MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Me   sssRich PEL5O!  4\PC@26X<.rsrc24@@@( 8Ph&'((@)X*p+,-./01203H4`9xw 8Ph ( !@ "X #p $ % ' / ` a b l0 mH n` ox p q r y    8 P h    Z    ( @ X p        0 H ` x       8Ph(@TXUpVW0H`xN 8Ph    (H @ X p   }}}}0H ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p    ,/(0(14(68(:=ADG`JTP~SzPV,Z\,``Tdhmdn6qxv@xr`(p2̒~L$ptjP80 <. lLP \~   %.2 < xF( R ,\ jm>mo8qj,rwV < 4  (dt l    "2AHQ\i}\!t (ȰTTH\ : lL x! 6tG<bh@l6 xvlwv\{t}$ Fh `F d,,hNxrxHH r   Rd  \ ^ T*@,(/17~;<"@<"d<"<"<tAZ( @wwwwwwxwwwwwxdwwwwwwxg@wwwwwwxgtwwwwwxgw@wwwwwx`twwwwxffw@wwwwxfff`twwwxffffpwwwxHffff`wwwwxffffwwwwxHffff`fffxHffwwwwwxwwwwwwx@wwwwwwxwwwwwwxxwwwwwwxwwwwwwxwwwwwwxwwwwwwxwwwwwwxwwwwwwwwwwwwx?  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All rights reserved.P"2P}P2OKPAȀgReplication Error DetailsMS Shell DlgP0&Subscriber:P;vP0&Database:PvPYP'0&Publisher:P;'vP<0Dis&tributor:P;<vP'0P&ublication:P'vP<0D&atabase:P<vPRYP\X &Error information:PfX3SysListView32List1P2&Full message:P@ PYP$<OKPA@@ OtherMS Shell DlgP<Agent timeouts (in seconds)PH&Login timeout: PZ(~P ~msctls_updown32Spin1P)H&Query timeout: PZ)(~P) ~msctls_updown32Spin1PH,Subscriber update mode %PV ,I&mmediate updating %Pc -Q&ueued updatingPAȀCreate Anonymous SubscriptionMS Shell DlgPHSubscription informationPM Display &name:P_8P)M &Subscriber:P_'~P;M &Database:P_9~PTkPublication informationPfM &Publisher:P_d~PxM Data&base:P_v~PM P&ublication:P_~PM &Type:!P_32PM Distribut&or:P_~PX2OKP2CancelP2g&HelpȀ lCreate New SubscriptionMS Shell DlgP Create a new subscription: %P<By &browsing the Active Directory for publications %P+4By &attaching a SQL Server subscription database %P@3By &specifying the publication and subscription information manuallyPW2OKPW2CancelPAȀAttach SubscriptionMS Shell DlgP &Subscription database file:P5P6...P(8Attach toP8S S&ubscriber:Pi6:PLS &Database:PiJ7PfySubscriber login %PvUse &Windows Authentication of the current user's account %P Use S&QL Server Authentication:PE&Login:PibPE&Password:PibPE&Confirm password:PibPY2OKP2CancelP2g&HelpȀ1qReinitialize SubscriptionMS Shell DlgP(This will mark the subscription for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time the subscription is synchronized.%P(=a&Upload changes made at the Subscriber to the Publisher before reinitializing the subscription.P\2&YesP\2&NoPP(&Are you sure you want to mark this subscription for reinitialization?Ȁ@Remove SubscriptionMS Shell Dlg $P(b&Do not display this subscription in Windows Synchronization Manager, but keep the subscription in the SQL Server database. $P5(cDelete &this subscription from the subscription database. This action does not delete the replicated data; however, the data loses its synchronization relationship. $PT(dDrop the &subscription database from SQL Server. This action deletes all data and subscriptions in the database permanently.Ps2OKPs2CancelP2 How do you want to remove this subscription?PAȀCreate Anonymous SubscriptionMS Shell DlgPClick Browse to find a publication in the Active Directory.P(<6&Browse...P<8Subscription informationPLS S&ubscriber:PiJ:P`S &Database:Pi^7PzySubscriber login %PUse &Windows Authentication of the current user's account %P Use S&QL Server Authentication:PH&LoginPibPHP&assword:PibPH&Confirm password:PibPY2OKP2CancelP2g&HelpP} &Publication:P(~PA@@BMS Shell DlgP P&ublication name:PPA@@ OtherMS Shell DlgP<Agent timeouts (in seconds)PH&Login timeout: PZ(~P ~msctls_updown32Spin1P)H&Query timeout: PZ)(~P) ~msctls_updown32Spin1PH1Conflict resolution mode %PUe&Resolve conflicts interactively (only applies to articles that support interactive resolution) %Pj fResolve &conflicts automaticallyPA@@Web Server InformationMS Shell Dlg%P &Synchronize through a Web server for this session. (The session settings will not be saved.)P &Web server address:P*P; $Example: https://svr/app/replisapi.dllPLw %W&eb server timeout: PJ("PJ #msctls_updown32Spin1P^ Connect to the Web server: %Pm&Using Windows Authentication %P!Using &Basic Authentication with the following user name and password:P k User &Name:PbP k &Password:PbP k &Confirm password:PbPAȀUMicrosoft SQL Server 2008MS Shell DlgP?2OKPIn the following dialog box, enter the password(s) required to log in to the servers to begin synchronizing.P- Do not show me this again%The process was successfully stopped.&The process could not allocate memory.=The process could not create file '%1' due to OS error %2!d!.;The process could not read file '%1' due to OS error %2!d!.-The process could not connect to server '%1'.3The process could not format the specified message.EA total of %1!d! transaction(s) with %2!d! command(s) were delivered.)No replicated transactions are available.%1: %2 %1 State: %2; Error: %3 An access violation occurred.+The process could not execute '%1' on '%2'."The process could not get results.Transaction %1 ended with a partial command (%2!d!); the next transaction is %3. When troubleshooting, execute DBCC CHECKDB and look for issues with the distribution database. Execute sp_browsereplcmds on the distribution database and save the result before contacting product support.hRowcount mismatch between %1 and %2: @@rowcount returned %3!d! but %4!d! were returned in the resultset.&User-specified agent parameter values:PA-Parameter values obtained from agent profile:PThe timestamps prepended to the output lines are expressed in terms of UTC time.,The process could not execute a SQL command.&The process could not create a thread.Invalid event name '%1'.Invalid agent name '%1'.Invalid port number %1!d!.Invalid agent ID '%1'. InitializingConnecting to %1 '%2'CThe process could not open or read registry key '%1' or value '%2'./Registry key '%1' or value '%2' does not exist.aAn invalid parameter or value was specified in the command line. (parameter = '%1', value = '%2')'The required parameter '%1' is missing.,A syntax error occurred near parameter '%1'.3The process could not initialize the Internet DLLs.PA@The process could not connect to FTP site '%1' using port %2!d!.@The process could not retrieve file '%1' from the FTP site '%2'.4The process encountered operating system error '%1'.(Copyright (c) 2008 Microsoft Corporation*Microsoft SQL Server Replication Agent: %10The process could not bulk copy into table '%1'.2The process could not bulk copy out of table '%1'.The command line specified in the definition file is too long; the maximum length allowed is %1!u! characters. Use a user-defined agent profile to shorten the length of the command line in the definition file.2The specified command line has too many arguments.BError executing a batch of commands. Retrying individual commands.+Execution of individual commands succeeded.6Error initializing notification system on port: %1!d!.CThe subscription to publication '%1' has expired or does not exist.MThe agent failed with a 'Retry' status. Try to run the agent at a later time.1The process encountered a general external error.Usage=Server '%1' is not enabled as a Publisher at the Distributor.:%1!d! transaction(s) with %2!d! command(s) were delivered.Agent message code %1!d!. "Delivering replicated transactions:The process could not access database '%1' on server '%2'.-Server '%1' is not registered at server '%2'. Publisher PublisherDB PublicationPublisherSecurityModePublisherLoginPublisherPassword DistributorDistributionDBDistributorLoginDistributorAddressDistributorNetworkDistributorSecurityModeDistributorPassword Subscriber SubscriberDBSubscriberDatasourcePathSubscriberLoginSubscriberSecurityModeSubscriberPasswordSubscriberDatasourceTypeSubscriptionTypeFileTransferTypeOutputOutputVerboseLevel LoginTimeout QueryTimeoutPA PacketSize6Invalid command type. Expected %1!u!, received %2!u!.OError at parameter %1!d! during datastream processing of parameterized command.=This subscription can be reinitialized only at the Publisher.)The process could not connect to %1 '%2'.XThe agent is running. Use Replication Monitor to view the details of this agent session.2This process can run only on Microsoft Windows NT.AThe process encountered a deadlock and is retrying the operation..OLE DB subscribers require -MaxBcpThreads = 1.9 The process finished. Use CTRL+C to close this window. =The process failed. Check error details for more information.Creating database '%1' on '%2'Attaching database '%1' on '%2'3The process could not attach database '%1' on '%2'.3The process could not create database '%1' on '%2'.(Creating subscription at Subscriber '%1'PA?The process could not create a subscription at Subscriber '%1'.(Deleting subscription at Subscriber '%1'=The process could not delete subscription at Subscriber '%1'.Dropping database '%1' on '%2'1The process could not drop database '%1' on '%2'.PublisherDatabaseDistributionDatabaseSubscriberDatabase;The program could not be unregistered due to error 0x%1!x!.9The program could not be registered due to error 0x%1!x!.Reinitializing the subscriptionAYou cannot create a push subscription using the ActiveX controls.?You cannot copy a push subscription using the ActiveX controls.gThe option to copy a subscription is not supported with heterogeneous Subscribers using ODBC or OLE DB.]The process could not retrieve security information from the Subscriber for Distributor '%1'.The publication does not support stand-alone Distribution Agents and cannot accept subscriptions created using Active X controls.\The subscription has expired and is no longer available. You must create a new subscription.>The agent successfully applied the snapshot at the Subscriber.=The subscription at Subscriber '%1' was successfully created.PublisherAddressConnecting to ftp site '%1'QThe subscription at Subscriber '%1' was successfully marked for reinitialization.=The subscription at Subscriber '%1' was successfully dropped.cThe option to attach database is not supported with heterogeneous Subscribers using ODBC or OLE DB.oThe 'SubscriberDatabasePath' property needs to be set when specifying the option to attach Subscriber database.aThe option to drop database is not supported with heterogeneous Subscribers using ODBC or OLE DB. ExchangeTypegInvalid connection type for parallel execution. Parallel execution allowed only over ODBC connections.fAt most one of -FtpAddress and -AltSnapshotFolder folder can be specified in the agent's command line./The specified snapshot folder path is too long.+Copying %1 to Publication's snapshot folder4Copying script file %1 to snapshot generation folderEThe process is running and is waiting for a response from the server.)Launching sqlcmd to apply the script '%1'Failed to launch 'sqlcmd'&Failed to obtain exit code of 'sqlcmd'QFailed to apply the script '%1' using the 'sqlcmd' utility. See '%2' for details.5Failed to create pipe for communication with 'sqlcmd'/Failed to read from pipe connecting to 'sqlcmd'3Last %1!d! characters in 'sqlcmd' output buffer: %2<The temporary directory defined for this system is too long.BAn internal error has occurred in the Microsoft cabinet component.>Unable to create a Microsoft Cabinet file compression session.Adding file '%1' to cabinetFlushing cabinet fileFlushing cabinet folderVCould not apply snapshot via ftp because the Publication was not enabled for internet.7Snapshot will be applied from the alternate folder '%1'PA7Snapshot will be applied from a compressed cabinet file)Snapshot files will be downloaded via ftp/The system temporary directory path is too long+The specified working directory is too long3Could not find the cabinet file '%1' in folder '%2'8The file '%1' in folder '%2' is not a valid cabinet file/Extracting snapshot file '%1' from cabinet fileExtracted file '%1'!Copying subscription to file '%1'4The process could not copy the subscription to '%1'.6The subscription was successfully copied to file '%1'.NFailed to obtain the SQL Server utilities installation path from the registry.ValidateSubscriptionPrioritySubscriptionPriorityTypepThe 'SubscriptionPriority' property should be set only for Subscribers with a global subscription priority type.IAnonymous subscriptions can only have a local subscription priority type.SynchronizationTypegAnonymous subscriptions to transactional publications do not support the specified SynchronizationType.?The subscription was successfully copied to the specified file.sUnable to replicate a view or function because the referenced objects or columns are not present on the Subscriber.A connection time-out had occurred while connecting to the FTP site '%1'. This may be due to the fact that Internet Explorer is configured to always attempt to make a dial-up connection. ProfileNameHostNameSubscriptionNameAltSnapshotFolderWorkingDirectoryDTSPackageFileNameDTSPackagePassword FTPAddressFTPLogin FTPPasswordSubscriptionFileNameAlternate snapshot folder and dynamic snapshot location are incompatible parameters, at most one of them can be specified at any given time.IAutomatic downloading of dynamic snapshot files via ftp is not supported.7The specified dynamic snapshot folder path is too long.,A dynamic snapshot will be applied from '%1' SkipErrorsMicrosoft SQL Server 7.0 'Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 1'Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2Microsoft SQL Server 2000'Unknown version of Microsoft SQL Server,Parameter '%1' overwrites another parameter.Snapshot AgentX'InProcLoader' cannot be used with heterogeneous subscribers or subscriptions using DTS.;Failed to apply the script '%1' using the 'sqlcmd' utility. PublisherPA Subscriber Distributor Subscription File Transfer StatisticsSnapshot ApplicationSession SpecificDTS PropertieseThe option to attach a subscription database is not supported with the current version of Subscriber.gThe option to copy a subscription database is not supported with the current version of the Subscriber.FileCreateOptionSynchronization in progressPThe LastUpdatedTime property is supported only for SQL Server 2000+ Subscribers.)Retrieving the last synchronization time.1Failed to retrieve the last synchronization time.9The last synchronization time was successfully retrieved.*The process could not begin a transaction.+The process could not commit a transaction.-The process could not rollback a transaction.The size of the file '%1' has exceeded the limit of %2!d! bytes imposed by the compression mechanism, retry the operation again with a smaller data set if possible.StartQueueTimeout'Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3=Enabled the system to fix Data Alignment faults automaticallyThe Merge Agent has encountered an unanticipated null pointer on line %1!d! of file %2. When troubleshooting, ensure that sufficient system memory is available and check for and resolve other database engine errors.xSkipping file '%1' because it has already been delivered for a previous article or by a previously interrupted snapshot.The Merge Agent has encountered an unanticipated empty string on line %1!d! of file %2. When troubleshooting, ensure that sufficient system memory is available for processing the initial snapshot.(Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1Microsoft SQL Server 2005WThe process could not create database '%1' on '%2' because the database already exists.gThe process could not create a subscription at Subscriber '%1' because the subscription already exists.KThe IsSnapshotRequired method is only supported for SQL Server Subscribers.