MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Uu]333c3c3Rich3PEd5O"  4%@@X<.rsrc@@@pe-0.H`xc   8P?h@EFGHr(@Xp34rs0H`4xlmn '8(Pfh!"`a q( r@ sX p     " Z  0 H ` x        T8 UP h      N T  ( @ X p H O H I  0 H ` x j     0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p      $+.2X5FhhJOp`PxQ$R`SHSUY\bxhiHmVXstwryz: FhLPؚ|T0@px\d p pHNd $DT$Pt|| $ 4LDXXPb~2<B \\!|8#X%h%b$'*Xt1 35<2>F PSTW,\_t` (hkF(llLo8r4vLz$p|<>P4"X<ZREGISTRYHKCR { SSIS.Pipeline.3 = s 'MainPipe Object' { CLSID = s '{5918251B-2970-45A4-AB5F-01C3C588FE5A}' } SSIS.Pipeline = s 'MainPipe Object' { CLSID = s '{5918251B-2970-45A4-AB5F-01C3C588FE5A}' CurVer = s 'SSIS.Pipeline.3' } NoRemove CLSID { ForceRemove {5918251B-2970-45A4-AB5F-01C3C588FE5A} = s 'Data Flow Task' { ProgID = s 'SSIS.Pipeline.3' VersionIndependentProgID = s 'SSIS.Pipeline' ForceRemove 'Programmable' InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%' { val ThreadingModel = s 'free' } 'TypeLib' = s '{0B4AF18B-3699-4284-9BF7-C29DBE3D78BF}' ForceRemove 'Implemented Categories' { ForceRemove {E82BF6C1-1580-4560-B4DD-539FA20D22D5} } ForceRemove DTSInfo { val Description = s 'Performs high-performance data extraction, transformation and loading' val TaskType = s 'DTS100' val TaskContact = s 'Performs high-performance data extraction, transformation and loading;Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SQL Server; (C) 2007 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved;;1' val UITypeName = s 'Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.PipelineTaskView, Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design, Version=%MANAGEDVERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' val ResourceFile = s 'DTSPipeline,108,109' val HelpKeyword = s 'sql11.dts.designer.dataflowtask.F1' val SamplesTag = s 'SsisDataflowTask' } DefaultIcon = s '%MODULE%,0' } } } HKCR { DTS.BufferManager.3 = s 'CDTSBufferManager Object' { CLSID = s '{26D38582-1304-4A82-AD14-8DC8C09E6233}' } DTS.BufferManager = s 'CDTSBufferManager Object' { CLSID = s '{26D38582-1304-4A82-AD14-8DC8C09E6233}' CurVer = s 'DTS.BufferManager.3' } NoRemove CLSID { ForceRemove {26D38582-1304-4A82-AD14-8DC8C09E6233} = s 'CDTSBufferManager Object' { ProgID = s 'DTS.BufferManager.3' VersionIndependentProgID = s 'DTS.BufferManager' ForceRemove 'Programmable' InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%' { val ThreadingModel = s 'free' } 'TypeLib' = s '{0B4AF18B-3699-4284-9BF7-C29DBE3D78BF}' } } } HKCR { DTS.ManagedComponentWrapper.3 = s 'Managed Component Host' { CLSID = s '{874F7595-FB5F-40FF-96AF-FBFF8250E3EF}' } DTS.ManagedComponentWrapper = s 'Managed Component Host' { CLSID = s '{874F7595-FB5F-40FF-96AF-FBFF8250E3EF}' CurVer = s 'DTS.ManagedComponentWrapper.3' } NoRemove CLSID { ForceRemove {874F7595-FB5F-40FF-96AF-FBFF8250E3EF} = s 'Managed Component Host' { ProgID = s 'DTS.ManagedComponentWrapper.3' VersionIndependentProgID = s 'DTS.ManagedComponentWrapper' ForceRemove 'Programmable' InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%' { val ThreadingModel = s 'free' } 'TypeLib' = s '{0B4AF18B-3699-4284-9BF7-C29DBE3D78BF}' ForceRemove 'DTSInfo' { val ComponentType = d 0 val CurrentVersion = d 0 ForceRemove 'EN-US' { val Description = s 'Managed Component Host' } } } } } PHKCR { DTS.ErrorComponent.3 = s 'Error Component' { CLSID = s '{43D40F15-CB36-44AF-9473-98CF71423E02}' } DTS.ErrorComponent = s 'Error Component' { CLSID = s '{43D40F15-CB36-44AF-9473-98CF71423E02}' CurVer = s 'DTS.ErrorComponent.3' } NoRemove CLSID { ForceRemove {43D40F15-CB36-44AF-9473-98CF71423E02} = s 'Error Component' { ProgID = s 'DTS.ErrorComponent.3' VersionIndependentProgID = s 'DTS.ErrorComponent' ForceRemove 'Programmable' InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%' { val ThreadingModel = s 'free' } } } } PAD( @ @j>hgYGp:\y:\y:\y:\y/Sr.Rq@j>hgYGp:\y:\y:\y:\y/Sr.RqfXuY;}:\yfXuY;}:\yfrubL<_|frubL<_|grubL?c|J=zH{H|J=yHubLSsruRmRmRmRmPkPhMeLbJ^H[FXDTCQubLWuruSnSnSnSnSnSmQkPiOgMdJ`I]ubL[xruRmQjOhrubL^zrubLbSnSnxrubLb{r~bLeSn{r~bLe}}g}}gggtgtgzzp{vqnepbzzp{vqnepbx(  J~RL@,{mvJ~RL@,{6|Rmv zB (q7Nqz) &2(.=05F7FW yC+o;M}ڞ{ѕqƋgTh C+u;M۬שgK[D+uMaximum Memory Usage for Reference Cache on a 32 bit platform.9Indicates whether to reference metadata in an XML format.BConvert joined and copied column datatypes to match automatically.Specifies the list of lineage identifiers that map to the parameters that the SQL statement in the SQLCommand property uses. Entries in the list are separated by semicolons. Lookup InputLookup Match OutputLookup Error OutputJSpecifies the column in the reference table from which a column is copied.@Specifies the column in the reference table that a column joins.