[info] drivername=[DRIVERNAME] trusted= symbolfile=[SYMBOLINSTALLPATH]\sqlctr.h [languages] 009=English [text] MB_CLERK_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Broker Clerks MB_CLERK_009_HELP=Statistics related to memory broker clerks BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Manager BUFMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Servers buffer manager BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Buffer Node BUFNODE_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server's buffer pool by NUMA node GENERAL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:General Statistics GENERAL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Server General Statistics LOCKS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Locks LOCKS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Describes statistics for individual lock server lock requests DBMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Databases DBMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database manager object for SQL Server DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Database Mirroring DBMIRRORING_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a Database Mirroring object for SQL Server HADR_DB_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Database Replica HADR_DB_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a HADR secondary database object for SQL Server HADR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Availability Replica HADR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a HADR availability replica object for SQL Server LATCH_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Latches LATCH_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with internal server latches ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Access Methods ACCESS_METHODS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with the database server access methods SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Errors SQL_ERROR_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics about errors in SQL Server SQL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:SQL Statistics SQL_OBJECT_009_HELP=Collects statistics associated with SQL requests PLAN_CACHE_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Plan Cache PLAN_CACHE_009_HELP=This defines cache counters CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager by Type CURSOR_OBJECT_BY_TYPE_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties grouped by type CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Cursor Manager Total CURSOR_OBJECT_TOTAL_009_HELP=Counters for cursor properties not grouped by type MEMORY_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Manager MEMORY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines memory usage. MEMNODE_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Memory Node MEMNODE_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines memory usage per NUMA node. USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:User Settable USER_QUERY_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines user definable counters REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Agents REPLICATION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Summary MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Merge MERGE_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Merge Agent Statistics LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Logreader LOGREADER_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Logreader Agent Statistics DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Dist. DISTRIBUTION_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Distribution Agent Statistics SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Replication Snapshot SNAPSHOT_AGENT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Replication Snapshot Agent Statistics BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Backup Device BACKUP_DEV_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a backup device object for SQL Server XACT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Transactions XACT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Statistics related to SQL Server transactions. BROKER_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Statistics BROKER_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Statistics BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker/DBM Transport BROKER_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker/Database Mirroring Transport Statistics BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker Activation BROKER_ACTIVATION_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Activation BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Broker TO Statistics BROKER_TRANSMISSION_OBJECT_009_HELP=Service Broker Transmission Object Statistics WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Wait Statistics WAITSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Wait Statistics EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Exec Statistics EXECSTATS_OBJECT_009_HELP=Execution statistics for external calls SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CLR SQLCLR_OBJECT_009_HELP=CLR Execution in SQL Server METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Catalog Metadata METADATAMGR_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines a catalog metadata manager object for SQL Server CLOUD_MSG_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CloudDB Messaging CLOUD_MSG_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines the counters for CloudDB messaging CLOUD_REPL_OBJECT_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:CloudDB Replication CLOUD_REPL_OBJECT_009_HELP=This defines the counters for CloudDB replication TRACE_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Statistics TRACE_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics for traces TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Trace Event Statistics TRACE_EVENT_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics for separate SQL Trace events DEPRECATED_FEATURES_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Deprecated Features DEPRECATED_FEATURES_009_HELP=Statistics on deprecated feature usage RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Workload Group Stats RESOURCE_GROUP_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with workload groups RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Resource Pool Stats RESOURCE_POOL_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with resource pools TCM_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Transaction Manager TCM_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with Transaction Coordination Manager (TCM) TCMA_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:TCM Agents TCMA_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with the agents of Transaction Coordination Manager QE_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Query Execution QE_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with Query Execution FILETABLE_STATISTICS_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:FileTable FILETABLE_STATISTICS_009_HELP=Statistics associated with FileTable and non-transacted access SQL_BATCH_RESPONSE_TIME_009_NAME=[COUNTERPREFIXSERVICENAME]:Batch Resp Statistics SQL_BATCH_RESPONSE_TIME_009_HELP=Counters to track SQL Batch Response times MB_CLERK_SIZE_009_NAME=Memory broker clerk size MB_CLERK_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the the clerk, in pages MB_SIMULATION_BENEFIT_009_NAME=Simulation benefit MB_SIMULATION_BENEFIT_009_HELP=The value of memory to the clerk, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer MB_SIMULATION_SIZE_009_NAME=Simulation size MB_SIMULATION_SIZE_009_HELP=The current size of the clerk simulation, in pages MB_INTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_NAME=Internal benefit MB_INTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_HELP=The internal value of memory for entry count pressure, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer MB_PERIODIC_EVICTIONS_009_NAME=Periodic evictions (pages) MB_PERIODIC_EVICTIONS_009_HELP=The number of pages evicted from the broker clerk by last periodic eviction MB_PRESSURE_EVICTIONS_009_NAME=Pressure evictions (pages/sec) MB_PRESSURE_EVICTIONS_009_HELP=The number of pages per second evicted from the broker clerk by memory pressure BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio BUF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk. BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Buffer cache hit ratio base BUF_CACHE_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Page lookups/sec BUF_PAGE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of requests to find a page in the buffer pool. BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_NAME=Free list stalls/sec BUF_FREELIST_STALLS_009_HELP=Number of requests that had to wait for a free page. BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages BUF_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of pages in the buffer pool with database content. BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Target pages BUF_TARGET_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Ideal number of pages in the buffer pool. BUF_SLOPE_009_NAME=Integral Controller Slope BUF_SLOPE_009_HELP=The slope that integral controller for the buffer pool last used, times -10 billion BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_NAME=Lazy writes/sec BUF_LAZY_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of buffers written by buffer manager's lazy writer. BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_NAME=Readahead pages/sec BUF_READAHEAD_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages read in anticipation of use. BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_NAME=Page reads/sec BUF_BLOCK_READS_009_HELP=Number of physical database page reads issued. BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_NAME=Page writes/sec BUF_BLOCK_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of physical database page writes issued. BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_NAME=Checkpoint pages/sec BUF_CHECKPOINT_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of pages flushed by checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed. BUF_RECOVERY_WRITES_009_NAME=Background writer pages/sec BUF_RECOVERY_WRITES_009_HELP=Number of pages flushed to enforce the recovery interval settings. BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy BUF_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_NAME=Database pages BUFNODE_HASHED_PAGE_COUNT_009_HELP=Database pages on node. BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_NAME=Page life expectancy BUFNODE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_009_HELP=Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_009_NAME=Local node page lookups/sec BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_LOCAL_NODE_009_HELP=Number of lookup requests from this node which were satisfied from this node. BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_009_NAME=Remote node page lookups/sec BUFNODE_LOOKUPS_TO_REMOTE_NODE_009_HELP=Number of lookup requests from this node which were satisfied from other nodes. GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active Temp Tables GO_TEMP_TABLES_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables in use GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_NAME=Temp Tables Creation Rate GO_TEMP_TABLES_CREATION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables created/sec GO_LOGINS_009_NAME=Logins/sec GO_LOGINS_009_HELP=Total number of logins started per second. GO_RELOGINS_009_NAME=Connection Reset/sec GO_RELOGINS_009_HELP=Total number of connection resets per second. GO_LOGOUTS_009_NAME=Logouts/sec GO_LOGOUTS_009_HELP=Total number of logouts started per second. GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=User Connections