}The IsSnapshotRequired method is only supported on Distributors and Subscribers running on SQL Server 2005 or later versions.PAThe IsSnapshotRequired method failed to determine if a new snapshot must be applied during the next synchronization. This error usually occurs due to an earlier failure. Correct any errors that occurred before this failure. The synchronization agent encountered an error and failed to determine if a new snapshot must be applied during the next synchronization. This error usually occurs due to an earlier failure. Correct any errors that occurred before this failure. /Determining if a new snapshot must be applied. uThe replication agent has succeeded in determining if a new snapshot must be applied during the next synchronization.UThe process was unable to create a session on the OLEDB connection to the subscriber.;The process could not open file '%1' due to OS error %2!d!.?The process could not write to file '%1' due to OS error %2!d!.Disconnecting from %1 '%2'Parameter '%1' cannot be longer than %2!d! characters. Shorten the value specified for this parameter and restart the replication agent. The agent command line specified in the definition file '%1' references the same definition file. This type of recursive reference is not supported. Change the value of -DefinitionFile in the definition file to reference a different file or remove this parameter from the definition file.}You do not have access to generate the dynamic snapshot. Only a dbo role member can specify the DynamicFilterLogin parameter.OutputMessageFileInputMessageFileThe Distribution Agent encountered an error and was unable to write a tracer token to the MStracer_history table in the distribution database.(Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2(Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3PAThe parameter '%1' cannot be specified because at least one publication already exists in this publication database that is enabled for peer-to-peer replication. Remove this parameter from the command line and restart the Log Reader Agent.SThread id %1!d! will wait for %2!d! second(s) before retrying the query on %3 '%4'.HThread id %1!d! is attempting to re-establish the connection to %2 '%3'.BThread id %1!d! successfully re-established connection to %2 '%3'.yThread id %1!d! failed to re-establish connection to %2 '%3'. Ensure that the server is online and accepting connections.A query executing on %1 '%2' failed because the connection was chosen as the victim in a deadlock. Please rerun the merge process if you still see this error after internal retries by the merge process.Reduced the number of threads in the merge process and number of connections to Publisher and Subscriber, since the network appears to be unreliable.ADelivered snapshot from the '%1' sub-folder in %2!u! millisecondspThe Distribution Agent encountered an error and was unable to write a tracer token to the subscription database.The command line specified is too long. The maximum length allowed is %1!u! characters. Shorten the command line or use an agent profile.XAn invalid value was specified for '%1'. Specify a valid value, between %2!d! and %3!d!.8The '%1' option is no longer supported, please use '%2'.=Parameter '%1' may only be used for heterogeneous publishers.To obtain an error file with details on the errors encountered when initializing the subscribing table, execute the bcp command that appears below. Consult the BOL for more information on the bcp utility and its supported options.kArticle '%1' failed data validation (rowcount and checksum). Rowcount actual: %2!I64u!, expected: %3!I64u!.cArticle '%1' failed data validation (rowcount only). Rowcount actual: %2!I64u!, expected: %3!I64u!.Retrying the bulk-copy operation into table '%1' without load ordering hint because bcp data does not appear to be sorted in the right order. This may be due to the presence of single null character strings in the clustered index of the source table.Column information for column '%1' of table '%2' was not found at the subscriber. The subscription table at the subscriber must have the same column names as the replicated article.Column information for column %1!d! of table '%2' was not found at the subscriber. The subscription table at the subscriber must have the same number of columns as the replicated article.9The calling parameters for procedure '%1' were not valid.mirrored instance of Publisher`An arithmetic overflow had occurred while computing internal buffer size: file: %1, line: %2!d!.MDelivering replicated transactions, xact count: %1!d!, command count: %2!d!.PA}Invalid distribution command, state %1!d!: transaction 0x%2 command %3!d!{offset : %4!d! token offset: %5!d! state: %6!d!) }.:The process could not execute sp_MSget_last_trans on '%1'.=The process could not execute sp_MSadd_repl_commands on '%1'.CThe process could not get Distributor's working directory location.?An invalid bcp command was posted in the distribution database.=The process encountered invalid column data in bcp file '%1'.;The column data type '%1' does not exist at the Subscriber.%The column data type '%1' is invalid.'Microsoft SQL Server Distribution AgentApplied script '%1'-Bulk copied data into table '%1' (%2!d! rows)"Invalid distribution command type. The subscription does not exist.1Reinitializing the subscription at the SubscriberDThe Subscriber is not defined as a linked server at the Distributor.PA)Microsoft SQL Server Distribution Control8Publication '%1' does not allow anonymous subscriptions.FWarning: Trigger script '%1' contains triggers that cannot be created.!Bulk copying data into table '%1'QApplied the snapshot(s) and delivered %1!d! transaction(s) with %2!d! command(s).$Initiating restore of database '%1'."Restore of database '%1' complete.1Only SQL Server or OLEDB subscribers can use DTS.TCannot find the Data Driven Query task in the DTS package that matches command '%1'.KCannot find the Data Driven Query task in the DTS package for article '%1'.&'%1' is not a Replication DTS package.]Unicode translation failed. Please verify that code page %1!d! is installed on computer '%2'.!Data transformation (DTS) failed.The publication does not support this type of subscribers. Only publications in character bcp mode support heterogeneous subscribers.vThe value of agent parameter, 'SkipErrors', is invalid. Check the agent profile, command line or the control property.wThe value of agent parameter, 'SkipErrors', is too long. Check the agent profile, command line or the control property.PADSkipped %1!d! error(s) when applying transactions at the Subscriber.Transforming bcp data&Transforming replication command %1!s!HBulk copied data into table '%1' (%2!d! rows before the transformations)SThe number of columns in the bcp file does not match that of the destination table.qThe number of columns in the bcp file does not match what is defined in the DTS package. Regenerate the package.~The number of parameters in the replication command does not match what is defined in the DTS package. Regenerate the package.(Creating Primary Key index on table '%1'"Creating fixup index on table '%1'MThe nosync setup script will not be applied for a transformable subscription.The process failed to complete last batch in multi-streaming mode, it has been reset to single connection mode and is retrying the operation.The process has successfully completed retrying failed multi-streaming operation in single connection mode, %2!d! transaction(s) and %3!d! command(s) have been committed, agent is switching back to multi-streaming mode with %1!d! streamsFor a heterogeneous publisher, -PublisherDB on the distribution agent command line must be set to the publisher's distribution database.The version of SQL Server running on the Subscriber does not support synchronizing with a peer-to-peer publication. All participants in a peer-to-peer replication topology must be running on SQL Server 2005 or later. dA DTS package must be specified for a subscription of a publication that allows data transformation.PThe nosync subscription setup script will be applied instead of a full snapshot.PAErrors were skipped while applying auto-generated procedures. See the documentation for Peer-To-Peer DDL replication for more information.EFailed to load command bucket %1!d!, total of %2!d! bucket available.TEmpty command block released for bucket %1!%d!, the bucket contains %2!%d! commands.6Bucket %1!d! aborted the wait for %2!s! event, %3!s! The Distribution Agent is using the OLEDB streaming optimization for replicating binary large objects greater than %1!d! bytes. The threshold for this optimization can be set using the -OledbStreamThreshold parameter from the command line. cThe Distribution Agent reached the end of current command (transaction: 0x%1 command %2!d!), but the number of bytes read (%3!d!) is less than the total size (%4!d!) indicated in command header. When troubleshooting, backup the distribution database and query MSrepl_commands table for the command related to the xact_seqno provided in the error message. ONumber of subscription streams has been reset from %1!d! to %2!d!, state %3!d!.[Failed to write data into sequential stream used for OLEDB streaming. Check the disk space.kSynchronization of transformable subscriptions is not supported by 64-bit editions of Microsoft SQL Server.PAdThe provided transaction sequence number length '%1' is greater than the system allowed length '%2'.kThe distribution agent failed to create temporary files in '%1' directory. System returned errorcode %2!d!.PAMicrosoft SQL Server 2008Microsoft SQL Server 2012%No publication database was provided.)Committed batch to distribution database.Parameter check failed.Object state check failed.7The process could not allocate ODBC environment handle./The process could not allocate memory for '%1'.&The process could not initialize '%1'."The process could not create '%1'.3The process could not add message to message queue.>Pending message queue did not empty within the specified time.&Internal Error: file: %1, line: %2!d!.&Background thread for '%1' is exiting.'Status: %1!d!, code: %2!u!, text: '%3'.8OLE error. Function '%1' failed with return code %2!u!.PACleanup for '%1' is incomplete.;The process could not set the last distributed transaction.*The process could not distribute commands.5The process could not get command loading statistics..Batches were not committed to the Distributor.WBatch committed. Batch consisted of %1!d! commands, %2!d! xacts. Last xact: %3, '%4'.Interface was not initialized.1There is no command buffer currently outstanding.0There is a command buffer currently outstanding.7Xactid size is inconsistent with distribution database.6Seqno size is inconsistent with distribution database.Command buffer is corrupt.Invalid batch size of %1!d!.Invalid packet size of %1!u!.AInvalid identifier information specified for 6.x SQL Server xact.AInvalid identifier information specified for 7.x SQL Server xact.PA!Invalid polling interval (%1!d!).!Invalid commit threshold (%1!d!).2The process could not query Publisher information.(Invalid distribution database specified.%1 has been shut down.;The process could not get the last distributed transaction. The Log Reader Agent was unable to connect to the Publisher using the specified login. Make sure that the login used by the agent is a member of either the sysadmin fixed server role at the Publisher or the db_owner fixed database role in the publication database. }The distributor login of the logreader agent must be a member of the sysadmin role or db_owner role in distribution database.Batch processing is in progress. The current batch consists of %1!d! commands and %2!d! transactions. The last transaction was %3, '%4'. The Log Reader Agent is scanning the transaction log for commands to be replicated. Approximately %1!d! log records have been scanned in pass # %2!d!, %4!d! of which were marked for replication, elapsed time %3!d! (ms).nApproximately %1!d! log records have been scanned in pass # %2!d!, %3!d! of which were marked for replication.PA:There is no data for the publisher to load into the cache.CUnable to retrieve time of last flush request from the distributor.The version of SQL Server used to download the Oracle package code does not match the version of SQL Server running at the distributor. The replication support code at the Oracle publisher needs to be refreshed.8Unable to initialize the heterogeneous publisher object.-Error executing PollEnd request at publisher.PA/Error executing PollBegin request at publisher.0Error retrieving change data from the publisher.7Error retrieving publication status from the publisher.EReceived status from the publisher on a publication that was unknown.XPublication status request did not return status from the publisher on any publications.5Error retrieving publisher status from the publisher.TThe publisher id retrieved from the publisher did not match that at the distributor.VThe publisher name retrieved from the publisher did not match that at the distributor.APublisher status request did not return status for the publisher.]The request for publication status did not return status for all of the defined publications.}The publisher name of the contacted Oracle instance does not match the configured name for the publisher at this distributor.pThe distributor name associated with the contacted Oracle instance does not match the expected distributor name.zThe distribution database for the contacted Oracle instance does not match the expected name of the distribution database.fThe replication status of the contacted Oracle instance is not active. The Log Reader is terminating.nUnable to retrieve information about the distributor from the publisher public synonym MSSQLSERVERDISTRIBUTOR.UA failure occurred when validating this Log Reader for the contacted Oracle Instance.xThe Server is not enabled as a Publisher at the Distributor, or you may not have permission to see available Publishers.TFor a heterogeneous publisher, the PublisherDatabase parameter may not be specified.cFor a heterogeneous publisher, no publisher login information may be specified on the command line.JThe passed command buffer exceeds the maximum size for a command fragment.GThe passed byte count of the %1 does not match the expected byte count.?The length of the passed %1 does not match the expected length.oThe length of the command is invalid. The length is less than or equal to 0, or greater than or equal to 1024.The XactID and XactSeqno values for the last set of changes committed to the distribution database do not match expected values.XThe publisher status request failed to return the expected number of rows, which is one.,Unable to convert binary XactSeqno to Wchar.UThe change status request failed to return the expected number of rows, which is one.8The article object passed to the format routine is NULL.;Unable to retrieve a command format string for the article.