is probably corrupt. Error Tolerant Index Metadata string too long. Index is probably corrupt. tError Tolerant Index Metadata length limit exceeded. Unexpected end of Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt. No table name provided for Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt. No input provided for decoding in Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt. No input provided for encoding in Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt. No Error Tolerant Index metadata string provided for initialization. Index is probably corrupt. No Error Tolerant Index metadata provided for serialization. The index is probably corrupt. tCould not lookup object_id. No object name provided. Could not lookup object_id. Null command object provided. Open connection required. Cannot query Error Tolerant Index. Cannot write to null output buffer. Could not update Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt. Output buffer provided is too small. Could not update Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt. The number of min-hash q-grams per token must be positive. hCould not create index on reference table copy. Reference table (or internal copy) missing integer identity column. Error tolerant index is probably corrupt. The maximum allow integer identity value has been reached. Consider re-building the error tolerant index to use any gaps in sequence. Could not read rid from data provided (missing column name, null reader object, or corrupted data). The index is probably corrupted. PTable maintenance insertion failed. xA positive q-gram length is required for tokenization. Maintenance trigger already installed on this reference table. lMissing extended property on maintenance trigger. Maintenance trigger name out of sync with Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt. A SQL error occurred during execution of fuzzy lookup table maintenance. Could not lookup object_id. The reference table or maintenance trigger could not be found. The Error Tolerant Index table name provided is not a valid SQL identifier. The Error Tolerant Index table name provided refers to a missing table. Check sys.tables. An auxiliary Fuzzy Lookup table maintenance table is missing. An auxiliary Fuzzy Lookup table maintenance table name is null. Maintenance cannot proceed. The row deleted from the reference table could not be located in the reference table copy. Fuzzy Lookup Table Maintenance is not installed or the Error Tolerant Index is corrupt. The input parameter, '%1!s!', cannot be null. Provide a valid value for this parameter. The value specified for the input parameter, '%1!s!', is not valid. Provide a valid value for this parameter. The input parameter, '%1!s!', cannot be empty. Provide a valid value for this parameter. Cannot find the execution instance '%1!s!' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. Cannot find the folder '%1!s!' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. Cannot find the operation '%1!s!' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. Cannot find the parameter '%1!s!' because it does not exist. PThe specified %1!s! already exists. The path for '%1!s!' cannot be found. The operation will now exit. Cannot find the project '%1!s!' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. Default permissions for the project cannot be granted to the user. Make sure that the user can be assigned these permissions. Cannot find the reference '%1!s!' because it is not part of the project or you do not have sufficient permissions. Unable to update the row in the table, '%1!s!'. Make sure that this row exists. Unable to delete one or more rows in the table, '%1!s!'. Make sure that these rows exist. Cannot find the reference '%1!s!' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. Cannot find the target folder '%1!s!' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. hConversion failed while performing encryption. Failed to decrypt the project. The symmetric key that was used to encrypt it may have been deleted. Delete the project and deploy it again. hFailed to deploy the project. Try again later. Failed to encrypt the project named '%1!s!'. The symmetric key may have been deleted. Delete the project and deploy it again. PFailed to grant permission '%1!s!'. The project is currently running or has completed. An instance of execution can only be started once. 0Unable to perform impact analysis and lineage. The package data or configuration data might not be valid. To validate package data, open the package in Business Intelligence Development Studio. To validate configuration data, open the configuration XML file in an XML editor. <The operation cannot be started by an account that uses SQL Server Authentication. Start the operation with an account that uses Windows Authentication. Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation with ID '%1!s!' is not valid or is not running. Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation is not in a consistent state and cannot be stopped. Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation is already in Stopping state. |The Integration Services catalog '%1!s!' does not exists. The name '%1!s!' is not valid. It consists of characters that are not allowed. The folder '%1!s!' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to change it. Integration Services server was unable to impersonate the caller. Windows returned error code: %1!s!. Integration Services server was unable to start the process, '%1!s!'. Windows returned error code: %2!s!. Integration Services server was unable to create process component, '%1!s!'. Windows returned error code: %2!s!. Integration Services server was unable to wait for process, '%1!s!', to finish. Windows returned error code: %2!s!. The database, '%1!s!', already exists. Rename or remove the existing database, and then run SQL Server Setup again. $The required components for the 32-bit edition of Integration Services cannot be found. Run SQL Server Setup to add the required components. The registry key for the system setting '%1!s!' could not be found. The operation will now exit. The input parameter cannot be null. Provide a valid value for the parameter. dIntegration Services server cannot be configured because there are active operations. Wait until there are no active operations, and then try to configure the server again. The operation cannot be started because the user is not a member of the database role, '%1!s!', or the server role, '%2!s!'. Log in as a member of one of these roles, and then try to start the operation again. '%1!s!' is not a valid environment name. It consists of characters that are not allowed. Cannot access the operation with ID, '%1!s!'. Verify that the user has appropriate permissions. '%1!s!' is not a valid project name. It consists of characters that are not allowed. Cannot access the package or the package does not exist. Verify that the package exists and that the user has permissions to it. The data type of the input value is not compatible with the data type of the '%1!s!'. The data type of the parameter does not match the data type of the environment variable. Integration Services server cannot perform the requested operation on the specified package now, because the package is in pending state. Wait until the package is not in pending state, and try to perform the operation again. The version of the project has changed since the instance of the execution has been created. Create a new execution instance and try again. Default permissions for the operation cannot be granted to the user. Make sure that the user can be assigned these permissions. The @sensitive parameter is missing. This parameter is used to indicate if the parameter contains a sensitive value. Project restore has failed. You cannot restore a project having an object_version_lsn that is the same as the current project. The Integration Services server property, '%1!s!', cannot be found. Check the name of the property and try again. The environment '%1!s!' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to create it. LError number, %1!s!, occurred in the procedure, '%2!s!', at line number, %3!s!. The error message was: '%4!s!' The error level was %5!s! and the state was %6!s!. hData type of the input value is not supported. 8The property, '%1!s!', cannot be changed because the Integration Services database is not in single-user mode. In Management Studio, in the Database Properties dialog box, set the Restrict Access property to single-user mode. Then, try to change the value of the property again. The value for the Integration Services server property, '%1!s!', is not valid. In Management Studio, in the Integration Services Properties dialog box, enter a valid value for this property. The installed version of SQL Server does not support the installation of the Integration Services server. Update SQL Server, and then try installing the Integration Services server again. (Failed to change the encryption algorithm to '%1!s!'. An error occurred while encrypting the environment variables with the '%2!s!' algorithm. Failed to change the encryption algorithm to '%1!s!'. An error occurred while encrypting the parameter values using the '%2!s!' algorithm. |Failed to create a log entry for the requested operation. dFailed to retrieve the project named '%1!s!'. The value specified is not valid. A value of data type '%1!s!' is required. The certificate and symmetric key used to encrypt project '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. lThe environment variable '%1!s!' already exists. TThe execution has already completed. The parameter '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. Environment names must be unique. There is already an environment named '%1!s!'. Unable to execute the project named '%1!s!'. You do not have sufficient permissions. The object version does not match the project id or you do not have sufficient permissions. %1!s! is not a valid environment variable name. It consists of characters that are not allowed. The project '%1!s!' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it. The environment '%1!s!' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it. The environment variable '%1!s!' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it. In order to execute this package, you need to specify values for the required parameters. The validation record for ID '%1!s!' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it. One or more environment variables could not be found in the referenced environment. The project does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it. Only members of the ssis_admin or sysadmin server roles can create, delete, or rename a catalog folder. xCatalog folder name cannot be NULL or an empty string. The folder '%1!s!' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to create it. The '%1!s!' permission is not applicable to objects of type '%2!s!'. Grant, deny, or revoke of this permission is not allowed. The caller has not been granted the MANAGEPERMISSION permission for the specified object. SQL Server %1!s! is required to install Integration Services. It cannot be installed on this version of SQL Server. Cannot find the project because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions. tThe operation failed because the execution timed out. Failed to delete the folder '%1!s!' because it is not empty. Only empty folders can be deleted. `The specified %1!s! %2!s! does not exist. Failed to locate records for the specified operation (ID %1!s!). %1!s! is not a valid folder name. It consists of characters that are not allowed. The project is missing the specified environment reference. Values are missing for required parameters in this package. Specify values in order to start the validation. HThis project is missing one or more environment references. In order to use environment variables, specify the corresponding environment reference identifier. Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '%1!s!'. Failed to create environment reference. This project already has an reference to the specified environment. Some of the property values for this parameter are missing. Failed to deploy project to the folder '%1!s!'. You do not have sufficient permissions to deploy this project. Failed to locate one or more variables in the environment '%1!s!'. The environment reference '%1!s!' is not associated with the project. Failed to create environment to the folder '%1!s!'. You do not have sufficient permissions to create this environment. Conversion failed when converting the %1!s! to data type %2!s!. Data tap can only be added or removed when the execution status is created. The package path and data flow path ID strings already exist for the execution ID %1!s!. Provide package path and data flow path ID strings that are not in the catalog.execution_data_taps view. The data flow task GUID '%1!s!' and the data flow path ID string already exist for the execution ID %2!s!. Provide a data flow task GUID and a data flow path ID string that are not in the catalog.execution_data_taps view. The data tap '%1!s!' does not exist, or you do not have sufficient permissions to remove it. Provide a valid data tap ID. The number of rows must be a non-negative value. Specify a valid value. The logging level '%1!s!' is undefined. Provide one of the following logging levels: 0 (None), 1 (Basic), 2 (Performance), 3 (Verbose). The Integration Services Server cannot find the running process for execution ID %1!s!. Provide a valid execution ID. Caller does not have permissions to execute the stored procedure. SSISDB database does not exist. Create the SSISDB database. lUnable to map an environment variable with the sensitive property set to True, to a parameter with the sensitive property set to False. Ensure that the property settings match. ,The required components for the 64-bit edition of Integration Services cannot be found. Run SQL Server Setup to install the required components. Cannot move the project to folder '%1!s!' due to insufficient permissions. The parameter value cannot be changed after the execution has been started. The property cannot be overridden after the execution has been started. The database principal has granted or denied permissions to catalog objects in the database and cannot be dropped. lThe decrypted session key has an unexpected size. pA corrupted message has been received. It contains invalid flags. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. Cannot start service broker manager. Operating system error: %1!s!. An internal service broker error occurred. Operating system error: %1!s!. This message could not be delivered because the '%1!s!' action cannot be performed in the '%2!s!' state. An exception occurred while enqueueing a message in the target queue. Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. %3!s! User does not have permission to %1!s! the conversation '%2!s!' in state '%3!s!'. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and the db_owner fixed database role have this permission. A corrupted message has been received. The highest seen message number must be greater than the acknowledged message number. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. The conversation handle '{%1!s!-%2!s!-%3!s!-%4!s!%5!s!-%6!s!%7!s!%8!s!%9!s!%10!s!%11!s!}' is invalid. The crypto API has detected bad data while trying to perform a decryption operation. This message could not be delivered because it contains an invalid acknowledged message number. Highest expected message number: %1!s!. Acknowledged message number: %2!s!, fragment number: %3!s!. This message could not be delivered because its %1!s! has expired or is invalid. The Service Broker in the target database is unavailable: '%1!s!'. lThe service broker is administratively disabled. PThe database is in read-only mode. TThe database is in single-user mode. The message has been dropped because the service broker in the target database is unavailable: '%1!s!'. The message has been dropped because the target service broker is unreachable. lThe database is a replica of a mirrored database. System error %1!s! occurred while creating a new message element GUID for this forwarded message. Could not create user token for user %1!s! in database %2!s!. One or more messages could not be delivered to the local service targeted by this dialog. tThe security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!) is not yet valid. Either wait for the certificate to become valid or install a certificate that is currently valid. $The security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!) has expired. Create or install a new certificate for the database principal. A corrupted message has been received. The encrypted payload offset is invalid (%1!s!). A corrupted message has been received. The arbitration request header is invalid. A corrupted message has been received. The arbitration response header is invalid. A corrupted message has been received. It is not encrypted and signed using the currently configured endpoint algorithm. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. Cannot decrypt session key while regenerating master key with FORCE option. Service Broker could not upgrade conversation session keys in database '%1!s!' to encrypted format (Error: %2!s!). The Service Broker in this database was disabled. A master key is required to the database in order to enable the broker. XService Broker needs to access the master key in the database '%1!s!'. Error code:%2!s!. The master key has to exist and the service master key encryption is required. The certificate '%1!s!' is not valid for endpoint authentication. The certificate must have a private key encrypted with the database master key and current UTC date has to be between the certificate start date and the certificate expiration date. HThis message could not be delivered because the user with ID %1!s! in database ID %2!s! does not have control permission on the service. Service name: '%3!s!'. Service Broker could not upgrade this conversation during a database upgrade operation. Connection handshake failed. The received premaster secret of size %1!s! does not have the expected size of %2!s!. State %3!s!. The AES encryption algorithm is only supported on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 or later versions. A corrupted message has been received. The adjacent message integrity check signature could not be validated. A corrupted message has been received. The signed dialog message header is invalid. A corrupted message has been received. A required variable data field is not present: %1!s!. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%2!s!', Initiator: %3!s!, and Message sequence number: %4!s!. A corrupted message has been received. A string variable data field is not a valid UNICODE string: %1!s!. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%2!s!', Initiator: %3!s!, and Message sequence number: %4!