`Set to True if Lookup should validate reference metadata during validate, false if it should not Copy ColumnLookupPALookupFullPartialNone>Maximum Memory Usage for Reference Cache on a 64 bit platform.FSpecifies the type of connection used to access the reference dataset.OLEDBCachehSpecifies how the Lookup transformation handles rows without matching entries in the reference data set..Treat rows with no matching entries as errors.:Send rows with no matching entries to the no match output.Lookup No Match OutputThe Lookup output that handles rows with no matching entries in the reference dataset. Use this output when the NoMatchBehavior property is set to "Send rows with no matching entries to the no match output."sSpecifies the percentage of the cache that is allocated for rows with no matching entries in the reference dataset.qDetermines whether duplicate keys in the reference data should be treated as errors when full cache mode is used.Copies input columns to new columns in the transformation output. For example, create a copy of the 'address' column so that it can be cleaned by subsequent transformations and leave the original column in place for auditing.7Specifies the lineage identifier of the column to copy.Copy Column InputCopy Column Output Copy ColumnApplies string functions to character data. For example, convert from data that is in upper case to lower case. Operates only on column data with a string data type.Character Map InputCharacter Map Output)Specifies the string operations to apply.OSpecifies the lineage identifier of the input column to which operations apply.Character Map Error Output Map Column Character Map Lowercase Uppercase Byte reversalHiraganaKatakana Half width Full widthLinguistic casingSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseExpands an un-normalized data flow into a more normalized version. Values from multiple columns of a single record expand to multiple records in a single column. For example, expand a table that lists athletic scores with a column for each game to more records and a single score column. Unpivot InputUnpivot OutputUnpivotbIndicates whether the value in the PivotKeyValue property is written to the column in the new row.The lineage ID of the output column that will receive the value from this input column. Or -1 if column s value is not used in output rows.ESpecifies the value written to the PivotKey column in the output row.PADeprecated Union All Input %dDeprecated Union All OutputDeprecated Union All Transform;Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for sorting.SortRIndicates whether the Sort transformation removes rows with duplicate sort values. Sort Output Sort Input4Specifies the comparison options for character data.'Specifies the sort order of the column.`Specifies the lineage identifier of the input column that is associated with this output column.Sorts input data in ascending or descending order when it cannot be sorted at its source. For example, sort sales data by 'customer id' before it is written to a flat file and delivered to another department. Note: We do not recommend this transformation for large data flows.PASlowly Changing Dimension3Updates a SQL Server Analysis Services data warehouse dimension. Update dimension records that are already present and insert dimension records that aren't. For example, update the DimProduct table of the AdventureWorksDW OLAP database with data from the Products table in the AdventureWorks OLTP database.Slowly Changing Dimension Input,Input to Slowly Changing Dimension TransformUnchanged OutputUnchanged rows New OutputNew rowsFixed Attribute Output2Rows with changes in columns tagged FixedAttribute!Changing Attribute Updates OutputPThese rows contain new information for ChangingAttribute (Type 1) column changes#Historical Attribute Inserts Output=HistoricalAttribute (Type 2) changes result in these new rowsInferred Member Updates Output7Information to update unpopulated initial dimension rowLookupConnection@Defines the connection to use for lookups in the dimension tableAll newDetectOtherKeyChanging attributeHistorical attributeFixed attribute>Specifies the SELECT statement used to create a schema rowset.[Specifies that all rows in the input are new or the transformation detects the change type.xIndicates whether historical attribute updates are directed to the transformation output for changing attribute updates.xSpecifies the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement that selects the current row among rows with identical business keys.