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Use -? for help. $Cannot read command line parameters +Cannot create Config object: Out of memory Specified config file not found -Getting config file attributes failed (0x%x) ,Cannot allocate memory for config file path $Cannot read from configuration file 3Cannot allocate memory for file config information Cannot open log file %ls /Cannot allocate memory for error log file path !Cannot set Ctrl-C handler (0x%x) $Cannot register window class (0x%x) 8Cannot create window for simulator communication (0x%x) $Cannot create main simulator thread Fail under test trace flag %ls%ls 0Errors (%d), warnings (%d) reported to log file PAStoppingIDUser Main User InformationCompleteRefreshed %d times File Name Size (MB)Max Size IncrementLog FilePAShrinkSparse New file ...Duplicate files not allowed.DAttempt to load '%ls' resulted in error. System Error: [%u] %lsUserCPUTID InformationCompleteReadsWrites Scatter Reads Gather WritesFunction IO DurationPA Comp ChecksSizeOffset Offset HighInternal Internal HighFSimulation completed. Errors (%d), warnings (%d) reported to log file."Simulation completed successfully!Browse For File Location Config FilesPAOverall Test Progress CPU Idle User LogWriter LazyWriter CheckpointCreateFileStreamSystemCore Initialization Page AuditCreateDBDisplay Monitor Random AccessShrink/Expand user Bulk UpdateInitial Update Read AheadPA Checkpointing'Clean Buffer Pool Checkpoint - Flushing!Single Pass Checkpoint - FlushingCheckpointing #%u"Expanding file %d from %d to %d MB!Waiting for Final IOs to completeFull Test Run #%uInitial Update%u:%u, %d pending%u:%u, Reading page(s)RunningRunning, %d modified"Shrinking file %d from %d to %d MBSleeping for %d secSleepingSleeping, %d modifiedSleeping, %d processedSleeping %u ms%u:%u, Updating page(s)PAAudit Scan #%u Zeroing %lsUser(s)Outstanding IO(s)PA+CPUCount is not in the valid range (1 - 64)+Affinity is not in the range of active CPUs-IOAffinity is not in the range of active CPUs!MaxMemoryMB should be more than 02Scatter/Gather API require NoBuffering set to TRUE3Random User MaxLogPerBuffer should not exceed 64000$Error log should have .xml extension?Random User MinIOChainLength should not exceed MaxIOChainLength=Random User MinLogPerBuffer should not exceed MaxLogPerBuffer7Random User CPUCyclesMin should not exceed CPUCyclesMax;Read-Ahead User BuffersRAMin should not exceed BuffersRAMax<Bulk Update User BuffersBUMin should not exceed BuffersBUMaxAShrink User MinShrinkInterval should not exceed MaxShrinkInterval3Shrink User MinExtends should not exceed MaxExtendsNo files have been configured. Add file configuration sections to the sqliosim configuration file or use the -dir parameter(s) to begin a test. No log files configured1Non-zero initial size should be set for all files Too many Random Users configuredToo many Audit Users configured$Too many Read-Ahead Users configured%Too many Bulk Update Users configuredLTotal number of configured Users exceeds maximum allowed (1023xCPUCount-100),At least one Log and one Data file required.Memory must be at least %u MB&Error log path and file are not valid.File size must be 1MB or largerDAttempt to access '%s' resulted in error. System Error: [%u] %sNo data files configuredPASQLIOSimReadyPA?Display program information, version number and copyright AboutQuit the application ExitEXTCAPNUMSCRLOVRRECPA'Show or hide the toolbar Toggle ToolBar,Show or hide the status bar Toggle StatusBarPAOpenSave AsAll Files (*.*)Untitledan unnamed filePA&HidePANo error message is available.#Attempted an unsupported operation.$A required resource was unavailable.Out of memory.An unknown error has occurred.!Encountered an improper argument.Incorrect filename.Failed to open document.Failed to save document.Save changes to %1? Failed to create empty document.The file is too large to open.Could not start print job.Failed to launch help.Internal application error.Command failed.)Insufficient memory to perform operation.PSystem registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.BNot all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.FThis program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.tThis program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.PAEnter an integer.Enter a number.#Enter an integer between %1 and %2.!Enter a number between %1 and %2.!Enter no more than %1 characters.Select a button.#Enter an integer between 0 and 255.Enter a positive integer.Enter a date and/or time.Enter a currency. Enter a GUID. Enter a time. Enter a date.Unexpected file format.O%1 Cannot find this file. Verify that the correct path and file name are given.Destination disk drive is full.5Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.AUnable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.1Encountered an unexpected error while reading %1.1Encountered an unexpected error while writing %1.PA%1: %2 Continue running script?Dispatch exception: %1PA#Unable to read write-only property.#Unable to write read-only property.#Unable to load mail system support.Mail system DLL is invalid.!Send Mail failed to send message.PANo error occurred.-An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.%1 was not found.%1 contains an incorrect path.8Could not open %1 because there are too many open files.Access to %1 was denied.0An incorrect file handle was associated with %1.8Could not remove %1 because it is the current directory.2Could not create %1 because the directory is full.Seek failed on %14Encountered a hardware I/O error while accessing %1.3Encountered a sharing violation while accessing %1.3Encountered a locking violation while accessing %1.Disk full while accessing %1.$Attempted to access %1 past its end.No error occurred.-An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.%Attempted to write to the reading %1.$Attempted to access %1 past its end.&Attempted to read from the writing %1.%1 has a bad format."%1 contained an unexpected object. %1 contains an incorrect schema.pixelsUncheckCheckMixed,One or more auto-saved documents were found.These are more recently saved than the currently open documents and contain changes that were made before the application closed.2Do you want to recover these auto-saved documents?Note that if you choose to recover the auto-saved documents, you must explicitly save them to overwrite the original documents. If you choose to not recover the auto-saved versions, they will be deleted.fRecover the auto-saved documents Open the auto-saved versions instead of the explicitly saved versions^Don't recover the auto-saved documents Use the last explicitly saved versions of the documents%s [Recovered]z{y @4 PA @4 @4  @4  @4  @4 @4  @4 @4  @4 @4 @4 @4 @4 @4h h   PA (PA4VS_VERSION_INFOn<4 <4?StringFileInfo040904B0&PlatformNT x64ILegalTrademarksMicrosoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CommentsSQL&GoldenBitsTrueLCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationXFileDescriptionSQL Server IO Simulator|.FileVersion2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )2 InternalNamesqliosimn%LegalCopyrightMicrosoft Corp. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenamesqliosim.exeJProductNameMicrosoft SQL Server> ProductVersion11.0.2100.60DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAvLp2 LWs5i+.bLFPA@PA
Microsoft SQL Server © Simulator Stress Test Results

Date Time Tid User Description Function File Line
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