GO_USER_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of users connected to the system. GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Logical Connections GO_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=Number of logical connections to the system. GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_NAME=Transactions GO_TRANSACTIONS_009_HELP=Number of transaction enlistments (local, dtc, and bound). GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_NAME=Non-atomic yield rate GO_NON_ATOMIC_YIELD_RATE_009_HELP=Number of non-atomic yields per second. GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_NAME=Mars Deadlocks GO_MARS_DEADLOCKS_DETECTED_009_HELP=Number of Mars Deadlocks detected. GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_NAME=HTTP Authenticated Requests GO_HTTP_AUTH_REQS_009_HELP=Number of authenticated HTTP requests started per second. GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Empty Requests GO_SOAP_EMPTY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of empty SOAP requests started per second. GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP SQL Requests GO_SOAP_QUERY_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP SQL requests started per second. GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP Method Invocations GO_SOAP_SP_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP method invocations started per second. GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_NAME=SOAP WSDL Requests GO_SOAP_WSDL_REQS_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Web Service Description Language requests started per second. GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Initiate Requests GO_SOAP_SESSION_INITIATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session initiate requests started per second. GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_NAME=SOAP Session Terminate Requests GO_SOAP_SESSION_TERMINATES_009_HELP=Number of SOAP Session terminate requests started per second. GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_NAME=Processes blocked GO_USERS_BLOCKED_009_HELP=Number of currently blocked processes. GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_NAME=Temp Tables For Destruction GO_TEMP_TABLES_FOR_DESTRUCTION_009_HELP=Number of temporary tables/table variables waiting to be destroyed by the cleanup system thread GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_NAME=Event Notifications Delayed Drop GO_EVT_NOTIF_DELAYED_DROP_009_HELP=Number of event notifications waiting to be dropped by a system thread GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_NAME=Trace Event Notification Queue GO_TRACE_EVT_NOTIF_QUEUE_SIZE_009_HELP=Number of trace event notification instances waiting in the internal queue to be sent thru Service Broker GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_NAME=SQL Trace IO Provider Lock Waits GO_TRACE_IO_PROVIDER_EVENTLOCK_009_HELP=Number of waits for the File IO Provider lock per second GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_009_NAME=Tempdb recovery unit id GO_TEMPDB_PRU_DUP_ID_009_HELP=Number of duplicate tempdb recovery unit id generated GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_009_NAME=Tempdb rowset id GO_TEMPDB_ROWSET_DUP_ID_009_HELP=Number of duplicate tempdb rowset id generated LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Lock Requests/sec LCK_NUM_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of new locks and lock conversions requested from the lock manager. LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts/sec LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks. LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_NAME=Number of Deadlocks/sec LCK_NUM_DEADLOCKS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock. LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_NAME=Lock Waits/sec LCK_NUM_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock. LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Lock Wait Time (ms) LCK_TOTAL_WAITTIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds) for locks in the last second. LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Average Wait Time (ms) LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_009_HELP=The average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait. LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average Wait Time Base LCK_AVERAGE_WAITTIME_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Averate Wait Time. LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_NAME=Lock Timeouts (timeout > 0)/sec LCK_NUM_TIMEOUTS_NONPROBE_009_HELP=Number of lock requests that timed out. This does not include requests for NOWAIT locks. DB_DATA_SIZE_009_NAME=Data File(s) Size (KB) DB_DATA_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the data files in the database. DB_LOG_SIZE_009_NAME=Log File(s) Size (KB) DB_LOG_SIZE_009_HELP=The cumulative size of all the log files in the database. DB_LOG_USED_009_NAME=Log File(s) Used Size (KB) DB_LOG_USED_009_HELP=The cumulative used size of all the log files in the database. DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_NAME=Percent Log Used DB_LOG_USED_PERCENT_009_HELP=The percent of space in the log that is in use. DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_NAME=Active Transactions DB_ACT_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of active update transactions for the database. DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_NAME=Transactions/sec DB_TOTAL_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions started for the database. DB_REPLTRANS_009_NAME=Repl. Pending Xacts DB_REPLTRANS_009_HELP=Number of pending replication transactions in the database. DB_REPLCOUNT_009_NAME=Repl. Trans. Rate DB_REPLCOUNT_009_HELP=Replication transaction rate (replicated transactions/sec.). DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_NAME=Log Cache Reads/sec DB_LOGCACHE_READS_009_HELP=Reads performed through the log manager cache. DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio DB_LOGCACHE_RATIO_009_HELP=Percentage of log cache reads that were satisfied from the log cache. DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Log Cache Hit Ratio Base DB_LOGCACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Base for log cache calculations DB_LOGPOOL_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Log Pool Requests/sec DB_LOGPOOL_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Log block requests performed through log pool. DB_LOGPOOL_CACHEMISSES_009_NAME=Log Pool Cache Misses/sec DB_LOGPOOL_CACHEMISSES_009_HELP=Log block cache misses from log pool. DB_LOGPOOL_DISKREADS_009_NAME=Log Pool Disk Reads/sec DB_LOGPOOL_DISKREADS_009_HELP=Log disk reads via log pool. DB_BULK_ROWS_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Rows/sec DB_BULK_ROWS_009_HELP=Number of rows bulk copied. DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_NAME=Bulk Copy Throughput/sec DB_BULK_KILOBYTES_009_HELP=KiloBytes bulk copied. DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Backup/Restore Throughput/sec DB_BCK_DB_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for backup/restore of a database. DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_NAME=DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec DB_DBCC_SCANRATE_009_HELP=Logical read scan rate for DBCC commands DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_NAME=Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec DB_DBCC_MOVERATE_009_HELP=The rate data is being moved by Autoshrink, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE or SHRINKFILE. DB_FLUSHES_009_NAME=Log Flushes/sec DB_FLUSHES_009_HELP=Number of log flushes. DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Flushed/sec DB_BYTES_FLUSHED_009_HELP=Total number of log bytes flushed. DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_NAME=Log Flush Waits/sec DB_FLUSH_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of commits waiting on log flush. DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_NAME=Log Flush Wait Time DB_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_009_HELP=Total wait time (milliseconds). DB_FLUSH_WRITE_TIME_009_NAME=Log Flush Write Time (ms) DB_FLUSH_WRITE_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds it took to perform the writes of log flushes completed in the last second DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_NAME=Log Truncations DB_LOG_TRUNCS_009_HELP=Total number of log truncations for this database. DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_NAME=Log Growths DB_LOG_GROWTHS_009_HELP=Total number of log growths for this database. DB_RECOVERY_DURATION_009_NAME=Recovery duration DB_RECOVERY_DURATION_009_HELP=Duration of the recovery for this database in seconds DB_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_009_NAME=Checkpoint duration DB_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_009_HELP=Duration of the last checkpoint for this database DB_FLUSH_FILE_BUFFER_CALLS_009_NAME=Flush file buffers/sec DB_FLUSH_FILE_BUFFER_CALLS_009_HELP=Rate of flush file buffer calls for WAL enforcement DB_CLOUDDB_PRIMARY_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Primary partitions DB_CLOUDDB_PRIMARY_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of primary partitions DB_CLOUDDB_SECONDARY_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Secondary partitions DB_CLOUDDB_SECONDARY_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of secondary partitions DB_CLOUDDB_FWDPEND_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Forwarder pending partitions DB_CLOUDDB_FWDPEND_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of forwarder pending partitions DB_CLOUDDB_FWD_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Forwarder partitions DB_CLOUDDB_FWD_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of forwarder partitions DB_CLOUDDB_CATCHUP_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Secondary catchup partitions DB_CLOUDDB_CATCHUP_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of secondary/forwarder partitions in catchup DB_CLOUDDB_INBUILD_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Secondary in-build partitions DB_CLOUDDB_INBUILD_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of secondary/forwarder partitions in build DB_CLOUDDB_NOTHING_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Nothing partitions DB_CLOUDDB_NOTHING_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of nothing partitions DB_CLOUDDB_WAITING_COPIES_009_NAME=Waiting replica copies DB_CLOUDDB_WAITING_COPIES_009_HELP=Number of replica copy requests waiting DB_CLOUDDB_DELETION_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=In-delete partitions DB_CLOUDDB_DELETION_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of in-delete partitions DB_CLOUDDB_PARTITIONS_009_NAME=Partitions DB_CLOUDDB_PARTITIONS_009_HELP=Number of partitions DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_NAME=Log Shrinks DB_LOG_SHRINKS_009_HELP=Total number of log shrinks for this database. DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_009_NAME=Tracked transactions/sec DB_TRACKED_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of committed transactions recorded in the commit table for the database. DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Write Transactions/sec DB_TOTAL_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the database in the last second. DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_009_NAME=Commit table entries DB_COMMIT_TABLE_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the in-memory part of the commit table for the database. DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec DB_DBMIRRORING_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes sent per second DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_NAME=Pages Sent/sec DB_DBMIRRORING_PAGES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of pages sent per second DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_NAME=Sends/sec