^Indicates whether the transformation fails when columns with fixed attributes contain changes.UIndicates whether the transformation fails when a lookup of an existing record fails.7Indicates whether inferred member updates are detected.2Specifies the column name for the inferred member. Compacts an input data flow by pivoting it on a column value, making it less normalized. The input data should be sorted by the pivot column because a pivot happens each time data in the pivot column changes. Note: duplicate rows will cause this transformation to fail.Pivot Default InputPivot Default OutputPivot Error OutputPivot Key LookupPivotsDescribes how the input column participates in the pivot operation. It can help define a set of related records, it can hold the key that uniquely identifies a row within the related set and upon which the values are pivoted, it can hold a value that gets transferred into a pivoted column or it can contain a value that simply passes straight though the pivot unchanged.The lineage identifier of an input column that contains a PivotedValue or the value -1. The value -1 indicates the column is not used in a pivot operationSpecifies a value that matches one of the possible values from the input column that is marked as the pivot key by the PivotUsage property.(Can't Convert to String) Not PivotedPASet Key Pivot Key Pivoted Value(Causes the Pivot Transform to ignore rows containing unrecognized values in the Pivot Key column and to report the complete list of unmatched values at the end of DataFlow execution. Useful for collecting a list of values from input rows that can be used to automatically generate output columns.PAMerge Join Left InputMerge Join Right InputMerge Join Output Merge Join&Specifies the type of join to perform.4Specifies the number of columns in the ordering key.>Indicates whether the null values are treated as equal values.Full outer joinLeft outer join Inner joinCombine two sorted data flows into one using the FULL, LEFT, or INNER join. We recommend this transformation when data flows can be sorted at their sources.3The input column associated with this output columnBIndicates the requested maximum buffers per input before blocking.PA+Specifies the number of rows in the sample.,Specifies the percentage size of the sample.PA3Specifies the seed for the random number generator.Sampling Selected OutputSampling Unselected OutputOutput for rows in the sample Row SamplingRandomly samples a specific number of rows from an input data flow. For example, use it randomly select products to feature on your Web site.Percentage SamplingRandomly samples a percentage of rows from an input data flow. For example, use it twice to help create a data mining model: create one sample for training the model and another sample for testing the model.PA-Specifies the variable to hold the row count. Row CountCounts rows as they pass through a data flow. For example, use the number of rows processed to determine whether or not to perform cleanup operations, or update text in an e-mail message to communicate processing status.Distributes every input row to every row in one or more outputs. For example, branch your data flow to make a copy of data so that some values can be masked before sharing with external partners.Multicast Output %%dPAMulticast Input Multicast Merge Input 1 Merge Input 2 Merge OutputMerge Combines rows from multiple sorted data flows into one sorted data flow. Unlike the Merge Join, all rows flow to the output. For example, combine two sorted lists of customers into a single sorted list. If sorting is not important, use the Union All transformation. FThe lineage ID of the output column associated with this input column.PA0Specifies which audit item this column produces.Includes data about the environment in which the package runs. Map system variables to new output columns. For example, add the name of the computer and operator to the data flow.AuditExecution instance GUID Package ID Package name Version IDExecution start time Machine name User name Task nameTask IDIdentifies potential duplicate rows and helps standardize the data by selecting canonical replacements. For example, reduce the occurrences of typos in a 'company name' column by referencing an approved list of company names.QSpecifies the minimum similarity threshold, expressed as a value between 0 and 1.bSpecifies the white-space and punctuation characters used to separate strings into multiple words.LIndicates whether to use the column to determine if two records are similar.ZSpecifies whether rows must be exact matches or fuzzy matches to be considered duplicates.Specifies the hint that causes similar rows that contain differing leading or trailing numeric values be less likely to be considered duplicates.