MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Uu]333c3c3Rich3PEd5O"  "@X<.rsrc@@0 p 0H`x          tx,%'.Z 3cԖZ!Option index %1!d! is not valid. %Missing argument for option "%1!s!". 2Argument "%1!s!" for option "%2!s!" is not valid. +Option "%1!s!" can only be specified once. Option %1!d! is not valid. OAn out of memory error occurred while saving. Option: %1!s!, Argument: %2!s!. 7A type mismatch occurred in an argument set operation. YComparison of argument "%1!s!" failed against a previously set value for option "%2!s!". CAn unknown error occurred for option "%1!s!" with argument "%2!s!" eA command file option was encountered while in a command file. Nested command files are not allowed. eThe DTS option cannot be specified with the File, SQL, Project, ISServer, User, or Password options. mThe File option cannot be specified with the DTS, SQL, Server, Project, ISServer, User, or Password options. TThe SQL option cannot be specified with the DTS, File, ISServer or Project options. <The Password option must be specified with the User option. YThe SQL option must be specified if the User, Password, or Server options are specified. JAt least one of the DTS, SQL, ISServer or File options must be specified. Option "%1!s!" is not valid. 5Reporting option V or N can only be specified alone. HReporting options E, W, I, C, D, and P can only be specified once each. XAn invalid reporting option was specified. Only E, W, I, C, D, P, V, and N are allowed. JAn invalid console logging option was specified. Only I or E is allowed. ;Console logging option "E" must have a list of exclusions. ;Console logging option "I" must have a list of inclusions. $Could not open command file "%1!s!" *Out of memory while saving Option: %1!s!. AConsole logging display options can only be specified once each. PAfAn invalid console logging display option was specified. Only N, C, O, S, G, X, M, and T are allowed. DAn out of memory condition occurred while parsing the command file. ,The argument "%1!s!" has mismatched quotes. Enter decryption password: Enter SQL Server password: TThe Project option cannot be specified with the SQL, DTS, ISServer or File options. >The Package option must be specified with the Project option. eThe ISServer option cannot be specified with the DTS, SQL, File, Project, User, or Password options. HThe EnvReference option can only be specified with the ISServer option. EThe Parameter option can only be specified with the ISServer option. 9The Validate option cannot be used with ISServer option. PA5 Usage: DTExec /option [value] [/option [value]] ... XOptions are case-insensitive. A hyphen (-) may be used in place of a forward slash (/). /Ca[llerInfo] /CheckF[ile] [Filespec] 5/Checkp[ointing] [{On | Off}] (On is the default) /Com[mandFile] Filespec /Conf[igFile] Filespec ./Conn[ection] IDOrName;ConnectionString PA/Cons[oleLog] [[DispOpts];[{E | I};List]] DispOpts = any one or more of N, C, O, S, G, X, M, or T. List = {EventName | SrcName | SrcGuid}[;List] /De[crypt] Password /DT[S] PackagePath -/Dump code[;code[;code[;...]]] /DumpOnErr[or] =/Env[Reference] id of an Environment in the SSIS catalog /F[ile] Filespec /H[elp] [Option] A/IS[Server] Full path to the package in the SSIS catalog 1/L[ogger] ClassIDOrProgID;ConfigString */M[axConcurrent] ConcurrentExecutables 9/Pack[age] Package to run inside of the project e/Par[ameter] [$Package::|$Project::|$ServerOption::]parameter_name[(data_type)];literal_value /P[assword] Password (/Proj[ect] Project file to use /Rem[ark] [Text] PA/Rep[orting] Level[;EventGUIDOrName[;EventGUIDOrName[...]] Level = N or V or any one or more of E, W, I, C, D, or P. I/Res[tart] [{Deny | Force | IfPossible}] (Force is the default) '/Set PropertyPath;Value #/Ser[ver] ServerInstance /SQ[L] PackagePath /Su[m] /U[ser] User name /Va[lidate] */VerifyB[uild] Major[;Minor[;Build]] /VerifyP[ackageid] PackageID /VerifyS[igned] /VerifyV[ersionid] VersionID /VLog [Filespec] /W[arnAsError] /X86 PA&HIdCheckF[ile] filespec Optional. Name the checkpoint file when checkpointing is turned on. The filespec argument specifies the file name and path of the checkpoint file. Checkp[ointing] {on | off} Optional. Turn checkpointing on or off. Default is on if neither on nor off is specified. ,Com[mandFile] filespec Optional. Loads a text file that contains additional dtexec command options, prior to package execution. The filespec argument specifies the file name and path of the command file that you want to associate with the execution of the package. tConf[igFile] filespec Optional. Sets a run-time configuration that is different from the configuration that was specified at design time. You can store dtexec configuration settings in an XML configuration file and then load the settings by means of the ConfigFile option prior to package execution. Conn[ection] id_or_name;connection_string Optional. Sets the connection string property of a ConnectionManager stored within a SSIS package. The ConnectionManager is identified either by its name or its ID. L Cons[oleLog] [[DisplayOptions];{E | I};src_name_or_guid[src_name_or_guid[...]]] Optional. Displays all available log entries to the console during package execution, if no arguments are specified. If you omit this option, no log entries are displayed to the console during package execution. Valid display options are: o N (Name). Display the name. o C (Computer). Display the computer. o O {Operator). Display the user. o S (Source Name). Display the source name. o G (Source GUID). Display the source GUID. o X (eXecution