DB_DBMIRRORING_SENDS_009_HELP=Number of sends initiated per second DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_NAME=Transaction Delay DB_DBMIRRORING_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_HELP=Number of milliseconds transaction termination waited for acknowledgement per second. DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_NAME=Redo Queue KB DB_DBM_REDO_DELTA_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes that redo on the mirror database is behind the hardened log DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_NAME=Redo Bytes/sec DB_DBM_REDO_RATE_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log redone by the mirror database per second DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_NAME=Log Send Queue KB DB_DBM_LOG_SEND_QUEUE_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that have not been sent to the mirror server DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Bytes Received/sec DB_DBM_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes received per second DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_NAME=Receives/sec DB_DBM_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Number of mirroring message receives per second DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log received per second DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Log Bytes Sent/sec DB_DBM_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of bytes of log sent per second DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_NAME=Send/Receive Ack Time DB_DBM_ACK_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds messages waited for acknowledgement from the partner per second. DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Rcvd/sec DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Number of compressed bytes of log received in the last second. DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Log Compressed Bytes Sent/sec DB_DBM_COMP_LOG_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Number of compressed bytes of log sent in the last second. DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Mirrored Write Transactions/sec DB_DBM_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the mirrored database in the last second, that waited for log to be sent to the mirror. DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_009_NAME=Log Scanned for Undo KB DB_DBM_LOG_UNDONE_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that have been scanned by the new mirror server after failover. DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_009_NAME=Log Remaining for Undo KB DB_DBM_LOG_UNDO_REMAINING_009_HELP=Total number of kilobytes of log that remain to be scanned by the new mirror server after failover. DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Log Bytes Sent from Cache/sec DB_DBM_LOG_SENT_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Number of sent log bytes which were sent from the Database Mirroring log cache in the last second. DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Log Bytes Redone from Cache/sec DB_DBM_LOG_REDONE_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Number of log bytes which were redone from the Database Mirroring log cache per second. DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_009_NAME=Log Send Flow Control Time (ms) DB_DBM_LOG_FLOW_CONTROL_009_HELP=Milliseconds log stream messages waited for send flow control in the last second. DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_009_NAME=Log Harden Time (ms) DB_DBM_LOG_HARDEN_TIME_009_HELP=Milliseconds log blocks waited to be hardened to disk in the last second. HADR_DB_RECOVERY_QUEUE_009_NAME=Recovery Queue HADR_DB_RECOVERY_QUEUE_009_HELP=Total number of hardened log in kilobytes that is waiting to be redone on the secondary HADR_DB_LOG_REDONE_009_NAME=Redone Bytes/sec HADR_DB_LOG_REDONE_009_HELP=Amount of log records redone in the last second to catch up the database replica HADR_DB_LOG_QUEUE_009_NAME=Log Send Queue HADR_DB_LOG_QUEUE_009_HELP=Amount of logs in kilobytes that is waiting to be send to the database replica HADR_DB_LOG_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Log Bytes Received/sec HADR_DB_LOG_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Amount of logs received by the availability replica for the database HADR_DB_FILEBYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=File Bytes Received/sec HADR_DB_FILEBYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Amount of filestream data received by the availability replica for the database HADR_DB_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_NAME=Mirrored Write Transactions/sec HADR_DB_UPDATE_XTRAN_009_HELP=Number of transactions which wrote to the mirrored database in the last second, that waited for log to be sent to the mirror. HADR_DB_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_NAME=Transaction Delay HADR_DB_TRANSACTION_DELAY_009_HELP=Number of milliseconds transaction termination waited for acknowledgement per second. HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Total Log requiring undo HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_TOTAL_009_HELP=The amount of log in kilobytes that need to be undone. HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_REMAINING_009_NAME=Log remaining for undo HADR_DB_UNDO_LOG_REMAINING_009_HELP=The amount of log in kilobytes remaining to finish the undo phase. HADR_DB_REDO_REMAINING_009_NAME=Redo Bytes Remaining HADR_DB_REDO_REMAINING_009_HELP=The amount of log in kilobytes remaining to be redone to finish the reverting phase. HADR_DB_REDO_BLOCKED_009_NAME=Redo blocked/sec HADR_DB_REDO_BLOCKED_009_HELP=Number of times redo gets blocked in the last second HADR_BYTES_SENT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent to Replica/sec HADR_BYTES_SENT_009_HELP=Total bytes sent to the availabilty replica HADR_SEND_009_NAME=Sends to Replica/sec HADR_SEND_009_HELP=Total sends to the availability replica HADR_BYTES_SENT_TRANSPORT_009_NAME=Bytes Sent to Transport/sec HADR_BYTES_SENT_TRANSPORT_009_HELP=Total bytes sent to transport for the availabilty replica HADR_SEND_TRANSPORT_009_NAME=Sends to Transport/sec HADR_SEND_TRANSPORT_009_HELP=Total sends to transport for the availability replica HADR_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_NAME=Bytes Received from Replica/sec HADR_BYTES_RECEIVED_009_HELP=Total bytes receieved from the availability replica HADR_RECEIVES_009_NAME=Receives from Replica/sec HADR_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Total receives from the availability replica HADR_FLOW_CONTROL_MS_009_NAME=Flow Control Time (ms/sec) HADR_FLOW_CONTROL_MS_009_HELP=Time in milliseconds messages waited on flow control in the last second HADR_FLOW_CONTROLS_009_NAME=Flow Control/sec HADR_FLOW_CONTROLS_009_HELP=Number of flow control initiated in the last second HADR_RESENDS_009_NAME=Resent Messages/sec HADR_RESENDS_009_HELP=Number of messages being resent in the last second LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_NAME=Latch Waits/sec LATCH_WAITS_NP_009_HELP=Number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted. LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time (ms) LATCH_AVG_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait. LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_NAME=Average Latch Wait Time Base LATCH_AVG_WAIT_BASE_009_HELP=Base for Average Latch Wait Time. LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_NAME=Total Latch Wait Time (ms) LATCH_TOTAL_WAIT_NP_009_HELP=Total latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait in the last second. LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_NAME=Number of SuperLatches LATCH_SUPERLATCHES_009_HELP=Number of latches that are currently SuperLatches. LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Promotions/sec LATCH_PROMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of latches that have been promoted to SuperLatches LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_NAME=SuperLatch Demotions/sec LATCH_DEMOTIONS_009_HELP=Number of SuperLatches that have been demoted to regular latches AM_FULL_SCAN_009_NAME=Full Scans/sec AM_FULL_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans. AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_NAME=Range Scans/sec AM_RANGE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of qualified range scans through indexes per second. AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_NAME=Probe Scans/sec AM_PROBE_SCAN_009_HELP=Number of probe scans per second that are used to find at most one single qualified row in an index or base table directly. AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_NAME=Scan Point Revalidations/sec AM_SCAN_REPOSITION_009_HELP=Number of times the scan point had to be revalidated to continue the scan. AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_NAME=Workfiles Created/sec AM_WORKFILES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work files created per second. For example, work files could be used to store temporary results for hash joins and hash aggregates. AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_NAME=Worktables Created/sec AM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Number of work tables created per second. For example, work tables could be used to store temporary results for query spool, LOB variables, XML variables, and cursors. AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Ratio AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_009_HELP=Percentage of work tables created where the initial two pages of the work table were not allocated but were immediately available from the work table cache. AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_NAME=Worktables From Cache Base AM_WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_BASE_009_HELP=Percent of worktables from cache base. AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_NAME=Forwarded Records/sec AM_FORWARDED_RECS_009_HELP=Number of records fetched through forwarded record pointers. AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_NAME=Skipped Ghosted Records/sec AM_GHOSTED_SKIPS_009_HELP=Number of ghosted records per second skipped during scans. AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_NAME=Index Searches/sec AM_INDEX_SEARCHES_009_HELP=Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index. AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_NAME=FreeSpace Scans/sec AM_FREESPACE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of scans per second that were initiated to search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit to insert or modify record fragments. Each scan may find multiple pages. AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_NAME=FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec AM_FREESPACE_PAGES_009_HELP=Number of pages fetched per second by free space scans. These scans search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit, to satisfy requests to insert or modify record fragments. AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Pages Allocated/sec AM_PAGES_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages allocations from both mixed extents and uniform extents. AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extents Allocated/sec AM_EXTENTS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents allocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_NAME=Mixed page allocations/sec AM_SINGLE_PAGE_ALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages allocated per second from mixed extents. These could be used for storing the IAM pages and the first eight pages that are allocated to an allocation unit. AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_NAME=Extent Deallocations/sec AM_EXTENTS_DEALLOCATED_009_HELP=Number of extents deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_NAME=Page Deallocations/sec AM_PAGE_DEALLOCS_009_HELP=Number of pages deallocated per second in all databases in this SQL Server instance. These