/* ** ProcSyst.SQL ** Copyright Microsoft, Inc. 1994 - 2000 ** All Rights Reserved. */ go use master go ----- DO NOT ADD SYSTEM OBJECTS HERE. Place them in a script for the resource-database. set nocount on set implicit_transactions off set ansi_nulls on -- default for osql (consistent for suites) set quoted_identifier on -- Force all ye devs to do this correctly! go ----- DO NOT ADD SYSTEM OBJECTS HERE. Place them in a script for the resource-database. -- Drop client-side tables in master. They have been moved to resouce database. -- if object_id('spt_provider_types', 'local') is not null drop table spt_provider_types if object_id('spt_datatype_info_ext', 'local') is not null drop table spt_datatype_info_ext if object_id('spt_datatype_info', 'local') is not null drop table spt_datatype_info if object_id('spt_server_info', 'local') is not null drop table spt_server_info go -- Drop stored procedures no longer in use if object_id('sp_msupg_removesystemcomputedcolumns', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_msupg_removesystemcomputedcolumns if object_id('sp_msupg_recreatecatalogfaketables', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_msupg_recreatecatalogfaketables if object_id('sp_msupg_dosystabcatalogupgrades', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_msupg_dosystabcatalogupgrades if object_id('sp_msupg_dropcatalogcomputedcols', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_msupg_dropcatalogcomputedcols if object_id('sp_msupg_createcatalogcomputedcols', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_msupg_createcatalogcomputedcols if object_id('sp_msupg_recreatesystemviews', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_msupg_recreatesystemviews if object_id('sp_msupg_upgradecatalog', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_msupg_upgradecatalog if object_id('sp_db_upgrade', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_db_upgrade if object_id('sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category if object_id('sp_remove_tempdb_file', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_remove_tempdb_file if object_id('sp_validatepropertyinputs', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_validatepropertyinputs if object_id('sp_helplog', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_helplog if object_id('sp_helpsql', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_helpsql if object_id('sp_fixindex', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_fixindex if object_id('sp_diskdefault', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_diskdefault if object_id('sp_logdevice', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_logdevice if object_id('sp_sdidebug', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_sdidebug if object_id('xp_MSFullText', 'local') is not null drop procedure xp_MSFullText go if object_id('xp_getprotocoldllinfo', 'local') is not null drop procedure xp_getprotocoldllinfo if object_id('xp_sqlagent_proxy_account', 'local') is not null drop procedure xp_sqlagent_proxy_account if object_id('xp_sqlagent_msx_account', 'local') is not null drop procedure xp_sqlagent_msx_account if object_id('xp_ntsec_enumdomains', 'local') is not null drop procedure xp_ntsec_enumdomains if object_id('xp_updateFTSSQLAccount', 'local') is not null drop procedure xp_updateFTSSQLAccount if object_id('xp_unc_to_drive', 'local') is not null drop procedure xp_unc_to_drive go if object_id('sp_add_server_sortinfo', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_add_server_sortinfo if object_id('sp_add_server_sortinfo75', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_add_server_sortinfo75 if object_id('sp_MScheck_uid_owns_anything', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_MScheck_uid_owns_anything if object_id('sp_MSget_current_activity', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_MSget_current_activity if object_id('sp_MSset_current_activity', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_MSset_current_activity if object_id('sp_MSobjsearch', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_MSobjsearch go if object_id('sp_blockcnt', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_blockcnt if object_id('sp_tempdbspace', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_tempdbspace if object_id('sp_fallback_MS_sel_fb_svr', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_fallback_MS_sel_fb_svr if object_id('sp_checknames', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_checknames if object_id('sp_oledb_column_constraints', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_oledb_column_constraints if object_id('sp_oledb_indexinfo', 'local') is not null drop procedure sp_oledb_indexinfo go if object_id('MS_sqlctrs_users', 'local') is not null drop procedure MS_sqlctrs_users if object_id('sp_addalias','P') IS NOT NULL drop procedure sp_addalias if object_id('sp_addgroup','P') IS NOT NULL drop procedure sp_addgroup if object_id('sp_dropgroup','P') IS NOT NULL drop procedure sp_dropgroup if object_id('sp_changegroup','P') IS NOT NULL drop procedure sp_changegroup if object_id('sp_helpgroup','P') IS NOT NULL drop procedure sp_helpgroup go -- From 7.0, dropped in 8.0 if object_id('spt_committab','local') is not null drop table spt_committab if object_id('sysalternates','local') is not null drop view sysalternates if object_id('sp_abort_xact','local') is not null drop procedure sp_abort_xact if object_id('sp_checkdbtempsize','local') is not null drop procedure sp_checkdbtempsize if object_id('sp_checktabletempsize','local') is not null drop procedure sp_checktabletempsize if object_id('sp_commit_xact','local') is not null drop procedure sp_commit_xact if object_id('sp_helpstartup','local') is not null drop procedure sp_helpstartup if object_id('sp_makestartup','local') is not null drop procedure sp_makestartup if object_id('sp_probe_xact','local') is not null drop procedure sp_probe_xact if object_id('sp_remove_xact','local') is not null drop procedure sp_remove_xact if object_id('sp_scan_xact','local') is not null drop procedure sp_scan_xact if object_id('sp_start_xact','local') is not null drop procedure sp_start_xact if object_id('sp_stat_xact','local') is not null drop procedure sp_stat_xact if object_id('sp_unmakestartup','local') is not null drop procedure sp_unmakestartup go checkpoint go ----- DO NOT ADD SYSTEM OBJECTS HERE. Place them in a script for the resource-database.