&Unable to allocate the command buffer.;Unable to generate the unicode representation of CLOB data.7Unable to generate the hex representation of BLOB data.?A routine to process BLOB data was called for a non BLOB value.aAn article to be marked as no longer in reconciliation could not be located in the article cache.YUnable to match the article ID retrieved from the publisher with an article in the cache.`Unable to match the publication ID retrieved from the publisher with a publication in the cache.TAn article to be marked in reconciliation could not be located in the article cache.=Unable to deposit the change command into the command buffer.*Unable to flush the change command buffer.VThe command template is already generated. Template generation should occur only once.tA failure occurred when generating a column name for the select statement to extract change data from the publisher.DA failure occurred when generating the suffix for the log view name.CA failure occurred when generating the name of the published table.6A cached article was encountered with a table id of 0.9Unable to generated string corresponding to the table id.When preparing to process change commands in LoadReplCmds, a NULL value was encountered for the last processed XactSeqno or XactID.A deadlock encountered when reading the publication meta data has prevented the Log Reader from loading its cache. The maximum number of retries has been exceeded. The PollBegin request was unable to determine a consistent set of changes and the retry maximum has been exceeded: Total number of retries = %1!d!; 'Snapshot too old' errors = %2!d!; 'Cannot Serialize Transaction' errors = %3!d!; 'Object not found' errors = %4!d!.SThe Publisher or Distributor has been restored and they are no longer synchronized.TThe command format '%1' is not supported for articles in heterogeneous publications.aAn error occurred for column '%1', when processing changes for article '%2', of publication '%3'.*Value for primary key column '%1' is '%2'."The buffer specified is too small.Request to publisher %1: %2Request to distributor %1: %2'The FAILPOINT %1 %2 generated an error.jThe publisher and distributor environments are mismatched: Publisher GUID = '%1', Distributor GUID = '%2'.The heterogeneous log reader was unable to enter a tracer token into the distribution database: article ID = %1, publication ID = %2.[An error occurred when converting column %1 to current code page. Column value set to NULL.\An error occurred when converting column %1 to current code page. Column value set to SPACE.bThe default character was used to map characters in this column value not in the current codepage.RRange error encountered for date column %1: Date has been set to January 1, 1753.PConversion error encountered for column %1: Column value has been set to %2!d!.WThe length of column %1 exceeded the maximum length for its datatype and was truncated.NError processing LOB column %1: column has been assigned default error value.ZError processing LOB column %1: fill character was used to expand LOB to required length.mTO_CHAR error converting column %1 to a character string. String set to NULL or error default as appropriate.KRange error encountered for column %1: Column value has been set to %2!d!.7The numeric value appearing in column %1 was truncated.The mapping for column '%1' of article '%2', publication '%3' is not suitable for parameterized commands. Change the mapping or use non-parameterized format. Article changes are not being propagated by the log reader.The log reader encountered a 'SNAPSHOT TOO OLD' error (ORA-01555) while creating an XactSet at the publisher. The creation of the XactSet is being retried.The log reader encountered an 'OBJECT NOT FOUND' error (ORA-00942) while creating an XactSet at the publisher. The creation of the XactSet is being retried.The log reader encountered a 'CANNOT SERIALIZE TRANSACTION' error (ORA-08177) while creating an XactSet at the publisher. The creation of the XactSet is being retried.The PollBegin request succeeded after %1!d! retries: 'Snapshot too old' errors encountered = %2!d!; 'Cannot Serialize Transaction' errors encountered = %3!d!; 'Object not found' errors encountered = %4!d!.At least one Oracle publisher meta data table does not exist in the Oracle publisher admin schema or the publisher schema data are corrupted.=Heterogeneous Logreader encountered an error in call to '%1'.`Heterogeneous Logreader encountered an error in call to LoadReplCmds when processing state '%1'.ZPub LSN '%1', Dist LSN '%2', PollInProcess %3!d!, Pub Timestamp '%4', Dist Timestamp '%5'.EAn error occurred when converting column %1 to the current code page.CCharacters in the column value %1 were not in the current codepage.+Range error encountered for date column %1.+Conversion error encountered for column %1.EThe length of column %1 exceeded the maximum length for its datatype.Error processing LOB column %1.9TO_CHAR error converting column %1 to a character string..Range error encountered for numeric column %1.TThe mapping for the numeric value appearing in column %1 would result in truncation.XactID XactSeqnoPA Output FileConnection ObjectCommand BufferCommand LoaderCommand ControlShutdown Event Message QueueHistory LoggerIReplDist InterfaceIDistLog InterfaceIDistPut InterfaceCommit Notification SinkPAMessage Notification SinkNotification SinksConnection Point ContainerConnection PointReplication countersStopping Event COM LibrariesOLE InterfacesCommit WatchdogCommit Tracker]Replicated transactions are waiting for next Log backup or for mirroring partner to catch up.%Microsoft SQL Server Log Reader AgentPA+Bulk copying snapshot data for article '%1'8Posting snapshot commands into the distribution database6Locking published tables while generating the snapshotHThe snapshot could not be generated because the publication is inactive. Publication '%1' does not exist.LA snapshot was not generated because no subscriptions needed initialization.-A snapshot of %1!d! article(s) was generated.)Generating schema script for article '%1'*Generating trigger script for article '%1'8Generating referential integrity script for article '%1'8Bulk copied snapshot data for article '%1' (%2!d! rows).'The process could not create file '%1'.)The process could not write to file '%1'.GInserted schema command for article '%1' into the distribution databaseEInserted bcp command for article '%1' into the distribution database.CSnapshot Agent job ID %1!d! is not associated with any publication.)There is no merge publication named '%1'.*Preparing table '%1' for merge replication*No new articles found in publication '%1'.+Creating replication triggers on table '%1'#Microsoft SQL Server Snapshot Agent2Generating conflict schema script for article '%1'/SQL Server Agent specified invalid job ID '%1'.+Using custom schema script for article '%1'@Warning: Published table '%1' references unpublished table '%2'.@Warning: Unpublished table '%1' references published table '%2'.{Warning: Foreign key constraints were not scripted because one or more related tables were not included in the publication.|Warning: Updates at a Subscriber may violate constraints at the Publisher because foreign key constraints were not scripted.PInserted index creation command for article '%1' into the distribution database.BThe process could not retrieve information about publication '%1'.The generated script file path '%1' has exceeded the length limit of %2!d! characters imposed by the Snapshot agent. Reducing the length of the Publication name may solve the problem.Null pointer obtained from %1.PInvalid number of rows (%1!d!) obtained from dump header, only one row expected.NUnexpected results returned while attempting to read LastLsn from dump header.SInserted load database command for publication '%1' into the distribution database.9Activated articles for publication '%1' at the publisher.2Backed up publisher database for publication '%1'.8Retrieved LastLsn from dump header for publication '%1'.?Invalid LastLsn returned from dump header for publication '%1'.Warning: Unable to create default snapshot folder. Attempting to generate snapshot files in Publication's alternate snapshot folder only.Warning: Unable to create the Publication's alternate snapshot folder. Attempting to create snapshot files in default folder only.7Could not copy %1 to the Publication's snapshot folder.8%1 is an invalid path for a pre-snapshot command script.9%1 is an invalid path for a post-snapshot command script.@Could not copy script file %1 to the snapshot generation folder.PA:%1 is an invalid path for a custom schema creation script.RInserted trigger creation command for article '%1' into the distribution database.UInserted constraint creation command for article '%1' into the distribution database.%Processing system pre-snapshot script^Inserted extended properties creation command for article '%1' into the distribution database.4Generating extended property script for article '%1'aThe publisher login of the snapshot agent must be a member of the sysadmin role or db_owner role.]The process could not retrieve information about the transactional/snapshot publication '%1'.wThe publication's alternate snapshot generation folder cannot be the same as the publisher's default working directory.BCould not retrieve expected result set when executing command: %1.8Dynamic snapshot is supported by merge replication only.cA dynamic snapshot can only be generated after a regular snapshot for the publication is available.VTo generate a dynamic snapshot, the publication must be enabled for dynamic filtering.QGeneration of dynamic snapshots is supported only by SQL Server 2000+ Publishers.The regular snapshot for this publication has become obsolete or expired. The regular snapshot needs to be regenerated before the dynamic snapshot.LThe process could not retrieve information about the merge publication '%1'.{Inserted stored proc to disable constraint/triggers article '%1' during concurrent snapshot into the distribution database.~The snapshot agent encountered a critical error when it tried to determine whether there are any unsynchronized subscriptions.The amount of compressed data exceeded the system limit of %1!d! bytes, retry the operation again with a smaller data set if possible.-A dynamic snapshot will be generated at '%1'.*Using the login '%1' for dynamic filtering-Using the hostname '%1' for dynamic filteringThe number of concurrent dynamic snapshot sessions has exceeded the specified limit of %1!d!, processing of this snapshot will be suspended until other sessions have completed.UA timeout has occurred while waiting for other dynamic snapshot sessions to complete.0Bulk copying snapshot data for system table '%1'0Bulk copied snapshot data for system table '%1'.pThe snapshot agent will use the setuser function to impersonate the user '%1' while generating dynamic snapshot.The Snapshot Agent failed to determine the partition to which a parameterized snapshot belongs. Verify that the correct parameterized expression is being used for defining partitions. OA failure occurred when the Merge Agent attempted to validate the partitioning function used to generate the partitioned snapshot for a publication with parameterized row filters. Verify that the partitioning function in sysmergepublication.validate_subscriber_info is correct and refresh the partitioned snapshot for this Subscriber. PCould not reset the file attributes of the copied user-defined script file '%1'.#Getting the subscriber partition id7Clearing all partitioned snapshot location information.:Recording the dynamic snapshot location in internal tables0Setting up the publication for filtered articlesThe partitioned snapshot could not be generated because the agent failed to obtain a required application lock. If the snapshot job for this partition is already running, restart the partitioned snapshot job after the currently running job has completed. SThe snapshot could not be generated because a required application lock could not be obtained. This lock is needed to ensure changes to the publication do not occur while the snapshot is being generated. If such a change is being made to the publication or published database, restart the Snapshot Agent when these changes have completed. BThe Snapshot Agent failed to determine how much data to include in the initial snapshot. A failure may have occurred in an internal replication stored procedure (sp_MSgetmaxbcpgen). Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail, and restart the synchronization. 4The process could not retrieve the Distributor name.>The process could not retrieve the distribution database name.7The process could not retrieve the working folder path.UThe process failed because SQL Server Agent on the Distributor uses a system account. sqlrepl.hlp'The exchange type specified is invalid.The merge process could not allocate memory for an operation; your system may be running low on virtual memory. Restart the Merge Agent.Unable to retrieve subscription information for the '%1' from the '%2'. The subscription to publication '%3' is invalid or has not been setup correctly.GThe merge process could not clean up the subscription to '%1':'%2:'%3'.YThe process could not initialize '%1'. Verify that the component is registered correctly.bThe merge process could not connect to the %1 '%2:%3'. Check to ensure that the server is running. Merge Process Microsoft SQL Server Merge Agent Publication '%1' does not exist.vPublication '%1' is inactive. To activate this publication, start the Snapshot Agent to generate the initial snapshot. Publisher SubscriberThe specified subscription type is invalid. Verify that the -SubscriptionType parameter for the Merge Agent has been correctly specified. DistributorMerge Replication Provider"Retrieving publication information$Retrieving subscription information.*Downloading data changes to the SubscribereUploaded %1!d! data change(s) (%2!d! insert(s), %3!d! update(s), %4!d! delete(s), %5!d! conflict(s)).gDownloaded %1!d! data change(s) (%2!d! insert(s), %3!d! update(s), %4!d! delete(s), %5!d! conflict(s)).PA'Applying the snapshot to the SubscriberNo data needed to be merged.#The subscription to publication '%1' could not be verified. Ensure that all Merge Agent command line parameters are specified correctly and that the subscription is correctly configured. If the Publisher no longer has information about this subscription, drop and recreate the subscription. Custom ResolverfThe same row was updated at both '%1' and '%2'. The resolver chose the update from '%3' as the winner.bThe same row was updated at '%1' and deleted at '%2'. The resolver chose the delete as the winner.|The same column(s) of the same row was updated at both '%1' and '%2'. The resolver chose the update from '%3' as the winner.'Uploading data changes to the PublisherThe Merge Agent failed to retrieve article information for publication '%1'. Increase the -QueryTimeOut parameter and restart the synchronization. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. The merge process could not retrieve column information for table '%1.