|Specifies the relative contribution of a match in this column to the similarity score. The value must be a positive integer.Specifies the minimum textual similarity required between input and fuzzy matched records on values in this particular join column. Must be a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0.2Specifies how string data in a column is compared.Specifies the column type. The valid values are Canonical, ColumnSimilarity, KeyIn, KeyOut, PassThru, Similarity and Undefined.KSpecifies the ID of the input column. The value must be a positive integer.Fuzzy Grouping InputFuzzy Grouping OutputFuzzy GroupingFullySensitive IgnoreCaseIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreKanaType IgnoreWidth IgnoreSymbolsExactFuzzyNumeralsNotSpecialLeadingNumeralsSignificantTrailingNumeralsSignificant%LeadingAndTrailingNumeralsSignificantReading input recordsFinding similar records(Picking canonical records for each groupWriting output recordsFuzzy Grouping Inner Data FlowSpecifies the maximum amount of memory (MB) that transform should use. A value of 0 will enable dynamic memory usage based upon requirements and available system memory.&If true, each input record will be directly compared against EVERY other input record. This may produce slightly better results, but will be extremely slow unless the number of input records is very small. This option is primarily intended for debugging purposes and should be used with care. UndefinedKeyInKeyOut SimilarityColumnSimilarityPassThru CanonicalPAReads data from files and adds it to columns in a data flow. For example, use an input column of file paths to import photographs from a directory.Import Column OutputImport Column Input?Specifies the ID of the output column to receive the file data.0TRUE if the file is expected to begin with a BOMImport Column Error Output Import Column File Read File OpenThere was no error.$Deferred accessor validation failed.EThe value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.&A null value was sent to the provider.RText was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.6A signed value was provided for an unsigned data type.GConversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.DBSTATUS_E_CANTCREATEDBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE6User does not have permission to write to this column.<The value violated the integrity constraints for the column.:The value violated the schema's constraint for the column.5The status value given to the provider was not valid.JThe provider used the default value for an input parameter in a procedure.The status value is unknown._The number of seconds before a command times out. A value of 0 indicates an infinite time-out.@Specifies the name of the database object used to open a rowset.[Specifies the variable that contains the name of the database object used to open a rowset.The SQL command to be executed./Specifies the mode used to access the database.:The OLE DB runtime connection used to access the database. OpenRowsetOpenRowset From Variable SQL CommandOpenRowset Using FastLoad'OpenRowset Using FastLoad From Variable:The variable that contains the SQL command to be executed.SQL Command From VariableeSpecifies the column code page to use when code page information is unavailable from the data source.TForces the use of the DefaultCodePage property value when describing character data.Derived ColumnCreates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns. Create new columns or overwrite existing ones. For example, concatenate the values from the 'first name' and 'last name' column to make a 'full name' column.Derived Column Output3Default Output of the Derived Column TransformationDerived Column Error Output1Error Output of the Derived Column TransformationDerived Column Input*Input to the Derived Column TransformationDerived Column Expression"Derived Column Friendly Expression Computation ComputationPAData ConversionData Conversion InputData Conversion OutputData Conversion Error Output ConversionISpecifies the input column used as the source of data for the conversion.NIndicates whether the column uses the faster, locale-neutral parsing routines.Converts data from one data type to another. Converted data is written to a new output column. For example, convert data from a column of decimal type to an output column of integer type or convert ANSI string data to Unicode.PAUnion All Input %1!lu!Union All Output Union AllPACombines rows from multiple data flows without sorting. For example, add rows back to a data flow after correction of errors. If sorting is important, we