include pages from mixed extents and uniform extents. AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_NAME=Page Splits/sec AM_PAGE_SPLITS_009_HELP=Number of page splits per second that occur as a result of overflowing index pages. AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_NAME=Table Lock Escalations/sec AM_LOCKESCALATIONS_009_HELP=The number of times locks on a table were escalated. AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred Dropped rowsets AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of rowsets created as a result of aborted online index build operations that are waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_NAME=Dropped rowset cleanups/sec AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets. AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_NAME=Dropped rowsets skipped/sec AM_DEFDROPPEDROWSETSSKIPPED_009_HELP=The number of rowsets per second created as a result of aborted online index build operations that were skipped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped rowsets created. AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_NAME=Deferred dropped AUs AM_DDALLOCUNITQUEUELENGTH_009_HELP=The number of allocation units waiting to be dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_NAME=AU cleanups/sec AM_DDALLOCUNITSCLEANED_009_HELP=The number of allocation units per second that were successfully dropped by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Each allocation unit drop requires multiple batches. AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_NAME=AU cleanup batches/sec AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESCOMPLETED_009_HELP=The number of batches that completed successfully per second by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_NAME=Failed AU cleanup batches/sec AM_DDALLOCUNITBATCHESFAILED_009_HELP=The number of batches per second that failed and required retry, by the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units. Failure could be due to lack of memory or disk space, hardware failure and other reasons. TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used tree page cookie TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a tree page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the parent page of the tree page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed tree page cookie TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a tree page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the parent pages of those tree pages. The cookie is used to speed up index search. LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_NAME=Used leaf page cookie LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_SUCCEED_009_HELP=Number of times a leaf page cookie was used successfully during an index search since no change happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed leaf page cookie LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_FAIL_009_HELP=The number of times that a leaf page cookie could not be used during an index search since changes happened on the leaf page. The cookie is used to speed up index search. AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Create Count AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers created. One worktable created per LOB Storage Service Provider. AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Destroy Count AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers destroyed. AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_NAME=LobSS Provider Truncation Count AM_LOBSS_PROVIDERS_TRUNCATED_009_HELP=Count of LOB Storage Service Providers truncated. AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_NAME=LobHandle Create Count AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs created. AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_NAME=LobHandle Destroy Count AM_LOBSS_LOBHANDLES_DESTROYED_009_HELP=Count of temporary LOBs destroyed. AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Create Count AM_ORPHANS_CREATED_009_HELP=Count of large object (LOB) values that were passed by reference. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_NAME=By-reference Lob Use Count AM_ORPHANS_INSERTED_009_HELP=Count of by-reference lob values that were used. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value. AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_NAME=Count Push Off Row AM_COLS_PUSHED_OFFROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pushed from in-row to off-row. AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_NAME=Count Pull In Row AM_COLS_PULLED_INROW_009_HELP=Count of values that were pulled in-row from off-row. AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_NAME=Count Lob Readahead AM_LOB_READAHEAD_ISSUED_009_HELP=Count of lob pages on which readahead was issued. AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_009_NAME=Page compression attempts/sec AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_ATTEMPTS_009_HELP=Number of attempts to compress a database page per second AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_009_NAME=Pages compressed/sec AM_PAGE_COMPRESSION_SUCCESSES_009_HELP=Number of times a database page was compressed AM_INSYSXACT_WAITS_009_NAME=InSysXact waits/sec AM_INSYSXACT_WAITS_009_HELP=Number of times a reader needs to wait for a page because the InSysXact bit is set SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_NAME=Errors/sec SQL_ERROR_RATE_009_HELP=Number of errors/sec SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_NAME=Batch Requests/sec SQL_BATCH_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL batch requests received by server. SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_NAME=Forced Parameterizations/sec SQL_UNIVPARAM_009_HELP=Number of statements parameterized by forced parameterization per second. SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_NAME=Auto-Param Attempts/sec SQL_AUTOPARAM_REQ_009_HELP=Number of auto-parameterization attempts. SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_NAME=Failed Auto-Params/sec SQL_AUTOPARAM_FAIL_009_HELP=Number of failed auto-parameterizations. SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_NAME=Safe Auto-Params/sec SQL_AUTOPARAM_SAFE_009_HELP=Number of safe auto-parameterizations. SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_NAME=Unsafe Auto-Params/sec SQL_AUTOPARAM_UNSAFE_009_HELP=Number of unsafe auto-parameterizations. SQL_COMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Compilations/sec SQL_COMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL compilations. SQL_RECOMPILES_009_NAME=SQL Re-Compilations/sec SQL_RECOMPILES_009_HELP=Number of SQL re-compiles. SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_NAME=SQL Attention rate SQL_ATTENTION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of attentions per second. PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_009_NAME=Guided plan executions/sec PLAN_CACHE_GUIDED_PER_SEC_009_HELP=Number of plan executions per second in which the query plan has been generated by using a plan guide. PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_009_NAME=Misguided plan executions/sec PLAN_CACHE_MISGUIDED_PER_SEC_009_HELP=Number of plan executions per second in which a plan guide could not be honored during plan generation. The plan guide was disregarded and normal compilation was used to generate the executed plan. PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base PLAN_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_NAME=Cache Pages PLAN_CACHE_PGS_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of 8k pages used by cache objects PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Object Counts PLAN_CACHE_OBJECT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in the cache PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Objects in use PLAN_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cache objects in use CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base CURSOR_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cached Cursor Counts CURSOR_CACHE_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of cursors of a given type in the cache CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_NAME=Cursor Cache Use Counts/sec CURSOR_CACHE_USE_COUNT_009_HELP=Times each type of cached cursor has been used CURSOR_REQ_009_NAME=Cursor Requests/sec CURSOR_REQ_009_HELP=Number of SQL cursor requests received by server. CURSOR_IN_USE_009_NAME=Active cursors CURSOR_IN_USE_009_HELP=Number of active cursors. CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor memory usage CURSOR_MEMORY_USAGE_009_HELP=Amount of memory consumed by cursors (KB). CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_NAME=Cursor worktable usage CURSOR_WORKTABLE_USAGE_009_HELP=Number of worktables used by cursors. CURSOR_PLANS_009_NAME=Number of active cursor plans CURSOR_PLANS_009_HELP=Number of cursor plans. CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_NAME=Cursor conversion rate CURSOR_CONVERSION_RATE_009_HELP=Number of cursor conversions/sec. CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_NAME=Async population count CURSOR_ASYNC_POPULATION_009_HELP=Number of cursors being populated asynchronously. CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_NAME=Cursor flushes CURSOR_XSTMT_FLUSH_009_HELP=Total number of times a flush for a cursor xstmt occured. MEMORY_EXTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_NAME=External benefit of memory MEMORY_EXTERNAL_BENEFIT_009_HELP=The external value of memory, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_NAME=Connection Memory (KB) MEMORY_CONNECTION_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections MEMORY_SERVER_DATABASE_009_NAME=Database Cache Memory (KB) MEMORY_SERVER_DATABASE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is currently using for the database cache. MEMORY_SERVER_FREE_009_NAME=Free Memory (KB) MEMORY_SERVER_FREE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is currently not using. MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_NAME=Granted Workspace Memory (KB) MEMORY_MEMGRANT_OUTSTANDING_009_HELP=Total amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used for hash, sort and create index operations. MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_NAME=Lock Memory (KB) MEMORY_LOCK_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Blocks Allocated MEMORY_LOCKS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock blocks. MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks Allocated MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_ALLOCATED_009_HELP=The current number of allocated lock owner blocks. MEMORY_LOCKS_009_NAME=Lock Blocks MEMORY_LOCKS_009_HELP=The current number of lock blocks that are in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_NAME=Lock Owner Blocks MEMORY_LOCKOWNERS_009_HELP=The number of lock owner blocks that are currently in use on the server. Refreshed periodically. MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_NAME=Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) MEMORY_MEMGRANT_MAXIMUM_009_HELP=Total amount of memory available for grants to executing processes. This memory is used primarily for hash, sort and create index operations. MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_NAME=Memory Grants Outstanding MEMORY_MEMGRANT_ACQUIRES_009_HELP=Current number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_NAME=Memory Grants Pending MEMORY_MEMGRANT_WAITERS_009_HELP=Current number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Optimizer Memory (KB) MEMORY_OPTIMIZER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization MEMORY_SERVER_RESERVED_009_NAME=Reserved Server Memory (KB) MEMORY_SERVER_RESERVED_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server has reserved for future usage. This counter shows current unused amount of the initial grant shown in Granted Workspace Memory (KB). MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_NAME=SQL