%2'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.Unable to retry the command. The merge process could not add retry information at the Publisher on tempdb. This may be due to too much activity on tempdb. Restart the synchronization when activity on tempdb has decreased.The Merge Agent failed to enumerate retry information. This can occur when there is too much activity on the tempdb system database. Increase the -QueryTimeOut parameter and restart the synchronization. The merge process could not delete retry information at the Publisher on tempdb. This may be due to too much activity on tempdb. Restart the synchronization when activity on tempdb has decreased.The Merge Agent failed to update retry information. This can occur when there is too much activity on the tempdb system database. Increase the -QueryTimeOut parameter and restart the synchronization. The Merge Agent failed to drop the table used to store retry information. This can occur when there is too much activity on the tempdb system database. Increase the -QueryTimeOut parameter and restart the synchronization. The merge process could not initialize the subscription. Ensure that the subscription registration exists at the publisher, and reregister the subscription if necessary.=The merge process could not update the list of subscriptions.?The merge process could not retrieve the list of subscriptions.The merge process could not retrieve the last generation received from the Publisher. If this failure persists, reinitialize the subscription.The merge process could not update the last generation received from the Publisher. If this failure persists, reinitialize the subscription.The merge process could not query the last generation received from the Publisher. If this failure persists, reinitialize the subscription.The merge process could not update the last sent generation sent to the Publisher. If this failure persists, reinitialize the subscription.The merge process could not retrieve generation information at the '%1'. If this failure persists, reinitialize the subscription.The merge process was unable to verify the existence of a generation at the '%1'. If this failure persists, reinitialize the subscription.The merge process could not retrieve schema information from the Publisher. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail, and verify that replication components are correctly installed. 1The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process could not enumerate deletions at the '%1'. Troubleshoot by restarting the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process could not enumerate changes at the '%1'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process was unable to access metadata at the '%1' that was needed to retry an operation. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process could not access row data at the '%1'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to write to, or run the SQL Profiler utility to identify the source of the failure.The merge process was unable to access row metadata at the '%1'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to write to, or use SQL Profiler to determine the source of the failure. PAThe merge process was unable to change generation history at the '%1'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process was unable to create a new generation at the '%1'. Troubleshoot by restarting the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.7The process could not deliver dummy update at the '%1'.The merge process could not store conflict information for article '%1'. Check the publication properties to determine where conflicts records are stored. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process could not store delete conflict information for an article. Check the publication properties to determine where conflicts records are stored. Troubleshoot by restarting the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process could not replicate one or more INSERT statements to the '%1'. A stored procedure failed to execute. Troubleshoot by using SQL Profiler.The merge process could not replicate one or more UPDATE statements to the '%1' because a stored procedure failed to execute. Troubleshoot by using SQL Profiler.The merge agent was unable to replicate one or more deletes to the '%1'. When troubleshooting, look for errors executing a delete stored procedure. Delete stored procedures are enumerated in the delete_proc column of the sysmergearticles system table.|Merge completed after processing %1!d! data change(s) (%2!d! insert(s), %3!d! update(s), %4!d! delete(s), %5!d! conflict(s))4The process could not increment the lineage version.The initial snapshot for publication '%1' is not yet available. Start the Snapshot Agent to generate the snapshot for this publication. If this snapshot is currently being generated, wait for the process to complete and restart the synchronization.vThe merge process failed to retrieve column data type information from the server. Troubleshoot by using SQL Profiler.The Merge Agent failed to apply replication metadata. When troubleshooting, increase the -OutputVerboseLevel setting and restart the agent, or check for and resolve other errors generated by the database engine. bThe same row was updated at '%1' and deleted at '%2'. The resolver chose the update as the winner.mA row insert at '%1' could not be propagated to '%2'. This failure can be caused by a constraint violation. lA row update at '%1' could not be propagated to '%2'. This failure can be caused by a constraint violation. PAlA row delete at '%1' could not be propagated to '%2'. This failure can be caused by a constraint violation. *No new articles found in publication '%1'.:The merge process could not copy the subscription to '%1'.IThe merge process could not set the status of the subscription correctly.lThe publication '%1' does not allow the subscription to synchronize to an alternate synchronization partner.TThe merge process could not retrieve the list of alternate synchronization partners.The merge process could not register an alternate synchronization partner. Troubleshoot by restarting the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The subscription has expired. Mark the subscription for reinitialization and restart the Merge Agent to reinitialize the subscription.4Article '%1' passed data validation (rowcount only).<Article '%1' passed data validation (rowcount and checksum).4Article '%1' failed data validation (rowcount only).<Article '%1' failed data validation (rowcount and checksum).This is an anonymous subscription, but the publication does not support this subscription type. Enable support for anonymous subscriptions for this publication and restart the synchronization.This is a pull subscription, but the publication does not support this subscription type. Enable support for pull subscriptions and restart the synchronization.The process was cancelled.xThe version of SQL Server running at the %1(%2) is not compatible with the version of SQL Server running at the %3(%4). PAPThe instance of SQL Server running at the Publisher must use per seat licensing.QThe instance of SQL Server running at the Subscriber must use per seat licensing.RThe instance of SQL Server running at the Distributor must use per seat licensing./Enumerating inserts and updates in article '%1'Processing deletions from %1+Retrieving the list of data changes from %1*Retrieving the list of generations from %1Validating article '%1'The subscription could not be initialized using an initial snapshot because one or more tables in the subscription belong to another publication, and therefore cannot be dropped. Consider initializing the subscription manually without using a snapshot.eThe Stored Procedure Resolver encountered the following error executing the stored procedure '%1'. %2The Stored Procedure Resolver requires the stored procedure '%1' to return a result set that matches the column definition of the base table [%2].[%3].The Stored Procedure Resolver requires the stored procedure '%1' to return a result set whose row identifier matches the row identifier passed in to the resolver.The Stored Procedure Resolver requires a non-null procedure name. Use sp_changemergearticle to set the resolver_info correctly.iThe license for this installation of SQL Server does not permit Log Reader Agent to run at the Publisher.kThe license for this installation of SQL Server does not permit Log Reader Agent to run at the Distributor.Failed Command{Applied the snapshot and merged %1!d! data change(s) (%2!d! insert(s), %3!d! update(s), %4!d! delete(s), %5!d! conflict(s))'Applied the snapshot to the Subscriber.wThe replication agent process failed to obtain license information from one of the servers in the replication topology.VThe column information specified for the '%1' resolver is either missing or incorrect.AThe specified conflict resolution column '%1' could not be found.aThe '%1' resolver failed to merge changes on the article that tracks changes at the column level.dThe '%1' resolver only resolves update conflicts on articles that track changes at the column level.kThe Merge Replication Provider for this Subscriber does not support subscription administration operations.gThe Merge Replication Provider for this Subscriber does not support decentralized logging of conflicts.\The Merge Replication Provider for this Subscriber does not support subscription validation.[Could not determine the threading model of the Custom Resolver Component from the registry.kCould not determine the validation type supported by the %1. // %1 would get either Subscriber or Publisher`The specified validation type is not supported by the %1. The supported validation type is '%2'.Rowcount only (No Checksum)Rowcount and ChecksumNonePALThe merge process could not retrieve identity range resource for table '%1'.The merge process failed when obtaining a new identity range for the subscriber, or failed to determine if the subscriber needs a new identity range. Restart the synchronization to obtain the new identity range. JThe merge process could not adjust identity range resource for table '%1'.Replication Error Collection8The merge process encountered an operating system error.HThe merge process could not cleanup conflict table for publication '%1'.mThe process failed to get information about the Custom Resolver Component for article '%1' from the registry.WThe Custom Resolver Component for article '%1' does not have a valid digital signature.The merge process failed to get correct information about the Interactive Resolver component from the registry. Verify that the registry exists and that the path is correct.KThe Interactive Resolver Component does not have a valid digital signature.DYou must rerun snapshot because current snapshot files are obsolete.VThe merge process could not evaluate the subscriber information validation expression.QThe merge process could not store the subscriber partition validation expression.TThe merge process could not evaluate the subscriber partition validation expression.The merge process could not remove the registration for an alternate synchronization partner. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.Another instance of the Snapshot Agent for this publication is already running. Restart the Snapshot Agent after the running Snapshot Agent job has completed.PALThe SQL Server version of the Publisher server needs to be upgraded to '%1'.NThe SQL Server version of the Distributor server needs to be upgraded to '%1'._The custom resolver for this article requires OLEAUT32.DLL with a minimum version of 2.40.4276.$Microsoft SQL Server Binary ChecksumThe Merge Agent was unable to obtain a required lock on the table article '%1' needed to perform data validation. Restart the agent to validate the subscription when concurrency levels on the database have decreased. [The merge process was unable to release locks on articles after performing data validation.The merge process was unable to perform data validation on article '%1'. Check for SQL Server errors in the Windows application event log or retry at a later time.The Merge Agent was unable to mark the subscription as validated. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail, and very that the subscription registration exists at both the Subscriber and Publisher. To perform data validation, the exchange type for the synchronization must allow both upload and download phases. Restart the Merge Agent with -ExchangeType=3. mThe checksum function used by the merge process to perform data validation on article '%1' returned an invalid checksum value. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing the checksum operation to fail. LThe merge process was unable to reinitialize the subscription '%1':'%2:'%3'.FThe merge process was unable to add the subscription to '%1':'%2:'%3'.MThe merge process was unable to add the pull subscription from '%1':'%2:'%3'.GThe merge process was unable to drop the subscription to '%1':'%2:'%3'.NThe merge process was unable to drop the pull subscription from '%1':'%2:'%3'.7The merge process was unable to drop the database '%1'.PA0The subscription was successfully reinitialized.PThe datatype of the column used for resolution is not supported by this resolverThe merge process detected a mismatch while evaluating the subscriber partition validation expression. The problem can be resolved by reinitializing the subscription.The schema at the Publisher (version: %2!d! and guid: '%1') does not match the schema at the Subscriber (version: %4!d! and guid: '%3'). This can occur after the Publisher has been restored from a backup. In this case, recreate the initial snapshot and reinitialize all subscriptions. MThe SQL Server version of the Subscriber server needs to be upgraded to '%1'.UThe OLE DB provider specified for the subscriber does not support command parameters.^The Merge Replication Provider for this Subscriber does not support identity range management.Recent changes to the conflict resolution rules for this publication were propagated to the subscription at database '%1', server '%2'. ;A column was added to or dropped from the replicated table.@The subscription at database '%1', server '%2' was reinitializedoThe subscription at database '%1', server '%2' was reinitialized after uploading changes made at the subscriber(The '%1' failed to resolve the conflict.NOnly anonymous subscriptions are supported for message based merge processing.?An arithmetic overflow error occurred while resolving the column values. This error can occur when using the Microsoft SQL Server Additive Conflict Resolver or the Microsoft SQL Server Averaging Conflict Resolver. Ensure that these resolvers are appropriate for the type of conflicts that may occur in your article(s). mThe merge process could not check the existence of the subscription to the alternate synchronization partner.xThe Merge Replication Provider for this Subscriber does not support synchronizing to alternate synchronization partners.PAThe snapshot for this publication has become obsolete. The snapshot agent needs to be run again before the subscription can be synchronized.zThe process could not load the Merge Replication Provider for '%1'. Check to see if the component is registered correctly.The pull subscription to publication '%1' has not been configured correctly. Create an entry for this subscription at the Publisher and retry this operation.