MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Uu]333c3c3Rich3PEd5O"  p/ޝ@nrX<.rsrcnp@@0 p 0H`x          Tt H"Z%N(.$.$0Gw|Z!Option index %1!d! is not valid. %Missing argument for option "%1!s!". 2Argument "%1!s!" for option "%2!s!" is not valid. +Option "%1!s!" can only be specified once. Option %1!d! is not valid. OAn out of memory error occurred while saving. Option: %1!s!, Argument: %2!s!. 7A type mismatch occurred in an argument set operation. ~Only one action (Copy, Delete, Dump, Encrypt, Exists, Move, Sign, FCreate, FDelete, FRename, FExists, FDirectory) is allowed. CAn unknown error occurred for option "%1!s!" with argument "%2!s!" CThe destination type for option "%1!s!" must be SQL, File, or DTS. RThe DTS option cannot be specified with the File, SQL, User, or Password options. ZThe File option cannot be specified with the DTS, SQL, Server, User, or Password options. AThe SQL option cannot be specified with the DTS or File options. <The Password option must be specified with the User option. YThe SQL option must be specified if the User, Password, or Server options are specified. AAt least one of the DTS, SQL, or File options must be specified. Option "%1!s!" is not valid. \The DTS destination cannot be specified with the File, SQL, User, or Password destinations. dThe File destination cannot be specified with the DTS, SQL, Server, User, or Password destinations. KThe SQL destination cannot be specified with the DTS or File destinations. DThe DestPassword option must be specified with the DestUser option. hA SQL destination must be specified if the DestUser, DestPassword, or DestServer options are specified. `A DTS, SQL, or File destination must be specified if a Copy, Move, or Sign action is specified. At least one action (Copy, Delete, Dump, Encrypt, Exists, Move, Sign, FCreate, FDelete, FRename, FExists, FDirectory) must be specified. Destination server, user, and password are not allowed with folder operations. Use source server, user, and password instead. GThe DTS, File, and SQL options are not allowed with folder operations. eThe flags for option "%1!s!" can only contain an S (list all sub folders from the specified folder). PA0The type for option "%1!s!" must be SQL or DTS. 7The protection level must be a number between 1 and 5. 3The protection level, %1!lu!, requires a password. 6The protection level, %1!lu!, cannot have a password. NThe protection level, %1!lu!, cannot be server storage when saving to a file. Enter decryption password: Enter encryption password: "Enter source SQL Server password: 'Enter destination SQL Server password: PA5 Usage: DTUtil /option [value] [/option [value]] ... XOptions are case-insensitive. A hyphen (-) may be used in place of a forward slash (/). MThe vertical bar (|) is the OR operator and is used to list possible values. MFor extended help use /help with an option. For example: DTUtil /help Copy ,/C[opy] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path /Dec[rypt] Password /Del[ete] /DestP[assword] Password PA/DestS[erver] Server /DestU[ser] User name ?/DT[S] PackagePath /Dump Process ID G/En[crypt] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;ProtectionLevel[;Password] /Ex[ists] ?/FC[reate] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;NewFolderName </FDe[lete] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;FolderName 1/FDi[rectory] {SQL | DTS}[;FolderPath[;S]] +/FE[xists] {SQL | DTS};FolderPath M/FR[ename] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;OldFolderName;NewFolderName /Fi[le] Filespec /H[elp] [Option] /I[DRegenerate] ,/M[ove] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path /Q[uiet] /R[emark] [Text] PA1/Si[gn] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;Hash /SourceP[assword] Password /SourceS[erver] Server /SourceU[ser] User name /SQ[L] PackagePath IA process ID (PID) to dump must be specified when using the dump option. hC[opy] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path Operation. Copy the package to the specified location and path. Examples: o Copy from a SQL server to a SSIS store's MSDB folder on the local machine. dtutil /SQL srcPackage /Copy DTS;MSDB\destPackage o Copy from a file system to a file system. dtutil /File c:\developmentpackages\package.dtsx /Copy file;c:\testpackages\newpackage.dtsx o Copy from a file system to a SQL server on another machine. dtutil /File c:\developmentpackages\package.dtsx /DestServer myotherserver /copy SQL;newpackage Note: Windows Authentication is used since /DestU[ser] and /DestP[assword] were not used. tDel[ete] Operation. Delete the specified package. DestP[assword] Password Optional. Allows the storage of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This option is used in conjunction with the DestUser option and when the destination of an operation is SQL. However, you can use the DestPassword option only if you use the DestUser option. If the DestPassword option is omitted and the DestUser option is used, a blank password is used. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. tDestS[erver] server_name Optional. Specifies the name of server to which to store the package. If you omit the DestServer option, storage is attempted against the local server. DestU[ser] Username Optional. Allows the storage of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. You use this option when the destination of an operation is SQL. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. DD[TS] package Loads a package that is stored in the SSIS package store. The package argument specifies the name and path of the package to retrieve. However, you can use the DTS option in conjunction with the SrcServer option. If the SrcServer option is omitted, the local server is assumed. If you use the DTS option in conjunction with any of the following options, DTUtil fails: o File o SQL Ex[ists] Operation. Determines if the specified package exists. 