Data Check Name: Disable Page Save for 'Read Only' Group Code: /* ************************ Created by: JC Date: 2013-03-29 Purpose: To demonstrate how to conditionally allow page saving based on the associated user group. * ************************/ DataCheck.ExecuteSQL( "IsMember", function( callback ) { var isMember = callback[0]["Enabled"] != 0; // If the user is a member of the group, then // FAIL. if ( isMember ) { fail(); DataCheck.Alert("Attention", "You are not authorized to make changes to this screen."); } else { pass(); } }); SQL Name: IsMember SQL Code: SELECT COUNT(*) AS Enabled FROM SecurityGroupMembers WHERE nUserUID = strUserUID AND lActive <> 0 AND lDeleted = 0 AND nSecurityGroupUID = ( SELECT nSecurityGroupUID FROM SecurityGroups WHERE cGroupName = 'Read Only' )