=The process failed to clear network statistics at the server.=The process failed to get network statistics from the server.)Applied schema changes to the Subscriber.}Applied schema changes and merged %1!d! data change(s) (%2!d! insert(s), %3!d! update(s), %4!d! delete(s), %5!d! conflict(s))fCannot apply dynamic snapshot if the publication being subscribed is not enabled for dynamic filteringIThe merge process could not query the last sent and received generations. The version of SQL Server running at the Subscriber is incompatible with the publication. Either upgrade the Subscriber to '%1' or change the publication compatibility level of the publication to match the version of SQL Server currently running at the Subscriber. hUnable to synchronize the row because the row was updated by a different process outside of replication.4The merge process was unable to synchronize the row.@Unable to synchronize the row because of inadequate permissions. The Merge Agent was unable to synchronize the row due to one or more unanticipated errors in the batch of changes. When troubleshooting, increase the -OutputVerboseLevel setting, restart the agent, and check for and resolve any errors generated by the database engine. pThe option to synchronize to an alternate Publisher is not supported with the current version of the Subscriber.The merge process failed to enumerate changes in articles with parameterized row filters. If this failure continues, increase the query timeout for this process, reduce the retention period for the publication, and improve indexes on published tables.PApThe publication at '%1' in database '%2' at Publisher '%3' is not designated as a valid synchronization partner.An error was encountered while attempting to drop a column from the replicated table since the provider for this Subscriber does not support dropping columns. You can reinitialize the subscription and rerun the snapshot agent.An error was encountered while attempting to add a column to the replicated table since the provider for this Subscriber does not support dropping columns. You can reinitialize the subscription and rerun the snapshot agent.AThe schema script '%1' could not be propagated to the subscriber.An error or conflict occurred while committing multiple changes at the Subscriber. The Merge Agent is retrying the failed batch one row at a time to isolate the row(s) with error or conflict.The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent. TThe process could not retrieve the last updated time for the specified subscription.@The schema definition of the destination table '%1'.'%2' in the subscription database does not match the schema definition of the source table in the publication database. Reinitialize the subscription without a snapshot after ensuring that the schema definition of the destination table is the same as the source table.The Merge Agent could not apply a batch of changes at the '%1' using Web synchronization. Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the Merge Agent has sufficient permissions on the directory used for Web synchronization. You cannot initial or reinitialize a subscription using an exchange type of upload-only. Restart the Merge Agent using the default (bidirectional) exchange type. 2The Merge Agent failed to retrieve Publisher properties. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions at the Publisher that may be causing property queries to fail. AThe Merge Agent failed to retrieve the Publisher's location identifier. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions at the Publisher that may be causing property queries to fail. >The Merge Agent failed to retrieve the Publisher's comparison style. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions at the Publisher that may be causing property queries to fail. GAll articles in the publication passed data validation (rowcount only).OAll articles in the publication passed data validation (rowcount and checksum).Running the Merge Agent process at this time would exceed the maximum number of processes allowed by this publication. The process will run when resources become available. BThe merge process could not acquire application locks successfullyBThe merge process could not release application locks successfullyThis publication limits the number of merge processes that can execute concurrently. This process timed out while waiting for resources to become available. Retry the operation later. The merge process failed to execute a query because the query timed out. If this failure continues, increase the query timeout for the process. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.`This merge process will run next, after one of the currently running merge processes terminates.message file from Publishermessage file from SubscriberAll articles in the publication have been marked for data validation (rowcount-only). The validation will be performed when the validation command is applied at the Subscriber by the Merge Agent. Check the MSmerge_history table in the subscription database for validation status.All articles in the publication have been marked for data validation (rowcount and checksum). The validation will be performed when the validation command is applied at the Subscriber by the Merge Agent. Check the MSmerge_history table in the subscription database for validation status.EThe merge process timed out while making a connection. Increase the login timeout for this process (-LoginTimeOut). When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging (-HistoryVerboseLevel = 3 and -OutputVerboseLevel = 2), and specify an output file (-Output = output_file_name) to which to write.lThe merge process encountered an unexpected network error. The connection to %1 '%2' is no longer available.NThe merge process could not fix lineages in MSmerge_contents of database '%1'.The Merge Agent process could not write Web synchronization metadata in the message header. Verify that there is sufficient disk space in the Web synchronization directory. <The merge process is cleaning up meta data in database '%1'.GThe merge process could not perform retention-based metadata cleanup in database '%1'. If this failure continues, try increasing the query timeout for this process, or try reducing the retention period. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.The merge process cleaned up %1!d! row(s) in MSmerge_genhistory, %2!d! row(s) in MSmerge_contents, and %3!d! row(s) in MSmerge_tombstone.PAThe Merge Agent was unable to connect to the Publisher using SQL Server Authentication. Ensure that the Publisher login used by the subscription is valid and that the agent has permissions to retrieve login information from replication system tables. hThe replication Merge Agent failed to change metadata on one or more database objects at the Subscriber when applying the initial snapshot. When troubleshooting, restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Resolve any conditions that may be preventing changes to object metadata at the Subscriber. GThe replication Merge Agent failed to propagate a Publisher schema change to the Subscriber. When troubleshooting, restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. bThe merge process failed while updating the generation values in the internal before-image tables.Validating dynamic snapshotfThe Subscriber partition information string may be truncated such that only the first %1!d! characters of the string will be compared against the partitioned snapshot validation token. This can cause problems when validating the partition. When possible, allow replication to automatically determine the validate_subscriber_info property for the publication.The partitioned snapshot token for this subscription is invalid and validation of the partitioned snapshot will be skipped. Rerun the partitioned snapshot for this subscription to regenerate the token. Partitioned snapshot validation failed for this Subscriber. The snapshot validation token stored in the specified partitioned snapshot location does not match the value '%1' used by the Merge Agent when evaluating the parameterized filter function. If specifying the location of the partitioned snapshot (using -DynamicSnapshotLocation), you must ensure that the snapshot files in that directory belong to the correct partition or allow the Merge Agent to automatically detect the location.SThe replication Merge Agent failed to retrieve subscription partitioning information from the Publisher. When troubleshooting, restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. lThe merge process failed while updating the partition id mapping tables after applying the initial snapshot.EThe Merge Agent failed while registering the publication id in the snapshot progress table. When troubleshooting, restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail.The partitioned snapshot available for this Subscriber is outdated. To initialize this Subscriber, you must generate a new partitioned snapshot or enable the Merge Agent to automatically detect and apply the initial snapshot. The validation token for this partitioned snapshot may be corrupt. You must generate a new partitioned snapshot before initializing this subscription or allow the Merge Agent to automatically detect and apply the initial snapshot. Timestamp validation will be skipped because the timestamp in the partitioned snapshot validation token is invalid. Rerun the partitioned snapshot for this subscription to regenerate the token. xThe Merge Agent failed to retrieve information about received generations for server subscriptions from the '%1' database. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail.TThe Merge Agent failed to update received generation information in the '%1' database. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail.SThe Merge Agent failed to update replication state information in the '%1' database. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. VThe Merge Agent failed to retrieve replication state information from the '%1' database. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail.BThe upload message to be sent to Publisher '%1' is being generatedThe changes contained in the message downloaded from Publisher '%1' will be applied after having collected and displayed the upload statistics.3The request message from file '%1' was sent to '%2'OThe response message was received from '%2' and is being processed as file '%1'The Merge Agent could not retrieve version information from the Publisher. When troubleshooting, ensure that the Publisher server returns a valid version information string. SQL Server Replication ListenerPAwThe syntax of the URL ('%1') specified for Web synchronization is invalid. Correct the URL and restart synchronization.Request message processing failed during Web synchronization. When troubleshooting, restart the Merge Agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check both Merge Agent and Web synchronization output log files for errors. The Merge Agent could not connect to the URL '%1' during Web synchronization. Please verify that the URL, Internet login credentials and proxy server settings are correct and that the Web server is reachable. )The Merge Agent failed to add an application header to a message during Web synchronization. When troubleshooting, restart the Merge Agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and the output log files for errors, and correct any system memory issues before restarting the synchronization. The Merge Agent failed to generate a request message during Web synchronization. When troubleshooting, restart the Merge Agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and the output log files for other server-related errors. !No more data needed to be merged.@The upload message sent from Subscriber '%1' is being processed.EThe download message to be sent to Subscriber '%1' is being processed.The processing of the response message failed.oThe merge process could not enumerate changes in a logical record with top-level parent article '%1' at the %2.mThe merge process failed while creating internal views to track changes in logical records at the Subscriber.fThe publication '%1' contains logical record relationships which are not supported by this Subscriber.{A dynamic snapshot is required because the publication '%1' contains both dynamic filters and logical record relationships.OThe merge process could not dummy update changes in a logical record at the %1.UThe merge process could not retrieve metadata for rows in a logical record at the %1.PAThe following conflicts were detected during the download phase of message processing. These will be resolved during the next upload phase.>The merge process cleaned up %1!d! row(s) in MSmerge_rowtrack.HEnumerating inserts and updates in article '%1' (generation batch %2!d!)"Uploaded %1!d! change(s) in '%2' ($Downloaded %1!d! change(s) in '%2' (Connect to Data SourcesUpload Data ChangesDownload Data ChangesCleanup MetadataShutDownREnumerating changes in filtered articles using Subscriber's assigned partition ID./Merge completed with no data changes processed._The merge process could not query database '%1' whether or not lightweight replication is used.~The changes that were uploaded to the Publisher are being discarded since the Subscriber has been marked for reinitialization.Not ApplicableNULLApply Schema ChangesWarning messagesRecord Merge SummaryDownload Snapshot Data0Beginning evaluating partial replication filters$Evaluate Partial Replication Filters %1!d! inserts %1!d! updates %1!d! deletes%1!d! conflicts%1!d! retried rows): %1!d! totalPThe Merge Agent failed to retrieve information for resolver '%1' with CLSID '%2'. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. $The request message was sent to '%1'CThe response message was received from '%1' and is being processed.lThe Merge Agent failed to determine the location of the partitioned snapshot generated for this subscription. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. The Merge Agent was unable to start the SQL Server Agent job to generate the partitioned snapshot for this subscription. Verify that the SQL Server Agent service is running at the Distributor.The Merge Agent failed when initializing the Snapshot Agent to create the snapshot. When troubleshooting, check the Snapshot Agent output log file at the Distributor for errors. The Merge Agent was unable to generate a partitioned snapshot for this subscription; either the Snapshot Agent failed to run or the location for the partitioned snapshot could not be accessed. The subscription will be initialized using a standard snapshot.GThe process could not write the response message due to OS error %1!d!.QChecking to see if there is a partitioned snapshot available for this Subscriber.ZCreating the partitioned snapshot, since it was not already available for this Subscriber.ZThe Merge Agent successfully created the partitioned snapshot for this Subscriber at '%1'./Finished evaluating partial replication filters!A DDL change has been replicated.