4Fi[le] filespec Loads a package that is saved in the file system as a .dtsx file. The filespec argument specifies the path and file name of the package. You can specify the path as either a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path or local path. If you use the File option in conjunction with any of the following options, DTUtil fails: o DTS o SQL o SrcUser o SrcPassword o SrcServer hH[elp] [option_name] Optional. Displays a list of options and their associated arguments unless the option_name argument is specified. If you specify an option_name argument, DTUtil displays the command line help for the specified option. For example, the following is used to display the extended help for the Quiet option: DTUtil /Help Quiet or DTUtil /H Q DTUtil supports performing one of several actions against a source package. The source package and its location are specified with the /SQL, /FILE, and /DTS commands. Some actions require a destination package and its location. For example the following copies the srcPackage, which is on a local SQLServer, to destPackage, which will be on the local SSIS Store. DTUtil /SQL srcPackage /COPY DTS;destPackage NOTE: Commands can be in any order. Therefore, the above example could be written as: DTUtil /COPY DTS;destPackage /SQL srcPackage LM[ove] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path Operation. Move the package to the specified path. o SQL - Path is the path and name of the destination package. o File - Path is the fully qualified path and file name for the package. o DTS - Path is the path and name of the destination package. Q[uiet] Optional. Do not ask for permission to overwrite a package when copying or moving, just overwrite it. Rem comment Optional. Places comments on the command prompt or in command files. The comment argument is optional. The value of comment is a string that either must be enclosed in quotation marks or contains no white space. Si[gn] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;Hash Operation. Sign the loaded package with the specified hash and save it to the specified location. o SQL - Path is the path and name of the destination package. o File - Path is the fully qualified path and file name for the package. o DTS - Path is the path and name of the destination package. pSourceP[assword] password Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This option is used in conjunction with the SQL and SrcUser options. However, you can use the SrcPassword option only if you use the SrcUser option. If the SrcPassword option is omitted and the SrcUser option is used, a blank password is used. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. SourceS[erver] server_name Optional. Specifies the name of the server from which to retrieve the package. If you omit the SourceServer option, package retrieval is attempted against the local server. SourceU[ser] user_name Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. You use this option in conjunction with the SQL option. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. SQ[L] package_name Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server. The package_name argument specifies the name and path of the package to retrieve. However, you can use the SQL option in conjunction with options SrcUser, SrcPassword, and SrcServer. If you omit the SrcUser option, Windows Authentication is used to access the package. If it is present, the SrcUser login name specified is associated with SQL Server Authentication. You can use the SrcPassword option only in conjunction with the SrcUser option. If you use the SrcPassword option, DTUtil accesses the package with the user name and password information that you provide. If you omit the SrcPassword option, a blank password is used. * Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication. If the SrcServer option is omitted, the default local instance of SQL Server is assumed. If you use the SQL option in conjunction with any of the following options, DTUtil fails: o DTS o File FC[reate] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;NewFolderName Operation. Create a folder on SSIS or SQL Server. The ParentFolderPath is the location for the new folder. The NewFolderName is the name of the new folder. FDe[lete] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;FolderName Operation. Delete a folder on SSIS or SQL Server. The ParentFolderPath is the location of the folder to delete. The FolderName is the name of the folder to delete. @FE[xists] {SQL | DTS};FolderPath Operation. Check if a folder exists on SSIS or SQL Server. FolderPath is the path and name of the folder to look for. DFR[ename] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;OldFolderName;NewFolderName Operation. Rename the specified folder on SSIS or SQL Server. The ParentFolderPath is the location of the folder to rename. The OldFolderName is the current name of the folder. The NewFolderName is the new name. FDi[rectory] {SQL | DTS}[;FolderPath[;S]] Operation. List the contents (folders and packages) in a folder on SSIS or SQL Server. The optional FolderPath is the folder to list the contents of. If none is supplied then the root folder is used. The optional S allows for listing the contents off all the subfolders of the folder specified. Dec[rypt] password Optional. Sets the decryption password used when loading a package with password encryption. En[crypt] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;ProtectionLevel[;password] Operation. Encrypts the loaded package with the specified protection level and password and save it to the specified location. The level determines whether the password is needed or not. o SQL - Path is the path and name of the destination package. o File - Path is the fully qualified path and file name for the package. o DTS - Path is the path and name of the destination package. Protection Level Description 0 Strip sensitive information. 1 Sensitive information is encrypted using local user credentials. 2 Sensitive information is encrypted using the required password. 3 Package is encrypted using the required password. 4 Package is encrypted using local user credentials. 5 Package uses SQLServer storage encryption. 8I[DRegenerate] Operation. Generates a new GUID for the loaded package and updates the package ID property with the new GUID. If a package was copied then the user may desire to generate a new ID for the new copy so that it may be be uniquely identified in logging data. DTUtil performs operations on packages and folders. To get more information on its usage specify the /help option on the command line. To get detailed help about an option specify /help option on the command line. 4VS_VERSION_INFOn<4 <4?FStringFileInfo"040904B0&PlatformNT x64ILegalTrademarksMicrosoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CommentsSQL&GoldenBitsTrueLCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation>FileDescriptionData Transformation Services Package Utility Parser Resources|.FileVersion2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )2 InternalNameDTUParsen%LegalCopyrightMicrosoft Corp. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameDTUParse.RLLJProductNameMicrosoft SQL Server> ProductVersion11.0.2100.60DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADX<00<0 +70 0!0 +$5 b8R LH700 aj0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 111101223917Z 130201224917Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 é|#1%uyϓKa%wKZmI17t`N%X N-:e.[]u4P!}9D#fe 6`*dȇE(WY&Jl)2?% oj-:mf16p@v.G+e+_hE xkP5[qa! 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