Cache Memory (KB) MEMORY_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache MEMORY_SERVER_STOLEN_009_NAME=Stolen Server Memory (KB) MEMORY_SERVER_STOLEN_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is currently using for the purposes other than the database pages. MEMORY_LOG_POOL_MEMORY_009_NAME=Log Pool Memory (KB) MEMORY_LOG_POOL_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for Log Pool MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Target Server Memory (KB) MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Ideal amount of memory the server is willing to consume MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_NAME=Total Server Memory (KB) MEMORY_SERVER_MEMORY_009_HELP=Total amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming MEMNODE_DATABASE_009_NAME=Database Node Memory (KB) MEMNODE_DATABASE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is using on this node for database pages. MEMNODE_FREE_009_NAME=Free Node Memory (KB) MEMNODE_FREE_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is not using on this node. MEMNODE_FOREIGN_009_NAME=Foreign Node Memory (KB) MEMNODE_FOREIGN_009_HELP=Non NUMA-local amount of memory on this node. MEMNODE_STOLEN_009_NAME=Stolen Node Memory (KB) MEMNODE_STOLEN_009_HELP=Amount of memory the server is using on this node for the purposes other than database pages. MEMNODE_TARGET_009_NAME=Target Node Memory (KB) MEMNODE_TARGET_009_HELP=Ideal amount of memory for this node. MEMNODE_TOTAL_009_NAME=Total Node Memory (KB) MEMNODE_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total amount of memory the server has committed on this node. QUERY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Query QUERY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=As defined by the user. RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Running RUNNING_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of replication agents currently running. UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Uploaded Changes/sec UPLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Subscriber to the Publisher. DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Downloaded Changes/sec DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of rows per second merged from the Publisher to the Subscriber. MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Conflicts/sec MERGE_CONFLICTS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of conflicts per second occurring during the merge process. LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivery Latency LOGREADER_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are applied at the Publisher to when they are delivered to the Distributor. LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Cmds/sec LOGREADER_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Logreader:Delivered Trans/sec LOGREADER_TRANSACTIONS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivery Latency DISTRIBUTION_LATENCY_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are delivered to the Distributor to when they are applied at the Subscriber. DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Cmds/sec DISTRIBUTION_COMMANDS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Subscriber. DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_NAME=Dist:Delivered Trans/sec DISTRIBUTION_TRANS_INSTANCE_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Subscriber. SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Cmds/sec SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of commands per second delivered to the Distributor. SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_NAME=Snapshot:Delivered Trans/sec SNAPSHOT_TRANSACTIONS_BCPED_009_HELP=The number of transactions per second delivered to the Distributor. BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_NAME=Device Throughput Bytes/sec BACKUP_DEV_THROUGHPUT_009_HELP=Read/write throughput for a backup device. XACT_NUM_009_NAME=Transactions XACT_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active transactions. XACT_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Snapshot Transactions XACT_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions. XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_NAME=Update Snapshot Transactions XACT_UPD_SNP_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active snapshot transactions that do updates. XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_NAME=NonSnapshot Version Transactions XACT_NSNP_VER_NUM_009_HELP=The total number of active non-snapshot transactions that generate version records. XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_NAME=Longest Transaction Running Time XACT_LONGEST_RUNNING_009_HELP=The longest running time of any transcation in seconds. XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_009_HELP=The fraction of update snapshot transactions that have update conflicts to the total number of update snapshot transactions. XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Update conflict ratio base XACT_UPD_CONFLICTS_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=The total number of update snapshot transactions. XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_NAME=Free Space in tempdb (KB) XACT_TEMPDB_FREE_SPACE_009_HELP=The free space in tempdb in KB. XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_NAME=Version Generation rate (KB/s) XACT_VER_STORE_GEN_RATE_009_HELP=The version generation rate in KB per seconds. XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_NAME=Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) XACT_VER_STORE_CLEANUP_RATE_009_HELP=The version cleanup rate in KB per seconds. XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_NAME=Version Store Size (KB) XACT_VER_STORE_SIZE_009_HELP=The size of the version store in KB. XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_NAME=Version Store unit count XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of unit in Version Store. XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit creation XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_CREATION_009_HELP=Creation of new unit in Version Store. XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_NAME=Version Store unit truncation XACT_VER_STORE_UNIT_TRUNCATION_009_HELP=Truncation of unit in Version Store. BO_SEND_RATE_009_NAME=SQL SENDs/sec BO_SEND_RATE_009_HELP=The number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker per second. BO_TOTAL_SENDS_009_NAME=SQL SEND Total BO_TOTAL_SENDS_009_HELP=Total number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker. BO_RECEIVE_RATE_009_NAME=SQL RECEIVEs/sec BO_RECEIVE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker per second. BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_009_NAME=SQL RECEIVE Total BO_TOTAL_RECEIVES_009_HELP=Total number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker. BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_009_NAME=Broker Transaction Rollbacks BO_XACT_ROLLBACKS_009_HELP=The number of Service Broker related transactions that have rolled back. BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_009_NAME=Dialog Timer Event Count BO_DEP_TIMER_EVENTS_009_HELP=The number of dialog endpoint related timer events in the Broker. BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI1_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P1 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI1_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 1 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI2_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P2 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI2_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 2 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI3_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P3 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI3_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 3 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI4_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P4 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI4_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 4 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI5_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P5 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI5_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 5 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI6_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P6 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI6_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 6 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI7_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P7 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI7_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 7 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI8_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P8 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI8_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 8 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI9_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P9 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI9_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 9 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_PRI10_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued P10 Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_PRI10_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of priority 10 messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages/sec BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from local endpoints that are successfully delivered directly into local target queues per second. BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs/sec BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. This includes all messages from remote endpoints and messages from local endpoints which go through the transport. BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frags/sec BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues per second. Note that the message can be marked as disabled if it is incomplete and/or out of order. BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Messages Total BO_ENQUEUED_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of messages from local endpoints and the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues. BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Local Messages Total BO_ENQUEUED_LOCAL_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of messages from local endpoints that are successfully delivered directly into local target queues. BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msgs Total BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_MSGS_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of messages from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues. This includes all messages from remote endpoints and messages from local endpoints which go through the transport. BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_009_NAME=Enqueued Transport Msg Frag Tot BO_ENQUEUED_TRANSPORT_FRAGS_TOT_009_HELP=Total number of message fragments from the transport that are successfully delivered into local target queues. Note that the message can be marked as disabled if it is incomplete and/or out of order. BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_009_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Count BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSGS_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages that have not been successfully sent yet. BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_009_NAME=Forwarded Pending Msg Bytes BO_FORWARDED_PENDING_MSG_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of forwarded message bytes that have not been successfully sent yet. BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Msgs Discarded/sec BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages that were discarded per second due to forwarded message