recommend using the Merge transformation.FThe lineage ID of the output column associated with this input column.PA:Performs data cleaning tasks such as standardizing data, correcting data, and providing missing values. Uses fuzzy matching to return one or more close matches from a reference table. For example, lookup customer data by address, even if your input address data does not exactly match your reference address data.Microsoft SQL Server connection and database in which the fuzzy lookup reference table is located and where the fuzzy match index table will be stored and accessed. Fuzzy LookupIndicates whether to reuse an existing fuzzy-match index table or build a new one. The new index table can be temporary, persisted, or persisted and maintained.ZSpecifies the name of the reference table or view against which to match incoming records.Specifies the name of the fuzzy-match index table to be reused or the table name in which a newly generated fuzzy-match index table will be written.Indicates whether to drop an existing fuzzy-match index table if transformation is configured to generate a new table and a table with the same name already exists.Whether a copy of the reference table should be made for fuzzy match index construction and subsequent matching. It is strongly recommended that a copy always be made, otherwise unpredictable output may result if the contents of the reference table change during package execution (or between executions if reusing a fuzzy match index). If this property is set to false, the reference table must additionally have a clustered index built upon an integer identity column.<Specifies the metadata of the reference table in XML format.LSpecifies the maximum number of fuzzy matches to return for an input record.fSpecifies the minimum similarity score required for the match results that the transformation returns.Specifies the set of white-space and punctuation characters used to separate fuzzy match fields into the words used for matching and scoring a fuzzy lookup.Specifies the maximum amount of memory (MB) that this instance of the Fuzzy Lookup transformation can use. If 0 is given, then the transform will dynamically adjust it's memory usage based upon it's requirements and available system memory.PASpecifies the minimum textual similarity required between input and fuzzy matched records on values in this particular join column. Must be a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0.JSpecifies whether the column is used to indicate confidence or similarity.QName of the reference table column with which the input column should be matched.9Specifies whether the match is a fuzzy or an exact match.XSpecifies the reference table column that is copied to the output for each match result.mSpecifies the lineage identifier of the input column from which to copy to this output column for each match.LCID of the input string data.PApSpecifies the comparison options for character data. The options are those supported by the FoldString function.ZFlags to FoldString that should be used when comparing whether two strings are equivalent.|Specifies the relative contribution of a match in this column to the similarity score. The value must be a positive integer.If true, Fuzzy Lookup will partially load the error-tolerant index and the reference table into main memory before execution begins. This can greatly enhance performance if many input rows are to be processed.If true, each input record will be directly compared against EVERY record in the reference table. This may produce slightly better results, but will be extremely slow unless the number of records in the reference table is very small. Note that the entire reference table will be loaded into main memory if this option is enabled. This option is primarily intended for debugging purposes and should be used with care.PAReuseExistingIndexGenerateNewIndexGenerateAndPersistNewIndexGenerateAndMaintainNewIndexFullySensitive IgnoreCaseIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreKanaType IgnoreWidth IgnoreSymbols NoMappingMapPrecomposed MapFoldCZone MapFoldDigitsPAMapExpandLigaturesFuzzyExact Undefined Undefined Similarity ConfidenceCandidateScoreNextCandidateScore ThresholdFullTokensFetched QGramsFetched CandidatesRefTuplesFetched _FullTokens_FullTokensIndexed_FullTokensFetched_QGrams_QGramsIndexed_QGramsFetched _Candidates_RefTuplesFetchedInvalidColumnTypeCandidateWeight SuccessiveUnsuccessfulRefFetches_HighFreqTokensFetched _FFMDuration_NextBestScoreColumnSimilarityFullFieldsFetched _FullFieldsPA_FullFieldsIndexed_FullFieldsFetchedFuzzy Lookup InputFuzzy Lookup Output(Taking a snapshot of the