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The unsigned dialog message header is invalid. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The security dialog message header is invalid. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The encrypted offset of the envelope does not match the payload encrypted offset. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. A corrupted message has been received. The envelope payload is bigger than the message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', Initiator: %2!s!, and Message sequence number: %3!s!. |Unexpected session key when encrypting a dialog message. TA serious error occurred in the Service Broker message transmitter (operation %1!s!): Error: %2!s!, State: %3!s!. Message transmission will resume in %4!s! seconds. 8An out of memory condition has occurred in the Service Broker message transmitter (operation %1!s!). Message transmission will resume in %2!s! seconds. Service Broker could not upgrade conversation with conversation_handle '%1!s!'. Use END CONVERSATION ... WITH CLEANUP to delete this conversation, then try again to enable the broker. Use ALTER DATABASE ... SET ERROR_BROKER to error all conversations in this database. Use ALTER DATABASE ... SET NEW_BROKER to delete all conversations in this database. The database principal '%1!s!' cannot be used in a remote service binding because it cannot own certificates. Remote service bindings cannot be associated with 1) roles, 2) groups or 3) principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys. The activated task was ended because the associated queue was dropped. The activated task was ended because either the queue or activation was disabled. The activated task was aborted because the invoked stored procedure '%1!s!' did not execute RECEIVE. The activated task was aborted due to an error (Error: %1!s!, State %2!s!). Check ERRORLOG or the previous "Broker:Activation" trace event for possible output from the activation stored procedure. The database principal '%1!s!' cannot be used in a remote service binding because it cannot own certificates. This is a special user for backward compatibility with implicitly connected user schemas. An error occurred while deleting sent messages from the transmission queue, Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. Verify that no other operation is locking the transmission queue, and that the database is available. User '%1!s!\%2!s!' does not have permission to debug the requested client connection. Batch execution is terminated because of debugger request. To connect to this server you must use SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Server Management Objects (SMO). HInvalid parameter combinations. PUnknown property specified: %1!s!. GDM request processing failed. See previous error for details. GDM failed to allocate message via communication stack API. A fulltext system view or stvf cannot open database id %1!s!. A fulltext system view or stvf cannot open user table object id %1!s!. The name specified for full-text index fragment %1!s! is not valid. A fulltext system view or stvf cannot open fulltext index for user table object id %1!s!. Parameters of dm_fts_index_keywords, dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document, and dm_fts_index_keywords_by_property cannot be null. This is an internal error when invoking the TVF to access the full-text index. The level number specified for the TVF is not valid. Valid level numbers start from 0 and must be less than the number of levels of the compressed index. The argument data type '%1!s!' specified for the full-text query is not valid. Allowed data types are char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar. tThe full-text query parameter for %1!s! is not valid. The fulltext stoplist '%1!s!' does not exist or the current user does not have permission to perform this action. Verify that the correct stoplist name is specified and that the user had the permission required by the Transact-SQL statement. XThe fulltext stoplist '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. Duplicate stoplist names are not allowed. Rerun the statement and specify a unique stoplist name. The search property list '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have permission to perform this action. Verify that the correct search property list name is specified and that you have the permission required by the Transact-SQL statement. For a list of the search property lists on the current database, use the sys.registered_search_property_lists catalog view. For information about permissions required by a Transact-SQL statement, see the Transact-SQL reference topic for the statement in SQL Server Books Online. The search property list '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. Duplicate search property list names are not allowed. Rerun the statement and specify a unique name for the search property list. For a list of the search property lists on the current database, use the sys.registered_search_property_lists catalog view. @Failed to get pipeline interface for '%1!s!', resulting in error: 0x%2!s!. There is a problem communicating with the host controller or filter daemon host. The full-text host controller failed to start. Error: 0x%1!s!. The search property '%1!s!' does not exist, or you do not have permission to perform this action. Verify that the correct search property is specified and that you have the permission required by the Transact-SQL statement. For a list of the search properties on the current database, use the sys.registered_search_properties catalog view. For information about the permissions required by a Transact-SQL statement, see the Transact-SQL reference topic for the statement in SQL Server Books Online. A full-text master merge failed on full-text catalog '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' with error 0x%3!s!. `The stoplist '%1!s!' does not contain fulltext stopword '%2!s!' with locale ID %3!s!. Specify a valid stopword and locale identifier (LCID) in the Transact-SQL statement. dThe stoplist '%1!s!' already contains full-text stopword '%2!s!' with locale ID %3!s!. Specify a unique stopword and locale identifier (LCID) in the Transact-SQL statement. Full-text stoplist '%1!s!' cannot be dropped because it is being used by at least one full-text index. To identify which full-text index is using a stoplist: obtain the stoplist ID from the stoplist_id column of the sys.fulltext_indexes catalog view, and then look up that stoplist ID in the stoplist_id column of the sys.fulltext_stoplists catalog view. Either drop the full-text index by using DROP FULLTEXT INDEX or change its stoplist setting by using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX. Then retry dropping the stoplist. 4The search property '%1!s!' already exists in the search property list. Specify a search property name that is unique within the specified search property list. For a list of the search properties on the current database, use the sys.registered_search_properties catalog view. xSearch property list '%1!s!' cannot be dropped because it is being used by at least one full-text index. To identify the full-text indexes that are using the search property list, obtain the search property list id from the property_list_id column of the sys.registered_search_property_lists catalog view, and then obtain the object ID of every table or indexed view whose full-text index is associated with this search property list from the object_id and property_list_id columns of the sys.fulltext_indexes catalog view . For each full-text index, either remove the search property list or drop the full-text index, if it is no longer needed. To remove the search property list, use ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST OFF;. To drop a full-text index, use DROP FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name>;. xAn argument passed to a fulltext function is not valid. 4Fulltext index error during compression or decompression. Full-text index may be corrupted on disk. Run dbcc checkdatabase and re-populate the index. Data coming back to the SQL Server process from the filter daemon host is corrupted. This may be caused by a bad filter. The batch for the indexing operation will automatically be retried using a smaller batch size. Stopwords of zero length cannot be added to a full-text stoplist. Specify a unique stopword that contains at least one character. The user does not have permission to alter the current default stoplist '%1!s!'. To change the default stoplist of the database, ALTER permission is required on both new and old default stoplists. 4Fulltext index error during compression or decompression. Full-text index may be corrupted on disk. Run dbcc checkdatabase and re-populate the index. <SQL Server encountered error 0x%1!s! while communicating with full-text filter daemon host (FDHost) process. Make sure that the FDHost process is running. To re-start the FDHost process, run the sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts' command or restart the SQL Server instance. The user does not have permission to %1!s! stoplist '%2!s!'. xFulltext thesaurus internal error (HRESULT = '0x%1!s!') Both the thesaurus file for lcid '%1!s!' and the global thesaurus could not be loaded. Phrases longer than 512 unicode characters are not allowed in a thesaurus file. Phrase: '%1!s!'. The full-text query has a very complex NEAR clause in the CONTAINS predicate or CONTAINSTABLE function. To ensure that a NEAR clause runs successfully, use only six or fewer terms. Modify the query to simplify the condition by removing prefixes or repeated terms. An error has occurred during the full-text query. Common causes include: word-breaking errors or timeout, FDHOST permissions/ACL issues, service account missing privileges, malfunctioning IFilters, communication channel issues with FDHost and sqlservr.exe, etc. xProperties of zero length cannot be added to a search property list. Specify a search property name that contains at least one character and that is unique to the specified search property list. For a list of the search properties on the current database, use the sys.registered_search_properties catalog view. <A fatal error occurred during a full-text population and caused the population to be cancelled. Population type is: %1!s!; database name is %2!s! (id: %3!s!); catalog name is %4!s! (id: %5!s!); table name %6!s! (id: %7!s!). Fix the errors that are logged in the full-text crawl log. Then, resume the population. The basic Transact-SQL syntax for this is: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON table_name RESUME POPULATION. $The import population for database %1!s! (id: %2!s!), catalog %3!s! (id: %4!s!) is being cancelled because of a fatal error ('%5!s!'). Fix the errors that are logged in the full-text crawl log. Then resume the import either by detaching the database and re-attaching it, or by taking the database offline and bringing it back online. If the error is not recoverable, rebuild the full-text catalog. <The SQL Server failed to create full-text filterdata directory. This might be because FulltextDefaultPath is invalid or SQL Server service account does not have permission. Full-text blob indexing will fail until this issue is resolved. Restart SQL Server after the issue is fixed. The SQL Server failed to load FDHost service group sid. This might be because installation is corrupted. SQL Server failed to set security information on the full-text FilterData directory in the FTData folder. Full-text indexing of some types of documents may fail until this issue is resolved. You will need to repair the SQL Server installation. The full-text filter component '%1!s!' used to populate catalog '%2!s!' in a previous SQL Server release is not the current version (component version is '%3!s!', full path is '%4!s!'). This may cause search results to differ slightly from previous releases. To avoid this, rebuild the full-text catalog using the current version of the filter component. PThe full-text word-breaker component '%1!s!' used to populate catalog '%2!s!' in a previous SQL Server release is not the current version (component version is '%3!s!', full path is '%4!s!', language requested is %5!s!, language used is %6!s!). This may cause search results to differ slightly from previous releases. To avoid this, rebuild the full-text catalog using the current version of the word-breaker component. $The full-text protocol handler component '%1!s!' used to populate catalog '%2!s!' in a previous SQL Server release is not the current version (component version is '%3!s!', full path is '%4!s!', program ID is '%5!s!'). This may cause search results to differ slightly from previous releases. To avoid this, rebuild the full-text catalog using the current version of the protocol handler component. The master merge of full-text catalog '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' was cancelled. The full-text query did not use the value specified for the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint. Only single terms are allowed as values for full-text queries that contain an OPTIMIZE FOR query hint. Modify the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint value to be a single, non-empty term. The full-text population on table '%1!s!' cannot be started because the full-text catalog is importing data from existing catalogs. After the import operation finishes, rerun the command. Full-text predicates cannot appear in an aggregate expression. Place the aggregate expression in a subquery. Full-text predicates cannot appear in the GROUP BY clause. Place a GROUP BY clause expression in a subquery. HThe full-text index cannot be created because filegroup '%1!s!' does not exist or the filegroup name is incorrectly specified. Specify a valid filegroup name. A stoplist cache cannot be generated while processing a full-text query or performing full-text indexing. There is not enough memory to load the stoplist cache. Rerun the query or indexing command when more resources are available. XThe system ran out of memory while building a full-text index. The batch for the full-text indexing operation will automatically be retried using a smaller batch size. Data coming back to the SQL Server process from the filter daemon host is corrupted. This may be caused by a bad filter. The batch for the indexing operation will automatically be retried using a smaller batch size. The fulltext filter daemon host (FDHost) process has stopped abnormally. This can occur if an incorrectly configured or malfunctioning linguistic component, such as a wordbreaker, stemmer or filter has caused an irrecoverable error during full-text indexing or query processing. The process will be restarted automatically. dFull-text stoplist ID '%1!s!' does not exist. The SQL Server word-breaking client failed to initialize. This might be because a filter daemon host process is not in a valid state. This can prevent SQL Server from initializing critical system objects. Full-text queries will fail until this issue is resolved. Try stopping SQL Server and any filter daemon host processes and then restarting the instance of SQL Server. The full-text indexing pipeline could not be initialized. This might be because the resources on the system are too low to allocate memory or create tasks. Try restarting the instance of SQL Server. 8Fulltext internal error The session '%1!s!' already exists. Use a different session name. This operation can be performed only by the owner of the session. User does not have enough permissions to tune one or more of the databases specified. Property-scoped full-text queries cannot be specified on the specified table because its full-text index is not configured for property searching. To support property-scoped searches, the full-text index must be associated with a search property list and repopulated. The Transact-SQL syntax for this is: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST <property_list_name>;. DDatabase %1!s! is not ONLINE. A log shipping primary entry already exists for database %1!s!. xDatabase %1!s! does not exist as log shipping primary. Primary Database %1!s! has active log shipping secondary database(s). Drop the secondary database(s) first. xSecondary %1!s!.%2!s! already exists for primary %3!s!. A log shipping entry already exists for secondary database %1!s!. |Database %1!s! does not exist as log shipping secondary. The primary database %1!s! cannot have SIMPLE recovery for log shipping to work properly. The specified agent_id %1!s! or agent_type %2!s! do not form a valid pair for log shipping monitoring processing. Log shipping is supported on Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions of SQL Server. This instance has %1!s! and is not supported. hLog shipping is not installed on this instance. 8Cannot add a log shipping job with name %1!s!. A job with same name already exists in the system and this job does not belong to log shipping category. An entry for primary server %1!s!, primary database %2!s! does not exist on this secondary. Register the primary first. An entry for primary server %1!s!, primary database %2!s! already exists. Primary Server %1!s!, Database %2!s! has active log shipping secondary database(s) on the secondary. Drop the secondary database(s) first. Invalid value = %1!s! for parameter @threshold_alert was specified. Invalid value '%1!s!' for update period. Update period should be between 1 and 120 minutes. The update job for the database mirroring monitor already exists. To change the update period, use sys.sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring An internal error occurred when setting up the database mirroring monitoring job. An internal error occurred when modifying the database mirroring monitoring job. @Parameter(s) out of range. The units for the update period for the database mirroring monitor job have been changed. An internal error has occurred in the database mirroring monitor. The database '%1!s!' is not being mirrored. No update of the base table was done. The alert for 'oldest unsent transaction' has been raised. The current value of '%1!s!' surpasses the threshold '%2!s!'. The database mirroring monitor base tables have not been created. Please run sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate to create them. The alert for 'unsent log' has been raised. The current value of '%1!s!' surpasses the threshold '%2!s!'. The alert for 'unrestored log' has been raised. The current value of '%1!s!' surpasses the threshold '%2!s!'. The alert for 'mirror commit overhead' has been raised. The current value of '%1!s!' surpasses the threshold '%2!s!'. L'%1!s!' must be executed in msdb. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the 'dbm_monitor' role in msdb can perform this operation. HDatabase Mirroring Monitor Job PDatabase Mirroring Monitor Schedule The database mirroring monitoring job does not exist. Run sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring to setup the job. Alerts cannot be created on the system databases, master, msdb, model or tempdb. Parameter '%1!s!' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation. The server name, given by '@@servername', is currently null. There was an error establishing a link to the remote monitor server. |There was an error configuring the remote monitor server. Cannot drop the option because the option is not specified on %1!s!. Access to %1!s! %2!s! is blocked because the signature is not valid. DDDL statement is not allowed. The password of login '%1!s!' is invalid. A new password should be set for this login without specifying the old password. Cannot find the certificate or asymmetric key from the file %1!s!. ErrorCode: 0x%2!s!. xWITH SIGNATURE option cannot be specified on database. \Cannot encrypt symmetric key with itself. Cannot grant, deny, or revoke %1!s! permission on INFORMATION_SCHEMA or SYS %2!s!. The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database '%1!s!'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database '%2!s!' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement. The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be specified together with the HASHED option. The %1!s! private key cannot be dropped because one or more entities are encrypted by it. \A %1!s! by %2!s! '%3!s!' does not exist. Cannot countersign '%1!s!'. Only modules can be countersigned. The database principal is referenced by a %1!s! in the database, and cannot be dropped. The user cannot be remapped to a login. Remapping can only be done for users that were mapped to Windows or SQL logins. LCannot remap a user of one type to a login of a different type. For example, a SQL user must be mapped to a SQL login; it cannot be remapped to a Windows login. Cannot remap user to login '%1!s!', because the login is already mapped to a user in the database. Cannot create implicit user for the special login '%1!s!'. A HASHED password cannot be set for a login that has CHECK_POLICY turned on. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only local user accounts, interactive users accounts, service accounts, or batch accounts can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%1!s! Cannot obtain cryptographic provider properties. Provider error code: %1!s!. The %1!s! is too long. Maximum allowed length is %2!s! bytes. Cryptographic provider %1!s! '%2!s!' in dll is different from the guid recorded in system catalog for provider with id %3!s!. lInvalid cryptograpihic provider property: %1!s!. |Cryptographic provider with guid '%1!s!' already exists. Cannot load library '%1!s!'. See errorlog for more information. Cannot open session for %1!s! '%2!s!'. Provider error code: %3!s!. (%4!s!) Cannot initialize cryptographic provider. Provider error code: %1!s!. (%2!s!) \Cryptographic provider is not available. hCryptographic provider '%1!s!' is in disabled. SQL Crypto API version '%1!s!.%2!s!' implemented by provider is not supported. Supported version is '%3!s!.%4!s!'. Specified key type or option '%1!s!' is not supported by the provider. `Cannot specify algorithm for existing key. Cannot create key '%1!s!' in the provider. Provider error code: %2!s!. (%3!s!) Cannot export %1!s! from the provider. Provider error code: %2!s!. (%3!s!) |Operation is not supported by cryptographic provider key. Invalid algorithm '%1!s!'. Provider error code: %2!s!. (%3!s!) Cryptographic provider key cannot be encrypted by password or other key. @Cannot create login token for existing authenticators. If dbo is a windows user make sure that its windows account information is accessible to SQL Server. |Cannot add %1!s! because it is already mapped to a login. Cannot add %1!s! '%2!s!' because there is already %3!s! specified for the login. Cannot drop %1!s! because there is %2!s! referencing this provider. |Cannot drop %1!s! because it is not mapped to this login. Server principal '%1!s!' has no credential associated with %2!s! '%3!s!'. pFail to obtain or decrypt secret for %1!s! '%2!s!'. tCannot use %1!s! under non-primary security context. Key with %1!s! '%2!s!' does not exist in the provider or access is denied. Provider error code: %3!s!. (%4!s!) Cannot create key '%1!s!' in the provider. Provider does not allow specifying key names. Invalid algorithm id: %1!s!. Provider error code: %2!s!. (%3!s!) tCryptographic provider key cannot be a temporary key. $Extensible Key Management is disabled or not supported on this edition of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'EKM provider enabled' to enable it. Extensible key management is not supported in this edition of SQL Server. `Exception happened when calling cryptographic provider '%1!s!' in the API '%2!s!'. SQL Server is terminating process %3!s!. Exception type: %4!s!; Exception code: 0x%5!s!. Cannnot impersonate login '%1!s!' to access %2!s! '%3!s!'. An error occurred while trying to flush all running audit sessions. Some events may be lost. The format of supplied parameter sid is invalid. The sid might be incorrect or the sid might describe the wrong type of user. CREATE CERTIFICATE statement cannot mix file and binary modes. Rewrite the statement using only the FILE or the BINARY keyword. $The specified maximum size limit for the audit log file is less than the minimum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be at least 2 MB. This command requires %1!s! to be disabled. Disable the %2!s! and rerun this command. PThe audit log file path is invalid. Cannot find %1!s! '%2!s!' or you do not have the required permissions. Cannot %1!s! a %2!s! %3!s! from a user database. This operation must be performed in the master database. \Granular auditing is not available in this edition of SQL Server. For more information about feature support in the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online. The specified maximum size limit is greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be less than 16777215 TB. RESERVE_DISK_SPACE cannot be specified when setting MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED. Either reduce MAXSIZE or do not specify RESERVE_DISK_SPACE. 8The containment setting in the master database does not match the property of the database files. Use ALTER DATABASE to reset the containment property. Cannot bind a default or rule to the CLR type '%1!s!' because an existing sparse column uses this data type. Modify the data type of the sparse column or remove the sparse designation of the column. Cannot find Cryptographic provider library with guid '%1!s!'. Cannot create %1!s! for %2!s! '%3!s!' because it is not supported by the extensible key management provider '%4!s!'. 0The OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement cannot reference a symmetric key created from an Extensible Key Management (EKM) provider. Symmetric keys created from an EKM provider are opened automatically for principals who can successfully authenticate with the cryptographic provider. %1!s! property of the key returned by EKM provider doesn't match the expected value The algorithm: %1!s! is not supported for EKM operations by SQL Server Key validation failed since an attempt to get algorithm info for that key failed. Provider error code: %1!s!. (%2!s!) The Windows user or group '%1!s!' is local or built-in. Use a Windows domain user or domain group. You cannot add server-scoped catalog views, system stored procedures, or extended stored procedures to a database audit specification in a user database. Instead add them to a database audit specification in the master database. Cannot use %1!s! '%2!s!', because its private key is not present or it is not protected by the database master key. SQL Server requires the ability to automatically access the private key of the %3!s! used for this operation. 8Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases. A database encryption key already exists for this database. A database encryption key does not exist for this database. PCannot drop the database encryption key because it is currently in use. Database encryption needs to be turned off to be able to drop the database encryption key. Cannot change database encryption state because no database encryption key is set. Cannot enable database encryption because it is already enabled. Cannot disable database encryption because it is already disabled. Cannot disable database encryption while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress. Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress. lCannot find server %1!s! with thumbprint '%2!s!'. CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later. CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%1!s!'. Try again later. hTransparent Data Encryption is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered. Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress. In order to encrypt the database encryption key with an %1!s!, please use an %2!s! that resides on an extensible key management provider. hThe %1!s! '%2!s!' does not have a login associated with it. Create a login and credential for this key to automatically access the extensible key management provider '%3!s!'. This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%1!s!'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Take a log backup and retry the command. lCannot drop or alter the database encryption key since it is currently in use on a mirror or secondary availability replica. Retry the command after all the previous reencryption scans have propagated to the mirror or secondary availability replicas or after availability relationship has been disabled. The %1!s! cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more databases to encrypt a Database Encryption Key. Encryption failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%1!s!' which is no longer supported. Cannot use ALTER LOGIN with the ENABLE or DISABLE argument for a Windows group. GRANT or REVOKE the CONNECT SQL permission instead. An error occurred in reading from the audit file or file-pattern: '%1!s!'. The SQL service account may not have Read permission on the files, or the pattern may be returning one or more corrupt files. lSQL Server Audit could not write to file '%1!s!'. pSQL Server Audit could not write to the event log. tSQL Server Audit could not write to the security log. SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file '%1!s!'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file. ,SQL Server Audit failed to access the event log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to the access the event log. 0SQL Server Audit failed to access the security log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to access the security log. A list of subentities, such as columns, cannot be specified for entity-level audits. There is an invalid column list after the object name in the AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement. All actions in an audit specification statement must be at the same scope. The operation cannot be performed because SQL Server Audit has not been started. Audit actions at the server scope can only be granted when the current database is master. You can only create audit actions on objects in the current database. ALTER SERVER AUDIT requires the STATE option to be specified without using any other options. $The specified pattern did not return any files or does not represent a valid file share. Verify the pattern parameter and rerun the command. The specified values for initial_file_name and audit_record_offset do not represent a valid location within the audit file set. Verify the file name and offset location, and then rerun the command. The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid. Specify either 0 or 1000 and higher. HYou cannot configure SQL Server Audit to shutdown the server because you do not have the permission to shut down the server. Contact your system administrator. Changes to an audit specification must be done while the audit specification is disabled. |An audit specification for audit '%1!s!' already exists. You can only specify securable classes DATABASE, SCHEMA, or OBJECT in AUDIT SPECIFICATION statements. PYou may not add a role to Sysadmin. You can only create a user with a password in a contained database. The parameter %1!s! cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database. The parameter %1!s! cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database. Remove the WITHOUT LOGIN or PASSWORD clause. The default language parameter can only be provided for users in a contained database. xCannot use parameter %1!s! for Windows users or groups. MAX_FILES and MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES options cannot be specified toghether. An error occurred while auditing this operation. Fix the error in the audit and then retry this operation. A failure occurred during initializing of an Audit. See the errorlog for details. Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating the idle timeout. When providing a sid, the user must be a user without login or a user with password. TFailed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in setting access control list on the user instance's process. The connection will be closed.%1!s! The %1!s! that is specified for conversation priority '%2!s!' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and %3!s! characters long. The %1!s! that is specified for conversation priority '%2!s!' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and 10. A conversation priority already exists in the database with either the name '%1!s!' or the properties %2!s!='%3!s!', %4!s!='%5!s!', and %6!s!='%7!s!'. Either use a unique name or a unique set of properties. PThe transmission queue row with conversation handle '%1!s!' and message sequence number %2!s! references a missing multicast message body row with reference %3!s!. The multicast message body row with reference %1!s! should have reference count value of %2!s!. The unreferenced message with reference %1!s! has been deleted from the message body table. The message with reference %1!s! has been updated to a reference count of %2!s! in the message body table. FILESTREAM database options cannot be set on system databases such as '%1!s!'. An invalid directory name '%1!s!' was specified. Use a valid Windows directory name. @The case-sensitive or binary collation '%1!s!' cannot be used with the COLLATE_FILENAME option. Change the collation to a case-insensitive collation type. \The database default collation '%1!s!' is case sensitive and cannot be used to create a FileTable. Specify a case insensitive collation with the COLLATE_FILENAME option. An error occurred during the %1!s! %2!s! operation on a FileTable object. (HRESULT = '0x%3!s!'). An invalid filename, '%1!s!', caused a FileTable check constraint error. Use a valid Windows filename. PAn invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator cannot indicate a root row. Correct the path locator or use the default value. pThe operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A directory entry cannot have a data stream associated with the row. Remove the blob data or clear the is_directory flag. The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A file entry cannot have a NULL value for the data stream associated with the row. Insert file data or use 0x to insert a zero length file. An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The parent of a row's path locator must be a directory, not a file. Correct the path locator to refer to a parent that is a directory. The option '%1!s!' is only valid when used on a FileTable. Remove the option from the statement. The option '%1!s!' is not valid when used with the '%2!s!' syntax. Remove the option from the statement. The option '%1!s!' can only be specified once in a statement. Remove the duplicate option from the statement. FileTable objects require the FILESTREAM database option DIRECTORY_NAME to be non-NULL. To create a FileTable in the database '%1!s!', set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to a non-NULL value using ALTER DATABASE. Or, to set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to NULL, in the database '%2!s!' disable or drop the existing FileTables. FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME '%1!s!' attempting to be set on database '%2!s!' is not unique in this SQL Server instance. Provide a unique value for the database option FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME to enable non-transacted access. An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a level of %1!s!, which is deeper than the limit of %2!s! supported by FileTable. Reduce the depth of the directory hierarchy. tFILETABLE_DIRECTORY '%1!s!' attempting to be set on table '%2!s!' is not unique in the database '%3!s!'. Provide a unique value for the option FILETABLE_DIRECTORY to this operation. Function %1!s! is only valid on the varbinary(max) FILESTREAM column in a FileTable. @Unable to process object '%1!s!' because it is a three-part or four-part name. Specifying the server or database is not supported in the object identifer. |The object name '%1!s!' is not a valid FileTable object. 4The column '%1!s!' cannot be added to table '%2!s!' as it is a FileTable. Adding columns to the fixed schema of a FileTable object is not permitted. XInvalid FileTable path name or format. lInvalid computer host name in the FileTable path. \Invalid share name in the FileTable path. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE to FileTable '%1!s!' is not allowed inside a trigger on a FileTable. Function %1!s! is not allowed on the deleted table inside a trigger. User does not have permission to kill non-transacted FILESTREAM handles in database ID %1!s!. The non-transacted FILESTREAM handle %1!s! does not exist. An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a length of %1!s!, which is longer than the limit of %2!s! allowed for depth %3!s!. Reduce the length of the path locator. The current state of the database '%1!s!' is not compatible with the specified FILESTREAM non-transacted access level. The database may be read only, single user or set to emergency state. Cannot publish the FileTable '%1!s!' for replication. Replication is not supported for FileTable objects. Cannot enable Change Data Capture on the FileTable '%1!s!'. Change Data Capture is not supported for FileTable objects. $Cannot publish the logbased view '%1!s!' for replication. Replication is not supported for logbased views that depend on FileTable objects. Cannot enable Change Tracking on the FileTable '%1!s!'