memory limits, age limits, etc. BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Discarded Total BO_FORWARDED_DISCARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded messages discarded due to forwarded message memory limits, age limits, etc. BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Messages/sec BO_FORWARDED_MSG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded messages successfully sent per second. BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Messages Total BO_FORWARDED_MSG_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded messages successfully sent. BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Bytes/sec BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of forwarded message bytes successfully sent per second. BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_009_NAME=Forwarded Msg Byte Total BO_FORWARDED_MSG_BYTE_TOTAL_009_HELP=Total number of forwarded message bytes successfully sent. BO_XMITQ_ENQUEUE_RATE_009_NAME=Enqueued TransmissionQ Msgs/sec BO_XMITQ_ENQUEUE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages that have been placed into the broker transmission queue per second. BO_XMITQ_DEQUEUE_RATE_009_NAME=Dequeued TransmissionQ Msgs/sec BO_XMITQ_DEQUEUE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages that have been removed from the broker transmission queue per second. BO_DROPPED_MSGS_009_NAME=Dropped Messages Total BO_DROPPED_MSGS_009_HELP=The number of messages that were received in the instance but could not be delivered. BO_CORRUPTED_MSGS_009_NAME=Corrupted Messages Total BO_CORRUPTED_MSGS_009_HELP=The number of corrupted messages that were received in the instance. BO_ACTIVATION_EXCEPTIONS_009_NAME=Activation Errors Total BO_ACTIVATION_EXCEPTIONS_009_HELP=The number of times an activation stored procedure exited with an error. BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Open Connection Count BTO_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_009_HELP=The total number of transport connections currently open. BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_009_NAME=Send I/Os/sec BTO_SEND_IO_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment. BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Send I/O bytes/sec BTO_SEND_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport send I/O bytes per second. BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_009_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte length of transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Send I/O Len Avg Base BTO_SEND_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte length of transport send I/O operations. BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_009_NAME=Receive I/Os/sec BTO_RECEIVE_IO_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment. BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_NAME=Receive I/O bytes/sec BTO_RECEIVE_IO_BYTE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of transport receive I/O bytes per second. BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_009_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte length of transport receive I/O operations. BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Receive I/O Len Avg Base BTO_RECV_IO_LEN_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte length of transport receive I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Message Fragment Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI1_009_NAME=Message Fragment P1 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI1_009_HELP=The number of priority 1 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI2_009_NAME=Message Fragment P2 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI2_009_HELP=The number of priority 2 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI3_009_NAME=Message Fragment P3 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI3_009_HELP=The number of priority 3 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI4_009_NAME=Message Fragment P4 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI4_009_HELP=The number of priority 4 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI5_009_NAME=Message Fragment P5 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI5_009_HELP=The number of priority 5 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI6_009_NAME=Message Fragment P6 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI6_009_HELP=The number of priority 6 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI7_009_NAME=Message Fragment P7 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI7_009_HELP=The number of priority 7 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI8_009_NAME=Message Fragment P8 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI8_009_HELP=The number of priority 8 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI9_009_NAME=Message Fragment P9 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI9_009_HELP=The number of priority 9 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI10_009_NAME=Message Fragment P10 Sends/sec BTO_SEND_FRAG_RATE_PRI10_009_HELP=The number of priority 10 message fragments sent per second in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte size of message fragments sent in transport send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Send Size Avg Base BTO_SEND_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte size of message fragments sent in transport send I/O operations. BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_009_NAME=Message Fragment Receives/sec BTO_RECEIVE_FRAG_RATE_009_HELP=The number of message fragments received per second in transport receive I/O operations. BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_009_HELP=The average byte size of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations. BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_NAME=Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg Base BTO_RECV_FRAG_SIZE_AVG_BASE_009_HELP=Base for the average byte size of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations. BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Send I/O BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments that are being marshalled, or marshalled and ready to be sent via the transport layer. BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Current Msg Frags for Send I/O BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments associated with current transport send I/O operations that haven't completed. BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_NAME=Pending Bytes for Send I/O BTO_SEND_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of buffer bytes associated with message fragments being marshalled, or marshalled and ready to be sent with send I/O operations. BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_NAME=Current Bytes for Send I/O BTO_SEND_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of buffer bytes associated with current transport send I/O operations that haven't completed. BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_NAME=Pending Msg Frags for Recv I/O BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_FRAG_COUNT_009_HELP=The current number of message fragments received in transport receive I/O operations that have not been enqueued (or rejected) yet. BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_NAME=Current Bytes for Recv I/O BTO_RECV_IO_CURR_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of bytes associated with current transport receive I/O operations that haven't completed. BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_NAME=Pending Bytes for Recv I/O BTO_RECV_IO_PEND_BYTES_009_HELP=The number of bytes associated with in completed transport receive I/O operations whose message fragments haven't been enqueued (or rejected) yet. BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_009_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies Count BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_009_HELP=The number of times when transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_009_NAME=Recv I/O Buffer Copies bytes/sec BTO_RECV_IO_COMPACT_MFB_RATE_009_HELP=The rate at which transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. BAO_TASK_START_RATE_009_NAME=Tasks Started/sec BAO_TASK_START_RATE_009_HELP=The number of activated tasks that are being started per second. BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_009_NAME=Tasks Running BAO_TASKS_RUNNING_009_HELP=The total number of activated tasks that are currently running. BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_009_NAME=Tasks Aborted/sec BAO_TASK_ABORT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of activated tasks that are being aborted per second. BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_009_NAME=Task Limit Reached/sec BAO_TASK_LIMIT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached per second. BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_009_NAME=Task Limit Reached BAO_TASK_LIMIT_REACHED_009_HELP=The total number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached. BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_009_NAME=Stored Procedures Invoked/sec BAO_SP_INVOKE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of stored procedures that are being invoked per second. BTO_GET_RATE_009_NAME=Transmission Obj Gets/Sec BTO_GET_RATE_009_HELP=The number of Transmission Objects requested per second. BTO_DIRTY_RATE_009_NAME=Transmission Obj Set Dirty/Sec BTO_DIRTY_RATE_009_HELP=The number of Transmission Objects marked dirty per second. BTO_WRITE_RATE_009_NAME=Transmission Obj Writes/Sec BTO_WRITE_RATE_009_HELP=The number of Transmission Objects saved per second. BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_009_NAME=Avg. Length of Batched Writes BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_009_HELP=Average Number of Transmission Objects saved in a batch. BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_BASE_009_NAME=Avg. Length of Batched Writes BS BTO_WRITE_BATCH_LEN_BASE_009_HELP=Average Number of Transmission Objects saved in a batch. BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. Time to Write Batch (ms) BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_009_HELP=Average time to save a Transmission Object batch. BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Avg. Time to Write Batch Base BTO_WRITE_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time to save a Transmission Object batch. BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. Time Between Batches (ms) BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_009_HELP=Average time between Transmission Object batch flushes. BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Avg. Time Between Batches Base BTO_WAIT_BATCH_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time between Transmission Object batch flushes. WAITSTATS_LOCKS_009_NAME=Lock waits WAITSTATS_LOCKS_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting on a lock. WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_009_NAME=Memory grant queue waits WAITSTATS_RESOURCE_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for memory grant to become available. WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_009_NAME=Thread-safe memory objects waits WAITSTATS_MEMTHREAD_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting on thread-safe memory allocators. WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_009_NAME=Log write waits WAITSTATS_WRITELOG_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for log buffer to be written. WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_009_NAME=Log buffer waits WAITSTATS_LOGBUFFER_009_HELP=Statistics for processes waiting for log buffer to be available. WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_009_NAME=Network IO waits WAITSTATS_NETWORKIO_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to wait on network IO. WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_009_NAME=Page IO latch