<The downloaded message from Publisher '%1' is being applied.LThe download request message to be sent to Publisher '%1' is being generatedaThe message '%1' that needs to be applied at Publisher '%2' has been generated at the Subscriber.aThe message '%1' that needs to be applied at Subscriber '%2' has been generated at the Publisher.RThe message '%1' generated from Subscriber '%2' is being applied to the Publisher.RThe message '%1' generated from Publisher '%2' has been applied to the Subscriber.The expected starting point for synchronization at '%1' is invalid. This can occur when the publication or subscription database has been restored from a backup or when the replication metadata needed for synchronization is no longer available. You must reinitialize the subscription. The Merge Agent failed to locate the partitioned snapshot for this subscription in the expected location. If the publication does not support Subscriber-requested snapshot generation, ensure that the partitioned snapshot for this subscription has been generated. mSkipping the validation for article '%1' since it uses custom resolution and the data could be non-convergent4Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport]The merge process encountered the following error executing the method '%1' in class '%2'. %3iWarning - The client and server codepages do not match. Some ANSI character mappings may not be possible.An error occurred while reading the .bcp data file for the '%1' article. If the .bcp file is corrupt, you must regenerate the snapshot before initializing the Subscriber. An error occurred while the Merge Agent was reading a .bcp snapshot data file. This can occur when there is insufficient system memory. Resolve any resource issues and reinitialize the subscription. ;Per article report of partial replication filter evaluation;Waiting %1!d! second(s) before polling for further changes.8The publication '%1' does not allow web synchronization.The conflict resolver chose to delete this row at '%1' due to a conflict in the logical record between '%1' and '%2' in which '%2' was chosen as the winner.The conflict resolver chose to update or insert this row at '%1' with the data from '%2' due to a conflict in the logical record between '%1' and '%2' in which '%2' was chosen as the winner.The change for the row with article nickname %1!d! (%2), rowguidcol {%3} could not be applied at the destination. Further information about the failure reason can be found in the conflict logging tables.9The replica could not enumerate metadata action requests.TThe merge process could not retrieve the case-sensitivity of the Publisher Database.RThe merge process could not retrieve the case-sensitivity of the Publisher Server.PA/Web synchronization progress: %1!d!%% complete.8Performing another Web synchronization to validate data.QThe Merge Agent failed to create a partitioned snapshot job for this subscription. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. >A partitioned snapshot is being generated for this Subscriber.Can not find publication '%1' on the subscriber. If this is a push subscription then attempt to synchronize using web-sync will fail.?The merge process will restart after waiting %1!d! second(s)...CThe Merge Agent failed to determine if the subscription has expired. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. YThe merge process was unable to update last synchronization information at the Publisher.[The merge process retried a total of %1!d! rows out of which %2!d! passed and %3!d! failed.QThe merge process is using Exchange ID '%1' for this web synchronization session.WThe Merge Agent failed to obtain a new set of identity ranges for the Subscriber. When troubleshooting, restart the Merge Agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log files for other server-related errors. Resolve any server-related errors before restarting the synchronization, or reinitialize the subscription.TThe Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation. If a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges, synchronize the republishing Subscriber to obtain more identity ranges before restarting the synchronization. If a Publisher runs out of identity ranges, verify that the size of the data type supports the needed identity ranges. File '%1' already exists. If this error occurs, locate this file in the Web synchronization directory, delete the file, and restart Web synchronization. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the HandledChangeStates property implemented in the business logic handler '%1'. Ensure that the overridden HandledChangeStates property has been properly implemented in the business logic handler. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the Initialize method implemented in the business logic handler '%1'. Ensure that the overridden Initialize method has been properly implemented in the business logic handler. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the PhaseBegin method implemented in the business logic handler '%1'. Ensure that the overridden PhaseBegin method has been properly implemented in the business logic handler. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the '%2' method implemented in the business logic handler '%1'. Ensure that the overridden '%2' method has been properly implemented in the business logic handler. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the CommitHandler method implemented in the business logic handler '%1'. Ensure that the overridden CommitHandler method has been properly implemented in the business logic handler. An expected custom DataSet object was not supplied in the overridden '%1' method implemented in the business logic handler. Verify that the DataSet object is initialized properly in the '%1' method. The schema of the custom DataSet object implemented in the business logic handler does not match the schema of the source DataSet object. Verify that the custom DataSet object has been correctly defined. A failure occurred validating the table defined by the custom DataSet object supplied by the business logic handler. Verify that the custom DataSet object in the '%1' method defines only one table. A failure occurred validating columns in the custom DataSet object supplied by the business logic handler. Verify that the custom DataSet object in the '%1' method contains the correct number of columns. A failure occurred validating the row in the custom DataSet object supplied by the business logic handler. Verify that the custom DataSet object in the '%1' method contains only one row. pThe publication must support Subscriber-requested partitioned snapshot generation because one or more articles use subscription-based or partition-based filtering. Change the publication options to enable Subscriber-requested snapshot generation. This can be done by executing sp_changemergepublication 'publication_name', 'allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot', 'true'The Merge Agent failed to upgrade triggers, metadata and stored procedures on the Subscriber to versions compatible with SQL Server 2008. Restart synchronization, and if this failure continues to occur reinitialize the subscription. The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Publisher for changes not yet sent to the Subscriber. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload). The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Subscriber for changes not yet sent to the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload).#Enumerating deletes in all articles<Enumerating deletes in all articles (generation batch %1!d!)Article Upload Statistics:Article Download Statistics:Inserts: %1!d!Updates: %1!d!Deletes: %1!d!Conflicts: %1!d!Rows Retried: %1!d!Relative Cost:Session Statistics:Upload Inserts: %1!d!Upload Updates: %1!d!Upload Deletes: %1!d!Upload Conflicts: %1!d!Upload Rows Retried: %1!d!PADownload Inserts: %1!d!Download Updates: %1!d!Download Deletes: %1!d!Download Conflicts: %1!d!Download Rows Retried: %1!d!!Total Session Duration: %1!d! secDelivery Rate:Schema Changes: %1!d!+Replication metadata rows cleaned up: %1!d!EThe process could not read the request message due to OS error %1!d!.Downloaded snapshot file '%1'.#Downloaded a total of %1!d! chunks.!Uploaded a total of %1!d! chunks.The request that was sent to the IIS server was greater than 4 GB, which is not supported. Try using a smaller value for the 'UploadGenerationsPerBatch' parameter.[%1!d!%%] [%2!d! sec remaining] %1!d! insert %1!d! update %1!d! delete%1!d! conflict%1!d! retried row): %1!d! totalDeadlocks encountered: %1!d!uploaddownloadrows/secThe Merge Agent could not reinitialize all subscriptions to a republishing Subscriber. When troubleshooting, restart the Merge Agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log files for other server-related errors. nThe Merge Agent received the following error status and message from the Internet Information Services (IIS) server during Web synchronization: [%1!d! :'%2']. When troubleshooting, ensure that the Web synchronization settings for the subscription are correct, and increase the internet timeout setting at the Subscriber and the connection timeout at the Web server. :Request message generated, now making it ready for upload.4The Merge Agent failed because the schema of the article at the Publisher does not match the schema of the article at the Subscriber. This can occur when there are pending DDL changes waiting to be applied at the Subscriber. Restart the Merge Agent to apply the DDL changes and synchronize the subscription. UThe merge process is retrying a failed operation made to article '%1' - Reason: '%2'.CThe merge process propagated %1!d! DDL change(s) to the Subscriber.PASThe Merge Agent failed to insert a batch of rows because of the following error: %1. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail. RThe Merge Agent failed to delete a batch of rows because of the following error: %1. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail.RThe Merge Agent failed to update a batch of rows because of the following error: %1. When troubleshooting, use SQL Profiler or restart the agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log file for errors. Correct any database engine conditions that may be causing internal replication stored procedures to fail.9Retrieved last sent generation at the %1 with value %2!d!7Set last received generation at the %1 with value %2!d!=Retrieved last received generation at the %1 with value %2!d!3Set last sent generation at the %1 with value %2!d!+Data validation failed for one or more articles. When troubleshooting, check the output log files for any errors that may be preventing data from being synchronized properly. Note that when error compensation or delete tracking functionalities are disabled for an article, non-convergence can occur.#Upload request size is %1!d! bytes.%Download request size is %1!d! bytes.The publication '%1' contains logical record relationships. Logical records are not supported when using Web synchronization or when there are SQL Server Compact Edition Subscribers. The Merge Agent failed to add or update the subscription entry in the distribution database. When troubleshooting, restart the Merge Agent with a higher value for -HistoryVerboseLevel and check the output log files for other server-related errors. The Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) returned error code %1!d!. Unable to find a message in WinHTTP module corresponding to this error code.6There is insufficient system memory to run this query.The requested type of validation is not supported when replicating between '%1' %2 and '%3' %4. Change to a supported type of validation and restart the Merge Agent. An error occurred while attempting to access the Subscriber Replication Component (replsub.dll). Ensure that the component (CLSID {3BE4278A-8DD5-447b-AB2E-DD49C2576F65}) is installed correctly on the system.PAThe Merge Agent failed to retrieve the snapshot schema script file '%1'. Run the Snapshot Agent to regenerate the snapshot files for this publication. If delivering the snapshot using FTP, ensure that the account under which the agent runs has access to the FTP directory. Bulk Inserts: %1!d!Change Delivery Time: %1!d! sec-Schema Change and Bulk Insert Time: %1!d! secThis publication differs from the publication to which the subscription was initially created. The original publication may have been deleted and replaced with a new publication with the same name. At the subscriber, delete the subscription and recreate it for the new publication. NThe process failed to read the monitoring data from the distribution database.Web synchronization is not supported for push subscriptions; you must use a direct connection to the Distributor. To synchronize a subscription over an HTTPS connection, you must create a pull subscription. nWeb synchronization is not supported for alternate synchronization partners; you must use a direct connection.^To use Web synchronization, you must enable SSL connections at the Web server at the URL '%1'.The reconciler process was stopped because the Subscriber that initiated the synchronization is no longer connected. If this failure continues, restart the Merge Agent with higher value for -InternetTimeout. The Merge Agent was unable to determine if another subscription exists for the same partition. Restart the synchronization, and if this error continues, reinitialize the subscription.6One or more articles in the publication are configured to have non-overlapping partitions that are unique for each subscription, and there is already another subscription with the same partition. Drop any unused subscription registrations for this partition or change the partitioning options for the article. ,Propagated %1!d! schema changes: %2!d! totalThe Merge Agent failed to connect to the Web server or Internet proxy server using authentication mode %1. Ensure that the Merge Agent parameters %2 and %3 were specified correctly. [%1!d!%%]The format of a message during Web synchronization was invalid. Ensure that replication components are properly configured at the Web server. The Merge Agent failed to connect to the Internet proxy server for user '%1' during Web synchronization. Ensure that the proxy server settings are correctly configured in Internet Explorer, or specify the -InternetProxyServer parameter when starting the Merge Agent. The Merge Agent failed to connect to the Internet proxy server for user '%1' during Web synchronization. Ensure that the proxy server settings are correctly configured in Internet Explorer, or specify the -InternetProxyServer parameter when starting the Merge Agent. An invalid message was sent to the Web server during Web synchronization. Ensure that the versions of replication components at the Subscriber and at the Web server are compatible./A failure occurred when accessing '%1' due to an operating system error [%2!d!='%3'] during Web synchronization. Ensure that the -InternetLogin user when using basic authentication and the user running the merge when using Windows integrated authentication has been granted access to the snapshot share.New subscriber identity range was allocated to subscriber for article %1 with values range_begin = %2, range_end = %3, next_range_begin = %4, next_range_end = %5, ranges_allocated = %6!d!.New re-publishing identity range pool was allocated to subscriber for article %1 with values range_begin = %2, range_end = %3, next_range_begin = %4, next_range_end = %5, ranges_allocated = %6!d!.WMerge agent is waiting for the dynamic snapshot running on the distributor to complete.