. Change Tracking is not supported for FileTable objects. Cannot use IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS hint when inserting into FileTable '%1!s!', unless FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is disabled. \When inserting into FileTable '%1!s!' using BCP or BULK INSERT, either CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option needs to be on, or FILETABLE_NAMESPACE needs to be disabled on the table. The FileTable '%1!s!' cannot be partitioned. Partitioning is not supported on FileTable objects. PThe handle ID %1!s! is opened against the server root share and cannot be killed. The lifetime of the handle is controlled by the client who originally opened it. The database '%1!s!' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and Database Mirroring. The database '%1!s!' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and HADR. The database '%1!s!' is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted access. lThe FILESTREAM database configuration cannot be changed for database '%1!s!'. The database is either a mirror database in Database Mirroring, or is in a secondary replica of an AlwaysOn availability group. Connect to the server instance that hosts the primary database replica, and retry the operation. Cannot access file_stream column in FileTable '%1!s!', because FileTable doesn't support row versioning. Either set transaction level to something other than READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT, or use READCOMMITTEDLOCK table hint. Cannot disable clustered index '%1!s!' on FileTable '%2!s!' because the FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is enabled. Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has encountered an error: %1!s!. tDialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has ended. Error number %1!s! was encountered while processing an event. The error message is: %2!s!. pExecution mode %1!s! is not a valid execution mode. d%1!s! '%2!s!' already exists in the database. Specified value for property %1!s! cannot be used with execution mode %2!s!. `Cannot delete %1!s! referenced by a %2!s!. %1!s! '%2!s!' is referenced by a '%3!s!'. Cannot add another reference. 4Facet does not exist. PPolicy group %1!s! does not exist. Invalid target filer: %1!s!. Only filters that restrict the first level below the Server node are allowed. Automated policies cannot reference conditions that contain script. hTarget type "%1!s!" is not a valid target type. @Object "%1!s!" is invalid. \Configuration option "%1!s!" is unknown. Invalid value type for configuration option "%1!s!". Expecting "%2!s!". LPolicy automation is turned off. %1!s! %1!s! %1!s! %1!s! Policy Management cannot be enabled on this edition of SQL Server. An error was encountered during object serialization operation. Examine the state to find out more details about this error. An object in serialized stream has version %1!s! but maximum supported version of this class is %2!s!. Error in formatter during serialize/deserialize. Required to process %1!s! elements but processed only %2!s! elements. An error was encountered during object serialization operation. The object that failed serialization is %1!s!. tThe global lock manager encountered a severe failure. PParent Server Group does not exist. |Server type and parent Server Group type are not the same XCannot move node to one of its children @Could not find server group |An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_group_id. pAn invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_id. \Could not find shared registered server. `Cannot delete system shared server groups. tAn invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_type. An invalid value %1!s! was passed in for parameter @server_type. tThe @server_name parameter cannot be a relative name. You cannot add a shared registered server with the same name as the Configuration Server. Error number %1!s! in the THROW statement is outside the valid range. Specify an error number in the valid range of 50000 to 2147483647. Unable to establish a connection between instance '%1!s!' with id [%2!s!] and '%3!s!' with id [%4!s!] due to a transport version mismatch. (Could not start the AlwaysOn Availability Groups transport manager. This failure probably occurred because a low memory condition existed when the message dispatcher started up. If so, other internal tasks might also have experienced errors. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows error log for additional error messages. If a low memory condition exists, investigate and correct its cause. DConnection attempt on availability group id '%1!s!' from replica id '%2!s!' to replica id '%3!s!' failed because of error %4!s!, severity %5!s!, state %6!s!. \Availability-group DDL operations are permitted only when you are using the master database. Run the USE MASTER command, and retry your availability-group DDL command. The %1!s! operation failed for availability replica '%2!s!', because the backup priority value is outside the valid range. The valid range is between %3!s! and %4!s!, inclusive. Set the backup priority to a value within this range, and retry the operation. LFailed to modify options for availability replica '%1!s!' in availability group '%2!s!'. The specified availability group does not contain an availability replica with specified name. Verify that availability group name and availability replica name are correct, then retry the operation. The %1!s! operation is not allowed. The operation attempted to change the configuration of availability replica '%2!s!' to the asynchronous-commit availability mode with automatic failover, which is an invalid configuration. Either change the failover mode to manual or the availability mode to synchronous commit, and retry the operation. The %1!s! operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %2!s! synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%3!s!'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the asynchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation. tThe %1!s! operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %2!s! automatic failover targets in availability group '%3!s!'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the manual failover mode, and retry the operation. dThe %1!s! operation failed for availability replica '%2!s!'. The minimum value for session timeout is %3!s!. Retry the operation specifying a valid session-timeout value. The %1!s! operation is not allowed on availability replica '%2!s!', because automatic failover mode is an invalid configuration on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance. Retry the operation by specifying manual failover mode. \ The thread pool for AlwaysOn Availability Groups was unable to start a new worker thread because there are not enough available worker threads. This may degrade AlwaysOn Availability Groups performance. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads. Could not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager is waiting for the host computer to start a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and join it. Either the local computer is not a cluster node, or the local cluster node is not online. If the computer is a cluster node, wait for it to join the cluster. If the computer is not a cluster node, add the computer to a WSFC cluster. Then, retry the operation. Could not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Enable AlwaysOn Availability Groups, by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable AlwaysOn Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online. hCould not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups does not have permissions to access the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Disable and re-enable AlwaysOn Availability Groups by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable AlwaysOn Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online. Cannot add %1!s! availability replica(s) to availability group '%2!s!'. The availability group already contains %3!s! replica(s), and the maximum number of replicas supported in an availability group is %4!s!. HCould not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups failed to load the required Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) library. Verify that the computer is a node in a WSFC cluster. You will need to restart the SQL Server instance to reload the required library functions. xCould not process the operation. The instance of SQL Server is running under WOW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit), which does not support AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Reinstall SQL Server in the native 64-bit edition, and re-enable AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the operation. For information about how to enable and disable AlwaysOn Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online. Could not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups has not started because the instance of SQL Server is not running as a service. Restart the server instance as a service, and retry the operation. The attempt to set the failure condition level for availability group '%1!s!' failed. The specified level value is out of the valid range [%2!s!, %3!s!]. Reenter the command specifying a valid failure condition level value. The attempt to set the health check timeout value for availability group '%1!s!' failed. The specified timeout value is less than %2!s! milliseconds. Reenter the command specifying a valid health check timeout value. 8The specified computer name is either an empty string or is longer than %1!s! Unicode characters. Reenter the command specifying a valid computer name. The specified server instance name, '%1!s!', is invalid. Reenter the command specifying a valid instance name. The specified endpoint URL '%1!s!' is invalid. Reenter the command specifying the correct URL. For information about specifying the endpoint URL for an availability replica, see SQL Server Books Online. Cannot create an availability group containing %1!s! availability replica(s). The maximum number of availability replicas in an availability group is %2!s!. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying from one to five availability replicas. Database name '%1!s!' was specified more than once. Reenter the command, specifying each database name only once. pThe system name '%1!s!' was specified more than once in the REPLICA ON clause of this command. Reenter the command, specifying a different instance of SQL Server for each replica. tThe endpoint URL was not specified for the availability replica hosted by server instance '%1!s!'. Reenter the command, specifying the endpoint URL of this instance of SQL Server. None of the specified replicas for availability group %1!s! maps to the instance of SQL Server to which you are connected. Reenter the command, specifying this server instance to host one of the replicas. This replica will be the initial primary replica. Database '%1!s!' cannot be added to availability group '%2!s!'. The database does not exist on this SQL Server instance. Verify that the database name is correct, then retry the operation. The ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR SUSPEND (or SET HADR RESUME) statement failed on database '%1!s!' of availability group '%2!s!''. Either the availability group does not contain the specified database, or the database has not joined the availability group, or the database has not yet started. Reenter the command after the database is online and has joined the availability group. TDatabase '%1!s!' cannot be joined to or unjoined from availability group '%2!s!'. This operation is not supported on the primary replica of the availability group. Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR operation on database '%1!s!'. The database is not joined to an availability group. After the database has joined the availability group, retry the command. Failed to set resource property '%1!s!' for availability group '%2!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %3!s!. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command later. Database '%1!s!' cannot be added to availability group '%2!s!'. The database is currently joined to another availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation. |Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%1!s!' could not be located (Windows System Error %2!s!). Verify that the specified server instance exists. If it exists, the DLL file might be missing from the server instance. Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%1!s!' could not be loaded (Windows System Error %2!s!). An attempt to add or join a system database, '%1!s!', to an availability group failed. Specify only user databases for this operation. The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed. This command can be run only on the primary replica. Connect to the primary replica, and retry the command. The command can only be run on a secondary database. Connect to the correct secondary replica, and retry the command. Database "%1!s!" is not in the correct state to become the primary database. The log must be restored from the previous primary replica to bring the database out of out of the reinitializing state. xAn error occurred while accessing the availability group metadata. Remove this database or replica from the availability group, and reconfigure the availability group to add the database or replica again. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server Books Online. An attempt to start database '%1!s!' failed because the database is already started and online. The session timeout value was exceeded while waiting for a response from the other availability replica in the session. That replica or the network might be down, or the command might be misconfigured. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.  AlwaysOn Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 0x%1!s!, "NOT OK") was returned when sending a message for database ID %2!s!. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.  Database '%1!s!' is already participating in a different availability group. x During an attempted database recovery, an availability database manager was not found for database id %1!s! with availability group ID %2!s! and group database ID %3!s!. Recovery was terminated. The most likely cause of this error is that the availability group manager is not running, but the cause could be a metadata error. Ensure that the availability group manager and the WSFC cluster are started, and retry the recovery operation. \ Attempt to perform an AlwaysOn Availability Groups operation on a system database, '%1!s!', failed. System databases are not supported by AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Skipping the default startup of database '%1!s!' because the database belongs to an availability group (Group ID: %2!s!). The database will be started by the availability group. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. During the undo phase, a function call (%1!s!) to the primary replica returned an unexpected status (Code: %2!s!). Check for a possible cause in the SQL Server error log for the primary replica. If an error occurred on the primary database, you might need to suspend the secondary database, fix the issue on the primary database, and then resume the database. Synchronization of a secondary database, '%1!s!', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will enter the RESTORING state. To complete recovery and bring the database online, use current log backups from the primary database to restore the log records past LSN %2!s!. Alternatively, drop this secondary database, and prepare a new one by restoring a full database backup of the primary database followed by all subsequent log backups. 4Synchronization of a secondary database, '%1!s!', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will be marked SUSPECT. To return the database to a consistent state, restore it from a clean database backup followed by all subsequent log backups. 0Either nvalid parameters were supplied for sys.sp_availability_group_command_internal or user does not have permissions to execute this procedure. HA previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation or being removed while in the SUSPECT state from an availability group left the '%1!s!' database in a potentially damaged state. The database cannot be joined while in this state. Restore the database, and retry the join operation. Failed to allocate and schedule an AlwaysOn Availability Groups task for database '%1!s!'. Manual intervention may be required to resume synchronization of the database. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server. Availability database '%1!s!', which is in the secondary role, is being restarted to resynchronize with the current primary database. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. The attempt to join database '%1!s!' to the availability group was rejected by the primary database with error '%2!s!'. For more information, see the SQL Server error log for the primary replica. Database '%1!s!' cannot be added to availability group '%2!s!'. The database is already joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation. Database '%1!s!' cannot be removed from availability group '%2!s!'. The database is not joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation. 8Availability replica '%1!s!' cannot be added to availability group '%2!s!'. The availability group already contains an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation. Availability replica '%1!s!' cannot be removed from availability group '%2!s!'. The availability group does not contain an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name is correct, then retry the operation. dAvailability replica '%1!s!' cannot be removed from availability group '%2!s!', because this replica is on the local instance of SQL Server. If the local availability replica is a secondary replica, connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica, and re-run the command. The recovery LSN %1!s! was identified for the database with ID %2!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 8Using the recovery LSN %1!s! stored in the metadata for the database with ID %2!s!. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. AlwaysOn Availability Groups transport for availability database "%1!s!" failed to decompress the log block whose LSN is %2!s!. This error can be caused by a corrupt network packet or a compression version mismatch. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error keeps reoccurring, investigate the root cause. AlwaysOn Availability Groups log apply for availability database "%1!s!" has received an out-of-order log block. The expected LSN was %2!s!. The received LSN was %3!s!. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error reoccurs, contact Customer Support Services. HFailed to send request for file '%1!s!' to the '%2!s!' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically. XFailed to wait for completion of file requests from the '%1!s!' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically. 8An internal error occurred when performing an operation on extended recovery forks. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. pError in retrieving extended recovery forks from the primary replica. The extended-recovery-fork stack changed while being retrieved by the secondary replica. Retry the operation. Log backup for database "%1!s!" on a secondary replica failed because a synchronization point could not be established on the primary database. Either locks could not be acquired on the primary database or the database is not operating as part of the availability replica. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation. $Log backup for database "%1!s!" on a secondary replica failed because the last backup LSN (0x%2!s!) from the primary database is greater than the current local redo LSN (0x%3!s!). No log records need to be backed up at this time. Retry the log-backup operation later.  Log backup for database "%1!s!" on secondary replica failed because the new backup information could not be committed on primary database. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation. CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be unique. Create the columnstore index without the UNIQUE keyword or create a unique index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword. |CREATE INDEX statement failed because specifying sort order (ASC or DESC) is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying a sort order. CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a view. Consider creating a columnstore index on the base table or creating an index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword on the view. CREATE INDEX statement failed because column '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' is a computed column and a columnstore index cannot be created on a computed column. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include the column. <CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be a filtered index. Consider creating a columnstore index without the predicate filter. CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a sparse column. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any sparse columns. xCREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot have included columns. Create the columnstore index on the desired columns without specifying any included columns. CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column with filestream data. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any columns with filestream data. CREATE INDEX statement failed because specifying FILESTREAM_ON is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index on columns without filestream data and omit the FILESTREAM_ON specification. CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column set. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns in the table that does not contain a column set or any sparse columns. CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions. xCREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index must be partition-aligned with the base table. Create the columnstore index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the base table. If the base table is not partitioned, create a nonpartitioned columnstore index. \CREATE INDEX statement failed because specifying %1!s! is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying %2!s!. `CREATE INDEX statement failed because the %1!s! option is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying the %2!s! option. CREATE INDEX statement failed because specifying DATA_COMPRESSION is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying DATA_COMPRESSION. Columnstore indexes are always compressed automatically. ALTER TABLE statement failed because the definition of a column cannot be changed if the column is part of a columnstore index. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index. ALTER INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be reorganized. Reorganization of a columnstore index is not necessary. \ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying %1!s! is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying %2!s!. tALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %1!s! option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying the %2!s! option. ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying DATA_COMPRESSION is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying DATA_COMPRESSION. Columnstore indexes are always compressed automatically. %1!s! statement failed because data cannot be updated in a table with a columnstore index. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the %2!s! statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after %3!s! is complete. lDBCC DBREINDEX failed because specifying FILLFACTOR is not allowed when creating or rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying FILLFACTOR. CREATE INDEX statement failed because specifying key list is missing when creating an index. Create the index with specifying key list . HUPDATE STATISTICS failed because statistics cannot be updated on a columnstore index. UPDATE STATISTICS is valid only when used with the STATS_STREAM option. dClustered columnstore index is not supported. Multiple nonclustered columnstore indexes are not supported. Conversion between columnstore index and relational index is not supported. CREATE INDEX statement failed. A columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Reduce the precision of column '%1!s!' to 18 or omit column '%2!s!'. CREATE INDEX statement failed. A columnstore index cannot include a datetimeoffset data type with a precision greater than 2. Reduce the precision of column '%1!s!' to 2 or omit column '%2!s!'. CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!'has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index. Omit column '%2!s!'. LMERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two nonempty partitions containing a columnstore index cannot be merged. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete. MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two partitions on different filegroups cannot be merged if either partition contains columnstore index data. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete. SPLIT clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because the partition is not empty. Only empty partitions can be split in when a columnstore index exists on the table. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete. The stored procedure, sp_tableoption failed because a table with a nonclustered columnstore index cannot be altered to use vardecimal storage format. Consider dropping the columnstore index. CREATE INDEX statement failed because table '%1!s!' uses vardecimal storage format. A columnstore index cannot be created on a table using vardecimal storage. Consider rebuilding the table without vardecimal storage. TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed because table '%1!s!' has a columnstore index on it. A table with a columnstore index cannot be truncated. Consider dropping the columnstore index then truncating the table. CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table. Consider dropping the columnstore index before creating a new clustered index. DROP INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table (heap). Consider dropping the columnstore index before dropping a clustered index. %1!s! statement failed because the operation cannot be performed online on a table with a columnstore index. Perform the operation without specifying the ONLINE option or drop (or disable) the columnstore index before performing the operation using the ONLINE option. %1!s! cannot be enabled on a table with a columnstore index. Consider dropping columnstore index '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!'. dCREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a table enabled for %1!s!. Consider disabling %2!s! and then creating the columnstore index. 0CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Consider reducing the precision of column '%2!s!' to 18. $CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a columnstore index cannot include a datetimeoffset data type with a precision greater than 2. Consider reducing the precision of column '%2!s!' to 2. CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but '%2!s!'has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index. sequence 8CloudDB Async Transport LCloudDB Async Transport Forwarder feature operation statement $index option $table option operator value $system column set option query hint @transaction isolation level (in memory index federation 8federation distribution (system database @federation member database Hnon federation member database <federation root database d%1!s! '%2!s!' already exists in the database. `instance_id already exists in the database. |%1!s! '%2!s!' already exists for the given DAC instance. DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist. \Dac root - database %1!s! does not exist. Dac Policy with the specified policy id already exists in the parts table. hDac Part the policy refers to, does not exist. `Dac Policy refers to a non-existent Policy. h%1!s! '%2!s!' already exists in the Dac Parts. The caller must be a member of the dbcreator fixed server role to perform this action. The caller must be sysadmin or the creator of the history entry being updated. dProcess ID %1!s! is not an active process ID. This operation is not allowed since there are dependent objects pending installation. Cannot find the database '%1!s!', because it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it. This operation is not allowed because a utility control point already exists on this instance of SQL Server. The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%1!s!'. The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be managed by a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%1!s!'. Cannot perform the operation because the specified instance of SQL Server is not enrolled in a SQL Server utility. An error occurred during upload to the SQL Server utility control point. The operation cannot continue. To remove the SQL Server utility control point, the user must be a member of the sysadmin role. The operation cannot continue. The specified instance of SQL Server is not a SQL Server utility control point. The operation cannot continue. The SQL Server utility control point has managed instances of SQL Server enrolled. xCannot find the file id %1!s! in the database '%2!s!'. Only users having %1!s! permission can execute this stored procedure. Replicated tables support only local (non-DTC) two-phase commit involving the master database. `Secondary kill was initiated during commit. DReplicated row is not found. `Unexpected operation in replicated message. DColumn count does not match. @Duplicated transaction id. 8Unknown transaction id. 8Invalid nesting level. \Replication target database is not found. Transaction state locally does not match the expected state. |Replicated transactions across databases are not allowed. `Replicated target table %1!s! is not found. Replicated target index %1!s! on table %2!s! is not found. dReplicated target schema %1!s! is not found. Multiple databases can not be used in the same transaction. |This functionality is not supported on replicated tables. The partitioning key column '%1!s!' must be one of the keys of '%2!s!.%3!s!.%4!s!' index. LPartition key can not be changed. Partition key value is outside of the valid partition key range. The partition key column '%1!s!' of table '%2!s!.%3!s!' is nullable or does not match the partition key type defined in the table group. The database is in transition and transactions are being terminated. The low and high keys specified for the partition are invalid. Low must be less than high. xA partition with overlapping key ranges already exists. @The name %1!s! is too long. The last committed CSN (%1!s!, %2!s!) was not found in the log. The last seen CSN was (%3!s!, %4!s!). hThe tablegroup name '%1!s!.%2!s!' is not valid. lReplicated tables can have at most %1!s! columns. Can not perform replica operation because the replica does not exist in local partition map. The partition key column for table '%1!s!.%2!s!' is undefined. dUnsupported use of LOB in online index build. Attempted CSN epoch switch is not allowed. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). CSN being added must be equal last CSN+1. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). CSN being added must be equal or greater than the last CSN. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the secondary for this partition. The epoch being started must not have been used. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). lCan not get ack to rollback replication message. hCan not get ack to commit replication message. <Corrupted column status. <Corrupted column length. Corrupted variable data. Actual remaining bytes is %1!s!, expected %2!s! bytes. Corrupted fixed size data. Actual remaining bytes %1!s!, expected %2!s! bytes. Message version mismatch. Actual version is %1!s! and the expected is %2!s!. The minimum required message version %1!s! for message type %2!s! is unsupported. PInvalid use of parent transaction. XCorrupted fragmented row flow sequence. <Corrupted fragmented row. 0Corrupted LOB row. |Use of UPDATETEXT on replicated tables is not supported. |Parallel queries are not supported on replicated tables. |Attempt to replicate a non-replicated system table %1!s!. Tables without a clustered index are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Please create a clustered index and try again. Master, tempdb, model and mssqlsystemresource databases can not be replicated. TTable is not enabled for replication. Unsupported replicated table usage option. Refer to the state to identify the cause. Attempt to replicate out of partition already locked for internal use. 0Unknown rowset id. PIncorrect replica role transition. 4Replica is not found. Attempt to add a CSN to an invalid CSN vector. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). PTransport destination is not found. 8Corrupted row sequence. |Idempotent mode has been used on an unknown transaction. PCould not obtain rowset interface. CSN mismatch detected. The local CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the remote CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). tThis partition does not have enough valid secondaries to start a DML transaction. The needed count is %1!s!, the current counts are %2!s! (main quorum) and %3!s! (transient quorum). PCorrupted rowset metadata sequence. TPartitioned tables are not supported. Partition key is not found is the target rowset or is nullable or not part of index keys. Column schema mismatch for rowset %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s! column %4!s!. tToo few columns from remote rowset %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s!. Remote rowset %1!s!.%2!s!.%3!s! column %4!s! is not found locally. XThe persisted queue logging has failed. A non-null variable length value is received for a column that is shorter locally. LCorrupted (too long) packed row. pCardinality of index should not be less then zero. XInduced exception for testing purposes. 4Corrupted CSN vector. Multiple modifications to CSN vector in the same transaction are not supported. The primary partition has lost the quorum. New transactions can not start. \Primary hit an error with this secondary. lReplica with the specified version is not found. CSN being set is outside the CSN epoch range. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). The index configuration for table %1!s! index %2!s! does not match the source. The primary partition is in transition and the transaction can not commit. Truncation CSN is mismatched. The truncation CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). This index %1!s! state for table %2!s! does not match the source. Replication background task hit a lock timeout. User transactions will be killed and the operation will be retried. Incompatible key metadata change. The scan can not be resumed. dReplication transaction (Process ID %1!s!) was deadlocked on %2!s! resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. The operation will be retried. Critical replication task could not start. State is %1!s!. The begin transaction message was not found when scanning persisted replication queue. tMismatched partition id found in the transaction log. Invalid nested transaction count found in the transaction log. tThe partition does not have persisted queues enabled. The partition can not have persisted queues modified in this state. The partition can not be changed inside a persisted object. |Only sysadmin can execute this stored procedure '%1!s!'. |The local partition map for database %1!s! is starting up in reduced functionality mode because of log full. Pending partition deletes will not be processed until the log is truncated. The schema scope set in the session is not the current schema scope for the current partition. Please rerun your query. The filtered replica is not a subset of the primary replica. This is only possible for table groups without a partition key. Number of parameters specified for procedure or function %1!s! is incorrect. Replication quorum parameter is %1!s!. It should be >= 1 and <= 32. Partition key type '%1!s!' is not supported. Only BIGINT, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, and VARBINARY(n) (0<n<=512) datatypes are supported currently. Before dropping a table group, you have to delete all the partitions. This operation is not supported in this version of SQL Server. get_new_rowversion() can only be used in an active transaction. `This system metadata view is not supported. Could not disable versioning because the database is not in single user mode. pCould not refresh options for all scoped databases. xQuery references entities from multiple partitions. The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition. Set partition failed since a different partition already was set in the current transaction. Partition has to be set using sp_set_partition before executing this query. Accessing a different partition in the same transaction is not allowed. The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not primary. Cannot find the object "%1!s!" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. 