waits WAITSTATS_PAGEIOLATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to page IO latches. WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_009_NAME=Page latch waits WAITSTATS_PAGELATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to page latches, not including IO latches WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_009_NAME=Non-Page latch waits WAITSTATS_NPAGELATCH_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to non-page latches. WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_009_NAME=Wait for the worker WAITSTATS_SOS_WORKER_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes waiting for worker to become available. WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_009_NAME=Workspace synchronization waits WAITSTATS_XACTWORKSPACE_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes synchronizing access to workspace. WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_009_NAME=Transaction ownership waits WAITSTATS_TRANSACTION_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to processes synchronizing access to transaction. EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_009_NAME=Extended Procedures EXECSTATS_MSQL_XP_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of XP calls. EXECSTATS_DTC_009_NAME=DTC calls EXECSTATS_DTC_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of DTC calls. EXECSTATS_OLEDB_009_NAME=OLEDB calls EXECSTATS_OLEDB_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of OLEDB calls. EXECSTATS_DQ_009_NAME=Distributed Query EXECSTATS_DQ_009_HELP=Statistics relevant to execution of distributed queries. SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_009_NAME=CLR Execution SQLCLR_TOTAL_EXECTIME_009_HELP=Total Execution time in CLR ( microseconds ). MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between catalog metadata cache hits and lookups MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Cache Hit Ratio Base MD_CACHE_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Entries Count MD_CACHE_ENTRY_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of entries in the catalog metadata cache MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_009_NAME=Cache Entries Pinned Count MD_CACHE_PINNED_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of catalog metadata cache entries that are pinned CLOUD_MSG_SENT_RATE_009_NAME=Sent messages rate (#/s) CLOUD_MSG_SENT_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages sent per second. CLOUD_MSG_SENT_BYTES_RATE_009_NAME=Sent messages rate (bytes/s) CLOUD_MSG_SENT_BYTES_RATE_009_HELP=The number of bytes sent per second. CLOUD_MSG_RECV_RATE_009_NAME=Received messages rate (#/s) CLOUD_MSG_RECV_RATE_009_HELP=The number of messages received per second. CLOUD_MSG_RECV_BYTES_RATE_009_NAME=Received messages rate (bytes/s) CLOUD_MSG_RECV_BYTES_RATE_009_HELP=The number of bytes received per second. CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_PRIMARY_009_NAME=Primary committed trans rate CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_PRIMARY_009_HELP=The number of transactions committed per second on the primary. CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_SECONDARY_009_NAME=Secondary committed trans rate CLOUD_REPL_COMMIT_SECONDARY_009_HELP=The number of transactions committed per second on the secondary. CLOUD_REPL_QUEUE_SIZE_009_NAME=Combined queues size (bytes) CLOUD_REPL_QUEUE_SIZE_009_HELP=The combined size of all the queues on this node. CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_COPY_SCANS_009_NAME=Active partition copy scans CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_COPY_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently active partition copy scans CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_DELETE_SCANS_009_NAME=Active partition delete scans CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_DELETE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently active partition delete scans CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_CATCHUP_SCANS_009_NAME=Active log catchup scans CLOUD_REPL_ACTIVE_CATCHUP_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently active partition catchup log scans CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_COPY_SCANS_009_NAME=Pending partition copy scans CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_COPY_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently pending partition copy scans CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_DELETE_SCANS_009_NAME=Pending partition delete scans CLOUD_REPL_PENDING_DELETE_SCANS_009_HELP=Number of currently pending partition delete scans TS_EVENTS_FIRED_009_NAME=Events Fired/sec TS_EVENTS_FIRED_009_HELP=Events fired by this trace per second TS_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_NAME=Events Filtered/sec TS_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_HELP=Events filtered per second TS_DROPPED_EVENTS_009_NAME=Dropped events/sec TS_DROPPED_EVENTS_009_HELP=Events dropped by this trace per second TS_BYTES_009_NAME=Bytes/sec TS_BYTES_009_HELP=Bytes transferred by this trace per second TES_EVENTS_FIRED_009_NAME=Events Fired/sec TES_EVENTS_FIRED_009_HELP=Events fired per second TES_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_NAME=Events Filtered/sec TES_EVENTS_FILTERED_009_HELP=Filtered events per second TES_EVENTS_PREFILTERED_009_NAME=Events Prefiltered/sec TES_EVENTS_PREFILTERED_009_HELP=Prefiltered events per second TES_BYTES_009_NAME=Bytes/sec TES_BYTES_009_HELP=Bytes transferred per second TES_CPU_USAGE_009_NAME=CPU Ticks/sec TES_CPU_USAGE_009_HELP=CPU usage per second (Requires -T1904) DEPR_USAGE_009_NAME=Usage DEPR_USAGE_009_HELP=Feature usage since last SQL Server startup RGS_CPU_USAGE_009_NAME=CPU usage % RGS_CPU_USAGE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. RGS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_NAME=CPU usage % base RGS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. RGS_QUEUED_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Queued requests RGS_QUEUED_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of requests waiting in the queue due to resource governor limits in the workload group. RGS_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=Active requests RGS_ACTIVE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Number of currently running requests in the workload group. RGS_REQUESTS_COMPLETED_009_NAME=Requests completed/sec RGS_REQUESTS_COMPLETED_009_HELP=Number of completed requests per second in the workload group. RGS_MAX_REQUEST_CPU_009_NAME=Max request cpu time (ms) RGS_MAX_REQUEST_CPU_009_HELP=Maximum CPU time in milliseconds used by a request in the workload group. RGS_BLOCKED_TASKS_009_NAME=Blocked tasks RGS_BLOCKED_TASKS_009_HELP=Number of blocked tasks in the workload group. RGS_REDUCED_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_NAME=Reduced memory grants/sec RGS_REDUCED_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of queries per second getting less than ideal amount of memory in the workload group. RGS_MAX_REQUEST_MEMGRANT_009_NAME=Max request memory grant (KB) RGS_MAX_REQUEST_MEMGRANT_009_HELP=Maximum value of memory grant in kilobytes used by a query in the workload group. RGS_QUERY_OPTIMIZATIONS_009_NAME=Query optimizations/sec RGS_QUERY_OPTIMIZATIONS_009_HELP=Number of query optimizations per second occurring in the workload group. RGS_SUBOPTIMAL_PLANS_009_NAME=Suboptimal plans/sec RGS_SUBOPTIMAL_PLANS_009_HELP=Number of suboptimal query plans generated per second in the workload group. RGS_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_THREADS_009_NAME=Active parallel threads RGS_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_THREADS_009_HELP=Number of threads used by parallel queries in the workload group. Serial queries and the main thread of parallel queries are not included in this number. RPS_CPU_USAGE_009_NAME=CPU usage % RPS_CPU_USAGE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. RPS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_NAME=CPU usage % base RPS_CPU_USAGE_BASE_009_HELP=System CPU usage by all requests in the specified instance of the performance object. RPS_CPU_USAGE_PROJECTED_009_NAME=CPU usage target % RPS_CPU_USAGE_PROJECTED_009_HELP=Target value of 'CPU usage %' for the resource pool based on the configuration settings and the system load. RPS_CPU_USAGE_NONGOVERNED_009_NAME=CPU control effect % RPS_CPU_USAGE_NONGOVERNED_009_HELP=Effect of the resource governor on the resource pool calculated as (CPU usage %) / (CPU usage % without RG). RPS_COMPILE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Compile memory target (KB) RPS_COMPILE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Current memory target for query compile in kilobytes. RPS_CACHE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Cache memory target (KB) RPS_CACHE_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Current memory target for cache memory in kilobytes. RPS_QUERY_EXEC_MEMORY_TARGET_009_NAME=Query exec memory target (KB) RPS_QUERY_EXEC_MEMORY_TARGET_009_HELP=Current memory target for query execution memory grant in kilobytes. RPS_MEMORY_GRANTS_COUNT_009_NAME=Memory grants/sec RPS_MEMORY_GRANTS_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of query memory grants per second occurring in the resource pool. RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_NAME=Active memory grants count RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANTS_COUNT_009_HELP=Number of query memory grants in the resource pool. RPS_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_009_NAME=Memory grant timeouts/sec RPS_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_009_HELP=Number of query memory grant timeouts per second occurring in the resource pool. RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANT_009_NAME=Active memory grant amount (KB) RPS_ACTIVE_MEMGRANT_009_HELP=Total amount of granted memory in kilobytes in the resource pool. RPS_PENDING_MEMGRANTS_009_NAME=Pending memory grants count RPS_PENDING_MEMGRANTS_009_HELP=Number of queries waiting for memory grants in the resource pool. RPS_MAX_MEMORY_009_NAME=Max memory (KB) RPS_MAX_MEMORY_009_HELP=Maximum amount of memory in kilobytes the resource pool can have based on the settings and server state. RPS_MEMORY_USAGE_009_NAME=Used memory (KB) RPS_MEMORY_USAGE_009_HELP=Used amount of memory in kilobytes in the resource pool. RPS_TARGET_MEMORY_009_NAME=Target memory (KB) RPS_TARGET_MEMORY_009_HELP=Target amount of memory in kilobytes the resource pool is trying to attain based on the settings and server state. AGE_BROADCASTS_009_NAME=Number of AGE broadcasts/sec AGE_BROADCASTS_009_HELP=Total number of AGE broadcasts from TCM per second ORDERS_BROADCAST_009_NAME=Orders broadcast/sec ORDERS_BROADCAST_009_HELP=Number of transaction orders broadcast from TCM per second AGE_RESPONSES_009_NAME=AGE responses received/sec AGE_RESPONSES_009_HELP=Number of AGE responses received per second AGE_LIFETIME_009_NAME=Average life of AGE broadcast AGE_LIFETIME_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) for which an AGE broadcast waited to receive the responses from all agent bricks AGE_LIFETIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average life of AGE Base AGE_LIFETIME_BASE_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) for which an AGE broadcast waited to receive the responses from all agent bricks AGE_HARDEN_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. AGE hardening time AGE_HARDEN_TIME_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) it takes to persist an AGE message AGE_HARDEN_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=AGE hardening time Base AGE_HARDEN_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=The average time (in milliseconds) it takes to persist an AGE message AGE_SIZE_009_NAME=Avg. size of AGE Message AGE_SIZE_009_HELP=The average size of an AGE message broadcasted from TCM AGE_SIZE_BASE_009_NAME=Size of AGE Message Base AGE_SIZE_BASE_009_HELP=The average size of an AGE message