[The merge process failed while creating internal views on table articles at the Subscriber.The publication uses parameterized filtering which has been configured to have only one subscriber per partition. Another subscriber '%1' which belongs to the same partition as this subscriber was dropped at the publisher. The other subscriber must be dropped and recreated if it needs to synchronize to the publication. If both subscribers need to synchronize the parameterized filter on the publication should be reconfigured to have more than one subscriber per partition.4Creating replication stored procedures on table '%1'SQL Server Compact Edition Subscribers cannot sync to publications that have native sync mode. Create the publication with @sync_mode = 'character' if you want SQL Server Compact Edition Subscribers.VYou cannot specify an alternate snapshot folder (-AltSnapshotFolder) or the partitioned snapshot folder name (-DynamicSnapshotLocation) when the publication has one or more articles that use non-overlapping partitions that are unique for each subscription (@partition_options = 3). Restart the Merge Agent without specifying these parameters.The merge process failed because it detected a mismatch between the replication metadata of the two replicas, such that some changes could be lost leading to non-convergence. This could be due to the subscriber not having synchronized within the retention period, or because of one of the replicas being restored to a backup older than retention period, or because of the publisher performing more aggressive cleanup on articles of type download-only and articles with partition_options = 3. SQL Merge Agent encountered an error. Publisher: %1!s! Publisher Database: %2!s! Publication: %3!s! Subscriber: %4!s! Subscriber Database: %5!s! Merge Replication WebSync reconciler failed to synchronize because an invalid internal phase transition from %1!s! to %2!s! was attempted. You need to rerun the merge.(Web Sync Client)(Web Sync Server)7Merge replication no longer supports Jet subscriptions.HMerge Replication failed to update the schema version at the Subscriber.To synchronize a subscription using Web synchronization, both upload and download phases must be enabled. Specify ExchangeType = 3 when running the Merge Agent./Preparation of dynamic snapshot Time: %1!d! secThe schema script '%1' could not be propagated to the subscriber due to an error in creating index. A possible cause of this error is one or more join filters has the join_unique_key property set to 1 when the join may not be unique.]Merge is unable to map the given dynamic snapshot location to a directory under the FTP root.-Subscriber is running in supportability mode.Executing custom script '%1'.%Uploading log file '%1' to publisher.The merge agent encountered an error while initializing the Business Logic resolver. Verify that Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.dll has been added to the GAC.sThe merge agent encountered an error while invoking the Dispose method in the supplied business logic handler '%1'.9The process is waiting for a response from the query '%1'-Unable to decide if MakeGeneration is needed.PAInvalid action type. ,Replication is not installed on the server. VInvalid distribution server version. The Remote Distributor has to be upgraded first. gThere are replicated transactions left in the database '%1'. Run the Log Reader Agent on the database. bThere are undelivered transactions left in the distribution database. Run the Distribution agents.Some subscriptions in the database '%1' are not being activated. Run the Snapshot Agent or update the status of the subscriptions. WThere are undelivered transactions from the database '%1'. Run the Distribution Agents.FInstalling proxies for SQL Server 2000 replication stored procedures. Scripting out replication. Cleaning up replication. &Backing up the distribution database. !Applying the replication script. $Resuming the distribution database. Activating the subscriptions. The replication upgrade task was not able to completely transfer your existing replication configuration settings to SQL Server 2000. Following the completion of upgrade, it is recommended that you use SQL Enterprise Manager to re-establish your replication configuration. The existing replication configuration is incomplete. Please complete the configuration by setting 'creation_script' values for all the articles on the 6.x server before retrying upgrade. PAThe replication settings on SQL Server version 6.0 cannot be upgraded directly to SQL Server 2000. You must first upgrade your installation to SQL Server version 6.5.,The process could not abort the transaction.,The process could not execute fetch on '%1'.)The process could not get data from '%1'.RXact=<%1>, XactSeq=<%2>, CommandId=<%3!d!>: command length could not exceed %4!d!.&The process could not bind parameters.-The process could not commit the transaction.,The process could not start the transaction.Y SQL Log Reader Agent encountered an error. Publisher: %1!s! Publisher Database: %2!s! PA SQL Distribution Agent encountered an error. Publisher: %1!s! Publisher Database: %2!s! Publication: %3!s! Subscriber: %4!s! Subscriber Database: %5!s! ` SQL Queue Reader Agent encountered an error. Distributor: %1!s! Distribution Database: %2!s! PAWThe property '%1' must be set before initializing the SQL Distribution ActiveX Control.NError occurred in SQLBindParameter() when bound to last transaction timestamp.)Bad allocation of SQL Environment handle.4The process could not create CReplConnection Object.-The process could not execute the command : :The process could not change to the distribution database..The process could not get Publisher server ID./The process could not get Subscriber server ID.>The SQL Distribution ActiveX Control could not be initialized.TransactionPerStatusCommitBatchSizeCommitThresholdEThe process could not get last transaction timestamp from Subscriber.FThe process could not get distribution database name from Distributor.:The process could not get publication ID from Distributor.QError occurred while getting the number of undelivered commands from Distributor.UError occurred while getting the number of undelivered transactions from Distributor.)No replicated transactions are available.7The subscription is no longer active or does not exist.UThe subscription will not be activated until the next scheduled publication snapshot.<The SQL Distribution ActiveX Control is already initialized.The SQL Distribution control could not write to the registry. Ensure that the user has sufficient permissions to access the registry.8The SQL Distribution ActiveX Control is not initialized.^The SQL Distribution ActiveX Control should not be initialized when adding a new subscription./Setting the failover mode for the subscription.7The process could not set failover mode to 'immediate'.6The failover mode was successfully set to 'immediate'.PA4The process could not set failover mode to 'queued'.3The failover mode was successfully set to 'queued'.ZThe SQL Distribution ActiveX Control should not be initialized when setting failover mode.)The failover mode specified is not valid.fThe property '%1' must be set before registering the subscription for Windows Synchronization Manager.PublisherRpcLoginPublisherRpcPasswordHostNameSubscriptionUpdateMode DbAddOption DbDropOptionThe properties 'PublisherRpcLogin' and 'PublisherRpcPassword' must be set when 'PublisherRpcSecurityMode' is Standard mode while adding updating pull subscribers.PublisherRpcSecurityModeThe SQL Distribution ActiveX control should not be initialized (using the Initialize method) before calling this method. If the control has already been initialized, call the Terminate method before calling this method.PAPThe property '%1' must be set before initializing the SQL Merge ActiveX Control.5The SQL Merge ActiveX Control is already initialized.The SQLMerge ActiveX control failed with error code 0x%1!x! when attempting to access the registry key '%2'. Ensure that the user has sufficient permissions to access this key. SSQL Server merge replication does not support heterogeneous Subscribers using ODBC.1The SQL Merge ActiveX Control is not initialized."Microsoft SQL Server Merge ControlqThe SQL Merge ActiveX Control should not be initialized when adding a new subscription or copying a subscription.fThe property '%1' must be set before registering the subscription for Windows Synchronization Manager.PAWSQL Server Merge Replication does not support the specified subscriber datasource type.The SQL Merge ActiveX Control does not support pull or anonymous subscriptions to the specified subscriber datasource type in this release. You can create a push subscription to this subscriber using SQL Enterprise Manager.QThe SQL Merge ActiveX Control should not be initialized when calling this method.TThe property '%1' must be set before invoking the ProcessMessagesAtPublisher method.UThe property '%1' must be set before invoking the ProcessMessagesAtSubscriber method.\SQL Merge control failed with error code 0x%1!x! when attempting to register a subscription.^SQL Merge control failed with error code 0x%1!x! when attempting to unregister a subscription."SQL Server Subscription PropertiesPullPushMergeTransactional or SnapshotMicrosoft SQL Server 2000Conflicts occurred while synchronizing the data and were resolved according to defined rules. Do you want to view the conflicts? AnonymousConflicts occurred while synchronizing the data and were resolved according to defined rules. Contact your system administrator if you want to view or change the conflict resolutions.4Multiple publications from '%1:%2' in this database.!Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. 50,200,400 Error MessageSourceNumberThe subscription has expired and is no longer available. Do you want to mark the subscription for reinitialization? Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription.=Are you sure you want to save these settings as your default?<To create a subscription: select this, then click Properties!Locate Subscription Database FileQSubscription Files (*.msf)*.msfDatabase Files (*.mdf)*.mdfAll Files (*.*)*.*msfThe subscription database was successfully attached. The subscription will be visible the next time you run Windows Synchronization Manager. TransactionalSnapshotMergeThe subscription was successfully created. The subscription will be visible the next time you run Windows Synchronization Manager.2Are you sure you want to delete this subscription?This will mark the subscription for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time you run Windows Synchronization Manager. Are you sure you want to mark this subscription for reinitialization?PAQThe subscription file was successfully attached to database '%1' on server '%2'. &Attach SubscriptionSQL Server Subscription FileThe subscription has been marked as removed and will be absent from the list of subscriptions the next time you run Windows Synchronization Manager.The subscription has been marked for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription.Attac&h Subscription As...Microsoft SQL Server 2008PACMicrosoft SQL Server Replication could not complete this operation.LMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the query timeout value to the registry.LMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the login timeout value to the registry.The Replication Conflict Viewer is not registered on '%1', or %9 could not retrieve information about the Viewer from the registry. %2.%9 could not start the Replication Conflict Viewer for server '%2' using the command line '%1'. Be sure that the command line syntax is correct.%'%1' is not a valid path or filename.IMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the last update time to the registry.JThe login timeout value must be at least 0 but not more than 7200 seconds.JThe query timeout value must be at least 0 but not more than 7200 seconds.NThe passwords you entered do not match. Enter the same password in both boxes.You must enter a login.9Microsoft SQL Server could not save the security changes.PAvMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the login or password. The login and password for this item may not be compatible.5There is not enough memory to complete the operation.Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered one or more errors retrieving the list of errors. The list of errors may not be complete..The synchronization was cancelled by the user.Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered the following error while validating the subscription properties for '%1'. You may be able to fix the problem by selecting the item and clicking Properties. %2=Microsoft SQL Server could not save the security changes. %1/You must supply a %1 name before synchronizing.DMicrosoft SQL Server could not attach the subscription database. %1!You must enter a valid file name.You must enter a database name.;Microsoft SQL Server could not create the subscription. %1FMicrosoft SQL Server Replication could not retrieve error information.NMicrosoft SQL Server Replication could not retrieve the local SQL Server name.LMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the synchronization partner information.GMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the publisher name to the registry.PMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the publisher database name to the registry.IMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the publication name to the registry.IMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the distributor name to the registry.#This subscription has been deleted.AMicrosoft SQL Server could not reinitialize the subscription. %1;Microsoft SQL Server could not delete the subscription. %1:Microsoft SQL Server could not save the subscription name.EThe selected publication '%1' does not allow anonymous subscriptions.FMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the failover mode to the registry.2You have selected queued-updating as the update mode for this subscription. This mode is usually used when the server is disconnected from the network, and changes to subscribed data cannot be immediately synchronized with the Publisher. Are you sure you want to change the update mode to queued-updating? You have selected immediate-updating as the update mode for this subscription. All transactions in the queue must be applied at the Publisher before the update mode can be changed. Are you sure you want to change the update mode to immediate-updating? NMicrosoft SQL Server could not set the failover mode for the subscription. %1QMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the conflict resolution mode to the registry.YMicrosoft SQL Server could not set the conflict resolution mode for the subscription. %1 You have chosen to resolve conflicts interactively. For each conflict on articles that allow interactive resolution, you will be prompted to accept the default resolution or specify another resolution. Are you sure you want to change the conflict resolution mode? You have chosen to resolve conflicts automatically. Conflict resolutions can be viewed or changed after the synchronization has completed. Are you sure you want to change the conflict resolution mode? Help topic not found.OThe Web server timeout value must be at least 0 but not more than 7200 seconds.