reference tableBuilding Fuzzy Match IndexWarming cachesRows processed by Fuzzy LookupRows ProcessedPA:Specifies whether zero-length columns are treated as null.Specifies the name of an output column containing the file name. If no name is specified, no output column containing the file name will be generated.LSpecifies whether the data will overwrite or append to the destination file.OSpecifies the text to write to the destination file before any data is written.PA Term Lookup&Determines how frequently specific terms occur in a data flow. Matching terms and their frequency of occurrence are written to output data columns. For example, see if a document contains terms that are common in a particular document category. Note: you must supply a table of reference terms.Term Lookup Input#Input to Term Lookup TransformationTerm Lookup Output!Output from Term Lookup Transform@Specifies the reference table that contains the reference terms.Specifies the column that contains the reference terms. The column must be in the table specified in the property RefTermTable.Specifies whether the column is a pass-thru column and whether it is a lookup column. 0 indicates a pass-thru column, 1 indicates a lookup column, and 2 indicates the column is both a pass-thru and a lookup column.RSpecifies the lineage ID of the upstream column that is referenced by this column.Term from the reference data.9The frequency of the term appearing in every text string.9Indicates whether the lookup operation is case-sensitive.Term Lookup Error Output'Error Output from Term Lookup Transform Term LookupTerm ExtractionExtracts frequently used English-only terms from an input data flow. Terms and their corresponding score are written to output data columns. For example, search a group of documents to discover commonly-used terms. Note: an English dictionary is included with Integration Services.Term Extraction InputPA'Input to Term Extraction TransformationTerm Extraction Output*Output from Term Extraction TransformationTerm,Output Column from Term Extraction TransformReference Data Connection.)Indicates whether to use exclusion terms.=Specifies the reference table containing the inclusion terms.YSpecifies the column containing the inclusion terms. The column should be in InTermTable.=Specifies the reference table containing the exclusion terms.|Specifies the column containing the exclusion terms. The column must be in the table specified in the property OutTermTable.xSpecifies the type of terms to extract. 0 specifies noun, 1 specifies noun phrase, and 2 specifies noun and noun phrase.BSpecifies the frequency threshold above which a term is extracted.0Specifies the maximum number of words in a term.@Specifies whether the Term Extraction process is case sensitive.Term Extraction Error OutputPA+Error Output from Term Extraction TransformTerm ExtractionScore,Output Column from Term Extraction TransformSpecifies what kind of score to be associated with a term. 0 means using the frequency of a term as the score; 1 means using the TFIDF of a term as the score.PASQL Server DestinationSQL Server Destination Input#SQL Server Destination Error Output2The name of the database object to copy data into.Specifies that any constraints on the destination object are checked during the data copy operation. Corresponds to the bulk insert CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option.^Specifies the number of the first row to copy. Corresponds to the bulk insert FIRSTROW option.Specifies that any insert triggers defined on the destination object will execute during the data copy. Corresponds to the bulk insert FIRE_TRIGGERS option.Indicates whether the values supplied for identity columns will be copied to the destination. If false, values for identity columns will be auto-generated at the destination. Corresponds to the bulk insert KEEPIDENTITY option.Indicates whether the columns containing null will have null copied to the destination. If false, columns containing null will have their default values inserted at the destination. Applies only if fast load is turned on.PA\Specifies the number of the last row to copy. Corresponds to the bulk insert LASTROW option.Specifies the maximum number of syntax errors and compilation errors that can occur before the data copy operation is canceled. Each row that cannot be copied is ignored and counted as one error. Corresponds to the bulk insert MAXERRORS option.