8Database is not found. LTable group object is not found. dStored procedure '%1!s!' is only for CloudDB. The existing persisted queue snapshot CSN (%1!s!, %2!s!) at %3!s! is greater than the requested snapshot CSN (%4!s!, %5!s!) at %6!s!. `The database does not host any partitions. pPartition is in transactionally inconsistent state. lPartition delete expects no context transaction. The current database has been shutdown. The current database has been switched to master. |Too many secondaries. At most 32 are currently supported. Could not change database collation for database id %1!s!. tDatabase scoping cannot be run inside a transaction. Heartbeat message version mismatch. Actual version is %1!s! and the expected is %2!s!. lInvalid partition type. Only 1 or 2 is supported. The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not transactionally consistent. hBecome nothing expects no context transaction. A CloudDB reconfiguration is going on and all new user transactions are aborted. A paired CloudDB fabric node failed and database %1!s! must be shutdown. Catchup of secondary at %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!:%4!s! has failed. Table group name (single part name) should not be longer than nvarchar(64). tThe partition is not in a state that allows deletion. This requested operation can not performed as this partition is in delete process. The partition is in transition and transactions are being terminated. Add a secondary with wait can not be used in a transaction. tRename a partition can not be used in a transaction. The new table group does not match the existing table group for the renaming partition. `A partition with same name already exists. Fabric-database ('%1!s!') cannot be paired, the monitor thread is not running. Fabric-database ('%1!s!') cannot be paired, the database is already paired. Fabric-database ('%1!s!') cannot be paired, the supplied mutex ('%2!s!') could not be opened. Error code: %3!s! pThe schema scope %1!s! being created is not empty. Could not create database side pairing mutex for database ('%1!s!'). Error code: %2!s! |Secondary failure report expects no context transaction. The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition with the requested version. tThe metadata record for the partition does not exist. Catchup of secondary at %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!:%4!s! has been cancelled. |The maximum allowed number of database is already paired. Table %1!s! has a partition key already. Explicitly specifying a new partition key is not allowed. Please use "Alter table". %1!s! FOR SID command is not supported in this version of SQL Server. |A varbinary can not be longer than max length specified. The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code %1!s!. |Only a primary replica can be configured as a forwarder. There should be no context transaction when entering the forwarder pending state. TDestination server name is too long. DCorrupted composite message. `Could not register AsyncTransport endpoint. dDispatch sequence number maintenance failure TMaximum transport queue size reached. Heartbeat lease time is less than the heartbeat worker interval. DAsync transport test failed. PCorrupted received message format. <Duplicate destination id. xInvalid lock mode or resource received in lock request. 8Invalid identity value. @Enter idempotent sequence. LTarget object %1!s! is not found. TThe current object is not a relation. dCannot create an index %1!s! on object %2!s!. \Cannot find index %1!s! on object %2!s!. TMetadata replication protocol error. DPartition %1!s! is not found Converting a clustered index into a heap is not supported. XSwitching out partitions not supported. HInconsistent index build state. LNot all rowsets could be deleted. `Identity column not found on object %1!s!. The service is currently busy. Retry the request after 10 seconds. Incident ID: %1!s!. Code: %2!s! XDuplicate group id settings specified. Database field %1!s! contains invalid value '%2!s!'. Expected data type %3!s!. Switching Databases is not supported. Use a new connection to connect to a different Database. @Incorrect user credentials. |Specified SID is invalid for this version of SQL Server. '%1!s!' cannot be invoked with parameters in this version of SQL Server. USE statement is not supported to switch between databases. Use a new connection to connect to a different Database. Statement '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Built-in function '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Deprecated feature '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Server variable '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. x'%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Reference to database and/or server name in '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Global temp objects are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Keyword or statement option '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. DBCC command '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Invalid value '%1!s!' of login field in gateway magic syntax. Securable class '%1!s!' not supported in this version of SQL Server. Securable class '%1!s!' not supported in the server scope in this version of SQL Server. Database principal '%1!s!' type is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Implicit user '%1!s!' creation is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Explicitly create the user before using it. Data type '%1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. WITH %1!s!' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. '%1!s!' rowset provider not supported in this version of SQL Server. Linked servers are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Users cannot be mapped to certificates, asymmetric keys, or Windows logins in this version of SQL Server. Built-in function '%1!s!' in impersonation context is not supported in this version of SQL Server. The %1!s! statement must be the only statement in the batch. Server name cannot be determined. It must appear as the first segment of the server's dns name (servername.%1!s!). Some libraries do not send the server name, in which case the server name must be included as part of the user name (username@servername). In addition, if both formats are used, the server names must match. Cannot open server "%1!s!" requested by the login. The login failed. HServer '%1!s!' already exists. A valid SID is already associated with the database owner. pProperties for schema scope '%1!s!' already exist. XUser '%1!s!' not found in the database. pProcedure cannot be called from inside a partition. xIncorrect number of parameters specified for procedure. Invalid %1!s! name specified. Length should be between 1 and %2!s!. XThe database has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions. Incident ID: %1!s!. Code: %2!s! The service is experiencing a problem that is currently under investigation. Incident ID: %1!s!. Code: %2!s! Granting CONNECT permission to the guest user in database '%1!s!' is not permitted. Session is terminated because you have a long running transaction. Try shortening your transaction. The session has been terminated because it has acquired too many locks. Try reading or modifying fewer rows in a single transaction. The session has been terminated because of excessive TEMPDB usage. Try modifying your query to reduce temporary table space usage. The session has been terminated because of excessive transaction log space usage. Try modifying fewer rows in a single transaction. The session has been terminated because of excessive memory usage. Try modifying your query to process fewer rows. Database copy failed. Either the source or target database does not exist. Database copy failed. The source database has been dropped. Database copy failed. The target database has been dropped. Database copy failed. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.</value> (Database copy failed. No more than 1 concurrent database copy from the same source is allowed. Please drop target database and try again later. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again. Database copy failed. Either the source or the target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again. Database copy failed. Target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later. Cannot obtain primary partition lock for CloudDB auto partition upgrade. Cannot upgrade CloudDB auto partitions in database '%1!s!' because the physical database is read only. 8Permissions for system stored procedures, server scoped catalog views, and extended stored procedures cannot be changed in this version of SQL Server. Data type '%1!s!' is not supported in a federated database. Table DDL on non-temporary tables is not supported in a filtered connection. The constraint '%1!s!' is not supported in a federated database. Statement '%1!s!' is not supported in a filtered connection. DML statements are not supported on non-federated tables in a filtered connection. Statement '%1!s!' is not supported in a federated database. Logically filtered secondaries are only supported if the secondary is a forwarder. Federation member metadata for a database cannot be changed when there are logically filtered secondaries attached (split is running). Federation member does not exist for the given member id and federation root The Gpm is in rebuild and cannot be accessed as it is not yet consistent. LServer Admin user already exists. hCould not create login. Please try again later. Cannot execute procedure because current user is not Gateway. Could not %1!s! because it would exceed the quota of the server. Databases cannot be attached in this version of SQL Server. Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server. T'%1!s!' is not a valid IPv4 address. The IP address that starts with '%1!s!' is too long. Maximum length is %2!s!. tServers can have at most 128 firewall rules defined. Spec proc was executed against a silo that cannot be upgraded to include firewall objects. Database '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%3!s!'. Start IP address of firewall rule cannot exceed End IP address. Cannot open server '%1!s!' requested by the login. Client with IP address '%2!s!' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the SQL Azure Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect. '%1!s!' is not a valid login name in this version of SQL Server. The firewall rule name that starts with '%1!s!' is too long. Maximum length is %2!s!. \The firewall rule name cannot be empty. The edition '%1!s!' does not support the database max size '%2!s! GB'. The login failed for user "%1!s!". The password change failed. Password change during login is not supported in this version of SQL Server. metric type metric data Reauthentication failed for login "%1!s!". Within the past reauthentification interval, the login has become invalid due to a password change, a dropped login, or other cause. Please retry login. Operation is not allowed because server '%1!s!' is disabled. hProvisioning (creating, altering, or dropping) SQLAzure servers and databases is currently disabled. This most frequently occurs for brief periods during system maintenance. tThe ALTER DATABASE command is in process. Please wait at least five minutes before logging into database '%1!s!', in order for the command to complete. Some system catalogs may be out of date until the command completes. If you have altered the database name, use the NEW database name for future activity. Operation on server '%1!s!' and database '%2!s!' is in progress. Please wait a few minutes before trying again. `Failed to update database "%1!s!" because the database is read-only. Please contact your Azure service owner. There may be billing related issues with your Azure account. An edition could not be determined from maxsize '%1!s!'. Specify a valid maxsize value. Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is too short. The password that you specified is too long. The password should have no more than %1!s! characters. Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is not complex enough. '%1!s!' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server. This stored procedure can only be executed in the master database. xClient with IP address "%1!s!" is temporarily blocked. Cannot use reserved database name '%1!s!' in this operation. TDatabase copy is currently disabled. Invalid subscription id '%1!s!'. Subscription does not exist. `Request does not conform to schema: %1!s!. hThe server encountered an unexpected exception. PThe specified location is invalid. The server is currently too busy. Please try again later. pThe specified x-ms-version header value is invalid. |Failed to authorize access to the specified subscription. hServername "%1!s!" cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name. LSubscription ID cannot be empty. xSubscription '%1!s!' does not have the server '%2!s!'. Too many requests have been performed. Please retry later. Invalid content-type is specified. Only application/xml is supported. Subscription '%1!s!' does not exist or is not ready for the operation. Failed to create server because the subscription '%1!s!' is disabled. Cannot move or create server. Subscription '%1!s!' will exceed server quota. Could not find database '%1!s!' at time '%2!s!' that can be restored. XSpecified subregion '%1!s!' is invalid. TDatabase 'master' cannot be restored. Quota for maximum number of concurrent restores has been exceeded. TRestore is not enabled on the server. hQuota for number of restores has been exceeded. Could not successfully restore database because the maximum duration for processing a restore has elapsed. XCould not successfully restore database. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%1!s!'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance. tRestore has been cancelled by a system administrator. An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%1!s!'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance. Database '%1!s!' is currently being restored and cannot be dropped. Please wait for restore to complete. PDatabase 'master' cannot be copied. T'%1!s!' is not a supported collation. '%1!s!' is a unicode-only collation and cannot be a default collation for a database. |Specifying a LOGIN is not allowed in a federation member. '%1!s!' is not a valid user name or you do not have permission. xXML format used for specifying rules is invalid. %1!s!. @Failed to parse XML rules. \Invalid attribute name '%1!s!' in %2!s!. XInvalid element name '%1!s!' in %2!s!. XInvalid Feature type '%1!s!' in %2!s!. TFeature name '%1!s!' does not exist. TInvalid index value '%1!s!' in %2!s!. TInvalid param count '%1!s!' in %2!s!. Xoperator attribute is missing in %1!s!. LRule name '%1!s!' does not exist. 8Invalid usage of %1!s!. |Invalid values supplied for <parameter> element in %1!s!. (Out of memory. TInvalid operator type %1!s! in %2!s!. PInvalid input type %1!s! in %2!s!. Tindex attribute is missing in %1!s!. one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %1!s!. \Failed to get %1!s! lock on %2!s! rules. LRule name '%1!s!' already exists. Only one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %1!s!. @Failed to clear proc cache. pRule name cannot exceed more than %1!s! characters. XUnexpected Operator attribute in %1!s!. HFailed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) handle (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain local computer name (Error code %1!s!). The supplied buffer may be too small, or there is a system error. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. PFailed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. HFailed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node ID (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group handle for cluster group with name or ID '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group control API returned error code %1!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%1!s!' and type '%2!s!' (Error code %3!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or type is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource control API returned error code %1!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group online (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to take the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group offline (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node control API returned error code %1!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource enumeration handle (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resources (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource enumeration handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster node name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to remove a node from the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to move a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group to the local node (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group or node handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to drop a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name or ID '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to find a String property (property name '%1!s!') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name or ID '%2!s!' (Error code %3!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%1!s!') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with ID '%2!s!' (Error code %3!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) notification port with notification filter %1!s! and notification key %2!s! (Error code %3!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change handle is invalid because a WSFC notification port has not been created or has been closed. Create a new WSFC notification port and retry the operation. ,Failed to register additional Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications with notification filter %1!s! and notification key %2!s! (Error code %3!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to receive Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to start the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change listener (SQLOS error code %1!s!). SQL Server may not have sufficient resources to start the WSFC change listener. If the condition persists, the SQL Server instance may need to be restarted. Failed to open Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry root key (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource registry key '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering registry subkey '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The parent key is %3!s!the cluster root key. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. If the corresponding availability group has been dropped, this error is expected. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The parent key is %3!s!the cluster root key. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The parent key is %3!s!the cluster root key. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to retrieve the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to set the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) object enumeration handle for objects of type %1!s! (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) objects (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster object enumeration handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. An availability group replica already exists on the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node '%1!s!'. Each WSFC node can contain only one replica of an availability group. Please choose another WSFC node to host the new replica. Failed to remove the availability group replica '%1!s!' from availability group '%2!s!'. The availability group does not contain a replica with the specified name. Verify the availability group and replica names and then retry the operation. SQL Server instance to Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node map entry cannot be found for the SQL Server instance '%1!s!' and WSFC group ID '%2!s!'. The specified SQL Server instance name is invalid, or the corresponding registry entry does not exist. Verify the SQL Server instance name and retry the operation. lThe availability group '%1!s!' already exists. This error could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation. If the availability group name you specified is correct, try dropping the availability group and then retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP operation. `For availability group '%1!s!', the value of the name-to-ID map entry is invalid. The binary value should contain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID, a WSFC group ID, and their corresponding lengths in characters. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group configuration data may be corrupt. If this error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group. Availability group name to ID map entry for availability group '%1!s!' cannot be found in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group may not exist in this Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify the availability group exists and that the availability group name is correct and then retry the operation. Cannot add database '%1!s!' to the availability group '%2!s!', because there is already a database with the same name in the availability group. Please verify that the database and availability group names specified are correct. Cannot add replica '%1!s!' to the availability group '%2!s!', because there is already a replica with the same name in the availability group. Please verify the replica and availability group names specified are correct. tFailed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node state for the local WSFC node (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Availability replica '%1!s!' of availability group '%2!s!' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. Each WSFC node can host only one replica of an availability group, regardless of the number of SQL Server instances on the node. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to correct the availability group configuration. Then, if the other replica is no longer being hosted on this WSFC node, restart this instance of SQL Server to bring the local replica of the availability group online. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%1!s!'. The WSFC resource with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a resource name that is unique in the cluster. The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value generated for the retrieved availability group configuration data from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store does not match that stored with the data for the availability group with ID '%1!s!'. The availability group data in the WSFC store may have been modified outside SQL Server, or the data is corrupt. If the error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group. The ID of availability group '%1!s!' in local data store is inconsistent with that in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped and recreated while the SQL Server instance was offline, or while the WSFC node was down. To resolve this error, drop the availability group and then recreate it. Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) detected that the availability group resource with ID '%1!s!' was online when the availability group was not actually online. The attempt to synchronize the WSFC resource state with the availability group state failed (Error code: %2!s!). For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to set local node as sole preferred owner for the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with ID '%1!s!' (Error code: %2!s!). The WSFC group might be in state that cannot accept the request. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID: '%1!s!') online at this time. The WSFC resource is not in a state that can accept the request. Wait for the WSFC resource to enter a terminal state, and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID '%1!s!') online (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the WSFC resource may not be in a state that could accept the request. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%1!s!') at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry key (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. pThe existence of availability group data for the availability group '%1!s!' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store could not be determined. The local WSFC node may be down, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations. Verify that the local WSFC node is up before retrying the operation. <Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%1!s!' is not found in the WSFC data store. The availability group may have been dropped, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations before retrying the current operation. Cannot read the persisted configuration of AlwaysOn availability group with corresponding Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%1!s!'. The persisted configuration is written by a higher-version SQL Server that hosts the primary availability replica. Upgrade the local SQL Server instance to allow the local availability replica to become a secondary replica. HThe ID of availability group '%1!s!' in local data store does not exist in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped but the current WSFC node was not notified. To resolve this error, try to recreate the availability group. The database '%1!s!' cannot be removed from availability group '%2!s!'. This database does not belong to the availability group. Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%1!s!') online at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%1!s!', because a registry entry with the specified name does not exist. Check that the registry value name is correct, and retry the operation. tCannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%1!s!'), because the WSFC group does not exist. Specify a valid WSFC group ID or name and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5013 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s! and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions. <Failed to destroy the Windows Server Failover Clustering group corresponding to availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s! and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions. 4Failed to obtain the name of local Windows Server Failover Cluster (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to obtain the cluster quorum resource (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. @The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster control API returned error code %1!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%1!s!') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Failed to retrieve the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' registry value exists in the WSFC registry hive. Error in parsing the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' is in the format outlined in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 947713 ("The implications of using the /forcequorum switch to start the Cluster service in Windows Server 2008"). Failed to determine if the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service is in Force Quorum state. The prerequisite QFE hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2"). The availability group '%1!s!' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation. dThe availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability resource ID is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation. PFailover of the availability group '%1!s!' to the local replica failed because the availability group resource did not come online due to a previous error. To identify that error, check the SQL Server error log and the Windows Server Failover Cluster logs and system event logs. For information about how to view events and logs for a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, see Windows Server documentation. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%1!s!' and type '%2!s!'. The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster. The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again. To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable AlwaysOn in the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Cannot create an availability replica for availability group '%1!s!'. An availability replica of the specified availability group already exists on this instance of SQL Server. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct and unique, then retry the operation. To remove the existing availability replica, run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command. Availability group '%1!s!' failed to create necessary events for the WSFC Lease mechanism. Windows returned error code (%2!s!) when obtaining handles for Lease events. Resolve the windows error and retry the availability group operation. An error occurred while removing availability group '%1!s!'. The DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command removed the availability group configuration from the local metadata. However, the attempt to remove this configuration from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster failed because the AlwaysOn Availability Groups manager is not online (SQL Server error: %2!s!). To remove the availability group configuration from the WSFC cluster, re-enter the command. Could not enqueue a task (SQL OS error: 0x%1!s!) for process actions for the availability group '%2!s!'. Most likely, the instance of SQL Server is low on resources. Check the SQL Server error log to determine the cause of the failure. Retry the operation later, and if this condition persists, contact your database administrator. A Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) API required by availability groups has not been loaded. AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager is not enabled on the local instance SQL Server. If the server instance is running an edition of SQL Server that supports AlwaysOn Availability Groups, you can enable the it by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. `Cannot failover availability group '%1!s!' to this instance of SQL Server because a failover command is already pending on the local replica of this availability group. Wait for the pending failover command to complete before issuing another command on the local replica of this availability group. Cannot create an availability group named '%1!s!' because it already exists in a system table. Cannot create the availability group named '%1!s!' because its availability group ID (ID: '%2!s!') already exists in a system table. Cannot create an availability group named '%1!s!' with replica ID '%2!s!' because this ID already exists in a system table. \Cannot map local database ID %1!s! to the availability database ID '%2!s!' within availability group '%3!s!'. This database is already mapped to an availability group. Cannot map database ID %1!s! to the availability database ID '%2!s!' within availability group '%3!s!'. Another local database, (ID %4!s!). is already mapped to this availability database. Could not find the availability group ID %1!s! in the system table. Failed to start task to process a down notification for the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node (SQL OS error: %1!s!). Possible causes are no worker threads are available or there is insufficient memory. Check the state of the local WSFC node. If this problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server. TCannot failover availability group '%1!s!' to this instance of SQL Server. The local availability replica is already the primary replica of the availability group. To failover this availability group to another instance of SQL Server, run the failover command on that instance of SQL Server. If local instance of SQL Server is intended to host the primary replica of the availability group, then no action is required. xOperation on the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' failed. The local copy of the availability group configuration does not exist or has not been initialized. Verify that the availability group exists and that the local copy of the configuration is initialized, and retry the operation. Attempt to set database mapping state where the local database id %1!s! is not mapped to any availability group. Failed to perform database operation '%1!s!' on database '%2!s!' (ID %3!s!) in availability group '%4!s!'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the SQL Server instance. Failed to schedule or execute database operation '%1!s!' on database '%2!s!' (Database ID: %3!s!) in availability group '%4!s!' (SQL OS error: %5!s!). The instance of SQL Server may have insufficient resources to carry out the database operation. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the server instance. Operation '%1!s!' on a database '%2!s!' (Database ID: %3!s!) in availability group '%4!s!' failed with SQL Server error %5!s! (Error details: "%6!s!"). The operation has been rolled back. See previous error messages in the SQL Server error log for more details. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server. Cannot join database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The specified database does not belong to the availability group. Verify the names of the database and the availability group, and retry the command specifying the correct names. TCannot bring the availability group '%1!s!' online. The local instance was not the previous primary replica when the availability group went offline, not all databases are synchronized, and no force failover command was issued on the local availability replica. To designate the local availability replica as the primary replica of the availability group, run the force failover command on this instance of SQL Server. Failed to join the availability replica to availability group '%1!s!' because the group is not online. Either bring the availability group online, or drop and recreate it. Then retry the join operation. \Cannot accept AlwaysOn Availability Groups operation operation on database '%1!s!' of availability group '%2!s!'. The database is currently processing another operation that might change the database state. Retry the operation later. If the condition persists, contact the database administrator. 0Availability group '%1!s!' cannot process the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command, because the local availability replica is not the primary replica. Connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica of this availability group, and rerun the command. Failed to set availability group database information for availability group %1!s!. The local availability replica is not the primary, or is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 0The availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica. One or more databases are not synchronized or have not joined the availability group, or the WSFC cluster was started in Force Quorum mode. If the cluster was started in Force Quorum mode or the availability replica uses the asynchronous-commit mode, consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss). Otherwise, once all local secondary databases are joined and synchronized, you can perform a planned manual failover to this secondary replica (without data loss). For more information, see SQL Server Books Online. Cannot process the operation. The local replica of availability Group '%1!s!' is in a failed state. A previous operation to read or update persisted configuration data for the availability group has failed. To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server. The local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' is in a failed state. The replica failed to read or update the persisted configuration data (SQL Server error: %2!s!). To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server. Failed to bring Availability Group '%1!s!' online. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Please verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. (Cannot add or join database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The database does not exist on this instance of SQL Server. Verify the database name and that the database exists on the server instance. Then retry the operation, specifying the correct database name. Operation on the availability group '%1!s!' has been cancelled or terminated, either because of a connection timeout or cancellation by user. This is an informational message. No user action is required. Failed to take availability group '%1!s!' offline. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Error accessing the Availability Groups manager. The local Availability Groups manager has not been initialized. Wait until the Availability Groups manager is in a state that allows access, and retry the operation. Failed to create availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s! and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command. Failed to create availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s!. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. Then execute the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the failed attempt to create the availability group. Cannot failover availability group '%1!s!' to this SQL Server instance. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, then retry the operation. $Cannot failover availability group '%1!s!' to this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if the drop operation was unintentional. Cannot drop availability group '%1!s!' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being removed from the availability group. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary. Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%1!s!' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being disjoined. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary. XFailed to join local availability replica to availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s! and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP JOIN command. Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s!. An attempt to rollback the operation failed. Check SQL Server error log for more details. Run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the availability group. TFailed to designate the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' as the primary replica. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s! and has been terminated. Check the preceding error and the SQL Server error log for more details about the error and corrective actions. tFailed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s!, and the availability group has been taken offline to protect its configuration and the consistency of its joined databases. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. If configuration data corruption occurred, the availability group might need to be dropped and recreated. dFailed to validate sequence number of the configuration of availability group '%1!s!'. The in-memory sequence number does not match the persisted sequence number. The availability group and/or the local availability replica will be restarted automatically. No user action is required at this time. An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' to transition to the primary role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %2!s! and has been terminated. Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and the availability group are in the correct states for the command, and then retry the command. An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' to transition to the resolving role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %2!s! and has been terminated. Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and the availability group are in the correct states for the command, and then retry the command. A timeout error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!'. The availability replica is currently being accessed by another operation. Wait for the in-progress operation to complete, and then retry the command. ,An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %2!s!, and has been terminated. Verify that the local availability replica is in the correct state, and then retry the command. LAn error occurred while attempting to access availability replica '%1!s!' in availability group '%2!s!'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group and availability replica names are correct, then retry the command. `An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica with ID '%1!s!' in availability group '%2!s!'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability replica ID are correct, then retry the command. xAn error occurred while attempting to access the availability group database with ID '%1!s!' in availability group '%2!s!'. The availability database is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability database ID are correct, then retry the command. Failed to create availability group '%1!s!', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. The operation has been rolled back successfully. To retry creating an availability group, either remove or rename the existing WSFC group, or retry the operation specifying a different availability group name. pAn error occurred while dropping availability group '%1!s!' from Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and from the local metadata. The operation encountered SQL OS error %2!s!, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command. An error occurred while removing the local availability replica from availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %2!s!, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command. PThe availability replica of the specified availability group '%1!s!' is being dropped. Wait for the completion of the drop command and retry the operation later. Cannot drop availability group '%1!s!' from this SQL Server instance. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary. xCannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%1!s!' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the command if necessary. Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%1!s!'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the availability group is being dropped or the local WSFC node has lost quorum. In such cases, and no user action is required. |The local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' did not become primary. A concurrent operation may have changed the state of the availability group in Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify that the availability group state in Windows Server Failover Cluster is correct, then retry the operation. Failed to set the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' as joined in Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) database. Either the local availability replica is no longer the primary, or the WSFC service is not accessible. Verify that the local WSFC node is online, and that the local availability replica is the primary replica. Then retry the operation. Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%1!s!'. Before the availability group configuration could be updated, the operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s!. The operation has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online, and retry the command. PFailed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%1!s!'. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s! while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica. The operation has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes made to the availability group configuration. HAvailability group '%1!s!' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, and then retry the operation. <Availability group '%1!s!' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if it was dropped unintentionally. Availability group '%1!s!' failed to process %2!s!-%3!s! command. The operation encountered SQL Server error %4!s! before the availability group configuration could be updated, and has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online, and then retry the command. Availability group '%1!s!' failed to process the %2!s!-%3!s! command. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %4!s! while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica, and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details . Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. Use an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes to the availability group configuration. <Availability group '%1!s!' failed to process %2!s!-%3!s! command. The local availability replica is not in a state that could process the command. Verify that the availability group is online and that the local availability replica is the primary replica, then retry the command. The local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' cannot become the primary replica. The last-known primary availability replica is of a higher version than the local availability replica. Upgrade the local instance of SQL Server to the same or later version as the server instance that is hosting the current primary availability replica, and then retry the command. Creating and scheduling a worker task for AlwaysOn Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %1!s!). Processing of new actions might be delayed or stalled until the resource limits are resolved. Reduce the memory or thread count on the instance of SQL Server to allow new threads to get scheduled. If new tasks are scheduled the problem might resolve itself. However, if the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server. An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' to complet post-online work. The operation encountered SQL OS error %2!s! and has been terminated. Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and the availability group are in the correct states for the command. Then retry the command. ,Availability group '%1!s!' failed to process the WSFC lease-renewal command. The local availability replica lease is no longer valid to process the lease renewal command. Availability replica lease expired. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. lFailed to create availability group '%1!s!', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. An attempt to rollback the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. To manually clean up the partially created availability group, run the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying a unique availability group name. The FAILOVER_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%1!s!'. Reenter the command, specifying a failover mode for the replica. 0The AVAILABILITY_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%1!s!'. Reenter the command, specifying an availability mode for the replica. The specified command is invalid because the AlwaysOn Availability Groups feature is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. For information about features supported by the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online. The SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE and SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE functions do not support remote data sources. `The source table '%1!s!' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function doesn't have a full-text index that uses the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. A full-text index using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option is required to use this function. \The column '%1!s!' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function is not full-text indexed with the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. The column must be full-text indexed using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option to be used in this function. The source_key parameter is required in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE function. A semantic language statistics database is already registered. xNo semantic language statistics database is registered. The database '%1!s!' does not exist or the database format is not valid. Provide a valid semantic language statistics database name. An error occurred while trying to register the semantic language statistics database. The SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE and SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE functions do not support update or insert. The current transaction cannot support any operations. Roll back the transaction. A previous transaction that the current transaction took a dependency on has aborted and the current transaction can no longer commit. The current transaction attempted to update a record that has been updated since this transaction started. The statement was terminated. The number of buckets for an in-memory table index must be a power of 2. The current transaction failed to commit. Transaction state is %1!s!, result is %2!s!, error is x%3!s!. TThe nest limit of %1!s! for conditional blocks and exception blocks for natively compiled stored procedures has been exceeded. Please simplify the stored procedure. The row size limit of %1!s! for in-memory tables has been exceeded. Please simplify the table definition. The database %1!s! has been deployed since the last drop database. pUnable to load the compiled DLL for database %1!s!. dThe database %1!s! is not currently deployed. The file %1!s! could not be opened. GetLastError = 0x%2!s!; Unable to call into the C compiler. GetLastError = 0x%1!s!; The C compiler encountered a failure. The exit code was %1!s!. Conversion of parameter default for parameter '%1!s!' failed. DCheckpoint operation failed. <Restore operation failed. A user transaction cannot call natively compiled procedures from more than one database. Distributed transactions are not supported for in-memory tables. At most %1!s! conjuncts are allowed in queries inside compiled stored procedures. The database %1!s! has not been deployed or has been dropped since it last was, so it cannot be dropped. The directory for temporary files "DRIVE:\Hekaton" cannot be found. The error message for HRESULT 0x%1!s! hasn't been implemented yet. LWSFC cluster service is offline. XThe WSFC cluster is offline, and this availability group is not available. This issue can be caused by a cluster service issue or by the loss of quorum in the cluster. HAvailability group is offline. The availability group is offline, and is unavailable. This issue can be caused by a failure in the server instance that hosts the primary replica or by the WSFC availability group resource going offline. xAvailability group is not ready for automatic failover. The availability group is not ready for automatic failover. The primary replica and a secondary replica are configured for automatic failover, however, the secondary replica is not ready for an automatic failover. Possibly the secondary replica is unavailable, or its data synchronization state is currently not in the SYNCHRONIZED synchronization state. xSome availability replicas are not synchronizing data. DIn this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica. hSome synchronous replicas are not synchronized. lIn this availability group, at least one synchronous replica is not currently synchronized. The replica synchronization state could be either SYNCHONIZING or NOT SYNCHRONIZING. xSome availability replicas do not have a healthy role. In this availability group, at least one availability replica does not currently have the primary or secondary role. dSome availability replicas are disconnected. In this availability group, at least one secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED. pAvailability replica does not have a healthy role. The role of this availability replica is unhealthy. The replica does not have either the primary or secondary role. TAvailability replica is disconnected. This secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED. Data synchronization state of some availability database is not healthy. At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an asynchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. If this is a synchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state. PAvailability database is suspended. Either a database administrator or the system has suspended data synchronization on this availability database. LSecondary database is not joined. This secondary database is not joined to the availability group. The configuration of this secondary database is incomplete. For information about how to join a secondary database to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online. Data synchronization state of availability database is not healthy. HThe data synchronization state of this availability database is unhealthy. On an asynchronous-commit availability replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. On a synchronous-commit replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state. PAvailability replica is not joined. This secondary replica is not joined to the availability group. For an availability replica to be successfully joined to the availability group, the join state must be Joined Standalone Instance (1) or Joined Failover Cluster (2). For information about how-to join a secondary replica to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online. %1!s! operation failed. Specified federation name does not exist. %1!s! operation failed. Specified federation distribution name %2!s! is not valid. %1!s! operation failed. Specified data type is not supported as a federation distribution. %1!s! operation failed. Specified value is not valid for federation distribution %2!s! and federation %3!s!. Filter value cannot be set or was already set for this session. The federation key value is out of bounds for this member. %1!s! cannot be run while another federation operation is in progress on federation %2!s! and member with id %3!s!. A partition in a table group that has a partition key defined is not allowed to be a federation member. L%1!s! is not supported on %2!s!. tSpecified federation operation id is already in use. `Specified federation %1!s! does not exist. %1!s! operation failed. Specified federation name %2!s! is not valid. Specified federation operation id is invalid for %1!s! operation. x%1!s! operation failed. Federation is in invalid state. %1!s! operation failed. %2!s! is not a valid federation id. %1!s! operation failed. %2!s! is not a valid federation member id. `A column insert or update conflicts with a federation member range. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database '%1!s!', table '%2!s!', column '%3!s!'. L%1!s! cannot be called on %2!s!. ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed. Specified boundary value already exists for federation distribution %1!s! and federation %2!s!. %1!s! operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for federation distribution %2!s! and federation %3!s!. %1!s! operation failed. Specified boundary value does not exist for federation distribution %2!s! and federation %3!s!. %1!s! operation failed. Specified type information is not valid for federation distribution. %1!s! operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for current federation member. %1!s! operation failed. The federation distribution scheme size cannot exceed 900 bytes. The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %1!s! option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement. The USE FEDERATION statement is not supported on a connection which has multiple active result sets (MARS) enabled. The USE FEDERATION statement is not allowed under non-revertible impersonated security context. Federation member %1!s! is not available. Another command is creating or dropping it. Federation member database cannot be dropped using DROP DATABASE. Federation member database cannot be renamed using ALTER DATABASE. ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %1!s! federation was dropped while the split was still in progress. ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%1!s!'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance. pCREATE DATABASE AS COPY OF %1!s! is not supported. hFederation member database cannot be restored. 4VS_VERSION_INFOn<4 <4?StringFileInfo040904B0&PlatformNT x64ILegalTrademarksMicrosoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CommentsSQL&GoldenBitsTrueLCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationVFileDescriptionSQL Event Messages DLL|.FileVersion2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )2 InternalNameSQLEVN70n%LegalCopyrightMicrosoft Corp. 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