*You must enter a valid Web server address.yMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the information to synchronize the subscription through a Web server to the registry.KMicrosoft SQL Server could not save the Web Server information changes. %1PASQL Server PublicationsName PublisherDatabaseType DescriptionPA;The value of property '%1' must be between %2!d! and %3!d!.]This page is accessing a data source on this or another computer. Do you want to allow this ?^The operation requested by the application is unsafe for the safety settings on this computer.QYou must use Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later to initialize this control.VThis page will download files to this or another computer. Do you want to allow this ?2The value of property '%1' must be at least %2!d!.VAnonymous subscriptions are not supported with heterogeneous Subscribers using OLE DB.9The value of property '%1' must be either %2!d! or %3!d!.bAt most one of the FTPAddress property and the AltSnapshotFolder can be set with a non-null value.5Maximum string length for the '%1' property is %2!d!.5Minimum string length for the '%1' property is %2!d!.4The SQL Snapshot ActiveX Control is not initialized.%Microsoft SQL Server Snapshot ControlPYou must set property '%1' before initializing the SQL Snapshot ActiveX Control.PABMicrosoft Data Transformation Services Replication Rowset ProviderCode execution exception: 'Method or property not yet implemented..SQL Server Replication OLE DB Provider for DTSExtended Error Lookup ServicePA0Invalid DTSFlatFileColumnFlags for column %1!d!.Duplicate column name '%1'.>LinkFileColumnName cannot be self-referential for column '%1'.2LinkFileColumnName '%1' not found for column '%2'.@Only one Session may be opened per DataSource for this provider.<Only one Rowset may be opened per Session for this provider.MDB_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED: The DataSource object has already been initialized."Error creating file mapping view: &Out of range column ordinal specified.No bind data part specified.Unsupported data conversion.Error opening datafile: !Error creating datafile mapping: jBYREF binding is not allowed for fixed-length datatypes, and must request the same datatype as the column.Row Delimiter not found.QDBPROPVAL_UP_INSERT (DBPROP_UPDATABILITY) property is required for IRowsetChange.ERow reference count not equal to zero - flat file metadata not reset.;Incomplete file format information - file cannot be opened._Number of column in the COLUMNLENGTHS property does not match with the NUMBEROFCOLUMN property.Invalid Column Length.Error writing file: )Fail on getting the data conversion size.Column Delimiter not found."Matching Text Qualifier not found.uToo many columns found in the current row; non-whitespace characters were found after the last defined column's data.QNo Column Delimiter or Text Qualifier allowed for fixed length or BYTE data type.PAError reading file: hInvalid delimited data: text qualifier must be followed by a column delimiter (except the last column).;Invalid use of [bracketing] at substring beginning with: %1!The specified data file is empty.3Microsoft SQL Server Replication Queue Reader AgentMain Thread:No queues to open"Main Thread:Done processing queuesKMicrosoft SQL Server Replication Queue Reader Agent runs only on Windows NT'Queue Reader shutting down successfullyOpening MSMQ queues*Queue Reader Agent %1 (Id = %2!d!) startedWorker Thread %1!d! : Starting,Worker Thread %1!d! : Queue <%2> was deletedWorker Thread %1!d! : StoppingOpening SQL based queuesQueue Reader aborting"%1:Failed to create instance of %2&Trying to Connect to Local DistributorFailed to Begin Thread0Error while removing MSMQ entry from active list&Error reading from Completion Port: %1Adding new worker thread %1!d!9Processed %1!d! queued trans, %2!d! cmds, %3!d! conflicts6Worker Thread %1!d! : Conflict detected and reconciled6Worker Thread %1!d! : applied the message to publisher!Worker Thread %1!d! : Task Failed$Worker Thread %1!d! : Task Succeeded&Worker Thread %1!d! : Started SQL Tran(Worker Thread %1!d! : Committed SQL Tran&Worker Thread %1!d! : Aborted SQL Tran/Worker Thread %1!d! : Started Queue Transaction1Worker Thread %1!d! : Committed Queue Transaction/Worker Thread %1!d! : Aborted Queue Transaction9Worker Thread %1!d! : processing Transaction [%2] of [%3]\Applied Queued Transaction [%1] from [%2].[%3] successfully to Publication [%4] of [%5].[%6]Queued Transaction [%1] from [%2].[%3] caused conflict for Publication [%4] of [%5].[%6].The subscription to [%7].[%8] has been marked for reinitializationQueued Transaction [%1] from [%2].[%3] caused conflict for Publication [%4] of [%5].[%6] and was resolved with state - Subscriber wins.Queued Transaction [%1] from [%2].[%3] caused conflict for Publication [%4] of [%5].[%6] and was resolved with state - Publisher wins.%1!d! commands had conflicts:I(index in tran = %1!d!, Command Type=%2, Article:[%3], Source Table:[%4]).Failed to Initiate Search for SQL based QueuesFailed to Initiate Search for MSMQs. Please verify that the queue reader agent is running under an user account that has permissions to open the Message Queues.%Failed to cleanup dead worker threads#Failed to create new worker threads!Error in processing History QueueCould not read the queue data for the subscription (Publisher=%1!s!, PublisherDb=%2!s!, Publication=%3!s!, Subscriber=%4!s!, SubscriberDb=%5!s!)Unable to connect to Publisher=Failed to get message properties for current message in queue)Failed to read current message from queue1Failed while applying queued message to publisherFailed while resolving conflictPA&Unable to connect to Local Distributor MSMQ Error:%1The Queue Reader Agent has encountered the error '%3' when connecting to '%2' on '%1'. Ensure that the publication and subscription are defined properly and that both servers are running. (Queued update conflict. Forcing a Resync;Queued update conflict. Publisher wins. Updating Subscriber;Queued update conflict. Subscriber wins. Updating Publisher3Bad key found during SQL Queue transaction rollback?Reached end of MSMQ Queue without reaching transaction boundaryNo queued transaction availablezThe Queue Reader Agent was started with an invalid parameter (%1). Restart the agent using only the supported parameters. 7Invalid value for command line parameter <%1> specified[Cannot have more than one instance of Queue reader agent for the distribution database <%1>SQL Command : <%1%2!d!>,The Message Queuing service is not available*The Message Queuing service does not existThe Queue Reader Agent was unable to find any active queued updating subscriptions. Ensure that queued updating subscriptions are configured correctly and that the SQL Server service is running at Distributor. PACould not load Agent Profile@Unexpected Synctran Procedure %1!s! provided by Queued triggers.EUnexpected Synctran Procedure Type %1!s! provided by Queued triggers.Unexpected Parameter : ordinal=%1!d!, information size=%2!d!, server datatype=0x%3!x!, maximum length=%4!d!, length=%5!d!, nullability=%6!d!.The subscription (Publisher=%1!s!, PublisherDb=%2!s!, Publication=%3!s!, Subscriber=%4!s!, SubscriberDb=%5!s!) is not accessible. It may be offline or network problems are preventing the access.The subscription (Publisher=%1!s!, PublisherDb=%2!s!, Publication=%3!s!, Subscriber=%4!s!, SubscriberDb=%5!s!) is not active anymore.PA%Could not determine server code page.Invalid number of parameters.%Unable to obtain the parameter %1!s!.%The parameter %1!s! must not be NULL.,Unable to convert %1!s! to a Unicode string.&Parameter %1!s! must be of type %2!s!.;The parameter @agenttype must be 'merge' or 'distribution'.PAGThe parameter @succeeded must be a string of five characters or longer.%Unable to initialize the COM library.:Either the SQL Server version on the remote server is less than or equal to 7.0 or SQL Server is not properly installed on the remote server. Upgrading the remote server to SQL Server version > 7.0 will fix the former problem while re-running SQL Server setup on the remote server again may fix the latter problem.The specified remote server name might not correspond to the network name of the remote server or the remote server was unreachable due to network problems.Unable to activate the agent on the specified remote server because of security restrictions. Use dcomcnfg on the remote server to allow the local SQL Server Agent account to activate the agent.cFailed to activate the agent on the specified remote server with the following error code: 0x%1!x!..Unable to set the output parameter @succeeded.-Unable to get the system temporary directory.&The system temporary path is too long.*Unable to convert %1!s! to an ANSI string.CThe cabinet file path should not exceed %1!d! characters in length.?Unable to initialize the Microsoft Cabinet compression library.)Unable to flush data to the cabinet file./Unable to destroy the file compression session.QThe file path as specified in %1!s! should not exceed %2!d! characters in length..'%1!s!' is not a properly formatted file path.PA.Unable to add the file '%1!s!' to the cabinet.LThe value of @compression_mode must be one of 'none', 'default', or 'mszip'.@'%1!s!' is an invalid full path specification of a cabinet file.HThe system has insufficient memory to carry out the requested operation.XAn operating system error had occurred but the error description could not be retrieved.(Could not find the cabinet file '%1!s!'..'%1!s!' is not a valid Microsoft cabinet file.@An internal error has occurred in the Microsoft cabinet library.DThe destination folder should not exceed %1!d! characters in length.:Failed to access the specified destination folder '%1!s!'.dThe combined length of @destination_folder and @destination_file should not exceed %1!d! characters.`Usage: exec xp_makecab @cabfilename, @compression_mode, @verbose_level, @filename1,..,@filenameN_Usage: exec xp_replproberemsrv @remoteservername, @agenttype, @succeeded OUTPUT, [@commandline]uUsage: exec xp_unpackcab @cabfilename, @destination_folder, @verbose_level[, @destination_file][, @suppress_messages]dAn error had occurred but the error description could not be obtained due to further system failure.QThe agent failed to connect to the Subscriber due to the following error: '%1!s!'PAThe agent failed to connect to the distribution database because of the following error: '%1!s!'. Ensure that replication is configured correctly and that the SQL Server service is running at Distributor. PThe agent failed to connect to the Publisher due to the following error: '%1!s!'3The agent command line contains invalid parameters.RThe remote system did not have enough memory to complete the verification process.`Unable to verify the connections of the remote agent due to the following system error: 0x%1!x!.The agent failed to obtain the subscriber's login information from the distribution database due to the following error: '%1!s!'The agent failed to obtain the subscriber's linked server information from the distribution database due to the following error: '%1!s!'The agent failed to obtain the distributor's login information from the subscriber database due to the following error: '%1!s!'The agent failed to obtain the distributor and publisher login information from the subscription database due to the following error: '%1!s!'}The agent failed to obtain the publisher login information from the distribution database due to the following error: '%1!s!'ZThe agent failed to load the specified definition file due to the following error: '%1!s!'2The specified agent command line is invalid: %1!s!PA'Adding the file '%1!s!' to the cabinet.&Added the file '%1!s!' to the cabinet."Starting cabinet creation session.!Started cabinet creation session.$Flushing data to the cabinet folder.#Flushed data to the cabinet folder.Flushing data to the cabinet.Flushed data to the cabinet.<Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Later Wins) Conflict Resolver.Microsoft SQL Server Minimum Conflict Resolver>Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver=Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver9Microsoft SQL Server Merge Text Columns Conflict Resolver2Microsoft SQL Server Upload Only Conflict Resolver4Microsoft SQL Server Download Only Conflict Resolver-Microsoft SQLServer Stored Procedure Resolver0Microsoft SQL Server Averaging Conflict Resolver/Microsoft SQL Server Additive Conflict Resolver.Microsoft SQL Server Maximum Conflict Resolver-Microsoft SQL Server Priority Column Resolver %1 PasswordsPAOracle OCI client library '%1' could not be found. Verify that either the environment variable ORACLE_HOME is set or that the Oracle OCI client library is on the current path.5Function '%1' not found in Oracle OCI client library.!Invalid type for a dynamic field.Invalid script path.*Error occurred writing to script log file.Error reading script file.?Script exceeds buffer size. Break script into smaller batches.BCP mode invalid.!Error writing to BCP output file./BCP delimiter exceeds maximum allowable length.BCP field count is invalid..BCP output query exceeds maximum query length.BCP sequence order invalid.BCP data buffer invalid.%Oracle BCP supports Unicode mode only<A valid connection is required to execute a prepare request.PALOB is already initialized.Unable to allocate a buffer.7Operation terminated due to a pending shutdown request.6Input parameter is NULL. A non-NULL value is required.Output buffer is too small.Invalid column name.YOracle OCI client library version %1 is not supported. Upgrade to version %2 or greater.BCP not initialized.LBCP is already initialized. Close existing BCP session before initializing.BCP failure at column %1. Disk full.PAValidating publisher<Errors were logged when validating the redirected publisher.Bypassing publisher validation.PA( PA( PA (PA( PA4VS_VERSION_INFOn<4 <4?&StringFileInfo040904B02 PlatformNT INTEL X86ILegalTrademarksMicrosoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CommentsSQL&GoldenBitsTrueLCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationx(FileDescriptionSQL Server Replication Resource Library|.FileVersion2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1846 )2 InternalNameSQLRPRESn%LegalCopyrightMicrosoft Corp. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameSQLRPRES.DLLJProductNameMicrosoft SQL Server> ProductVersion11.0.2100.60DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGX<00<0 +70 0!0 +mݕڧA1 m O00 aj0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 111101223917Z 130201224917Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 é|#1%uyϓKa%wKZmI17t`N%X N-:e.[]u4P!}9D#fe 6`*dȇE(WY&Jl)2?% oj-:mf16p@v.G+e+_hE xkP5[qa! 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