broadcasted from TCM MATRIX_XACT_STARTED_009_NAME=Transactions Started/sec MATRIX_XACT_STARTED_009_HELP=Total number of federated transactions started locally per second MATRIX_XACT_COMMITTED_009_NAME=Transactions committed/sec MATRIX_XACT_COMMITTED_009_HELP=Total number of federated transactions committed locally per second MATRIX_XACT_ROLLEDBACK_009_NAME=Transactions rolled back/sec MATRIX_XACT_ROLLEDBACK_009_HELP=Total number of federated transactions rolled back locally per second COMMIT_WAITTIME_009_NAME=Average commit wait time COMMIT_WAITTIME_009_HELP=Average wait time (in milliseconds) for committing a transaction COMMIT_WAITTIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average commit wait time Base COMMIT_WAITTIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average wait time (in milliseconds) for committing a transaction MXACT_BRANCHES_009_NAME=Transaction branches/sec MXACT_BRANCHES_009_HELP=Number of federated transaction branches created per second MXACT_PARTICIPANTS_009_NAME=Transaction participants/sec MXACT_PARTICIPANTS_009_HELP=The number of bricks participating in a federated transaction per second TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_009_NAME=Average tran prepare time TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) it takes to prepare a federated transaction for commit TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Average tran prepare time Base TRANSACTION_PREPARE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) it takes to prepare a transaction for commit (BASE) AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_009_NAME=Avg. AGE processing time AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken by a TCM Agent to process an AGE message AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=AGE processing time BASE AGE_PROCESSING_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken by a TCM Agent to process an AGE message XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_009_NAME=Transaction requests per AGE XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_009_HELP=Average transaction requests sent to TCM per AGE message XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_BASE_009_NAME=Xaction requests per AGE Base XACTION_REQUESTS_PER_AGE_BASE_009_HELP=Average transaction requests sent to TCM per AGE message XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_009_NAME=Transactions committed per AGE XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_009_HELP=Average number of transactions committed or aborted per AGE XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_BASE_009_NAME=Xactions committed per AGE Base XACTION_COMMITED_PER_AGE_BASE_009_HELP=Average number of transactions committed or aborted per AGE RPC_REQUEST_009_NAME=Remote requests/sec RPC_REQUEST_009_HELP=Total number of remote request per second RPC_RESEND_REQUEST_009_NAME=Remote resend requests/sec RPC_RESEND_REQUEST_009_HELP=Total number of remote resend request per second RX_ACTIVATION_009_NAME=Remote activations/sec RX_ACTIVATION_009_HELP=Total number of remote activations per second LOCAL_DATA_ACCESS_009_NAME=Local data access/sec LOCAL_DATA_ACCESS_009_HELP=Total number of local data access per second RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_009_NAME=Rem Req Cache Hit Ratio RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_009_HELP=Ratio between cache hits and lookups RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_NAME=Rem Req Cache Hit Ratio Base RPCRUNTIME_HIT_RATIO_BASE_009_HELP=Base for prior entry FILETABLE_DATABASE_OPERATIONS_009_NAME=FileTable db operations/sec FILETABLE_DATABASE_OPERATIONS_009_HELP=Total number of database operational events processed by the FileTable store component per second. FILETABLE_TABLE_OPERATIONS_009_NAME=FileTable table operations/sec FILETABLE_TABLE_OPERATIONS_009_HELP=Total number of table operational events processed by the FileTable store component per second. FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item get requests/sec FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable retrieve item requests per second. FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time to get FileTable item FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to retrieve a FileTable item. FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time to get FileTable item BASE FILETABLE_ITEM_GET_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to retrieve a FileTable item (BASE). FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item delete reqs/sec FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable delete item requests per second. FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time delete FileTable item FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to delete a FileTable item. FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time delete FileTable item BASE FILETABLE_ITEM_DELETE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to delete a FileTable item (BASE). FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item update reqs/sec FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable update item requests per second. FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time update FileTable item FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to update a FileTable item. FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time update FileTable item BASE FILETABLE_ITEM_UPDATE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to update a FileTable item (BASE). FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item move reqs/sec FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable move item requests per second. FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time move FileTable item FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to move a FileTable item. FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time move FileTable item BASE FILETABLE_ITEM_MOVE_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to move a FileTable item (BASE). FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable item rename reqs/sec FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable rename item requests per second. FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time rename FileTable item FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to rename a FileTable item. FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time rename FileTable item BASE FILETABLE_ITEM_RENAME_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to rename a FileTable item (BASE). FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable enumeration reqs/sec FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable enumeration requests per second. FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time FileTable enumeration FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken for a FileTable enumeration request. FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time FileTable enumeration BASE FILETABLE_ENUMERATION_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken for a FileTable enumeration request (BASE). FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQUESTS_009_NAME=FileTable file I/O requests/sec FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQUESTS_009_HELP=Total number of incoming FileTable file I/O requests per second. FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time per file I/O request FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an incoming file I/O request. FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time per file I/O request BASE FILETABLE_FILEIO_REQ_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an incoming file I/O request (BASE). FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESPONSES_009_NAME=FileTable file I/O response/sec FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESPONSES_009_HELP=Total number of outgoing file I/O responses per second. FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time per file I/O response FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an outgoing file I/O response. FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time per file I/O response BASE FILETABLE_FILEIO_RESP_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) spent handling an outgoing file I/O response (BASE). FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_OPERATIONS_009_NAME=FileTable kill handle ops/sec FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_OPERATIONS_009_HELP=Total number of FileTable handle kill operations per second. FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_009_NAME=Avg time FileTable handle kill FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to kill a FileTable handle. FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_BASE_009_NAME=Time FileTable handle kill BASE FILETABLE_HANDLE_KILL_TIME_BASE_009_HELP=Average time (in milliseconds) taken to kill a FileTable handle (BASE). SQL_BATCH_RES_0_009_NAME=Batches >=000000ms & <000001ms SQL_BATCH_RES_0_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 0ms but less than 1ms SQL_BATCH_RES_1_009_NAME=Batches >=000001ms & <000002ms SQL_BATCH_RES_1_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 1ms but less than 2ms SQL_BATCH_RES_2_009_NAME=Batches >=000002ms & <000005ms SQL_BATCH_RES_2_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 2ms but less than 5ms SQL_BATCH_RES_5_009_NAME=Batches >=000005ms & <000010ms SQL_BATCH_RES_5_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 5ms but less than 10ms SQL_BATCH_RES_10_009_NAME=Batches >=000010ms & <000020ms SQL_BATCH_RES_10_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 10ms but less than 20ms SQL_BATCH_RES_20_009_NAME=Batches >=000020ms & <000050ms SQL_BATCH_RES_20_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 20ms but less than 50ms SQL_BATCH_RES_50_009_NAME=Batches >=000050ms & <000100ms SQL_BATCH_RES_50_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 50ms but less than 100ms SQL_BATCH_RES_100_009_NAME=Batches >=000100ms & <000200ms SQL_BATCH_RES_100_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 100ms but less than 200ms SQL_BATCH_RES_200_009_NAME=Batches >=000200ms & <000500ms SQL_BATCH_RES_200_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 200ms but less than 500ms SQL_BATCH_RES_500_009_NAME=Batches >=000500ms & <001000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_500_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 500ms but less than 1,000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_1S_009_NAME=Batches >=001000ms & <002000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_1S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 1,000ms but less than 2,000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_2S_009_NAME=Batches >=002000ms & <005000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_2S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 2,000ms but less than 5,000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_5S_009_NAME=Batches >=005000ms & <010000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_5S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 5,000ms but less than 10,000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_10S_009_NAME=Batches >=010000ms & <020000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_10S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 10,000ms but less than 20,000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_20S_009_NAME=Batches >=020000ms & <050000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_20S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 20,000ms but less than 50,000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_50S_009_NAME=Batches >=050000ms & <100000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_50S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 50,000ms but less than 100,000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_100S_009_NAME=Batches >=100000ms SQL_BATCH_RES_100S_009_HELP=Number of SQL Batches having response time greater than or equal to 100,000ms