GUID). Display the execution GUID. o M (Message). Display the message text. o T (Time). Display the date and time. Valid arguments are: o I (Inclusion List). Only the source names or GUIDs that are specified are logged. o E (Exclusion List). The source names or GUIDs that are specified are not logged. If you use multiple ConsoleLog options on the same command prompt, they interact as follows: o Their order of appearance has no effect. o If no inclusion lists are present on the command line, exclusion lists are applied against all types of log entries. o If any inclusion lists are present on the command line, exclusion lists are applied against the union of all inclusion lists. o The following table lists of all available source names and their associated GUIDs: TDT[S] package Loads a package using the SSIS Service. The package argument specifies the folder and name of the package to retrieve. However, you can use the DTS option in conjunction with the Server option. If you omit the Server option, the default local instance of the SSIS Service is assumed. If you use the DTS option in conjunction with any of the following options, dtexec fails: o File o SQL $F[ile] filespec Loads a package that is saved in the file system as a .dtsx file. The filespec argument specifies the path and file name of the package. You can specify the path as either a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path or local path. If you use the File option in conjunction with any of the following options, dtexec fails: o DTS o SQL o User o Password o Server H[elp] [option_name] Optional. Displays a list of options and their associated arguments unless the option_name argument is specified. If you specify an option_name argument, dtexec displays the command line help for the specified option. 4L[ogger] classid_or_progid;config_string Optional. Associates a logger with the execution of a SSIS package. The following lists available loggers: Name ProgID/ClassID Text file DTS.LogProviderTextFile.1 {0A039101-ACC1-4E06-943F-279948323883} SQL Profiler DTS.LogProviderSQLProfiler.1 {E93F6300-AE0C-4916-A7BF-A8D0CE12C77A} SQL Server DTS.LogProviderSQLServer.1 {94150B25-6AEB-4C0D-996D-D37D1C4FDEDA} Window Event Log DTS.LogProviderEventLog.1 {071CC8EB-C343-4CFF-8D58-564B92FCA3CF} XML file DTS.LogProviderXMLFile.1 {440945A4-2A22-4F19-B577-EAF5FDDC5F7A} M[axConcurrent] concurrent_executables Optional. Sets the number of threads that process executables in a single package execution instance. By default, the number of processors plus 2 threads are allocated for package execution. HP[assword] password Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This option is used in conjunction with the SQL and User options. However, you can use the Password option only if you use the User option. If the Password option is omitted and the User option is used, a blank password is used. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. Rem comment Optional. Places comments on the command prompt or in command files. The comment argument is optional. The value of comment is a string that either must be enclosed in quotation marks or contains no white space. <Rep[orting] level[;eventguid_or_name[;eventguid_or_name[;...]] Optional. The level may be N or V or any combination of E, W, I, C, D, and P. The optional list of event guids or names is a list of items to be excluded from the output when the message matches the level. If the level is N then the list contains items to be displayed even though reporting is off. If reporting is not specified then the default is EWP. Level N - Display nothing E - Display error messages W - Display warning messages I - Display information messages C - Display custom messages D - Display DataFlow messages P - Display progress messages V - Display all messages Res[tart] {deny | force | ifPossible} Optional. By default, Restart is set to force. Set property_path;value Optional. Overrides the configuration of a variable, property, container, log provider, foreach enumerator, or connection within a package. When specified, the /SET option sets the specified propertypath to the value given. Multiple /SET options can be specified. When using with /ISSERVER the $Sensitive:: prefix can optionally be specified to indicate the property should be considered sensitive on the server. The following is an example of executing a package that is provided a variable with a value. dtexec /f mypackage.dtsx /set \package.variables[myvariable].Value;myvalue Ser[ver] server_name Optional. Specifies the name of SQL Server instance from which to retrieve the package. If you omit this option, package execution is attempted against the local default instance of SQL Server. tSQ[L] package Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server. The package argument specifies the folder and name of the package to retrieve. However, you can use the SQL option in conjunction with options User, Password, and Server. If you omit the User option, Windows Authentication is used to access the package. If it is present, the User login name specified is associated with SQL Server Authentication. You can use the Password option only in conjunction with the User option. If you use the Password option, dtexec accesses the package with the user name and password information that you provide. If you omit the Password option, a blank password is used. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. If you omit the Server option, the default local instance of SQL Server is assumed. If you use the SQL option in conjunction with any of the following options, dtexec fails: o DTS o File U[ser] user_name Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. You use this option in conjunction with the SQL option. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. Va[lidate] Optional. Stops the execution of the package after the validate phase, without actually running the package. If you use the WarnAsError option elsewhere on the command line, dtexec fails if a warning occurs during validation. VerifyB[uild] major[;minor[build]] Optional. Verifies the build number of a package against the build numbers specified in the major, minor, and build arguments. If used, and a mismatch occurs, the package will not execute. You must use an argument with this option. The argument can have one of three forms: o major o major;minor o major;minor;build ,VerifyP[ackageID] package_id Optional. Verifies the ID of the package to be executed against the value specified in the packageID argument. VerifyS[igned] Optional. Causes the package to fail if it is not signed. <VerifyV[ersionID] version_id Optional. Verifies the version GUID of a package to be executed against the value specified in the versionID argument. W[arnAsError] Optional. Causes the package to fail if a warning occurs during validation. If no warnings occur during validation and the Validate option is not specified, the package is executed. XSu[m] Optional. Causes reported progress to show the total number of rows received by a component rather than number of rows currently being sent to the component. De[crypt] password Optional. Sets the decryption password used when loading a package with password encryption. Dump code[;code[;code[;...]]] Optional. Specify a list of SSIS event codes that will trigger the system to create debug dump files during package execution. The event code can be an error code, warning code, or information code. DumpOnErr[or] Optional. Create debug dump files when any error occurs during package execution. $VLog [Filespec] Optional. Writes all Integration Services package events to the log providers that were enabled when the package was designed. To have Integration Services enable a log provider for text files and write log events to a specified text file, include a path and file name as the Filespec parameter. If you do not include the Filespec parameter, Integration Services will not enable a log provider for text files and will write log events only to the log providers enabled for the package at design time. X86 Optional. Ignored when running dtexec from the command line. Use this option when scheduling a job with SQL Agent to specify that SQL Agent should use the 32-bit dtexec runtime to execute the specified package. LProj[ect] project file path Optional. Use this option to specify the project from which a package can be retrieved. It is supposed to be used with /Package. (Pack[age] package name Optional. Use this option to specify the package to be used in an execution. It is supposed to be used with /Project IS[Server] package path Optional. Ignored when running dtexec from the command line. Use this option when scheduling a job with SQL Agent to specify the SQL Server instance from which to retrieve the package to be used in an execution. Env[Reference] enviroment reference Optional. Ignored when running dtexec from the command line. Use this option when scheduling a job with SQL Agent to specify the environment reference that is used by an execution. xCa[llerInfo] Optional. Ignored when running dtexec from the command line. Use this option when scheduling a job with SQL Agent to specify additional information for an execution. PPar[ameter] [$Package::|$Project::|$ServerOption::]parameter_name[(data_type)];literal_value Optional. Provides a literal value for a parameter. Multiple /Parameter options can be specified. The $Package::, $Project::, or $ServerOption:: name prefix can be specified to indicate the type of parameter. The default parameter type is package. For non-string parameter values the data type should be specified in parenthesis following the parameter name. The following is an example of executing a package that is provided a the value myvalue to for the project parameter myparam and the integer value 12 for the package parameter anotherparam. dtexec /isserver "\SSISDB\MyFolder\MyProject\MyPackage.dtsx" /server "." /parameter $Project::myparam;myvalue /parameter anotherparam(int32);12 DTExec is the command line package executer. To get more information on its usage specify the /help option on the command line. To get detailed help about an option specify /help option on the command line. 4VS_VERSION_INFOn<4 <4?JStringFileInfo&040904B0&PlatformNT x64ILegalTrademarksMicrosoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CommentsSQL&GoldenBitsTrueLCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation@FileDescriptionData Transformation Services Execution Utility Parser Resources|.FileVersion2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )2 InternalNameDTEParsen%LegalCopyrightMicrosoft Corp. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameDTEParse.RLLJProductNameMicrosoft SQL Server> ProductVersion11.0.2100.60DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDX<00<0 +70 0!0 +4paR@@ My<7砂00 aj0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 111101223917Z 130201224917Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 é|#1%uyϓKa%wKZmI17t`N%X N-:e.[]u4P!}9D#fe 6`*dȇE(WY&Jl)2?% oj-:mf16p@v.G+e+_hE xkP5[qa! 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