[Specifies how the data to be copied is sorted. Corresponds to the bulk insert ORDER option.Specifies that a table-level lock is acquired for the duration of the data copy operation. Corresponds to the bulk insert TABLOCK option.Specifies the file used to collect rows that have formatting errors. These rows are copied into this error file "as is." Corresponds to the bulk insert errorfile option.Specifies in seconds the amount of time the SQL Destination adapter will wait before terminating if there is no data available for insertion. A timeout value of 0 means the SQL Destination adapter will not time out.Provides connections to a local SQL Server database and bulk-loads data into SQL Server tables and views. Note: to optimize performance, we recommend using the OLE DB destination instead.Specifies when commits are issued during data insertion. A value of 0 specifies that one commit will be issued at the end of data insertion.3Specifies the variable that contains the recordset.Creates and populates an in-memory ADO recordset that is available outside of the data flow. Scripts and other package elements can use the recordset. For example, use a recordset to store the names of files that will be loaded into the data warehouse.Recordset Destination InputRecordset DestinationPA File nameFile name from variable+Specifies the mode used to access the file.0Name of the variable that contains the file namePAReads raw data from a flat file that was previously written by the Raw File destination. For example, allow packages to run faster by reading from a local raw file instead of a slow source or manually distribute data for parallel processing on multiple computers.!Specifies the name of the source.Output from %sRaw File Source OutputRaw File SourcePAOutput file name3Indicates what option is used to write to the file.Writes raw data that will not require parsing or translation. For example, allow packages to run faster by reading from a local raw file instead of a slow source or manually distribute data for parallel processing on multiple computers.Raw File DestinationRaw File Destination InputTFile %1!s! already exists. The raw file destination adapter will append to the file.SFile %1!s! already exists. The raw file destination adapter will truncate the file.QFile %1!s! does not exist. The raw file destination adapter will create the file. Create Always Create OnceAppendTruncate and Append OLE DB SourceOLE DB Source OutputOLE DB Source Error Output ConversionEThe mappings between the parameters in the SQL command and variables.Extracts data from an OLE DB-compliant relational database. Extract from a database table or view, or use a SQL command. For example, extract data from tables in Microsoft Office Access or SQL Server databases.OLE DB DestinationOLE DB Destination InputOLE DB Destination Error OutputInsertIndicates whether the values supplied for identity columns will be copied to the destination. If false, values for identity columns will be auto-generated at the destination. Applies only if fast load is turned on.Indicates whether the columns containing null will have null inserted in the destination. If false, columns containing null will have their default values inserted at the destination. Applies only if fast load is turned on.USpecifies options to be used with fast load. Applies only if fast load is turned on.Specifies when commits are issued during data insertion. A value of 0 specifies that one commit will be issued at the end of data insertion. Applies only if fast load is turned on.Loads data into an OLE DB-compliant relational database, such as SQL Server. Many types of databases are OLE DB-compliant. With minor reconfiguration, this destination can be used before and after your database is migrated from one OLE DB-compliant technology to another. PAReads data from a data flow and insert it into a file. For example, create image files based on a database column that contains photographs.Export Column OutputExport Column InputASpecifies the ID of the input column that contains the file data.AIndicates whether to write a byte-order marker (BOM) to the file.5Indicates whether to append data to an existing file.:Indicates whether to force truncation of an existing file.Export Column Error Output Export ColumnPA File Write File OpenPAFlat File DestinationFlat File Destination Input"Flat File Destination Error OutputWrites to a text file. You can specify fixed widths for data columns, use delimiters to identify columns and rows, or use both techniques for a mixed format. Choose to overwrite or append the destination file if it already exists. Use the Flat File connection manager to access the file.PAFlat File SourceFlat File Source OutputFlat File Source Error Output$Flat File Source Error Output Column ConversionNIndicates whether the column uses the faster, locale-neutral parsing routines.Reads a text file. Specify fixed widths for data columns or use delimiters to identify columns and rows. Use both techniques for files having a mixed format./Indicates whether the data is in binary format.Conditional SplitRoutes data rows to different outputs depending on the content of the data. Use conditions (SSIS expressions) to specify which rows are routed. For example, separate records that need to be cleaned from those that are ready to be loaded or route only a subset of records. Conditional Split Default Output6Default Output of the Conditional Split TransformationConditional Split Error Output4Error Output of the Conditional Split TransformationConditional Split Input-Input to the Conditional Split TransformationConditional Split Output %d1Output %d of the Conditional Split TransformationcSpecifies the expression. This expression version uses lineage identifiers instead of column names.\Specifies the friendly version of the expression. This expression version uses column names.Specifies the position of the condition in the list of conditions that the transformation evaluates. The evaluation order is from the lowest to the highest value. ComputationRuns an SQL statement for each row in a data flow. For example, call a 'new employee setup' stored procedure for each row in the 'new employees' table. Note: running an SQL statement for each row of a large data flow may take a long time.OLE DB Command InputOLE DB Command Error OutputOLE DB Command OutputCommand ExecutionAParameter information. Matches OLE DB's DBPARAMFLAGSENUM values. Excel SourceExcel Source OutputExcel Source Error Output Conversion<The mapping from parameters in the SQL command to variables.Excel DestinationExcel Destination InputExcel Destination Error OutputInsertIf true, values supplied for identity columns will be inserted at the destination. If false, values for identity columns will be auto-generated at the destination. Applies only if fast load is turned on.If true, columns containing null will have null inserted at the destination. If false, columns containing null will have their default values inserted at the destination. Applies only if fast load is turned on.USpecifies options to be used with fast load. Applies only if fast load is turned on.Specifies when commits are issued during data insertion. A value of 0 specifies that one commit will be issued at the end of data insertion. Applies only if fast load is turned on.OLE DB CommandConnects and extracts data from worksheets or named ranges in Microsoft Excel workbooks. Choose one of four access modes: table or view, table or view specified in a variable, the results of a Transact-SQL statement, or the results of a Transact-SQL statement stored in a variable.Loads data into worksheets or named ranges in Microsoft Excel workbooks. For example, update departmental reports that are currently maintained in Excel worksheets. Note: a worksheet or range is the equivalent of a table or view.Cache Transform Writes data to a cache (a .caw file) with the Cache Connection Manager. Reuse the cache between multiple Lookup transforms to reduce database load. Share the cache to reduce memory usage. Note: cache data is stored in clear text and not recommended for sensitive data. Cache Input Cache Output(The connection used to access the cache.2The cache column associated with the input column. ODBC SourceExtracts data from an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant database. Extract from a database table or view, or use a SQL command.ODBC DestinationlLoads data into an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant database. Load into a database table or view.PA %ls Input %lu%ls Output %luInput column lineage IDVariable used.Output column lineage ID ComponentPA   hPA4VS_VERSION_INFOn<4 <4?BStringFileInfo040904B0&PlatformNT x64ILegalTrademarksMicrosoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CommentsSQL&GoldenBitsTrueLCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation8FileDescriptionData Transformation Services Execution Engine Resources|.FileVersion2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )8 InternalNameDTSPipelinen%LegalCopyrightMicrosoft Corp. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenameDTSPipeline.RLLJProductNameMicrosoft SQL Server> ProductVersion11.0.2100.60DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXX<00<0 +70 0!0 +DDH|NV^A"00 aj0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 111101223917Z 130201224917Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 é|#1%uyϓKa%wKZmI17t`N%X N-:e.[]u4P!}9D#fe 6`*dȇE(WY&Jl)2?% oj-:mf16p@v.G+e+_hE xkP5[qa! 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